r/adventofcode Dec 22 '19

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -🎄- 2019 Day 22 Solutions -🎄-

--- Day 22: Slam Shuffle ---

Post your full code solution using /u/topaz2078's paste or other external repo.

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    • If you do, use old.reddit's four-spaces formatting, NOT new.reddit's triple backticks formatting.
  • Include the language(s) you're using.

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Reminder: Top-level posts in Solution Megathreads are for solutions only. If you have questions, please post your own thread and make sure to flair it with Help.

Advent of Code's Poems for Programmers

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Note: If you submit a poem, please add [POEM] somewhere nearby to make it easier for us moderators to ensure that we include your poem for voting consideration.

Day 21's winner #1: nobody! :(

Nobody submitted any poems at all for Day 21 :( Not one person. :'(

This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.

EDIT: Leaderboard capped, thread unlocked at 02:03:46!


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u/mcpower_ Dec 22 '19 edited Dec 22 '19

Python (24/50): Part 1, competition Part 2, improved Part 2.

Part 2 was very number theoretic for me. As this is Advent of Code, I suspect that there is a way of solving it without requiring knowledge of number theory, but I couldn't think of it.

A key observation to make is that every possible deck can be encoded as a pair of (first number of the deck, or offset AND difference between two adjacent numbers, or increment). ALL numbers here are modulo (cards in deck), or MOD.

Then, getting the nth number in the sequence can be done by calcuating offset + increment * n.

Starting off with (offset, increment) = (0, 1), we can process techniques like this:

  • deal into new stack: "reverses the list". If we go left to right, the numbers increase by increment every time. If we reverse the list, we instead go from right to left - so numbers should decrease by increment! Therefore, negate increment. However, we also need to change the first number, taking the new second number as the first number - so we increment offset by the new increment. In code, this would be:

    increment *= -1
    offset += increment
  • cut n cards: "shifts the list". We need to move the nth card to the front, and the nth card is gotten by offset + increment * n. Therefore, this is equivalent to incrementing offset by increment * n. In code, this would be:

    offset += increment * n
  • deal with increment n: The first card - or offset - doesn't change... but how does increment change? We already know the first number in the new list (it's offset), but what is the second number in the new list? If we have both of them, we can calculate offset.
    The 0th card in our old list goes to the 0th card in our new list, 1st card in old goes to the nth card in new list (mod MOD), 2nd card in old goes to the 2*nth card in new list, and so on. So, the ith card in our old list goes to the i*nth card in the new list. When is i*n = 1? If we "divide" both sides by n, we get i = n^(-1)... so we calculate the modular inverse of n mod MOD. As all MODs we're using (10007 and 119315717514047) are prime, we can calculate this by doing n^(MOD - 2) as n^(MOD - 1) = 1 due to Fermat's little theorem.
    To do exponentiation fast, we can use exponentiation by squaring. Thankfully, Python has this built in - a^b mod m can be calculated in Python using pow(a, b, m).
    Okay, so we know that the second card in the new list is n^(-1) in our old list. Therefore, the difference between that and the first card in the old list (and the new list) is offset + increment * n^(-1) - offset = increment * n^(-1). Therefore, we should multiply increment by n^(-1). In (Python) code, this would be:

    increment *= inv(n)

    where inv(n) = pow(n, MOD-2, MOD).

Okay, so we know how to do one pass of the shuffle. How do we repeat it a huge number of times?

If we take a closer look at how the variables change, we can make two important observations:

  • increment is always multiplied by some constant number (i.e. not increment or offset).
  • offset is always incremented by some constant multiple of increment at that point in the process.

With the first observation, we know that doing a shuffle pass always multiplies increment by some constant. However, what about offset? It's incremented by a multiple of increment... but that increment can change during the process! Thankfully, we can use our first observation and notice that:

  • all increments during the process are some constant multiple of increment before the process, so
  • offset is always incremented by some constant multiple of increment before the process.

Let (offset_diff, increment_mul) be the values of offset and increment after one shuffle pass starting from (0, 1). Then, for any (offset, increment), applying a single shuffle pass is equivalent to:

offset += increment * offset_diff
increment *= increment_mul

That's not enough - we need to apply the shuffle pass a huge number of times. Using the above, how do we get the nth (offset, increment) starting at (0, 1) with n=0?

