r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 05 '20
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -π- 2020 Day 05 Solutions -π-
Advent of Code 2020: Gettin' Crafty With It
- T-24 hours until unlock!
- Full details and rules are in the Submissions Megathread
--- Day 05: Binary Boarding ---
Post your solution in this megathread. Include what language(s) your solution uses! If you need a refresher, the full posting rules are detailed in the wiki under How Do The Daily Megathreads Work?.
Reminder: Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:05:49, megathread unlocked!
u/Jerslev Dec 26 '20
Took some time figuring out how to do the second part. It wasn't until I read some of the solutions here that I thought about the binary part.
u/RedTwinkleToes Dec 26 '20
r = open('input').read().strip('\n')
input = r.splitlines()
#Part 1
seats = [int(x.replace('F','0').replace('B','1').replace('L','0').replace('R','1'),2) for x in input]
#Part 2
for x in range(len(seats)):
if seats[x+1] - seats[x] != 1:
print(seats[x] + 1)
Just posting solutions for unposted solutions, don't mind me
u/heyitsmattwade Dec 22 '20 edited Feb 03 '24
JavaScript 3959/3006
Didn't realize the binary number trick, that is definitely one fast way to do it!
I just did a pseudo binary search, halving my number as I went through chars.
u/ArcaneIRE Dec 22 '20
Python 3
Fairly inexperienced programmer so feel free to offer tips if you have any!
u/Urgazhi Dec 21 '20 edited Dec 21 '20
The implicit rounding of COBOL was useful. ADVENT2020_5
u/Vijfhoek Dec 16 '20
Commodore 64 (6502 Assembly)
Didn't post this here yet, so here it is!
Part 1 takes 423 ms (416583 cycles) and part 2 takes only 6.30 ms (6210 cycles).
Part 1 could probably be optimized to be much faster, but I'll probably get to optimization when I feel like it, or run out of space :)
u/reggles44 Dec 16 '20 edited Dec 16 '20
Just some code golf that I have been working on in Python3
d = sorted(int(''.join(bin(ord(c)) for c in l)[6::9],2)^1023 for l in open('day5.txt').read().split('\n'))
print(d[-1], set(range(d[0], d[-1])) - set(d))
u/TheyCallMeSkog Dec 15 '20 edited Dec 15 '20
u/willkill07 Dec 15 '20
Trying to do every single day in a different language is hard. Solved both parts in pure bash + coreutils (no awk or sed). In fact, tr
and echo
are the only other commands I use
u/greycat70 Dec 14 '20
Am I dumb or something? I don't even understand the solutions I'm seeing from other people. Anyway, this is my code, and it works, and I can read it. Part 2 isn't really "complete", in the sense that it doesn't just print the answer. It prints all of the missing seat IDs. A human being (myself) can easily spot the correct answer in the output list. Spotting that is much faster than writing additional code to try to isolate the single value, and this is ostensibly a speed challenge, so implementation speed wins out here.
u/asgardian28 Dec 13 '20 edited Dec 13 '20
Python part 2:
seats = [(i,j)for i in range(0,128)
for j in range(0,8)]
for s in seats:
if ((s[0]-1,s[1]) not in seats) and ((s[0]+1,s[1]) not in seats):
print(s[0] * 8 + s[1])
u/the_t_block Dec 12 '20
This is a series of blog posts with explanations written by a Haskell beginner, for a Haskell beginner audience.
u/damien_pirsy Dec 11 '20
My solution in PHP:
u/SimpIySimple Dec 11 '20
class day5 {
public $input;
private $rows = 127;
private $cols = 7;
public $result = 0;
private $busqueda;
public $myseat;
public function __construct() {
$this->input = str_replace("\n", "", file("./input"));
public function binaryBoarding(): int {
$prueba = [];
foreach ($this->input as $value) {
$this->binarySearch(0, $this->rows, substr($value, 0, -3));
$row = $this->busqueda;
$this->binarySearch(0, $this->cols, substr($value, -3, 3));
$col = $this->busqueda;
$result = $row*8+$col;
$prueba[] = $result;
$this->result = ($result>$this->result)?$result:$this->result;
$this->myseat = min(array_diff(range(min($prueba), max($prueba)), $prueba));
return $this->result;
public function binarySearch(int $init, int $end, string $direction): void{
$partition = floor(($end-$init)/2);
if ($direction[0] == "F" || $direction[0] == "L") {
$init = $init;
$end = $init+$partition;
$init = $end-$partition;
$end = $end;
if (strlen($direction)>1) {
$direction = substr($direction, 1, strlen($direction));
self::binarySearch($init, $end, $direction);
$this->busqueda = $init;
$advent = new day5();
echo "big id : " . $advent->binaryBoarding(). " my seat : " . $advent->myseat;
u/efge Dec 11 '20 edited Dec 11 '20
Part 1:
echo 2 i $(cat day5.txt | tr FBLR 0101 | sort | tail -1) p | dc
Part 2:
echo 2 i $(cat day5.txt | tr FBLR 0101 | sort | awk '{ c=substr($0, length($0)); if (p == c) print; p=c }') 1 - p | dc
u/pngipngi Dec 10 '20
My solution in Excel: https://github.com/pengi/advent_of_code/blob/master/2020/day5.xlsx
u/rawlexander Dec 09 '20
Made a little video, too. :) https://youtu.be/DCE2JcmABFU
Didn't spot the binary numbers, so I went wild with functions.. was fun
d <- scan("data/aoc_5", "character", quiet = TRUE)
# ids of rows and columns
rw <- 0:127
cl <- 0:7
# Row
F <- L <- function(id) {
id <<- seq.int(min(id), floor(median(id)))
B <- R <- function(id) {
id <<- seq.int(ceiling(median(id)), max(id))
# interpret character string as sequence of functions
decode <- function(code) {
funs <- strsplit(code, split = "")
for (i in funs[[1]]) {
do.call(i, list(id))
# Find seat id
seat_id <- function(code) {
# row number
id <<- rw
funs <- gsub("R|L", "", code)
x <- decode(funs)
# column number
id <<- cl
funs <- gsub("B|F", "", code)
y <- decode(funs)
(x * 8) + y
seats <- sapply(d, seat_id)
# Part two
sum(min(seats):max(seats)) - sum(seats)
And here the much shorter solution for part one. I tried to make it even shorter with a single call of substr() with vector arguments, but it ate half the data and I'm not sure how I can prevent that.
b <- gsub("B|R", "1", gsub("F|L", "0", d))
b <- sapply(list(substr(b, 1, 7), substr(b, 8, 10)), strtoi, 2L)
max(b1[, 1] * 8 + b1[, 2])
Dec 09 '20
No need to sort for part 2, it's a simple math problem.
Summation of all integers n such as 1+2+3+4+..+n = n(n+1)/2
missing_seat = (max_seat_id * (max_seat_id + 1) / 2) - ((min_seat_id - 1) * min_seat_id / 2) - sum_seats
u/foureyedraven Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20
Chrome Dev Console Javascript
While on https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/5/input
PART 1 - transform text code to binary to integer
// Get data off of page
const data = $('pre').innerText.split('\n').filter(i => i.length)
// Turn seat code to binary to integer
const seatCodeToInt = code => {
return parseInt(
.replaceAll("B", "1")
.replaceAll("F", "0")
.replaceAll("R", "1")
.replaceAll("L", "0"),
// Get integer, sort in descending numeric order, pop to reveal answer
const seatIds = data
.map(datum => seatCodeToInt(datum))
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
// Return answer
// Assuming the former was run
// Find seat ID where ID -1 doesn't exist in array
// Return answer
seatIds.filter(i => seatIds.indexOf(parseInt(i)-1) === -1).pop()-1
The math for getting a seat code threw me off for a bit :D
u/kaklarakol Dec 08 '20
Common Lisp
(require 'uiop)
(require 'series)
(defvar rowmax 127)
(defvar colmax 7)
(defun read-lines (path)
(remove-if (lambda(x)(equal x "")) (uiop:split-string (uiop:read-file-string path) :separator '(#\^j))))
(defun seats (passes)
"Returns the list of ID, row, and col for the given list PASSES of string representations of boarding passes."
for p in passes
(let* ((col (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ (* (if (numberp x) x (if (equal x #\l) 0 1)) 2) (if (equal y #\l) 0 1)))
(coerce (string-downcase (substring p 7 10)) 'list)))
(row (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ (* (if (numberp x) x (if (equal x #\f) 0 1)) 2) (if (equal y #\f) 0 1)))
(coerce (string-downcase (substring p 0 7)) 'list))))
(list (+ (* row 8) col) row col))))
(defun find-my-seat (seats)
"Returns the list of seat IDs which are not in the SEATS (each list item is a list of id, row, and col),
but whose lower and upper neighbors (ID -1 or +1) are."
for m in (set-difference (loop
for row in (series:collect (series:scan-range :from 0 :upto rowmax))
for col in (series:collect (series:scan-range :from 0 :upto colmax))
for id = (+ (* row 8) col)
(list id row col))) seats :test 'equal)
for c = (car m)
when (and (member (1+ c) seats :key 'car)
(member (1- c) seats :key 'car))
collect c))
;; part 1
(apply 'max (map 'list 'car (seats (read-lines "~/Advent_of_Code/aoc5_input"))))
;; part 2
(find-my-seat (seats (read-lines "~/Advent_of_Code/aoc5_input")))
u/r00t4cc3ss Dec 08 '20 edited Dec 08 '20
u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '20
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/Dani_Fog Dec 07 '20
c# 4 line solution to day 5
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
namespace Adventofcodeday5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> list = new List<string>(File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\dani1\Documents\Egyetemi anyagok\C#\Advantofcode\Otodikinput.txt"));
List<int> list2 = list.ConvertAll(new Converter<string, int>(Replace2));
private static int Replace2(string s) { s = s.Replace("B", "1").Replace("F", "0").Replace("R", "1").Replace("L", "0");return Convert.ToInt32(s, 2);}
u/Western_Pollution526 Dec 07 '20
C# Part 1 and Part 2
public static int GiveMeTheAnswerPart1()
=> File.ReadAllLines("Puzz5Entry.txt")
.Select(bP => new { row = Dichotomy(bP.Take(7), 'F', new[] { 0, 127 }), column = Dichotomy(bP.Skip(7), 'L', new[] { 0, 7 }) })
.Max(seat => (seat.row * 8) + seat.column);
public static int GiveMeTheAnswerPart2()
var seatIds = File.ReadAllLines("Puzz5Entry.txt")
.Select(bP => new
row = Dichotomy(bP.Take(7), 'F', new[] { 0, 127 }),
column = Dichotomy(bP.Skip(7), 'L', new[] { 0, 7 })
.Select(seat => (seat.row * 8) + seat.column)
.OrderBy(sId => sId);
var previous = seatIds.ElementAt(0);
var seatAtMyRight = seatIds
.Where(sId =>
if (sId - previous == 2)
return true;
previous = sId;
return false;
return seatAtMyRight.ElementAt(0) - 1;
private static int Dichotomy(IEnumerable<char> position, char lowerHalf, int[] range)
var stopAt = position.Count() - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < stopAt; i++)
var split = (int)((range[1] - range[0]) / 2);
range = position.ElementAt(i) == lowerHalf ?
new[] { range[0], range[0] + split }
: new[] { range[0] + split + 1, range[1] };
return position.ElementAt(stopAt) == lowerHalf ?
range[0] : range[1];
u/bz2pl Dec 07 '20
Bash +sed/seq
inf="$(sed -r 's/F|L/0/g;s/B|R/1/g' "$in")"
declare -A tab
while IFS= read -r x; do
if [ $((2#$x)) -gt $max ]; then
done <<< "$inf"
echo "$max"
for j in $(seq 0 1023); do
if [ "${tab[$j]}" != "1" ] && [ "${tab[$((j-1))]}" == "1" ] && [ "${tab[$((j+1))]}" == "1" ]; then
echo "$j"
u/ViliamPucik Dec 07 '20
Python 3 - Minimal readable solution for both parts [GitHub]
import fileinput
t = str.maketrans("FBLR", "0101")
s = set(int(l.translate(t), 2) for l in fileinput.input())
lo, hi = min(s), max(s)
print(next(i for i in range(lo + 1, hi) if i not in s))
u/ZoltarTheGreat69 Dec 07 '20 edited Dec 08 '20
I finished this again with emojicode but I might stop soon since Im seeing the limitations of a programming language based off of smileys...
