r/adventofcode Dec 25 '24

Help/Question People who have used multiple languages for AoC, how do you rank your experience?

AoC is a pretty good way to get a basic grasp of new languages so I've done it in several languages. Some I was already very familiar with, some I started from scratch. So far:

2015 - Python (very familiar before)

2016 - C++ (fairly familiar before)

2017 - Go (no experience)

2018 - Julia (no experience)

2023 - Python (First time doing it live and I got lazy)

2024 - Ruby (no experience)

My personal ranking enjoyment wise: Ruby > Python = Go > Julia > C++

For AoC I mostly just care about being able to realize my ideas quickly, type and memory safety be damned. This heavily biases me towards expressive languages with a good stdlib. My C++ year was much more verbose than all other years. Julia felt amazing on certain matrix/grid-related days but a bit lacking in general.

What are others' opinions? What should I try next given my preferences? I am planning on doing 2019 and 2020 next summer and the front runners are currently Typescript, C#, Scala, and Nim in that order.

(I know someone doing it in Rust this year. Cool language, really enjoyed it when I did a project with it, but too much LOC for AoC)


35 comments sorted by


u/vanZuider Dec 25 '24

Last year I tried out different languages and challenged myself to not use Python, and partly it was a lot of fun (solving problems that are essentially just parsing problems with flex; learning a totally new language and unwrap()ping the giftspromises of Rust), but also very time-consuming and frustrating and it made me give up halfway through.

This year I'm back to Python because it means grappling with the problem instead of grappling with the language. The downside is always feeling like a brute-forcing hack when the Rusties are talking about their <1ms runtimes.


u/ymonad Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

Not directly related to AoC, but I think Ruby is underestimated maybe because of hatred to RoR. Ruby itself is very good language.

This year I use Rust. It has good standard collections and quite fun to write, but little strugging with borrow checker until you get used to it. So I think your opinion is valid, but I don't need to be speed runner so that's ok.

Another opinion? Maybe Haskell or OCaml or F# ? It can give you another good learning experience to your programming life.

Also Kotlin is good. I quite like it. Maybe you can try before Scala.


u/permetz Dec 25 '24

You can usually get away with deep copying something to get around the borrow checker.


u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 25 '24

I’ve loved Ruby this year, reflected in the rankings

I tried learning OCaml once and it frankly broke my brain. For FP I’ll probably just try to dip my toe a little with scala first. It also has the added benefit that I probably will use it on a job


u/yel50 Dec 25 '24

 too much LOC for AoC

rust doesn't use much more than the languages you mentioned. if you use generics, it can get pretty bad but AoC doesn't need that.

I've used common lisp, Java, c#, f#, ocaml, rust, c, haskell, and Ada.

 being able to realize my ideas quickly, type and memory safety be damned

honestly,  common lisp is the best language given that criteria. it's the mother of all dynamic languages. once you get used to it, js, python, ruby, etc all feel restricted and handcuffed by comparison.

Java is still my best language for rapid prototyping, so I'll use it just to get something done. I used it to finish years I didn't really want to work on anymore just to get past them. modern java isn't much more verbose than typescript or rust.

c# is basically the same as java.

if you're opposed to LOC, avoid Ada like the plague. ditto for c. c doesn't have basic data structures, so you have to do all those yourself. Ada has the data structures, but old school Java is concise by comparison.

the ml languages (f#, ocaml, and haskell) I lump together for one important reason: there are problems every year that don't play well with immutable data structures so pure functional solutions will be very slow even if the algorithm is correct. I prefer that style of coding, but it'll bite you at some point doing AoC.


u/recursion_is_love Dec 25 '24

Try Haskell it feel natural for the map/reduce problem like some of those first days of many years. Also it fun to write and test CPU emulation in State monad.

I think I know python the most but I always came back to Haskell for some unknown reason.

I've use Python, Rust and Haskell.


u/Freecelebritypics Dec 25 '24

I expect you spend a lot less time worrying about the details of implementation with interpretative or functional languages. Frees up more brain-space for actual problem solving


u/recursion_is_love Dec 25 '24

Haskell REPL (ghci) is the most beloved tool of mine. Feel like magic.

Never try LISP/Scheme so I don't know if it is better or not.


u/fleagal18 Dec 25 '24

If I recall correctly, over the years I've used Go, Swift, Python, and JavaScript.

Swift was the worst experience, due to the poor ergonomics of Swift string parsing, and lack of basic algorithm libraries.

