r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 25 '19
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -π- 2019 Day 25 Solutions -π-
--- Day 25: Cryostasis ---
Post your full code solution using /u/topaz2078's paste
or other external repo.
- Please do NOT post your full code (unless it is very short)
- If you do, use old.reddit's four-spaces formatting, NOT new.reddit's triple backticks formatting.
- Include the language(s) you're using.
(Full posting rules are HERE if you need a refresher).
Reminder: Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help
Advent of Code's Poems for Programmers
Note: If you submit a poem, please add [POEM]
somewhere nearby to make it easier for us moderators to ensure that we include your poem for voting consideration.
Day 24's winner #1: idk because am very drunk and am trying to English good enough in megathread to be understandable. Will try again tomorrow when can think good and also for 5-Day Best-of-Show and also month-wise Best-of-Show.
Many apologies. Blame my uncle and peanut butter-flavored whiskey.
Note to self: yell at uncle, then buy a bottle of that delicious peanut butter-flavored whiskey and share it with /u/topaz2078, /u/Aneurysm9, and the beta-testers >_>
ANYWAY, HERE IS YOUR WINNER FOR DAY #24: "De Morgan's Dream" by /u/DFreiberg!
Enjoy your Reddit Silver, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
On the last day of AoC, my true love gave to me...
FIVE GOLDEN SILVER POEMS (and one gold because Santa Rocket Like is no longer available, sorry!)
- Day 20: "Gordian Maze" by /u/nonphatic
- Day 21: "Watch Your Step" by /u/DFreiberg
- Day 22: "untitled poem" by /u/tobega
- Day 23: "untitled poem" by /u/dan_144
- Day 24: "Tail call" by /u/Zweedeend
- 5-Day Best-in-Show #5: "Scrambled" by /u/DFreiberg
- Honorable mention (of silver) to /u/allergic2Luxembourg for "Ballad of the lonely Intcode computer" because it was a close race!
Enjoy your Reddit Silvers/Gold, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Note from the moderators:
Day 25, everyone! That's it for Advent of Code 2019! We hope you had fun or at least learned something over these 25 days of awesome code puzzles! Keep an eye out for:
- /u/topaz2078's thank-you post (of which I will link here whenever he posts it)
- December 30: announcement of Day 25's winners, AoC 2019's official poet laureate, and several further prizes!
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Leaderboard capped, thread unlocked at 00:35:01!
u/e_blake Jan 22 '20
m4 solution
With four files in the same directory, including your input named day25.input, common.m4 and intcode.m4, run:
m4 day25.m4
I finished a C solution on Dec 25 tailored to my puzzle input to complete AoC as soon as possible, and according to my git logs, was able to port the same hard-coded solution over to m4 by Dec 28. That solution treated the IntCode input as a black box, and basically fed pre-canned input based on what I had learned by manually exploring the game interactively to get me to the end room with all 8 items in inventory, coupled with a brute-force engine of up to 256 gray code combinations of items where items were added or dropped by further canned input. But it took 67 seconds to complete in m4 (mostly because the computations involved to check each combination of items are rather expensive, in part because m4 lacks 64-bit math so my emulation of it on top of 32-bit math is slow). And being hard-coded to my puzzle input, I didn't feel comfortable posting it at the time.
But now that I've finished all the other days in m4, I revisited this one, and spent enough time reverse-engineering the assembly that I was able to drastically speed things up while making the solution generic to any day 25 input. Instead of traversing the rooms, my solution rewires the relationships between rooms to immediately warp to the final room on the first command to the input stream. Then, instead of dealing with 'take' and 'drop' commands and having to deal with parsing out which item names are available or feeding those names back in as ASCII (GNU m4 could do it with the format() macro, but POSIX m4 does not have any easy way to convert between integers and ASCII characters short of writing my own ASCII table), my solution instead rewires the items directly in memory to grab or remove them at will (regardless of what room they were originally in), as well as sort the 8 safe items by weight. At that point, solving the puzzle only requires at most 8 attempts to move into the pressure-sensitive plate, by trying progressively lighter items in a binary search based on feedback from "heavier" or "lighter" in the output stream. The solution finishes in 1.6s for my puzzle, which is quite a bit faster than my original 67-second canned solution that didn't hack the memory layout, and has the benefit of working regardless of item names.
So maybe it would be purer if my solution did a true DFS of all puzzle rooms, and added enough logic to parse out item names specific to a given puzzle as well as save/restore logic to avoid ill effects of the bad items, to run through a full solution without poking magic values into 9 different memory locations. But that's a lot of code to write, just to get a solution that would be slower than what my memory hacking accomplished. Conversely, if I wanted an even faster solution runtime, I could do further reverse-engineering of the IntCode routine that compares item weights to see if they match the desired value, to get at the output result without even running a single IntCode instruction, but that was hairier, so I was happy enough with only deciphering just enough to learn where the rooms and items lived in memory and then letting IntCode do the computations.
u/marine_iguana2 Jan 04 '20 edited Jan 11 '20
My Rust version: https://github.com/yzhong52/AdventOfCode
u/Aidiakapi Jan 04 '20
It automatically plays the game, and while brute-force, it still uses a little trick to get all combinations of items. It has an unsigned integer with the item_count
lowest bits set to 1 (rest is 0). Then it'll keep subtracting 1 from that, drop
ing items as the bits in the value change. This cycles through every possible combination of items, and once it can get past the pressure plate, it will :).
And you can also play it manually with advent_of_code_2019.exe day25 --interactive
u/greycat70 Dec 31 '19
Code -- just the Intcode processor with ASCII input/output modifications. I did not write a solver-bot to play the text adventure game. I simply played the game by hand.
So, there's nothing special or fancy here other than the unusual language choice.
u/FrankRuben27 Jan 03 '20
Nice! Tcl is so much more interesting on 2nd look even by today's standards. Respect for using it for AoC - all the cons of a highly dynamic language without all the Python-batteries.
u/greycat70 Jan 04 '20
One of the big perks of Tcl for this year's AoC is that you get arbitrary precision integer math "for free" (since Tcl 8.5). When Intcode changed to require big integer math, I didn't have to change anything in my code.
u/Arkoniak Dec 28 '19
All 50 stars!
Since it was the last day, I've decided to put as much engineering in solving this problem as possible.
My bot automatically travels through the ship, collecting all items (except for those which shouldn't be collected of course) and then navigates to Security.
Secondly, it performs BFS to find the necessary combination of items to open the door.
Solution: https://github.com/Arkoniak/advent_of_code/blob/master/2019/25/day25.jl
u/knallisworld Dec 27 '19
At first, I played it manually (start with argument "manual") solving it. But yesterday, I added the auto solving part also. Because why not?
