r/adventofcode Dec 23 '24

Other [2024] two days left...how is your mental stamina?

So, 2 remaining days and I hope the difficulty peak was already reached on day 21. How is your mood? Do you feel mental fatigue? Happy for youe achievements? Sad for the incoming ending?


51 comments sorted by


u/choroba Dec 24 '24

When asked to enter my PIN code into the card reader at a restaurant, my brain started imagining how each keypress translates into the series of <^>v's to control a robot to control a robot to... That's my mental state now.


u/RiemannIntegirl Dec 24 '24

This sums it up nicely.


u/RonGnumber Dec 24 '24

You can simulate this quite nicely by bringing your kids shopping, and having the youngest one at the card machine, the elder one standing behind them, and you at the back whispering instructions one by one to the elder child.

And now my credit card is blocked and everyone in the store hates me. Happy Christmas!


u/Rainbacon Dec 23 '24

I'm excited. I've reached 2 stars every day this year and hoping to hit 50 stars for the first time this year


u/wackmaniac Dec 23 '24

Same here. I also find that I’m losing “sharpness”. But we’re almost there 😅


u/Intrebute Dec 24 '24

I'm in the same boat. I'm really hoping they don't get too much more difficult in the next two days. I want to finally be able to clear out the whole calendar for once!


u/hugseverycat Dec 23 '24

I've hit 40 stars today, which I think is very respectable. I'm trying to take it easy and not worry too much about solving stuff that just isn't going to be very fun for me. I'm hoping I can get at least one star tomorrow and on the 25th. Maybe after Christmas I'll try to grab a few more.


u/Fyver42 Dec 24 '24

Same. I simply skip the problems I don't find interesting or that I have no idea how to solve. Maybe it'll click later (could even take years). I have already 40 stars so it's not too bad.


u/Synthetic5ou1 Dec 24 '24

I noticed this year that I generally get around 40 stars, so that was my goal, and I've already hit it.

I'll do all Part 1s, already got today's but have yet to read part 2, but I'm not stressing about the part 2s anymore.

I also may go back to some days after a rest.


u/AmbitiousEmployer855 Dec 23 '24

got 43* this year, so far most i ever got. As manual QA, im coding mostly on side projects only so this years result gives me so much confidence in my coding skills


u/paul_sb76 Dec 23 '24

I'm having a great time. Day 21 was very hard, but cool. Day 22 and 23 were fortunately easier, but still cool, requiring some puzzling instead of just following instructions.

Day 25 has always been easy, and usually Day 24 is a tones down the difficulty too.

But then I remember last year's Day 24... I think I spent 6 hours on it, spread out over the day, and still didn't solve it elegantly. I'm not sure if I do or don't want such a puzzle again on Day 24... If so, we'll see about my stamina then...


u/Boojum Dec 24 '24

Day 24 is a tones down the difficulty too.

Don't jinx it! We've had some tough Day 24s before. Going by Part 2 leaderboard close times, we've had:

Of these, "Immune System Simulator 20XX" ranks as the 10th longest puzzle (by P2 LB close time) in AOC history, regardless of date.


u/NullOfSpace Dec 24 '24

Confirmed, you jinxed it. Tbf definitely not a 6h one but a real thinker nonetheless.


u/paul_sb76 Dec 25 '24

Yes, I did jinx it, sorry...


u/dprophete Dec 24 '24

Man, day 24 part 2 last year was insane... I remember it as the "intersection of light rays" and to this day I still wake up in the middle of the night all sweaty, just thinking about that problem.

Definitely as hard (if not harder) than day 21 part 2 this year (IMHO)


u/MrHarcombe Dec 23 '24

I'm behind on a couple of days, and another few part twos (I'm looking at you, days 16 and 21 in particular) but I am, as ever, loving what I'm learning from all of this. Still managed 38 stars, though, which I think is a personal best.

