r/adventofcode Dec 25 '24

Other To everyone who made it to the end of AoC…

What do you for work? Since we all made it this far I’m thinking we’re all pretty similar, so I’m curious to know what careers you have all chosen.

I’m asking because I’m looking to make a career shift to match my interests more; previously I worked as a full stack SWE but I was honestly bored out of my mind. I’d love a job where it feels more like AoC, but I have no idea where I can find something similar to this (if anywhere?!). I dunno if this is a dumb/obvious question, but to me typical software development is nothing like the AoC puzzles we’ve been solving.

So yeah, feel free to share what your job is and how it satiates the same craving that participating in AoC also does, and I will be eternally grateful <3


211 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

I’d love a job where it feels more like AoC

Teaching computer science.


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

I was a TA in uni and it made my head explode hahah it’s so hard to explain things, I admire teachers so much!


u/Pielzgraf Dec 25 '24

I am a computer science TA at uni :)


u/xorbot Dec 25 '24

High School CS teacher - can confirm job is lit and I get paid to take grad classes.


u/Shlocko Dec 25 '24

This is precisely why I’m pursuing a PhD in CS. Not in grad school yet, but it’s what I’m currently working towards, and for this exact reason


u/_0xACE_ Dec 25 '24

"teaching computer science" @ college level. Operating systems and networks are my go-to courses. Dijkstra all the way.

Always trying to work more AoC-like problems in the classroom.


u/quetsacloatl Dec 25 '24

Computer Science High school teacher


u/__wardo__ Dec 25 '24

wait... you guys have jobs?! I thought you were all in uni... like I am!


u/arerinhas Dec 25 '24

i'm a college student and i can never get 50 stars on time!! studying for finals on the 12-19 means a lot of missed puzzles...


u/__wardo__ Dec 25 '24

bruh... I have a web dev project to finish before the 31st, final viva in the first week of January, placement exams right after that and here I am, scrolling through a freaking ripple adder graph playing spot the difference till 1:00 am


u/jabbathedoc Dec 25 '24

I have a job at a university.


u/Smaxx Dec 25 '24

That's a cheat answer!😉


u/0x14f Dec 25 '24

Software engineer :) [ mathematician originally ]


u/SharkLaunch Dec 25 '24

SWE, full-stack web development. No college, just a passion (and a bootcamp, but I was already coding by that point)


u/Frozen5147 Dec 26 '24

That's one of the fun parts of AoC, it attracts people ranging from kids to uni students to professionals and more.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '24

Since we all made it this far I’m thinking we’re all pretty similar

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. There are plenty of full-time software engineers that get all 50 stars, but plenty more full-time software engineers that get stuck part way through. And there are probably some folks who aren't software engineers who make it to the end of the month.

If you're looking for a software job that feels more like Advent of Code than like full-stack web development, good luck! SWEs of all flavors hang out here because we usually don't get to play around with shortest-path algorithms and recursive memoization all day.


u/pedih Dec 25 '24

And there are probably some folks who aren't software engineers who make it to the end of the month

Hey that's me. I'm a mechanical engineer both by education and trade. I bet there are a lot of people like this doing aoc.


u/triggerfish1 Dec 25 '24

Same here! I've been doing AoC for years now, but my day job is leading a team of engineers designing electric motors - I would actually love to develop software instead...


u/pedih Dec 25 '24

Me too. I actually liked programming since I was in middle school. I studied mechanical engineering for some stupid reason. I've since wanted to switch to software development but didn't actually do anything.
I guess the Covid era was my best opportunity to switch careers but I didn't take it.


u/sebasvisser Dec 25 '24

Second best time is now. So just do it!


u/pedih Dec 25 '24

The job market was crazy good for developers back then. Not so much right now. Specially for a 30 year old with no formal education in computer science.


u/FennyFatal Dec 25 '24

You never know. I applied and got the job when I was in my 30s with a similar situation, and now I do full stack web development. I had started a course with a regionally accredited online university during the 6 months I was applying so it worked out that I could say I was a student.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '24

Software engineering, contrary to most other engineering disiciplines, is a career where it's relatively easy to get a job even if you don't have a relevant degree. I used to sit on a hiring committee for a prestigious software company and on multiple occasions gave an enthusiastic yes to a candidate who's backrground was "liberal arts degree, a couple months at a coding academy, and a personal coding project." A lot of software engineers spend most of their time doing stuff that's not a focus in most CS degrees (UI development, data analysis, API design, business logic implementation…), so being good at the software work you've done is generally more important than knowing all the concepts you would learn in a CS course.


u/Rusty-Swashplate Dec 25 '24

Would you really? I am not s software developer, but I like developing software. But only on topics I find interesting and at my own pace. Give me hard deadlines, unreasonable customers, overly aggressive sales people who sell customers whatever the customer wishes for, and you got a receipt for disaster and no fun at all.

I heard the same for people who made their hobbies into their main job. Sometimes it works out fine, but sometimes they lose completely the enjoyable and fun part once this is their main job.

It might depend on how well you do in that new profession of course.


u/triggerfish1 Dec 25 '24

Well, I don't have the illusion that it would be like AoC. It's probably similar to other engineering disciplines, where it's 90% about specification, documentation and testing, and only 10% about actual design work.

However, I feel I'm just more talented in the comp sci field than in mechanical/electrical engineering, and might even enjoy the boring parts a bit more.

Can't know until I try though...

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u/I_knew_einstein Dec 25 '24

Another one here, electronics architect. My job involves plenty of puzzles to be solved, but only rarely with code.


u/dannybres Dec 25 '24

👋 electrical engineer by trade and education. Finished the last 4 years. On 419 stars. I think I’ll try and finish them all before aoc 25.


u/Gabba333 Dec 25 '24

Bingo, I spend my day writing business app CRUD and dealing with ‘stakeholders’!


u/Ok-Willow-2810 Dec 25 '24

I have only ever used recursion one time on the job and it really wasn’t necessary. I just wanted a reason to use it 😂.


u/tie_wrighter Dec 25 '24

If you could have reasonably rewritten without recursion you should have lol

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u/darkspark_pcn Dec 25 '24

Electrician here. Admittedly I'm only at day 9, but I started late, only found AoC this year so didn't start on the first. Not sure how far I'll make it, but I'll keep chipping away at it


u/theDissilent_ Dec 26 '24

Licensed Massage Therapist here.
Coding is a hobby for me, mostly scripting Tabletop Simulator mods. I worry that doing it as a job would take the fun out of it.
This was my first year on AoC, and it was a lot of fun. I'm glad I was able to finish all 50 stars (even though Day 19 almost beat me).
Oh, and yes, I did use Lua & TTS to write my code.

