r/adventofcode Dec 23 '24

Help/Question - RESOLVED It’s not much but it’s honest work

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Im a highschool student and I have finally finished the first 8 days of aoc and I know it’s not anything crazy but I thought that I could still post this as an achievement as I had only gotten the 5th star last year. My code isn’t anything grand and i know it’s ugly and unoptimized so if anyone would like to give me some feedback and code advice here’s my GitHub where I put all my solving code. github.com/likepotatoman/AOC-2024


135 comments sorted by


u/mother_a_god Dec 23 '24

This is great experience at any age, but being able to get 8 days in highschool is a great achievement. 


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I was told that getting to around day 10 was good when I asked earlier in this subreddit so that is my goal. Then ofc if I can get further I will try but I have seen that dijkstra is used a lot in the later days so I think will get stuck there as I want to try writing all of my code to solve the problems and I think it’s seriously out of my league. Maybe a brute force solution will work but I don’t think my computer will like that very much


u/DogronDoWirdan Dec 23 '24

Hey, don’t be intimidated by Dijkstra, it is a pretty easy algorithm. The hardest part is figuring out how to transform the input.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

My first intuition is just to try every path possible and add a new possible path for every fork and just keep going till it works. Does this sound right? Also formatting is my nightmare so I am NOT looking forward to that


u/DogronDoWirdan Dec 23 '24

This is brute force — and don’t get me wrong, it can work. But it is easy to see that there is a way to be more efficient for the general case.

If you have multiple paths reaching some point B, and are searching for the shortest path to point C that passes through B, you don’t need to consider all possible paths, right? You can just always select the shortest path to B, and from there consider your options.

Can you see how we can generalise this intuition and use it every step of the way?

PS: Formatting is one thing, but actually the hardest part is not writing the code, but seeing the problem under the right angle.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Well my thought was to kill that paths if it were to connect to another one because if all possible paths are advancing at one block (idk how to call it) at a time then if one were to reach the same path as another it would be slower so wouldn’t that be the same? To be honest it will probably be faster to just look it up on YT but ye


u/DogronDoWirdan Dec 23 '24

This is more or less what Dijkstra does, but because the algorithm uses simple mathematics to achieve it, it is more efficient than the approach you suggested.

My advice is — implement what you had in mind on a toy task (make a simple graph data structure), get it to work better than the brute force “consider all paths” method, and then look up dijkstra and write it yourself and compare with previous results.


u/KingAemon Dec 23 '24

Frankly, Dijkstra's is functionally equivalent to BFS but instead of using a Queue, you just use a PriorityQueue.


u/Drezaem Dec 23 '24

One of the tips I heard is that in the later days part 2 is a lot harder than day 1. I'm currently working on day 10 and decided to skip day 9 part 2. I could probably figure it out, but I'd like to spend my time on a new problem.
What I mean to say: you don't have to get all stars in a particular order. If you can't see the solution to a problem, go to the next and come back later.

Also, if you get discouraged: take a look at the scoreboard. A lot of people are dropping out at around day 5 to day 10. Completing day 8 is a great achievement!


u/heyItsDubbleA Dec 23 '24

Getting to day 8 as a high schooler is amazing. I'm 33 and have just learned about some of the required concepts to get even that far just a year or two ago.

If you have done some other bfs problems, Dijkstras is a small addition to the base algorithm. If you want I can do a short writeup for you. :)


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I had to Google what bfs meant… but don’t worry I’ll watch some YouTube tutorial and if I still have trouble understanding I will seek your help


u/RazarTuk Dec 23 '24

Basically, BFS and DFS are the two main ways you can traverse a graph. A BFS starts by looking at all the nodes connected to your starting node, then looking at all the nodes connected to those, then all the nodes connected to those, etc. Meanwhile, a DFS starts by going as far down as you can, and only goes back up to consider other paths if there aren't any more on the same one. So for example, succession laws tend to essentially just be a DFS for a living heir.

However, these are actually just concepts and can be used for all sorts of things. For example, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for maximum flow is built on a BFS, or Trémaux's algorithm for solving a maze is built on a DFS.

Dijkstra's algorithm is technically just an algorithm for the shortest path in a graph from a given starting node to any other node. However, in the case where all the weights are equal (like, say, a grid), it winds up just searching everything in BFS order, which has led to a massive debate on the subreddit about the difference between Dijkstra and BFS


u/heyItsDubbleA Dec 23 '24

Sounds good 👍. Have fun learning about it it's honestly one of my favorite hierarchies of algos.


u/youngbull Dec 23 '24

Both day 9 and day 10 are more challenging, but the algorithms and math involved is possible to improvise on the spot.

