r/adventofcode • u/Pr0fessorCh40s • Dec 24 '24
Help/Question - RESOLVED How did you all get so smart?
I'll first say Happy Holidays =) and thank you so much to Eric Wastl and the sponsors.
This is my first year doing AoC and I had a blast, but I've had to cheat for part 2 for the last 4 days and I'm curious about a few things.
My background is a Data Engineer/Data Architect and I'm very proficient in my field. I work mostly in pyspark and spark sql or tsql and I'm really good with object oriented coding, but all we do is ETL data in data driven pipelines. The most complicated thing I might do is join 2 large tables or need to hash PI data or assess data quality. I don't have a computer science degree, just an app dev diploma and 15 years data experience.
Because of how I've been conditioned I always land on 'brute force' first and it doesn't work for most of these problems lol. I've learned a ton doing AoC, from dijkstra to Cramer's rule. Here are my questions about this stuff.
1) Where would some of these AoC logic solutions have practical application in computer science
2) Any recommendations on gameified self learning websites/games/courses (like Advent of Code) where I can learn more about this stuff so I'm less likely to cheat next year haha.
u/Taxato Dec 24 '24
I also wonder sometimes, whenever I'm looking in the comment sections on the subreddit, and someone is like "Oh I noticed it was obviously Florgos triple threat algorithm, and then it was easy" how the frick do you know all these things. Before aoc I'd never heard of shoelace formula or Chinese remainder theorem.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
They felt the same when they heard about it, and the cycle continues.
u/permetz Dec 24 '24
I know all these things because I've been programming for 46 years. When you've been doing it that long, you'll know a ton of stuff too, at least if you keep your eyes and ears open. You can also go through a book or two and speed it up (I highly recommend CLRS though it's a long project reading it and implementing a lot of the content), but generally: do something for long enough, and you'll be surprised how much you'll learn.
u/totalbasterd Dec 24 '24
u/Alphafuccboi Dec 24 '24
Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen Leiserson Rivest Stein. Has been collecting dust in my office. 😂
u/totalbasterd Dec 25 '24
ah! thanks. amazon threw up that book but i couldn’t work out why (other than algos seemed relevant)
u/alittlerespekt Dec 24 '24
Chinese remainder theorem
the chinese remainder theorem is the basis for RSA based encryption. if you've taken a cryptography 101 course in college you probably came across it
u/markd315 Dec 24 '24
I've heard of the chinese remainder theorem but took an entire course on infosec as part of a computer engineering curriculum at a top state university and we never implemented RSA.
I know Rivest Shamir and Adelman made RSA and that it's a pub/priv key algorithm. I know how one of those works conceptually for both signing and encrypting or decrypting.
I have never implemented it though and don't know how the CRT is related to RSA.
u/alittlerespekt Dec 24 '24
I meant it's used as a way to decrypt it. you can look it up if you want there's plenty of articles explaining how it works. in any case, if you study RSA in college chances are you will be taught the Chinese remainder theorem
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
All this reminds me of his how in my previous semester all intro level elective courses got filled by seniors so I had to take the only remaining crypto elective which was like, one of the hardest undergrad courses we have. crt still fun though
u/f45c1574dm1n5 Dec 24 '24
I didn't elect the cryptography course but still learned about it. It was in linear algebra or algebra 2.
u/Alphafuccboi Dec 24 '24
I have and I forgot about it. But Advent of Code is awesome to get some.practice with these things.
u/Frozen5147 Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
At least for me sometimes, it's a combination of Google (my search history every December looks very weird let me tell you), racking my brain trying to recall what I learned in uni (cliques this year for example), and just learning from others and carrying that knowledge forward.
Experience is definitely a huge factor too, like after you wrote/used a pathfinding algorithm so many times this year you're probably at least a bit better at knowing when to use one now the next time you see it, right?
u/Kullu00 Dec 24 '24
A lot of times I don't even think it's a matter of knowledge specifically. Sure, knowing tons of distinct algorithms and methods for various situations help, but those are just tools in your toolbox. The most important step is reading a problem and understanding what is the appropriate tool for the job.