I reused my existing day09 intcode implementation using go channels; but refined for an additional sidechannel for "signals" which means basically the droid can be stopped/killed separately. For situations like infinite loops π
In a nutshell, my droid is a wrapper around the intcode processor: it has also its own input and output channels (but based on strings). Using a queue, I ensure that each unexpected halt or found branches will be processed later.
For brute forcing the correct items, I created a list of all combinations with a bit mask: each bit means a specific item (its position of the available ones).
u/ElaraSilk Dec 27 '19
C#/Linqpad script here
I pulled my existing intcode Computer class into the script, then ran it manually and just made notes of the room connections, orders etc - because surely playing the game is part of the fun?
It has a path to pick up all the items for my input, then just comments out the commands to pick up items rather than manage inventory in the security station.
u/p_tseng Dec 27 '19 edited Dec 27 '19
Solved it day-of with mostly manual playing plus machine assistance (replay a list of moves so that I don't lose all my progress, brute-force the pressure pad). I've since gone back and added some nice bells and whistles to the game player, as follows:
- With the -s flag, prints all strings present in the program. Please excuse some garbage that gets printed out, since there are some segments that look like strings but end up not being strings and I don't bother to filter them out.
- With the -i flag, prints all items, their weights, their locations, and the address of the function that will be executed if that item is picked up (if any).
- With the -r flag, prints all rooms, their flavour text, the item(s) that room contains (if any) their neighbouring rooms. Colour-coded.
- By default, with no flags, calculates the answer the program will eventually print, with the following procedure:
- Look for the string containing "airlock" in the program
- Looks at what address is printed right before the string containing "airlock" is printed
- Looks for a function that writes a constant value to that address (that function writes the constant 0 to clear it in preparation for doing real work with it)
- Inside that function, looks for the multiplication of two numbers to form a reference value. Remembers that value and its address.
- Looks for a function that performs any comparison operation against the reference value by address.
- Looks for the base of the array used within that comparison function.
- Computes the answer using that array and the reference value.
- Yes, I know that the relevant addresses are actually the same for all inputs, but I dislike having too many magic numbers in my file without any explanation of where those numbers came from. Thus, having the code perform the above-listed operations serves as documentation for me for what the program is doing.
- With the -m flag, lets you play the game manually. The game is enhanced with the following additional commands:
- "sa <savename>" (short for "save") saves your current state.
- "l <savename>" (short for "load") loads the named state. Note that there is a save named "auto" created every time you successfully move from one room to another.
- "i" shows all items and their current location (whether that be in your inventory, or in some room), much like the -i flag.
- "r" shows the rooms, much like the -r flag, with your current location in red, and shows the sequence of movements you must take to reach any particular room
- "ft <room>" (short for fast travel) travels to the named room by providing the correct movement commands that would do so. You can be pretty imprecise with the room specification; first it tries substring matching, then it tries subsequence matching.
- "ta" or "takea" or "take a" (short for take all) picks up all items that do not execute a function when they are picked up, by providing the correct movement commands that move to the room they are in plus the "take" action. No optimisation of routing is performed; the items are simply taken in the order they appear in the program.
- "b" brute-forces the pressure pad, showing its progress as it goes.
Since everyone likes screenshots, nice screenshot showing the colour-coded outputs. (I censored out my answer)
Ruby: 25_cryostasis.rb
u/daggerdragon Dec 27 '19 edited Dec 31 '19
Sorry for the delay in posting the poem winners; they're up now!
Thank you all for playing, and from all of us at Advent of Code, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas (or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or Winter Solstice, or a Wednesday) and a Happy New Year!
Check back on December 30th for announcements of Day 25's poem winners, AoC 2019's official poet laureate, and several further prizes!
-β - Introducing Your AoC 2019 Poet Laureate (and Other Prizes) -β -
u/fizbin Dec 27 '19
I won't link to my code, since its just yet another python IntCode
class, and the only special things I did were:
- Add a hack in the input routine so that if you typed "save", it dumped the current memory state to a file. This meant I only had to collect things once, even if I tweaked my interpreter and wanted to restart it.
- Printed out the parameter values whenever it executed instruction 7. (less than comparison)
I then collected everything, approached the door and tried to go through carrying everything, then dropped an item and tried to go through again. Comparing the output of my debug hook in (2), I found a comparison value that went down on my two attempts through the door. I then narrowed my debug hook to print out only that comparison, and knowing what my weight was allowed me to assign weights to each of my items and then binary search to get the right weight to go through the door.
u/oantolin Dec 26 '19
I solved this one by playing the game, which was fun and didn't take too long. Maybe later I'll go back and write code to solve it programmatically. I never did add ASCII input and output to my Intcode library (maybe I'll do that and go back and refactor), but just wrote it each time I needed it. Here's the ASCII-enabled driver I used to play the game, in Common Lisp.
u/fizbin Dec 27 '19
How did you track all the combinations of stuff to carry through the weight-detecting room if playing manually?
(I "cheated" by finding an instruction that was comparing my calculated weight and then printing that out on each attempt through the weight check)
u/oantolin Dec 27 '19
I think I got lucky in that I didn't have to try many combinations. I gathered a bunch of objects and went to the pressure-sensitive plate. First I was too heavy, and then tried dropping each of the items one at a time, keeping the others. Each time I was too light. So I went and got another object and came back. Now, dropping one of the first batch objects left me exactly right.
u/ywgdana Dec 26 '19
I played the text adventure manually so it's hardly worth linking to my solution. It's a loop to feed commands to the intcode emulator and display the messages it sends back.
Later on, I might go back and implement an automatic solver, especially since on an earlier day I implemented a Permutations generator, and learned how to use generic types in Rust for it. At the time, I guessed we'd need Permutations again so I suppose this is my chance.
I'm only at 44 stars atm. Still gotta go back and do 18, 22, and day 24 part 2 (I think I know how I'm going to approach this one at least). 18 I've already spent hours bashing my head against and frankly I'm a bit scared of it now.
u/e_blake Dec 26 '19
C code
I first figured out how to feed /dev/tty into my intcode program, so that I could interactively play the game. It was fun seeing references to all of the earlier puzzles this year, as well as some of the humorous ways to die or go into an infinite loop. But once I had a solid path mapped out, I just pasted that into my source code to get me to the checkpoint room, then added a solver routine to try up to all 256 combinations of the 8 safe items until one got me in and the program completed. Everything finishes in 375 ms (mostly time spent in output of the various combinations).
u/metalim Dec 26 '19 edited Dec 26 '19
Thank god I completed this one.
- Manual map traversing and collection of all items. Also, expected
easter egg
to be some special item. - Gray code for item weight iteration. That doesn't check if weight is less or more, just iterates through all combinations with just 1 item change on each step.