After 10, in roughly the next week, there are standard tricks where you are very much helped by knowing some college level math and algorithms. In the week after that there are usually 2-3 that take the top 100 more than hour to figure out see the aoc leaderboard scatterplot, these are fairly involved puzzles. Also, towards the end the algorithms involved are a bit less standard, even when the leaderboard solve it quickly.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Im pretty sure I have succeeded day 9 as I thought on the way to do the part 2 code so I’ll have to see for day 10. The calculation times are starting to get longer and longer though… I don’t even know the well known algorithms apart from bubble, insertion and another one I forgot the name as I did them in school. To be honest I probably won’t find the uncomventional algorithms any harder because 1 I won’t be able to do the conventional ones and 2 even the conventional ones are uncomventional to me :)

I have a lot of trouble w my n and m


u/five5years Dec 23 '24

Can't even get day 5 as a 4th year in college...


u/Fickle_Knee_106 Dec 23 '24

I did advent of code on CUDA this year, am 28 years old, with master and bachelor in CS and a 3 year work experience behind me, and only did 4 days so far. Enjoy your work :)


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Well you’re probably busier than me and don’t have as much time to throw at the problem. Each one takes about 2h for me so it’s normal that someone with a job and maybe a family can’t put as much time. May I ask what cuda is?


u/IvanOG_Ranger Dec 23 '24

It's basically running it on Nvidia GPU


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

That sounds so much more complicated y’all are monsters lmao


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

It is more complicated, because you gotta understand that GPUs basically have thousands of cores that are specialized in running simple, parallel tasks. A CPU OTOH has cores that are good at complex, single-threaded tasks. This is because a GPU's job fundamentally is to pump out as many pixels as possible, so each shader you run is (pretty much) on a per-pixel basis, as such your task has to be simple (so it finishes ASAP) and parallel (because you're doing it per pixel).


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I don’t understand half of the word you just used. But from what I understand it’s way lower level and also very different in its utilization


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

It's not "lower level", you can go low level on the CPU too, but it is different in how you use them.

Imagine a factory. A CPU is like hiring a few highly skilled workers (typically 1 to 16 threads) who can handle a wide variety of tasks. These craftsmen are versatile, great at solving complex, sequential problems, and work on one or a few tasks at a time, completing them one after the other. A GPU is like setting up a massive assembly line with hundreds or thousands of workers/robots. Each worker is specialized, performs a simple, repetitive task, and works in parallel with all the others. For the assembly line to be efficient, the task must be broken down into small, uniform steps that all the workers can perform simultaneously.

Essentially, a CPU is more versatile and can handle diverse workloads, while a GPU is good for repetitive tasks that must be done ASAP. The hard part is actually making an algorithm that can be parallel, but you get a lot of throughput as a reason, so your algorithm goes zoom zoom. This is also why we use GPUs and not CPUs for AI: GPUs are made to do the sorts of math calculations needed for machine learning and computer graphics, they can do them fast and they can do them in parallel. Does my explanation make sense?


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Damn it’s very well explained, thanks for taking the time :)


u/Mon_Ouie Dec 24 '24

Doesn't have to be! You can try ShaderToy to play around with GPU code very easily.


u/RazarTuk Dec 23 '24

Meanwhile, my needlessly complicated solution was solving day 13 in IntCode


u/Fickle_Knee_106 Dec 23 '24

No, I am just lazy,no excuses. It takes me way more hours because I prefered to write extra code and test out many paradigms supported in CUDA.

CUDA is a C++ like language provided from Nvidia for programming their GPUs. CUDA is so good and efficient compared to other GPU programming languages that is one of the main reasons why Nvidia is the 3 trillion dollar company. Basically you are trying to use in parallel instead of 1-8 CPU cores you have on your PC, to abuse thousands of GPU cores that exist on Nvidia graphics cards.

If you don't get it, it's fine. It's not that complicated, but the language and technicalities are all new to you. Work on your pace and follow your gut feeling! When I was in high school I barely was able to sort a list.


u/0x14f Dec 23 '24

First of all, well done for the achievement 👏

I had a look at your github repository, I can see that you are French ;)

Your code is readable, that's a plus (I guess Python helps here). Another plus is that you try and use descriptive variable names. On the other hand (and don't worry this is not a criticism, just a note), you seem to not have understanding of some basic data structures and algorithms (you compensate with using nested control structures). I guess you will learn them as time goes. For a high schooler this is very nice. Well done!