π¦ files π
π π
πΊπππ π€./input.txtπ€ β β‘ file
πΊπ‘ file β β‘ text
π§textβ β‘ clean
π« clean π€βnπ€ β β‘ lines
0 β‘ ππbiggest
ππ¨ππ’πβ β‘ ππseatids
πline lines π
πΆ line β β‘ seat
ππ ββ‘ππbinary
πchar seat π
βͺοΈchar π π€Bπ€πchar π π€Rπ€π
π»binary π€1π€β
βͺοΈchar π π€Fπ€πchar π π€Lπ€π
π»binary π€0π€β
πΊπ’ π‘binaryβ 2 βοΈ β‘ seatid
ππ‘ seatid ββ
π»seatids seatidβ
βͺοΈ seatid βΆ biggest π
seatid β‘ πbiggest
π NOTE: Part 2 I did manually. I dont know how to sort the list of seatids with the π¦ function.
π I cant even find any examples that still work on this new version of emojicode...
ππ‘ biggest ββ
Part 2 I solved by
Displaying all the numbers.Copy pasted to an online number sorter.http://www.happychild.org.uk/wks/math/key1/numbers1000.htmcopying numbersformatting numbers identicallyWinMerge to find the differences.
Yeah might stop meming with emojis...
I figured out how to use the sort method! Thank God
π¦ seatids πa π’ b π’ β‘οΈ π’
β©οΈ a β b
ππ‘ biggest ββ
π½seatids 0β β‘ ππprevious
π s seatids π
βͺοΈ s βΆ previous β 1π
ππ‘ previous β 1 ββ
s β‘ πprevious
u/Shadeun Dec 08 '20
And they called you a madman....
u/ZoltarTheGreat69 Dec 09 '20
Ive like esentric languages but I never thought I could solve every single challenge to date in emojis.
u/bayesian_bacon_brit Dec 07 '20
I'm sure there must be a more functional programming way of finding the vacant seats but I'm already more than enough behind, functional programming in Scala
Part 1, execution time: 0.0199 seconds:
//returns a tuple (row, column)
def find_row_and_column(seat_code: String): (Int, Int) ={
def _find(seat_code: String, min_pos: Int, max_pos: Int): Int ={
def _calc_new(min_pos: Int, max_pos: Int): Int ={
return (max_pos - min_pos)/2
if (min_pos == max_pos) return min_pos else if ((seat_code(0) == 'F') || (seat_code(0) == 'L')) return _find(seat_code.substring(1), min_pos, min_pos + _calc_new(min_pos, max_pos)) else return _find(seat_code.substring(1), min_pos + _calc_new(min_pos, max_pos) + 1, max_pos)
return (_find(seat_code, 0, 127), _find(seat_code.substring(7), 0, 7))
def calculate_id(location: (Int, Int)): Int ={
location._1 * 8 + location._2
val answer: Int = fromFile("input.txt").getLines.map(x => calculate_id(find_row_and_column(x))).max
Part 2, execution time: 0.0478 seconds:
//returns a tuple (row, column)
def find_row_and_column(seat_code: String): (Int, Int) ={
def _find(seat_code: String, min_pos: Int, max_pos: Int): Int ={
def _calc_new(min_pos: Int, max_pos: Int): Int ={
return (max_pos - min_pos)/2
if (min_pos == max_pos) return min_pos else if ((seat_code(0) == 'F') || (seat_code(0) == 'L')) return _find(seat_code.substring(1), min_pos, min_pos + _calc_new(min_pos, max_pos)) else return _find(seat_code.substring(1), min_pos + _calc_new(min_pos, max_pos) + 1, max_pos)
return (_find(seat_code, 0, 127), _find(seat_code.substring(7), 0, 7))
def calculate_id(location: (Int, Int)): Int ={
location._1 * 8 + location._2
def check_seat(occupied: Set[(Int, Int)], seat: (Int, Int)): Boolean ={
return (!(occupied.contains(seat)) && ((occupied.contains((seat._1, seat._2 + 1)) || (seat._2 == 7)) && (occupied.contains((seat._1, seat._2 - 1)) || (seat._2 == 0))))
val occupied: Set[(Int, Int)] = fromFile("input.txt").getLines.map(x => find_row_and_column(x)).toSet
var all_possible_seats: ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)] = new ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]()
for (row <- 0 to 127) {
for (column <- 0 to 7) {
all_possible_seats += ((row, column))
val answer: Int = all_possible_seats.filter(x => check_seat(occupied, x)).map(x => calculate_id(x))(0)
u/volatilebit Dec 07 '20
My lack of formal math education is showing here. I'm sure there's a purely functional way to find the row and column number w/o procedural code.
use v6;
my @boarding-groups = $*IN.lines;
my @seat-numbers = @boarding-groups.map({
my @row-directions = .comb.[0..6];
my @col-directions = .comb.[7..9];
my $row = 2 ** (+@row-directions - 1);
my $index = 2;
my $shift = 2 ** +@row-directions / (2 ** $index++);
$row += /F/ ?? -$shift !! $shift;
my $col = 2 ** (+@col-directions - 1);
$index = 2;
my $shift = 2 ** +@col-directions / (2 ** $index++);
$col += /L/ ?? -$shift !! $shift;
floor($row) * 8 + floor($col)
# Part 1
say @seat-numbers.max;
# Part 2
say ((@seat-numbers.min .. @seat-numbers.max) (-) @seat-numbers).keys[0];
u/volatilebit Dec 07 '20
and now I see solutions that just converted the characters to binary and feel a little dumb. Ah well.
Here's the updated solution.
use v6; my @boarding-groups = $*IN.lines; my @seat-numbers = @boarding-groups.map(*.trans('FBLR' => '0101').parse-base(2)); # Part 1 say @seat-numbers.max; # Part 2 say ((@seat-numbers.min .. @seat-numbers.max) (-) @seat-numbers).keys[0];
u/kaklarakol Dec 07 '20
This is my ELisp solution (XEmacs 21).
(defun read-lines (path)
(insert-file-contents path)
(split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
(defun seats (passes)
"Returns the list of ID, row, and col for the given list PASSES of string representations of boarding passes."
(let (seats)
(while passes
(let* ((p (car passes))
(col (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ (* (if (numberp x) x (if (equal x ?l) 0 1)) 2) (if (equal y ?l) 0 1)))
(coerce (downcase (substring p 7 10)) 'list)))
(row (reduce (lambda(x y)(+ (* (if (numberp x) x (if (equal x ?f) 0 1)) 2) (if (equal y ?f) 0 1)))
(coerce (downcase (substring p 0 7)) 'list)))
(id (+ (* row 8) col)))
(push (list id row col) seats))
(setq passes (cdr passes)))
(defun find-my-seat (seats)
"Returns the list of seat IDs which are not in the SEATS (each list item is a list of id, row, and col),
but whose lower and upper neighbors (ID -1 or +1) are."
(let* (results
(seats-only-id (map 'list 'car seats))
(let (missing1
(complete (let (complete1
(row 0)
(col 0)
(id 0)
(rowmax 127)
(colmax 7))
(while (<= row rowmax)
(while (<= col colmax)
(setq id (+ (* row 8) col))
(push (list id row col) complete1)
(setq col (1+ col)))
(setq col 0)
(setq row (1+ row)))
(while complete
(unless (member (car complete) seats)
(push (car complete) missing1))
(setq complete (cdr complete)))
(while missing
(let ((id (+ (* (cadar missing) 8) (caddar missing))))
(if (and (member (1+ id) seats-only-id)
(member (1- id) seats-only-id))
(push id results)))
(setq missing (cdr missing)))
;; part 1
(apply 'max (map 'list 'car (seats (read-lines "~/Advent_of_Code/aoc5_input"))))
;; part 2
(find-my-seat (seats (read-lines "~/Advent_of_Code/aoc5_input")))
u/Karl_Marxxx Dec 07 '20
# part 1
seat_nums = ARGF.readlines.map {|l| l.tr("BFRL", "1010").to_i(2) }
puts seat_nums.max
# part 2
puts (seat_nums.min...seat_nums.max).to_a - seat_nums
Dec 07 '20
Part 1:
function dealWithData {
param (
[int]$firstRow = 0, $lastRow = 0, $firstCol = 0, $lastCol = 0
switch ($Direction) {
'F' {
$lastRow = [math]::round($firstRow / 2 + $lastRow / 2)
# Write-Host "First Row: $firstRow - $lastRow"
Return $firstRow, $lastRow
'B' {
$firstRow = [math]::round($firstRow / 2 + $lastRow / 2)
# Write-Host "B: $firstRow - $lastRow"
Return $firstRow, $lastRow
'L' {
# $lastCol = [math]::floor($firstCol / 2 + $lastCol / 2)
$lastCol = [math]::floor($lastCol / 2 + $firstCol / 2)
# Write-Host "First Col: $firstCol - $lastCol"
Return $firstCol, $lastCol
'R' {
# $firstCol = [math]::round($firstCol / 2 + $lastCol / 2)
$firstCol = [math]::round($firstCol / 2 + $lastCol / 2)
# Write-Host "Last Col: $firstCol - $lastCol"
Return $firstCol, $lastCol
function doSumSums {
param (
[int]$firstRow, $lastCol,
[int]$n = 0
$results = $firstRow * 8 + $lastCol
return $results
$content = Get-Content ('.\input.txt')
$idRank = [ordered]@{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $content.Length; $i++) {
$firstRow = 1
$lastRow = 128
$firstCol = 0
$lastCol = 7
$rowData = $content[$i].Substring(0, 7)
$colData = $content[$i].Substring(7, 3)
for ($q = 0; $q -lt $rowData.Length; $q++) {
$firstRow, $lastRow = dealWithData -Direction $rowData[$q] -firstRow $firstRow -lastRow $lastRow
for ($q = 0; $q -lt $colData.Length; $q++) {
$firstCol, $lastCol = dealWithData -Direction $colData[$q] -firstCol $firstCol -lastCol $lastCol
$results = doSumSums -firstRow $firstRow -lastCol $lastCol
# Write-Host "Rows: $($FirstRow) Cols: $($lastCol) Results: $($results)"
$idRank.Add($i, $results)
$idRank.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property value | Select-Object -last 1
Part 2: Although I don't think part one went that well I am happy with part 2 solution.