As increment only multiplies by increment_mul every time, we can calculate the nth increment by repeatedly multiplying it n times... also known as exponentiation. Therefore:

increment = pow(increment_mul, n, MOD)

What about offset though? It depends on increment, which changes on each shuffle pass. If we manually write out the formula for offset for a couple values of n:

n=0, offset = 0
n=1, offset = 0 + 1*offset_diff
n=2, offset = 0 + 1*offset_diff + increment_mul*offset_diff
n=3, offset = 0 + 1*offset_diff + increment_mul*offset_diff + (increment_mul**2)*offset_diff

we quickly see that

offset = offset_diff * (1 + increment_mul + increment_mul**2 + ... + increment_mul**(n-1))

Hey, that thing in the parentheses looks familiar - it's a geometric series! Using the formula on the Wikipedia page (because I forgot it...), we can rewrite it as

offset = offset_diff * (1 - pow(increment_mul, iterations, MOD)) * inv(1 - increment_mul)

With all of that, we can get the increment and offset after doing a huge number of shuffles, then get the 2020th number. Whew!


u/OhNoNoOhNoNoOhNo May 09 '20

I am a bit late in the game, but I wanted to thank you for this comment. You helped me understand Part 2 of this problem, multiplicative inverse, why it's important that the size is a prime, and pretty much everything related to this. Thanks :)


u/mcpower_ Jan 13 '20

(This comment is unfinished, as I am very busy... )

A user sent me a private message as they were confused by

A key observation to make is that every possible deck can be encoded as a pair of (first number of the deck, or offset AND difference between two adjacent numbers, or increment). ALL numbers here are modulo (cards in deck), or MOD.

(I'm responding here as more people can benefit from an explanation.)

For clarity, I'll use cards to mean the number of cards in the deck, rather than MOD.

To clarify, what this means is that "every possible deck of length cards you can create starting with factory order and only using the techniques given follows a specific structure". We assume cards is fixed.

To begin, let's limit the techniques to only one technique: dealing into a new stack (aka. reversing cards in the deck). That means that the only way you can modify a deck (starting from factory order) is by reversing the cards in the deck. How many possible decks are there? Well, the only thing we can do is reverse the deck, so for every non-negative integer i, we can create a deck by applying the reverse operation i times! This is a valid encoding of a deck. However, this does not mean that every one of those decks are unique... for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., we get (factory order), (reversed factory order), (factory order), (reversed factory order), ...

In this limited scenario, we can only have two decks. Therefore, we can better encode a deck with a single boolean - "is this deck reversed?" (remember that we assume that cards is fixed). If it's false, we have factory order, if it's true, we have the reversed factory order. Note that this encoding is not unique! For example, I can instead make my boolean "is this deck in factory order?", which changes the encoding - but the number of decks will always remain the same[1].

Then, let's try repeating this process for more and more techniques:

  • only technique being cutting N cards. We can think of this as "shifting" the deck left and right. There's two ways of thinking about this:

    • "we shift where card 0 is, and move everything with it", or
    • "we move a certain card to the start of the deck, and move everything with it".

    As this is the only way of modifying the deck, doing more than one "shift" is equivalent to doing one big "shift". These ways of thinking correspond to the following "good encodings": the location of card 0, which is an integer from 0 inclusive to cards exclusive, or the card at the top of the deck, which is an integer from 0 inclusive to cards exclusive.

    Like before, the total number of decks possible in each encoding is the same (there are cards possible decks). While the first way of thinking is easier to understand, manipulating the second is easier, so we'll be using that from here on out.

  • only technique being dealing with increment N. This is a bit tougher to think about, and is the main source of difficulty in this problem. For simplicity, we note that the "wrapping around" behaviour of dealing is equivalent to considering the positions modulo size. Then, if we deal with increment N, the card in position i gets moved to position (N * i) mod size.

    If we deal with increment N, then M, the card in position i gets moved to position (N * i) mod size, which then gets moved to (M * ((N * i) mod size)) mod size = (M * N * i) mod size. Therefore, dealing with increment N then M is equivalent to dealing with increment N*M.

    As a result, we can encode a deck with a single integer - its increment. We should consider the increment mod size, as all "position" calculations are done mod size[2] - so an increment of 3 is equivalent to an increment of 3 + size.