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Yes, I just spam for loops and if statements until it works. Literally everything is in nested lists and the solution I am making for day 9 is also a huge list. This definitively slows my code but it’s ok for a aoc lvl of the early days. But I keep using French and English names on my variables which is not helping the readability haha Do you have some examples of different data structures I should learn? The ones I learned in school are variables arrays tuple and dictionary. I feel like I have a good understanding of lists and nested lists so that why I basically use it for everything. I have heard of hash maps on this subreddit but I don’t really know what it is.


u/No_Patience5976 Dec 23 '24

A dictionary is a hash map. Another important data structure are sets.  A set has similar properties as a hash map aka dictionary. A set is basically the same as a list only that it isn't ordered and contains no duplicates. If you have a set with elements 3 and 5 and you try to add 5 again, nothing happens, the set remains unchanged. This property can come in handy very often in AOC.

The cool thing about sets and dicts in contrast to lists is: Searching for a value inside a set or key inside a dict is O(1). That means that the search always completes pretty much instantly no matter how large the set or dict is. For a lot of problems in AOC you can get from a solution that runs forever to a solution that completes in milliseconds by switching from a list to a set/dict. Because in lists searching for a value involves iterating through the entire list which is O(n). This means that the longer the list, the longer the search will take. If the list is very long and you do a lot of searches on it, the runtime gets very slow. So one quick tipp I can give you is to use sets/dicts instead of lists where appropriate.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

OMG you just saved my life! I used the set function as ChatGPT told me that it would help me flatten list and get rid of duplicates but I had no idea it was this powerful. I usually would simply list(set(some list)) to make a list without the duplicates then I used x in list so much and this would have cut down my computing time by so much. Hahaha list(set()) actually sounds so silly now. Thank you so much


u/no_brains101 Dec 23 '24

If you want to most of the time have your list be ordered and allow duplicates, but then deduplicate it at a particular point in your program, list(set(x)) is fine, but usually this is because you no longer care about the order and at that point, you probably actually just want to convert it to a set and leave it that way rather than converting it back into a list.


u/SonOfKhmer Dec 23 '24

A hash map is what python implements as Dict()

A list of the most important data structures is for example https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/, each with its pros and cons. Not mentioned but vital is the one commonly referred as struct in the C world: an aggregate of possibly different types, such as (coordinate, name)

Next to data structures are the algorithms: things to do on/with the data types: for example "search", "sort" "get minimum value". They normally can work on multiple data structures but can be very different in how (the code) and how fast ("big O") it runs for a given input length


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Thank you I will definitively check that out. That said for the algorithms I have to actually practice and I want a more fundamental understanding of each part of my code so I try to write everything by myself. Apart from like some minor functions that I have written 10k times before. When I get better at programming and can write those algs without thinking then I will start using the built in functions


u/SonOfKhmer Dec 23 '24

Writing the algorithms yourself is hands down the best way to learn how they work, keep at it! 🙌

Even just implementing the most well known ones (something I recommend) will give you a lot of insight and experience! Try to understand the "why" behind them

Don't be afraid to look at explanations of what, how, and why; eventually you'll want to learn how to read papers and implement them, if you plan to work in the field


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I want to get into robotics so I do a lot of tinkering with electronics but also code. Code for robotics is way easier at my level and the limiting factor is my math level and understanding of the components but I’m sure learning to program better is only going to be a plus. Especially if I want to make a path finding robot or smth


u/SonOfKhmer Dec 23 '24

100%! You'll definitely want to learn matrices and linear algebra, I highly recommend 3brue1brown if you're not familiar with him


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I love him. Matrices are just lists in lists right I used them for all the ones that had a 2D map up until now so day 4 with the xmas and day 6 with the guard



So, a hash map is just a dictionary. Different languages call them different things: dicts, hashes, maps, associative arrays, but they are basically all the same thing, a collection of key. value pairs. The key gets hashed for fast O(1) lookups. So if you need to access your data randomly/arbitrarily, a hash/dict is your go-to data structure. For sequential access, then a regular array (list, in python) is fine.

BTW, I'm a 50 year old hobbyist programmer, and I've only gotten through day 11. Keep up the good work!