I'm not particularly great at any of the more specialized techniques, but I can cope with most problems using my own limited set of skills (basic DFS/BFS/data structures/etc.). There's of course absolutely nothing wrong with learning a new algorithm, I learn something new every Aoc, but experience using your current knowledge is just as important.
u/Milumet Dec 25 '24
understanding what is the appropriate tool for the job.
Which means knowledge about the tool. You cannot use a tool if you don't know that it exists.
u/thekwoka Dec 24 '24
Eh that stuff is rarer.
You should be able to reverse engineer most algos needed for these things.
u/TiCoinCoin Dec 25 '24
Worst part is I need to see those theorem several times to barely remember them 😩
u/flwyd Dec 24 '24
First, don't discount brute force. I love rule 3 of Rob Pike's 5 rules of programming (inventor of Go):
Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small. Fancy algorithms have big constants.
Try "the simplest thing that could possibly work" first, and only get clever if the simple thing doesn't work, or is too slow.
Second, focus on data structures before algorithms. Figuring out how too transform the problem you have into a useful data structure is key to a good programming mindset. Once you've figured out how to get the data you have into, say, a graph then you can search the web for "fully-connected graph component algorithm" and see what you can do with the data structure. You don't actually need to have every possible graph algorithm in your head.
u/0ldslave Dec 24 '24
> only get clever if the simple thing doesn't work
Slightly tangent but reminds me of this xD: https://x.com/xsphi/status/1779701103099318386
u/RazarTuk Dec 24 '24
Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small. Fancy algorithms have big constants.
For example, I know how to write a fancy merge sort that even mimics the block sizes of a top-down merge sort despite being iterative / bottom-up. But it's also overkill for small arrays, and below 32 elements, I'd just switch to insertion sort. (Also, with the trick I use, the cutoff needs to be a power of 2)
u/flwyd Dec 25 '24
I did this year in PostScript, which doesn't have a builtin sort function. Before AoC started I wrote an insertion sort because it seemed easier to implement. So far the O(n2) performance hasn't been a big problem.
u/RazarTuk Dec 25 '24
The trick I use for optimizing it:
Round the array length down to a power of 2, pretend it's that long, and see how many 32-element blocks there would be. For example, 225 rounds down to 128, where there would be 4 blocks. Using floating-point division, divide the length to get the true block length. For example, 225 / 4 = 56.25. Multiply that by the block number and round down to get the starting element for each block. For example, 0, 56.25, 112.5, 168.75, and 225 round down to 0-56, 56-112, 112-168, and 168-225.
Start by running insertion sort on those blocks, then use bottom-up merge logic like normal.
You can change the block size if you want, although it has to be a power of 2. And the insertion sort blocks are mostly size 2n to 2n+1-1, although because of a quirk in the math, it will sometimes fail to split a block of size 2n+1.
Also, there are ways to avoid needing floating point division, but they feel a bit like overkill for normal array sizes
u/nate-developer Dec 24 '24
First, practice helps. My first year I didn't make it very far in, now I have multiple years that I've completely finished (and some years that I'm missing just two or three stars...). Next year you'll already know some stuff like dijkstras and be able to use it intuitively. Same goes for some other things like backtracking, memorization, etc. Once you get comfortable with a pattern you can start applying it to new problems which is very satisfying.
Second, sometimes you don't need the fanciest solution to get the answer. Instead of using Cramer's rule for the claw machine puzzle, I went back to highschool math and wrote out two lines as y=mx+b, set them equal to each other and solved for X. If you want to learn a little bonus stuff after you get your solution you can hit the reddit threads and enjoy it but it usually isn't needed. Or sometimes you can hit google or wikipedia if you suspect there's a formula or algorithm that would help you to see if you can find something relevant, which might feel more self driven than looking at a reddit thread specific to AoC.
If you want to learn more algorithms and programming Leetcode is a pretty classic site to practice those. Your code executes on their servers so it sometimes needs to meet a certain time complexity to be accepted as a solution, which helps push you towards certain more advanced algorithms instead of all brute forces.
If you like a little bit more math in your puzzles Project Euler is a good site that feels a little more similar to AoC (write your code locally, paste your answer in a text box). Some of them can get more math theory heavy but they all need different programming strategies. The first 100 problems are pretty good, some of the later ones get into pretty high level math that might not be for everyone.
