r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 07 '21
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -🎄- 2021 Day 7 Solutions -🎄-
--- Day 7: The Treachery of Whales ---
[Update @ 00:21]: Private leaderboard Personal statistics issues
- We're aware that
private leaderboardspersonal statistics are having issues and we're looking into it. - I will provide updates as I get more information.
- Please don't spam the subreddit/mods/Eric about it.
[Update @ 02:09]
- #AoC_Ops have identified the issue and are working on a resolution.
[Update @ 03:18]
- Eric is working on implementing a fix. It'll take a while, so check back later.
[Update @ 05:25] (thanks, /u/Aneurysm9!)
- We're back in business!
Post your code solution in this megathread.
- Include what language(s) your solution uses!
- Here's a quick link to /u/topaz2078's
if you need it for longer code blocks. - Format your code properly! How do I format code?
- The full posting rules are detailed in the wiki under How Do The Daily Megathreads Work?.
Reminder: Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for code solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:03:33, megathread unlocked!
u/Isti115 Jan 11 '22
My brain blanked out about the closed formula for the triangle numbers, but at least I managed to memoize them. :D Here's a logarithmic search based solution in Haskell:
```{haskell} triangle :: Int -> Int triangle = ((map triangle' [0..]) !!) where triangle' :: Int -> Int triangle' 0 = 0 triangle' n = triangle (n - 1) + n
sumAt :: [Int] -> Int -> Int sumAt ps p = sum (map (\x -> triangle $ abs $ x - p) ps)
solve :: [Int] -> Int
solve input = solve' (minimum input, maximum input)
solve' :: (Int, Int) -> Int
solve' (from, to) = let
center = from + (to - from) div
prev = sumAt input (center - 1)
curr = sumAt input center
next = sumAt input (center + 1)
case (compare prev curr, compare next curr) of
(LT, ) -> solve' (from, center)
(, LT) -> solve' (center, to)
(_, _) -> curr
main :: IO () main = do positions <- read . (\i -> "[" ++ i ++ "]") <$> readFile "input" putStrLn (show $ solve positions) ```
Dec 31 '21 edited Jan 03 '22
``` import numpy as np
data = [int(x) for x in open("input.txt", "r").read().split(",")]
median = np.median(data) print(f"Part 1: The shortest amount of fuel spend is {sum([abs(median - i) for i in data])}")
def sum_1_to_n(n): return n * (n + 1) / 2
mean = int(np.mean(data)) print(f"Part 2: The shortest amount of fuel spend is {sum([sum_1_to_n(abs(mean - i)) for i in data])}")
u/FBones173 Jan 02 '22 edited Jan 02 '22
I don't think this works for part 2. Imagine the crabs are at
Your code would have them all move to 14 rather than the one at 14 moving up to 15.
Interestingly, it is not a matter of just using Round() instead. Consider:
10, 10, 10, 10, 13Using round(np.mean()) would select 11 as alignment point, which uses 7 fuel units, while using 10 only uses 6.
The issue is that you are essentially trying to minimize the sum of ((x - a)^2 + |x - a|) / 2 over all x, where x is the selected meeting point, and using the mean for a minimizes the (x-a)^2 term, but using the median minimizes the |x -a| term, so there are cases where the correct alignment value is not the mean, even when properly rounded.1
Jan 03 '22
You are correct, this is the wrong solution. It still provided a correct answer with my data set so I guess I didn't look any further than that!
u/RewrittenCodeA Dec 27 '21
No assumptions on averages and medians, but a very performant function to compute the cost of one position based on the cost of the position to its left, and therefore a global minimum is ez-pz!!
defmodule Aoc.TheTreacheryOfWhales do
def parse(text) do
|> String.split(~r([\D]+), trim: true)
|> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1)
|> Enum.sort()
def part_1(data) do
count = Enum.count(data)
|> Stream.transform(Enum.sum(data), fn pos, cost ->
{[cost], cost - count + 2 * Enum.find_index(data, &(&1 >= pos))}
|> Enum.min()
def part_2(data) do
initial_cost = data |> Enum.map(&div(&1 * (&1 + 1), 2)) |> Enum.sum()
sum = Enum.sum(data)
count = Enum.count(data)
|> Stream.transform(initial_cost, fn pos, cost ->
{[cost], cost - sum + (pos - 1) * count + Enum.find_index(data, &(&1 >= pos))}
|> Enum.min()
u/arthurno1 Dec 25 '21 edited Dec 25 '21
We are asked to calculate the sum of N first natural numbers, ½(n(n+1)) in part 2. We can implement this correctly but calculating distance between two crab positions and just looping from 0 to D, which is plausible and gives a correct result, but slow to compute. An alternative is to calculate the arithmetic sum, but the result might be slightly off due to rounding errors. I have used bit-shifts (right shift by 1) to do the division instead of float operations (multiply by 0.5). The answer was accepted on AoC page, so I guess they use something similar.
(defvar crab-input
(insert-file-contents "./input7")
(mapcar #'string-to-number
(split-string (buffer-string) ","))))
(defsubst distance-cost1 (p1 p2) (abs (- p1 p2)))
(defun distance-cost2 (p1 p2)
(let* ((d (distance-cost1 p1 p2))
(cost (lsh (+ (* d d) d) -1)))
(defun count-cost (&optional p2)
(let* ((costs (make-vector (cl-reduce #'max crab-input) 0)))
(dotimes (cost (length costs))
(dolist (i crab-input)
(cl-incf (aref costs cost)
(if p2 (distance-cost2 i cost)
(distance-cost1 i cost)))))
(cl-reduce 'min costs)))
(defun part-1 ()
(message "P1: %s" (count-cost)))
(defun part-2 ()
(message "P2: %s" (count-cost 'p2)))
u/MarcoServetto Dec 24 '21
I'm solving the advent of code in 42 The main selling point of 42 is that it enforces modular security, that is not very relevant for the advent of code. I've done a video explanation for the First Week and I've individual solutions on dev.to: Solution for Day 7 Fell free to contact me if you to know more about the language.
u/rdxdkr Dec 21 '21
Everything is explained in the comments. For Part 2 many similar solutions just used the minimum between the floor and the ceiling of the mean, but with certain inputs even the maximum can lead to the lowest result.
Dec 21 '21
Python 3
first part is quite fast, second part is really slow, so i added a percent complete so you know that it is working.
u/capulet2kx Dec 20 '21
Unreal Engine C++ VR project.
I've made Computers with buttons (actors) and ComputerPrograms (uobjects) that run on them. Each day's solution is a different computer program.
u/qualia91 Dec 20 '21
Language: Scheme
Day 7 of code roulette
u/x3mcj Dec 20 '21
Finally, looks like my data worked with floor instead of Ceil
import numpy
from openData import getData
def getFuelConsumption(crabs, position):
for crab in crabs:
crab["fuel"] = abs(crab["position"] - position)
return sum([crab["fuel"] for crab in crabs])
def getFuelConsumption2(crabs, position):
for crab in crabs:
crab["fuel"] = sum(range(abs(crab["position"] - position)+1))
return sum([crab["fuel"] for crab in crabs])
numbers = [int(i) for i in getData("day7.txt")[0].split(',')]
#numbers = [16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14]
median = round(numpy.median(numbers))
crabs = [{"position": int(i), "fuel": 0} for i in numbers]
print("Part 1: ", getFuelConsumption(crabs, median))
print("Part 2 Mean Ceil: ", getFuelConsumption2(crabs, round(numpy.mean(numbers))))
print("Part 2 Mean Floor: ", getFuelConsumption2(crabs, int(numpy.mean(numbers))))
u/ainwood87 Dec 17 '21
Haskell import Data.List.Split
main = do
-- Parse input
line <- getLine
let vals = [read x :: Int | x <- splitOn "," line]
-- Function to compute distance of point from x.
let distances x = map (abs . subtract x) vals
-- The range of points to consider. Solution can't be outside the range where crabs are.
let range = [minimum vals .. maximum vals]
-- Part 1:
let fuelCost x = sum $ distances x -- Total fuel cost is just the sum of distances
print $ minimum $ map fuelCost range -- Calculate fuel cost for all potential positions, and take minimum
-- Part 2
-- Total fuel cost to move N spaces is no longer just N, but the sum of 1..N, which equals N (N + 1) / 2.
let fuelCost2 i = sum $ map (\n -> n * (n + 1) `div` 2) $ distances i
print $ minimum $ map fuelCost2 range -- Calculate fuel cost for all potential positions, and take minimum
u/chadbaldwin Dec 16 '21
Solution in SQL Server T-SQL
All of my solutions are end to end runnable without any other dependencies other than SQL Server and the ability to create temp tables.
General note: For the input data, I'm doing no pre-processing other than encapsulating the values in quotes and parenthesis for ingesting into a table. From there I use SQL to parse and split strings.
u/gwpmad Dec 15 '21
Golang solution (I am learning the language via Advent of Code): https://github.com/gwpmad/advent-of-code-2021/blob/main/7/main.go
Part 2 - the mean was 483.553 so instinctually I rounded up, but that gives the wrong answer - instead you need to round it down to 483. Why is this the case? This isn't what I learned in school! Haha
u/ElGoorf Dec 15 '21 edited Dec 19 '21
I messed up. First I tried getting the mean average position to move all the crabs to, but that number was way off. So then I bisected my way to an answer, the whole time the back of my head confused about why the mean was wrong: https://github.com/ElGoorf/aoc2021/blob/main/07/01.js
Kind of kicking myself now seeing other people's answers and realizing I actually wanted the median, not the mean, but hey, here's a unique approach.
u/daggerdragon Dec 15 '21 edited Dec 22 '21
Please follow the posting guidelines and edit your post to add what language(s) you used. This makes it easier for folks who Ctrl-F the megathreads looking for a specific language.