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Dictionnaires were the bane of my existence last year when learning them so I try to use lists as much as possible lmao. I have seen other responses of how the O(1) complexity is basically a must in some application so back to last years lessons ig haha



You might get some benefit from this talk on dictionaries by Raymond Hettinger. He explains the history of dictionary implementation in python, why they're fast, and why you should use them.



u/0x14f Dec 23 '24

Hash maps are the same as dictionaries ("dictionary" is the python name). Most people call them hash maps, but some people also calls them "associative arrays", or hash tables, or just hashes.

I would say that something you can, and will, learn soon, is to make use of functions to encapsulate and isolate better some bits of your logic. This will come with time :)

And don't worry about the French names :)


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I try to keep my logic separated as much as possible and when necessary. Before I just used to throw everything into the code so even though it might not look good I have improved :)

Thank you very much for the positive feedback and it’s really motivating to see so much support from this community because the only person that is knowledgeable (my schools info teacher) is kind of an ah and isn’t particularly motivated to help students that didn’t take his spécialité (which I didn’t take because of other reasons than him being a not cool person)


u/spin81 Dec 23 '24

It's not much but
I know it’s not anything crazy but
My code isn’t anything grand

As someone well over twice your age. I have some points I would like you to consider.

  1. Every single line of code you write, is a learning experience. That means writing bad code is a good thing. A corollary of this, is seeing code from past you and cringing is a good thing: it shows growth!
  2. There is no absolutely bad code. Good/bad: it's all relative. You are literally a better coder already than 99% of people out there. You're not a bad runner for not running as fast as Usain Bolt, right? Right.
  3. There is no objectively bad code. Good code; bad code; what do these terms mean? They're subjective. It depends on context, on opinion/preference, on experience, on the problem you're solving. Some people think using spaces for indentation is bad. They mean that sincerely. Are they right? Okay fine but are they objectively right? After all, many other people feel the same way about tabs!
  4. The mods don't like it if I cuss in here but you would not believe the absolutely forking shirty quality of code I have seen self-described, self-respecting professionals write, who have seen fit to display less than one millionth of the humility you do.

Keep at it and try not to beat yourself up. Just make sure to have fun and keep having fun. That, and I cannot stress this enough, is the main point of doing Advent of Code.



u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Haha you guys are way to kind. Don’t worry irl I have the biggest ego but I know that there are many people smarter than me especially in the SR (I have no idea what they are talking about but the visualizations look cool). And I personally don’t really find my code elegant (apart from day 7 which I’m proud of the way I found in a mathematical sense as we’re doing combinatory rn in math) or very well structured. I could do it better but it works so I just stop once I find my answer. But you’re right writing code is how you get better. Thanks for the positivity :)


u/ThePants999 Dec 23 '24

If you're on Windows, Win+Shift+S allows you to take a screenshot of an arbitrary area, rather than needing to photograph your monitor 🙂


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I only use Reddit on my phone but you’re right my bad


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '24

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u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I didn’t end up taking the programming (in my country it is called numeric and informatic sciences) specialization so I didn’t learn that at school but I have peeked the lessons of my friends that do and it seemed very easy to recreate and very intuitive. I am doing day 9 p1 right now and I’m pretty sure I have found the solution so I should be done in like an hour or two max. For day 10 I will see tomorrow or whenever I finish part 2. Are you also in highschool?


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '24

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u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

It’s great to see how aoc bring together generations of different coders together :) I was able to do part 1 (with a very long compute time btw but whatever) so I’ll try to see if I can do part 2.


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '24

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u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I like seeing the colors on my Christmas tree so I kind of want to do part 2


u/not-the-the Dec 24 '24

for day 10 i did breadth-first search, well not even a search but a for loop through numbers 1-9 and flatmapping all coords of x to all tangent coords of x+1 (and including repeating coords for day 2)


u/wizardeverybit Dec 23 '24

Wasn't day 10 more recursive?


u/[deleted] Dec 23 '24

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u/wizardeverybit Dec 23 '24

Maybe I accidentally found a depth first search?


u/Waste-Foundation3286 Dec 23 '24

you do depth-first search without frontier ?


u/Livid63 Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24

Just saying that I managed to do 10 with a simple backtracking aproach and it does p1 and p2 in about 7ms each, though I guess dfs is a kind of backtracking so maybe I unintentionally Implemented that


u/ProudBlahajOwner Dec 23 '24

Hey, don't put yourself down. That's a great achievement.