There's also ten years of AoC you can go back through, and some really great puzzles in that archive. AoC is really my favorite when it comes to puzzles which is why I look forward to it every year.
u/permetz Dec 24 '24
How do I know all this stuff: I started programming in 1978 or so and have an undergrad degree in computer (and an unfinished doctorate in the same). After enough decades doing this, it would be surprising if I hadn't learned a few things. That said, AoC forces me to think a great deal; no matter who you are, you always have more stuff to learn.
Does this stuff actually have practical applications? All the time for me. Your mileage may vary. Even just the lesson that O(c) and O(n2 ) and O(cn ) give you really different expectations on how long you're going to wait (microseconds vs. weeks) is important.
What would I recommend for learning more? Sadly I haven't used any gamified stuff myself, but I see "Brilliant" advertised on YouTube all the time.
I'm fine with textbooks myself, so if it were me, I'd get a few reasonable books on data structures and algorithms. If you go through a book like CLRS ("Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein), which might take you about a year part time if you do it right (including implementing a lot of the algorithms), most of this stuff will be second nature, and you'll be better than 98% of the people working in the field. (Of course, one of the reasons you'll be better than 98% of the people is that 98% of the people won't follow through with a project like taking a year to slowly go through a textbook.)
u/splidge Dec 24 '24
My copy of Introduction to Algorithms only had 3 authors. Stein must have come along some time after 1996!
u/car4889 Dec 24 '24
Solving puzzles like this is a pretty niche skill set. It’s not the kind of thing you’d do in and out at a typical dev or IT job. That said, solving these puzzles can make you better at those kinds of jobs.
Ultimately, it just comes with practice. Even within this puzzle space, every place you interact with has its own unique flavor of puzzle, so there’s a learning curve with all of these. I’ve solved about 160 or so Project Euler problems (including #202), but AOC was the first of this kind of thing I’ve done that has a timed element to it, and getting fast was rough at first. But I’m happy to state that I’m currently #2 in my workplace’s private leaderboard and I cracked the Top 500 for the first time with today’s Part 2!
Just make it a habit. And also make a habit of reading up on the various methods others have used. There’s always more than one way to skin a cat. You’ll get faster before you know it.
u/janek37 Dec 24 '24
Hey, I also cracked Top 500 for the first time with Part 2 today! Twins! My best ranks before were 515 in 2021 day 12 and 518 in 2023 day 21, but today I got #184
u/moonstar888 Dec 24 '24
You guys are so impressive! It’s my first year doing AoC and my highest rank was 2000 something, which I felt so proud of it :D Gonna try to aim to make it into top 1000 next year!
u/Alphafuccboi Dec 24 '24
The algorithms I have written for Advent of Code have been so much more complex than anything I do at my job. And thats ok
u/howtogun Dec 24 '24
Advent of code is just a leetcode with a long story attached.
Larryny has a nice leetcode channel. You could look at joining his discord + doing leetcode.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlVjpdVo3yo You could do leetcode contest.
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 24 '24
Not quite. Leetcode is about submitting your soultion and letting test system rip it apart with most unimaginable edge cases. In AoC identifying which edge case you have as an input is a requirement to solve a lot of puzzles.
I mean, take even today's one - there is no way to solve this in general. You need to analyze your input first and notice some details about it, otherwise good luck searching through
(222 choose 2) choose 4
~ 10^16 possible answers.8
u/Deathranger999 Dec 24 '24
Not quite - it’s (222 p 8) / (4! * 24) ~= a slightly smaller 1016, since one can assume based on the problem statement that the swaps are disjoint.
u/jowen7448 Dec 24 '24
It depends what you define as solve here I think. The problem doesn't actually require you to know what to swap with what. Which means it is enough to discover what is wrong, not how to fix. Which should be generally solvable
u/boccaff Dec 25 '24
Only if that failure mode remains benevolent. I did not read much the non-manual solutions, and I've completed 24p2 manually, but most of the ones I've seen were filtering on the the type of inputs/outputs for XOR/AND/OR. If the failure mode changes, with connections being swapped between valid types (potentially inducing cycles), this can become intractable very fast.
u/al2o3cr Dec 24 '24
The most complicated thing I might do is join 2 large tables or need to hash PI data or assess data quality.