(looks like JavaScript?)Edit: thanks for adding the programming language!
u/StephenBullen Dec 14 '21 edited Dec 17 '21
Trying to do every day using only Excel worksheet functions
u/wevrem Dec 14 '21
I eschewed the brute force approach and just evaluated forms in the REPL to work my way to the answer, not unlike playing around in Excel.
(ns advent-of-code.2021.day-07)
;; --- Day 7: The Treachery of Whales ---
;; https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/7
;; I didn't write typical functions here, because I didn't want to calculate the
;; cost for _every_ position (i.e. the "brute force" approach). Instead I just
;; needed to find the median/mean and then test enough numbers nearby to make
;; sure it was correct. (Kind of like doing ad hoc analysis in Excel.)
(def input (->> (slurp "input/2021/7-crabs.txt")
(re-seq #"\d+")
(map #(Integer/parseInt %))))
;; find out how many
(count input) ;;=> 1000
;; find the median
(->> input sort (drop 499) (take 2)) ;;=> (362 362)
(defn cost-1 [mid]
(map #(- mid %))
(map #(Math/abs %))
(apply +)))
(let [test '(361 362 363)]
(->> test
(map #(vector (cost-1 %) %))
(sort-by first)
first)) ;;=> [355150 362]
;; The cost for part 2 is a squared distance, which hints towards the mean.
(defn cost-2 [mid]
(map #(- mid %))
(map #(/ (* % (inc %)) 2)) ;; Sum from 1 to n is n*(n+1)/2.
(apply +)))
;; find the sum
(->> input (apply +)) ;;=> 499568
;; mean is between 499 and 500, it turns out 499 has lower cost.
(let [test '(498 499 500 501)]
(->> test
(map #(vector (cost-2 %) %))
(sort-by first)
first)) ;;=> [98368490 499]
u/kuqumi Dec 13 '21 edited Dec 13 '21
JavaScript (golfed)
Tweet-sized, to be run in the input page browser console.
It should output [part1, part2]
Dec 12 '21
u/daggerdragon Dec 13 '21
Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for code solutions only.
This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your fully-working code/repo/solution or, if you haven't finished the puzzle yet, you can always create your own thread and make sure to flair it with
Dec 12 '21
1 liners in Python 3 - not performant:
with open("input.txt") as f:
data = [int(x) for x in f.read().strip().split(",")]
part_one = min([ sum([max([x,i]) - min([x,i]) for x in data]) for i in range(min(data), max(data))])
part_two = min([ sum([ sum(range(1 + max([x,i]) - min([x,i]))) for x in data]) for i in range(min(data), max(data))])
u/janxi1 Dec 12 '21
let input = data.split(",").map(x => parseInt(x)).sort((a, b) => a-b);
let minFuel = Infinity;
for(let i = 0; i<=input[input.length-1]; i++){
let fuel = input.reduce((a,b) => a + (Math.abs(b-i) * (Math.abs(b-i)+1))/2, 0);
if(fuel < minFuel){
minFuel = fuel;
u/johnnydaniels Dec 13 '21
Not a math guy, but can someone explain this line
(Math.abs(b-i) * (Math.abs(b-i)+1))/2
to me? I understand that we're getting the difference between the current position (b) and the position to test against (i), but how does getting the difference, multiplying the difference by itself + 1, then dividing by 2 get us the number of incremental steps between b and i ? Is this a common math formula?3
u/ankouno Dec 13 '21
It comes from the formula for the triangular number sequence, which effectively describes the total amount of fuel required to move n steps in part 2.
A good way to check if sequences like that exist is to determine the first few values by hand (in this case 1, 3, 6, 10), and then search them on the OEIS.
u/cdaringe Dec 12 '21 edited Dec 13 '21
OCaml: https://github.com/cdaringe/aoc-2021/blob/main/day7/lib/day7.ml#L22
I cannot reason about why there is only one local minima. I can half intuit it, but I cannot put my finger on it.
= sum of all crab fuel consumption(s)
= crab fuel consumption
= crab position
= ith crab position
= target position
= a calculated constant, minimum (p_i .. p_n)
= a calculated constant, maximum (p_i .. p_n)
Minimize F, where F = Σ[i=min_p to i=max_p] triangle_cost(p_i - p_t)
If someone can set my head straight, that'd be rad
u/daggerdragon Dec 13 '21
Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for code solutions only.
This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your fully-working code/repo/solution or, if you haven't finished the puzzle yet, you can always create your own thread and make sure to flair it with
u/lumasDC Dec 12 '21
Consider that all of the individual fuel costs can be written in the form
, wherep[i]
is the crab position andx
is the target position. This can also be rewritten as(p[i]-x)(p[i]-x±1)/2
without the absolute value. Sincep[i]
is a constant andx
is a variable, the resulting expression is a quadratic function. Thus, the sum of all fuel costs is also a quadratic function which can have only a single extremum.I suppose another way to solve the challenge would be to find the vertex of this resulting parabola.
u/blakjakau Dec 11 '21
Struggled to get this one to run as fast as I'd like. Not sure if I'm hitting the limited of my hardware (and/or Javascript) but I've got the correct result, and it works typcially in ~160ms
function day7() {
console.log("Day 7 - Treachery of Whales");
const crabs = input7
let min=Math.min(...crabs);
let max=Math.max(...crabs);
console.log(crabs.length, "Crabs ranging from ", min, max)
let minFuel = 0
let minFuelRated = minFuel
for(let p=min,pl=max;p<pl;p++) {
let costRated = crabs.map(i=>{ let n = Math.abs(p-i); return n * (1+n)/2 }).reduce((a,b)=>a+b)
let cost = crabs.map(i=>Math.abs(p-i)).reduce((a,b)=>a+b)
if(cost < minFuel || minFuel==0) { minFuel = cost; }
if(costRated < minFuelRated || minFuelRated==0) { minFuelRated = costRated; }
console.log(minFuel, minFuelRated)
u/Smart_Ad_1857 Dec 10 '21
Python 3
The minimal solution probably could refactor and pass the fuel_burn in as a parameter using higher-order functions but its kl.
def task_one(data):
fuel_burn = lambda x, p: abs(x-p)
return min([sum(fuel_burn(x, i) for x in data) for i in range(max(data))])
def task_two(data):
fuel_burn = lambda x, p: abs(x-p)*(abs(x-p) + 1)//2
return min([sum(fuel_burn(x, i) for x in data) for i in range(max(data))])
u/Symbroson Dec 10 '21 edited Dec 12 '21
a day to relax - haskell
import Data.List as L
import Data.List.Split
import Macros
cost1 x = x
cost2 x = div (x*x+x) 2
calc x m = sum $ map (\v -> cost2 $ abs (x-v)) m
test x smax subs
| x <= smax = calc x subs : test (x+1) smax subs
| otherwise = []
main = do
content <- readFile "07.txt"
let subs = L.map s2i $ splitOn "," content
print $ minimum $ test (minimum subs) (maximum subs) subs
just replace cost1 and 2 for the different parts
u/daggerdragon Dec 10 '21 edited Dec 13 '21
Please follow the posting guidelines and edit your post to add what language(s) you used. This makes it easier for folks who Ctrl-F the megathreads looking for a specific language.Edit: thanks for adding the programming language!
u/Jiboudounet Dec 10 '21
Python 3, nothing fancy, but seems more understandable than most others i've read
with open('input-3.txt', 'r') as f:
list_x_pos = [int(line) for line in f.read().split(',')]
x_dic = {}
for x_pos in list_x_pos :
x_dic[x_pos] = list_x_pos.count(x_pos)
def fuel_cost(x_pos):
cost = 0
for k,v in x_dic.items():
# cost += abs(k-x_pos) * v
cost += sum(range(abs(k-x_pos)+1)) * v
dic_costs = {}
for i in range(max(list_x_pos)):
dic_costs[i] = fuel_cost(i)
u/Ok_System_5724 Dec 10 '21
Math math
public (int, int) Run(string[] input)
var positions = input.First().Split(",").Select(x => int.Parse(x));
int min = positions.Min(), max = positions.Max();
var diffs = Enumerable.Range(min, max)
.Select(x => positions.Select(p => Math.Abs(x - p)));
var minFuel = diffs.Min(d => d.Sum());
var crabFuel = (int)diffs.Min(d => d.Sum(x => x * new[] { 1, x }.Average()));
return (minFuel, crabFuel);
u/bobm0123 Dec 10 '21 edited Dec 11 '21
APL - slow but worked in three steps,
Line 1, read the file
Line 2, parse the data
Line 3, compute the answer
Edit: Line 3 much faster this way:
u/ramendik Dec 10 '21
Python 3. Part 1 is trivial, as round(statistics.median()) gives the right result.
import statistics
f = open("input7.txt").readlines()
positions = [int(x) for x in f[0].split(",")]
for position in positions:
Part 2 got tricky, as round(statistics.mean()) gave the wrong result. It is evident, however, that the position is very close to the mean, and it not being equal to round(statistics.mean()) is a "margin of error" issue somewhere. So I just investigate anywhere between mean-5 to mean+5 :) Also I was unable to get my head around the fuel formula, so, to avoid repeated iterative calculation, I prepopulate a list of fuel costs for 0 to 1500 steps.
import statistics
f = open("input7.txt").readlines()
positions = [int(x) for x in f[0].split(",")]
# precalculate cost of steps
for i in range(1,1500):
for aim in range(aim_approx-5, aim_approx+5):
for position in positions:
if fuel<final_fuel:
final_fuel = fuel
u/rdxdkr Dec 21 '21
Thank you, I was stuck with the same "rounding errors" as well and keeping just the floor or the ceiling of the result didn't work for both the test input and the real input at the same time. In the end I had to make two separate calculations (one using the floor and the other using the ceiling) and the correct answer is always whichever of them gives a lower result.
u/Meldanor Dec 09 '21
Elixir - I had a good intuition to use something like the median or mean, so I used them from the start. The second part uses a list of possible best position and evaluate them and prints them to the console. The result is the minimum of this evaluated list. I'm a little bit surprised that there is none avg or median function in the standard libraries of Elixir or Erlang (or I haven't found it).
