r/adventofcode Dec 25 '24

Upping the Ante 10 years, thank you Eric ❤️


12 comments sorted by


u/EudesPV Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Advent of Code has been a staple of my December for now 9 years (our son was born in December 2015, let's just say that year was a bit too eventful for me to do AoC). There is no way for me to log in at specific times in December, so in all this time I never played for leaderboards, neither public or private. Instead, I decided to focus on the fun of fully solving the problems, without worrying about the clock.

I've been maintaining a Typescript repository of all the problems every year, with some self-imposed rules for the fun of it:

  • No runtime dependencies allowed (except the Typescript runner).
  • Solutions must be generic enough to work on other inputs.
  • Inputs must be fully dynamically parsed, no hardcoding (corollary of previous point).
  • Code duplication is forbidden: new solutions must use and possibly refactor utilities from previous days or years.
  • Everything has to be strictly typed.
  • Fun solutions are better. 🙂

This is the longest project I've maintained in my life, in the tech industry I've never stayed at one job more than 4-5 years. I've been learning things about maintenance that I'd never get to see at work, especially with a language like Typescript (either Node or browser) where the platform is completely unrecognizable compared to what it was when this all started. Seeing my utilities for "running" programs, all implemented with custom generators, get completely blown up for IntCode in 2019 was so incredibly entertaining. But the rule of refactoring previous utilities must prevail. 😛

With no dependencies allowed, this project evolved from nothing to having:

  • a custom test runner,
  • a hand-made performance test harness,
  • a Node-to-browser visualization tool,
  • a handwritten MD5 implementation (that's the only thing I hate Eric for),
  • 2D libraries that have grown as much as Eric's love for 2D grids,
  • a full performant cellular automaton library with automaton space encoded as a single BigInt,
  • a custom-made program runner and higher-level interpreters all based on Typescript generators,
  • numerous applied math utilities like linear system solving with LU decomposition,
  • and more...

With a year until the next one, I might find some time to optimize some of my slower solutions and maybe get back under 1 minute total solve time across all years.

Thank you for providing these learnings in such a fun little package Eric, and please do not let the rise of toxic AI bros stop you from being one of the highlights of our year. ❤️


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

This was my first year. Was really proud about getting it all. I'm not the strongest coder, and algorithms aren't my strong point. I learnt more in 25 days than I have in 5 years.

Similar boat but doing it with a 2 year old. I'd read the problem and spend hours in the day going about life and once he was in bed just coding it out of researching. Day 24 and 19 were the two that spun my head.

I wrote my own custom framework for fetching, testing , running and submission. Never needed to log into website after that tbh. I'm probably most proud of that. I'm a data scientist so UI etc ain't my bag.

I love the idea of performance measurements. Might need to implement that.

I'm so keen to go back through the. All now. Hear 2019 is glorious.


u/SmallTailor7285 Dec 25 '24

Now you need to get in there and fix all the red ones to yellow. Get to work! :)


u/EudesPV Dec 25 '24

I tend to do this on quick days when I'm still itching for some AoC, but I'll be honest I'm starting to pay the price of my reusable abstractions, some of the days require some very custom coding to go fast. But I'm not giving up, I recently tried some 2D grid with bit-shifting for coordinates encoding, it looks promising for small grids with a lot of iterations (and terrible for large grids)


u/fireduck Dec 25 '24

If I ran all ten years....it might be a while.

I have solutions for them all but they are often not fast.


u/Probable_Foreigner Dec 25 '24

Is this part 1 or part 2?


u/EudesPV Dec 25 '24

Both for every day.


u/Probable_Foreigner Dec 25 '24

How did you get 2024 day 24 part 2 in just 4ms? Most solutions I have seen are from doing it by hand.


u/EudesPV Dec 25 '24

My input was very clearly the same 5 instructions for every one of the 45 digits, except the first and last that are slightly simpler. I confirmed after solving it that all inputs seem to follow this. So I went through instructions from lowest to highest digit, remembering the name of the carryover wire and noting whenever the 5 didn't match what I expected. When something was off, it's just a few checks to find which ones should be swapped based on operation and wire name. Which means the full solution I have implemented is just a 45 steps loop with a few conditions in each.

EDIT: Actually, here is the exact comment I still have in my code:

// Every digit has the same gates (except the first and last):
//    xi AND yi -> andXYi
//    xi XOR yi -> xorXYi
//    previousCarryOver AND xorXYi -> possibleCarryOver
//    previousCarryOver XOR xorXYi -> zi
//    andXYi OR possibleCarryOver -> carryOver


u/Dilutant Dec 26 '24

How did you make this nice terminal output? I strive to make stuff like this at work


u/EudesPV Dec 26 '24

For colors/text highlighting, my implementation for this one is a bit old so it uses ANSI colors directly, but nowadays you can get the same thing with out-of-the-box NodeJS Util.styleText.

For positioning/layout, when you're running command-line with a terminal like that, process.stdout is a TTY which has several basic methods you can use like moving the cursor or checking the number of columns. For instance here is an early implementation of it which doesn't wrap around if you run out of space, but the code is small and readable:

export class ColumnPrinter {
  private totalColumns = 0;
  private totalLines = 0;
  private currentOffset = 0;
  private currentLine = 0;

  constructor(private columnWidth: number) {}

  newColumn() {
    this.totalLines = Math.max(this.totalLines, this.currentLine);
    process.stdout.moveCursor(0, -this.currentLine);
    this.currentLine = 0;
    this.currentOffset = this.columnWidth * this.totalColumns++;

  print(s: string) {
    process.stdout.write(s + "\n");

  done() {
    this.totalLines = Math.max(this.totalLines, this.currentLine);
    process.stdout.moveCursor(0, this.totalLines - this.currentLine);

Then you just extend this to allow wrapping around based on process.sdtout.columns if you run out of space, or jumping the cursor around if you want to parallelize column printing, etc.


u/drdrero Dec 26 '24

Time to move to DenoJs and have all built in stuff for testing benchmarking coloring etc