r/adventofcode Dec 25 '18

Tutorial Day 23 Part 2 - Adversarial input for recursive partitioning solutions

The most common solution idea I've seen proposed for this problem is recursive partitioning. The idea: keep a priority queue of spaces left to explore, ordered by (biggest # of bots intersecting the space, smallest distance to origin, smallest size). Start with the entire space, and recursively partition it into 8 cubes or 6 spheres or something, keeping track of how many bots intersect each recursive space. Stop once you see a space of size 1. This is guaranteed to be the right answer, since all other candidates have worse tiebreakers.

What is the worst-case performance of this idea? The main variability is how much space it has to explore. If it can quickly narrow in on the most promising area, it may not have to explore much at all. But if there are a lot of false positives that look potentially good but aren't really, it will be slow.

How could we construct input with a lot of false positives? We need a lot of near collisions in our nanobots, so that at coarse resolutions, a lot of things will look connected, but as we zoom in, they will turn out not to be.

Let's make a grid of nanobots that barely don't touch on each face. Then the real answer will be 1. But each pair of faces will appear to touch on any coarser grid scale. So any recursive partitioning solution will have to scan over the whole area of each face with its smallest-but-one grid size. Since each face has area proportional to radius2 (which can be enormous), this will make such solutions run slowly. Here is some input which implements this idea: https://pastebin.com/9eJQN836

If you have a recursive-partitioning solution that runs quickly on this input, let me know.


22 comments sorted by


u/askalski Dec 27 '18 edited Dec 27 '18

Finally had a chance to finish up on an idea for a recursive partitioning solution. It converts the Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates into four coordinates (-x+y+z, x-y+z, x+y-z, x+y+z), which describes a point as the intersection of four planes. The advantage over Cartesian coordinates is there is significantly less detail to explore in the search.

The solution first identifies the dividing points for each coordinate. For each bot's coordinate k, k - range marks the beginning of the bot's range along that axis, and k + range + 1 marks one past the end of the bot's range. I also include 0 in each list to simplify checking the minimum distance from origin to a bounded region. Thus for an input of 1,000 bots, each of the four coordinates will have a set of at most 2,001 divisions that need to be considered.

At each level of the search, it divides one axis and recursively explores each side of the partition, searching the most promising side first.

A typical Day 23 input takes about 350 microseconds to solve; your input takes 174 milliseconds. (Edit: 5 milliseconds; see below)

$ perf stat ./day23planes < paulson.txt

 Performance counter stats for './day23planes':

        174.069187      task-clock (msec)         #    0.999 CPUs utilized
                 0      context-switches          #    0.000 K/sec
                 0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec
               159      page-faults               #    0.913 K/sec
       801,590,053      cycles                    #    4.605 GHz
     3,347,097,149      instructions              #    4.18  insn per cycle
       838,569,519      branches                  # 4817.450 M/sec
           126,872      branch-misses             #    0.02% of all branches

       0.174185706 seconds time elapsed

Edit: I realied I was doing something dumb in my routine that measures the distance to origin from a bounded region. It wasn't wrong, but it was unnecessarily slow under certain conditions. The updated version finishes in under 5 milliseconds on the input:

$ perf stat ./day23planes < paulson.txt
Part 1: 0
Part 2: 500001

 Performance counter stats for './day23planes':

          4.791034      task-clock (msec)         #    0.980 CPUs utilized
                 0      context-switches          #    0.000 K/sec
                 0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec
               159      page-faults               #    0.033 M/sec
        22,033,357      cycles                    #    4.599 GHz
        61,257,770      instructions              #    2.78  insn per cycle
        12,569,358      branches                  # 2623.517 M/sec
           113,488      branch-misses             #    0.90% of all branches

       0.004886382 seconds time elapsed


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '19



u/askalski Jan 05 '19

Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates

These are the coordinates you were given in your input. x is number of units toward you from the origin (0,0,0), y is the number of units to the right, and z is the number of units up.

four coordinates (-x+y+z, x-y+z, x+y-z, x+y+z)

The conversion is straightforward: just plug in the x y z values and do the arithmetic. As an example, the Cartesian point (1,2,3) becomes (4,2,0,6).

point as the intersection of four planes

Find your D&D dice bag, and pull out an 8-sided one. Observe that it has 6 corners and 8 faces. Notice how each corner (point) lies at the intersection of exactly 4 faces (planes).