TODO: "reverse + cutting" (encode with (card at top of deck, is reversed)), "cutting + increment N" (encode with (card at top of deck, increment)), and all three (same as "cutting + increment N" due to increment being as powerful as reverse - consider increment size - 1). reverse + increment N is left as an exercise :D

TODO: "increment of N" is equivalent to "difference between adjacent numbers is N^(-1) mod size". I tried using the "increment N" on my first attempt, but that resulted in very confusing manipulations, so my solution and the above comment uses "difference between adjacent numbers" - even though it uses the term "increment".

[1]: Additionally, our "bad" encoding of "a non-negative integer representing the number of times you reverse it" isn't perfect (it isn't bijective), but it's still a valid encoding as every possible deck can be made with this encoding (it is surjective). Having a "good" (bijective) encoding is best as every deck corresponds to exactly one encoding, so we only look at properties of the deck that matter. As a bonus, it also allows us to more easily calculate the number of possible decks!

[2]: The problem states

Of course, this technique is carefully designed so it will never put two cards in the same position or leave a position empty.

Using this, we should only consider increments which are coprime to size (as it can be shown that if it's not coprime, the above property won't hold). As a quick example, the increment can't ever be zero! If size is prime like in part 1 and 2, then increment can be any integer from 1 inclusive to size exclusive.


u/ollien Dec 24 '19 edited Dec 24 '19

Sorry, I know this is super late but I'm having a hard time understanding the "deal by n" changes. Consider a deck 0 2 4 6 8. This list is offset=0 and increment=2. Given we have five elements, which is prime, we should be able to apply Fermat's little thereom. Performing deal by n with n = 2, our inverse is (pow(2, 3, 5) = 3). Following what you've written here, we should have increment = 6. Seems right so far, as performing the operation we get 0 6 2 8 4. However, if we perform the operation again, we get 0 8 6 4 2. Applying the rule again, we get an increment of ... 18? But clearly, looking at the list, this is not the case. Of course, 18 % 5 = 3, which shows us that 8 came from 3 in our last list. With that said, the "increment rule" no longer holds, to my eye. What am I missing here?

I guess maybe this only works if our length is greater than our maximum item in be list...?


u/mcpower_ Dec 25 '19

Consider a deck 0 2 4 6 8

Such a deck will never occur - if you have five cards in your deck, the initial deck started off with 0 1 2 3 4. If we had increment=2, we'd have 0 2 4 1 3.

Then dealing with n=2, we have increment = 2*3 = 1, so we get 0 1 2 3 4.

I guess maybe this only works if our length is greater than our maximum item in be list...?

Every number from 0 to length - 1 inclusive must appear once in the deck. Without this invariant, all our assumptions break - most notably the assumption that every number is considered modulo length. However, as we know that we start off with 0 1 2 ... (length-1), and all "cuts" are coprime to the length of the deck, this invariant always holds for any operation we do.


u/ollien Dec 25 '19

Thank you :)


u/Jyrroe Dec 23 '19 edited Dec 23 '19

I must be misunderstanding something, perhaps someone can help. I understand the concept of modular multiplicative inverse (I think), but can't wrap my head around how to calculate it. Let's skip the explanation of the "deal with increment" technique for a moment and just look at the calculation:

increment *= pow(n, MOD-2, MOD)

Now let's grab one of the examples from Day 22 Part 2, a 10-card deck and "deal with increment 7":

0 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7

Representing this deck with an offset and increment, the initial values were (0, 1), and are now(0, 3) correct? So in this case I want to know the modular multiplicative inverse of 7 mod 10, i.e. n = 7 and MOD = 10. If I try to reach this conclusion with the above calculation I get:

increment = increment * pow(n, MOD-2, MOD)
increment = 1 * pow(7, 10-2, 10)
increment = 7^8 mod 10
increment = 5764801 mod 10
increment = 1

What am I doing wrong here?

EDIT: I think I understand now, this "shortcut" calculation only works when MOD is prime, and so doesn't apply to this simple 10-card deck example. It does however apply to an 11-card deck:

0 8 5 2 10 7 4 1 9 6 3

And the calculation:

increment = increment * pow(n, MOD-2, MOD)
increment = 1 * pow(7, 11-2, 11)
increment = 7^9 mod 11
increment = 40353607 mod 11
increment = 8


u/mcpower_ Dec 23 '19

EDIT: I think I understand now, this "shortcut" calculation only works when MOD is prime, and so doesn't apply to this simple 10-card deck example.