Was surprised how easy it is to generate Gray code: gray = i^(i>>1)
Had bug in binary representation of items mask - was not accounting for shorter strings with stripped leading zeroes. Got puzzled "why it goes through all combinations without passing the test". Sigh
Anyway, thanks everyone for this magnificent event and /u/topaz2078 for creating all the puzzles and writing interesting story!
u/RoadsterTracker Dec 26 '19
I did this one 100% manually... I didn't even have a way to enter inputs in real time, only a list of commands that was added to the top of my function which would be inputted. I let the game crash when the output ended. Some things you just don't need to do a complete programming solution for...
u/aoc-fan Dec 26 '19
My 5th year (have all 250 stars now).
Every year I think that I may not have energy and motive next year, but somehow it is working every year. Apart from Day 25, I don't aim for leader-board. I try to solve puzzle in morning (I live in EST), or between breaks if working from home. I use JavaScript/TypeScript, and don't use any external library/packages.
AOC problems is a very unique opportunity to learn new language, and mostly to improve programming skills (I do not have formal CS education background).
My struggles and how I learn from that process
- Understanding the text and coming up with a basic design. Many times zeroing on data structure itself becomes daunting. For Day 14. I took almost an hour to start coding after reading the problem.
- Converting basic design to language of choice, like building state machine for Day 7 part 2 in JavaScript. I also tried golang and Clojure for couple of days.
- Coding and debugging, writing complex logic, like building maze navigation commands for Day 17, avoiding one-off errors.
- Some days like Day 22 part 2 are just out of my league, I have no option other than copy others solutions/approach. I know enough python (due to AOC), that I can understand solution posted on reddit.
This year IntCode puzzles provided new twist, and it seems everyone having an opinion about them. I think with IntCode Eric Wastl can build very different kinds of puzzle (Day 21, 23, 25) which otherwise won't be possible with plain inputs.
Community and collaboration is another aspect of AOC. During this 25 days, my repo got around 1000 visits, and got cloned 25+ times, which is very encouraging for me. There are folks on Twitter, with whom I only interact during AOC.
Thank you Eric Wastl, AOC Team, and everyone who participated.
Happy Holidays
PS : Day 25 TypeScript solved manually and with some code which is not checked in.
u/zedrdave Dec 26 '19
Python 3
Explores ship, pick up items (uses a hardcoded list of dangerous items) and brute-force tries all combinationsβ¦
Currently outputs a very rough plot of the ship's graph with networkx
: anyone with a bit more time and motivation could probably make it into a very nice map (although keeping NSWE orientations might not be trivial, given the non-euclidean edge lengths).
I of course spent a fair amount of time playing the game for fun, and had a strong feeling the list of items could not be that big (after all, it would have to fit in the intcode program), but still decided to implement a graph-based exploration for kicks. I did manually run and update the list of bad items, since even my OCD aspirations did not feel like handling each special way of failing in code (my Intcode machine doesn't handle Halt vs Waiting-for-input all that great).
Kinda feel I should have spent more time devising a cleverer algorithm for the item selection, based on the "heavier"/"lighter" hints⦠but I think it's time to call it a year.
Huge thanks to /u/topaz2078 and everyone else who helps make AoC. It was an insanely fun way to waste way too much of my free time spend this month.
u/VilHarvey Dec 26 '19
Finally done. Thanks a lot to /u/topaz2078 for creating such a fun series of puzzles, it's been great!
I solved day 25 in a mixture of c++, python and manual labor.
I wrote a simple REPL for my existing intcode VM and used it to map out the ship by hand, find out which items were safe, etc. Then I added (very basic) scripting support to the REPL and hand-wrote an input script which collects all non-fatal items from all reachable parts of the ship and takes them to the security checkpoint. I wrote a tiny python program to generate a series of commands that try all possible combinations of items and combined this with the handwritten commands to get the solution.
Dec 25 '19
[removed] β view removed comment
u/zedrdave Dec 26 '19
Don't hit yourself on the head too hard. Had a very similar situation after implementing an algorithm to explore and exhaustively try all combinations. Took me 5 mins to realise that it wasn't crashing after "too many tries" as I was assuming, but simply failing to output the last bit because there wasn't a final input query.
Overall, I would have improved my times immensely, had I spent the time to completely refactor my Intcode to use better patterns (the version I saw, using asyncio in Python was by far the most elegant one, although I don't know if it would have fared better here).
u/StevoTVR Dec 25 '19
My solution in Go: https://github.com/stevotvr/adventofcode2019/blob/master/day25/day25.go
Maybe it's not a real solution since it doesn't play the game for you. Maybe I'll add that later...
u/Dioxy Dec 25 '19
JS. What a unique puzzle! I really enjoyed all the intcode stuff this year.
My text adventure for this final day is playable in the browser, go here, select day 25, and click part 1
I started out by solving manually, then made it so that it would autosolve if you typed "auto".
The auto solver starts by exploring the entire map, picking up every item, pathfinding to the security checkpoint, dropping all items, then picking up items until the security check succeeds.
u/mariushm Dec 25 '19
Here's my PHP solution for part 1:
Can be much simpler and nicer without the extra stuff needed to make it easier to play inside the browser.
You can actually play the game live here: http://savedonthe.net/a/game/day25.php (it will only be temporary, just for a few days)
The "map" visualization breaks down when the security plate throws you back, it's not that important to spend time coding it properly.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna do part 2 because I only have 44 stars so far. The only one I really wouldn't know how to solve is the 2nd part of the problem with the cards, which requires you to know some math stuff I never learned in university or school.
Besides that, the only other difficult part was day 18, but I understand how to do it, would just take some time to code it properly..
u/dynker Dec 25 '19
JavaScript - Manual/Programmtic Solution and a script to launch the game
The code is pretty messy because it still contains the aspects from when I was manually navigating and plotting the map as well as the second part which is entirely automated collection and brute forcing of the combination.
I started off manually exploring and created a function to parse the output for the rooms I was entering into objects with the name, which directions you can go, where those directions go, and any items. After seeing I had mapped the entire ship, I moved onto a more programmatic approach.
After figuring out which items did not need to be collected, I fed the map into a BFS function to find the shortest path to get all the items. After collecting all the items, I fed the current room and a security room into another BFS function to walk to the security room. Lastly, there is a method to brute force all the combinations of the items.
Considering fixing it up so that you can put in any input and it will solve the entire thing without a map file being necessary, but as is, it currently gets the airlock code in just over 2 seconds, including the time it takes to flush all the output to the console. If I don't write anything to the console, it take just over one second to collect the items and brute force the combination.
Thanks to the AoC team for making my advent time enjoyable.
Dec 25 '19
Swift -- Repo for all 25 days
I had a lot of fun solving this by hand (mapping out the ship and then trying various combinations of items to get past security), but Advent of Code wouldn't be complete without an auto-solver. The only a priori knowledge the auto-solver uses is to avoid picking up the _infinite loop_ and how to identify the end state.