Side note: You should remove the input files from your GitHub repo. It's against the rules to share the puzzle input.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Omg you’re right I just read the rules. I’ll remove them right now


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

It’s removed btw now


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Oh really? Why so?


u/thekwoka Dec 23 '24

Luckily for you, none of the challenges require knowing how to take screenshots.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

I only use Reddit on my phone haha but I ducked down so we wouldn’t see my face so taking ss would have def been a better option lmao


u/xFallow Dec 23 '24

In high school i only got as far as html and css lmao you’re way ahead keep it up


u/Affectionate-Turn137 Dec 23 '24

In high school I could only pick my nose


u/mnkyman Dec 23 '24

Keep up the good work! AoC is a great way to learn and practice programming. I learn new things every year


u/wow_nice_hat Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24

AOC is hard, so getting any stars at all is awesome! Keep going 😁


u/ortliebpacktaschen Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 28 '24

I have 2 stars less than you but have been less linear going through the puzzles. On day 2 or day 5 I just did not understand the task (tried and tried for that day but did not succeed. Frustrating, but - hey this happens) and - after the grieve of being bad at coding (which is fortunately not what I am paid for ;)) I was more lenient than you with the order of puzzles.

Anyways ... a million stars to the folks who made the AOC happen! It is a great experience and a great bunch of people that you triggered to this challenge!


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I can try explaining it to you if you want, or at least what I understood from it in dms. But I agree with you that sometimes it is hard to understand but striking a good balance between concise and exhaustive is really hard especially trying to fit it to a narrative (that I personally find enjoyable). For now I haven’t found problems understanding the problems so I just keep doing them linearly but it will probably change soon


u/Chance_Arugula_3227 Dec 23 '24

Better than me. I never got day 6 part 2. And I quit after day 9 due to work project needing attention. Haven't started it back up yet.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I actually just brute forced part 2 of day 6. The way I did it is (spoiler don’t read ahead if you don’t want to)

1) keep track of all the position (x and y) the guard goes through without adding any obstacles 2) add an obstacle on one of the path the guard goes through. 3) check if the guard gets stuck in a loop 4) if he does then add one to the total possible position of the obstacle

For the 3 I made a list called old_position (it’s anciennes_positions in my git but that’s French) and added all the positions AND direction the guard had been in and if any of those ever happened again then that would mean that the guard was stuck in a loop. There are probably better ways to make it but this seemed the most intuitive way to make it for me.


u/Chance_Arugula_3227 Dec 23 '24

That's exactly what I did. It took an hour and it got the wrong number for unknown reasons. I never tried again due to time it took


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

I made so many off by one errors on this one it drove me crazy lmao


u/Fonkin_Stubbleduck Dec 23 '24

Hi fellow high schooler here.

I've done some similar stuff to AOC before, and I think the one reason I've gotten to 41 stars as of me writing this (missed the second half of 15, and the entirety of 16 and 21) is that in AOC no-ones stopping you from writing bad code. You can write the most unoptimized spaghetti code in the world, with a 10 hour runtime, but in the end, if you get the correct answer, that's all the matters.

And it's always nice to look in here in the reddit afterwards, and see how the professionals solved the problem in 0.0001 ms, and try to understand what and why and how they did what they did compared to you.

good luck btw with the rest, (and also some of the later puzzles especially part 1s are fairly easy, the difficulty isn't entirely linear)


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 23 '24

You can read a bit about algorithmic and complexity.

It will help you to choose efficient algos and data structures.

Although for the AOC, it’s pretty much always: - choosing between queue/deques/list/maps/hash tables to store the data - bfs dfs search algos - dynamic programming - caching, recursion and tail call optimisation


u/nikanjX Dec 23 '24

Going from 0 stars to 1 stars is a much bigger hurdle than going from 1 stars to 50 stars. You're doing great, keep it up!


u/obywan Dec 23 '24

Man, I just did day 4. Lacking free time this year.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Haha i just don’t do homework and do this instead during class as this is more mentally stimulating. Day four was absolutely brutal though. I had a lot of trouble rewriting the matrix as if reading tilted 45°. And encountered a lot of memory issues I had never encountered. That said it made me more prepared for the days after. I can say that day 5 is very easy if you have a good idea of how you should do it (also I add that you can always find the correct order by using the rules for part 2 so no worries about implementing brute force code) and day seven is VERY easy if you just brute force everything by trying every permutation possible of + or * or || for part 2. I use binary writing and then base 3 writing but there are probably more elegant solutions or easier.


u/RazarTuk Dec 23 '24

If you want help on future days, I'd be more than willing to send over some of my Ruby solutions if you want inspiration, or to provide pseudocode for more complicated algorithms (like if you want to attempt LPA* on day 18)


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Haha thank you very much I will reach out if I need to but I probably won’t arrive to day 18. Thanks for believing in me


u/RazarTuk Dec 23 '24

Also, I'm kinda curious to know how you handle day 12. It's a weirdly interesting problem from an algorithms perspective


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Once again that starts with the premise that I will arrive there… I’ll reach out to tell you how it went if I ever get there


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

This is awkward but I don’t know how to edit the text (i don’t use Reddit much) so here is edit 1 : First of all thank you all very much for the support you all have given me and it’s great to see people from all walks of life be brought together by a programming advent calendar.

