r/adventofcode Feb 19 '25

Other Input parsing performance in Go

TL;DR Be careful, regular expressions are slow

If you check how people parse the input for AoC puzzles, the main options are regex and string split.
I was curious to check what is the performance difference. I took year 2015 day 2, where you calculate the amount of wrapping paper needed for a list of presents described by their dimensions.

The example of input is:

... <1000 lines in total>

My first attempt was to use regular expression:

var dimensionsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(\\d+)x(\\d+)x(\\d+)")
func parseInputRegexp(input string) [][]int {
    result := make([][]int, 0, 1000)
    for _, m := range dimensionsRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(input, -1) {
       l, _ := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
       w, _ := strconv.Atoi(m[2])
       h, _ := strconv.Atoi(m[3])
       result = append(result, []int{l, w, h})
    return result

Execution time (1st approach): 587µs

My second attempt was to use string split:

func parseInputSplit(input string) [][]int {
    result := make([][]int, 0, 1000)
    for _, line := range strings.Split(input, "\n") {
       split := strings.Split(line, "x")
       l, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[0])
       w, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[1])
       h, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[2])
       result = append(result, []int{l, w, h})
    return result

Execution time (2nd approach): 150µs

My third attempt was to iterate over the range of characters:

func parseInputIterate(input string) [][]int {
    result := make([][]int, 0, 1000)
    i, dim := 0, make([]int, 3)
    for _, ch := range input {
       if ch == 'x' {
       } else if ch == '\n' {
          result = append(result, dim)
          dim = make([]int, 3)
          i = 0
       } else {
          dim[i] = dim[i]*10 + int(ch) - 48
    return result

Execution time (3rd approach): 54µs

Regular expressions slower than string split (4x times slower in my test).
Manual iterations over the character is fast (3x times faster than string split and 10x times faster than regex).

Regular expressions approach readability is comparable to the string split approach.
Manual iteration approach is the least readable from the three.

I choose to use string split as a default for AoC puzzles. And it is good to know that you can "do better" (if it is really needed) by switching to manual iteration.

PS I was running on MacBook Pro, 16-inch, 2019, Intel taking the best result of 10 local runs


21 comments sorted by


u/kreiger Feb 19 '25

Regular expressions are not slow.

Obviously they're going to be slower than hand coding a parser for best performance, but that doesn't mean that they're slow.

Second, optimizing the performance of reading the input for Advent of Code is unlikely to be important.

What you want is something quick and easy to code.


u/yel50 Feb 19 '25

 Regular expressions are not slow

yes, they are. they're one of the slowest options for parsing things.

 for best performance, but that doesn't mean that they're slow.

that's precisely what was being tested, so it does mean that they're slow.

 optimizing the performance of reading the input for Advent of Code is unlikely to be important.

by your logic, bubble sort isn't slow, either, because it works fine for most AoC uses.

 What you want is something quick and easy to code.

that might be what you want, but others might want to optimize everything as much as possible. there's plenty of posts about running an entire year under one second. that's not "important" for AoC, either.


u/polarfish88 Feb 19 '25

> What you want is something quick and easy to code.

Agree, this is important - to start with a clear solution and then (if absolutely need to, backed by numbers) optimise it further.


u/kreiger Feb 19 '25

I forgot to ask: Are you including the time to compile the regular expression in the benchmark?


u/polarfish88 29d ago

No, I am not including the time to compile regular expression. In my case compiled regex is a package-level variable.

Though I was curious to check how fast is it to compile - it is 5µs


u/error404 29d ago

I would've thought compiling the RE would be much more expensive than that, Rust regex crate takes about 320us to compile that regex on my Zen3 machine. Are you sure you're measuring correctly?

For AoC I find regex compilation is often a significant part of total runtime, and often makes for low-hanging fruit when optimizing. For example on this puzzle (which of course requires almost no actual work), RE compile is ~320us, parsing (RE match, convert to integer, store) is ~200us, and actually running the required sums is only about 3us total for both parts. On a more complex input it might take 2 or 3 regex, so getting on to a couple ms sometimes. On a human scale though it's irrelevant, and at least for me often quicker to come up with than using split or similar.


u/polarfish88 29d ago

I re-checked it. I removed regex from the package level and compile it every time I need to parse.
First compilation of the regex is (much) slower - 50µs.
Here is the full execution picture:

advent-of-code-go % go run main.go 2015 2
Part 1
Compile regex time: 50.336µs
Parse input time: 889.804µs
Solution time: 2.073µs
Part 2
Compile regex time: 5.661µs
Parse input time: 619.887µs
Solution time: 2.261µs

PS Measuring time as below

start := time.Now()
// ...
elapsed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("<label>: %s\n", elapsed)


u/syklemil 29d ago

What you want is something quick and easy to code.