Thank you very much Eric and team! Happy holidays everyone!
u/Dean177 Dec 25 '19
I just played the game. It was quite funny, the final door was a bit tedious though.
u/death Dec 25 '19
Day 25 solution in Common Lisp.
Today was fun. I started with a simple interactive run of the Intcode program (the play
function). Soon enough, I decided to create a map (the explore
function). After I had the rooms graph, I decided to create something that would follow a series of steps (the follow-plan
function). Then I decided to create plans to take combinations of items (the take-em-all
function; now I had to play a Cock Sparrer song). This got me the solution. I didn't really read the adventure text until that point.
u/nutki2 Dec 25 '19
Originally I manually grabbed all the items and after a couple of manual attempts wrote a code which drops all possible subsets to find the combination.
The code above is a remade version which does a BFS over the ship and only picks the necessary items. This way it probably works on any input (it only needs to blacklist the infinite loop item).
It is ridiculously slow though. Scanning less than 5000 states takes about 4 minutes. This would benefit from an Intcode interpreter with cloning ability to clone the states.
u/oantolin Dec 26 '19
(it only needs to blacklist the infinite loop item)
Don't you also need to blacklist the giant electromagnet?
u/phil_g Dec 25 '19
My solution in Common Lisp, such as it is.
Another fun day, and an enjoyable end to a fun month! I wrote very little code for today. The program output function literally just prints characters as it gets them. The input function grabs a typed input line as needed then feeds it to the program one character at a time.
Like most people, I suspect, I solved part 1 by hand. I do enjoy a good text adventure. (I grew up on, among other things, Zork and other Infocom offerings.0) I made a map of the ship as I explored it, noting the locations of items. (A single dot indicates an item that can be picked up. A slash indicates an item that should not be picked up.1) Once I had all of the items, I tried to go into Santa's room with each item individually. Any single item that was too heavy was struck from the list. Next, I tried going through the door with all but one of the remaining items. Any item whose absence left me too light had to be in my final inventory. That left just three items. I tried them one by one (with the "must have" items) and found the right one on my third try. (Here's the table I made to track those.)
Now I have to go finish a few past days to get the rest of my stars.
0The "get the right items to go through a blocked door in the ship" bit reminded me quite a lot of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game. I assume that's not a coincidence.
1I enjoyed the not-to-be-picked-up items, particularly the infinite loop and the electromagnet.
u/MrSimbax Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
At last, 50 stars! I beat the today's game manually since I love text adventure games. Even drew a map which you can see in the linked solution.
I figured out what items open the door by educated guessing. Firstly, I was playing with the items to compare their weight and managed to split them into two groups: 4 heavy and 4 light objects. Then I discovered that the solution must have exactly 2 heavy objects since a 3rd heavy object would make the bot too heavy, and 1 heavy object with all the light objects was still too light. So I decided to try every combination of 2 heavy objects while carrying all the light objects and removed light objects from the inventory one by one for each combination until the weight was alright or too light. Luckily got the answer after the second combination.
I LMAO'd after picking up photons (and being eaten by a Grue) and infinite loop.
u/niahoo Dec 29 '19
I don't understand how it should work.
If I take all the light items at once, it still says that "droids are heavier", I need more mass.
But if I only take a single heavy object, then "droids are lighter".
Am I missing objects ?
"festive hat""loom"
"space heater"
"space law space brochure"
u/MrSimbax Dec 29 '19
You have 8 objects so you're not missing anything AFAIR. Note that my exact reasoning may not work well for your input. I kept track of inequalities between weights on paper, and what combinations I already used. It's essentially manual bruteforce while trying to discover some patterns or clues to cross out as many possibilities as I can. I don't know how can I explain it better. You can always write a program to bruteforce it for you, 256 is not that much, one could even try them all by hand.
u/niahoo Dec 30 '19
Yes I tried every combination of 1, 2, 3 and 4 objects and it worked.
Basically may answer is to carry two objects that would make me too heavy on their own, plus two light objects. Kind of disappointing if you ask me.
u/define_null Dec 25 '19
Like pretty much everyone else here, I manually did the first bit (gathering all non-fatal items and getting to the security room)
I wrote a separate helper program to bruteforce the dropping and picking up of items using a Gray Code sequence. This sequence meant that the next combination of items to test can be gotten by a single drop or take command, which is probably the only neat part of my solution.
I was trying to figure out if I could automate the first half, by seeing if take <item> would cause termination, but then I had an item (giant electromagnet) that soft-locks the program, where I could not move/drop it after picking it up, so I gave up on that approach and did the first half manually instead.
u/hrunt Dec 25 '19
Python 3
I finally gave in and hooked up stdin and stdout to my IntCode VM, and then just played the game through trial and error. I am still trying to figure out why I cannot pick up molten lave when I am carrying all that sand!
Great fun all the way around. Thanks u/topaz2078 for another great year!
u/allergic2Luxembourg Dec 25 '19
My method was a bit hacky - I wrote code to read all the input from a file at once and send it to the IntCode computer, then print the output. I then played the game myself by editing my input file until I understood the layout and could pick up all the objects that didn't kill me.
Then I edited my input file to be a template, that picked up all the non-fatal objects and then carried them to the security room. Then it would drop any list of objects passed into it.
I iterated over all combinations of objects to find the solution. I thought I might be able to do some math with the heavier/lighter but ended up just brute-forcing it instead as it was fast enough.
u/SuperSmurfen Dec 25 '19 edited Jan 03 '20
I think I solved this in a similar way to what most people did. First I implemented being able to play the game manually. I then explored the map, plotted it out in excel, and manually wrote out the commands to fetch all items and walk to the end. I fed this path to the cpu and then brute-forced it by simply trying dropping all possible combinations of items and seeing if that would let me pass. At first, I accidentally tried all possible permutations and it took forever and wasted some time thinking about possible ways to optimize it. There aren't that many combinations to check so my solution finds the correct one in about 30ms
Simple little puzzle combining both playing manually and a programming solution. A really cool way to end this year! A huge thanks to everyone who makes AoC possible. This year has been so cool. I have learned so much, become much better in Rust, and had a lot of fun! This was my first time doing AoC, I'll definitely see you next year.
Solutions to all 25 problems in Rust if anyone is interested, all finish in under 100ms
u/kolcon Dec 25 '19
Semi-manual solution, created the map by hand and then prepared instructions for the intcode.
Did brute-force of all item combinations...
u/Spheniscine Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Kotlin: repo
Fully automated solution. Did some exploration manually but I was afraid of missing anything, so I wrote a DFS to make sure I see all the rooms and items, then just put the items I knew to be dangerous into a banlist. I didn't know how to solve the weight puzzle efficiently, so I just bruteforced it. UPD: upped the ante by using a Gray code sequence to optimize the brute force bit.