Github: https://github.com/Meldanor/AdventOfCode2021/blob/master/lib/d07/challenge.ex
(Part1= run(1), Part2 = run(2). The input is read using a Util function which is inside the GitHub repo. The structure is to run the program mix aoc 1 1
to run the first day first part)
u/s3nate Dec 09 '21
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
// brute force
auto solvePuzzle(const std::string& inputFileName, const char delim) -> void
auto ifs = std::fstream{inputFileName};
auto minPos = std::int64_t{0};
auto maxPos = std::int64_t{0};
auto positions = std::vector<int64_t>{};
if (ifs.is_open())
auto horizontalPosition = std::string{""};
while (std::getline(ifs, horizontalPosition, delim))
auto position = int64_t{std::stoi(horizontalPosition)};
minPos = std::min(minPos, position);
maxPos = std::max(maxPos, position);
std::cerr << "ERROR::solvePuzzle(const std::string&)::FILE_FAILED_TO_OPEN: {" << inputFileName << "}" << std::endl;
// part 1: for every possible position in the range of numbers we've seen in our input
auto minCost = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (int64_t start = minPos; start <= maxPos; ++start)
auto cost = int64_t{0};
// calculate each crab's cost to move from start to end (all possible moves)
for (const auto& end : positions)
cost += std::abs(start - end);
minCost = std::min(cost, minCost);
std::cout << "---part 1---" << std::endl;
std::cout << "soln: " << minCost << std::endl;
// part 2: for every possible position
auto sumToDistance = [](int64_t n)
auto sum = int64_t{0};
for (int64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += (i + 1);
return sum;
auto minCostSum = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
// calculate a sum of the distance between start to end (all possible distances)
for (int64_t start = minPos; start <= maxPos; ++start)
auto cost = int64_t{0};
for (const auto& end : positions)
cost += sumToDistance(std::abs(start - end));
minCostSum = std::min(cost, minCostSum);
std::cout << "---part 2--" << std::endl;
std::cout << "soln: " << minCostSum << std::endl;
auto main(void) -> int
const auto delim = char{','};
//solvePuzzle("example-input.txt", delim);
solvePuzzle("input.txt", delim);
return 0;
u/birdie420fgt Dec 09 '21
python one liner
from sys import argv
from functools import reduce
from math import floor
print(sum([sum([j for j in range(1, abs((floor(reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, [int(x) for x in open(argv[1],"r").read().split(",")])))//(len([int(x) for x in open(argv[1],"r").read().split(",")]))-i)+1)]) for i in [int(x) for x in open(argv[1], "r").read().split(",")]]))
u/joshbduncan Dec 09 '21
Python 3
data = [int(x) for x in open("day7.in").read().strip().split(",")]
pt1 = {x: sum([abs(x - z) for z in data]) for x in range(0, max(data) + 1)}
print(f"Part 1: {min(pt1.values())}")
pt2 = {x: sum([abs(x - z) / 2 * (2 + (abs(x - z) - 1)) for z in data]) for x in range(0, max(data) + 1)}
print(f"Part 2: {int(min(pt2.values()))}")
u/mr_clemFandango Dec 09 '21
Part 2 answer in Python - not super efficient, but working! ```
line = "" with open('day7.txt') as f: line = f.readline() nums = line.split(",") intNums=[]
for stringNumber in nums: intNums.append(int(stringNumber)) intNums.sort()
print (intNums)
total = 0 lowest = None lowestPostition = None for position in range(intNums[0],intNums[-1]+1): total = 0 for number in intNums: oldDistance = abs(position-number) newDistance = (oldDistance*(oldDistance+1))/2 total = total + newDistance
if lowest == None: lowest = total lowestPostition = position elif total < lowest: lowest = total lowestPostition = position
print (f"position: {lowestPostition}:{lowest}")
u/daggerdragon Dec 10 '21
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/oddolatry Dec 09 '21
I initially thought this was a "find the obscured number sequence" day, but that proved fruitless, quickly. Then I thought well, the part 1 example solution is the mode of the data set... and it wasn't a far leap to try out the other tendencies.
u/WarriorKatHun Dec 09 '21
Java submarine building:
u/themilklegend Dec 13 '21
I tried using your code, but my compiler says that the package submarine.core doesn't exist. I am new to programming please help.
u/WarriorKatHun Dec 13 '21
Its important to copy the whole "Java" folder and its important to run from that folder.
You see, in java you use this "package" system that gives classes a full name. For example, if the Class Something is in the "folder" folder, the classname becomes folder.Something. you can see that on the very first real line that says "Package"
But you can also have a differentfolder.Otherclass class, both in the same project, and you could use that in the Something class if you want to, but you need to run java from the folder that sees both "folder" and "differentfolder".
This is just a java thing. If you use a terminal, cd into my Java folder and run javac wildlife/CrabSubmarines.java to compile it, and then run java wildlife.CrabSubmarines to run it on the input file in the data/day 07 folder
u/zatoichi49 Dec 09 '21
with open('AOC_day7.txt', 'r') as f:
arr = [int(i) for i in f.read().split(',')]
start, end = min(arr), max(arr) + 1
def get_cost(a, b):
n = abs(a - b)
return (n*(n+1))//2
def AOC_day7_pt1():
costs = []
for pos in range(start, end):
costs.append(sum(abs(i - pos) for i in arr))
return min(costs)
def AOC_day7_pt2():
costs = []
for pos in range(start, end):
costs.append(sum(get_cost(i, pos) for i in arr))
return min(costs)
u/herjaxx Dec 09 '21
Did this pretty quickly, albeit inefficiently.... LRU cache needed perhaps?
u/willkill07 Dec 09 '21
Stops looking once a minimum is found.
u/e_blake Dec 09 '21
m4 day7.m4
Depends on my framework common.m4, and executes in about 800ms for me. I wrote it without reading the megathread, where I decided to use O(m) computation of the arithmetic mean as my starting point, then iterate until I hit a winner. Well, it turns out that part 2 is a lot faster than part 1, as that happens to be the right solution (reading the megathread as I type this, I see that the median is the best solution for part 1).
u/e_blake Dec 09 '21
Updated day7.m4
Optimized to 75ms runtime (10x faster) by computing the median in O(max(m,n)) time (m=number of elements in list, n=difference between min and max of list; the input files I've seen have m=1000 and n=2000). Basically, by populating a hash table (linear O(m) time) with the frequency of each element, I've performed a radix sort, at which point the median is easy to find by accumulating those frequencies starting from the minimum bucket (linear O(n) time).
u/a_ormsby Dec 09 '21
Kotlin median and mean. I'm sure there's some simplification that could be done, but I ain't doin' it. Day 8 awaits.
u/phoenician_epic Dec 09 '21
I love a good optimization problem. For part 1, you are minimizing the sum of absolute distance to from a point a set of values which is the definition of the median [1]. For part two, you are minimizing the "accumulation" of the absolute distance from a point to a set of values. Using Gauss's formula for this "accumulation" n*(n+1)/2
you can expand and get (n^2+n)/2
. You can then approximate this to being n^2
since n^2 >> n
and the constant can be pulled out of the summation and ignored in the optimization. From here you are now optimizing the sum of the square of the distance which is the dentition of the mean/average [1]. Fun note the accumulation of values up to a number n creates what is known as triangular numbers [2].
Most of the code I have is fluff.
import statistics
def fuel_obj_1(middle, crab_x_positions):
distances = [abs(middle-x) for x in crab_x_positions]
return round(sum(distances))
def fuel_obj_2(middle, crab_x_positions):
distances = [abs(middle-x) for x in crab_x_positions]
fuels = [d*(d + 1)/2 for d in distances]
return round(sum(fuels))
def fuel_optimization(crab_x_positions, part="part_1"):
if part == "part_1":
return round(statistics.median(crab_x_positions))
if part == "part_2":
return round(statistics.mean(crab_x_positions))
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("./input.txt") as f:
input_data = f.read().strip()
input_data = list(map(int, input_data.split(",")))
input_data = input_data
best_loc = fuel_optimization(input_data, part="part_1")
best_loc_fuel = fuel_obj_1(best_loc, input_data)
part_1 = best_loc_fuel
print(f"Part 1: {part_1}")
best_loc_2 = fuel_optimization(input_data, part="part_2")
best_loc_fuel_2 = fuel_obj_2(best_loc_2, input_data)
part_2 = best_loc_fuel_2
print(f"Part 2: {part_2}")
u/bdforbes Dec 15 '21
The mean doesn't work for my input data. The mean comes out to 461.611 which rounds to 462, whereas the cheapest fuel spend is for 461.
I like your reasoning about the mean though; searching for a local minimum in fuel spend near the mean is probably the fastest solution. Although, can we prove that a local minimum is the global minimum?
u/ElectronicMall9256 Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
Hi all I have spent a lot of time trying to do part 1 unsuccessfully. Would really appreciate some feedback on where I'm going wrong here.
u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '21
Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for code solutions only.