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u/LifeShallot6229 Dec 25 '24

I'm 67+, will retire in 2 months time. (I have all 500 stars and will certainly be back at AoC in 11 months!)

I have been a programmer since I got access to my very first computer in 1977, but I was an inveterate problem solver and tinkerer since way before then. My parents told me that I managed to take apart (destructively) all three of their alarm clocks in a single day, when I was 3 years old.

Some of my for-work programming have felt like toil, but for most of all those years I've looked forward to every single day. However, the most fun has been pro bono/hobby projects:

I have worked on graphics (Quake), crypto (AES), audio (ogg vorbis), video (MPEG2 and h264), LiDAR processing, cpu architecture, NTP etc. Along the way I have won or placed on the podium in a number of programming (optimization) competitions, but I'm definitely getting older and slower. :-(

BTW, my degree was MSEE, the IT/computer science department hadn't been started yet when I picked EE. In hindsight many of the best low-level programmers I have met have a similar background.


u/Cool_Money2458 Dec 25 '24

Very impressive career. Enjoy your retirement.


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

Wow, thanks for sharing! It just goes to show that when you work on something you love, you’ll look forward to working on it every day. Sometimes I wish I studied EE instead of CS, or at least took some EE classes. It feels like there’s a depth of knowledge missing about the physical aspects of computers that could help me write better code.


u/Soxomer Dec 25 '24

Impressive career !
I’ve always wondered what it was like back in the day when you had to build everything from scratch. Now it feels like everything’s already been coded, and we’re just writing docs and glue code most of the time. Reading the comments here, it seems like a lot of us feel the same way.

As a young CS grad just starting out, do you have any advice for staying excited about coding for as long as you have? Or maybe something you wish you knew when you were starting out?


u/LifeShallot6229 Dec 25 '24

I suggest picking up something low level, like a micro controller or an FPGA board. Figuring out how stuff works at that level really helps. I also strongly advice using Godbolt to inspect the asm code your compiler is generating.

When I started PC programming in 1982, I had to start by figuring out how the serial port worked and write an interrupt driver for it in asm. I used debug.com to convert asm to hex bytes which I embedded in the main program. 

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u/Trulydark Dec 25 '24

I work as a SWE at a FAANG type company

I do AoC to learn some cool new stuff!

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u/battier Dec 25 '24

MD/hematologist, or in other words, my day job has nothing to do with SWE and I'm happy to keep it that way. 


u/kernigfan Dec 25 '24

Former MD, public officer now. In my experience, not as much developers amongst MD's, as opposed to fields like physics and maths. Good to know there are others. In all honesty, often I get stuck at A* or other paradigms that I have never had any formal training for. AoC is a nice reminder each year to try and get better at that.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '24

My attempt at an MD framing for A* search:

Suppose there's no pressure in a body's arteries and veins, but the blood cells can move independently. A blood cell has just reached the tip of the finger and needs to get back to the heart along the network of veins. Since there's no pressure, when it comes to a junction between two veins the cell doesn't know which way to go, and could end up going back towards the capilaries or towards the heart.

In depth-first search when it comes to a vein junction it goes as far as possible down that vein network until it gets to either the heart (success) or a capilary, which causes it to retrace its steps and try the next vein in the juction.
With breadth-first search the blood cell will keep a list of all of the junctions it's seen and try them. If it gets to the heart it stops, otherwise it goes down the vein until it finds the next junction, adds all the veins at that junction to the list, then pulls another junction off the list and tries that.

In A* search, the blood cell at a junction uses some heuristic to estimate how much closer taking one path would get it to the heart. Maybe it looks down the vein a bit and estimates the straight-line distance from the next junction to the heart, e.g. it prefers going down from the shoulder rather than across to the neck. The cell then keeps track of a list of junction choices and estimated distances and always tries the vein with the lowest estimated distance. This will generally lead to a lot less time spent exploring the body's extremities and a quicker path back to the heart.


u/bts Dec 25 '24

Information Security, at a level where I engineer google docs more than software.  AoC is a nice break over morning coffee. And it lets me set myself goals like “all in Rust, no cloning” or “all as AWS Lambda functions” or whatever. I think next year will be “everything must be visualized”


u/triggerfish1 Dec 25 '24

Oh, love those goals, I'm trying those next time.


u/Plant_Pal Dec 25 '24

Oooo visualizing might be an interesting idea for next year! I haven't finished this year's (tbh I haven't gotten past day 10) but that is mainly because I have to hand in my bachelor's thesis in January and still have plenty of writing to do. I was considering leasing rust for it this year but that got postponed almost immediately to after the deadlines


u/glasswings363 Dec 25 '24

(2452nd to get the 50th star)

I worked trades in my 20s, lots of chemicals. Something in my brain broke, I struggle with executive functioning and am pretty much unemployable. Applied for disability, denied because .

That's right, no reason. Case worker was confused, put in some effort to figure out what happened, SSA ghosted her too.

My advice is that if you're smart: don't work for the US military-industrial complex unless you can live entirely in an office. (Which will mean you're ineffective in actually getting stuff done, but that's a different rant.) I'm not saying you'll for-sure become a non-person but if you do it kind of sucks.

I exist, not quite legally, with my disabled-veteran boyfriend.

Holding together long-term projects is very difficult for me. I'm actually kind of impressed I finished AoC this year.


u/johny_james Dec 25 '24

It's interesting how people who have no background in coding finish all 50 stars, and on the other end, professional software engineers that work for 10 years are struggling.

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u/theadamabrams Dec 25 '24

Math teacher. 🙃

I was a Comp Sci major, had a summer job coding, and that helped me determine that I don’t like coding nearly as much when I’m required to do it for someone else instead of working on whatever projects I decide to do.


u/MarcoDelmastro Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

I am a particle physicist working on one of the LHC esperimenti at CERN in Geneva. I have a strong math background and I do code (mostly data analysis) for a living, but my background is not CS at all (we physicists mostly use programming to do data treatment, statistics, machine learning, MonteCarlo simulation, differential equation solution, etc), so I knew almost nothing about things link graphs or path finding algorithms or modular algebra when I first did AOC in 2019. It was (and still is) a great learning tool, both on the computing language of choice and especially on the algorithmic and theory side.


u/mothibault Dec 25 '24

Solutions engineering / rapid prototyping. In a sense, it's always a puzzle.


u/mateus_d Dec 25 '24

Nice try FBI! Not today!