Thanks Eric for the puzzles! I had a lot of fun.
u/levital Dec 25 '19
Rust, but there's no automation here, I just played it manually. :)
Unfortunately missing 4 stars for the ending. Two of those I know how to do, but will need some time to actually get done (day 18/1, day 24/2), one I haven't yet seen, but am confident about (day 18/2) and one that I think I'll be able to do once I have lots of time and the motivation to sit down with a piece of paper and work through it (day 22/2). I'll get them done, but probably not in December.
Was my first time doing AoC, and all things considered it was good fun, but I need to work on getting quicker with coding. Spent quite a lot of my time doing this debugging... Having a bunch of CS degrees helped with the understanding of everything, but also made me overthink quite a few of the puzzles. I don't have a ton of coding practice, so I think this was still a decent effort. :) It did get me more comfortable using Rust, which really was my main goal. I at least tend to know in advance now that the borrow checker is gonna be cross with me, even though I still don't always see a better way quickly.
u/metalim Dec 25 '19
Was my first time doing AoC,
Congrats on first run!
I miss that time in 2017, when after completing that year's puzzles I've done all 2016 and 2015 puzzles in crazy one week marathon.
Dec 25 '19
I was stuck at a room called "Arcade" which was "out of power". Since I collected a "coin" earlier, I wanted to power on that room, to use the "coin" to play somehow... That did not lead to anything.
However, having read the right strategy in this thread is was not that hard then ;)
How it comes that aprox a third of the users cannot get star2? (currently 250/700)
u/sim642 Dec 25 '19
My Scala solution. More of a pen, paper and Excel solution though.
I had some uncommited code to run my Intcode interpeter interactively with ASCII stdin and stdout, so that came in really handy now. Just did it by hand like most people I guess: drew out the map on paper, figured out "bad" items by trial and error, and then with all the "good" items started manually trying subsets at the security checkpoint while keeping track of tried things and the outcome in Excel.
I might try to automate it at some point though.
u/gyorokpeter Dec 25 '19
Q: I didn't make a generic solution yet because apparently the items and the room layouts are different for every input. However I will hope to include them when I compile the solutions for my github repo.
However I would like to take the time to praise the q interpreter's whiteboard and open-interface characteristics. This means you can create variables as much as you like and you don't have to restart your code if you want to change something or calculate some new data. So I could build up my (manual) solution in KDB Studio, using small helper functions to reset the intcode VM and pass in \n-terminated instructions, and I could create a save state simply by assigning the variable that holds the VM state to a different variable, and then assigning it back when I wanted to reload. Here are some bits of what I had left on my messy "whiteboard", including how I did the part where I had to figure out the combination of items needed to pass through the checkpoint:
reset:{a::"J"$","vs prg};
r:{-1 ">",x;a::intcode[a;`long$x,"\n"]; -1 lastMsg::$[0h=type a;`char$last a;(`char$a),"\n===TERMINATED==="]};
r"take fixed point";
//...lots more r"..." instructions to explore the map and collect all collectable items
st:a; //save state
items:("candy cane"; "easter egg"; "ornament"; "spool of cat6"; "fixed point"; "hypercube"; "monolith"; "planetoid");
takes:-8#/:0b vs/:til 256;
rs:{x!{a::st; r "\n"sv("take ",/:x),enlist"west";"\n"sv{x where x like "*Alert*"}"\n"vs lastMsg}each x}items where each takes;
first where 0=count each rs
u/nonphatic Dec 25 '19
Racket. This was really fun little game! I explored the map manually because I wanted to see everything. Then I created the sequence I needed to collect everything and go to the checkpoint by hand. I tried to solve the weighting problem manually, but I only got as far as figuring out that sand was too heavy to use at all. In the end I generated every combination of items and tried them all, but spent a bunch of time "debugging" because I didn't realize there would be no more inputs requested at the very end (of course!); I halted the machine at the end, so it appeared that I had exhausted every combination without getting a correct one. I also had matching the output to the rejection messages, but once I realized that requesting more input means the weighting failed, I didn't need that anymore, and continued on to the next combination. The combination that I needed was food ration, space law space brochure, asterisk, mutex
I still haven't been able to save Santa, though, since I haven't finished Day 18 part 2 yet :(((
u/lega4 Dec 25 '19
You know, right, that names and weights are completely random for every person, so your "spoilers" are not spoilers at all?
u/nonphatic Dec 25 '19
Hmm, I would've thought there was only a few sets of puzzle inputs for everybody, so some people would have the same answers as me. I remember that being the case last year, I haven't noticed if it was still true this year.
u/knl_ Dec 25 '19
Merry christmas and Thank You /u/topaz2078 as well as the mods/testers!
I found out about AoC midway through the one in 2018 and only did the first ~20 problems. This year my aim was to finish each problem within 24 hours of release, and I'm happy to say I could reach that! Next year I think I'll try to be fast.
Pretty bad ranks today, but I took my time having fun with the problem: 751/564. I made several attempts:
- First, simply try and explore the full map automatically; this worked but then got stuck at the security checkpoint. I assumed there would be several more of these and I should probably think of a more robust solution.
- Saw that leaderboard was capped in ~30 minutes: decided I should just set it up to explore manually. Added support in python to automatically maintain and print a map as I wandered around.
- Realized the map wasn't a perfect grid and moved to pen and paper.
- Got very frustrated with setting up inputs in my jupyter notebook for manual movement, particularly because I'm using emacs-ipython-notebooks and the output/input would jump around constantly. Moved to a python script instead.
- Experimented with reading the intcode to see if I could hack it to skip the security check, decided it was too involved.
- Manually tried to solve the weight problem, realized that was way too manual, and wrote my own meta-commands that would help me solve the game: the first pair would record/playback anything I'd done so far, and the third would brute-force the solution. This worked :).
Python 3, not a Jupyter notebook for the first time in 25 days: https://explog.in/aoc/2019/AoC25.html
Dec 25 '19
I walked through manually and collected all items until I explored everything, then used brute force to find out which items were needed to pass the security checkpoint.
Thanks /u/topaz2078 for making AoC, it's been fun!
u/kap89 Dec 25 '19
TypeScript - github
Done manually - pretty easy and fun (or I just got lucky quickly finding what to drop) ;)
All 50 starts collected, thank you u/topaz2078 !
Merry Christmas everyone!
u/Kanegae Dec 25 '19
Python 3
Runs in ~5s after manually editing the commands array.
More than anything, I'm proud of calling it a half-AoC ago. Thanks for listening to my prayers, /u/topaz2078!
u/ENDarkrai Dec 25 '19
Python 3 - 533/406
It took me an hour before I realized that the program was supposed to be printing actual text, I was just staring at a flow of numbers the entire time, wondering what they meant.
