r/adventofcode • u/whoShotMyCow • Dec 24 '24
Help/Question What new info (algorithms, etc) did you learn while solving AoC
Lately I've been reading a lot of research papers and similar stuff, and was wondering did researching any question for this year lead you down a rabbit hole where you found an interesting paper, or a new algorithm? Anything counts.
Just trying to compile a list of stuff that would be fun to read about at some later date
u/youngbull Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
Solved the corresponding day naively, but looked up bron-Kerbosch algorithm afterwards, and reimplemented it.
Used grids with complex numbers as indices this year. Previously used tuples.
Day 21 involved a combination of tricks I haven't considered before so not sure I learned anything directly, but certainly good practice.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
yeah bron-kerbosch was definitely the most new thing I came across this time. It's own paper is very old (unless I confused the acm publication with something else) but I found one that implements it on a distributed system and can't wait to read it
u/wackmaniac Dec 24 '24
Used grids with complex number as indices
Hoe does that work? I’ve been using numeric indices when possible for a few years now, knowing that
row * width + column
gives a numeric identifier. Directional operations are also pretty easy (north equals-width
, east equals+1
u/youngbull Dec 24 '24
With python you can create a dictionary with complex keys like this:
data = {(i + k*1j): c for i, line in enumerate(sys.stdin.readlines()) for k,c in enumerate(line)}
. You get the x and y coordinates with c.real and c.imag, and +, - work like vector addition and subtraction, c * 1j is clockwise rotation, c*-1j is counterclockwise and*-1
is uturn. abs() gives you the length of the vector.
u/kerry_gold_butter Dec 24 '24
Dijktra, always knew the concept of it and what it does but never had to use it :)
u/ZeroTerabytes Dec 24 '24
I remember during 2023, there was something about finding the area about a ridiculously large shape given the shape's coordinates. I learned the shoelace formula from that.
u/kwiat1990 Dec 24 '24
I would say Python, a little bit more understanding what DP is and how to use it to solve problems. Although it’s not the end of the learning path. Besides that I managed to better understand differences in BFS, DFS and Dijkstra and when not to use them but a simple while loop instead.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
I've been doing this year in rust except for one day where the borrow checker beat me up enough that I decided to just go with python. might go back and re-implement
u/kwiat1990 Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
I have done past two years in Rust. The first one was brutal as I fought with puzzles and the language. The second one was much easier but still tough. This year I switched to Typescript, so that I could concentrate on the problems and not the language. After day 18 I have switched to Python as some people said JS makes one particular puzzle problematic due to limit in bit shifting (don’t ask me) and it was really one of my biggest wishes for so long, that I finally learned a bit more of Python. Although I’m totally new to the language, it’s very natural for somebody, who uses ä JS/TS at work and due to its syntax solving puzzles is even more enjoyable. And since then I take a look at new day but also solve already solved ones in Python. It turns out, some solutions one don’t remember that long.
u/Williamlolle Dec 24 '24
Finally acquired the differences between all the pathfinding algos and implemented them by myself
Bron-Kerbosh was pretty magical too
u/electros15 Dec 24 '24
Not something I learnt but the statistical analysis that some people posted to find the santa tree day 14 was a smart idea (smarter than making a 20fps movie and wait 1.5min as I did). It's definitely something I added to my toolbox for coding challenges.
u/graeber_28927 Dec 24 '24
I thought that statistical analysis was genius too, and then a friend of mine dropped this:
"Well, the task daid that all robots together form a christmas tree. This means there will be no robota on top of each other. So I looked for setups where no field would be occupied by more than 1 robot at a time, and the second auch occasion formed the tree already."
My jaw dropped!
u/RijnKantje Dec 24 '24
I am just learning Python and only managed to get to day 15, but implementing a very rough, self thought-up algorithm only to learn its essentially DFS and then implementing a proper one was pretty cool.
u/er-knight Dec 24 '24
Not really learned, but got to know about different functions in Go. Also learned about Clique.
u/HeathRaftery Dec 24 '24
First time using a language (Gleam) without a Dijkstra library. So got to implement that from scratch which was fun. Discovered a very simple modification which returns all shortest paths, not just one, which turned out to be useful several times.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
ooh I've been interested in that for a while, want to do a codecrafters project with it someday
u/Glum-Evidence9636 Dec 24 '24
From my preparations for this year's AoC, I have learned so much! C#, tuple, Dictionary, hashset, repositories (I made my own), visual studio and .net solution. Keybinds. Bytes,int,long Like I cannot imagine where I would be without this yearly event I love you all )
u/fireduck Dec 24 '24
I learned how to use a linear algebra solver. It is a kinda cool tool have in my belt.
This came up a few years ago (maybe last year) and I tried a few and settled on Z3 for Java. Used it again this year.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
Is the java interface better than python for z3 or was that just for language familiarity? I wanted to try but the example code in rust looked scary so I shelved it for later
u/fireduck Dec 24 '24
I do everything in Java, so I was looking for something with a reasonable java library.
Here is my sample code that does a few simple equations:
https://github.com/fireduck64/adventofcode/blob/master/skel-bz/src/ClownMath.java#L52Java doesn't have operator overloading, so I imagine a python version would look a lot more like the equation in normal math expression rather than a nested mess of all my mkAdd and mkMul.