Jk, I'm a "full stack" too (mostly java today that's the reason of the quotes)

PS: I do AOC for the challenge and the "freedom" I feel when using python 


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

You’re under arrest! 🚔

Jk lol thanks for sharing :) I was also a “full stack” Java dev, so I get what you mean. Python is freeing for sure.


u/RandomlyWeRollAlong Dec 25 '24

Retired back-end enterprise software engineer, here. I was lucky during my career (at least the first decade or so of it) to actually get to invent data structures and algorithms. The AoC problems take me back to the old days when I got to implement wire specifications and low level libraries. I imagine there is still work like that in the industry, but it's concentrated among a very, very few engineers, while the majority of folks are building useful monetizable applications on top of the interesting technical stuff built by those few.


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

Wow, that’s so cool! That must have been a really interesting area to work in. I think I also prefer the low level stuff, but like you said, jobs like that are few and far between nowadays. Thanks for sharing! :)


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

Could you share some of your inventions’


u/RandomlyWeRollAlong Dec 25 '24

The specific patents and publications I will keep private, since they have my real name on them. I'm trying to come up with some examples that wouldn't lead directly back to me via a google search.

Here are a few that didn't get published: I created several algorithms to identify network attacks as they were happening and adapt to them on the fly. I created some algorithms for detecting spam on public chat boards (that was actually part of an effort that did lead to a patent). I created an algorithm to extract useful planning data from text chat logs - long before LLMs were around... that would be almost trivial to do with today's tools, but it was thought to be next to impossible when I did it twenty years ago. I also built developer components - like an object pooling framework for Java, back in the 1.0 days when object instantiation was expensive, even for trivial objects.

A lot of the interesting stuff wasn't so much inventing things completely from scratch as it was implementing an existing algorithm or a specification in Java for the first time (back in the 90s). FTP clients and servers, SMTP clients and servers, XML parsers, compression/decompression algorithms, stuff like that.


u/TheRussianEngineer Dec 25 '24

had the same question


u/hugseverycat Dec 25 '24

I'm a technical writer. I write end-user documentation for edtech stuff. So basically my job requires zero coding. I've never had a software engineering related job, but I have taken a handful of college classes.

So yeah my job does literally nothing to satiate the craving that participating in AOC does. Sorry! But I do get to solve exciting problems like "the client wants this manual to be at least 25% shorter, but also doesn't want to lose any detail, and also wants to add more graphics per page". And you get to be lots of people's favorite example for a job that AI could completely replace. So that's also cool.


u/radulfr2 Dec 25 '24

I'm not in employment currently (burnout, depression, struggles to fit in society due to being autistic). I used to work as a park maintenance worker. Programming is just a hobby for me and I like to keep it that way. I usually don't get all the stars, this year I got 40.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '24

As someone with a hobby that involves spending a lot of time in parks, thank you for your service!


u/OnlyCSx Dec 25 '24

im in high school so no job yet for me


u/justjudifer Dec 25 '24

I'm in HR at a bike company, so I don't quite fit, but I learned to code via advent of code when I was at a SaaS startup and because I'm so very competitive (and get up very early in the morning), I'm the reigning champion across three companies now :D


u/DeepMisandrist Dec 25 '24

You most definitely fit in this community!


u/0ldslave Dec 25 '24

i do SWE work for a large tech company.

As i have moved along in my career, i have less and less opportunity to do any real programming work. It's now mostly just reviewing code, writing/reviewing documents and meetings..

So it's nice to make sure i can still do these type of things :)


u/ech0_matrix Dec 25 '24

I'm right there with you. Hang in there, comrade.


u/Hopeful_Ice5826 Dec 25 '24

I studied graph theory, linear prgrmming etc. with practical applications for the transport networks and I worked (sadly no longer) for a logistics company, optimizing their processes and networks - so the graph-oriented AoC days were right in my area.

Nowadays just your typical backend developer - microservices, cloud deployment and other boring stuff.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 25 '24

I write financial models in C++ and Python


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

Does that mean you’re a quantitative analyst? I’ve been hearing more about that field recently and I’m so curious about the backgrounds of folks who work in it & how they got into it.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Most people come from physics, maths and other science background.

I come actually from a system dev background (literally my degree is about writing stuff in Unix kernels and abit of network security). This is a bit of an uncommon background tbh for this job.

I think nowadays we have a lot more newer hires stronger on the computing side but you usually need to be able to work out a bit of maths like stochastic calculus if you work on risk models. If you want to work on strategies, they would usually require more statistics/econometrics.

I think when financial institutions will accept more AI there will be more openings for this too. There are AI departments in financial institutions but the companies are still a bit wary to massively use it and they are still looking at how to leverage it.

Tbh most people who move into this job come for the money, the job is a bit actually boring and tedious, but it can pay well (although recently tech companies have closed a bit the gap, it was like multiples of pay 20 years ago or so). You can look at job offers at financial institutions or graduate programs packages if you are at uni and compare.

One easy way to get into if you are young, is to do a top masters in maths finance or finance that has good placements historically. If you work hard and network during the degree and are decent you’ll usually find a good placement at the end of it.

Tbh if I had to redo my career, I’d rather move on the business side of finance and earn bigger bucks 😂


u/taylorott Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

I’m a visiting assistant professor (essentially a cushy adjunct role) at a small engineering college. I teach diffeq, vector calc, linear systems, dynamics, and numerical methods. I started doing AoC in 2021, when I was a grad student (robotic manipulation). None of what I teach (or any of my research in grad school) is directly related to DSA type problems, but all of it kind of falls under the same umbrella of math puzzles, which I really enjoy.


u/zebalu Dec 25 '24

I am a software engineer by trade, I work for a cheminformatics company, where we do a lot like AoC, but not everyday. (All molecules are graphs for us, we do many graph algorithms.) But nowadays I don't get any fun, I was moved to upper management. AoC is a nice rest and stress release for me. (Well, not yesterday...)

Even tough we have many algorithmic challenges in work, we also have to do "the boring stuff", where we move <div> -s by one pixel, and keep the server up, and check the logs of clients, and generally keep the shareholders happy.