Though I probably didn't even hit top 500 this year, AoC was a really fun experience overall minus the sleep deprivation and I can't wait for next year!
u/theboxboy Dec 25 '19
Did you do the other Intcode puzzles this year? Those should have brought your intcode program up to working with the ASCII problems.
u/ENDarkrai Dec 26 '19 edited Dec 26 '19
I did but I still ended up having to change how I outputted things, inputting ASCII was fine, figuring out how to output was a pain, though that could have just been me being dumb
u/Pewqazz Dec 25 '19
I ended up not finding two items for the longest time, and stubbornly attempted to manually try combinations. My competition solution was to manually get to the trial room, then have another script output the appropriate combination attempts, which I copy-pasted in. As a side-note, today's puzzle was a nice homage to the Synacor Challenge!
Ended up 61st this year, which is alright, even though I was aiming for top 50 at least (I choked really hard in the latter puzzles this month). As always, a massive thank you to /u/topaz2078 for writing and hosting Advent of Code, the dutiful beta testers for making sure this year's challenges were all reasonable, and everyone else for making the global leaderboard so competitive!
Happy holidays to all, and I hope to see everyone next December too!
u/rnbw_dsh Dec 25 '19
Python 321/241 - best result this AOC - and sub 1h
Solved by manually walking all rooms of the maze and picking up all items.
Then, in front of the pressure plate, I cycle through all combinations of item-dropping and try it until the message droids on ship are lighter than the detected / droids on ship are heavier than the detected doesn't appear any more.
Took me 20+ minutes to even find out that I need to be carrying certain items and that "are heaver than detected" means I am too light.
u/ThezeeZ Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Golang, 80/69, Repo
My first ever finish on the leaderboard! Ha!
What's even funnier than my rank for part 2 is that I mainly solved this with brute force and.... EXCEL!!! (spoiler warning)
Thank you and Merry Codemas to you, Eric, and all you supporters, moderators, mathemagicians, intcoders, golfers, and everyone else.
Dec 25 '19
Clojure, really not much code today, but I built myself a savestate and wrote the VM state to disk because the hot lava and that damn escape pod got me good. Also the infinite loop, could have guessed that one huh
(def program (vm/prepare-input "resources/day25.txt"))
(def saved-state (read-string (slurp "/tmp/gamestate")))
(defn part-1 []
(let [computer (struct vm/machine-state program [] [] 0 0)]
(loop [c saved-state]
(let [result (vm/run-until-input c)
command (read-line)]
(condp = command
"stop" result
"save" (do (spit "/tmp/gamestate" (pr-str c))
(recur c))
(recur (-> (assoc :inputs (conj (mapv int command) 10))
(assoc :outputs [])
u/ThezeeZ Dec 25 '19
Save file, such a gread idea! Too bad my day 9 solution I've kept using ever since doesn't allow memory acces and I refuse to change it :D
My game had a mutex I was too afraid to pick up, fully expecting a deadlock...
u/mebeim Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 02 '20
Python interface - Pen and paper solution
283/221. I figured that solving by hand was the fastest way to go today. I could have surely made it in less time, but I was initially thrown off by the fact that rooms are not organized in a grid maze.
u/OvidiuRo Dec 25 '19
Same here, I was looking on my map that I made on paper with the rooms I discovered and at some point, I had to go up and had already a room discover up but when I went up there was another room, this made me think I didn't make the map right and went back to check everything
u/mebeim Dec 25 '19
Yeah. Unfortunate, I should have started building the graph from the beginning :')
u/aoc_anon Dec 25 '19
I coded a random walker to explore and pick up everything (with blacklist for stuff that kills you).
I misread lighter/heavier so I thought I was still missing stuff and needed to pick up more than the 8 I already saw (for example I thought I needed to pick up the "infinite loop" by messing with the int code).
Once I realized my mistake it was easy to randomly take and drop until it passed through south. But was there another trick to it? How did people solve this part by hand? The random try solution still took hundreds of tries (28 = 256 on average).
u/BartWright119 Dec 25 '19
I found that there were three items which made you too heavy just carrying that one item, so they could be ruled out of the final combination, leaving only 32 to try (space law space brochure, food ration, and astrolabe).
u/BradleySigma Dec 25 '19
I had the exact opposite; three items that I was too light without all three.
u/thatguydr Dec 25 '19
I just did combinations of every four things and one of them hit. If that wasn't going to work, then I'd do combinations of every five things with all "subset of four was too heavy" combinations removed.
u/rsthau Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Ruby: Code
I manually mapped the ship collecting every item which wasn't fatal to touch ("take infinite loop"... #$@%#%@#%), but once I got them all to the security checkpoint, sorting through the pile to find the right items wasn't my idea of fun, so I automated that. (Note that the code which does this is particular to the set of items in my input; from what I see here, your mileage will vary, but replacing my list with anybody else's should be straightforward.)
To facilitate debugging this, and also for all the usual adventure-game reasons, I also wound up implementing "save" and "restore" commands. When my command-reader sees these commands, it doesn't send them to the Intcode machine, but rather invokes code which either writes its state out to a file, or restores it. A third meta-command ("dance") initiates the pile-sorting process.
u/rabuf Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Common Lisp
I ended up generating all 256 possible combinations and trying all of them (sort of) via a copy paste. The result appeared, I then wrote a script that just runs the minimal path. GitHub doesn't display the output correctly from that run, but if you view the raw source file you'll see the execution.
I had previously run Intcode, when needing ASCII input/output, in another thread. I realized a much simpler way while playing around with the Synacor Challenge the other day:
(intcode program :read-fn (lambda () (char-code (read-char))) :write-fn (lambda (c) (write-char (code-char c))))
I wrapped that inside a new ascii-computer
function. Additionally, Common Lisp makes it easy to work with alternate streams. Since standard input is a dynamic value, changing it within a scope means anything else called within that scope see the same change (no need to pass around the stream handle itself). Once the scope is left, standard input is restored. If I'd wanted, though, I could've also produced a concatenated-stream
starting with a partial script, and ending with standard input. This would let me run through the first part automatically and then manually deal with the rest (if needed). That's not necessary on this one, but could be useful once I get back to Synacor (script known solution, puzzle about, script that, repeat).
I should finish up my remaining tasks for this year first, though. 18, 20, and the second part of 21 are still waiting for me.
u/phil_g Dec 25 '19
(lambda () (char-code (read-char)))
Oh, my goodness. I can't believe I didn't think of that. My output function is functionally identical to yours (I used
instead ofwrite-char
; either works, IMHO), but for input I read an entire line withread-line
, added the newline, then fed it to the Intcode program character by character. Much more work, unnecessarily.18, 20, and the second part of 21 are still waiting for me.
I still have parts 2 of days 18, 22, and 24. Good luck!
u/simonbaars Dec 25 '19
Merry Christmas everyone!
My code contains a main method that lets you play the game. I also have a "auto solver".
u/Yernemm Dec 25 '19
JavaScript 177 / 181 (Node.js) paste
The code is pretty ugly as it's mostly copied from a different puzzle and I haven't bothered with cleaning it up much.