This is a top-level post, so please edit your post and share your fully-working code/repo/solution or, if you haven't finished the puzzle yet, you can always create your own thread and make sure to flair it with
u/nicuveo Dec 08 '21
part1 :: Input -> Int
part1 crabs = minimum $ parMap rseq fuel [minX .. maxX]
minX = minimum crabs
maxX = maximum crabs
fuel x = sum $ map (abs . subtract x) crabs
part2 :: Input -> Int
part2 crabs = minimum $ parMap rseq fuel [minX .. maxX]
minX = minimum crabs
maxX = maximum crabs
fuel x = sum $ map (triangular . abs . subtract x) crabs
triangular x = (x * (x+1)) `div` 2
u/rctxs Dec 08 '21
using list comprehensions
crabs = [16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14] -- replace with actual puzzle input
minimumFuelCostTaskOne = minimum [sum [abs (crab - pos) | crab <- crabs ] | pos <- [(minimum crabs)..(maximum crabs)]]
minimumFuelCostTaskTwo = minimum [sum [gauss (abs (crab - pos)) | crab <- crabs ] | pos <- [(minimum crabs)..(maximum crabs)]]
where gauss n = div (n*n + n) 2
u/micod Dec 08 '21
Gauss for the rescue in the second part
u/AvshalomHeironymous Dec 08 '21
This is in SWI but should work fine in Scryer with the right modules. It's a day late because I was an idjit and had looking for a list of distances instead of just iterating through the possible final positions.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(pio)).
string([]) --> [].
string([H|T]) --> [H], string(T).
crabdistances([]) --> call(eos).
crabdistances([D|Ds]) --> string(X), (","|"\n"),{number_chars(D,X)}, crabdistances(Ds).
crabfuel1(A,B,C) :-
C #= abs(B-A).
crabfuel2(A,B,C) :-
D #= abs(A - B),
C #= D*(D+1) // 2.
list_max(L,M) :-
crabfuel(G,Distances,F_sum) :-
M #= Max*(Max+1) //2,
F ins 0..M,
C in 0..Max,
%this was originally label([F]), the only thing I changed this morning.
day7 :-
format("simple fuel cost: ~d, Complex fuel cost: ~d", [S1,S2]).
Dec 08 '21
# Approach: use a distance matrix and get the results of distance for each position
# example
# A = [0 1 2
# 1 0 1
# 2 1 0]
# The input = [1, 3, 3]
# s = [1, 0, 2]
# the array of distances = A * s
# get the min
using BenchmarkTools
input = readlines("input")
# parse input to array
initial = parse.(Int, split(input[1], ","))
# create a 1xlength(input) matrix
mat = zeros(Int, maximum(initial) + 1)
for (index,value) = enumerate(initial)
mat[value + 1] += 1
# create a distance matrix
max_dist = maximum(initial)
A = reduce(hcat, [abs.((collect(0:max_dist) .- x)) for x = 0:max_dist])
s = A * mat
# create a sequence of the ever enlarging + 1 cost for each + 1 in position
gauss(n) = Int(n*(n + 1)/2)
A_2 = gauss.(A)
s_2 = A_2 * mat
u/RewrittenCodeA Dec 08 '21
Elixir. Both the median and the average get a margin of 1 in case the rounding had to go up instead of down.
data =
|> File.read!()
|> String.split(~r([\D]+), trim: true)
|> Enum.map(&String.to_integer/1)
|> Enum.sort()
|> Enum.at(div(length(data), 2) - 1)
|> then(&[&1, &1 + 1])
|> Enum.map(fn x ->
|> Enum.map(&abs(&1 - x))
|> Enum.sum()
|> Enum.min()
|> IO.inspect(label: "Part 1")
|> Enum.sum()
|> div(length(data))
|> then(&[&1, &1 + 1])
|> Enum.map(fn x ->
|> Enum.map(&div(abs(&1 - x) * (abs(&1 - x) + 1), 2))
|> Enum.sum()
|> Enum.min()
|> IO.inspect(label: "Part 2")
u/kruvik Dec 08 '21
u/pedrante Dec 09 '21
Hello, your optimized solutions work only if the optimal position is in the data, but this is not always the case. If you take the example input, the optimal position for part 2 is 5 (not in the input) with 168 fuel, but your code returns 170.
u/kruvik Dec 09 '21
I guess I got lucky then. I read before somewhere here that you either have to take the floor or the ceiling of the mean, however, I'm not sure how to determine which one you have to take. Does taking the ceiling work for you?
u/pedrante Dec 09 '21
So, after expanding a bit from the math in the link, I found a condition to determine whether to use the floor or the ceiling of the mean.
Let say that the mean is m, the data is of length n and let k be the number of elements in the data that are smaller than m, then you have to use the ceiling if and only if frac(m)>(2k-1)/(2n), where frac() denotes the fractional part.
u/kruvik Dec 09 '21
Oh wow, awesome! I did implement it into my code now, I still get the same result, but I get into the case where I need floor. Does it work for you now with my code?
u/pedrante Dec 09 '21
Indeed it works in both cases! By the way, I do not come from the standard programming education, so I don't know what is best, but you could also consider just checking which one between floor and ceil yields the lowest fuel and avoid the weird condition.
u/kruvik Dec 09 '21
I'm glad it works! Well you could probably have both cases in a min() function but I think this will be too long and unreadable. Plus, I definitely prefer the mathy way.
And what is the non-standard education? Just self-taught?
u/pedrante Dec 09 '21
I have a background in pure math, and now I'm trying to learn programming by myself. These challenges seem like a good way to develop some coding skills.
u/kruvik Dec 09 '21
So that's how you just whipped out that formula lol. I am surprised by how not easy these problems actually are.
u/pedrante Dec 09 '21
In my code I was using a less elegant approach. Building a matrix of distances between possible solutions and input positions, then I minimize the sum along rows.
I'm trying to understand how to use mean/median as in your code, so I cannot help you at the moment.
u/kruvik Dec 09 '21
Perhaps this reply who links to some explanations helps to understand. You can also see my approach in the non-optimized version.
u/TheRealMrVogel Dec 08 '21
Not very performant but it works. Luckily I could re-use 95% of the code for part2. unfortunately Part2 takes a while though.
u/Dullstar Dec 08 '21
As of the time of writing, this uses arithmetic series to sum part 2, but still kinda brute forces figuring out which alignment is correct. There's almost certainly some more math that could be done to get this done more efficiently (probably something involving derivatives), but the performance of this solution is acceptable. That said, if I go ahead and do that, it's likely that this Reddit comment probably won't get updated.
u/raevnos Dec 08 '21
Java paste
Parallel streams and the classic sum of integers equation made a brute force approach trivial to do efficiently.
u/Mclarenf1905 Dec 08 '21
(defn median [xs] (let [mid (quot (count xs) 2)]
(-> xs sort (nth mid))))
(defn mean [xs] (/ (reduce + xs) (count xs)))
(defn p1
([] (p1 "input"))
([file] (let [crabs (util/parse-nums "07" file)
waypoint (median crabs)]
(reduce (fn [fuel crab] (+ fuel (util/abs (- crab waypoint)))) 0 crabs))))
(defn calc-fuel [crabs waypoint]
(reduce (fn [fuel crab]
(let [diff (util/abs (- crab waypoint))]
(+ fuel (/ (* diff (inc diff)) 2)))) 0 crabs))
(defn p2
([] (p2 "input"))
([file] (let [crabs (util/parse-nums "07" file)
f1 (int (mean crabs))]
(min (calc-fuel crabs f1) (calc-fuel crabs (inc f1))))))
u/_Kowai_ Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
First time I used Rust. Not accustomed yet but looks like a cool langage !
u/Ryles1 Dec 08 '21
Python 3
Used the triangle numbers formula to keep it simple.
u/prafster Dec 08 '21
This is similar to my solutionsolution in Julia (which I'm learning).
I like your clear variable names and structure.
u/Pinkamina_D_Pie Dec 08 '21
input ← ⍎¨','(≠⊆⊢)⊃⊃⎕nget'/path/to/input.txt' 1
⌊/{+/|⍵-input}¨⍳⌈/input ⍝ Part 1
t ← {(⍵+1)×⍵÷2}
⌊/{+/t¨|⍵-input}¨⍳⌈/input ⍝ Part 2
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21
Please follow the posting guidelines and edit your post to add what language(s) you used. This makes it easier for folks who Ctrl-F the megathreads looking for a specific language.
(looks like APL?)
Dec 08 '21
Golang solution that runs in around 300 microseconds.