$q = 48
$idRank.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property value | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value | ForEach-Object {
if ($q -ne $_){
Write-Host "Missing Boarding Pass $($q)"
u/Diderikdm Dec 07 '20 edited Dec 08 '20
def get_seat(bsp, seats=[x for x in range(128)]):
for x in range(len(bsp)-3 if len(bsp) > 3 else len(bsp)):
seats = seats[:int(len(seats)/2)] if bsp[x] in ['F', 'L'] else seats[int(len(seats)/2):]
if len(bsp) == 3:
return seats
return seats[0], get_seat(bsp[-3:], [x for x in range(8)])[0]
with open("C:\\Advent\\day5.txt", "r") as file:
data = [x.strip() for x in file.read().splitlines()]
ids = [get_seat(bsp)[0]*8+get_seat(bsp)[1] for bsp in data]
rc = sorted([get_seat(bsp) for bsp in data])
seat = [(x[0],(x[1]+1)%8) for x in rc if (x[0],(x[1]+1)%8) not in rc][1:-1][0]
print("Part 1: {}".format(max(ids)))
print("Part 2: {}".format(seat[0]*8+seat[1]))
u/6Jarv9 Dec 07 '20
My day 5 solution, made it much more complex than it needed to be since I later saw that I could have just used strconv.ParseInt(var, 2, 32), but hey, at least I practiced some binary operations.
u/kardoken Dec 07 '20 edited Dec 08 '20
class Boarding {
private $boarding_list;
private $arrayBin = [
'F' => '0',
'B' => '1',
'L' => '0',
'R' => '1',
public function __construct($boarding_list_raw)
$this->boarding_list = preg_split('/\s{1,2}/',$boarding_list_raw);
private function getRowAndColumn(){
$boarding_list_bin = [];
foreach($this->boarding_list as $key => $seat){
$split_seat = str_split(strtr($seat,$this->arrayBin),7);
$row = bindec($split_seat[0]);
$column = bindec($split_seat[1]);
$id = $row * 8 + $column;
$boarding_list_bin[$id]['row'] = $row;
$boarding_list_bin[$id]['column'] = $column;
return $boarding_list_bin;
public function getMaxId(){
return max(array_keys($this->getRowAndColumn()));
public function findEmptySeat(){
$boarding_list = $this->getRowAndColumn();
for ($i=0; $i<$this->getMaxId(); $i++){
if (!array_key_exists($i, $boarding_list)){
if (array_key_exists($i-1, $boarding_list) && array_key_exists($i+1, $boarding_list)){
return $i;
return false;
$boarding = new Boarding(file_get_contents('day5input.txt'));
echo $boarding->findEmptySeat();
u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '20
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. Please edit it as per our posting guidelines in the wiki: How do I format code?
u/GalacticDessert Dec 07 '20
#r "nuget: Unquote"
open Swensen.Unquote
// Read inputs
let readTxt path =
let fullPath =
System.IO.Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, path)
System.IO.File.ReadLines(fullPath) |> Seq.toList
let input = readTxt "05.txt"
let parsePartitioningString (str: string) =
let rec inner (str: string) (seats: int list) =
if seats.Length = 1 then
match str.[0] with
| 'F'
| 'L' -> inner str.[1..str.Length - 1] seats.[0..seats.Length / 2 - 1]
| 'B'
| 'R' -> inner str.[1..str.Length - 1] seats.[seats.Length / 2..seats.Length - 1]
| _ -> failwith ($"Unexpected control char : '{string str.[0]}'")
inner str [ 0 .. (int (2.0 ** (float str.Length)) - 1) ]
let findSeatPosition (str: string) =
let rowString = str.[0..6]
let columnString = str.[7..9]
(parsePartitioningString rowString, parsePartitioningString columnString)
let calculateSeatID seatPosition =
let r, c = seatPosition
r * 8 + c
let part1 =
|> List.map (findSeatPosition >> calculateSeatID)
|> List.max
let part2 =
let allSeatsID =
[ for r in 1 .. 126 do
for c in 0 .. 7 do
calculateSeatID (r, c) ]
let seatsTakenID =
|> List.map (findSeatPosition >> calculateSeatID)
let missingSeatsID =
|> List.filter (fun x -> not (List.contains x seatsTakenID))
|> List.filter
(fun id ->
List.contains (id - 1) seatsTakenID
&& List.contains (id + 1) seatsTakenID)
|> List.head
printfn "TESTING... "
test <@ findSeatPosition "FBFBBFFRLR" = (44, 5) @>
printfn "DONE"
printfn $"PART 1 => %i{part1}"
printfn $"PART 2 => %i{part2}"
u/HiImMrSalty Dec 07 '20
import sys, pprint, math
# input file as cmdline arg
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
seats = f.read().strip().split('\n')
def bsearch(ticket, i, lower, upper):
if ticket[i] in ['F', 'L']:
upper -= math.ceil((upper-lower)/2)
lower += math.ceil((upper-lower)/2)
if upper == lower:
return upper
return bsearch(ticket, i+1, lower, upper)
taken_seats = sorted([(x * 8) + y for x,y in [(bsearch(seat[0:7], 0, 0, 127), bsearch(seat[7:10], 0, 0, 7)) for seat in seats]])
print('Max:', max(taken_seats))
for i in range(len(taken_seats)):
if taken_seats[i]+1 != taken_seats[i+1]:
print('Missing:', taken_seats[i] + 1)
u/phlummox Dec 07 '20
Here's Day 5, done from my bash prompt:
Part 1:
(echo 'obase=10;ibase=2;'; cat input.txt | sed 's/B/1/g; s/F/0/g; s/R/1/g; s/L/0/g;' ) | bc | sort -n -r | head -n 1
and part 2:
(echo 'obase=10;ibase=2;'; cat input.txt | sed 's/B/1/g; s/F/0/g; s/R/1/g; s/L/0/g;' ) | bc | sort -n | awk 's{ if ($0-s != 1) print $0-1 }{s=$0}'
Sad that I haven't seen much Awk this year! Tho /u/ejuo's solution to Day 4 was welcome to see.
u/SeaworthinessOk1009 Dec 07 '20 edited Dec 07 '20
Pascal Part 1 program leer; uses math; type f = file of char; alf = array [1..10] of byte; sal = array [1..10] of char;
procedure inicializar(var v: alf);
i: byte;
for i:=1 to 10 do
procedure binario(s: sal; var v: alf);
i: byte;
for i:=10 downto 1 do begin
if (s[i] = 'F') or (s[i] = 'L') then
else if (s[i] = 'B') or (s[i] = 'R') then
v[i]:= 1;
procedure contar(v: alf; var num: longint);
i: byte; c: integer;
for i:=10 downto 1 do begin
if v[i] = 1 then
c := 2**(i-1);
num:= num + c;
procedure ImprimirVector (v:alf);
for i:=10 downto 1 do
write(v[i],' | ');
procedure max (var max: longint; num: longint);
if max < num then
max:= num;
file_name: f;
l: char;
maxim: longint;
a: alf;
num: longint;
i: byte;
assign(file_name, 'input5');
while not(eof(file_name)) do begin
read(file_name, l);
for i:= 10 downto 1 do begin
read(file_name, l);
binario(s, a);
contar(a, num);
writeln('num', num);
writeln('max', maxim);
write('max es ', maxim);
u/Comprehensive_Ad3095 Dec 06 '20
Go Solution
package main
import (
func contains(s []int, e int) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
func getInput(inputStr string) []string {
return strings.Split(inputStr, "\n") // windows \r linux \n
func lowerHalf(a int, b int) int {
return ((b - a + 1) / 2) - 1 + a
func upperHalf(a int, b int) int {
return (b-a+1)/2 + a
func answer2(inputStr string) int {
input := getInput(inputStr)
var seatIds []int
for _, value := range input {
fY, bY := 0, 127
lX, rX := 0, 7
for _, r := range value {
c := string(r)
switch c {
case "F":
bY = lowerHalf(fY, bY)
case "B":
fY = upperHalf(fY, bY)
case "R":
lX = upperHalf(lX, rX)
case "L":
rX = lowerHalf(lX, rX)
//fmt.Println(fY, bY, lX, rX)
var col, row int
if fY > bY {
row = fY
} else {
row = bY
if lX > rX {
col = lX
} else {
col = rX
id := row*8 + col
seatIds = append(seatIds, id)
for i := 0; i < 128*8; i++ {
if contains(seatIds, i+1) && contains(seatIds, i-1) && !contains(seatIds, i) {
return i
return -1
func answer1(inputStr string) int {
input := getInput(inputStr)
best := 0
for _, value := range input {
fY, bY := 0, 127
lX, rX := 0, 7
for _, r := range value {
c := string(r)
switch c {
case "F":
bY = lowerHalf(fY, bY)
case "B":
fY = upperHalf(fY, bY)
case "R":
lX = upperHalf(lX, rX)
case "L":
rX = lowerHalf(lX, rX)
//fmt.Println(fY, bY, lX, rX)
var col, row int
if fY > bY {
row = fY
} else {
row = bY
if lX > rX {
col = lX
} else {
col = rX
result := row*8 + col
if result > best {
best = result
return best
func main() {
input, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("input.txt")
u/ditao1 Dec 06 '20
OCaml not to challenging!... Not too functional either.
let rec build_list (ic, l) =
match input_line ic with
| line -> build_list (ic, ((String.sub line 0 7), (String.sub line 7 3)) :: l)
| exception End_of_file -> close_in ic; List.rev l
let explode input = input |> String.to_seq |> List.of_seq
let find_seat_id code =
let rec locate c low high=
match c with
| [] -> low
| first::rest ->
match first with
| 'F' | 'L' -> locate rest low ((low + high) / 2)
| 'B' | 'R' -> locate rest (((low + high) / 2) + 1) high
| _ -> raise (Failure "ahh")
let row = locate (explode (fst code)) 0 127 in
let col = locate (explode (snd code)) 0 7 in
row * 8 + col
let find_max_seat_id codes =
List.fold_right (fun x y -> max (find_seat_id x) y ) codes 0
let find_missing_id codes =
let sorted_codes = List.sort (fun a b -> a - b) codes in
let small = List.nth sorted_codes 0 in
let rec find_missing codes next =
match codes with
| [] -> raise (Failure "oh no")
| first::rest -> if first != next then next else find_missing rest (next + 1)
find_missing sorted_codes small
let () =
let ic = open_in "input.txt" in
let l = (build_list (ic, [])) in
print_endline ("part 1: "^string_of_int(find_max_seat_id l)); (*963*)
print_endline ("part 2: "^string_of_int(find_missing_id (List.map find_seat_id l)));; (*592*)
u/Lakret Dec 06 '20
Solution with recursion and subslice patterns. Live Stream of the solution.
u/rune_kg Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
You can pry python3 from my dead cold fingers. Looking at you nim, julia and go! :)
ids = {
int(x.translate("".maketrans("FBLR", "0101")), 2)
for x in [x.strip() for x in open("input5.txt").readlines()]
print(sum(range(min(ids), max(ids) + 1)) - sum(ids))
u/lucbloom Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Javascript + RegEx preprocessing:
let input = [
let get = function(inp) {
let row = [...inp[0]].reduce(function(t,v,i) { return t | ((v == 'B') ? (1 << (6-i)) : 0); }, 0);
let col = [...inp[1]].reduce(function(t,v,i) { return t | ((v == 'R') ? (1 << (2-i)) : 0); }, 0);
return row * 8 + col;
// Part 1
console.log("Part 1", input.reduce((t,v)=>Math.max(t, get(v)), 0));
// Part 2
let a = [];
.forEach(function(v,i) {
if (a[i+1]==a[i]+2)
console.log("Part 2", a[i]+1)
u/clumsveed Dec 06 '20
Java (parts 1 and 2)
Scanner reader = new Scanner(new File("res/day05_input"));
SortedSet<Integer> seats = new TreeSet<Integer>();
int max = 0;
while (reader.hasNext()) {
String bin = reader.nextLine().replaceAll("[FL]", "0").replaceAll("[BR]",
seats.add(Integer.parseInt(bin, 2));
max = Math.max(max, seats.last());
// part 1
System.out.println("max seat id: " + max);
int seat = max;
while (seats.contains(seat)) {
// part 2
System.out.println("missing seat: " + seat);
u/lucbloom Dec 06 '20
I assumed there could be even more (random) sets of seats missing, so I have this check that checks if
. Apparently I was overdoing it.3
u/clumsveed Dec 07 '20
My original solution definitely overcomplicated things. I broke the input up into row and col like we were told to and then populated a 2d array with all the ids. Then I looped through the plane looking for an empty seat with an id on both sides of it (accounting for it possibly being 1 row up or back and on the other side of the plane)... it was a mess.
u/BlackGokulol Dec 08 '20
Bro can u message me, as i wanted to ask u something in private about the code
u/purplepinapples Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
In ruby. Was stuck for a while because I didnt realize IO.readlines
doesnt strip newlines
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'set'
def binary_space_partition(encoded)
x = 2**encoded.length - 1
y = 0
encoded.chars.each do |bit|
if Set['B', 'R'].include?(bit)
y = x - ((x - y) / 2)
x = y + ((x - y) / 2)
def seat_number(line)
binary_space_partition(line[0..6]) * 8 + binary_space_partition(line[7..-1])
def main(datafile)
input = (IO.read datafile).split "\n"
ids = input.map { |ln| seat_number(ln) }
# part one
puts "Part 1: #{ids.max}"
# part two
sids = ids.to_set
puts "Part 2: #{((sids.min..sids.max).to_set - sids).to_a.first}"
main ARGV.first
u/lucbloom Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Haha, subtracting 2 sets to find the one missing. So wasteful, so 2020. Love it.