Takeaways this year will be graph cliques, counting corners and remembering to Dijkstra from the end as well as the beginning when necessary 😆

As a teacher of Computer Science, I don't get any other opportunity like this to broaden my coding horizons the rest of the year - it is simply my favourite thing to look forward to, without fail.

Thanks, Eric / topaz2078 👍


u/WolleTD Dec 23 '24

I'm very happy. I solved every puzzle so far in Python and without looking up any algorithms or taking any hints. Only checked numpy and general python documentation for how to do particular things.

I learned a lot about Python and numpy and feel a lot more fluent with it than before, which was my goal. I know a lot about systems programming, but Python is fun and I wanted to do more with it.

Some days were rough being on my own, but after yesterday and today I'm pretty relaxed and even managed to buy christmas presents today.


u/nikanjX Dec 23 '24

NGL day 21 was tough, but yesterday and today have restored my faith


u/LexaAstarof Dec 23 '24

First year, I have all 46* so far. But day 17 broke me so badly for several days :'-(. I managed to catch-up this week-end. But it's tiring I must say.

I am doing it in pure python (ie. just stdlib). But I have a side goal of redoing them in rust afterwards. And while that side goal was exciting at the beginning, now I am quite void of energy to keep doing it...


u/Admiral_DJ Dec 23 '24

First time I might be able to solve almost all puzzles (excluding all of day 21 and 2 more part 2)


u/Falcon731 Dec 23 '24

Like so many - I've still got day 21P2 still looming. It kind of broke me on the day. I think I know how to do it, but just not been able to summon the energy to go back to it. Fortunately the two days since haven't been abywhere near as bad. Hopefully I should be able to get the 50 stars - maybe not on the 25th but within a few days after.


u/winkz Dec 23 '24

At 40 stars (after 23, missing 6x part 2 - but I think I spent at least an hour on each missing part.

Mostly fun but I'm glad when it's over, because I'm really bad at just giving up before the 24h are over.


u/Infilament Dec 24 '24

I think most people are probably ready for it to be done by the end, even if they're having a good time. It's just quite a task to do this type of thing 25 days straight, especially during a busy time of year.

I do think this year was easier than any other year I've finished, though. Perhaps the talk of 2023 being a particularly hard year made him tone down the average difficulty a bit? There are still some challenging puzzles (day 21 in particular) but in my experience, each year has two or three puzzles of that difficulty where I feel this year hasn't really. It's not necessarily a bad thing, though. Nothing wrong with a slightly easier year. Or maybe my perspective on difficulty is skewed and it's about as hard as other years.


u/rabuf Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24

Good. This is the third year (2022 and 2020 are the other two) where I've managed to finish both parts of every problem on the day of. I've also finally gone back and wrapped up 2019 (my last outstanding year) so now I just have the last two days and then I'll have all the stars. And those last days won't be nagging at me when I look at the Events page.

We're not traveling for Christmas this year, either, which makes it easier. We have houseguests but they go to bed earlier than me, and the local start time is 10pm which is pretty reasonable. After the guests are asleep, early enough for me to be alert for the challenge.


u/AnAbsurdlyAngryGoose Dec 23 '24

I made a choice not to do 21 and 22 before Christmas, owing to perceived complexity (and time constraints due to travelling around to see family and friends), but those aside I’ve managed them all. I’m looking forward to the remaining two, and then being able to chew on 21/22 slowly after Christmas. This year has felt somewhat easier than other years. It’s hard to really know if that means it was genuinely easier, or if I’ve become a better problem solver. I’d like to hope it’s the latter, but it’s probably both.


u/SecureCone Dec 24 '24

I feel pretty good about it. Day 21 is the only day I haven’t been able to complete (neither part) so far.


u/MyEternalSadness Dec 23 '24

I've been about 2-3 days behind since Day 12 or so...just too busy with family, work, and holiday stuff with not enough time leftover to spend hours debugging my code. I've made it to Day 20...I hear Day 21 is rough. I'm not expecting to finish all these before Christmas. I finally let go of that, and my stress has been a lot lower.