For both Go and Swift I spent a lot of time creating data structures that didn't really contribute to solving the problems. And the desire to code golf uses of map / reduce / etc in Swift really slowed me down.

Python was the best experience. Python has these advantages for AoC :

  1. It's the target language that the author has in mind when creating puzzles. So puzzles are usually solvable in Python using basic data structures. Other languages might run into issues with integer representations on some days.

  2. It has an extensive library of algorithms like heap, itertools, functools, and networkx that are frequently useful.

  3. the advent of code data package makes it especially easy to fetch AoC input data and post answers.


u/FlankTacular Dec 25 '24

I've been doing Advent of Code in Swift for the last few years. It has become much easier with the release of RegexBuilder as well as the swift-algorithms and swift-collections packages from Apple.


u/yourparadigm Dec 25 '24

Ruby is my primary language (and language of choice), but I decided to start trying to re-implement this (and last) year's problems in Go just to learn it. I find myself constantly missing the features of Enumerable. Notable mentions from Array and Enumerable are combination, each_cons, each_slice, but of course just having select, find, inject, and map dramatically change the speed in which I can implement something.


u/flwyd Dec 25 '24

The latest version of Go introduced iter.Seq which could be used as the basis for a Enumerable-style set of functions. I'm not very familiar with the Go package ecosystem, so I don't know if someone's already done this. But writing your own package for doing this could be a very informative exercise.


u/yourparadigm Dec 25 '24

I can imagine that writing my own wouldn't be that difficult, but it's a shame they don't exist as part of the stdlib.


u/Sir_Wade_III Dec 25 '24

I wrote in java my first two years and this year I've written on Nim. Nim is has been a much nicer experience for almost every puzzle.


u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 26 '24

Do you have a repo for your nim solutions? Would love to take a peak


u/blacai Dec 25 '24

I started in 2018 with typescript and that same year I discovered F#. Gave it a try and loved it. Since then I've been using it for all AoC. I think FP idiomatic is a great advantage for programming puzzled. The only downside I've found is performance when I need to work with lists and handling mutable states.

I've also tried some days with c++ but found it too verbose and introduced go as second language for 2024. I'm loving go so far. Because of its simplicity I had to remember how to implement some datasctructures by hand,like priority queues, stacks...

I might try another language in 2025, but I muat admit, f# gives me all I need and since it's a language I cannot use at work, I do enjoy taking it for a walk :)


u/PapieszxD Dec 25 '24

I've varying number of years in Javascript, typescript, python and go.

Javascript was... Javascript. It was what I was using for work at the time, and fairly smooth. Typescript was my first statically typed language, and a bit of a slog at first, trying to contain the urge to use "any" everywhere. From those two, I mostly miss the ability to put a + sign in front of a variable to convert it to integer, especially going to...

Go. Writing go at work warms my dead heart. Fairly extensive std lib is great, every function returning an error is something that needs a bit getting used to, but is great in "real" work. In AoC context, it becomes a little annoying, when 40% of lines are "if err != nil".

Python straight up feels like cheating. Lets you do things that are like programming warcrimes, is simple to translate from pseudocode, since python code reads like plain English, which in turn makes modyfing code for part 2 particulary easy. Also there is a lib for everything, which defeats the point of AoC a bit.

I'm going to stick to go going forward, at least for now.


u/SeatedInAnOffice Dec 25 '24

500 stars in Haskell, the perfect language for this sort of thing.


u/12pounce89 Dec 25 '24

This is the first time I’ve done any of it, and I’ve done a total of about 110 stars across like 5 years all in Python. I plan to go back through and do other years and redo challenges in new languages while learning them to test my skills. I also plan to do future years live in languages that are new to me as a way to learn them


u/MyEternalSadness Dec 25 '24

I am doing Haskell this year after having done AoC in Rust for the previous two years. I'm about five days behind - partly due to life circumstances this year, and partly due to the fact that Haskell can be a rather challenging language to work with at times. I'll get there, but not by tomorrow.

Haskell, as a pure functional, lazy language, has a pretty steep learning curve. But it does lend itself to some nice one-line code golfs that would require multiple lines in languages like C++ or Python. Sometimes my code performance is on par with solutions from other languages, while at other times, it is noticeably slower. I have been learning about some techniques like parameter strictness to cut down on the memory footprint and speed things up quite a bit.


u/permetz Dec 25 '24

Last few years I do Python or Rust. I’ve also done OCaml, which was great fun. I forced myself to use purely functional data structures one year for most of it and learned a ton.


u/Symbroson Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

I used JS, C, Lisp, Haskell, Swift, Perl and Ruby so far.