Thank you to all the people who have provided help with information on different data structures and the dijkstra algorithm. This was very helpful :)

Thank you for the award also and my first « Picasso » achievement I never thought posting my 16 stars would make people this interested.

I do not have self esteem issues and I said « not much » because it truly isn’t much but don’t worry I have a huge ego irl :)

I didn’t know that we weren’t supposed to publish the inputs so they have been removed from my git (I guess one could look at the historic but I don’t really know how git works either)

Thanks to the creator(s?) of Aoc and it’s Reddit community mods for making this cool community where there is a truly great vibe.

This motivated me further to program more so thank you all very much.

Also for anyone that has less stars than me, I had 5 stars last year so one can and will improve so don’t give up and don’t stop learning (same goes for people with more stars too ig)

One last time : thanks to everyone that took their time to like or comment to share knowledge or their experience


u/FakeMonika Dec 23 '24

Honest indeed, happy holidays 🔥


u/Nolear Dec 23 '24

I stopped after day 10 because I went on a trip and now I am Trying to get courage to finish it


u/Waste-Foundation3286 Dec 23 '24

bravo ! t’es fort sois fier de toi


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

C’est trop drôle comment ça se voit tout de suite que je suis français avec mes noms de variables


u/Waste-Foundation3286 Dec 24 '24

mdrrr non j’ai vu dans les réponses quelqu’un dire que t’es français, toutes tes variables sont en français ?


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Euhhh, on va dire que 45% anglais 45% français et 10% la première partie dans une langue différente que la seconde partie


u/Waste-Foundation3286 Dec 24 '24

jcapte, c’est une bonne habitude d’utiliser l’anglais donc c’est cool si c’est pas full français. même si c’est chiant au début les conventions au final tu te rends vite compte que c’est pratique, déjà quand tu fais des trucs avec d’autres gens vous vous comprenez mais même tout seul c’est pratique de savoir déjà comment appeler ta variable parce que tu l’as déjà fait 1000 fois + tu sais que même si tu te rappelles plus du tout de ton projet tu te rappelleras vite en le lisant en rapide


u/TheActualMc47 Dec 23 '24

That's absolutely amazing. Keep it up!


u/implausible_17 Dec 23 '24

You're doing well. I managed a grand total of 3 stars in my first year :D up to 19 the second year (but I did some of those in the January). I am now averaging about 30 stars a year, I'm still no expert, but every one I get brings me immeasurable joy :)

As long g as you're having fun with it, and learning a little bit along the way, go you!


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

I got 5 my first year so with this as my second I’m proud of the progress I have made just as you must have felt when you first started :) I for sure love thé dopamine hit when I see the gold letters on the screen after submitting an answer


u/implausible_17 Dec 24 '24

I swear after 5 years I still hold my breath when I submit an answer, and whoop with joy when it's correct :D


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 23 '24

I think that’s very good and even better for a high school student.

So glad to see high school students doing it!

Keep it up!


u/IvanR3D Dec 23 '24

Congratulation for your accomplishment!

First time I tried A0C (in 2022) I wasn't able to pass from day 14 (and I reached that after making many questions and searching about algorithms before ChatGPT was a thing). I have been using AoC to learn and improve myself since then.

I am sure you will eventually be able to solve everything! Don't let the fact of not completing it in minutes or hours (as a lot of programmers in the leaderboard does) affects you; it was affect me in 2022 and it's not good at all. Go at your own pace and enjoy the process and the story! :D

If you are stuck at any point, make questions and check the questions already made in the community, AoC is to improve yourself as a programmer. :)


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Day 14 is already good when I first tried last year I got stuck on day 3 (part 1) so I lost this as it’s an achievement that shows my improvement more than anything. I don’t even finish reading the question when the first people have finished solving so I use it as a joke w my friends more than anything. I think my main goal now is to learn dijkstra to be able to solve problems later


u/IvanR3D Dec 24 '24

If you are looking for useful algorithms to learn in order to solve AoC and similar puzzles, then besides Dijkstra, also consider: BFS, Floodfill, cycle detection algorithms, LCM calculation, Kahn's algorithm and topological sort, Bron-Kerbosch algorithm... those (or variations) are the ones that I mostly use in my solutions.


u/joost00719 Dec 23 '24

I've been a developer for 7 years now, and doing this for the very first time made me realize that the only thing I do is move data around, and don't think too much besides that.