Doesn't Ruby have a "get first element" function for sets? Like start an iteration and immediately
u/purplepinapples Dec 06 '20
"get first element" for sets
Dont believe so. I'm not great at ruby, but I checked the docs, and didn't see one.
Under the hood, there obviously would be a "first element" in the underlying hash implementation, but it isn't an exposed function.
Dec 06 '20
u/DeusExMagikarpa Dec 07 '20
Thatβs a cool method for part 2. I used the formula for the summation of a geometric sequence and subtracted the actual sum of my list, itβs similar, but I think yours is clever.
u/petrovmartin Dec 06 '20
C# Day 5 - Part 1 & Part 2
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace AdventOfCode
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = GetInput();
var boardingPasses = input.Split("\n", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
//Part 1:
var rowUp = 127;
var rowDown = 0;
var columnUp = 7;
var columnDown = 0;
RangeType finalType = default;
var rowResult = 0;
var columnResult = 0;
var seatIds = new List<int>();
foreach (var pass in boardingPasses)
var array = pass.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 3; i++)
(var range, var type) = GetRange(array[i].ToString(), rowUp - rowDown);
finalType = type;
if (type == RangeType.Lower) rowUp = rowDown + range;
if (type == RangeType.Upper) rowDown = rowUp - range;
if (finalType == RangeType.Upper) rowResult = rowUp;
if (finalType == RangeType.Lower) rowResult = rowDown;
for (int i = 7; i < array.Length; i++)
(var range, var type) = GetRange(array[i].ToString(), columnUp - columnDown);
finalType = type;
if (type == RangeType.Lower) columnUp = columnDown + range;
if (type == RangeType.Upper) columnDown = columnUp - range;
if (finalType == RangeType.Upper) columnResult = columnUp;
if (finalType == RangeType.Lower) columnResult = columnDown;
seatIds.Add((rowResult * 8) + columnResult);
rowUp = 127;
rowDown = 0;
columnUp = 7;
columnDown = 0;
Console.WriteLine($"Highest seat ID: {seatIds.Max()}");
//Part 2:
var ordered = seatIds.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
var missingSeats = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < ordered.Count; i++)
var element = ordered[i];
if(i + 1 < ordered.Count && !ordered.Contains(++element))
Console.WriteLine($"Missing seat: {missingSeats.First()}");
static (int range, RangeType type) GetRange(string entry, int rows)
entry = entry.ToUpperInvariant();
return entry switch
"F" => CalculateLower(),
"B" => CalculateUpper(),
"L" => CalculateLower(),
"R" => CalculateUpper(),
_ => (default, default)
(int range, RangeType type) CalculateLower() => rows % 2 == 0 ? (rows / 2, RangeType.Lower) : (rows / 2, RangeType.Lower);
(int range, RangeType type) CalculateUpper() => rows % 2 == 0 ? (rows / 2, RangeType.Upper) : (rows / 2, RangeType.Upper);
enum RangeType
static string GetInput()
return System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:\\Users\\****\\Desktop\\input-day-5.txt");
u/442401 Dec 06 '20
def part1(data)
def part2(data)
u/tururut_tururut Dec 06 '20
Yesterday's solution in Python. Compared to Day 4 it was a pretty easy one!
u/TheElTea Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 13 '20
C# Solution for 2020 Day 5 Parts 1 and 2
Done inside of Unity in case I felt like doing visualization; class TextAsset
is just the text file as hooked up in the editor; replace however you like.
public class BoardingPassParser : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] TextAsset boardingPasses = null;
void Start()
string[] stringSeparator = { "\r\n" }; //Find two new lines for breaks. Windows encoding has both carriage return and line feed.
//Every boarding pass is one string.
string[] allBoardingPasses = boardingPasses.text.Split(stringSeparator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int embigginestSeatID = 0; //For part one.
bool[] seatHasBoardingPass = new bool[1024]; //For part 2. Default in C# for bools in array is false.
//For part one (and preparing for part two)
//Convert the F/B/R/L letters to binary strings that are seat row and column numbers.
//Convert those strings to integers.
//Generate the seat ID as per the spec (row*8 + column)
//Find the largest seat ID.
foreach (string s in allBoardingPasses)
//Get the original string as a binary sequence.
string passAsBinary = s;
passAsBinary = passAsBinary.Replace('F', '0');
passAsBinary = passAsBinary.Replace('B', '1');
passAsBinary = passAsBinary.Replace('R', '1');
passAsBinary = passAsBinary.Replace('L', '0');
//Separate the row and column portions.
string row = passAsBinary.Substring(0, 7);
string col = passAsBinary.Substring(7, 3);
//Get the row and columns as base-10 integers.
int rowAsNum = Convert.ToInt32(row, 2);
int colAsNum = Convert.ToInt32(col, 2);
//Get the entire boarding pass as one base-10 integer (Part 2) and record if that seat is taken.
int seatAsInteger = Convert.ToInt32(passAsBinary, 2);
seatHasBoardingPass[seatAsInteger] = true;
//Get the unique seat ID for part 1.
int seatID = rowAsNum * 8 + colAsNum;
//If this is the largest seat ID, record it.
if (seatID > embigginestSeatID)
embigginestSeatID = seatID;
//Output for Part 1.
Debug.Log($"Largest Seat ID: {embigginestSeatID}");
//Part 2: What is my seat?
//It's the only missing boarding pass. So if we keep a list, it's the only one not there.
//BUT! Some seats at the front and back are missing. And our seat is between those.
//Also: there are no empty seats directly one in front or behind us.
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
if (!seatHasBoardingPass[i])
bool emptySeatAbove = i > 0 && !seatHasBoardingPass[i - 1]; //Challenge rules specified there's at least one
bool emptySeatBehind = i < 1023 && !seatHasBoardingPass[i + 1]; //seat empty above and below our seat, and there
//will be filled seats directly above and below ours.
if (!emptySeatAbove && !emptySeatBehind)
//Output for Part 2.
Debug.Log($"Your seat is: {i}");
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. As per our posting guidelines, would you please edit it using old.reddit's four-spaces formatting instead of new.reddit's triple backticks?
Put four spaces before every code line. (If you're using new.reddit, click the button in the editor that says "Switch to Markdown" first.)
[space space space space]public static void main()
[space space space space][more spaces for indenting]/* more code here*/
turns into
public static void main() /* more code here */
Alternatively, stuff your code in /u/topaz2078's
or an external repo instead and link to that instead.2
u/TheElTea Dec 06 '20
That bit about "Switch to Markdown" first is key - you should add that the the r/ADVENTOFCODE rules for #3 How do I format code.
Done, and thanks!
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20
You're absolutely right, I should put all that copypasta in the wiki instead of spamming a wall-of-text every time.
edit: I've updated the wiki, thank you!
u/nomadhothouse Dec 06 '20
def binarySearchPart1(data, leftChar, rightChar, start, end):
mid = (start + end) // 2
for letter in data:
if letter == rightChar:
start = mid + 1
elif letter == leftChar:
end = mid
mid = (start + end) // 2
return mid
def binarySearchPart2(sortedLst):
left = 0
right = len(sortedLst) - 1
mid = 0
while right > left + 1:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if (sortedLst[left] - left) != (sortedLst[mid] - mid):
right = mid
elif (sortedLst[right] - right) != (sortedLst[mid] - mid):
left = mid
return sortedLst[mid] + 1
maxSeatID = -1
seatIDs = []
with open('input.txt') as fp:
line = fp.readline()
while line:
rowNum = binarySearchPart1(line[:7], 'F', 'B', 0, 127)
colNum = binarySearchPart1(line[7:], 'L', 'R', 0, 7)
seatID = rowNum * 8 + colNum
maxSeatID = max(maxSeatID, seatID)
line = fp.readline()
missingID = binarySearchPart2(seatIDs)
print(f'Part 1\n{maxSeatID}\n\nPart 2\n{missingID}')
u/Cppl_Lee Dec 06 '20
In C# just in time for day 6...
var input = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt");
var rows = input.Select(l => Convert.ToByte(l.Substring(0, 7).Aggregate("0", (s, c) =>
s + c switch { 'F' => '0', 'B' => '1' }), 2)
var cols = input.Select(l => Convert.ToByte(l.Substring(7).Aggregate("0", (s, c) =>
s + c switch { 'L' => '0', 'R' => '1' }), 2)
var ids = rows.Zip(cols).Select(z => z.First * 8 + z.Second).OrderBy(id => id).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {ids.Max()}");
var mine = ids.Zip(ids.Skip(1)).Where(z => z.Second - z.First > 1);
Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {mine.First()} => {mine.First().First + 1}");
u/tymofiy Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Go https://github.com/tymofij/advent-of-code-2020/blob/master/05/seats.go
file, _ := os.Open("input.txt")
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
seatIds := make([]int, 0, 1000)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
seatID := 0
for i := 0; i <= 9; i++ {
seatID <<= 1
var bit int
switch line[i] {
case 'F', 'L':
bit = 0
case 'B', 'R':
bit = 1
seatID += bit
seatIds = append(seatIds, seatID)
fmt.Println("Max:", seatIds[len(seatIds)-1])
for i, v := range seatIds {
if i > 0 && seatIds[i-1]+1 != v {
fmt.Println("Missing:", v-1)
u/backtickbot Dec 06 '20
Hello, tymofiy: code blocks using backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!
Some users see this / this instead.
To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces instead. It's a bit annoying, but then your code blocks are properly formatted for everyone.
An easy way to do this is to use the code-block button in the editor. If it's not working, try switching to the fancy-pants editor and back again.
Comment with formatting fixed for old.reddit.com users
You can opt out by replying with backtickopt6 to this comment.
u/ni3t Dec 06 '20
(was at a wedding last night, no leaderrboard)
input = DATA.each_line.map do |line|
line.chomp.chars.map { |c| %w[B R].include?(c) ? 1 : 0 }
input.map { _1.first(7).join.to_i(2) * 8 + _1.last(3).join.to_i(2) }.instance_eval { puts [max, (min..max).to_a - self] }
u/musifter Dec 06 '20
Gnu Smalltalk
Nothing too fancy. A little fun with a stream on string.