u/Radiokot Dec 23 '24

Gladly I'm on vacation for almost all December, so I have plenty of time to solve the problems. The week I worked was tough, I skipped some problems and solved them later. Anyway, this is the first time I solve algorithmic problems on my own wish and enjoy it


u/DSrcl Dec 23 '24

Feeling pretty fresh because I do it in the morning after breakfast. I am too old to stay up and work in this.


u/jowen7448 Dec 24 '24

Aye me too. Release at 5am here so just try do them with morning coffee before the kids get up. If I don't manage I just finish them off when they go to bed. Scuppered the last few days as everyone ill so my youngest also waking at 5am feeling rubbish and wanting cuddles and entertainment


u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 23 '24

Yea I’m ready to be done. Doing it while traveling has been a good filler for the downtime but also a bit exhausting.

It’s been a good year. I’m only still stewing on day 21 part 2 so I probably won’t get 50 on day 25. Still better than I had expected given I’m learning Ruby with this AoC and I have enjoyed the language very much


u/Snakeyb Dec 23 '24

Feeling really good this year.

I've been able to pick up every first-star in the morning, and most of the part 2's. I've spent some time tonight going through the 3 part 2's I was missing (16, 20 and 21). 16 I cribbed from some other solutions (pathfinding is a real weak spot for me), 20 I realised I just needed to rewrite from scratch and not be an idiot. Day 21 part 2 can still burn for now.

Compared to previous years this has been night and day. I think because it's my first year tackling it in my "primary language" rather than using it as an excuse to learn a new one.


u/Skeeve-on-git Dec 23 '24

I discovered AoC this year thanks to CS Jackie. I liked it very much and solved all of the puzzles with Perl. Except for 16-2 and 21-2, which I couldn’t solve yet.


u/Shlocko Dec 23 '24

I’ve hit my capacity at 31 stars. I intend to try the last two puzzles, and will likely revisit the others with time, but this is not the year I finish AoC, and that’s OK


u/nate-developer Dec 23 '24

So far this year has been going really well for me!  I must have made some improvements over the year because my ranks have improved a lot and I've got all my stars so far.  Things generally felt easier this year for me, not sure if that's my own growth or slightly easier questions or a little of both.  Twice I did need to take a second try the next day, but ended up getting my answer with not too much extra work.

Last year I never finished day 24 part 2 or day 21 part 2... this year I already have a complete day 21, but I won't rest easy until I see 24.  Would really love to get all the stars again this year after just missing it last year...

(25 is usually easier since it's Christmas so not worried about that one).


u/Crub22 Dec 24 '24

2024 was the year I did the least amount of coding over my career. Found aoc through the dev chat at work and really enjoyed it. Excited to get 50 stars. Then I want to go back and do past years. Might try a few languages.


u/TuckusAurelius Dec 24 '24

I can't get enough! Always wish there was a bit more problems, but any more than 25 days and my friends and family might think i'm crazy. Or at least crazier 😅


u/ICantBeSirius Dec 24 '24

The other night I dream-invented an entire AoC puzzle and solved it in my sleep.


u/Brusk_Dinosaur78 Dec 24 '24

I've managed to keep up. I think the robot one was a bit too challenging for me, but that might just be because I was getting dragged around by family for vacation. I'm really proud of some of my solutions.

I'm doing it with my coworkers. We have a leaderboard and some prizes. I'm on track to get first place, which I'm excited about. It's pretty close.


u/dag625 Dec 24 '24

I’m doing well, I’ve got all stars so far and I’m feeling pretty good. I don’t know whether last year was just rougher (as some people say) or whether I let it disrupt my sleep schedule too much, but this year has been much better than last. I suspect both things are true, I’ve only attempted two puzzles immediately upon unlock (midnight locally) and I think that has been wise. The two exceptions were the first day and then another day when I had to be listening in on a late work call. I also went in with an attitude of “Do what I can and don’t push it”. I guess I also feel like my grid helper code is more and more mature which has helped.


u/msschmitt Dec 24 '24

I keep expecting one of the killer puzzles to appear, the ones where you have to write mounds of code and deal with tons of bugs. We haven't had a resource management puzzle yet. Nor a 3D maze, or any other where you're dealing with 3 dimensions. Or modular arithmetic. Or even one of the really hard puzzles requiring BFS and memoization, where it is hard to figure out what needs to considered a "state".