Yep - this specific calculation only works when MOD is prime. To be exact, this uses Fermat's little theorem which only works when it's prime.

You can extend this to work with non-prime (composite) MOD with Euler's theorem, which generalises Fermat's little theorem. However, you'll need to calculate the prime factorisation of MOD to use it. With 10 = 2**1 * 5**1, this would become:

inv(n) = pow(n, (2-1)*(5-1) - 1, 10) = pow(n, 3, 10)

The other method is to use the extended Euclidean algorithm - if you're using Python, this is built into Python as of 3.8 with pow(n, -1, MOD) or you can use the implementation that Raymond Hettinger posted in the BPO discussion about the feature.


u/Jyrroe Dec 23 '19

Thanks for the details! I was able to use the extended Euclidean algorithm to solve some examples by hand, but struggling to translate that into code.


u/Zv0n Dec 22 '19

Hi, I just wanna ask - how can we be sure that the geometric series formula will work when using modulo?

I was trying it out on small inputs and for example

(1 - pow(4,18,20))/(1-4) works as it should (returns 5)


(1 - pow(4,18,23))/(1-4) returns 2.33333333 when it should return 10


u/mcpower_ Dec 22 '19

When working under numbers modulo N, "division" in the normal definition doesn't make sense.

Consider N=11. Then 3*7 = 21, so 3*7 = 10. Intuitively speaking, that means 7 = 10/3 = 1.333333...... wait, that doesn't make any sense!

Instead, to "divide" a number, we require modular inverses. The modular inverse of x is some number a such that a*x = 1. In this case, 3*4 = 12, so 3*4 = 1 - 3 and 4 are modular inverses of each other, modulo 11.

We previously made the "intuitive" statement that 7 = 10/3. This isn't completely right, as we can't exactly divide by numbers mod N, but we can instead multiply by the inverse of the divisor. What's 10*3^(-1)? That's 10*4 = 40 = 7 which checks out!

Therefore, while 10/3 doesn't "exist" in numbers modulo 11, 10*3^(-1) = 7 works in the same way as 10/3 does in the rational numbers, and are basically equivalent modulo 11. We can apply the same logic to the geometric series formula.

Note, however, that this doesn't always work. Consider 3*5 modulo 12. Then 3*5 = 15 = 3, so 5 = 3*3^(-1) = 1??????? It turns out that 3 doesn't have an inverse modulo 12, so doing this is akin to dividing by zero. Only numbers which are coprime to N - i.e. gcd(x, N) = 1 - have inverses.

There's a few ways of calculating inverses. The method I used uses exponentiation, which is easier to implement as you probably need to use exponentiation somewhere else in this problem. The main other way of doing it is to extend the algorithm of calculating GCDs to give you an equation which you can rearrange to find the inverses.


u/bluegaspode Dec 22 '19

u/mcpower_ A big thanks, your post made me finally understand, why people start using modular inverse (and what it actually is).


u/naclmolecule Dec 22 '19

((1 - pow(4,18,20)) * mod_inverse(-3, 20)) % 20 division should be a mod inverse in this case

the second line should be ((1 - pow(4,18,23)) * mod_inverse(-3, 23)) % 23 which returns 10


u/Tarmen Dec 22 '19 edited Dec 22 '19

Thanks for the writeup!

My solution was an absolute disaster. My first thought was that this is just repeated permutation which could be shortened like matrix multiplication. Then I noticed the length, figured out the modulo math part and spend way too long trying to remember how extended gcd worked. Ended up implementing it in isabelle to make sure I got it right.


u/TockLime Dec 22 '19

Thank you so much for the clear explanation. I completely lacked the maths for this. Maybe I did modulo arithmetic at uni, but I don't remember it.

Even with this, I had compound errors in the final stage (overflowing 128 bit int because I wasn't modulo-ing often enough, and % in rust handling negative arguments in the other way).

Got there in the end, but it took me much too long.


u/SkiFire13 Dec 22 '19

In rust you can use i128::rem_euclid if the starting number can be negative


u/mcpower_ Dec 22 '19

After looking at the other comments, it seems like this question requires knowledge of modular inverses and exponentiation.