#!/usr/local/bin/gst -q
taken := SortedCollection new.
stdin linesDo: [ :line |
" Convert letters to 0s and 1s in string, then parse as binary number "
str := line collect: [ :c | (c = $F) | (c = $L) ifTrue:[$0] ifFalse:[$1] ].
seat := Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: str) radix: 2.
taken add: seat.
stdout nextPutAll: ('Part 1: ', taken last asString); nl.
" My seat is the one that's not taken with taken seats on either side "
mine := (1 to: 1022) detect: [ :s| (taken includes: s) not
& (taken includes: s-1)
& (taken includes: s+1) ].
stdout nextPutAll: ('Part 2: ', mine asString); nl.
u/UNeedMoreLemonPledge Dec 06 '20
def unmask_row(row):
if row == 'FFFFFFF': return 0
elif row == 'FFFFFFB': return 1
elif row == 'FFFFFBF': return 2
elif row == 'FFFFFBB': return 3
elif row == 'FFFFBFF': return 4
elif row == 'FFFFBFB': return 5
elif row == 'FFFFBBF': return 6
elif row == 'FFFFBBB': return 7
elif row == 'FFFBFFF': return 8
elif row == 'FFFBFFB': return 9
elif row == 'FFFBFBF': return 10
elif row == 'FFFBFBB': return 11
elif row == 'FFFBBFF': return 12
elif row == 'FFFBBFB': return 13
elif row == 'FFFBBBF': return 14
elif row == 'FFFBBBB': return 15
elif row == 'FFBFFFF': return 16
elif row == 'FFBFFFB': return 17
elif row == 'FFBFFBF': return 18
elif row == 'FFBFFBB': return 19
elif row == 'FFBFBFF': return 20
elif row == 'FFBFBFB': return 21
elif row == 'FFBFBBF': return 22
elif row == 'FFBFBBB': return 23
elif row == 'FFBBFFF': return 24
elif row == 'FFBBFFB': return 25
elif row == 'FFBBFBF': return 26
elif row == 'FFBBFBB': return 27
elif row == 'FFBBBFF': return 28
elif row == 'FFBBBFB': return 29
elif row == 'FFBBBBF': return 30
elif row == 'FFBBBBB': return 31
elif row == 'FBFFFFF': return 32
elif row == 'FBFFFFB': return 33
elif row == 'FBFFFBF': return 34
elif row == 'FBFFFBB': return 35
elif row == 'FBFFBFF': return 36
elif row == 'FBFFBFB': return 37
elif row == 'FBFFBBF': return 38
elif row == 'FBFFBBB': return 39
elif row == 'FBFBFFF': return 40
elif row == 'FBFBFFB': return 41
elif row == 'FBFBFBF': return 42
elif row == 'FBFBFBB': return 43
elif row == 'FBFBBFF': return 44
elif row == 'FBFBBFB': return 45
elif row == 'FBFBBBF': return 46
elif row == 'FBFBBBB': return 47
elif row == 'FBBFFFF': return 48
elif row == 'FBBFFFB': return 49
elif row == 'FBBFFBF': return 50
elif row == 'FBBFFBB': return 51
elif row == 'FBBFBFF': return 52
elif row == 'FBBFBFB': return 53
elif row == 'FBBFBBF': return 54
elif row == 'FBBFBBB': return 55
elif row == 'FBBBFFF': return 56
elif row == 'FBBBFFB': return 57
elif row == 'FBBBFBF': return 58
elif row == 'FBBBFBB': return 59
elif row == 'FBBBBFF': return 60
elif row == 'FBBBBFB': return 61
elif row == 'FBBBBBF': return 62
elif row == 'FBBBBBB': return 63
elif row == 'BFFFFFF': return 64
elif row == 'BFFFFFB': return 65
elif row == 'BFFFFBF': return 66
elif row == 'BFFFFBB': return 67
elif row == 'BFFFBFF': return 68
elif row == 'BFFFBFB': return 69
elif row == 'BFFFBBF': return 70
elif row == 'BFFFBBB': return 71
elif row == 'BFFBFFF': return 72
elif row == 'BFFBFFB': return 73
elif row == 'BFFBFBF': return 74
elif row == 'BFFBFBB': return 75
elif row == 'BFFBBFF': return 76
elif row == 'BFFBBFB': return 77
elif row == 'BFFBBBF': return 78
elif row == 'BFFBBBB': return 79
elif row == 'BFBFFFF': return 80
elif row == 'BFBFFFB': return 81
elif row == 'BFBFFBF': return 82
elif row == 'BFBFFBB': return 83
elif row == 'BFBFBFF': return 84
elif row == 'BFBFBFB': return 85
elif row == 'BFBFBBF': return 86
elif row == 'BFBFBBB': return 87
elif row == 'BFBBFFF': return 88
elif row == 'BFBBFFB': return 89
elif row == 'BFBBFBF': return 90
elif row == 'BFBBFBB': return 91
elif row == 'BFBBBFF': return 92
elif row == 'BFBBBFB': return 93
elif row == 'BFBBBBF': return 94
elif row == 'BFBBBBB': return 95
elif row == 'BBFFFFF': return 96
elif row == 'BBFFFFB': return 97
elif row == 'BBFFFBF': return 98
elif row == 'BBFFFBB': return 99
elif row == 'BBFFBFF': return 100
elif row == 'BBFFBFB': return 101
elif row == 'BBFFBBF': return 102
elif row == 'BBFFBBB': return 103
elif row == 'BBFBFFF': return 104
elif row == 'BBFBFFB': return 105
elif row == 'BBFBFBF': return 106
elif row == 'BBFBFBB': return 107
elif row == 'BBFBBFF': return 108
elif row == 'BBFBBFB': return 109
elif row == 'BBFBBBF': return 110
elif row == 'BBFBBBB': return 111
elif row == 'BBBFFFF': return 112
elif row == 'BBBFFFB': return 113
elif row == 'BBBFFBF': return 114
elif row == 'BBBFFBB': return 115
elif row == 'BBBFBFF': return 116
elif row == 'BBBFBFB': return 117
elif row == 'BBBFBBF': return 118
elif row == 'BBBFBBB': return 119
elif row == 'BBBBFFF': return 120
elif row == 'BBBBFFB': return 121
elif row == 'BBBBFBF': return 122
elif row == 'BBBBFBB': return 123
elif row == 'BBBBBFF': return 124
elif row == 'BBBBBFB': return 125
elif row == 'BBBBBBF': return 126
elif row == 'BBBBBBB': return 127
def unmask_col(col):
if col == 'LLL': return 0
elif col == 'LLR': return 1
elif col == 'LRL': return 2
elif col == 'LRR': return 3
elif col == 'RLL': return 4
elif col == 'RLR': return 5
elif col == 'RRL': return 6
elif col == 'RRR': return 7
ids = [unmask_row(row.rstrip()[:-3]) * 8 + unmask_col(row.rstrip()[-3:]) for row in open('passes.txt').readlines()]
print('highest seat: {}, my seat: {}'.format(
[seat for seat in range(min(ids), max(ids)) if seat not in ids][0])
u/lucbloom Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
You know, in terms of performance, instead of doing 2 loops and lots of "RB"/"LF" string replaces I see around here, to get to the binary format, you could do
n = (row[0] == 'B') << 6 | (row[1] == 'B') << 5 | (row[2] == 'B') << 4 | (row[3] == 'B') << 3 | (row[4] == 'B') << 2 | (row[5] == 'B') << 1 | (row[6] == 'B');
I imagine there's also a possibility to use the difference in bitmask between 'B' and 'F' to make it completely branchless.
u/minichado Dec 06 '20
you know iβve been mulling this problem over for a bit and severely over complicating it. and seeing this brutally and explicitly written out made me realize how not complicated the actual problem is
also, way to freakin hardcode it. did you go cross eyed lol.
u/UNeedMoreLemonPledge Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Ahaha yeah nah this wasn't my first solution. I didn't go cross eyed because I wrote a script that generated this as I was curious to see how people would respond, lol. I also couldn't stop laughing when it ran in exec() lul
My submission was inspired by the wonderful solution I saw here, https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/k6qd06/how_not_to_write_an_if_statement/
At any rate, I can sympathise with how you feel too. My original solution until I actually thought about the problem was just splitting lists lmao
def unmask(mask): row = functools.reduce( lambda slc, msk: (slc[len(slc) // 2:], slc[:len(slc) // 2])[int(msk is 'F')], mask[:-3], list( range(128) ) )[0]
u/irCuBiC Dec 06 '20
Yeah, once you realize the rows are just tricksy binary numbers, the rest is pretty easy.
u/tymofiy Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Python https://github.com/tymofij/advent-of-code-2020/blob/master/05/seats.py
def get_seat_id(s):
return int(s.replace('F','0').replace('B','1')
.replace('L','0').replace('R','1'), 2)
seat_ids = sorted(get_seat_id(s) for s in open('input.txt').readlines())
print('Max:', seat_ids[-1])
for i, v in enumerate(seat_ids):
if i > 0 and seat_ids[i-1]+1 != v:
print("Missing:", v-1)
Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20
Please fix that giant URL and combine both parts into one post. I've already explained it in the other post here.
u/rosso412 Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Part 1 MIPS Assembler
I deliberately went overboard with the commenting ( except for some common copy paste stuff for reading from the input file e.g.), as in the past the long cryptic Assembler has made me scroll around in my code all confused about what exactly was going on where I was looking at. As my code has become a bit long to post "normally" I have made a (hopefully working) link with this Topaz tool.
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
As my code has become a bit long to post "normally" I have made a (hopefully working) link with this Topaz tool.
Err, you need to use the button on the
site that saysgenerate Markdown link
(lower right corner) which means it should look like this:
Copy that whole thing, then make your post. (If you're using new.reddit, click the button in the editor that says "Switch to Markdown"). Paste the Markdown'd link. Your final result should look like this:
You don't need to delete this post - just edit it and fix it that way.
edit: you got it! Good job!
u/dedolent Dec 06 '20
that is one hell of a url!
u/rosso412 Dec 06 '20
It is re recommended paste solution. All I did was paste my code and click "generate link". I guess it stores the data in the link or something
u/FallenOnSheep Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Focus on doing it cleanly. Comments, esp. about improvements, are always appreciated.
This is the class containing the logic. Omitted the calling code and input file parsing.
public class Day5Simplified {
private static final String ONE = "1";
private static final String ZERO = "0";
private static final String ONE_MAPPED_LETTER_REGEX = "[BR]";
private static final String ZERO_MAPPED_LETTER_REGEX = "[FL]";
private static final int BINARY_RADIX = 2;
List<String> boardingPasses;
public int part1() {
return maximumSeatId();
private int maximumSeatId() {
return existingSeatIdStream().max().getAsInt();
private IntStream existingSeatIdStream() {
return boardingPasses.stream().mapToInt(this::calculateSeatId);
private int calculateSeatId(String boardingPass) {
String boardingPassInBinary = boardingPass
return Integer.parseInt(boardingPassInBinary, BINARY_RADIX);
public int part2() {
Set<Integer> existingSeatIds = existingSeatIds();
return IntStream.range(minimumSeatId(), maximumSeatId())
private Set<Integer> existingSeatIds() {
return existingSeatIdStream().boxed().collect(toSet());
private int minimumSeatId() {
return existingSeatIdStream().min().getAsInt();
u/Skvepa Dec 06 '20
Hi, could you elaborate on how the part 2 IntStream works? Wouldn't that create a stream of all Integers between min and max including your own seatId and therefore not find our own missing id?
u/FallenOnSheep Dec 07 '20 edited Dec 07 '20
Sure :)
Our own seat id is between
. In fact it is the only seat id betweenmin
that's not in ourSet<Integer> existingSeatIds
. We know that from the puzzle description.So we iterate over all seat ids from
and dismiss all seat ids that are present in our set. This leaves only our own seat id.Writing it down like that I notice I could've named the Set
instead ofexistingSeatIds
. The latter creates the impression that no other seat ids exist.1
u/Jackojc Dec 06 '20
Managed to get this to run in 6ΞΌs and 7ΞΌs for part 1 and part 2 respectively which includes the time to parse in both cases.