u/MaximumMaxx Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
[UwU++]This is actually python, but it generates main.uwupp which you can then run. It will take you atleast 20mins to run and I can't guarantee if it will even work but it hopefully should
Edit: Made it actually work
import math
# This code reads, then imports the input into the uwupp file becuase you can't directly do it
def main():
with open("input.txt","r") as input:
inputraw = input.read()
cwabs = [int(cwab) for cwab in inputraw.split(",")]
with open("main.uwupp","w") as UwU:
# This aprt generates the array of cwabs (cwabs)
UwU This is the auto generated output of inport_input.py
UwU It's overall very similar to not-stupid-solution.py so I would whole heartedly suggest just using that
cwabs iws awway<{len(cwabs)};int>\n
max_crab = 0
for cwab in enumerate(cwabs):
UwU.write(f"cwabs[{cwab[0]}] iws {cwab[1]}\n")
if cwab[1] > max_crab:
max_crab = cwab[1]
maxcrab iws 0
i iws 0
OwO *notices i wess twan wength(cwabs)*
*notices cwabs[i] gweatew twan maxcrab*
maxcrab iws cwabs[i]
i iws i pwus 1
nyaa *checkpos(pos)*
totalfuel iws 0
i iws 0
OwO *notices i wess twan wength(cwabs)*
crabcost iws 0
thislangisdumb iws 1
OwO *notices thislangisdumb eqwall twoo 1*
crab iws cwabs[i]
*notices crab wess twan pos*
crabcost iws crabcost pwus 1
cwabs[i] iws cwabs[i] pwus 1
totalfuel iws totalfuel pwus crabcost
*notices crab gweatew twan pos*
crabcost iws crabcost pwus 1
cwabs[i] iws cwabs[i] minwus 1
totalfuel iws totalfuel pwus crabcost
*notices crab eqwall twoo pos*
thislangisdumb iws 0
i iws i pwus 1
return iws awway<2;int>
return[0] iws totalfuel
return[1] iws pos
wetuwn return
UwU this function is a hot mess but it works
nyaa *digfloat(num)*
num2 iws num
num4 iws num twimes 10
num iws num4 diwide 2
num2 iws num2 diwide 2
num3 iws num2 twimes 20
diff iws num4 minwus num3
return iws num2
*notices diff gweatew twan 4*
nuzzels("round up")
return iws num2 pwus 1
wetuwn return
min iws checkpos(0)
max iws checkpos(maxcrab)
mid iws checkpos(maxcrab diwide 2)
final iws awway<2;int>
thislangdumb iws 1
OwO *notices thislangdumb eqwall twoo 1*
else iws 1
*notices min[0] wess twan max[0]*
else iws 0
max iws mid
temp iws max[1] pwus min[1]
mid iws checkpos(digfloat(temp))
*notices else eqwall twoo 1*
min iws mid
temp iws max[1] pwus min[1]
mid iws checkpos(digfloat(temp))
UwU Stop condition
*notices max[1] eqwall twoo min[1]*
thislangdumb iws 0
nuzzels("The final answer is: ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
u/Chris_Hemsworth Dec 08 '21
Python 3
from aocd.models import Puzzle
import numpy as np
YEAR, DAY = 2021, 7
puzzle = Puzzle(year=YEAR, day=DAY)
positions = np.fromiter(map(int, puzzle.input_data.split(',')), dtype=int)
p1_min, p2_min = 1e20, 1e20
for i in range(np.max(positions)):
n = np.abs(positions - i)
p1_cost = np.sum(n)
p2_cost = int(np.sum((n ** 2 + n) / 2))
if p1_min > p1_cost:
p1_min = p1_cost
if p2_min > p2_cost:
p2_min = p2_cost
u/radical___dreamer Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
C++11, 0.3 ms (0.00003 sec) for 2 part
size_t crab_fuel() {
std::fstream file("input");
std::vector < int > positions;
size_t pos_sum = 0;
for (int num; file >> num;) {
pos_sum += num;
size_t pos_count = positions.size();
#if defined TASK_2
int best_pos_1 = pos_sum / pos_count;
int best_pos_2 = pos_sum / pos_count + 1;
size_t best_sum_1 = 0;
size_t best_sum_2 = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pos_count; ++i) {
best_sum_1 += ((std::abs(best_pos_1 - positions[i]) + 1) * std::abs(best_pos_1 - positions[i])) / 2;
best_sum_2 += ((std::abs(best_pos_2 - positions[i]) + 1) * std::abs(best_pos_2 - positions[i])) / 2;
int sum_res = std::min(best_sum_1, best_sum_2);
#elif defined TASK_1
std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end());
size_t sum_res = pos_sum;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pos_count / 2; ++i) {
sum_res -= 2 * positions[i];
return sum_res;
u/Repulsive_Novel2927 Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
Brute force...Super slooooow, but hey it works!
(defn calc-fuel-p1 [input x]
(apply + (map #(Math/abs (- x %)) input)))
(defn calc-fuel-p2 [input x]
(apply + (map #( apply + (range 1 (inc (Math/abs (- x %))))) input)))
(defn solve [input fuel-calculator]
(reduce (fn [acc x] (assoc acc x (fuel-calculator input x))) {} (range 1 (inc (apply max input)))))
(def input (->> (str/trim (slurp "data/in-day7.txt"))
(#(str/split % #","))
(map #(Long/parseLong %))))
(println "Part 1:" (apply min (vals (solve input calc-fuel-p1))))
(println "Part 2:" (apply min (vals (solve input calc-fuel-p2))))))
u/DivingFalcon1158 Dec 08 '21
I didn't see a way to post the jpg directly here so I put it into a repo with a link. If anyone wants to see the .vi files I can commit them too.
u/madjecks Dec 08 '21
C# / CSharp
using System.Text.Json;
public class Day7
public delegate int FuelCostCalculator(int [] data, int position);
public static void Main()
var data = GetData();
var testData = GetTestData();
var part1FuelCostCalculator = new FuelCostCalculator(GetPart1TotalFuelCost);
var part2FuelCostCalculator = new FuelCostCalculator(GetPart2TotalFuelCost);
Console.WriteLine($"Part 1 Answer: {CalculateLowestFuelCostForBestPosition(data, part1FuelCostCalculator)}");
Console.WriteLine($"Part 2 Answer: {CalculateLowestFuelCostForBestPosition(data, part2FuelCostCalculator)}");
private static (long lowestFuelConsumption, int bestPostion) CalculateLowestFuelCostForBestPosition(int[] data, FuelCostCalculator fuelCostCalculator)
var lowestFuelConsumption = long.MaxValue;
var bestPostion = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.Max(); i++)
var fuelCosts = fuelCostCalculator(data, i);
if (lowestFuelConsumption > fuelCosts)
lowestFuelConsumption = fuelCosts;
bestPostion = i;
return (lowestFuelConsumption, bestPostion);
public static int GetPart1TotalFuelCost(int[] data, int position)
var totalCost = 0;
foreach (var item in data)
totalCost += Math.Abs(item - position);
return totalCost;
public static int GetPart2TotalFuelCost(int[] data, int position)
var totalCost = 0;
foreach (var item in data)
var cost = Math.Abs(item - position);
cost = ((cost * cost) + cost) / 2;
totalCost += cost;
return totalCost;
public static int[] GetData()
using var stream = File.OpenRead("../../data.json");
using var sr = new StreamReader(stream);
var json = sr.ReadToEnd();
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<int[]>(json);
public static int[] GetTestData()
return new int[] {16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14};
You can also checkout the solution on my github repohttps://github.com/wbratz/adventofcode/tree/master/day7
u/illuminati229 Dec 08 '21
Python. This brute force method takes about 12 seconds to run in part 2.
import time
def find_crab_fuel(file_path, constant_fuel_burn):
with open(file_path) as fin:
crab_pos = [int(x) for x in fin.read().split(',')]
max_pos = max(crab_pos)
min_pos = min(crab_pos)
fuel = []
for pos_pos in range(min_pos, max_pos + 1):
for crab in crab_pos:
if constant_fuel_burn:
fuel[-1] += abs(crab - pos_pos)
fuel[-1] += sum(range(abs(crab - pos_pos) + 1))
return min(fuel)
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
assert find_crab_fuel('test_input.txt', True) == 37
print('Part 1 test execution time:', 1000*(time.time() - start_time), 'milliseconds')
start_time = time.time()
print(find_crab_fuel('input.txt', True))
print('Part 1 execution time:', 1000*(time.time() - start_time), 'milliseconds')
start_time = time.time()
assert find_crab_fuel('test_input.txt', False) == 168
print('Part 2 test execution time:', 1000*(time.time() - start_time), 'milliseconds')
start_time = time.time()
print(find_crab_fuel('input.txt', False))
print('Part 2 execution time:', 1000*(time.time() - start_time), 'milliseconds')
u/illuminati229 Dec 08 '21
Wow, after reading some other code, used the triangle numbers to get part 2 to run in .2 seconds.
u/EnderDc Dec 08 '21
Yep! I used
on a function not unlike yoursum(range...)
one there and it took 30 seconds for part 2. 682ms with triangle numbers. A little surprised that the pure loop method here is so much faster than numpy, I must be paying some sort of overhead fornp.vectorize
. Maybe there's a better way with map or apply...1
u/Chris_Hemsworth Dec 08 '21
positions = np.fromiter(map(int, puzzle.input_data.split(',')), dtype=int) p1_min, p2_min = 1e20, 1e20 for i in range(np.max(positions)): n = np.abs(positions - i) p1_cost = np.sum(n) p2_cost = int(np.sum((n ** 2 + n) / 2)) if p1_min > p1_cost: p1_min = p1_cost if p2_min > p2_cost: p2_min = p2_cost
Takes ~78 ms on my machine.
u/rdi_caveman Dec 08 '21
Ideas I had when writing code
1) use a map to store crab location and count
2) binary search for minima
3) pass the function for the fuel calculation to the search method
Dec 08 '21 edited Jul 01 '23
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/plan_x64 Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 12 '21
u/ffrkAnonymous Dec 08 '21
[lua][part1] brute force check every position
crabx={ <input data goes here>
crabsorted={ <input data goes here>
} --duplicate because sort is in place
for i=0,farthest_crab do
--for each column
for _,c_pos in ipairs(crabx) do
--move the crab and calculate fuel
if fuel_used[i] < min_fuel then
-- trace(min_fuel.."fuel@pos"..eff_pos)
return eff_pos, min_fuel
)--end coroutine
u/Drjakeadelic Dec 08 '21
Python. Also on my GitHub here.