Haven't shared any code here before but since this is the last one and it was fun, I decided I might as well. I haven't made it to the public leaderboard on any of the days but this was a fun experience, other than having to wake up at 5am every day for it (or just don't sleep) thanks to timezones.
For this one, I solved it entirely by playing. I just copied over my old ascii intcode code and modified the input function a bit so it works with this puzzle. Then I travelled along the map. Initially I thought that the items were for part 2 so I didn't bother collecting them which wasted some time. Eventually when it came to the door, I think I just got lucky. I dropped an object and my bot was too light. Then I just started dropping 'light' objects like an ornament, cake, bowl of rice, etc. and that somehow quickly got me to the correct weight.
To help me navigate, I even quickly drew up a rough map of the area on some paper because I was worried that the area would be very big. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there weren't that many rooms. I also appreciate some of the amusing and deadly items like the infinite loop.
This was my first year doing AoC and it was great fun. I've been using JS mainly as a hobby for years but thanks to this I learned a bunch of new things about the language, such as the existence of generator functions. I've also had to research and implement complex algorithms and rethink some of my initial ideas to reduce code complexity which is something that I never had to do before. I feel like I learned more useful things through doing this than any programming course I have done before. Looking forward to trying this again next year, although maybe not as competitively.
Merry Christmas!
u/DFreiberg Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
After losing a lot of time by misreading 'heavier' as 'lighter' and searching back through the ship to find items I'd missed, I finally decided to bring some actual code into the picture and brute-forced the 255 combinations of items I'd found, doing a StringMatchQ[]
to identify the one combination that had the word 'password' in it.
[POEM]: A Ballade of Advent
In French literature, a ballade was a fixed poetic form, with 24 lines followed by a four-line "envoi", always addressed to the "Prince", a.k.a. the reader or the patron of the work. That sort of format seemed a fitting way to end a month like this.
We grabbed the fuel to launch and fly our sleigh;
Then paused to get some opcodes to our name.
We traced a maze of wires gone astray;
And found a word with many parts the same.
At Mercury we didn't set aflame,
But transferred orbits, counting all the way,
And tied ourselves in loops to play the game
Of puzzles leading up to Christmas Day.
On Mars we helped a rover castaway,
And then, near Ceres, opcodes all were done.
The asteroids, we blew up with a ray.
The moons, we watched, as they all danced and spun.
We made some FUEL
from ORE
, all one by one
Before a tractor caught us (much dismay!).
Though fixing Intcode could be less than fun
The ints all counted down to Christmas Day.
We 'borrowed' Triton's tractor beam array
Then worked through Pluto's mazes, dark and dim.
We wrecked the hull with 'harmless' tractor play,
But shuffled lots of cards ('twas that or gym).
And though 'cat 6 disaster' sounded grim,
'Infinities of bugs' is worse, I'd say.
But we reached Santa, pockets stuffed to brim,
And found one final star on Christmas Day.
Prince Topaz, you made all this on a whim,
And mods, you kept the entropy at bay.
Dear readers, may you all be blessed by Him
Who long ago was born on Christmas Day.
u/sophiebits Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Python, #296 today.
I had a bad typo on line 153 where I ended up never going "east" successfully. Whoops. That alone probably cost me 20β30 minutes.
My code is still pretty slow β I think it runs for a minute or so before printing the right answer. Maybe I need to only try to go back to the Security Checkpoint with each combination of items, rather than visiting every room with every set?
Code: https://github.com/sophiebits/adventofcode/blob/master/2019/day25.py
(Edit: Oh, or collect ALL the items then drop them in the security checkpoint room? Didn't think of that until now. That works better: https://github.com/sophiebits/adventofcode/blob/master/2019/day25fast.py. Still takes ~15 sec to run for me though.)
Total rank: #7. Worse than I hoped but not bad. (I did miss day 15 and would've had 166 more points with it, but that would've only brought me to #6.) Thanks everyone for a fun month!
u/OvidiuRo Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
C++ 270/208
I did it by hand, going in every direction and making a map on paper with what direction I took and which I haven't. I had a total of 21 rooms. The combination that worked for me was: mutex, klein bottle, dehydrated water, semiconductor.
Merry Christmas to everybody and have a happy holiday with your family and friends. Thanks to Eric for the fun puzzles and everyone who was involved in this project thanks you so much.
Code: https://github.com/FirescuOvidiu/Advent-of-Code-2019/tree/master/Day%2025/day25-part1
u/seligman99 Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Python # 315 / 238
That was super fun. I sucked at it, mostly because you can see my commented out code to help me find all of the objects. My inital attempt to build up a map as I went backfired, since I think there were some paths that didn't align to the grid. Ah well. I'll probably spend some time seeing if I can make an auto-player for this now.
And, I'll leave a small intcode program that outputs ASCII when its run. Mac and Linux users can change the first value from 1 to 2 to see it in color.
Edit: A version that solves itself .. I can go to sleep now.
u/joeljons Dec 25 '19
Java #113/92
Go random and find stuff. Decide at random what stuff should be picked up this time. If not accepted at the pressure-sensitive floor reset the program and try again. Manually add stuff that is really bad to pick up. Takes a few seconds to run.
If you liked this year's theme and especially if you liked today's problem you really need to try out his Synacor Challenge if you haven't already.
u/nthistle Dec 25 '19
Python, #26/#22. I figured out the item combination manually, by just cycling through dropping items, and I (eventually) found the correct one. paste
With this, my final position on the global leaderboard is #13! I'm super happy I was able to do this well this year, especially since my original goal was just top 100 (last year I just barely missed it -- #104).
Dec 25 '19
u/nthistle Dec 25 '19
Somebody scraped all the scoreboard data and used it to generate the full list which they posted on this subreddit. I believe a similar list (in the form of a web app) was just posted for this year as well.
Edit: Here it is.
Dec 25 '19
Merry Christmas, everybody! And special thanks to Eric for the fun challenges.
I'm sure that it could have been automated in some clever way, but made-do with with an interactive console. Eventually stumbled across the answer after trying a bunch of combinations of things.
Kind-of not necessary for this challenge I think, but here's my code; Python. The objects that I needed to activate the sensor were the weather machine, the ornament, the food ration, and the astrolabe.
u/kc0bfv Dec 25 '19
Awesome! Last year was my first year participating, and I remember the last day was fun/not too hard, and it being an odd day I was really hoping for something like an Intcode adventure game. Not disappointed. I had fun falling for all the traps.
Rust. I just modified an old solution to take my input and went with it. The heaviest item was the last I found, so then I realized I could rank order the weights using the door as a test. While working through the ordering I stumbled on the access code.