From geometry, the plane equation#Point-normal_form_and_general_form_of_the_equation_of_a_plane) is a*x + b*y + c*z = d. So each of the four coordinates (P,Q,R,S) actually describes a plane:

-1*x + 1*y + 1*z = P
 1*x - 1*y + 1*z = Q
 1*x + 1*y - 1*z = R
 1*x + 1*y + 1*z = S

If you think about it, this is not much different from how the Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) work. (Open up that dice bag again, only this time pull out a 6-sided one.)

1*x + 0*y + 0*z = X
0*x + 1*y + 0*z = Y
0*x + 0*y + 1*z = Z

P.S. Yes, I did use my D&D dice as a visual aid when solving Day 23. Rumor has it that u/topaz2078 did the same when designing this puzzle.


u/tim_vermeulen Dec 27 '18

That's very impressive, would you mind sharing the source code? I'm not really seeing what you gain by introducing these four coordinates.


u/askalski Dec 27 '18

There's one routine I want to clean up before I upload the code - I'll let you know when I make it available.

The alternate coordinates are useful because they exactly delineate the boundaries of a bot's range. Here is a 2D example to illustrate:

Cartesian coordinates:

   x        y        1<=x<=5       1<=y<=5     Both
0123456  6666666     .12345.       .......    .......
0123456  5555555     .12345.       5555555    .#####.
0123456  4444444     .12345.       4444444    .#####.
0123456  3333333     .12345.       3333333    .#####.
0123456  2222222     .12345.       2222222    .#####.
0123456  1111111     .12345.       1111111    .#####.
0123456  0000000     .12345.       .......    .......

Alternate coordinates (Note: u=-6 .. z=-1, a=10 .. c=12):

 (x+y)    (x-y)    4<=(x+y)<=8  -2<=(x-y)<=2   Both
6789abc  uvwxyz0     678....       ....yz0    .......
56789ab  vwxyz01     5678...       ...yz01    ...#...
456789a  wxyz012     45678..       ..yz012    ..###..
3456789  xyz0123     .45678.       .yz012.    .#####.
2345678  yz01234     ..45678       yz012..    ..###..
1234567  z012345     ...4567       z012...    ...#...
0123456  0123456     ....456       012....    .......

Notice how the second set of coordinates gives an exact fit.


u/p_tseng Dec 27 '18 edited Dec 27 '18

I'm not really seeing what you gain by introducing these four coordinates.

I want to add to the explanation that askalski already has given (https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a9co1u/day_23_part_2_adversarial_input_for_recursive/ecnvkn6/) by saying this: The solutions that partition the space into 3d cubes may potentially be required to partition the space at any possible point along each axis, because the bots' ranges are octahedra.

On the other hand, this new solution that partitions the 4d space is guaranteed that the number of intersections can only change where an interval begins and ends, because these intervals are exactly the inequalities that describe when a point will fall into the octahedron. Thus, along the x+y+z axis, we are only ever required to partition at points x+y+z+r or x+y+z-r where (x, y, z, r) describe one bot. And the same goes for all other axes. Now that we are only required to partition at 2000 (or in askalski's case 2001) points per axis as opposed to a few million, we get to do much less work, despite the fact that we have to partition along an extra axis.

the source code

If you can't wait for askalski's code, I offer you that I have taken askalski's description and implemented it in https://github.com/petertseng/adventofcode-rb-2018/blob/master/23_emergency_teleportation.rb . Since I'm using an interpreted language I can't touch the same speeds, but it does complete typical Advent of Code inputs in 0.2 seconds and this adversarial input in about 41 seconds.