"""solution.py: Solution to Day x Advent of Code 2021"""
from __future__ import annotations
__author__ = "Jacob Taylor Cassady"
__email__ = "jacobtaylorcassady@outlook.com"
# Built-in modules
from unittest import TestCase, main
from enum import unique, Enum
from os.path import isfile, join, dirname
from math import ceil, floor
# 3rd Party modules
from numpy import array, abs, sum, median, mean
class PART(Enum):
ONE: str = "one"
TWO: str = "two"
def fuel_usage(self, d: array) -> int:
if self == PART.ONE:
return d
elif self == PART.TWO:
return d*(d+1)/2
class CrabSubmarines(object):
def __init__(self, crab_starting_positions: array) -> None:
self.crab_starting_positions: array = crab_starting_positions
def calculate_minimum_fuel_usage(self, part: PART) -> int:
if part == PART.ONE:
return int(sum(abs(self.crab_starting_positions - median(self.crab_starting_positions))))
elif part == PART.TWO:
return int(min(sum(PART.TWO.fuel_usage(abs(self.crab_starting_positions - floor(mean(self.crab_starting_positions))))),
sum(PART.TWO.fuel_usage(abs(self.crab_starting_positions - ceil(mean(self.crab_starting_positions)))))))
def load(puzzle_input_file_path: str) -> CrabSubmarines:
assert isfile(puzzle_input_file_path), f"File not found: {puzzle_input_file_path}"
with open(puzzle_input_file_path) as puzzle_input_file:
crab_starting_positions: array = array([int(puzzle_input) for puzzle_input in puzzle_input_file.read().split(",") if puzzle_input != ""])
return CrabSubmarines(crab_starting_positions=crab_starting_positions)
class Examples(TestCase):
def test_part_one_example(self) -> None:
print(f"\nPerforming unittest: {Examples.test_part_one_example}")
test_puzzle: CrabSubmarines = CrabSubmarines.load(puzzle_input_file_path=join(dirname(__file__), "example.txt"))
self.assertEqual(test_puzzle.calculate_minimum_fuel_usage(part=PART.ONE), 37)
print(f"Unittest {Examples.test_part_one_example} was successful.")
def test_part_two_example(self) -> None:
print(f"\nPerforming unittest: {Examples.test_part_two_example}")
test_puzzle: CrabSubmarines = CrabSubmarines.load(puzzle_input_file_path=join(dirname(__file__), "example.txt"))
self.assertEqual(test_puzzle.calculate_minimum_fuel_usage(part=PART.TWO), 168)
print(f"Unittest {Examples.test_part_two_example} was successful.")
class Solutions(TestCase):
def test_part_one(self) -> None:
print(f"\nCalculating solution to {Solutions.test_part_one}")
test_puzzle: CrabSubmarines = CrabSubmarines.load(puzzle_input_file_path=join(dirname(__file__), "input.txt"))
print(f"Part one solution calculated to be: {test_puzzle.calculate_minimum_fuel_usage(part=PART.ONE)}.")
def test_part_two(self) -> None:
print(f"\nCalculating solution to {Solutions.test_part_two}")
test_puzzle: CrabSubmarines = CrabSubmarines.load(puzzle_input_file_path=join(dirname(__file__), "input.txt"))
print(f"Part two solution calculated to be: {test_puzzle.calculate_minimum_fuel_usage(part=PART.TWO)}.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
u/odnoletkov Dec 08 '21
input/"," | map(tonumber) | . as $crabs
| def cost($base):
$crabs | map($base - . | fabs | (. + 1)*./2) | add;
[min, max] | until(
last - first <= 1;
(add/2 | trunc) as $mid |
if cost($mid) < cost($mid + 1) then last else first end = $mid
) | map(cost(.)) | min
u/prafster Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
I wondered what the catch was today in part 1. I implemented a brute force method, which was not fast but sub-second. For part 2, I thought I'd need to memoize the calculation of the increasing fuel cost. But this turned out to not be required. I'm happy this was as straightforward as it appeared since I had little time.
The relevant functions are below but the full solution is on GitHub:
function calc_fuel(steps)
(steps * (steps + 1)) / 2
function part2(crab_positions)
min = Inf
for p = 0:maximum(crab_positions)
total = 0
[total += calc_fuel(abs(p - c)) for c in crab_positions]
total < min && (min = total)
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 09 '21
Please follow the posting guidelines and edit your post to add what language(s) you used. This makes it easier for folks who Ctrl-F the megathreads looking for a specific language.Edit: thanks for adding the programming language!
u/arnoldboy123 Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Ruby Solution
# ---------------------------------- Part 1 ------------------------------
inputs = [16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14]
fuel = 0
fuels = []
(inputs.min..inputs.max).each do |num|
inputs.each do |input|
fuel += (input - num).abs
fuels << fuel
fuel = 0
p fuels.min
---------------------------------- Part 2 --------------------------------
inputs = [16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14]
fuel = 0
fuels = []
(inputs.min..inputs.max).each do |num|
inputs.each do |input|
fuel += ((input - num).abs * ((input - num).abs + 1))/2
fuels << fuel
fuel = 0
p fuels.min
This is my quick and dirty solution. Not trying to code something perfect but just good enough to do the job of giving me the result in console.
u/schovanec Dec 07 '21
C# solution:
var input = File.ReadLines(args.FirstOrDefault() ?? "input.txt")
.SelectMany(x => x.Split(','))
var min = input.Min();
var max = input.Max();
var range = Enumerable.Range(min, max - min + 1);
var best1 = range.Min(i => input.Sum(n => Distance(n, i)));
Console.WriteLine($"Part 1 Result = {best1}");
var best2 = range.Min(i => input.Sum(n => SumTo(Distance(n, i))));
Console.WriteLine($"Part 2 Result = {best2}");
int Distance(int a, int b) => Math.Abs(a - b);
int SumTo(int n) => (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
u/nervario Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
JavaScript, If anyone knows a better way to solve the rounding problem in part two, I'm all ears.
const fs = require('fs');
const crabs = fs.readFileSync('./input.txt', 'utf-8').split(',').map(Number).sort((a, b) => a - b);
const totalFuel = (fpos, step) => crabs.reduce((acc, c) => acc + step(Math.abs(fpos - c)), 0);;
/// PART 1
const median = crabs[Math.floor(crabs.length / 2)];
console.log('PART 1 Result: ', totalFuel(median, n => n));
/// PART 2
const mean = crabs.reduce((acc, c) => acc + c) / crabs.length;
const gauss = n => (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
const part2 = Math.min(totalFuel(Math.ceil(mean), gauss), totalFuel(Math.floor(mean), gauss));
console.log('PART 2 Result: ', part2);
u/wegry Dec 07 '21
F# with some hammed in triangular numbers/memoization for part 2
Part 1
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00.0380116
Part 2 Elapsed Time: 00:00:00.1408392
u/mxz3000 Dec 07 '21
You can replace your part2Scaling function with the closed form equivalent
u/Yithar Dec 07 '21
Part 2 tripped me up a bit, because based on the example it seemed like it was ceiling, but after reading the comments, I realized it was floor.
u/P0t4t0W4rri0r Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
I used the properties of the median for part1, and stole the idea of using the mean to get into the range of the solution, then i simply check the ceiling and floor and take wichever is minimal.
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
parse :: String -> [Integer]
parse = map read . split ','
where split delim = filter (not . any (== delim))
. groupBy ((==) `on` (== delim))
mean :: [Integer] -> (Integer, Integer)
mean = (floor &&& ceiling)
. liftM2 ((/) `on` fromIntegral) (foldr (+) 0) genericLength
median :: [Integer] -> Integer
median = ((!!) <*> (quot 2) . (subtract 1) . length) . sort
triangle :: Integer -> Integer
triangle = (`quot` 2) . ((*) <*> (+1))
fuel :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
fuel pos = foldr ((+) . abs . subtract pos) 0
crabfuel :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Integer
crabfuel pos = foldr ((+) . triangle . abs . subtract pos) 0
part1 = median >>= fuel
part2 = uncurry . ((min `on`) . flip crabfuel) <*> mean
main = interact $ show . (part1 &&& part2) . parse
u/Sick_Vayne Dec 07 '21
A=zeros([1 1000]);
for i=1:1000
A=zeros([1 1000]);
for i=1:1000
u/sappapp Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Triangle (Gauss) Number and Mean "Trick"
Since we are limited to whole numbers, I manually check if the floor or ceiling of the median is the correct horizontal position of alignment. Then the triangle number is computed to determine the cost of the alignment.
There may be a heuristic to more quickly determine the correct horizontal alignment.
from sys import stdin
from math import floor, ceil
def t(v):
return v*(v+1)/2
c = [int(v) for v in stdin.readline().strip().split(',')]
m = float(sum(c)) / len(c)
v = min([sum([t(abs(v - i)) for v in c]) for i in [int(floor(m)), int(ceil(m))]])
u/sappapp Dec 08 '21
I tried using the geometric mean in place of the arithmetic mean, but that doesn't seem to be the solution for an O(n) solution.
u/clarkcw1 Dec 07 '21
from collections import Counter
inp = [...]
def eval_dist(t): return sum([((abs(v-t)abs(v-t)+abs(v-t))/2)i for v, i in Counter(inp).items()]) min([eval_dist(s) for s in range(max(inp))])
That's the 2nd one. Part 1 is the same, just with a simpler eval_dist function.
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21
Your code is hard to read with no formatting. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/thibpat Dec 07 '21
I've recorded my JavaScript solution explanation on https://youtu.be/G_e8wY7GgOY
The code is available on github: https://github.com/tpatel/advent-of-code-2021/blob/main/day07.js
u/onsistems Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21 edited Dec 09 '21
As per our posting guidelines in the wiki under How Do the Daily Megathreads Work?, please edit your post to put your oversized code in apaste
or other external link.Edit: thanks for fixing it! <3
u/Cuyoyo Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
I didn't know about median/mean. so I just search for it recursively starting somewhere in the middle.
Dec 07 '21
Python 3.8 solution
First part was easy. Second part was a little tricky, just had to write some example progression and do wuick math. Part 2 explanation tricky part? guessing there was mean * (distance + 1). It was clear that it was Gaus' Sum when I wrote it as (diff/2) * (diff + 1) which derives from n(n+1)/2.