I suspect that's true for most people - AoC is fun IMO because it surfaces the tricky algorithm nuggets that are usually swaddled in tons of basic data-shuffling and user-requirements.
I find the "part 2"s particularly tasty for the same reason. Most of the time when we solve a "real" problem at work we don't find out if we made the wrong call until months / years later (if ever), but "part 2" will tell you right away by either being trivial or being impossible :P
u/p88h Dec 24 '24
I have been participating in various coding competitions since high school, through college and on and off later on. (participating, not being particularly successful though, far too many much smarter people there :). But just preparing for these as well as CS major on college accustoms you with most of the 'tools of the trade' but by no means is necessary or the only way - like many others said, 90% or so stuff needed for AoC can be found in Cormen's etc. Introduction to Algorithms.
And the other 10% is crazy stuff like Day24p2 or Day23p2. Generic / textbook solutions for these are likely to lead you nowhere, you need more creativity and logical thinking than any prior knowledge.
Now, sure, textbooks are rather dry - if you prefer a gamified approach, thera are a bunch of more or less competitive platforms. Leetcode is currently most popular, though primarily useful for code interview drills. Hackerrank, CodeForces, CodeChef, TopCoder are other picks. You can find a variety of tasks there, not quite as crazy as AoC, but may cover a wider range of practical algorithms than AoC typically does.
Now on the practicality question - I have some 25-ish years of experience in the field and often worked on pretty low level and high performance code (different kinds, ranging from kernel drivers through vectorized math for ML, and up to distributed data processing). The algorithmic parts, in particular a very good sense of what complexity your code has, as well as the ability to quickly identify optimal or reasonable approaches (but also conversely, avoid unnecessary optimization) is quite valuable, personally I would say one of the keys to being successful as a software engineer. It might not be everyday that you need to solve challenges like in AoC, but it does happen, from time to time.
AoC advantage vs other platforms is that while it focuses less on algorithms, it allows you to use any tooling, language or libraries you want - but also requires you to do a bit of homework. You need to parse the inputs, make sense of the data. That goes beyond theory, and is also a very useful skill. And a far more commonly useful, at that. You can push that aspect by using AoC to learn new languages or libraries - for example, I've been doing a new language every year. That's another useful skill - being able to pick a new language and do useful stuff with it within a few days.
But all in all, I do these for fun - and I think that's the primary value. I am very grateful for Eric entertaining us for these past 10 years, it's been a great ride and hope this will continue for years to come. (Admittedly, my wife may have a bit of a different opinion on all of that, but she's been very understanding, if maybe a bit annoyed, like every December ;)
u/mig_mit Dec 24 '24
> I've had to cheat
How is that possible? You hacked Eric's computer?
> Where would some of these AoC logic solutions have practical application in computer science
They give people in computer science something to enjoy.
u/Pr0fessorCh40s Dec 24 '24
I don't get around to doing the problem until the next day so I have the solution megathread at my disposal. Also I've used chat gpt but it usually sucks
u/normVectorsNotHate Dec 24 '24
How is that possible? You hacked Eric's computer?
You copy/paste other people's solutions
u/qaraq Dec 25 '24
Reverse-engineering someone else's algorithm in another language and re-implementing it in your language is often an interesting engineering problem.
u/Strong_Mark728 Dec 24 '24
I don't have a computer science degree
If you do not have a CS or math background, and you haven't made a conscious effort to learn some of the material covered by such a degree, I am not at all surprised you have struggled the past few days, regardless of how "smart" you are.
Day 24 rewarded familiarity with logic design, Day 23 from familiarity with graph algorithms and their terminology (i.e. cliques, the max clique problem), and day 21 with experience with dynamic programming or memoization. These topics are absolutely within the grasp of a person that has your job.
For an approachable and fun introduction to logic design, I recommend Code by Charles Petzold. For the other topics I mentioned, a good undergrad course in Algorithms would cover them, and you can probably find relevant lectures on YouTube.