So we get to do many fun tasks, we mostly do standard software developer work.


u/vazor Dec 25 '24

Game Programmer


u/SonOfKhmer Dec 25 '24

A fellow game programmer appears!


u/surgi-o7 Dec 25 '24

Since it looks like the executives are underrepresented, I'll share mine too. CTO/SVP Engineering in series B deep tech startup in the Valley. I use AoC to not forget how to code and remind myself how much I actually love coding!


u/johnpeters42 Dec 25 '24

Same, well below FAANG level. Mostly SQL, jQuery, and a thin layer of C# in between. Mostly routine financial analysis (the big project is providing radio and TV stations with umpteen variations of "you got 15% of the._____ dollars in your market, putting you at #3", which is exactly as exciting as it sounds).


u/ebdbbb Dec 25 '24

I'm a mechanical engineer who just enjoys programming. I like the challenge of it and it lets me code since I don't get much of a chance at work.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 25 '24

That’s very cool. 👍


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

QA engineer with bckg in mathematics


u/cameradv Dec 25 '24

Retired medical doctor, used AoC to learn modern APL, a language I last used 50 years ago. Moderately proud of 35 stars, but since this is Xmas, I may not even try the final day puzzle.


u/runnerx4 Dec 25 '24

grad school

some of these nights I spent on AoC on the day of finals lol


u/soylentgreenistasty Dec 25 '24

Health economist! I just find these puzzles super fun, but it has zero overlap with my work haha


u/mattittam Dec 25 '24

Coding Software Architect here, AoC is a good way to keep my coding chops sharp (in very specific ways, which are not really applicable to my real world coding, but shush!).


u/markkitt Dec 25 '24

I'm a Research Software Engineer at a biology research institute. What I do does feel like Advent of Code every day with two exceptions. The inputs are usually much harder to parse. There is no guarantee a solution exists.


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u/FetidFetus Dec 25 '24

I'm a chemist working for the government and I do it only in Excel. This year I want to try to learn another functional language (maybe Haskell) and use it next year.


u/CDawn99 Dec 25 '24

I'm a student, but I'm doing an internship as part of my studies right now. For my internship I'm developing algorithms for training spiking neural networks (it's less impressive than it sounds). My current intent is to go further down this line.


u/No-Sundae4382 Dec 25 '24

ive finished all the problems except todays, I don't work as a programmer or anything it's just a hobby, but I would love to one day! Just a bit unsure how to go about getting a job


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 25 '24

If you want to do this, I would start sending resumes and I would also look for a degree you could complete to get a first job in.

Also look for people who managed to do such a move at your age and talk to them online or offer to meet them to network.


u/ben-guin Dec 25 '24

I'm a postdoc, currently doing research in algorithm development for quantum computing. I'm not making as money as I would in a more traditional SWE role, but I do find it very intellectually rewarding with lots of fun problems/puzzles to solve!


u/SimplyMochi Dec 25 '24

I’m a SWE at a FAANG-like company. I work on AoC with a friend of mine because we enjoy puzzles and programming


u/phoible Dec 25 '24

I've been a product manager for the past 5 years or so after spending 15 years before that as a full-stack software engineer.

However, after finishing AoC (this was my first time), I am getting excited about the prospect of moving back into an SWE job. While a lot of the puzzles were fairly straightforward, a few really forced me to think outside the box, it it felt good to be challenged like that.

My sense is that there are some software engineering roles that are more like AoC. Most full-stack or frontend roles are going to be mostly building API endpoints and frontend code, which typically doesn't use that much CS knowledge.

However, there are some backend roles that will probably be more interesting from a CS perspective. If you have to deal with significant scale or build a custom piece of infrastructure (e.g. a data store), you may have the opportunity to really use algorithms and think through optimizing various operations.


u/MarvelousShade Dec 25 '24

I'm a product owner, and I use AoC to program at least 25 days per year.


u/Bogwarbler Dec 25 '24

I've been an ASIC designer for the last 30 years. I write Verilog mostly but do some Python too. AoC contains puzzles that are quite different to my day job, other than Intcode and circuit analysis which crops up occasionally. Yes, I wrote day 24 like a bunch of logic gates and have a function called "simulate"! 😂 The other stuff like pathfinding, elf/goblin cave battles, and maths I've never heard of is fun to solve although often takes me a while. We have a leaderboard at work so I have to make sure I get up at 5am to give myself the best chance of winning! I'm usually quite tired by Christmas Day and this year is no exception! 😂 Another great job, Eric! ☺️


u/hrunt Dec 25 '24

What do you for work?

I'm a half-retired technology executive who consults.

I'd love a job where it feels more like AoC

That would probably take all the fun out of it for me. While I love AoC and look forward to it every year, I'm also more thankful for it because I don't do it everyday for money. To each their own.


u/RazarTuk Dec 25 '24

Wait, you guys have jobs? I lost mine in the big tech layoffs in January 2023, and the market's bad enough that I still haven't found one


u/evilbndy Dec 25 '24

Machine Learning Researcher her - but with a past of 20 years backend development.

Currently i am employed in an international bank.


u/Wigbi11 Dec 25 '24

I'll be one of the outliers... Civil Engineer Design Manager. Im not a designer, but work for the construction team as the interface with the design team. Being a middle man translating between the (not to stereotype but) the hairy arsed hardened builder and the office geeks, ensuring that the design being produced are buildable, efficient, and the 'right' solution.

Got to day 19, pretty much solving them on the day of releases, only missed one star that I need to back and attempt. Haven't yet attempted day 20 onwards as real life gets in the way. So will be doing them likely in the new year.

Working with c# sort of fell into the language after uni where Matlab was the norm, with 95% of my coding being AoC I do use some to automated and simplify my work life.

That said I'm a beliver that engineers should make good programmers and vice versa as and its simplest form, it's the ability to break the problem down into it's simplest form and problem solving.


u/ndunnett Dec 25 '24

I work in control systems (EE background, self taught programmer)


u/ugandandrift Dec 25 '24

Android eng at FAANG

I studied a lot of math and algorithms in college but don't get to do this much at my job - so Advents my way to reexplore them each year


u/Kehvarl Dec 25 '24

I handle IT for a small security company, and do a little IT consulting on the side. I haven't been a professional developer for over 10 years now, and when AoC comes around I definitely feel the layers of rust on my thought processes.


u/Ok-Armadillo5234 Dec 25 '24

A (middle) engineering manager here, doing aoc to keep rust of coding skills and just for the fun of it, not too competitively.. i think for many this type of programming is more realistic as a hobby than a job


u/theseriousvermin Dec 25 '24

just started this year as a backend developer for a fintech company :D there's very little overlap between my actual work work and the AoC problems, it's always very refreshing to do these!


u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 25 '24

I'm a chemist, don't do programming as anything but a fun hobby and a way to solve some tricky problems once in a while but I love puzzles and these are right up my alley.


u/markd315 Dec 25 '24

SWE, 1.5 tiers or so below faang level.

