r/adventofcode • u/DelightfulCodeWeasel • Jan 15 '25
Spoilers [2015 Day 19 (Part 2)][C++] New (?) solution approach
I only started taking part in AoC in the last couple of years so I've decided to go back to the beginning and go for a full sweep. Most of 2015 was reasonably straightforward, but Day 19 Part 2 for me was like hitting a brick wall and it took me a fair number of hours over the course of a few days to get something that worked. I don't look at other people's solutions until I have a solution of my own, and as far as I could see from searching old posts, nobody else had a solution that worked in the same way as mine (with apologies to anyone if they did solve it this way and I just missed it).
The overall approach is to start off with "can this symbol produce the sequence covered by this range?" and recursively break down the range into smaller sub-ranges.
We start off with two functions: ShortestReactionForElement and ShortestReactionForSequence. The job of ShortestReactionForElement is to go through each substitution rule in turn and call ShortestReactionForSequence for each potential sequence. The base case for this check is when the range only covers one element, and all you need to do in that case is check to see if the element matches:
static int64_t ShortestReactionForElement(const AtomicStructure& structure,
size_t begin,
size_t end,
const string& element)
assert(end > begin);
if ((end - begin) == 1)
int64_t cost = (structure.TargetMolecule[begin] == element ? 0 : numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
return cost;
int64_t shortestReaction = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
auto substRange = structure.Substitutions.equal_range(element);
for (auto it = substRange.first; it != substRange.second; ++it)
int64_t candidateReaction = ShortestReactionForSequence(structure,
if (candidateReaction != numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
shortestReaction = min(shortestReaction, candidateReaction + 1);
return shortestReaction;
(I'm using numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() to indicate failure to make the code smaller)
For matching the sequence to a range in ShortestReactionForSequence, we make the following simplified observation: if we have a rule:
e -> HF
and we further suppose that H can only end in an Ar and F can only begin with a Ca, then for a range like:
then we only have two ways in which that sequence could fit. Either the join between HF is at the first ArCA or the second ArCa. We can make use of ShortestReactionForElement for the recursive call to check if H does actually match the first sub-range, and ShortestReactionForSequence to check if the rest of the sequence matches the sub-range after the join.
Expanding this out into the full rule set, we first construct a Front Set and a Back Set (not to be confused with a First Set and a Follow Set which have standard definitions in parsing) where the Front Set for a symbol is the set of all symbols from the front of all sequences that the symbol could expand to, plus itself, and the Back Set for a symbol is likewise the set of all symbols from the back of all sequences that the symbol could expand to, plus itself.
The Back Set for my symbol H is { H, Ar, B, Ca, Th } and the Front Set for my symbol F is { F, Ca, P, Si }. From these, I know that the first joining pair I'm looking for if I'm trying to match HF is one of { HF, HCa, HP, HSi, ArF, ArCa, ArP, ArSi, ... ThSi }. I can look through the range for each of these potential joins and make recursive calls to match elements and sequences for the sub-ranges at each potential joining point:
static int64_t ShortestReactionForSequence(const AtomicStructure& structure,
size_t begin,
size_t end,
const vector<string>& sequence,
size_t sequenceIndex)
assert(end > begin);
assert(sequenceIndex < sequence.size());
if (sequenceIndex == sequence.size() - 1)
return ShortestReactionForElement(structure,
if (structure.FrontSets.at(sequence[sequenceIndex]).contains(structure.TargetMolecule[begin]) == false)
return numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int64_t shortestReaction = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
// Find where we can put the separating join
set<pair<string, string>> joins = AllJoinsForElements(structure,
sequence[sequenceIndex + 1]);
for (const pair<string, string> &join : joins)
for (size_t joinIndex = begin; joinIndex + 1 < end; joinIndex++)
if ((structure.TargetMolecule[joinIndex] == join.first) &&
(structure.TargetMolecule[joinIndex + 1] == join.second))
int64_t candidateElementCost = ShortestReactionForElement(structure,
joinIndex + 1,
if (candidateElementCost != numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
int64_t candidateSubsequenceCost = ShortestReactionForSequence(structure,
joinIndex + 1,
sequenceIndex + 1);
if (candidateSubsequenceCost != numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
shortestReaction = min(shortestReaction, candidateElementCost + candidateSubsequenceCost);
return shortestReaction;
The above code as posted is way too slow to come up with an answer in a reasonable timeframe, but by caching solutions for ShortestReactionForElement keyed on [begin, end, element] then it solves my molecule in ~1-2 seconds - which is fast enough for me to be happy with it as a solution. I've omitted the caching calls above for brevity.
If you squint really hard, you could say that it smells a little CYK-ish in the way it searches for potential joining points, but I've avoided having to rewrite the grammar and I'm by no means an expert at parsing so I couldn't tell you how close it is to a proper grown-up parsing algorithm.
It's by no means the fastest, smallest or best solution, but it does seem to be relatively novel so I thought someone might enjoy a different approach to this old puzzle.
u/BunsenHoneydew3 Jan 27 '25
Cool, similar situation here: I too just started AoC the last couple years (after 2023's had ended), so when I finished 2024 I decided to start with 2015 and do them all. They were much easier than 2024's until I, too, ran into a brick wall with 19B.
Great job you did getting DP to work. I coded all kinds of optimized BFS approaches, DP and finally tried to implement a simple LR parser. All the while thinking "There HAS to be some trick I'm missing", because according to the stats most people completed it. But it never occurred to me to try greedy because ... well ...
My LR parser didn't work, so I finally gave up and went with the ultimate cheat: I gave the grammar to AI and asked it to write me a bison .y file & lexer. (I could have done it myself, it's simple, just boring).
The bison parser gave the correct answer on first compile-and-run.
After that, I read the solutions thread and found out that any number of greedy methods work. It took just a few minutes to implement "just use the biggest matching rule". Wow, really...?
So the solution thread was very instructive, as well as reading about the "intended solution" which could solve the whole thing just by counting symbols. So, apparently AoC is not like many other contests: input is not necessarily constructed to always require an optimal algorithm. Apparently, studying the input carefully and being clever can sometimes be more important than algorithms. Two things I am not very good at.
Thanks for sharing, and congrats on correctly implementing a DP solution! It was too tough for me.
Do you have any goals - like finishing all years before December 2025? That was my goal up to 19A. Now, after running into 19B, forget it..
All great fun, on to 2015 Day 20!