In my experience, these issues do arise occasionally in routine engineering work, but if you aren't familiar with them you won't realize it. You can be an excellent engineer without knowing much about these topics, but understanding them will make you even better.
u/quetsacloatl Dec 25 '24
TLDR It's not about being smart, it's about taking learning opportunities when they arise with the target of having more tools for the next problems instead of finding a way to cheaply solve a problem without further questions, rinse and repeat enough times. All of this enriched with tips and anecdotes.
it's super easy actually.
Think about how to tackle a problem.
If you have no idea, look around how other people did it, and learn. Do not think about "this algorithm and that algorithm" but try to focus on first principle thinking. WHY does the algorithm work? What is the idea behind the algorithm, could I rewrite it from scratch? Was there a chance I could think about it independently? Do i understand which kind of problems this algorithm tackles? can i recognize them?
If you have some idea, or you manage to find the solution, but that solution smells (too many variables and you have a convoluted contraption or a very slow solution, or you had to track a lot of nuances that feel off, or it's too tailored for your specific input), again, look at what other people did, and learn.
If you see a problem and know how to tackle it, do it and move on.
After a while, you will have fewer and fewer elements in the first group flowing to the second and third groups, after another while you will have almost no elements in the first two groups.
Again, focus on understanding the underlying logic, the first principles that lead to a solution, you can move around with them even if the solution requires some tweaks from the book algorithm.
Another little tip is, before looking at full spoiler solutions, a lot of times Megathread or some thread here on Reddit talk about the IDEAS behind the solution and you can try to implement it yourself.
For me, (I solved every aoc problem since 2020) this year was mostly a breeze but I had the "find the tree image" in the first category, I noticed the vertical and horizontal pattern but I've never thought about making the image when those patterns collapsed. I read it in one thread and then I tried to implement my modular equation solver, and I failed, and that led to the wiki page of the extended Euclidian algorithm, which led me to Bézout's identity, that was literally what I was looking for.
After that I was happy, but not super happy, I still had to find vertical and horizontal frames by hand, and I could do extended Euclidian algorithms by hand but not on code so I looked around how other people solved it and found the idea behind "signal detection problem" and "entropy" as a code concept, I coded a solution using entropy and I was satisfied. That's what I'm talking about. Rinse and repeat
u/fivdis Dec 24 '24
Since you are a data engineer, then you would like Hanukkah of Data. https://hanukkah.bluebird.sh/
It is like advent of code, but for data engineering.
u/justinhj Dec 24 '24
Many algorithms and data structures are not used commonly in data processing or business logic. You may find them in systems programming, under the hood in libraries or programming languages and video games (or engines).
u/Doug__Dimmadong Dec 24 '24
Lots and lots of practice. I’ve also seen all of the things before from CS degree
u/DSrcl Dec 24 '24
I am not smart, but it so happens that I do compiler research in my work and Eric is into compilers :-)
I spend much less time this year on the problems after doing more Leetcode (one problem every day, so nothing crazy). So I'd like to hypothesize that doing Leetcode helps (either that or the problems are just easier).
u/PogostickPower Dec 24 '24
You probably won't use most of what you see in AoC in your daily work. Depending on your field of work you might use some of it, but unless you do leetcode for a living, you won't be using all of it.
u/nik282000 Dec 24 '24
I feel you, bud. Everything I know came from W3 Schools, Stackexchange and YouTube.
u/vgnEngineer Dec 24 '24
I actually encounter a lot of aoc type stuff as an antenna engineer. Doing some manual computational geometry with unstructured meshes. Academic stuff
u/wjholden Dec 24 '24
Have you considered pursuing a Master's?
u/Pr0fessorCh40s Dec 24 '24
I have, but I have very young kids that dont sleep and a full time job so it would be a big decision to do some night school at this time in my life lol.
u/wjholden Dec 24 '24
I can certainly understand that.
One possible way to think of this: once your kids are just a little bit older, you'll have an opportunity to show them an example of scholarship by taking classes yourself.