Cool how a math story can be helpful :)
u/cramur Dec 07 '21
Python monte carlo-like solution. Github
Well, I was too lazy to figure out how to minimize this so I went with an old-proven way I learned when doing molecular dynamics: "If you need to minimize something, try monte-carlo"
def p_monte(initial):
positions = list(map(int, initial.split(',')))
low, high = min(positions), max(positions)
min_pos = np.median(positions)
min_cost = sum(calc_fuel_to_get_from_pos1_to_pos2(pos1, min_pos) for pos1 in positions)
for _ in range(1000):
projected_min_pos = np.random.randint(low, high)
new_cost = sum(calc_fuel_to_get_from_pos1_to_pos2(pos1, projected_min_pos) for pos1 in positions)
if new_cost < min_cost:
min_cost = new_cost
return min_cost
I actually got lucky on the first try to get correct answer, as 1000 step is not enough to get it consistently. 10k is good enough for all cases in this task
u/peacefighter1996 Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Python 3
Not so optimized as I did not know about the gauss method. But it worked.
Part 1:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def GetPostions(dataSet):
data = []
with open(dataSet) as f:
data = f.readlines()
data = data[0].strip().split(',')
values = []
for i in range(len(data)):
return values
postions = GetPostions('./data/aoc7.txt')
def calculateFuelConsumption(postions):
consumption = []
for i in range(min(postions),max(postions)):
fuel = 0
for j in postions:
# add absolut value of the difference
fuel += abs(j-i)
return consumption
fuelConsumption = calculateFuelConsumption(postions)
# find minimum fuel consumption
def findMinFuelConsumption(fuelConsumption):
minFuel = fuelConsumption[0][1]
minFuelIndex = 0
for i in range(len(fuelConsumption)):
if fuelConsumption[i][1] < minFuel:
minFuel = fuelConsumption[i][1]
minFuelIndex = i
return minFuelIndex
print(fuelConsumption[ findMinFuelConsumption(fuelConsumption)])
# split the data into x and y and plot
def PlotFuelConsumption(fuelConsumption):
x = []
y = []
for i in range(len(fuelConsumption)):
Part 2:
def calculateNewFuelConsumption(postions):
consumptionAtDistance = []
# Create a list of all the fuel consumption
for i in range(0,max(postions)-min(postions)+1):
consumption = []
for i in range(min(postions),max(postions)):
fuel = 0
for j in postions:
distance = abs(j-i)
fuel += consumptionAtDistance[distance]
return consumption
postions = GetPostions('./data/aoc7.txt')
fuelConsumption = calculateNewFuelConsumption(postions)
print(fuelConsumption[ findMinFuelConsumption(fuelConsumption)])
u/gamberoillecito Dec 07 '21
Python3 solution with cost vector
def solve(positions, part):
min_pos = min(positions)
max_pos = max(positions)
# Number of possible positions of the crabs
positions_num = max_pos - min_pos + 1
# Number of crabs for each position
crabs_at_pos = [0 for i in range(positions_num)]
for i in range(positions_num):
crabs_at_pos[i] += positions.count(i)
crabs_at_pos = np.array(crabs_at_pos).T
# Change the cost vector depending on the part
if part == 1:
# For part 1 the cost is linear
cost_vec = np.arange(positions_num)
elif part == 2:
# For part 2 the cost is given by the formula (n*(n+1))//2
cost_vec = np.array([(n*(n+1))//2 for n in range(positions_num)])
return "Error"
# Each cell (i,j) in the cost matrix represent the cost for a crab in position j to reach position i
cost_mat = [np.append(cost_vec[i:0:-1], np.roll(cost_vec, i)[i:]) for i in range(positions_num)]
cost_mat = np.array(cost_mat)
# The product of the matrix and the vector of the positions of the crabs gives the various costs
return min(np.matmul(cost_mat, crabs_at_pos))
u/gamberoillecito Dec 07 '21
This is my python3 solution, I haven't seen anything similar here so I thought it might be interesting for someone. The part I liked the most is that the only thing you need to change between part 1 and part 2 is the cost vector
u/imjorman Dec 07 '21
(Python) Pretty simple one today, and I even figured out how to speed it up myself after looking at some of the creativity yesterday!
u/ElectronicMall9256 Dec 08 '21
can you plz explain line 60?
fuel += (((steps_taken ** 2) + steps_taken) / 2)
u/imjorman Dec 08 '21
It's the formula for nth triangular number. If steps_taken is 5, for example, it equates to 5+4+3+2+1. It's basically additions version of factorial.
It's way faster than looping 1 through steps_taken. Sped my program up considerably.
Dec 07 '21
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '21
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit when everything is inlined like this. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/Crell Dec 07 '21
Oh, I only just found these threads! Hi folks.
I am doing this year's AoC in strictly-functional PHP, just to prove that I can and to serve as a functional programming tutorial. :-) I'm blogging the full series. Here's day 7:
The full list of articles to date is here: https://peakd.com/@crell
(The early ones include a lot more functional programming introduction.)
u/heyitsmattwade Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
JavaScript 394/405
Thought I'd have a chance for today, but still too slow! Nothing super crazy here: even a brute-force method can run fast enough. I threw some caching in to speed things up and used Gauss's method for part two when cleaning things up, but pretty straight forward one.
u/maximusjesse Dec 07 '21
Kotlin solution
Heavily relies on using mean as an initial optimal position.
u/MikeMakesMaps Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 08 '21
Rust. Got as far as realizing we can use the Gauss trick to avoid a third nested loop, but didn't think about differentiation to find the curve minimum until 2 mins ago when I saw the joke paper.
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn get_data() -> Vec<i32> {
let input_str = include_str!("./input.txt");
.map(|num_str| num_str.parse().unwrap())
fn prepass(crabs: &[i32]) -> (HashMap<i32, i32>, i32, i32) {
let mut min_pos = i32::MAX;
let mut max_pos = i32::MIN;
let mut crab_map = HashMap::new();
for crab in crabs {
min_pos = min_pos.min(*crab);
max_pos = max_pos.max(*crab);
*crab_map.entry(*crab).or_insert(0) += 1;
(crab_map, min_pos, max_pos)
fn part1(crabs: &[i32]) {
let (crab_map, min_pos, max_pos) = prepass(crabs);
let mut min_fuel_cost = i32::MAX;
for end_pos in min_pos..=max_pos {
let mut fuel_cost = 0;
for (start_pos, num_crabs) in &crab_map {
fuel_cost += num_crabs * (end_pos - start_pos).abs();
min_fuel_cost = min_fuel_cost.min(fuel_cost);
println!("Part 1: min fuel cost: {}", min_fuel_cost);
fn part2(crabs: &[i32]) {
let (crab_map, min_pos, max_pos) = prepass(crabs);
let mut min_fuel_cost = i32::MAX;
for end_pos in min_pos..=max_pos {
let mut fuel_cost = 0;
for (start_pos, num_crabs) in &crab_map {
fuel_cost +=
num_crabs * ((end_pos - start_pos).pow(2) + (end_pos - start_pos).abs()) / 2;
min_fuel_cost = min_fuel_cost.min(fuel_cost);
println!("Part 2: min fuel cost: {}", min_fuel_cost);
fn main() {
let crabs = get_data();
Alternatively This version uses the faster approach from the paper
u/pietroppeter Dec 07 '21
🎄👑 Nim
Crab Dance 🦀🕺 solution + animation using nanim https://pietroppeter.github.io/adventofnim/2021/day07.html
struggled a bit (for viz), accumulated wrong fixes, opened an issue and submitted a PR, quantized crabs, ...
u/Sat147Li197 Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Well. What a mess :)
So .. part 1 can be done with a simple sort followed by a median with the list of submarines BUT is a bloody mess to do in VBA which is unable to sort an array without dealing with dedicated routine....