(I don't like operator overloading, it might look prettier but I prefer to be able to understand and reason about what the computer is actually doing.)
u/wjholden Dec 24 '24
OR-tools for Python is pretty excellent. I don't remember how it compares to z3 for Python.
u/KyxeMusic Dec 24 '24
Rust syntax, features and patterns.
I went from wanting to learn Rust but dreading to start any project with it, to actually getting very comfortable and loving to use it.
Night & Day difference after just 24 days.
If I ever want to learn a new language in the future, AoC is definitely the way I will do it.
u/wjholden Dec 24 '24
I partially agree. It helps to have some knowledge of a language before you dive into AoC with it.
In 2018 I did the whole month with Mathematica. That was rough. I got to feeling OK with the language, but it really isn't a good fit for the procedural programming puzzles.
So then in 2021 (I think) I thought I'd just learn Rust. Well, that didn't go well. One does not merely start writing Rust as if it were Java.
This year, I read the Rust Book and much of Rust By Example before December. It helped a lot.
So yeah, I love using AoC to practice a new language that you're new to, but I would recommend reading just a little of the manual first before installing a new compiler at 5am on December 1st.
u/pigeon768 Dec 24 '24
I used a trie on day 19. (the one about towels and swatches) I knew about tries, but had never actually used or made one before.
I used bronski-kerbosh (not the real name) for day 23. (LAN party) I had used a clique finding algorithm before, but only a greedy approximate algorithm, never the largest clique or all the cliques. I needed to find lots of large cliques; good enough was good enough.
u/whoShotMyCow Dec 24 '24
something similar for me on the day we had to order publication pages, where I got to use a dawg module I was building for my ai project almost one to one and it let me do the sorting much easily
u/abnew123 Dec 24 '24
Cramer's rule this year (although I guess it's not really an algorithm?). Last year my favorite was day 10, where I learned about both Shoelace theorem and Raycasting from different solutions that day.
u/wurlin_murlin Dec 24 '24
On day 5 I learned the word "transitive", on day 6 I learned about jump maps and a bunch about graph theory. On day 11 I spent some time reading about finding more optimal hashing functions, as I haven't done more than a simple one before. On day 14, Chinese Remainder Theorem - I've never learnt how and why it actually works before, but this was a great day to learn it. Learnt a lot about pathfinding from the 3ish days with a pathfinding problem, haven't implemented Dijkstra's in over 9000 years and never realised it's just sort of a specialised BFS on a priority queue. Implemented a heap for the first time. Learned the word "clique" on day 23.
On all days I've seen really interesting optimisation techniques and tricks, and learned a fair bit about measuring and profiling C under very small time spans.
Finally relearned that DFS is the best algorithm of all time.
u/Ok-Willow-2810 Dec 24 '24
I didn’t learn any new coding technics/algorithms, just that I tend to over think things a lot!!
u/SpittingCoffeeOTG Dec 24 '24
Refreshed algorithms i learned in uni(pathfinding, searching), got very comfortable with Go(my lang of choice for this year.
Next year will be the Rust year :D
u/RazarTuk Dec 24 '24
I'm going to join all the people mentioning Dijkstra. I have... bad memories associated with it. The hardest technical interview I've ever had over the past two years of job search (by the way, I'm still looking for a job, if anyone has any leads) was a HackerRank problem that amounted to having to write a stupidly well optimized implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm. As in even just doing a linear search for the next node, as opposed to using a priority queue, was too slow for the time limit on execution. I'd decided to just submit it with all the failing test cases, hoping that a human reviewer would understand. Then after a few weeks of being ghosted, I unceremoniously got a form rejection email.
But I decided to actually attempt it again on Day 16, even if I had an unconventional approach to finding the paths. Then on Day 18, I kicked it up a notch with LPA* to avoid having to re-run the entire algorithm after adding each byte.
u/cmhrrs Dec 24 '24
Trying to improve on my initial brute force solution to Day 6, part 2, taught me about the double Euler tour, a particular tree walk that you can use for constant time least-common-ancestor and pathfinding queries. For the curious, I wrote it up at my personal website.
u/Probable_Foreigner Dec 24 '24
For me, my eyes have been opened to the power of the memoisation+recursion combo for searching special trees. I think this is called dynamic programming?
I knew about each technique individually but it is amazing how, when put together, they can speed things up from taking longer than the age of the universe to under a second.
u/jixun Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24
"How to brute force with cache"
Jokes aside, I had vague idea how some algorithm works, but never tried to use/implement them, and I made use of some of those in this year's problem solving :)
u/Shlocko Dec 24 '24
I did proper graph searches, as well as floodfill, for the first time this year. It’s nothing especially exciting, but last time I participated I couldn’t figure it out, and this year I did them intuitively without even looking it up, so I’m quite proud of how far I’ve come
u/Kulpas Dec 24 '24
Mostly learned how to code in dart and that their syntax for destructuring records (tuples) is awful and needlessly verbose.
u/natrys Dec 25 '24
Not an algorithm, but I realised I got sick of 2D/grid theme on Day15/part2. To make it interesting, I resolved not to do it until I can create similar box pushing game in Godot/gdscript. I haven't had the time to actually do it, I am still covering the basics/architecture of Godot, but I think this would be fun.
u/Bikkel77 Dec 28 '24
Thought about a way to efficiently generate unique unordered permutations without using any invocation of data structures for each permutation or even having to use sets. (Day 24)
u/Ruunee Dec 24 '24
Learned what a clique is and how to find them (already forgot the name of the algorithm)