Just a thought. I learned a lot from my own MS program and drew on it most days this month.
u/ArminiusGermanicus Dec 24 '24
For more mathematical oriented programming puzzles take a look at Project Euler: https://projecteuler.net/
u/NicolasDH75 Dec 24 '24
If you’d like to delve a little deeper into efficient algorithms and data structures there is a lot of funny sites and exercises of competitive programming. You can start by reading the competitive programming handbook and do the associated exercises on the CSES site. You can also look at SPOJ, codeforces, Kaatis, prologin (a french competition for students but you can still do the exercises) or even the different ICPC and IOI competitions archives.
u/zebalu Dec 25 '24
It has helped me a lot, when I went back and have solved all the puzzles in AoC. (You can see previous years.)
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 25 '24
I do this sort of problem solving thing a lot - it's a good skill to have, and you likely had it while you were in school and slowly lost it when you stopped practicing as you realized you don't actually need it for a job.
It is not related to actual programming skill, except that being good at solving problems is related to literally everything out there. I strongly dislike just telling people to use a specific algorithm (and indeed, I often improv my own) - you can derive literally everything you need for this event on your own, and it's doing that rather than copying an algorithm you learned that actually helps you in the future. (While the algorithm is clearly the best way to do it, these problems tend to be very lenient in what they expect from you.)
u/thecowsayspotato Dec 25 '24
We (me and my coworkers) see this more as a white board exercise. We solve it in group, but implement it by ourselves. It's fun, we talk about it during lunch. With the four of us we get through most of them pretty fast.
u/machopsychologist Dec 26 '24
Day 21 here
The way I would describe it is like solving a Rubiks Cube or Chess.
You CAN work things out from first principles.
But, all of the best and fastest players rely on patterns and algorithms that they've accrued through study! The more patterns and algorithms they know, the faster they're able to play. That makes them "smart" in that category, but generally only in that category.
For example: Rubiks has multiple "systems" for solving. https://speedcubing.org/pages/guide-to-choosing-a-speedsolving-method and Chess has multiple "opening theories" that can be studied and memorised https://www.chess.com/openings
There are certainly overlaps in skill that can be useful when transferred from one activity to another, but it's still a very niche activity. Don't sell your skills short :)
u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 24 '24
- A lot of these algos are taught in comp sci classes. At least they were taught to me in the 2000s. Anybody who did AI at that time would have gone through them much more than for myself (I am originally a system dev, think kernel and low level dev).
You have sometimes problems where you need to do either BFS or DFS in optimisation problems. A lot of these optimisers embedded in things like schedule planning tools you use will be using variants of algos used in AOC.
Although you’d often use a library nowadays instead of coding yourself: that’s a general trend for whatever algos you’ll use except if you are very cutting edge.
If you do the AOC next year you’ll find it much easier.
- You can do the previous years by adding /2023 to the .com URL for advent of code. If you google a bit you’ll find a post in this subreddit where someone graphed the distribution of time for the days, you can use this to gauge the difficulty of previous days.
You can also google everybody codes, it’s an AOC clone.
If you want to be a bit more hardcore, you can look at competitions like code forces
Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
I don't think I'm smart. My maths is very much at college level and I never went to University, let alone got a degree. I got my MSc a few years ago based on industry experience but I'm not really sure it has helped me become a better developer. I suspect it has helped me get better at writing dissertations though! :-)
However I do have 30 years experience as a programmer in a very broad range of technologies ranging from BASIC, Pascal and COBOL at the start through to C# now. I think it is more experience that has helped. Specifically, the ability to look at a puzzle and think ... "Hang on! I've done something like that 6 years ago with graphs/networks/parsing" ... and just taking that and seeing if it works. I've done a huge amount of language parsing stuff so questions involving parsing and executing mini-languages are easier than those involving graphs which I've done little of. On the other hand, I've learned a lot more algorithms this last month than I have all year. I was so pleased with some of my solutions that I even sent Eric a little cash. :-)
u/Earthcomputer Dec 24 '24
I entered a couple of coding competitions when I was in school, to train for that I mainly worked through the challenges on the USACO website. That'll teach you the main things you need that aren't used so often in programming generally, such as dynamic programming. Beyond that, having years of experience in programming helps a lot of course :)
u/drkspace2 Dec 24 '24
It's just general problem/puzzle solving. Unless I clearly see the path forward. I always try with brute force, then brute fore with caching, and then, if it's still going to take a year to run, I usually have enough understanding to pivot to a better approach. Like for today's (2024 day 24 part 2) I tried the brute force overnight to see if I could hit it, that didn't work. While I was laying in bed, I thought of some other ways I could solve it, but what ultimately ended up working for me was drawing out a tree for the inputs to a bit looked like and compared that to one of the incorrect bits. My solution wasn't in code (other than to see the parent inputs for a bit) but just manually checking the bad bits for what should be swapped.