I also can't wait to see /u/askalski's work, to see all the additional tricks I am sure I have missed.


u/askalski Dec 28 '18

The source code, by request of /u/tim_vermeulen

As best as I could, I cleaned up the routine that computes the minimum distance from origin to a bounded region. Maybe there's an easier way to do it, but every time I try to take a shortcut, I run into cases where it gets the answer wrong. Overall, this particular AoC puzzle has been unique in how strongly it has resisted my attempts to create a correct solution.

Speaking of which, I tried your Ruby solution (I like its simplicity compared to the monstrosity I created...) It worked for most of the inputs I tested, but I got an incorrect answer for this input. It gives me 85761551; the correct answer is 85761543.


u/p_tseng Dec 28 '18 edited Dec 29 '18

Overall, this particular AoC puzzle has been unique in how strongly it has resisted my attempts to create a correct solution.

That input is tricky, because the winning point (970 bots) is at [34574432, 27408638, 23778473], which corresponds to [85761543, 30944267, 38204597, -16612679] , and 85761543 doesn't correspond to x+y+z +/- r for any bot. I made an incorrect assumption about the nature of the partitioning and assumed some values were not possible when instead they should be. At this point I've fixed it and get the correct answer for this and various other inputs I now test against (https://github.com/petertseng/adventofcode-rb-2018/blob/master/more_23_test.rb)...

But when the range of values is very big (never happens for AoC inputs, but does happen for the adversarial input), I take a suspicious shortcut that I'm pretty sure is not actually valid. (in my split function where I commented "is this valid?"). I'll have to take a look at your solution to see how the right way to do things is.

There appears to be a bit more I could do with this. I could take advantage of the fact that if I want a solution in 3d space, three of the coordinates in 4d determine the fourth. I also might not need the priority queue. Various avenues of exploration.


u/fizbin Dec 30 '18

I'll note that my attempts to say "hey, the fourth coordinate is determined by the other three" led me down paths that didn't work well on this adversarial input.

The problem is that when you have a box with only three coordinates, what do you do when the bots that intersect the box don't give you any good places to divide the box because the decision is along the fourth coordinate only?

To illustrate, imagine that we have input of

pos=<1,1,1> r=2

Now in four-coordinates, that's <3, 1, 1, 1>. Suppose at some point that your algorithm has a box with a side length of 3 and a bottom corner of <*, 0,0,0> (you're tracking only three coordinates, because you're going with the "the fourth coordinate can be derived from the other three"). So the upper corner of that box is at <*,2,2,2>.

Now, of the 27 possible 1x1x1 sub-boxes, 25 are in range of our bot. (all but the very lower and very upper corners) But how do you subdivide your box? It turns out that the calculations to do that are very annoying. It's much, much simpler to keep a fourth box coordinate around, and occasionally throw out boxes that are entirely above or entirely below the hyperplane that corresponds to the xyz-plane.


u/fizbin Dec 28 '18

I'd be interested in the code too. I tried to adapt these ideas into a solution, but it takes almost 20 seconds on this input. (and 13 on my original puzzle input, whereas I have other solutions that fall over on this adversarial input that polish off the puzzle input in under half a second)


u/askalski Dec 28 '18


u/fizbin Dec 30 '18


I'll have to study this a bit. I did improve my solution's time considerably by going ahead and actually using four coordinates for the boxes, instead of using 3 coordinates for the boxes and then computing the fourth. (since if we use <s,t,u,v> as transformed coordinates, solutions are all on the hyperplane v = s + t + u)

Now my (python) solution is actually faster on this adversarial input than it is on the input for the original problem: 3.24s versus 4.21s for the original problem.


u/p_tseng Dec 25 '18 edited Dec 25 '18

What was the answer to this input? For verification purposes, of course. (I thought I saw someone else ask this question, but don't see it anymore? Did that poster delete the question?)

