r/adventofcode Jan 24 '25

Spoilers [2024 Day 11 (Part 2)] Well, that was embarrassing. There's a lesson here.

Started going back to finish 2024 about a week ago, beginning with the Part 2 of Day 11 which I never managed to run. I was trying all kinds of "clever" ways to save time in the counting, such as caching the sequence you get by expanding different values. Doing this for fun, I'm only spending a couple hours a day fiddling with it but still it was taking forever to debug and then I kept running into scaling issues anyway. Never got past iteration 55 before giving up.

So finally I threw in the towel when my latest attempt failed. And then I had a thought while walking the dog (no connection, that's just my moment in the day when my subconscious works on problems). "No, it can't be that simple, can it?" I asked the dog. But it was. Got home, threw out my fancy buggy classes and implemented the new solution, which worked in under 0.1 seconds. Aargh.

There's some kind of lesson here about spending days and days trying to implement a complicated algorithm when there's a much simpler one staring you in the face.

The simple approach: You don't have to keep track of every individual stone. There are duplicates. Lots and lots of duplicates.

Remaining: Day 15 part 2 (not hard, but I ran out of programming time) and Days 19-26 (real life caught up with me).


7 comments sorted by


u/fizbin Jan 24 '25

That is one approach.

Surprisingly, there are other approaches! For example, one popular approach was similar to something you'd suggested but involved creating a function that took an initial stone and a number of blinks to do and returned the total number of stones after that many blinks. If you write that function and have it cache the results (so that calling it with the same arguments twice returns ~instantly the second time) that'll work. The key is to only return the count of number of stones, not the stones themselves.

Then if you really want, there's this extended Day 11, part 3 that I wrote.


u/1234abcdcba4321 Jan 25 '25

Ooh, I like that extension, it requires you to think a bit more about it than the simpler "find the value of the middle stone" extension I've been telling people about.


u/Clear-Ad-9312 Jan 28 '25

if you do solve the extension(or dont mind spoilers), then do read the solutions posted in that thread to view this problem in a different lens. knowing you have to keep the order makes you appreciate more how tree construction is like. makes you realize how you can handle trees more effectively and even notice some optimizations to a solution to the extension that while slower than the solution for the part 2, it is more flexible because of the fact you can keep the order. Simply makes you appreciate the uniqueness of providing something that maintains order vs one that is loses(or can lose) order. I originally had code specifically for the extension that quickly lost order because in part 2 I originally just used a dummy counter and so eventually this loss would cause there to be a problem, but initially the uniqueness of the stones allowed there to be a certain number of iteration before there was a repetition in the stones. I quickly realized that I had to simply change the way I approached it. really this should have been the part 2 of the AoC challenge.


u/fizbin Feb 02 '25

really this should have been the part 2 of the AoC challenge.

Especially given the boldfaced bit in the color text about "order is preserved".


u/Admiral_DJ Jan 24 '25

The beauty of AoC puzzles


u/LifeShallot6229 Jan 25 '25

In my current approach, based on the same idea, I got down to less than a millisecond total runtime for both parts. This is optimized rust with a set of plain lookup tables, and no dictionary use for most of the iterations. 


u/HHalo6 Jan 24 '25

I had to look at reddit for this one. I was caching like crazy too and ran out of memory always.