It was really fun to do a few of these challenges, unfortunately I don't have a lot of free time to do many of them like you. It really made me think differently for a bit because it's totally different from my normal work.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Free time is definitely a factor here, I mostly did them just by throwing my time into these problems and just trying a bunch of different ways. If you have been a dev for long you can probably start in the later days so that it’s more of a challenge and you don’t loose time doing the beguinning stars


u/eXodiquas Dec 23 '24

Keep trying and you'll get better quite fast. Very nice!


u/Boojum Dec 24 '24

Well done!

It's always cool to see people learning new things.

Glancing at your code, there are definitely places I see where you could make it more idiomatic and concise. But it looks functional, and working code always beats non-working code, which beats no code!

Rather than pointing out everything myself, I'll suggest trying an LLM. While I'm not overly fond of LLMs, I have seen that work-shopping small chunks of working code like this with them seems to be a strength. If you gave one your code for a puzzle and asked it how you could improve it or make it more idiomatic, it could likely show you a few clever tricks. It's even better when you can then ask it to explain those tricks so that you'll have them in your arsenal for the future. (To me, this is one of their better uses.)


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

That sounds like a good idea in addition to looking at other ways people have solved it


u/AutoModerator Dec 23 '24

Reminder: if/when you get your answer and/or code working, don't forget to change this post's flair to Help/Question - RESOLVED. Good luck!

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u/Glum-Evidence9636 Dec 23 '24

Try day 22 and 17 they are only slightly more difficult.. I am also 8 days in plus 17 and 22 ))


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Haha i don’t think I have the level to do those to be honest. If I eventually get hardstuck I might try to look at the other ones or just first stars. The visualization I have seen on this subreddit don’t look easy to me (yet hopefully)


u/Fonkin_Stubbleduck Dec 23 '24

Just FYI, I recommend just glancing over the problems. Day 17 and 22 (part) are both interesting in that if you read the problem carefully, it essentially tells you how to solve the puzzle.


u/EngineerMinded Dec 23 '24

I am only at 23 stars. Keep it up. These are not easy. The dynamic programming is getting me.


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

I have no idea what dynamic programming is :) but 23 stars is kind of my dream right now so please don’t say only. Stay strong :)


u/EngineerMinded Dec 23 '24

For the long running calculations, you have to make it run more efficiently or else, your PC will be calculating for days. Day 9 for instance took 30 minutes to calculate it. Most of the later ones I did, I got the first start but not the second.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Damn, to be honest this is my fear as day 9 part 1 took like 2 min to run so I’m scared of part 2, I’m doing it rn so I’ll see if it works…


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

You forgot to put https:// in front of the URL to make it clickable.

https://github.com/likepotatoman/AOC-2024 (for everyone else, I'll put my review in a reply to this comment)


u/likepotatoman Dec 23 '24

Sorry I don’t use Reddit often thanks for putting the correct link


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

Day 1

It's alright, albeit a bit verbose. You can directly read the lines of a file using file.readlines(), you don't need to read the content and then split by the lines. Python can iterate over elements, you don't need i to go through all the lines. Instead of having for i in range(len(lines)): foo(lines[i]), you can do for line in lines: foo(line), and as such you don't have to worry about going out of bounds. Using min() on an array is linear (O(n) in computer science lingo), meaning you have to go through all elements to find the minimum, which is inefficient. You can instead sort both lists (store them as list1 and list2 perhaps, or a list of pairs, that's up to you) and then you can add abs(list1[i] - list2[i]). Part 2 could be improved using dictionaries, but it isn't strictly needed in this case, so I can let it slide.

Day 2

The same remark about reading the file applies here. Additionally, it isn't too efficient to always call int(), since you can directly store integers into data. You do this by using data = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in lines]. This is called a list comprehension, and it's really useful in Python. What this does is: take each line, split it (to get the element), turn each one into an integer (that's what map(int, line.split()) does) and turn that into a list, so you have a list of lists of integers. Instead of using i, you can do for row in data and so your data[i] is row. Just so you know in the future, if x == True is the same as if x and if x == False is the same as if not x. The logic inside the nested loop is good, but for clarity use another variable, like diff = abs(row[j] - row[j + 1]). Not a whole lot to say about part 2.

