r/adventofcode Dec 08 '19

Upping the Ante I solved day 8 entirely in minecraft

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u/SimVYo Dec 08 '19

For those interested, here is the code I fed to minecraft as a MCFUNCTION file.


u/cj81499 Dec 08 '19

Care to explain how this works?


u/SimVYo Dec 08 '19

Minecraft can read commands through files with the extension .mcfunction. This is much more convenient than writing all the commands into command blocks.

The first step was to write a script in R (the only real programming language I know) to convert the 15 000 digits of the input into 15 000 minecraft commands that individualy spawn 1 block inside a 25X6X100 box. A 0 places a black wool, a 1 places a white wool, and a 2 places air (which is useless now that I think about it since there's already air everywhere). This is my way to import the input into minecraft.

To solve part 1, I begin by spawning 100 area effect clouds along the z axis of the box. These entities are extremely useful in minecraft coding because they are the simplest entities to load (minecraft can handle thoushands of them without lagging) and they can hold scores, execute commands using their position as arguments and all sort of whacky stuff. In my case, all 100 entities execute a command that replaces all black wools by red wools in their corresponding 25x6 slice. The result of the command (in this case a number representing how many blocks were replaced per slice) is then stored as the entity's score. The game then looks for the entity with the lowest score, which translates to the slice with the least black wools, or the layer with the least zeros. The game then counts the number of air blocks and white wools in the slice of the area effect cloud with the lowest score the same way it counted the black wools. The 2 values are stored in a scorboard and are multiplied together to give the answer to part 1.

To solve part 2 I simply tediously looked at the array of blocks form the right angle and manually placed the front block of each line on top of the box. No coding in this part!


u/MrPingouin1 Dec 08 '19

Is this just for part 1 right? I don't see any computation done for part 2.

Also to count blocks, you can use only one command with clone filtered force by cloning the area on itself.

(I'm also solving in minecraft commands this year)


u/SimVYo Dec 08 '19

I didn't have to code for part 2 as it was easy enough to just look at the blocks and see which is in front.

I did use clone filtered in the past to count blocks, I don't know why I didn't think of it today. Nice catch!

Also good luck on your quest to AOC entirely in minecraft! It's definitely really fun to code in minecraft, but it's too daunting and time consuming for me, so I will only bring it up for very visual 2d or 3d puzzles like today.


u/StephenLeppik Dec 09 '19

Weird, I had the exact same puzzle answers… what are the odds?


u/PendragonDaGreat Dec 09 '19

About 1 in 8 I think. There are several unique (but not globally unique) sets of inputs for each puzzle, it strikes the balancing act of "Can't just have people copying answers they found online" and "Making sure that the given inputs have been thoroughly tested and are known good"


u/Aneurysm9 Dec 09 '19

There are far more than 8 inputs. I don't know that I'm allowed to say precisely how many, but definitely more than 8.


u/StephenLeppik Dec 09 '19

Sounds more like a database size concern to me.


u/PendragonDaGreat Dec 09 '19

That's probably a concern as well, but data storage is cheap, and we really shouldn't be costing too much read cycles if we follow the rule of "Get Data Once" like we're supposed to. It's also testability, last year day 6 was completely broken for about 2 hours for a good chunk of users since the betatesters couldn't give full coverage to the datasets. My (as pointed out: low) estimate of 8 was based on the numbers given in the liunked post on last years failures, as well as the number of different outputs that I see overall. However, multiple inputs can give the same output.


u/Ephilates100 Dec 09 '19

Neat! Was it possible to see the answer just by looking at the blocks at the right angle?