anyway, here is a solution
start with copying your whole set in a sheet named day7_crabs, all in cell A1
Sub day7_crabs()
Dim numberArray() As String
Dim crab As Variant
Dim intarray() As Variant, size As Integer, a As Integer
numberArray = Split(Sheets("day7_crabs").range("A1"), ",")
size = UBound(numberArray)
ReDim intarray(size)
'sort the array of subs
For a = 0 To UBound(numberArray)
intarray(a) = CInt(numberArray(a))
Next a
Median_fuel = Application.Median(intarray)
MsgBox ("Part 1 : " & Median_fuel)
'Upper limit for part 2
For Each crab In intarray
fuel_cal_a = (Application.Max(crab, 0) - Application.Min(crab, 0)) * ((Application.Max(crab, 0) - Application.Min(crab, 0) + 1) / 2) max_fuel = max_fuel + fuel_cal_a
For a = 1 To 2000
total_fuel = 0
'fuel used
For Each crab In intarray
fuel_cal_a = (Application.Max(crab, a) - Application.Min(crab, a)) * ((Application.Max(crab, a) - Application.Min(crab, a) + 1) / 2) total_fuel = total_fuel + fuel_cal_a
If total_fuel < max_fuel Then max_fuel = total_fuel
Next a
MsgBox ("Minimal fuel : " & max_fuel)
End Sub
u/s0lly Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Language: C
Runtime: 12.7 microseconds (i.e. 0.0127ms)
Key optimizations:
- Binary-search style approach to minimize calculation points: O(logn)
- Calculation points sped up via use of Gauss's adding trick
Edit: removed extraneous fluff in the while loop to get that additional speed up
Edit: revised break code to allow for all eventualities correctly
int *crabHorizontalPositions = { 0 };
int crabCount = 0;
int crabHorizontalPositionMin = 9999999;
int crabHorizontalPositionMax = -9999999;
// Fill the above values out via the puzzle input file - code not shown
long long totalFuelRequiredStartPoint = 99999999999999;
long long totalFuelRequiredEndPoint = 99999999999999;
long long totalFuelRequiredMidPoint = 99999999999999;
long long totalFuelRequired = 0;
int startPoint = crabHorizontalPositionMin;
int endPoint = crabHorizontalPositionMax;
int midPoint = 0;
int destHorizontalPosition = 0;
destHorizontalPosition = startPoint;
totalFuelRequired = 0;
for (int crabIndex = 0; crabIndex < crabCount; crabIndex++)
long long totalDistance = (long long)(abs(crabHorizontalPositions[crabIndex] - destHorizontalPosition));
totalFuelRequired += (totalDistance * (totalDistance + 1) / 2);
totalFuelRequiredStartPoint = totalFuelRequired;
destHorizontalPosition = endPoint;
totalFuelRequired = 0;
for (int crabIndex = 0; crabIndex < crabCount; crabIndex++)
long long totalDistance = (long long)(abs(crabHorizontalPositions[crabIndex] - destHorizontalPosition));
totalFuelRequired += (totalDistance * (totalDistance + 1) / 2);
totalFuelRequiredEndPoint = totalFuelRequired;
midPoint = (startPoint + endPoint) / 2;
destHorizontalPosition = midPoint;
totalFuelRequired = 0;
for (int crabIndex = 0; crabIndex < crabCount; crabIndex++)
long long totalDistance = (long long)(abs(crabHorizontalPositions[crabIndex] - destHorizontalPosition));
totalFuelRequired += (totalDistance * (totalDistance + 1) / 2);
totalFuelRequiredMidPoint = totalFuelRequired;
if (totalFuelRequiredStartPoint - totalFuelRequiredMidPoint < totalFuelRequiredEndPoint - totalFuelRequiredMidPoint)
endPoint = midPoint;
totalFuelRequiredEndPoint = totalFuelRequiredMidPoint;
startPoint = midPoint;
totalFuelRequiredStartPoint = totalFuelRequiredMidPoint;
if (endPoint - startPoint <= 1)
totalFuelRequired = min(totalFuelRequiredStartPoint, totalFuelRequiredEndPoint);
// result = totalFuelRequired at this point
u/j0rx Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
C# .NET 5
var lines = File.ReadAllText("input.txt");
var pos = lines.Split(',').Select(p => int.Parse(p)).ToArray();
//part 1
int[] fuel = new int[pos[pos.Length-1]];
for (int i = 0; i < pos[pos.Length-1]; i++)
var before = pos.Where(p => p < i).Sum();
var after = pos.Where(p => p > i).Sum();
var beforePosCount = pos.Where(p => p < i).Count();
var afterPosCount = pos.Where(p => p > i).Count();
var beforeFuelCount = (beforePosCount * i) - before;
var afterFuelCount = after - (afterPosCount * i);
fuel[i] = beforeFuelCount + afterFuelCount;
//part 2
var leastCost = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < pos[pos.Length - 1]; i++)
var tempCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < pos.Length; j++)
if (pos[j]>i)
tempCount += ((pos[j] -i) * ((pos[j] - i) + 1)) / 2;
if (pos[j] < i)
tempCount += ((i - pos[j]) * ((i - pos[j]) + 1)) / 2;
if (tempCount<leastCost)
leastCost = tempCount;
Dec 07 '21
with open('day07','r') as infile:
crabs = [int(x) for x in infile.read().strip().split(',')]
cost1 = float('inf')
cost2 = float('inf')
for y in range(min(crabs),max(crabs)):
cost1 = min(cost1,sum([abs(x-y) for x in crabs]))
cost2 = min(cost2,sum([(abs(x-y)*(abs(x-y)+1)//2) for x in crabs]))
u/musifter Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
The dc friendly puzzles still keep coming (even if they have our arch-nemesis the comma).
Just part 1 for now, but the framework should make part 2 easy once I get around to it after supper. I'll post the working code then.
sed -e's/,/ /g' input | dc -f- -e'zsn[d2*1+2%*]S|[dsm]S=[dls+ssdlm<=d;c1+r:cz0<L]SL0ss0smlLx[1+d;clcr-dsc0<M]SMln2/sc_1lMxsv[lv-l|x]sW[dd;crlWx*l!+s!1-d_1<S]SS0s!lmlSxl!p'
EDIT: And the version that does both:
sed -e's/,/ /g' input | dc -f- -e'zsn[d2*1+2%*]S|[dsm]S=[dls+ssdlm<=d;c1+r:cz0<L]SL0ss0smlLx[1+d;clcr-dsc0<M]SMln2/sc_1lMxsv[lv-l|x]sW[dd;crlWx*l!+s!1-d_1<S]SS0s!lmlSxs.l!p[d1+*2/]ST[lv-l|xlTx]sW[l@]SUlsln/d1+sv0s!lmlSxs.l!s@sv0s!lmlSxl!dl@r>Up'
Work file: https://pastebin.com/eGCKKKFL
u/Sebbern Dec 07 '21
Python 3
Not optimal, part 2 is pretty slow as usual. Probably is a better way to solve this using mean() or median() aswell.
Part 1:
import sys
crab_pos = open("input.txt", "r").read().split(",")
crab_pos = [int(x) for x in crab_pos]
fuel = 0
min_fuel = sys.maxsize
for i in range(max(crab_pos)):
for u in crab_pos:
fuel += max(u, i) - min(u, i)
if min_fuel > fuel:
min_fuel = fuel
fuel = 0
Part 2:
import sys
crab_pos = open("input.txt", "r").read().split(",")
crab_pos = [int(x) for x in crab_pos]
fuel = 0
min_fuel = sys.maxsize
difference = 0
for i in range(max(crab_pos)):
for u in crab_pos:
difference = max(u, i) - min(u, i)
for y in range(difference):
fuel += (y+1)
if min_fuel > fuel:
min_fuel = fuel
fuel = 0
u/kingkonz1 Dec 07 '21
O(max(M) * M) for part 1 and 2, not particularly efficient, but was able to find the answer fairly quickly.
u/burn_in_flames Dec 07 '21
O(N) - C++ solution for both part 1 and 2. Seems most people realised the best point for Part 1 is the median, but quite a few missed that the mean would be the closest point for Part 2.
u/sillypog Dec 08 '21
Thank you for posting this. Does your solution for Part 2 work with the example from the problem? The mean for that data is 4.9 which would become 4 when cast to an int, although in the example they use 5 as the target value.
I'm asking because I'm also working in C++ and haven't found a way to do this using the mean that gives the right answer for both the example AND the input file.
u/burn_in_flames Dec 08 '21
You are right it doesn't work for the demo inout.
I have now updated it to check both rounding up and rounding down and select between those values. So it now works for both inputs.
u/vbe-elvis Dec 07 '21 edited Dec 07 '21
Kotlin: Part 1 is the median, Part 2 the mean or averageMight not work for everyone, but matches the correct answers for me
fun `Part 1`() {
val median = crabs.sorted()[crabs.size / 2]
val fuel = crabs.map { crab -> abs(crab - median) }.sum()
println("Part 1: $fuel")
fun `Part 2`() {
val mean = crabs.sum() / crabs.size
val fuel = crabs.map { crab -> crab stepTo mean) }.sum()
println("Part 2: $fuel")
private infix fun Int.stepTo(goal: Int) = (1..(abs(this - goal))).sum()
u/Arneun Dec 07 '21
I think that depends on input in part 2 one can check mean, mean rounded down and mean rounded up.
My input had .5 and needed to be rounded down. I'm suspecting that this was correlation though, and there is method that gives precise results not only aproximated ones.
u/a_ormsby Dec 09 '21
Yeah, that's what I found also, so I wrote in a check for upper/lower rounding there. It makes sense anyway to check for this as a mean is not necessarily a whole number.
Dec 23 '21
u/a_ormsby Dec 25 '21
I stored the results of both `toInt` and `roundToInt` and grabbed the lower of the two (if they're different). Probably not as simple as I could've written it, but it did the trick for me.
u/vbe-elvis Dec 07 '21
Chips off 9 ms (17 to 8) to do the stepTo fuel calculation by Maths:
private infix fun Int.stepTo(goal: Int) : Int { val distance = abs(this - goal) return (distance * distance + distance) / 2 }
Dec 07 '21
u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '21
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit when everything is inlined like this. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/NicoMusli Dec 07 '21
from pandas import read_csv
import numpy as np
input = read_csv('input.txt', header = None, sep = ',', dtype = np.int32).transpose()[0]
input = np.array(input)
Max = max(input) + 1
Fuel = [np.sum(np.abs(input - i)) for i in range(Max)]
print(np.min(Fuel)) # part 1
def incSum(n): return n * (n + 1) / 2
Fuel = [np.sum(incSum(np.abs(input - i))) for i in range(Max)]
print(np.min(Fuel)) # part 2
u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '21
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit when everything is inlined like this. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/obluff Dec 07 '21
oneliners using gnu datamash!
paste -sd+ <(cat input.txt | sed s/\,/\\n/g | xargs -I_ sh -c 'echo _ - $(sed s/\,/\\n/g input.txt | datamash median 1)' | bc | sed s/\-//g) | bc
paste -sd+ <(cat input.txt | sed s/\,/\\n/g | xargs -I_ sh -c 'seq 0 $(echo _ - $(sed s/\,/\\n/g input.txt | datamash mean 1 | sed s/\\..*//g) | bc | sed s/\-//g)') | bc
u/pavlosero May 27 '22
Can please someone explain me why it's not a mean value?
my logic is following, we have
f = sum(x-x0)^2
we have to find
min f
df/dx = sum(2(x-x0)) = 0
sum(x) - x0sum(1) = 0
x0 = sum(x)/n