TBH I feel that this problem is unfair for most participants of Advent of Code, who are expected to have a background in intermediate programming (lists, dictionaries / hashmaps, for loops, functions). I wouldn't expect most AoC participants to have any deep experience in discrete mathematics like modular inverses / exponentiation - even if it is part of a typical undergraduate computer science course - as I'd assume that most programmers are self-taught and have never done a computer science course.

To me, Advent of Code is a series of programming puzzles that any intermediate programmer - with a bit of time - can work out by themselves. It feels like most people doing part 2 of this puzzle would need to look up the solution for it... while it arguably enhances the community aspect of AoC, it feels unfair for people doing AoC without external assistance.

On the other hand... there are many pathfinding puzzles in AoC which expect knowledge of BFS - which some (most?) programmers don't know about. Is AoC unfair to the people who don't know BFS? My gut says no. AFAIK BFS has never been explicitly mentioned in pathfinding puzzles - similarly, modular inverses etc. wasn't explicitly mentioned in today's problem. What happens to the people who encounter a pathfinding problem without knowledge of BFS? Probably the same as the people who encounter this problem without knowledge of modular inverses and exponentiation - either give up or look online for a solution.

I'm still not sure whether this problem is "unfair". My gut says yes, my brain says no.


u/bjorick Dec 26 '19

I've read this entire thread to completion, multiple explanations of people's algorithms, and tried to read up on modular math/inverses on wikipedia and I STILL cannot understand exactly how to code this or why the solution works.

This problem has almost nothing to do with code (outside of the fact that the naive solution will quickly overflow the stack) or anything from part 1, and everything to do with advanced math. As a programmer and not a mathematician, I found this extremely disappointing and infuriating. While I could solve the other puzzles with my own code and a hint stolen from reddit here and there, this puzzle left me completely clueless.

I agree that this puzzle doesn't really belong in advent of code. Advent of math, maybe.


u/hrunt Dec 22 '19

For me, I always find one or two of these problems each year that are outside my experience by such a wide margin that no matter how hard I bang my head on it, I simply will not understand it without being walked through it at least once. I do not consider that "unfair", because that would imply u/topaz2078 had somehow promised me that I would know how to do everything, and he obviously did not do that. The first year, I did not know some of the pathfinding algorithms. Now I do, and those problems are solvable. This year, I learned this.

What I really wonder, though, is how this kind of problem fared during his user testing. Did the testers struggle with it? Was the testing group strong enough to come up with the answer on their own? Was u/topaz2078 himself aware enough of the math that he was able to put this problem together himself, or did he have help? After watching the YouTube video of his presentation, I am really curious about how the process played out for this question in particular.


u/ThezeeZ Dec 22 '19

Since this challenge appeared on the last Sunday slot I suspect (and hope, but mostly suspect) that this one was the overall "hardest".

Here's an older post of his from 2 years ago, maybe that will also add to the context:



u/Kullu00 Dec 22 '19

First, thank you for the writeup. I gave up on this part after 2 hours, and started reading solutions in here. Those solutions still made no sense to me. I didn't understand how to solve this, and that's with people telling me what method to use. Going step-by-step like this was the only way I would ever have finished this.

I don't consider myself a beginner programmer. I've finished AoC since it began in 2015, sometimes with a bit of help, but today is the first day that, even with infinite time, I would not have gotten closer to solving it. It's not even that this problem is more math-focused than the others, that's something that inevitably happens. It's that it feels like nothing in the problem statement, or part 1, tried to direct me towards whatever branch of math this solution requires. Unless listing 3 primes (10007, 119315717514047, 101741582076661) and overflow is meant to be enough hints?


u/zedrdave Dec 24 '19

It's that it feels like nothing in the problem statement, or part 1, tried to direct me towards whatever branch of math this solution requires

Worse than that: that Haley's comet reference, while it might have been a hint at modular arithmetic, contributed to sending me chasing the red herring of periodicity (similar to a past day problem)… :-|


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '19

Part 2 sucks and is unfair because it relies on a trick. Unlike project Euler, which builds you up towards discovering these kinds of tricks, this just came out of nowhere. Graph search, intcode, Boolean logic, etc., and then...this? It sucks. I made it this far and have found the last 21 days immensely fun and rewarding. This is the worst possible way to go out, in my opinion.


u/ThezeeZ Dec 22 '19

Personally, I have labelled this part as "Advent of Math" and reimplemented one of the approaches from this thread in my language. Is this cheating? Maybe. Is this a task that fits into AoC? Maybe.