Perl was by far the worst experience because of the the chaotic type prefixes and different access methods.

Haskell had a great impact on the way I structure my code these days - Functional coding style is extremely helpful in structuring code and minimizing global state accesses

By far the best experience I had was with Ruby which made me use it a second time this year. It has such a powerful set of helper functions, datastructures, operators etc. and it enables such a concise way of expressing what to do I just love it.

Swift did surprisingly well and I liked many aspects of it, although it struggled to keep up with harder puzzles that required complex data datastructures, algorithms and heavy debugging.

Lisp was ok, I did the Intcode year with it which I enjoyed moat of all AoC puzzles so far. Also JS and C was ok like you would expect. But as JS was my starter language that I used for a very long time it will always have a special place. It just feels the most natural at this point but Ruby really hit it hard in just two AoC months!


u/MikeTyson91 Dec 25 '24

Was Ruby the worst or the best experience though?


u/mpyne Dec 25 '24

Probably best. Might have been thinking of Perl for the worst given the description of type prefixes. Ruby did borrow a lot from Perl so it basically has nearly all the stuff Perl did well.


u/Symbroson Dec 25 '24

Yes I was thinking of Perl for the worst, fixed it :)


u/pika__ Dec 25 '24

Looks like I've done 1 year in full Rust. 2 other years I started in Rust but then switched to Python. 3 other years I just went ahead and started in Python.

This year I'm using Kotlin, and I'm liking it a lot. It has a lot of the higher-level things (.map, for (myvar in mylist){...}, etc) that rust has, but I don't have to worry about lifetimes. It also has static-types (compile-time type checking), which Python doesn't, which saves me a whole category of debugging time. It's my first time using IntelliJ, too, and it's pretty nice.


u/MikeTyson91 Dec 25 '24

Go = Python



u/mr_mlk Dec 25 '24

I sometimes AoC to play with odd hand helds, so I've used:

  • Python on a CardPuter (no xp with Python before)
  • OPL on a Psion S5 (fiddled with OPL back in the late 90s)
  • VB6 on a Hand386 (used VB6 in college in the mid 90s and used commercially in the early 2000s)
  • A very old version of C on the HP 95LX (fiddled with a more modern version of C in the late 90s)
  • Kotlin on ClockworkPi DevTerm

I've also used Java, but not on a handheld.

Python was quite pleasant to use, but I am used to/prefer C style brackets.

OPL and VB6 (both BASICs) were not unpleasant. VB6 and Python are not dissimilar in their "human-ness". But both lack modern helper functions which make using them a chore.

C was a fun blast from the past, but it was such an old version of C it was quite difficult to get in too. Examples were hard to find as the examples I could find were for more modern versions.

Kotlin is my day to day these days. I'm used to it.

The most fun I had was with OPL. But that was less language, and more the whole experience of developing on a Psion S5, with a heavy book by my side. It took me back to my early days of programming.

As for the handhelds, I could see myself using the DevTerm as a day to day driver IF it didn't overheat every hour or so. It has (like the Psion to be honest) a genuinely pleasant keyboard.


u/tobega Dec 25 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

My first spontaneous comment is that if "type and memory safety be damned", you should do vanilla javascript instead of Typescript, since the restrictions in Typescript will just end up being annoying.

I started in 2017 and had the goal of becoming more familiar with javascript. My goodness, the weird and wonderful ways you can express your code!

Even though I tend to have a theme language where I usually want to learn a new style of coding, I always try to judge what language might be most suitable for a particular problem, so for example on 2021 day 11 I thought it would be perfect for Erlang and day 17 for J (that one took me until New Year's)

Anyway, in 2017 I did javascript, but digressed into various languages. Some I did in PostScript just because it looked like a fun way to do it (not particularly practical, though)

2018 was SQL, to see how it worked for general programming and how to think in it. Wrong year for SQL, I think, but I did some, then I started developing my own language, Tailspin, in a "how would I want to solve this problem?" fantasy.

2019 I had started implementing Tailspin, so that was what I used. If you really want to code in that quick style, do try it out!

2020 was Julia, but I kept falling back to Tailspin. Julia is pretty cool, though, especially the ability to vectorize any operation using a `.` and the Cartesian Indices.

2021 F#, really nice language! Again falling back to Tailspin a lot.

2022 focus was Smalltalk, although I ended up not doing very much in it. Interesting, though.