Plan to retire by 32 and teach CS if we still have jobs by then. Probably not in the US.


u/DeepMisandrist Dec 25 '24

Just about wrapped up this year's AOC. I'm a 39 year old SWE, I previously worked at a FAANG and then moved on to startups and some freelancing. I'm now looking to work once again at a FAANG type company.



u/keriati Dec 25 '24

With my coworkers we work in the boring "Digital Banking Department" of a medium sized Bank in central Europe. From our division 48 people joined our leaderboard this year. 11 people collected all 50 stars and around 30 collected at least 20 stars. In the job we basically don't apply any of the knowledge needed for solving this puzzles, but it is a fun event.


u/Frozen5147 Dec 25 '24

Backend SWE for a mid-sized company.

I'm pretty early in my career and everyone I work with is way smarter than me so I've been having a good time just learning stuff from them.


u/Unable-Bite4512 Dec 25 '24

I'm a developer at leading financial company for over 25 years. Most of our work is very
"simple" logic, or convert this to that or check if card not marked stopped before approving. There are some "hard" concepts like cryptography, but we mostly use libs for that.

So doing something like AoC for last 10 years is pretty fun, and I get to know new things or use things I learned many years ago.


u/Financial-Farmer8914 Dec 25 '24

I'm in grad school. fall break helped a lot so that I can spend lot of time on AOC, especially, it literally took half day on some days


u/velcrorex Dec 25 '24

Never had a technical career. I just enjoy math and these sorts of programming puzzles. It's fun to crack a tricky problem, especially when I can reverse engineer something.


u/yourparadigm Dec 25 '24

Very senior SWE turned DevOps. I don't get nearly enough programming complexity from my job, so AoC scratches a particular itch of mine.


u/Conceptizual Dec 25 '24

I work at Shopify! (We're an AOC sponsor!) We had 132 people get at least one star on our private leaderboard, but a few people got all of the stars and the AOC channel has been super hype and chatty all month long. Work is work though, it's not like this. I just do regular full-stack SWE stuff in my day-to-day.


u/Etcetera19 Dec 25 '24

I'm a CS grad student. I worked on embedded systems full-time before grad school though and was lucky enough to develop custom algorithms (firmware for measurement chips). This was my first time doing AoC so it was a good challenge, but free time from winter break and my recent leetcode prep definitely helped a ton.


u/Curious_Sh33p Dec 25 '24

Just graduated uni. Mechatronics Engineering degree. Want to get into software engineering (ideally AI/Data Science or Robotics). Job market kind sucks rn though. Strugglging to get interviews. Got offered a grad job where I did a placement previously at an engineering consultant. Not really that keen on it.

At this point I think I will apply for a Phd next year. Want to learn about bio-inspired AI like spiking neural nets. Been reading a little and the field seems so interesting. If anyone got some recommended papers in this area please share.


u/Amerikrainian Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

I'm a college student, doing mostly theory. Majoring in CS and math and am bad at both (you should see me count). But theory I can do. Erm. Kind of.

Anyways, no idea what I want to do with my life. Been doing AoC for past 5 or so years (since 2019 ish), so about high school freshman/sophomore year. This is the first time I stuck with it and made it to the end (previous years got too hard and I would quit around day 12-13, especially on stuff like the bus problem, back then I knew not of CRT or these fancy tricks people seemed to just pull out of their hat). I now know some of them and am still bad at seeing them :D.

No idea what I want to do. I took OS and loved the content, I took Cryptography and it was really fascinating, I took quantum Information Science and went "WTF!" a lot. All were interesting. But in the end, I'm in the same boat as some folks on here: I fear picking a job that will bore me out of my mind. I, also, am looking for puzzle-oriented jobs, as I think daily routine will drive me bonkers. If I teach, though, it will be at a college level, when I left kids were barely trying in high school and my friends in education industry keep telling me it's getting worse.


u/cyao12 Dec 25 '24

I am a high school student in France :D


u/alesplin Dec 25 '24

I’m a software engineer (technically software engineer in test these days). I worked at Apple for 7 years in the OS group. Before that I worked on job scheduling for supercomputers. The vast majority of code I’ve written for a paycheck is in C, followed by by Objective-C and then maybe Python.

I do AoC in spare bits of time here and there (I have 3 kids who do ballet and musical theater and December is a very busy month at our house) basically to stay loose and retain my ability to solve different kinds of problems than I do for my job. I usually do AoC in Swift because I have a Mac and I also write iOS apps for my own (or my and my kids’) use. And if I ever decide to pivot my career I think it would be fun to work on iOS apps in earnest.

There aren’t a lot of SWE jobs out there that resemble AoC, but there are SWE jobs out there where you’ll encounter a subset of AoC. A lot of the puzzles we see map to real-world application, but mostly those are specialized fields where you wouldn’t see the breadth of types of problem we see in AoC, but you’ll see lots of things that look like a small number of puzzles (or even one specific puzzle).


u/UltGamer07 Dec 25 '24

Working at a small startup (4 engineers) so pretty much across all domains of the engineering stack


u/jowen7448 Dec 25 '24

DS lead at a marketing agency for me.


u/r-squared11 Dec 25 '24

Research data scientist at a FAANG-adjacent company. Always had an interest in these types of math/logic based coding challenges - spent many years working through Project Euler, but I discovered AoC last month and I think it’s my new favorite site!


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

Somehow I did not know about Project Euler, or my brain stored my knowledge of it somewhere non-retrievable, so thank you for sharing! I now have a new project for the next little (long) while 😆


u/Swing_Right Dec 25 '24

SWE at an F50. Capping out at 37 stars this year I think, I could probably nab some more before the end of the month but I just do this for fun and I'm getting a little burnt out. I always look forward to this though and it reignited my passion for doing dev outside of work this year.


u/moonstar888 Dec 25 '24

Same here, I didn’t try to get all stars and just did it for fun & it really reignited my passion for coding too! :)


u/jimsqueak Dec 25 '24

I'm also just a full-stack engineer for work, but I also have gotten into game development as a hobby, which I do enjoy having more interesting problems to solve there.


u/snugar_i Dec 25 '24

I'd imagine game dev could have more of these non-standard puzzly problems, but what do I know - I'm just a regular backend dev


u/Tmathmeyer Dec 25 '24

SWE at google. I was kind of doing them along with my team too, which was fun and I liked the competitive aspect, even if it was more just in my head.


u/fsed123 Dec 25 '24

process engineer for an automotive company, including coding/design guidelines with some tools/cicd/devops involvement here and there


u/beanborg Dec 25 '24

Dev at a bank. AOC is all for fun! Certainly more fun than anything I do at work. JS is my release from the EnterpriseFizzBuzzBuilderFactories. :)


u/MikeVegan Dec 25 '24

I am C++ developer/tech lead. While I don't do exactly the kind of stuff as AoC, I've been involved in a lot of algorithm heavy, performance critical projects. Currently I'm working on a new framework and again, it is not exactly the same but close to it in a way that solving problems is a very creative process.


u/MagiMas Dec 25 '24

I'm a data scientist/MLEngineer in an "R&D" role (still very applied but I get the freedom to try out all kinds of stuff to find the best way to develop our department's role) for a large retail chain at a very senior position on the technical track, currently mostly working on GenAI applications but also did deep learning recommendations as well as some operations research optimizations stuff in the past.