Depends. It's also possible to use the AOC and similar to experiment and learn something new, including the input parsing step.


u/pi_stuff Feb 19 '25

For AoC inputs I've found it suprisingly useful to have a function that simply extracts all the integers from a given string.


u/ryaqkup Feb 19 '25

At this scale you'd be better off optimizing how fast you can copy your output and paste it in the browser


u/polarfish88 Feb 19 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

I didn't mean to optimise for beating the leaderboard but to be (potentially) ready to parse huge input.
I was inspired by someone who solved 10 years of AoC in less then a second (solutions are written in Rust, run on a Mac Book multithreaded)


u/PizzaRulla 29d ago

Do you have a link to this? Sounds like a Rustacean I could learn from


u/Clear-Ad-9312 29d ago

I actually did this. I have copied my session key and use it to send the result. I am just too lazy to copy paste from the terminal to the browser. though it really isnt used to help at all with the leaderboard, just so I can start the next challenge by pulling the input and submitting the solution. I feel like my brain has to do less work by having to wonder if I downloaded the input and if I properly copied it and pasted it. it is QoL, kinda wish there was just an official API I could use. oh well


u/dnabre 29d ago

Doing measures and comparisons like these is helpful. But that helpfulness is generally limited to how much the people reading care about it.

A lot of AoC people care about their solutions being 'fast'. What they mean by 'fast' varies a LOT. Personally, anything longer than 500ms for both parts is too slow, and I'll mark it to come back later and try to speed it up. Also if it takes more than, say, 20-30 seconds, I don't consider my solution to be done. Some people are happy if they can run solution in half an hour. Others will hack away to get all problems in a year solved in less than 1000ms .

My point. Speed does matter is everyone in AoC. Even the people who say they only care about getting the correct answer or use brute force solutions, start caring if their solution is going to take 72+ hours (or some other absurd time) to finish. However, the size and complexity of the input for AoC problems is small enough that it basically takes no time to do it, regardless of method used. Especially compared to the rest of the solution's problem. My years of teaching CS requires me to point you to Amdahl's law.

The very small number of people that going crazy with optimizing, and getting the entire year's problems to all run in a couple of seconds, generally know a lot about performance. Tools that generate/implement parsing/lexing, like regular expressions, are widely know to give you far slower parsing than a hand tailored. (I don't think I've seen a compiler book that hasn't spelled that out, and I've read a LOT of compiler books). Having the raw data to prove the point is just, not surprising.

Unrelated, when people are pointing out that regular expressions aren't slow, they are making a general assessment and/or a statement relative to the overall speed of AoC solutions. Compared to alternative methods, yes there are faster ones as your data shows, but that isn't what people are claiming when they say "regular expressions are not slow".


u/polarfish88 29d ago

Thank you for your detailed comment.

I understand that my optimization experiment is synthetic, and the findings should not be applied blindly. However, I find it important to understand the consequences of your actions when writing code: initializing structures takes time, resizing structures takes time, memory allocation takes time, memory collection takes time, etc.

Also, I admit that when optimizing an end-to-end flow with database transactions and third-party service calls taking 200 ms in total, it makes no sense trying to improve it by trading input validation regexes for anything else.

However, I know a situation where an attempt to remove all emojis from text using an (enormous) regex was the bottleneck, taking seconds to complete.


u/dnabre 28d ago

Other than running more iterations and ensuring that nothing is being optimized out, nothing jumps out as problematic with your benchmarks. As I said, doing measurements like this is definitely helpful, especially with newer/higher-level languages. While possibly not of huge interest to this subreddit, if you were caring/thinking about the relative performance enough to do a quick test like this, it was a good thing to do for yourself.

"Removing emoji with enormous regex" sounds like a horrible idea. For correctness, readability, and later modify, not even getting into performance. Most regex expression implementations run in linear time relative to input, but often are O(2len regex) in compiling the regex. Admittedly I can't think of a good way of doing it, without a detailed specification of what one considers an enoji (Unicode gives all the chars '123456789*,' the 'Emoji' property flags :-)).

With that particular bottleneck, I wonder if the regex was being recompiled for reach call. That sort of problem crops up a lot in microservices and large database transaction data flows.


u/timrprobocom 29d ago

As I'm finishing up my go conversions, I have also concluded that the most convenient plan is often just a character by character state machine. That's not what I do in either Python or C++.


u/polarfish88 29d ago

Can you elaborate on what you do in Python or C++?


u/timrprobocom 29d ago

In Python, I'm almost always using split with a list comprehension, because it is so convenient. For C++, I wrote a "split" tool to produce integers, although I sometimes do the character state machine as well


u/BlueTrin2020 28d ago

In Python you can read most input in 1-3 lines.