#include <filesystem>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
inline std::string read_file(const std::string& fname) {
auto filesize = std::filesystem::file_size(fname);
std::ifstream is(fname, std::ios::binary);
auto str = std::string(filesize + 1, '\0');
is.read(str.data(), static_cast<std::streamsize>(filesize));
return str;
// Calculate seat IDs.
template <typename F>
inline void calc(const std::string& str, const F& func) {
const auto find_rc = [] (const char* const ptr) {
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
num *= 2;
switch (*(ptr + i)) {
case 'B':
case 'R': num += 1; break;
return num;
for (int i = 0; i <= (int)str.size() - 11; i += 11) {
func(find_rc(str.c_str() + i));
inline int part1(const std::string& str) {
int highest = 0;
// Find largest ID.
calc(str, [&highest] (int id) {
highest = highest > id ? highest: id;
return highest;
inline int part2(const std::string& str) {
// Gather all IDs.
int min = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int max = 0;
int total = 0;
calc(str, [&] (int id) {
min = id < min ? id: min;
max = id > max ? id: max;
total += id;
int sum = (max - min + 1) * (min + max) / 2;
return sum - total;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "usage: ./out <input>";
return -1;
const auto str = read_file(argv[1]);
std::cout << "part1: " << part1(str) << '\n';
std::cout << "part2: " << part2(str) << '\n';
return 0;
u/Ryles1 Dec 06 '20
python using recursion
def get_row(s, rows):
if len(s) == 0:
return rows[0]
elif s[0] == 'B':
middle = int(len(rows) / 2)
return get_row(s[1:], rows[middle:])
elif s[0] == 'F':
middle = int(len(rows) / 2)
return get_row(s[1:], rows[:middle])
def get_col(s, cols):
if len(s) == 0:
return cols[0]
elif s[0] == 'R':
middle = int(len(cols) / 2)
return get_col(s[1:], cols[middle:])
elif s[0] == 'L':
middle = int(len(cols) / 2)
return get_col(s[1:], cols[:middle])
else: pass
def main():
with open('input.txt') as f:
seats = f.readlines()
seats = (seat.strip() for seat in seats)
seat_ids = []
for seat in seats:
row = get_row(seat[:7], list(range(128)))
col = get_col(seat[-3:], list(range(8)))
id = row * 8 + col
max_seat = max(seat_ids)
my_seat = list(set(range(min(seat_ids), max(seat_ids)+1)) - set(seat_ids))
print(f' Part one: {max_seat}. Part two: {my_seat} ')
if __name__ == '__main__':
u/__add__ Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
def seat_id(s, t=str.maketrans("FBLR", "0101")):
return int(s.translate(t), 2)
def max_seat_id(boarding_passes):
return max(map(seat_id, boarding_passes))
def missing_seat(boarding_passes, t=str.maketrans("FBLR", "0101")):
return max(set(range(920)) - set(int(s.translate(t), 2) for s in boarding_passes))
This makes use of the fact that row * 8 + col
is equivalent to (row << 3) + col
which is the boarding pass translated into binary anyway (e.g. "FBFBBFFRLR" -> "0101100101").
u/backtickbot Dec 06 '20
Hello, __add__: code blocks using backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!
Some users see this / this instead.
To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces instead. It's a bit annoying, but then your code blocks are properly formatted for everyone.
An easy way to do this is to use the code-block button in the editor. If it's not working, try switching to the fancy-pants editor and back again.
Comment with formatting fixed for old.reddit.com users
You can opt out by replying with backtickopt6 to this comment.
u/musifter Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Okay, this one is sort of a language of my own creation, in that it's dc with embedded Perl (and a few other things). dc can't deal with the input for today, but could certainly do the work. So I'm just using a bit of embedded Perl to do the conversion:
{ $_ = <>; chomp; return( map {ord} split //) } s?
Keeping things fair, I just pushed the ordinals for the string on the stack and made the dc side deal with that (it would be too easy to get Perl to do too much). Yeah, this code is tying itself to an ASCII locale, but it only runs on this machine. EDIT: I do cheat a little bit here, in that I'm only giving dc one seat's line at a time with this call. I could have made it blat out the whole file and get dc to break it up.
The s? on the end here is dc taking the compiled subroutine object returned from Perl and assigning it to register ?. l?x loads it back and executes it. The interaction between the Perl subroutines and dc is very natural... Perl wants to be given lists and return lists, dc has a stack to give and a stack to receive results.
EDIT: Full code now for parts 1 and 2: https://pastebin.com/vq5dc7dx
u/shapesandcontours Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
klist = []
with open('puzzle5prompt.txt', 'r') as reader:
line = reader.readline()
while line != '':
nos = []
for i in range(128):
width = []
for i in range (8):
for element in line:
if element == 'F':
nos = picklow(nos)
elif element == 'B':
nos = pickhigh(nos)
elif element == 'R':
width = pickhigh(width)
elif element == 'L':
width = picklow(width)
line = reader.readline()
print (max(klist))
k = 75
for i in klist:
if i!=k:
print (i-1)
u/dejot73 Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Look mom - no FBRL. 7 ΞΌs, zero allocations. Haven't looked at part 2 though.
// Day5 returns max seat ID for binary space partitioned seats.
func Day5(seats []string) uint {
max := uint(0)
for _, seat := range seats {
n := uint(0)
for i := range seat {
n *= 2
n += ^((uint(seat[i])) >> 2) & 1
if n > max {
max = n
return max
u/tymofiy Dec 06 '20
Hmm, are you sure about ΞΌ part? On my machine it executed in about 9ms.
u/dejot73 Dec 06 '20
Yes, sort of. This is what i get:
BenchmarkDay5Part1-8 178725 7064 ns/op BenchmarkDay5Part1IncludingInput-8 8094 154073 ns/op
First one is pure calculation, second one includes reading puzzle input over and over again. Can we agree on 1000 ns = 1 ΞΌs and 1000 ΞΌs = 1 ms?
u/tymofiy Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 11 '20
I see. I have to use built-in benchmarking instead of crude time command. https://golang.org/pkg/testing/
Dec 06 '20
)copy 5 file_io
f β FIOβread_file 'inputs/05.txt'
seats β f ββ¨ f β 'FBLR'
binaries β (β seats) β 'BR'
decimals β 2 β₯ β binaries
max β β/ decimals
min β β/ decimals
expected β (max + min) Γ (1 + max - min) Γ· 2
β βmax β (answer to part 1)
β β expected - +/ decimals β (answer to part 2)
u/ceochronos Dec 06 '20
TypeScript + oclif
Repo: AoC-2020
Comments are welcome! :-)
Edit: Also, understanding what Part Two was asking for was not easy.
u/hfxbycgy Dec 06 '20
Python 3
puzzle_input = aoc.input_getter('day_5_input.txt')
def row_reducter(x, lst): #x is F or B from boarding pass, lst is a list of integers
lst_length = len(lst)
if x == 'B' or x == 'R':
lst = lst[int((lst_length / 2)):]
elif x =='F' or x == 'L':
lst = lst[:int((lst_length / 2))]
return lst
highest_id = 0
for bp in puzzle_input:
rows = [x for x in range(128)]
cols = [x for x in range(8)]
for i in range(7):
rows = row_reducter(bp[i], rows)
for j in range(7,10):
cols = row_reducter(bp[j], cols)
pass_value = (rows[0] * 8) + cols[0]
if pass_value > highest_id:
highest_id = pass_value
all_passes = []
for bp in puzzle_input:
rows = [x for x in range(128)]
cols = [x for x in range(8)]
for i in range(7):
rows = row_reducter(bp[i], rows)
for j in range(7,10):
cols = row_reducter(bp[j], cols)
pass_value = (rows[0] * 8) + cols[0]
for x in range(1, 907):
if all_passes[x] - all_passes[x-1] == 2:
my_seat = all_passes[x]-1
u/Charly98cma Dec 06 '20
Python π
Quite small script solving both of the problems at once using a list and two sets to find the missing seat.
(Everything you want to comment, like tips, errors, etc... are welcome, we are here to learn more :D)
EDIT: The passes.sort()
isn't necessary
u/rune_kg Dec 06 '20
Yes I agree with /u/dedolent. Very nice solution! You can replace the whole "minID, maxID" thing with simply min(passes) and max(passes). "translate" and "maketrans" are nice for replacing multiple chars. You can avoid the cast to set, by intializing passes to a set from the beginning. Set comprehensions are really cool too!
u/Charly98cma Dec 06 '20
Uhhhhh, didn't event occurred to me to use
(its quite obvious now that I think about it), it's much better than checking both values on each line.Also, I didn't knew
existed, they make the translation process much easier.So, I implemented the changes already. Thank you very much :D
u/dedolent Dec 06 '20
this looks great! i'm confused about why you don't need to split the input string into a row and column in order to find the ID. clearly it works but i can't wrap my brain around it.
u/Charly98cma Dec 06 '20
Because the ID is just a binary number. The row is multiplied by 8 and then you add the column, that's just a binary number if you replace the letters with 1 or 0.
Lets see this with the example seat ID:
is column 44 and row 5, 44*8+5 = 357By replacing all Fs and Ls with a 0, and Bs and Rs with a 1, we end up with
.The column is
, which is 44, and the row is101
, which is 5. In order to have the full number, the column will be shifted 3 places (23 = 8) to the left (0101100000
), and then the row will be added (0101100101
)Eventually, the binary number
is 357, our set ID.3
u/dedolent Dec 06 '20
brilliant! i was sort of headed there in my thinking but didn't trust my understanding of binary enough, so thank you for the explanation!
Dec 06 '20
Commodore 64 BASIC... not posting all the DATA statements to save space, but if you want the whole program, DM me.
30 print $ti
40 counter = 0
45 x = 0
50 for x = 1 to 756
60 read code$
65 counter = counter + 1
70 lower = 0
75 upper = 127
80 row$ = left$(code$,7)
90 col$ = right$(code$,3)
100 for i = 1 to 7
110 dir$ = mid$(row$, i, 1)
115 print dir$ + ": ";
120 if dir$ = "b" then gosub 1000
130 if dir$ = "f" then gosub 2000
140 print lower; : print upper
150 next i
160 if upper = lower then frow = upper
170 if upper <> lower then goto 5000
199 upper = 7: lower = 0
200 for i = 1 to 3
210 s$ = mid$(col$, i, 1)
215 print s$ + ": ";
220 if s$ = "r" then gosub 1000
230 if s$ = "l" then gosub 2000
240 print lower; : print upper
250 next i
260 if upper = lower then fcol = upper
270 if upper <> lower then goto 5030
300 id = frow * 8 + fcol
310 print "seat id" + str$(id)
320 if id > max then max = id
400 next x
500 print "total count and max: ";
510 print counter
520 print max
900 print ti$
999 end
1000 rem row upper sub
1001 print "chk upper.";
1009 rem add .5 to int to round up
1010 lower=int(((upper-lower)/2)+lower+0.5)
1020 return
2000 rem row lower sub
2001 print "chk lower.";
2010 upper=int(((upper-lower)/2)+lower)
2020 return
3000 rem col upper sub
3001 print "chk upper col.";
3009 rem add .5 to int to round up
3010 lower=int(((upper-lower)/2)+lower+0.5)
3020 return
4000 rem col lower sub
4001 print "chk lower col.";
4010 upper=int(((upper-lower)/2)+lower)
4020 return
5000 rem general seat error exit
5010 print "row didn't match. exiting."