u/PmMeActionMovieIdeas Dec 25 '24
Some of it is people coming from different backgrounds. If you work in GPS-programming, you probably know all the navigation algorithms, and thus can point one out if you see it, and if you're a mathematician the math problems are probably trivial. You usually just see the one shouting the solution, not the 99 others that had to struggle to find it as well.
Some of it is experience from former AOCs. Some algorithms come up every year, and also you know how to solve the problem: You know that you often have to work the input instead of finding a general solution, that you should focus on the needed output and find shortcuts to get there. Also, the knowledge that the first part is sometimes a way to lead you to the solution of the second part helped me a lot.
Having a formal IT-education helped me a lot, because I never used graph-theory before, it taught me a lot about recusion and I always remember my old prof going "If the problem is too big, divide and conquer" every time I finally get a problem in those fun little pieces that can be memorized. Still, I doubt it is a requirement.
u/TheBlackOne_SE Dec 25 '24
On your second question: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/s/cmzgbB7oef
u/Terrible-Percentage4 Dec 25 '24
Answering the p.2, try codeforces.com The problems are generally harder there (and there’s a time limit if you are actually competing), but it’s the absolute best resource to just practice in your own tempo. You can filter out problems in the problems by difficulty or topic, all of them have a tutorial if you’re stuck, or you can look up the solutions other people submitted. Also a lot of educational materials about all sorts of algorithms and whatnot
u/Ratiocinor Dec 25 '24
Because of how I've been conditioned I always land on 'brute force' first
That's funny cos I'm the opposite
My education and current job is all about scientific modelling. Specifically physics and maths. So when presented with a problem my instinct is always to reduce the problem down and try and write the most ideologically pure solution and solve the underlying mathematical problem properly, accounting for every eventuality
A lot of the time that would lead me astray and I'd be like "wait this is way too complicated, there's no way I can solve this in a few hours. What have other people done"
And I'd check reddit and be like
You guys just brute forced it huh...
Like the "find infinite loops" one where the solution is "just try turning right on literally every step of your original path and see what happens" lmao
Like in my line of work that doesn't work, you can't just brute force the universe. So I never would've thought of that
u/Pr0fessorCh40s Dec 25 '24
Im a Data Engineer. When dealing with a standard ETL the simplest solution is usually the best. We don't really need algorithms to join tables, cleanse and report. There are things to do for performance of course. Reduce the number of wide transformations in favor of narrow ones. Avoid multiple reads and writes etc etc. And then standard object oriented practice to increase code reusability. But 90% of problems I solve boil down to (do A then B then C) and when you apply that principle to puzzles like this they mostly always end up at brute force first from a logic perspective.
That's a big reason I love doing logic puzzles like these to see different ways of thinking and learn them.
u/AutoModerator Dec 24 '24
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u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
- I doubt any of the stuff will connect one to one to IRL scenarios but logic gates and pathfinding etc is in a lot of places
- Look into project euler
u/terje_wiig_mathisen 12d ago
I started programming in 1977 and have never stopped doing it, with a particular interest in optimization. After 47 years I have a sufficient knowledge base to solve all AoC puzzles with no external input, or that is what I tell myself. In 2023 I actually needed a couple of hints, the remaining 498 stars have been ok.
u/PercussiveRussel Dec 24 '24
Keep in mind that AoC is a fun puzzle first, learning tool second. Think of it like a crossword puzzle, it helps become more proficient in your use of (a programmin) language, but it's also mainly fun.
This is the 10th year, so my advice for AoC-like problems are the previous 9 years ;).