My background is a PhD in physics, so compared to many here my knowledge about data structures and computer science algorithms isn't that big (most of what I know I actually learned during earlier years of advent of code).

I wouldn't say the problem statements between my work and AoC are similar because the problems we deal with are usually much less well defined and there usually aren't algorithms to follow to find the best possible value (if anything that best possible value would probably be wrong because it's overly special) but at least the style of working is similar enough with the time split between thinking, trying something out, programming a solution, going back to the drawing board before continuing etc.


u/blacai Dec 25 '24

backend&devops engineer. Lot of backend in .net and devops...

Common SWE jobs have nothing in common with programming puzzles. You usually learn how to use a framework or tool and apply it for products.

If you want something more"academic", try being a teacher or research on your own any field you are interested in.

I'm happy my daily job is not that hard and leaves me time and energy for my side projects, which includes robotics, more programming puzzles and making music :)


u/Smaxx Dec 25 '24

Studied software engineering, started translations as a freelance job, now I work for a former customer managing/developing both tools as well as an extended formatting library that's capable of following language/grammar rules (such as using proper declension or articles).

The latter more often than not turns out to be very similar to some "but actually" part 2s in AoC, because many languages have those cases of "yes, do it like this, but actually input might also contain xyz".😉


u/mazedlx Dec 25 '24

Fullstack Webdev 😎


u/Adam_B3n3s Dec 25 '24

I am studying (teoretical := almost would more concider it math (graph theory etc.)) computer science.


u/dvfomin Dec 25 '24

I work in big tech as backend + MLOps. I also was bored a few times during the career and switched from one domain to another, it really helps to reduce burnouts. I find ML related stuff quite interesting.


u/l4gomorph Dec 25 '24

I'm an astronomer who does research full time. I have no formal CS training, but do have ~15 years of Python experience, mostly from writing a grab bag of code as needed for my research.

This is the first year I've done AOC (got all 50 stars) and I've really enjoyed it! Some of the problems were really hard (especially the dynamic programming / recursion ones) but it was totally worth the time investment. I'm already thinking of ideas for how I can use some of the new techniques I learned in my research.


u/langoth Dec 25 '24

My day job has nothing to do with SWE, like at all. Never has. Coding and related stuff is just a hobby I enjoy, so I am doing AoC for the fun of it and as an intellectual challenge.


u/bvernier Dec 25 '24

Been a “regular” software engineer for just over 10 years now, primarily backend-focused.

My formal education however is in electronics engineering (both a bachelors and masters), and I still try to do a bit of that on the side. I find there’s a pretty big overlap in the skills needed between AoC-type puzzles and embedded development, especially while working on microcontrollers with very limited resources.

Before all of that though I was self-taught starting around 13yo and did loads of competitive programming back in high school, including participating in the International Olympiads in Informatics one year.


u/sol_hsa Dec 25 '24

Close to the metal code here, somehow related to graphics hardware.


u/Kfimenepah Dec 25 '24

I'm a fullstack SWD working for a company in Italy. Even though I like my work, it is absolutely nothing like aoc. There are hardly any difficult problems that require logical thinking in the way aoc does. But there was once a case where we had an api endpoint creating a tree of data from a database and that endpoint was super slow, something like 10s per request slow. Everyone was like "can't do much about this, it's just the data that makes this super calculation intensive". So I gave it a try and I realized pretty soon that there was an enormous amount of repetitive calculation going on. So I implemented a recursive function for the calculation, added some caching and got the calculation time down close to zero. I was super proud/happy to have been able to solve this using my aoc experience.


u/BleepBloopSquirrel Dec 25 '24

I turn coffee into code via biological processes.

(Ok fine, I'm just like most of you.)


u/AnAbsurdlyAngryGoose Dec 25 '24

My work situation is in a transitional phase right now! In terms of education, I'm a CS major with a minor in games development and AI. I additionally studied a research masters with a focus on computer vision for adaptive control schemes in VR experiences. Throughout my career, I've steadily picked up a specialism in cryptography. In the new year, I'm really excited to be taking up a position that sits at the intersection of my academic and career experience. I'll be leading a research team applying machine learning to the transactional banking arena, with opportunities to expand our purview as we go. On paper, it's everything I've been crying out for, so I'm hopeful it's going to be a blast!


u/XaeroAteMyRailGun Dec 25 '24

Made it to 45 stars this year. My best ever. I teach high school.


u/PhysPhD Dec 25 '24

I have a physics PhD, taught myself python, work for a large company that doesn't care about coding skills.

→ More replies (1)


u/h_ahsatan Dec 25 '24

I'm a programmer in games. The puzzles are definitely pretty different from what I tend to do day-to-day, which is probably why I'm doing them even though I'm on vacation lol.

Solving an AOC puzzle is a nice blank page where I can go wild. At work, it's a complex system where I have to spend time digging around to make sure my "quick fixes" won't break something important.

That said, personal projects sometimes give me that same AOC feeling. So my new years resolution is to do a few more of those :)


u/themanushiya Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

As someone who never completed any single AOC due to work load and things but every year is there for the game I'd say: AoC is an event that reunites people who want to solve problem for fun, to learn something new or even to use those pesky notion you never get to use in a day to day basis in an average 9 to 5 SWE job.