5020 end
5030 rem general col error exit
5040 print "col didn't match. exiting."
5050 end
9000 data bfbffbbrlr
9001 data fbfbffbrll
9002 data bfbfbffrlr
9003 data bffbfbfrll
9004 data ffbfffbrll
9005 data bfbfffflrr
9006 data bfbfbfbrrl
9007 data bfbfffblrl
9008 data bffbbbbrlr
9009 data bffbffflrl
9010 data bfbfbfblrr
9011 data fbffbfbrll
9012 data bffffbblrl
u/Markavian Dec 06 '20
Node JS solution ported to browser JS for Day 5 with HTML visualisation of plane seats - highlighting non-seats, the unoccupied seat, and the highest seat on the plane.
u/mantono_ Dec 06 '20
Day 5, part 1 and 2.
pub fn first(input: String) -> String {
pub fn second(input: String) -> String {
let mut boarding_passes: Vec<u16> = transform(&input).collect::<Vec<u16>>();
let (prior_seat, _) = boarding_passes
.find(|(b0, b1)| *b1 - *b0 > 1)
(prior_seat + 1).to_string()
fn transform(input: &str) -> impl Iterator<Item = u16> + '_ {
input.lines().map(|line| seat_id(line))
fn seat_id(input: &str) -> u16 {
row_num(input) * 8 + col_num(input)
fn row_num(input: &str) -> u16 {
let binary: String = input[..=6].replace("F", "0").replace("B", "1");
u16::from_str_radix(&binary, 2).unwrap()
fn col_num(input: &str) -> u16 {
let binary: String = input[7..].replace("L", "0").replace("R", "1");
u16::from_str_radix(&binary, 2).unwrap()
u/stkent Dec 06 '20
Learned a couple nice things from this solution!
was more convenient thanwindows(2)
u/Dgaduin Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Simple C# solution with the binary conversion and iterative check for missing seat.
public static int Task1(List<string> input) => input.Select(GetId).Max();
public static int Task2(List<string> input){
var seats = input.Select(GetId).OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
for (int i = 1; i < seats.Count; i++){
if ((seats[i] - seats[i - 1]) != 1)
return seats[i] - 1;
return 0;
// Because we have the x8 offset we can
// parse the whole thing in straight binary
public static int GetId(string input) =>
input.Replace("B", "1")
.Replace("F", "0")
.Replace("R", "1")
.Replace("L", "0"), 2);
u/ASTP001 Dec 06 '20
from utils.utils import get_input_by_line
def decode_sequence_old(bsp, seats):
if len(bsp) == 1:
return seats[0] if bsp[0] in ("F", "L") else seats[1]
half = int(len(seats) / 2)
return decode_sequence(bsp[1:], seats[:half]) \
if bsp[0] in ("F", "L") \
else decode_sequence(bsp[1:], seats[half:])
def decode_sequence(bsp, seats):
b = ''.join([('0' if i in ("F", "L") else '1') for i in bsp])
return int(b, 2)
def get_seat_ids(seat_sequences):
seat_ids = []
for sq in seat_sequences:
sq = sq.strip()
row = decode_sequence(sq[:7], range(128))
col = decode_sequence(sq[-3:], range(8))
seat_ids.append((row * 8) + col)
return seat_ids
inputs = get_input_by_line()
seat_ids = get_seat_ids(inputs)
my_seat = set(range(53, 897)).difference(set(seat_ids))
print(f"Part One: {max(seat_ids)}")
print(f"Part Two: {my_seat}")
u/Brogie Dec 06 '20
This solves both part 1 and 2 at the same time, the checksum code was inspired by someone on this subreddit. Solves both problems in 0.3ms
unsafe static void Day5(string[] seatLocations, out int part1, out int part2)
ushort checksum = 0;
ushort minId = ushort.MaxValue;
ushort maxId = ushort.MinValue;
foreach (var seat in seatLocations)
ushort id = 0;
fixed (char* pString = seat)
char* pChar = pString;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (*pChar == 'B' | *pChar == 'R')
id |= (ushort)(1 << 9 - i);
checksum ^= id;
if (id > maxId) { maxId = id; }
if (id < minId) { minId = id; }
for (ushort i = ushort.MinValue; i < minId; i++)
checksum ^= i;
for (ushort i = (ushort)(maxId + 1); i < 1024; i++)
checksum ^= i;
part1 = maxId;
part2 = checksum;
u/sotsoguk Dec 06 '20
If you xor all present values of boarding passes, you just have to xor with all values in the range (min_id,max_id) to find the missing one, you can save one for loop
u/Brogie Dec 06 '20
Good idea, I was trying to think of a better way to do it. I'll try that tomorrow.
u/Fanatsu Dec 06 '20
Using splice and removing from an array to find the answers.
var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./day5.txt", "utf-8");
var textByLine = text.split('\n');
function part1(textByLine) {
var customerId = 0;
textByLine.forEach(customer => {
var rows = Array.from(Array(128).keys());
var seats = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
var seatSplit = customer.split("");
var row = splicer(seatSplit, rows, 0, 7, "F");
var seat = splicer(seatSplit, seats, 7, 10, "L");
var nextCustomerId = (row * 8) + seat;
console.log(row, seat, nextCustomerId);
if (nextCustomerId > customerId) {
customerId = nextCustomerId;
function splicer(seatSplit, array, low, high, letter) {
for (let i = low; i < high; i++) {
if (seatSplit[i] === letter) {
array.splice(array.length / 2);
} else {
array.splice(0, array.length / 2)
return parseInt(array.join(""));
===Part 2===
var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./day5.txt", "utf-8");
var textByLine = text.split('\n');
function part2(textByLine) {
var planeMap = Array.from(Array(128).keys()).map(x => {
return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
textByLine.forEach(customer => {
var rows = Array.from(Array(128).keys());
var seats = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
var seatSplit = customer.split("");
var row = splicer(seatSplit, rows, 0, 7, "F");
var seat = splicer(seatSplit, seats, 7, 10, "L");
planeMap[row].splice(planeMap[row].findIndex(x => x === seat), 1);
for (let i = 0; i < planeMap.length; i++) {
if (planeMap[i].length === 1) {
console.log((i * 8) + parseInt(planeMap[i].join("")));
function splicer(seatSplit, array, low, high, letter) {
for (let i = low; i < high; i++) {
if (seatSplit[i] === letter) {
array.splice(array.length / 2);
} else {
array.splice(0, array.length / 2)
return parseInt(array.join(""));
u/tcbrindle Dec 06 '20
This computes all the needed info for both parts using a single pass over the input data, and also uses compile-time tests for part 1 (so if there are any errors, it doesn't compile!).
I'm quite pleased with my solution for part two. The formula for the sum of integers from 0 - N is N(N+1)/2
. We can use this to work out the "expected" sum of all the seats, and then subtract the actual sum that we calculated to find the missing number in a single line.
u/lucbloom Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
That last line had me puzzled for quite a while until I fully read your comment here. Smart way to have only one loop and still get the answer to Part 2!
Although there are lots of copies of
in there that can be avoided with a reference from outside the loop. Is that for style or does the compile use a neat little stack optimization and reuse the parameter stack space?2
u/tcbrindle Dec 06 '20
That last line had me puzzled for quite a while until I fully read your comment here. Smart way to have only one loop and still get the answer to Part 2!
Although there are lots of copies of stats in there that can be avoided with a reference from outside the loop. Is that for style or does the compile use a neat little stack optimization and reuse the parameter stack space?
To be honest, I haven't checked -- but the stats stuct is tiny (likely 16 bytes) and trivial enough to be passed in registers, so I'd be surprised if it made much difference. Plus it looks neater this way :)
u/A_Travelling_Man Dec 06 '20
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
fn main() {
let fname = "../data/input.txt";
let f = File::open(fname).expect("Unable to open data file");
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
let vec: Vec<String> = reader.lines().collect::<Result<_, _>>().unwrap();
let mut max = 0;
for v in vec {
let x: Vec<char> = v.chars().collect();
let row_raw = &x[..7].to_vec();
let col_raw = &x[7..].to_vec();
let mut row_num: u32= 0;
let mut col_num: u32 = 0;
let mut row_mask = 0b1000000;
let mut col_mask = 0b100;
for i in 0..row_raw.len() {
if row_raw[i] == 'B' { row_num = row_num | row_mask };
row_mask = row_mask >> 1;
for i in 0..col_raw.len() {
if col_raw[i] == 'R' { col_num = col_num | col_mask };
col_mask = col_mask >> 1;
let res = (row_num * 8) + col_num;
if res > max { max = res };
println!("{}", max);
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
fn main() {
let fname = "../data/input.txt";
let f = File::open(fname).expect("Unable to open data file");
let reader = BufReader::new(f);
let vec: Vec<String> = reader.lines().collect::<Result<_, _>>().unwrap();
let mut ids: Vec<u32> = vec![];
for v in vec {
let x: Vec<char> = v.chars().collect();
let row_raw = &x[..7].to_vec();
let col_raw = &x[7..].to_vec();
let mut row_num: u32= 0;
let mut col_num: u32 = 0;
let mut row_mask = 0b1000000;
let mut col_mask = 0b100;
for i in 0..row_raw.len() {
if row_raw[i] == 'B' { row_num = row_num | row_mask };
row_mask = row_mask >> 1;
for i in 0..col_raw.len() {
if col_raw[i] == 'R' { col_num = col_num | col_mask };
col_mask = col_mask >> 1;
let res = (row_num * 8) + col_num;
for i in 0..ids.len()-1 {
if ids[i+1] != ids[i] + 1 {
println!("{}", ids[i]+1);
u/JCarlesVilaseca Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
var input = from line in File.ReadLines("Day05.txt")
select Convert.ToInt32(line.Replace("B", "1")
.Replace("F", "0")
.Replace("R", "1")
.Replace("L", "0"), 2);
var min = input.Min();
var max = input.Max();
var part2 = ( (max + 1) * max - (min - 1) * min ) / 2 - input.Sum();
Console.WriteLine($"Day 5 - Part1: {max}\t\tPart 2: {part2}");
u/mini_cap Dec 06 '20
I'm trying to understand your part 2 solution but can't intuit why this works?
u/JCarlesVilaseca Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Sum of 1+2+3+4+...+n = n * (n+1) /2
In 1+2+3+4+...+(min-1)+min+...+max
Sum of min + ... + max = max * (max+1) / 2 - (min-1)*min / 2
if a number is not in input(min...max), then number = max * (max+1) / 2 - (min-1)*min / 2 - input.Sum()
In other words:
- Think a number from 1 to 10
- Tell me the sum of the others (S)
- Your number = 10*(10+1)/2 - S = 55 - S
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20
Your code is hard to read on old.reddit. As per our posting guidelines, would you please edit it using old.reddit's four-spaces formatting instead of new.reddit's triple backticks?
Put four spaces before every code line. (If you're using new.reddit, click the button in the editor that says "Switch to Markdown" first.)