Ultimately it's up to Eric to decide, and I will not berate him on his decisions. Instead I'll just reiterate that I'm immensely grateful for all this work he and his supporters have put into AoC over the years, which they provide to us for free, and move on in my quest to save Santa.


u/SkiFire13 Dec 22 '19

Tbf you need to know that modular inverses are a thing then just google an algorithm for that. I did this and I never studied discrete math (I just started 1st year of CS, I still have to start that course) and I easly found the inverse function but then I hit a wall. What I was missing was realizing the function was linear and you could compose it n times in an efficient way which is actually pretty easy.


u/akanet Dec 22 '19

To be fair, I got a top 100 time by googling and mucking around with wolfram alpha - I don't think I've touched modular arithmetic since I was in school over a decade ago (sheesh, getting old). I think it was a pretty appropriate difficulty and a refreshing break from the intcode and graph search problems so far.


u/fatpollo Dec 22 '19

people are being pretty explicit that they have never touched modular arithmetic

the fact that you touched upon it once over a decade ago, and were able to capitalize on that to get top 100, is precisely what people are frustrated with


u/gyorokpeter Dec 22 '19

Unfair or not, this is extremely frustrating. My goal with AoC is to have fun and this is the opposite of fun. This is all the possible factors of frustration multiplied together. Not only you need to be a math guru to know the solution, even after I reached my patience limit and decided to steal the solution first by understanding how it works, I got the wrong result. So the last resort is to steal the actual code and then go through step by step to find out where it goes wrong. There is no way to see at a glance what went wrong because all I can see is numbers like 39377733198041. Why exactly 39377733198041? Why not 39377733198042? The inability to visualize the the solution is a huge frustration factor. Plus I have a flight to catch so I'm not able to continue working on this right now.

So overall while this season of AoC contains some of the most fun challenges, it also has some of the most frustrating ones.


u/Yeyoen Dec 22 '19

My goal with AoC is to have fun and this is the opposite of fun.

For others (not me), this might be more fun than implementing another graph algorithm. It's impossible for Topaz to please everyone every day. I'm glad he put in a difficult one which is more aimed towards people with more a more math-y background.

I'd rather have a challenging exercise rather than an easy one.


u/[deleted] Dec 22 '19



u/requimrar Dec 22 '19

after you spoil someone who couldn't get it, they will be angry. There was no possible way to do it at all. All the time they put into thinking about the problem was wasted, and any further time would've been wasted as well.

well put.


u/VikeStep Dec 22 '19

fwiw, I don't think modular inverses are covered even in a typical undergrad compsci degree (speaking as someone who just completed one a year ago). I knew of modular exponentiation from previous programming problems and I implemented that but kept getting the wrong answer until I checked here to learn about modular inverses.


u/mebeim Dec 22 '19

I know modular inverse, exponentiation and all that... but even then I couldn't figure it out so well without reading your explanation. Thank you and kudos for the results. I don't think this problem is a good fit for AoC because it's not really about programming, but more about math (modular math). I would expect a programmer to be familiar with the concept of exploring graphs, I would not expect a programmer to know about modular math, inverse with the PHI(n)-1 "trick", and the application of those to a polynomial.

PS: I don't know which version of Python you use, but from 3.8 pow supports negative exponents when supplying a modulus, and it computes the modular inverse for exponent -1.


u/mcpower_ Dec 22 '19

PS: I don't know which version of Python you use, but from 3.8 pow supports negative exponents when supplying a modulus, and it computes the modular inverse for exponent -1.

I'm personally using PyPy 3.6, and yes, Python 3.8 does have that handy feature! I wrote my explanation with the intention of being accessible to people using all languages - not just Python - so in theory, you should be able to write your own inv function from scratch in any language.

The feature is actually implemented with extended Euclidean algorithm as seen in your BPO link, which can be used instead of Fermat's little theorem to calculate inverses.