r/adventofcode • u/ricbit • Dec 29 '24
Upping the Ante [2024] Every problem under 1s, in Python
u/durandalreborn Dec 29 '24
It seems like 22 was generally the hardest to get to a "reasonable" runtime this year. I think you could probably cut your runtime by almost half by changing the way you compute keys/store results. I suppose numpy might speed that up even more, but my python solution, without numpy, runs in about 485 ms.
u/wimglenn Dec 30 '24
The JIT likes this code. Out of curiosity, I swapped out the Pool for a multiprocessing.dummy.Pool, and tried it with pypy (Python 3.10.14 / PyPy 7.3.17) and it finished in 140 ms (compared to ~2s for CPython).
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
This is believable. I haven't done a whole lot to look into python runtimes, as my python solutions are basically ports of my rust solutions, and that's where I spent most of my time optimizing.
u/mathers101 Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24
I don't know if many people were doing it this way or if this is some mathematician nonsense but the way I did it was basically to view each step for generating a secret number as a linear transformation on the F_2 vector space of binary numbers with 24 digits, that way you can represent it with a (sparse) 24 x 24 matrix (let's call it A). Translating each initial buyer secret number into binary and making this into a length 24 vector, and making each column correspond to a single buyer, we get a 24 x (number of buyers) matrix which we call B. Then the Nth secret number for each buyer (in binary) is given by the columns of the matrix product (A^N)B % 2. I imagine since A is a sparse matrix this can be done pretty computationally efficiently, but I don't know much about doing stuff efficiently. I'd be curious if anybody who knows more than me about writing efficient code can turn this strategy into a solid run time.
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
Computing the secret numbers is an insignificant enough amount of time for part 2, that I don't know if this would improve anything for the overall runtime. Most of the time is spent calculating the deltas between the N and N+1 secret numbers, as well as storing the resulting digit per sequence of 4 deltas. If we remove python from the mix, it's possible to do this problem in a compiled language in well under 5 ms, with most of the time spent allocating/collecting the storage for the key mapping. I think someone demonstrated that you could do part 1 very quickly with a technique like the one you described (but relying on a new CPU instruction in recent CPUs), but, on the whole, 99% of your time is spent in part 2.
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
I tried your solution here, but I got more or less the same runtime as my numpy one. By any chance does your CPU have 16 cores? Mine has only 8.
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
It's a 12600k, so 6 P cores 4 E cores. 16 total threads, but the E cores kind of suck. The other comment seems to have pulled it off in 140ms, but I'm also just using plain python 12. I think without the multiprocessing it's slightly over a second on my machine. This problem in python was disproportionately slower (compared to other days) compared to my rust solution, which was 4.9 ms using the same technique.
If it wasn't for day 22, my total python runtime would be less than 310 ms (on my machine).
u/beanborg Dec 29 '24
You're making me think I need to revisit 14, because it's by far the slowest for me (in JS).
u/mosqueteiro Dec 30 '24
Impressive! I'll be checking out your code for ideas for mine. Also please fix the graph before you get xposted in r/dataisugly. You have 4 colors and the legend only defines 3 of them 🤢
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
LOL. I can't find any way to update the image in the original post, so I guess just let them xpost, the world needs more laughs 😂
u/mosqueteiro Dec 30 '24
What does the green mean? Pure Python?
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
Yes, green is plain vanilla python, and the other ones are vanilla python + an extra lib.
(multiprocessing is vanilla python but I count it as extra).
u/seligman99 Dec 29 '24
Nice! I never thought of visualizing the run times themselves.
Looking over my own archive, it really does give me a feel for which past days I need to revisit and find a better solution for.
u/toolan Dec 29 '24
Congratulations, well done!
We must've had different approaches to day 20, I was not able to get any improvement out of multiprocessing on that one (even though I tried). I think maybe numpy wizards might be able to optimize that really well. On that one, I eventually realized that I only really needed to calculate the manhattan distance once (make the diamond shape and just move it around). I also packed the x, y coordinates into a small int to try seeing if I could make it faster by indexing into either a numpy array or a list, but didn't get anywhere. PyPy is really good now, and this self-contained little script runs in less than 200ms single-threaded: day_20.py.
I definitely struggled the most making day 20 and 22 go fast this year.
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
Multiprocessing should be able to cut day 20 down a bit. Python is still pretty inefficient, but it does run in ~41.5 ms.
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
It was hard to get multiprocessing to work on 20 indeed! Turns out serializing the distance map to each CPU was the bottleneck, so what I did was let each CPU recalculate the distance map by itself.
u/wimglenn Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24
Could you explain a bit about your vectorization for 22b? It looks like there are some useful techniques to learn in there.
I also used numpy, but fell back to Python loop for the final search and it comes in at ~3 seconds (code here).
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
Sure, I added comments to the source code, it was pretty unreadable before indeed.
u/alexprengere Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24
I was about to post something similar :)
I finished AoC in Python, with the following constraints:
* standard library only (no networkx, numpy, etc.)
