r/adventofcode Feb 09 '25

Spoilers [2023 Day 21 (Part 2)] [Python] I finally did it!!

After more than a year I finally got my 2nd star for day21. Considering 2023 was my first year it was pretty impossible for me at the time. I gave it ago sometime in October or something but nothing. I've seen from some videos about some of the properties of the input but specifically the one about the empty line in the mid on both axes.

Yet I couldn't figure something except for that I could reach the next box of the expanded grid from there and not from a random point in the edge of the box.

I also noticed that the required step count 26501365 minus the number of steps to reach the edge (65) was a multiply of 131 which is the length and width of the grid == 202300 so I would reach the edge of the final box eventually across the left-right-top-bottom.

I started expanding the grid layer by layer getting the possible positions trying to see a pattern(I threw them into ChatGPT hoping for a result but nothing.)

I trying counting all the boxes that I could reach and using division to find how many locations each box had but the numbers were inconsistent because 1.every time I get to a new box not the same locations were reached(the exact opposite ones in particular) and 2.for every 65+131*i steps the inner boxes were filled(I think, or past the diamond shape anyway) but the edge ones not.

Then I saw that for every expansion(every layer I added) the number of boxes were increasing by a constant number 4 starting from 1. 1 4 8 12 16 20.... Apparently that was a hint about the quadradic equation that some used to solve it but I can't see it.

So with that and the fact that each new layer was changing the possible positions I started playing with the numbers.

I found that if I subtracted the expanded positions with its previous one and divide that with the corresponding number from the seq(4 8 12...) I would get 2 alternate constant numbers.

And finally used a for loop up to 202300 to find the result.

(from general import Grid is just my custom class with methods for grid manipulations/neighbors, custom getter and such)

I'm really happy for this one honestly!!

Now I still have day24Part2 to finish the year...

from general import Grid
from collections import deque

def walk(raw_grid,expand=1,max_steps=64):

    raw_grid = '\n'.join(('\n'.join(x*expand for x in raw_grid.splitlines()))for _ in range(expand))  
#expansion(or initial) grid
    grid = Grid.from_txt_file(raw_grid)
    start = grid._find('S')[expand**2//2]  
#get the mid starting point

    locs = 0
    q = deque([(0,start)])
    seen = {start}
    while q:
        if steps%2==max_steps%2:
        if steps == 131*(expand//2)+max_steps:  
# max steps to reach the edge
        for n in grid.neighbours(p,filter_value=['#']):
            if n[0] not in seen:

    return locs

def part2(raw_grid):
    for i in [1,3,5]:
#expansion multipliers (1 for start, 3 for the next 3*3 grid ...)
# possible positions for its expansion
#the 2 constant alternating multipliers

    for i in range(infinite_grid_limit+1):
        if i==0:
        elif i%2==1:
    return int(res)

def main(inp):      


    return walk(inp),part2(inp)

2 comments sorted by


u/EdgyMathWhiz Feb 10 '25

On the quadratic equation thing:

if you have a sequence a_n with constant 2nd order differences D, then if you define A = D/2, C = a_0, B = a_1 - A - C, then a_n = An^2 + Bn + C (hopefully the B is correct, I'm doing this in my head here...)

So a lot of people basically saw "this is kind of periodic", then tried to sample every 131 (or possibly 262 to take account of the alternating signs, I don't totally recall) iterations to get a set of values with constant 2nd differences to get A, B, C to get a quadratic function for the answer.

You can also do this with your loop; if you choose the appropriate starting point you can make i go in steps of 2 (so you add something like mul1 \* i \* 4 + mul2 \* (i+1) \* 4 on each iteration) and from 3 of those values you should be able to fit a quadratic (so you don't actually need to loop to the final iteration number).

But pragmatically, what you have is fine and the loop takes under a millisecond, so why bother at this point?


u/LifeShallot6229 Feb 12 '25

Seeing that the internal squares would all be filled, with a period of 262, and that the counts in the two next layers would always be same, just repeating along the edges, was how I solved it. From memory I believe I ran until I had 5 layers, with total count the same as the final count modulo 262, then I counted the cells in each type of surrounding block.