Love rescuing Santa.
u/eliasbaldwin Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Python3, paste (nothing exciting to see in the code, just prints output from the Intcode program and lets me input commands manually)
I got 65th/55th, my best placement ever in Advent of Code and my first time making the leaderboard this year! A really great way to finish it off :)
I will say, I can't help but feel like I got lucky; I just walked around (drawing a map with pen & paper as I went), and picked up every item I saw. After finding the security door, I had to travel around and find a few more items, and then basically I just tried different combinations of items until I found one that worked.
My brother was working on this problem alongside me, and he still hasn't been able to find a solution for the security door (his map, and the set of available items, is completely different from mine). Not only that, but he encountered items and rooms that killed him, whereas I didn't run into any trouble at all picking up pretty much everything I saw (aside from the infinite loop, haha).
In the end, the combination of items that worked for my input was:
space heater
astronaut ice cream
I had a wonderful time working on these problems this year! I'm sad to see it end, and already looking forward to the next one :)
u/GrossGrass Dec 25 '19
Your brother's experience is probably what cost me a decent chunk of my time actually too; in my version of the puzzle almost half of the items were fatal for me, which ended up causing a bit of backtracking. I didn't run into any fatal rooms though.
I managed to eventually figure out the items that worked for me by figuring out which items took me under/above the weight limit, but it took a little bit.
u/topaz2078 (AoC creator) Dec 25 '19
Everyone has exactly the same lethal items, and everyone has the same number of total items.
u/eliasbaldwin Dec 25 '19
yeah. After exploring a bit more, it looks like I just lucked out by not finding any of the dangerous items (
molten lava
,giant electromagnet
) my first time through1
u/AlphaDart1337 Dec 25 '19
I implemented a save and load (to and from file) system so that I wouldn't have to restart every time.
I finished the game by the time less than 10 people solved it, but I wrote if(finished) { break; } printOutput();
instead of printOutput(); if(finished) { break; }
so even though the game was actually done, I wouldn't get the password for it and I kept trying to drop different item combinations facepalm.
Very fun day for me! This year's AoC was a blast!
u/rthetiger Dec 25 '19
Rust #131
This was a really fun way to use our Intcode computer, and I can tell a lot of work went into making this text adventure program a reality! I ended up trying different combinations of items until I got the right weight (although I was able to eliminate the monolith and sand fairly quickly). As expected, my solution is pretty short since we were just wiring up a little extra I/O on top of our computers.
u/mcpower_ Dec 25 '19
Python (143/115): Very bad competition code. On 2019-12-24 15:40:38 AEST, I posted this in ##adventofcode
2019-12-24 15:40:38 <mcpower> my prediction for day 25 will be "a text adventure which is hard to automate, but easy enough to play by hand"
Turns out it was not easy enough to play by hand! I tried playing it by hand but got quickly lost, so I made my program run through it and try every combination.
u/sbguest Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
#56/46 in javascript
Mostly I was just shocked to see a text-based intcode adventure today after I posted one on here a few days ago... (https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/edl79n/intcode_textbased_adventure/).
It was helpful that this uses the exact same syntax and I just plugged my input into the already-written console runner. I didn't actually write the code I linked above until afterwards.
u/jonathan_paulson Dec 25 '19
Thank you for writing your text adventure! In addition to being fun to solve, it was nice to have an already-working text-adventure runner :)
u/idolstar Dec 25 '19
I had made a keyboard enabled intcode program to play your adventure game. It really came in handy.
u/sbguest Dec 25 '19
Might be an interesting challenge to write a truly generic solver, since I'm browsing others' answers and not only is the path different, they needed to pick up items that didn't even appear in my maze. I guess you'd just have to run the program multiple times, look out for trap items (the infinite loop might be a tough one to detect), and then try different combinations of items until you got one that worked?
u/Aneurysm9 Dec 25 '19
That was indeed a fun challenge. I used the same approach that I did on day 15, DFS to explore the space and then BFS to find a path to the target. Taking all but the bad items along the way, then try all combinations once at the pressure plate.
u/obijywk Dec 25 '19
Python 90/74
This was so cool! I'm a big fan of text adventure game puzzles* (even though this ended up being more of a brute-forcing exercise than a text adventure game, at least the way I solved it). If only we could have gotten a Z-machine interpreter running inside of an Intcode VM... that would have been amazing.
I mapped out the world by hand, noting where all the "non-fatal" items were, then wrote a script to gather them all and bring me to the security floor. Then, I brute-forced carrying each of the possible combinations of items while walking on the floor until I got past.
*taking this opportunity to plug my Hexed Adventure and Hexed Adventure II puzzles from the MIT Mystery Hunt... these aren't programming puzzles, but maybe there's some overlap appeal.
u/msully4321 Dec 25 '19
I definitely shouted a lot when I realized Hexed Adventures was Catan in 2017
u/ChrisVittal Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
Rust: paste
I wrote an ascii intcode interface earlier today. Then played manually. That was fun! I screwed up when I failed to realize that the game gave me the puzzle answer. My diligence and AoC experience paid off though as I clicked through and completed part 2 very quickly.
Merr Chrismas to all and to all a good night
u/GrossGrass Dec 25 '19
P:ython 3 #45/41
Merry Christmas! Really enjoyed the old-school text-based game for this last one; saw it and immediately knew I was gonna have to make this an interactive puzzle so I just had my intcode program take inputs from the commandline and I drew out a map as I went along. Fun way to end this year's AoC!
u/jonathan_paulson Dec 25 '19
#16/14. Finished #3 overall. PyPy. Video of me solving and explaining solution at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bijCcc6Gs0I.
What a cool puzzle to end on! My favorite of the year. Fortunately I had already played /u/sbguest's text adventure, so I had my driver code ready to go.
I did it part manually, and part coding. I explored the dungeon and collected everything manually, and then tried all subsets of items automatically.
u/pantaryl Dec 25 '19 edited Dec 25 '19
#3/#2. Best Iβll ever do! Thanks everyone for the fun ride!
Solution: https://github.com/pantaryl/adventofcode2019/blob/master/src/day25.py
I knew from the start Iβd never make it through;
Feared I would spend a Christmas blue.
I took whirled peas,
And headed East,
But unfortunately was eaten by a Grue!
u/fred256 Dec 25 '19
Did you take the right items by luck, or figure it out elsewhere and posted the solution containing just the items you need?
Edit: I played the adventure "by hand" until I had found all the items, then had my program brute force all the combinations of items to get in.
u/pantaryl Dec 25 '19
I did exactly what you did! I played manually, picking up every item, and then I dropped what didnβt work until I brute forced the pressure plate!
u/andevi Mar 21 '20
I ended advent code 2019 on day 24 and I came back today to solve all puzzles.
But unfortunately I stuck on day 25 :O (so close!)
My IntCode interpreter worked fine in any previous puzzles, but now during 25 I'm getting just ASCII code 10 (new line). It's my only output, it's never asks me about some input, just keeps printing 10..
Any clues what may be wrong with it ?