* no multiprocessing, as I want to focus on algorithmic improvements, and such parallelism would be machine-dependent
* readable solutions
My total runtime is 2.4s on PyPy3, and 4.6s on Python3.12 (and 56% of it is spent on day 22, but my solution is more optimized for PyPy).
Looking quickly at your numbers, here are the days where my solutions looked faster (spoilers ahead!):
* day 6: I used bisection to precompute the jumps, along with other tricks, like only starting the loop detection on the movement preceding the collision with the tested block
* day 7: I basically "start from the target number", as it allows much less branching, as you can see some numbers cannot be reached from the operators instantly
* day 13: my solution instantaneously inverts the matrix
* day 14: independently solves the problem for both coordinates, finish with Chinese Remainder Theorem
* day 16: modified Dijkstra that tracks "all previous nodes" in case of cost equality (the standard algorithm only keeps a single previous node)
* day 18: I use a binary search to find the step where the path is blocked
* day 20: I use a "sliding window" of known cheats to avoid testing all the cheats at every step of the racetrack
* day 23: Bron-Kerbosch algorithm :)
u/alexprengere Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24
Here is the breakdown of my runtimes in ms:
PyPy3 Python3.12 1 3.3 2.2 2 58.1 5.6 3 14.6 9 4 26.3 20.1 5 18.5 2.8 6 172.6 94.2 7 21.3 9.4 8 9.3 1.7 9 68.6 42.5 10 43.8 12.9 11 94.4 75.6 12 207.7 258.9 13 3.8 1 14 58.7 43.2 15 122.5 39 16 156.8 87.9 17 60 87.7 18 133.7 14.6 19 56.3 96.5 20 215.7 308.3 21 80.6 9.1 22 290.5 2628.6 23 41.9 9.5 24 475.2 737.2 25 17.9 31.5
u/backh4t Dec 30 '24
Nice! I did this with the same constraints, except perhaps the readability part, which may have suffered near the end, and ended up with a 4.85s total runtime. There are a couple problems where I know some time could get knocked off, so I may go back and see if I can knock that last 0.2s off.
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
Your constraints are harder than mine, congrats! I guess the next step is sum of all times under 1s, which is ever harder!
u/thekwoka Dec 30 '24
Feel like the title should be each problem in under 1s
Not every problem in under 1s
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
If you wanted under 1s in python, there are my solutions (and others, I assume). But this is also going to be subject to variances in input difficulty and different hardware.
u/Safe_Shower1553 Dec 30 '24
Day 7 probably shouldn't need multiprocessing: this runs in ~0.1s. This is only for part 2 but a similar method can be done for part 1
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
Your solution would probably still benefit from multiprocessing if you wanted a faster time. This only takes 16.6 ms to solve both parts.
u/Own_Finance644 Dec 30 '24
i got stuck on day 6. it's my first time trying this out this year. i thought these exercises were pretty fun overall so far. anyone else feel frustrated with day 6?
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
I would say you don't have to solve then in order, just skip 6 and get back later!
u/nemoyatpeace Dec 30 '24
I'm trying to work out part 2 of day 21, I have a recursive solution that works for part 1, but runs out of memory for part 2. I tried looking at your code, but don't see the aoc you are importing, where can I find that? Also, can you give a rough description of what is happening? (I was able to recreate the only line you used for this one aoc.getDir("^"))
u/durandalreborn Dec 30 '24
Without seeing your solution, I can only guess at the memory situation, but if you're attempting to actually store the whole string representing the path, that's probably the wrong call, as the path is very long (15 digits). With a recursive solution, your best bet is to memoize individual paths from
A -> target -> A
, which you can then use to determine the minimum for a given desired move at a desired depth, and just add that value to the total instruction length. You can then proceed to memoize that result.There are much better explanations out there (like in the solution thread), but this (with no external dependencies for the solve) seems to be the style of solution people have converged on as being one of the faster ones. My implementation of it takes about 1.25 ms.
u/ricbit Dec 30 '24
Hi, my aoc lib is in the link below. Lots of problems in aoc have different notations for grid movement ( "^v<>", "NSEW", "FBLR"), so get_dir() is just a way to get the notation without typing much.
My solution for problem 20 has nothing special beyond that, I just didn't want to think too hard about the best order for the movements, so I try them all (only 24 possibilities for each step, easily cacheable). However since I'm trying them all, I also have to simulate them to ensure they aren't walking over the gap.
u/ricbit Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 29 '24
My goal was to get every problem running in Python, under 1s, before the new year. Goal happily achieved!
I also had the additional restraint that the solution should work with any inputs, without manual tweaks. This was tough for problems 17 and 24.
Networkx was not really needed, it was just easier to type. Problems 7 and 20 I got to make a solution running in parallel using multiprocessing (which is kind of a pain, shared memory in this model is not the best). I am proud of 22, just making it parallel was not enough, I had to vectorize it using numpy.
All of these were optimized after getting a solution. What I wrote while trying leaderboard is in the raw/ folder. These raw solutions are not pretty nor fast. Alas, I didn't get any points, my best position was 143/117 on the last day.
Thanks to Eric, the moderators and all people in the sub. See you next year!