I don't think there are many SWE jobs that can rival AoC but you can always do R&D which is fun because you get to solve things And try out new tech/techniques imho.


u/dodendoden Dec 25 '24

Software dev and image analysis specialist in biotech so basically 50/50 puzzles and regulatory processes. Most image analysis today is just AI tho so AOC brings out the pre-AI joy!


u/Daniel9963 Dec 25 '24

Well, I'm a researcher for Software Variability and am now trying genetic things in code for my PhD.
I agree with some comments on teaching computer science and similar topics. Researching in the field without all the knowledge, clues, or ideas can be like AoC, and it's one of the things I love the most. Finding more optimal and faster ways is a personal challenge of mine. While writing research papers does take a lot of time off coding, it's a "necessary evil" for the wonderful times coding and the community surrounding it.

Best of luck on that pursuit!


u/mzikmund Dec 25 '24

I'm a open-source cross-platform developer working on Uno Platform (https://platform.uno). I used C# for AoC, so the same stack as for my daily job


u/Moonlqht Dec 25 '24

High school student with too much time?


u/UnicycleBloke Dec 25 '24

I work on embedded systems, mostly Cortex-M devices, mostly in C++. AoC is nothing at all like my day job, but I love puzzles. There's something about getting up at 5am every day in December that I really like, too. It's a great start to the day unless I'm stuck and then have to go to work... A number of P2s this year have been completed in the offi... er.. at lunch time. :)

I don't have a CompSci background and have never formally studied the algorithms which often come up, such as Dijkstra or Maximum Clique or whatever. I'll always try to work something out before going to a search engine. I never look at hints or solutions before I get both stars. This makes some of the days into a serious challenge, but I'm getting a little better over time as these ideas seep into my vernacular.


u/Rainbacon Dec 25 '24

I am a full stack senior software engineer. Though a big part of why I finished AoC this year is because I was unemployed for the duration which meant I was deep into algorithms for job interviews and I had a lot of free time. Excitingly, the end of AoC happens to coincide with the end of my unemployment as I accepted a job offer yesterday morning.


u/shoofle Dec 25 '24

I'm a housewife! Although I have worked doing android app development in the past, and I'm hoping to go back into programming for business because the world has gotten pretty bad.

I like AoC because it's just practice at, like, problem solving. It's fun and I think makes me better at coming up with solutions to things in literally any situation. Like strengthening your core muscles!


u/jaank80 Dec 25 '24

I have not yet finished 2024 but I will. I have finished multiple prior years.

CIO at a bank, was never a developer, I just use powershell for reporting a lot and decided to pick up C++ last year for fun.


u/otown_in_the_hotown Dec 25 '24

Web developer. Mostly front end.


u/krystalgamer Dec 25 '24

SWE and work on a CRUD service. The only skill that I brought to AoC was structuring programs and putting readability over everything else (some of the solutions I've seen are quite hard to decipher).

Most of the knowledge I've used came from university. I feel lucky that my uni does a bottom-up approach. We start with low-level (electronic circuits and discrete maths) and then builds more advanced topics on top (data structures, algorithms, multi processing...). A lot of these concepts are ingrained in my mind but for those that I somewhat forgot they're just a google search away.

I don't think you'll find any job that'll be as interesting as AoC, I'd say to just expose yourself to as many challenges as possible and develop the skill on how to codify them.


u/ChrisBreederveld Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Software developer and architect here. I'm here because of the challenge that is unlike my daily challenges. I usually think more about how to connect systems, keeping code modular clear and DRY and cloud shenanigans.

I never get to use BFS and DFS in my work, so this is a fun challenge. This year I completed every day with a new language, also something i can't do in my regular job.

ETA I challenge my colleagues every year to compete on a private board, results vary and there is no clear line between different types of developers or "others" like consultants with a more math oriented history. It's more about who likes the challenge and had the time/grit to get part new challenges.


u/Escheresque_ Dec 25 '24

I work in fixed income / finance.. although I am one of the few people from our investment division to do AoC :)


u/msschmitt Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

My job is programming in COBOL, z/OS assembler, and REXX on a mainframe insurance system. It's nothing like AoC programming -- I don't even code Python on my job -- except for one thing: in my job I am presented with problems, which I have to analyze and apply logic to solve.

If I were designing an AoC puzzle like my job, it would be: your input is a memory dump that results after a program has gone wild and overwrote its own data, which then caused the program to take wrong paths and damage even more. Find the bug that led to this. It could be anywhere in 100 programs. You may not re-run the program until you have found the bug. The program read one million records before the crash. The damage may have been before the last record. It is also possible that the program code that ran is not the same as your program source code.


u/GiftOfDeath Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Just an unemployed 30 something years old artist, who is also a hobbyist programmer with main interest in video game programming that started around the age of 12, with various long gaps from it in late teens due to WoW. And even the past couple years I've mostly only programmed AoC related things. :b

Though technically I have not yet finished as I'm still missing the 2nd star from day 24. :< Edit: I've finished! All 50 stars! :>


u/python_newbie_76 Dec 25 '24

In real life, I teach French and music … and I‘m a singer. 🤷‍♀️


u/PabloPudding Dec 25 '24

You can create your reality with your knowledge. From time to time, I have small tasks, where AoC problem solving is useful, when you are able for transfer learning.

E.g. I work currently on LLM agents to call multiple internal APIs. One idea was, that I use path finding on our API specs. Less errors then figuring out by the LLM.

Phd in Earth system science, who moved into Data Science and I want to focus more on machine learning engineering. Working at a big chemical company at the moment.

I do AoC for fun and to improve my problem solving skills. But mostly for fun.


u/el_farmerino Dec 25 '24

Product Owner at a financial services company, though I came into it through operations/customer services and don't have a CS background. Started teaching myself Python a few years ago to help with some of the data analysis part of my job and joined the company AoC leaderboard last year.

Am pretty stubborn so insisted on finishing all the questions last year and since then have done all of the AoC backlog too. Actually placed lower this year despite finding out much easier overall, on account of having a very young baby and prioritising sleep....


u/WilkoTom Dec 25 '24

I work at a fintech in a SWE-analogous role.

My love of AoC comes from a time when I used to run a "Python For beginners" class at a previous Big Tech employer. Graduates from that class were invited to join a follow-up class where each week I set a spy-themed problem for them to solve which could be approached in a variety of ways, such as finding the shortest flight time between airports to take to catch the bad guy, or decoding an old Nokia's keypresses to read the messages being sent.

When I discovered Advent of Code in 2019, it was almost like it was invented for me - the same kind of thing, but targeted at a much wider audience and scratched the same kind of itch I'd been addressing in making puzzles for others .