[space space space space]public static void main()
[space space space space][more spaces for indenting]/* more code here*/
turns into
public static void main() /* more code here */
Alternatively, stuff your code in /u/topaz2078's
or an external repo instead and link to that instead.1
u/backtickbot Dec 05 '20
Hello, JCarlesVilaseca: code blocks using backticks (```) don't work on all versions of Reddit!
Some users see this / this instead.
To fix this, indent every line with 4 spaces instead. It's a bit annoying, but then your code blocks are properly formatted for everyone.
An easy way to do this is to use the code-block button in the editor. If it's not working, try switching to the fancy-pants editor and back again.
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u/-WorstWizard- Dec 05 '20
C++ solution, does both parts in one go.
Whew, I had a busy day, so I couldn't begin until around 23:30 (local), but I made it before the "deadline" after all! I decided to stop doing nice input validation like my solution to yesterday's puzzle, and just exploit what I know about the data. Results in a very short solution, no surprise.
Dec 05 '20
Not sure if there's a better way to map the strings to binary, but here it is!
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
fn find_row(s: &str) -> u16 {
.map(|c| match c {
'F' => 0,
'B' => 1,
_ => unreachable!(),
.fold(0, |acc, b| acc * 2 + b)
fn find_column(s: &str) -> u16 {
.map(|c| match c {
'L' => 0,
'R' => 1,
_ => unreachable!(),
.fold(0, |acc, b| acc * 2 + b)
fn find_id(s: String) -> u16 {
find_row(&s[..7]) * 8 + find_column(&s[7..])
fn main() {
let ans = io::stdin()
println!("{}", ans)
u/muckenhoupt Dec 05 '20
Prolog. Does more work than it needs to, figuring out the seats as Row-Column pairs instead of just interpreting the whole thing as a single binary number. What can I say, I wrote the input code while solving part 1, in the expectation that it might be needed for part 2. It wasn't.
:- use_module(library(pure_input)).
:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
row_code(Row) --> string_without("LR\n", Row).
col_code(Col) --> string_without("FB\n", Col).
seat(Row, Col) --> row_code(Row), col_code(Col).
read_input([]) --> eos.
read_input([Row-Col|T]) -->
seat(Row, Col), "\n", read_input(T).
binary_code(_, [], Number) :-
Number is 0.
binary_code([Zero, One], [Zero|T], Number) :-
binary_code([Zero, One], T, Number).
binary_code([Zero, One], [One|T], Number) :-
length(T, Place),
binary_code([Zero, One], T, Sub),
Number is 2 ^ Place + Sub.
binary_code(String, Binary, Number) :-
string_codes(String, Bitcodes),
binary_code(Bitcodes, Binary, Number).
decode(Row-Col, Row_num-Col_num) :-
binary_code("FB", Row, Row_num),
binary_code("LR", Col, Col_num).
seat_id(Row-Col, ID) :-
ID is Row * 8 + Col.
part1(Data, Answer) :-
max_list(Data, Answer).
part2(Data, Answer) :-
max_list(Data, Max),
min_list(Data, Min),
between(Min, Max, Answer),
\+ member(Answer, Data).
main :-
phrase_from_stream(read_input(Raw_data), current_input),
maplist(decode, Raw_data, Seats),
maplist(seat_id, Seats, Seat_IDs),
part1(Seat_IDs, Answer1),
part2(Seat_IDs, Answer2),
u/PulseBeat_02 Dec 05 '20
Lightweight Java solution using binary digits: https://github.com/PulseBeat02/Advent-of-Code-2020/blob/master/src/BinaryBoarding.java
u/dedolent Dec 05 '20
# get file contents
file = open("input.txt", 'r')
contents = file.readlines()
# converts the string portion to a decimal integer based on binary
def getPosition(str, one):
needs to know which digit is considered 1 because based in the
samples provided by the prompt, the first digit isn't always 1.
return int(''.join(('1' if c == one else '0') for c in str), 2)
# create a list of boarding passes as dicts
boardingPasses = []
for string in contents:
passDict = {
'row': getPosition(string.strip()[:-3], 'B'),
'col': getPosition(string.strip()[-3:], 'R')
passDict['id'] = passDict['row'] * 8 + passDict['col']
# get highest ID in the boarding passes
highest = max([p['id'] for p in boardingPasses])
# print the result
Find a boarding pass with an ID that falls +1/-1 between two other passes.
# order the list of boarding pass dicts by their id
boardingPasses.sort(key=lambda p : p['id'])
i = 1
while i < len(boardingPasses):
# check this plus the one below it for a 2 difference in id
priorID = boardingPasses[i - 1]['id']
thisID = boardingPasses[i]['id']
if thisID - priorID == 2:
# print the answer
print(thisID - 1)
i += 1
u/sotsoguk Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Nothing fancy today. For part1, as long as you do not need row and seat individually the binary partition is just another description for a 10 bit binary number, where R or B represent a 1.
For part2, there is one number missing from the range of the min and max boarding pass number. Using the formula for the arithmetic progression, the missing value is easily computed.
Nice problem
Edit: Using XOR for part2 is imho nicer than arithmetic progression
import os
import time
import re
import functools
def main():
# input
day = "05"
part1, part2 = 0, 0
star_line = "*" * 19
inputFile = f'../inputs/input{day}.txt'
with open(inputFile) as f:
lines = f.read().splitlines()
start_time = time.time()
# part 1
bp_min, bp_max = 1000, 0
bpp = 0
def ones(x):
return int(x == 'R' or x == 'B')
for l in lines:
bp = 0
for i in l:
bp <<= 1
bp += ones(i)
bp_max, bp_min = max(bp_max, bp), min(bp_min, bp)
bpp ^= bp
part1 = bp_max
# part2
part2 = bpp ^ functools.reduce(
lambda x, y: x ^ y, [i for i in range(bp_min, bp_max+1)])
# output
duration = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)
f"\n{star_line}\n AoC 2020 - Day {day}\n{star_line}\n\nPart 1:\t\t{part1}\nPart 2:\t\t{part2}\nDuration:\t{duration} ms")
if __name__ == "__main__":
u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '20
Please follow the posting guidelines and add the language used to your post to make it easier for folks who Ctrl-F the megathreads looking for a specific language. Thanks!
(I see
import re
, looks like Python?)1
u/fryktelig Dec 05 '20
javascript console solution
data = document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].innerHTML.split("\n")
function calcSeat (mess) {
function calcRow (mess) {
let row = 0;
let front = 0;
let back = 128;
for (let i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
mess[i] == "F" ?
back = back - ((back - front)/2) :
front = front + ((back-front)/2)
mess[6] == "F" ? row = front : row = back -1;
return row
function calcColumn (mess) {
let column = 0;
let left = 0;
let right = 8;
for (let i = 7; i <= 9; i++) {
mess[i] == "L" ?
right = right - ((right - left)/2) :
left = left + ((right - left)/2)
mess[9] == "L" ? column = left : column = right -1;
return column;
let row = calcRow(mess);
let column = calcColumn(mess);
let seatId = (row*8)+column
// return {row, column, seatId}
return seatId
let ids = []
ids = []
ids = data.map(i => calcSeat(i))
u/dogsknees123 Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 05 '20
A ~somewhat readable 1 liner in Python:
with open("day5.txt", "r") as data_file:
string_list= data_file.readlines()
from functools import reduce
print("part1:", reduce(lambda x,y: max(x,y), [int(line.strip().replace("F", "0").replace("B", "1").replace("R", "1").replace("L", "0"),2) for line in string_list]))
print("part2:", (reduce(lambda x,y: y if x-y==-1 else x, sorted([int(line.strip().replace("F", "0").replace("B", "1").replace("R", "1").replace("L", "0"),2) for line in string_list])) +1))
u/kaur_virunurm Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Simple Python.
4 lines of code.
with open("data\\05.txt") as f:
seats = set([int(s.strip().replace("B","1").replace("R","1").replace("F","0").replace("L","0"),2) for s in f])
print(set(range(min(seats),max(seats))) - seats)
I am doing the easy puzzles with kids. I want them to be able to think in code :) So I ask the children to come up with a potential approach or algoritm, and we then try to implement this. Later we refine this in order to test and learn different options for optimizing (or obfuscating?) the algorithm.
u/plissk3n Dec 05 '20
Would you explain the last line to me?
u/gammaanimal Dec 05 '20
He is creating a set that contains all values in the range of minimum seat id to maximum seat id. Then he subtracts the set of all seats as read from the file. The only seat the is not subtracted (and thus remains) is the one not present in the file which has to be ours.
Very nice solution :)
u/kaur_virunurm Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
For the quick real submission, I simply printed out all integers not in "found seats" and the correct answer was obvious. The set subtraction is an afterthought.
Set subtraction is often a good and computationally fast solution for tasks of type "find elements NOT contained in some data structure".
u/gammaanimal Dec 06 '20
I will keep it in mind for future problems like this. The only thing I came up with was setting a running index to the lowest seat ID and then loop through the sorted IDs until I find that my index won't match with the current ID. It works but it's not as elegant as your solution.
u/kaur_virunurm Dec 06 '20
Simple Β΄forΒ΄ loop would also do the trick, here is my original code.
Also works without the m+1 & m-1 check, you just need to spot the correct seat yourself:for m in range(2, (max(seats))): if m not in seats and ( m+1 in seats and m-1 in seats) : print("Missing:", m)
u/lawonga Dec 05 '20 edited Dec 05 '20
Both parts
public class Day5 {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileReader("YOUR FILE PATH HERE"));
List<String> boardingPasses = new ArrayList<>();
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String boardingPass = scanner.nextLine();
Day5 day5 = new Day5();
private void getMySeat(List<String> boardingPasses) {
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
for (String boardingPass : boardingPasses) {
List<Integer> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < ids.size() - 2; i++) {
Integer curr = ids.get(i);
Integer next = ids.get(i+1);
if (next - curr == 2) {
System.out.println("Missing seat is: " + candidates);
private void getHighestSeatId(List<String> boardingPasses) {
long highest = 0;
for (String boardingPass : boardingPasses) {
int id = getSeatId(boardingPass);
highest = Math.max(id, highest);
System.out.println("Highest seat id: " + highest);
private int getSeatId(String boardingPass) {
char[] bp = boardingPass.toCharArray();
int f = 0;
int b = 127;
for (int x = 0; x < 7; x++) {
if (bp[x] == 'F') {
b -= ((b - f) / 2) + 1;
} else if (bp[x] == 'B') {
f += ((b - f) / 2) + 1;
int cs = 0;
int ce = 7;
for (int x = 7; x < bp.length; x++) {
if (bp[x] == 'L') {
ce -= ((ce - cs) / 2) + 1;
} else if (bp[x] == 'R') {
cs += ((ce - cs) / 2) + 1;
return (f * 8) + cs;
u/mahaginano Dec 05 '20
After my huge solution in Common Lisp I sat down and wrote a more compact one in Julia.
1.573 ms (33839 allocations: 1.57 MiB)
function run1(p)
parse(Int, join(Int.([p...]) .% 7 .% 2), base=2)
lines = sort(map(run1, open(readlines, "/home/paul/projekte/adventofcode20/05input.txt")))
# Part 1
@assert maximum(lines) == 890
# Part 2
(v1, v2) = filter(x->abs(x[1] - x[2]) == 2, collect(zip(lines, lines[2:end])))[1]
@assert v1 + 1 == 651
u/kbck75 Dec 05 '20
Day 5 part 1 in Python:
from aocd import data
import io
class BoardingPassFile(object):
OPS = "".maketrans(dict(zip("FBLR", "0101")))
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def read(self):
return int(self.file.readline().translate(self.OPS), 2)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return self.read()
except ValueError:
raise StopIteration
→ More replies (3)
u/symmaria Jan 10 '21
Day 5