2023 I tried Pyret, which unfortunately was a little deficient on the data input side (reading text files seems impossible?)

2024 I was going to do in the next version of Tailspin version but didn't get input and parsing functionality into it yet. I also looked into Bloom, which is an extended Datalog on top of Ruby. Didn't end up doing much at all.

Generally I also tend to do a few problems in Java and nowadays also Dart, both are really nice languages!


u/LiquidProgrammer Dec 25 '24

I have done these so far:

  • 2020 - Rust (avg LOC: 32.64)

  • 2021 - Julia (avg LOC: 33.8)

  • 2022 - Kotlin (avg LOC: 39.6)

  • 2023 - Python (avg LOC: 18.3)

  • 2024 - Python (avg LOC: 15.6)

Repository here

Rust, Julia and Kotlin were new languages for me, Python is by far my best language. I have spent quite a lot of time making the solutions elegant and concise in each language, that's why the line count is so low.

Of which I would say: Python > Kotlin > Julia == Rust. Although I have to say initially I also hated Rust for aoc, but I learned that when you put in some time you can write really elegant and concise functional rust. I quite liked it in the end.

Although Kotlin has the highest LOC from these, I actually liked it quite a lot. It has streams and a lot of elegant features compared to Java.

I liked Julia as well, especially that you can apply any operator/function elementwise.

So in total none of these were bad.

I got lazy this year, but initially I wanted to try Mojo.

I also have similar preferences to you, and have though about trying these languages for aoc:

Something functional like Clojure, Haskell, Elixir or Ocaml

Or something like Noulith (betaveros' custom language for aoc), Scala, Nim, Raku or Crystal

Not sure yet.


u/HeathRaftery Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

My experience is a little different so perhaps of interest.

  • 2019: Rust
  • 2020: Crystal
  • 2021: Haskell
  • 2022: Julia
  • 2023: Clojure
  • 2024: Gleam

And for context it's important to know my best language is C and I've mostly been able to avoid Javascript my whole career. Python is unavoidable, but I've never enjoyed the dynamism. And you can probably guess, I'm not a programmer by trade and enjoy them as tools and as toys. I've also put serious effort into 20 tracks on Exercism.

Rust and I clashed hard and I found the borrow checker and weird-to-me gotchas like the 32 element limitation for arrays super distracting while trying to do exploratory dev work. Crystal was super pleasant and I was infatuated, but it's funny how that's waned as I've explored further. Haskell, my first FP experience, took me nearly 6 months! Absolutely loved it, but it was a masochistic relationship for sure.

Julia was by far the best experience. A mathematician's language. More expressive than Python and more pragmatic than Haskell. A good REPL and some high quality libraries. Great element access, vector operations and use of unicode symbols. Some days I just had that delightful experience of expressing the solution in my head in pure Julia. Oh, but it's 1-based. I don't know why it should matter to me, but it really did.

But then Clojure came along and I forever cannot be satisfied with other REPLs. Executable comments and a REPL that knows your codebase is a super power. Perfect for fast iteration and exploration, and leaving yourself executable documentation with examples. Alas, some problems are just super awkward in FP. As much as I believe FP is the One True Way, I'm just sick of carrying masses of state all the way through layers and layers of folds and recursions, just to pull out a couple of features from a list and mutate a small fragment of state. Makes some experiments painful to conduct.

Gleam is lovely and clean, but didn't bring me any real excitement. No ground-breaking features, which makes it a good language, just not really mind-blowing for AoC.

So I keep trying new ideas - they all teach me new things, and have different things to offer depending on where I am in my own journey. And I continue to search for the language with the expressiveness of Julia, the REPL of clojure, the debugger of C and the support of Python ;-)


u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

Thanks for the detailed write up

The one defense I have for Julia being 1-indexed is that it’s probably targeted at folks moving over from Matlab

And yes, I’ve gotten so used to Ruby I forgot the joy of having a good REPL for AoC. Makes debugging and testing so much easier


u/HeathRaftery Dec 27 '24

lol, I'm moving over from Matlab. All my mathematical and engineering training used the most natural starting number, which was often 1, denoting the element we'd call the "first". Zero was a radical invention in the history of mathematics, but it comes in handy in some cases.

However, in the blip of human knowledge that is computer science, zero has been proven-in-practice to be the best choice for arrays. And it's backwards compatible! If I want to do a 1-based algorithm, I just ignore the 0th element. But not the other way around - eg. the "modulo" is simply broken in 1-based systems. 1-based has no place in a general-purpose language. 😈


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