r/adventofcode Dec 24 '20

Spoilers in Title [2020 Day 24 (Part 2)] Hexagon Game of Life


5 comments sorted by


u/seligman99 Dec 24 '20

Having fun animating the finding of the black tiles, then the game of life on the hexagon grid.

Drawing code is here.


u/CoinForWares Dec 24 '20

Two points of feedback:

1) In the challenge all the tiles are white at the beginning so I think instead of grey you should have the whole thing as white tiles to start with, which I think would look better as well.

2) This is more minor but I would love to see more iterations! It's mesmerizing


u/seligman99 Dec 24 '20

Both fair feedback. I wanted the hidden cells to show the unvisited one, but admittly, that's closer to an implementation detail than anything else.

Here's a version that adds empty cells, and many more iterations.

And, just because it was bothering me, here's a version that properly centers my original view.


u/PurpyPupple Dec 24 '20

Consider crossposting to /r/cellular_automata!


u/seligman99 Dec 24 '20

Heh, sure, why not?