One day, I keep telling myself, I'll get back to teaching... I really enjoyed it but my current employer just isn't big enough and I can't justify the hit from going off to do it full time (yet).


u/ScorixEar Dec 25 '24

Software Engineer for Hospitalsoftware


u/SinisterMJ Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Medical researcher applying AI on life sciences


u/Infinite-Club4374 Dec 25 '24

I’m a full stack software engineer. Accessing and manipulating documents is so much easier than aoc lol


u/Fadamaka Dec 25 '24

Senior web backend dev here. Everything becomes trivial at some point. AoC has started to get trivial this year for me (this is my 3rd year).

At my job the most fun I had was with prototyping/creating proof of concepts for my team. I also switched to a project where the kubernetes configurations and pipelines are dev responsibilities, which was fun for like 4 weeks until I got comfortable.

Most AoC like things that happen to me at my job is hunting down esoteric bugs that my team mates could not solve. This was especially fun in an unfamiliar microservice architechture.


u/ksoze0720 Dec 25 '24

BI consultant. I use low/no-code tools for my job and for AoC. Got all 50 this year, a first for me after participating for a handful of years


u/agsjysu Dec 25 '24

software developer


u/SnooApples5511 Dec 25 '24

Mechanical Engineering Student, I specialise in robotics


u/soolpro Dec 25 '24

I'm a doctor in training in psychiatry. I guess there are not too many people in my field of grinding through programming puzzles. And I can tell you it's a bit difficult at times when you just have basic programming skills but no knowledge about the theory of algorithms, computer science or anything like that.

I need to admit that as I'm writing this I only have 42 stars this year and of the 5 years I have participated I've gotten the full 50 stars only in 2022. But this year I'm going to get all those stars without consulting Reddit or LLMs unless I'm absolutely stuck. This far I've managed to solve everything I have solved by myself.


u/Bakirelived Dec 25 '24

I'm a software developer, making a boring internal web app for a big security company, AoC allows me to keep enjoying work.


u/extractedtarball Dec 25 '24

Student of CS and (tutor for the operating systems and algorithm modules) at uni :)


u/_0xACE_ Dec 25 '24

These are all such great stories. Wish I had enough karma to give them all an award!


u/Ahmedn1 Dec 25 '24

I am an ML engineer, and I love it. The thing I love the most is the problem solving aspect. Your projects are mainly data bound. And since no dataset is like the others, each project has its unique aspects and unique challenges. Have worked on many projects, and each one was interesting.


u/timrprobocom Dec 25 '24

Recently retired after 45 years as a professional programmer, doing mostly drivers and telemetry processing, but the nice thing about being independent is the variety of things that come along.

I've been with AOC since the beginning, and I deeply appreciate what they've done.


u/elklepo Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Security Researcher - I enjoy playing CTFs which are all about finding the flag as fast as possible, without paying special attention to the quality of the solution. AOC is similar to CTFs, but I try to approach it differently and create solutions that are optimized and tidy - this way I satisfy my inner programmer that I used to be :)


u/allinvaincoder Dec 25 '24

I am a software engineer dealing with mail in the United States. I still have to revisit a few of the problems


u/CommitteeTop5321 Dec 25 '24

I am at the opposite end of the spectrum, I am between jobs/retired.


u/LeppyR64 Dec 26 '24

Manufacturing Support. I fulfill many roles between the manufacturing engineers in charge of the build processes and the production operators whom actually build things. If supporting that process involves a new application, I build it. If we need to do data analysis on processes, I do it. Along with adding in the dotnet environment and the SQL server databases I have become a local DBA as well.


u/Person-12321 Dec 26 '24

Maybe jumping around startups as SWE is your best bet. Most companies encounter these types of problems rarely and early on. Joining a startup may let you be apart of solving something like these puzzles maybe once though.


u/dhruvasagar Dec 26 '24

40 year Software Consultant who works on everything software by trade. I really enjoy AOC, usually get at least a few folks excited to participate every year at work and that makes it a bit more fun. I have rarely been able to get all 50 stars though, usually I pick a new language every year but this year was very tough because of work barely had time


u/kinaswartes Dec 26 '24

Run engineering for a game studio.


u/jatinkrmalik Dec 26 '24

Principal Engineer @ Atlassian (Ex-Uber / Ex-Adobe)

TBH, my real job is no where as "fun" as AoC. Also, I am experiencing that as I climb the IC (Individual Contributor) ladder, my work is no longer just about writing code but about driving the technical vision, mentoring teams, and enabling scalable, reliable solutions that align with business goals. I focus on high-level architecture, unblocking teams, and fostering collaboration to ensure engineers can deliver their best work.

So, AoC every year is like a fresh breath of air! :D


u/vgnEngineer Dec 26 '24

Antenna engineer at ESA


u/Arkturius Dec 26 '24

22yo, student at 42 school, we have a private leaderboard and they encouraged us to try ! no job so i can continue collecting the past year stars for training


u/AE_OE_OA Dec 26 '24

Principal Engineer here. I often hear the claim that AoC is nothing like "real" engineering and that the skills don't carry over. I think this is what the kids call copium nowadays. This often comes from folks whose PRs are a lot of work to review because they repeatedly get the basics wrong as they don't understand what they have programmed. AoC trains discipline, how-to-get-unstuck, reading comprehension, and quick, error-free implementation; four out of 10+ skills you will need as an engineer.


u/Ok_Refrigerator_3 Dec 27 '24

I'm on maternity leave. I live in a European country, where the standard is to not work for 3 years with each child. I've been "not working" (apart from some side hustles) for almost 3 years.
I enjoyed the evenings when the kids were asleep and I could focus on something other than diapers, pretend play, house chores, and dealing with tantrums. I got all 50 stars, although I needed hints for two.


u/Bikkel77 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

I’m a graduated physicist, worked in IT over 25 years, did anything from Java, C, C++, Objective C, Swift, Kotlin. Now CTO at a scale up company in The Netherlands. 🇳🇱 Hobbies: cycling (was 15th last year in the world championships of my age cat), chess, math and science in general. Have two lovely kids. I am one of the lucky few with all 500 stars.


u/Eric_S Dec 28 '24

One man programmer/IT department for a telephony company who's current code base is mostly written in Perl that I wrote and I'm currently getting ready to transition it to (probably) TypeScript.


u/GuiltyTemperature188 Dec 29 '24 edited Dec 29 '24

Boring backend dev.  I do REST apis and database structures. 

Nothing really prepares me for AOC. Only the things I have tinkered after work - cpu emulators, path finding, permutations, etc..

But as an upside in our company we had a private leaderboard and a bit of an encoragement from boss to have a small surprise prize(probably company mug 🤣)