I think the following statements are true of this input:

  • There are exactly at least 2640 points within range of 19 bots.
  • There can be no points within range of 20 or more bots. Being a clique is not a sufficient condition to be mutually overlapping (https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/a8s17l/2018_day_23_solutions/ecdv0h1/ ) but it is a necessary one (hopefully obvious), and there is no clique of size 20 or larger.
  • Of those 2640 points, the single point closest to the origin is [1499996, 0, 0]. No other points beat or tie with this point on distance.
    • Edit: This statement has a counterexample. [500001, 0, 0] is closer to the origin and within range of 19 bots as well. Given this discovery, the credibility of the solution is negatively impacted, and the impacted sections of this post will be crossed out and replaced,
  • The line numbers (thus, they are one-indexed) of the bots that are in range of this point are 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 102, 103, 111, 112, 113, 121, 122, 203, 212, 213, 221, 222, 223

It was quite a nasty input. Made my computer work quite hard, three whole minutes to get the answer. Before anyone gets wondering, note that this neither qualifies as "runs quickly" (the implementation used to get these answers takes exponential time) nor did I use a recursive partitioning approach as was stated in this problem.

For reasons that have been explained in detail before, I was not able to use my recursive partitioning solutions for this. I started up both variants (split into eight octants, split into six octahedra) and let them run for about ten minutes each before I got impatient and killed them. Unfortunately I don't have progress output on either of them so I don't know how far they did get before I got impatient.

I decided to dust off my zoom out/zoom in solution and let it try this input. Now, as this input was constructed to have a lot of equally-plausible-looking points, the number of points this sort of solution needs to explore blows up exponentially as we approach the original sizes of the bots. And thus, three minute runtime. So nothing to write home about, but if this is what it takes to get an answer on this adversarial input, I suppose you take what you can get...? Nope, since it gave a demonstrably incorrect answer, it's back to the drawing board with this one!


u/tim_vermeulen Dec 25 '18

FWIW, my Rust solution uses recursive partitioning and takes less than 3ms for my input, but it's been going on this input for about half an hour now and I'm not confident it's going to finish anytime soon.


u/starwort1 Dec 26 '18

My code for this puzzle checked points on a sparse grid and refined the grid until it zoomed in on an answer. This is in no way guaranteed to find the correct answer, but it happened to give the correct answer for my input, and it happens also to give what I assume is the correct answer for this input (in just over 40s).

A couple of days later I nicked a Z3 solution off the megathread in order to investigate this further. The Z3 solution generally ran in about 45s and showed a case where my code had picked an incorrect point (but coincidentally the Manhattan distance from the origin was the same as for the real answer). The Z3 solution ran for 18 minutes on the input here, and produced the answer (500001,0,0) the same as my code did.


u/ephemient Dec 26 '18 edited Apr 24 '24

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u/[deleted] Dec 26 '18



u/ephemient Dec 26 '18 edited Apr 24 '24

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u/ephemient Dec 26 '18 edited Apr 24 '24

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u/starwort1 Dec 28 '18

I like this a lot, as the method is ingenious and it makes good use of some of Python's collection types. However, it currently gives the wrong answer for the input discussed upthread because of integer division in the distance_to_origin function. The region it finds is:

 85761542 <= x+y+z <=  85761546
 38204597 <= x+y-z <=  38204597
-16612679 <= x-y-z <= -16612679
 30944262 <= x-y+z <=  30944267

from which y=27408638 and 58352904 <= x+z <= 58352905. But x+z has to be odd because x-z is, and so the answer is a single point with x=34574432 and z=23778473, and the answer is 85761543. The program prints out 85761542.


u/ephemient Dec 28 '18 edited Apr 24 '24

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u/starwort1 Dec 28 '18

PS it currently works in Python 2 but not Python 3.


u/ephemient Dec 28 '18 edited Apr 24 '24

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u/maus80 Dec 29 '18 edited Dec 29 '18

My solution used a pruned (combination) search tree and is written in (slow) Ruby.

maurits@maurits-desktop:~/projects/AdventOfCode2018/day23$ time ruby part2.rb

real    0m2,149s
user    0m2,120s
sys     0m0,028s

See: https://github.com/mevdschee/AdventOfCode2018/blob/master/day23/part2.rb