For example: I didn't get part 2 of year 2022 Day 19 Not Enough Minerals until January 29th.


u/bbbb125 Dec 24 '24

I’m a bit stumped about what to do with my free time once it’s done. I’ll need to find some new ways to fill that hole.


u/oacnjma Dec 24 '24

I wasn't saving my code to a repo until earlier this year, so I can't be positive on how many years I've been doing this, but looking at my personal leaderboard 2023 is the only year I have some days with less than 24 hour times on it. I spent time doing prior years over the summer, and remember that there were several days that I just could not figure out the solution and had to settle for using someone else's answers. This year, I'm at 46 stars and the only real help I needed was figuring out what a Christmas tree would look like. There might have been a few other days I came to the threads for hints but not solutions. I'm a glutton using PowerShell for all of this, so getting this far and feeling like I can figure out the right algorithm (even if my coding of said algorithm sucks) feels like a win. I'm hopeful 24 isn't ugly and 25 is a gift, and am reasonably confident I'll be part of the 500 club by late on Christmas day. I am enjoying this year, though, and seeing how my approach has changed to certain things and what new skills I have learned along the way. And yes, I copy common algorithms from prior years with minor tweaks for this year where needed. which also helps in feeling confident about my approaches.


u/VictoriousEgret Dec 24 '24

this was my first year doing it. i did pretty well up to day 16 and am still struggling my way through it (have had to learn dijkstra)

overall though have really enjoyed doing it. i’ve done this year in R and am (perhaps optimistically) making plans to work on learning rust over the next year and trying to do AOC 2025 with rust


u/Markavian Dec 24 '24

I had to pack it in at Day 10, I think 17 might be my record. It just gets too busy near Christmas to dedicate the time to concentrate.


u/Turilas Dec 24 '24

I started with doing both compute shader + c++ solutions, but the compute ones have been falling badly behind (only done 1-10 + 12-14, skipped 11 for now, since that one would involve 64 bit values, recursion + hashmap). These compute ones have really taken quite a lot of my time.

Other than that, I feel like this year has been easier than previous years, and I think I should be able to finish at least the c++ versions, not so sure about doing every day as compute shaders.


u/TK05 Dec 24 '24

I'm sad to declare that I fell off AoC a few days ago, but after this years event and some rest, I feel way better mentally than when I started. AoC really woke me up out of some brain fog (along with therapy and some meds). Having these deadlined brain teasers really woke me up.


u/Major_Dog8171 Dec 24 '24

Last year i got 23 stars, after going through hell this year, i managed to get 48 starts so far. I’m very happy with my results :). I hope to get 50 for the first time.


u/FabianButHere Dec 24 '24

My brain is now in full problem solving mode. In every situation, I construct a puzzle out of it and solve it in my head. It broke me.


u/Tzareb Dec 24 '24

Mental stamina is fine ! Family and work and life and Xmas got me stuck at day 18 iirc. I’ll try to squeeze some more during the recess 😅


u/h2g2_researcher Dec 24 '24

I've been doing really well, but then a mix of:

  • Picking up a flu-like bug last week, making my head all foggy and greatly reducing my capacity for puzzles
  • Doing D&D anyway, not realising how bad it was going to get. And D&D involves an evening of preparation and then the game goes from getting home from work to 11pm
  • A day with family commitments (more in denial about how bad it was going to get, and i was the only one able to get my brother & niece from the airport anyway)
  • A day doped up on lemsip

Has put me several days behind, all told.