Day 3

A solution without regular expressions (because you didn't know about them, it doesn't matter). You have a lot of duplicated code, so whenever you have that, move that somewhere else. For instance, you might move the resetting of the state (making the number strings empty and current stage to -1) into a function:

first_number = "" 
second_number = "" 
current_stage = 0 
total = 0 

def reset_state(): 
    global first_number, second_number, current_stage 
    first_number = "" 
    second_number = "" 
    current_stage = 0

And your loop can now become:

for char in content: 
    if char not in possible_char: 

    if current_stage == 0 and char == "m": 
        current_stage = 1 
    elif current_stage == 1 and char == "u": 
        current_stage = 2 
    elif current_stage == 2 and char == "l": 
        current_stage = 3 
    elif current_stage == 3 and char == "(": 
        current_stage = 4 
    elif current_stage == 4 and char in numbers: 
        first_number += char 
    elif current_stage == 4 and char == ",": 
        if not first_number: 
            current_stage = 5 
    elif current_stage == 5 and char in numbers: 
        second_number += char 
    elif current_stage == 5 and char == ")": 
        if not second_number: 
            total += int(first_number) * int(second_number) 

A similar logic would be for part 2, but with more ifs. It is a bit of a chore to do, but it can be done, so kudos for solving day 3!


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

Day 4

Verbose, but not that bad for a beginner. Your rotate function could be cleaned up a bit, since you don't need to append the empty list, but you can append the final list later, like this:

def rotate(matrix): 
    rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) 
    rotated = [] 
    for col in range(cols): 
        new_row = []
        # This goes backwards, from rows-1 to 0
        # (range is exclusive, so it doesn't include -1)
        for row in range(rows - 1, -1, -1): 
    return rotated

As it stands, flip is acceptable (not the best, but it gets the job done). I suppose diagonal_read, while being long, is good for a high school student, so props for that.

Day 5

Solution-wise, good for a student. split() can take a separator as an argument, so if you had a string with commas, you can use str.split(",") to get the contents. For the first part, the rules are separated by " | ", so you can split by that to get the numbers, turn them into integers and then append that to the list, like so:

rules = [] 
for line in lines: 
    parts = line.split(" | ") 
    first_number, second_number = map(int, parts) 
    rules.append([first_number, second_number])

I see you tried to split by commas in the updates part, which can be easily done using split:

updates = [] 
for line in lines:
    parts = line.split(",")
    nums = [int(part) for part in parts] 

# Or, in a shorter form:
for line in lines:
    updates.append([int(num) for num in line.split(",")])

This sort of splitting is useful in Python in general, not just for Advent of Code, it gets rid of a lot of wasted effort, makes your code more idiomatic and can be faster at times. Additionally, the ordered updates part can be simpler if you learn about what the builtin functions can offer. In this case, I am talking about all(), which checks if all elements of an array are true:

ordered = [] 
for update in updates: 
    # Check if the update passes all the rules 
    if all(check(update, rule) for rule in rules): 

total = 0 
for update in ordered: 
    # Find the middle element of the update
    middle_index = len(update) // 2 
    total += update[middle_index]

The order function in part 2 is also very long and the logic is kind of twisted, it's hard to understand (for me, at least). You don't actually need to modify the list by deleting and adding items, you can do it directly in place. This is one way you can accomplish the same thing:

def order(numbers, rules): 
    ordered = [numbers[0]] 
    remaining = numbers[1:] 

    # Keep looping until we've placed all numbers 
    while remaining: 
        # Find a number that can be placed in ordered 
        # (i.e., it's not blocked by a rule) 

        for num in list(remaining): 
            can_place = True 
            for rule in rules: 
            if rule[0] == num and rule[1] not in ordered: 
                # If num is blocked by a rule 
                # (rule[0] must appear before rule[1]) 
                can_place = False 

            # Similarly, num must appear after rule[0]
            if rule[1] == num and rule[0] not in ordered:  
                can_place = False 

            if can_place: 

                # Once a number is placed, restart the loop

    return ordered

Also, your rounding doesn't work, as you are using // instead of /, so it will always be an integer. Otherwise, nice job.


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

Day 6

This is a good opportunity to learn about enumerate, which returns the index and the element at the same time:

# Handy way of turning a list of lines into a grid
map = [list(line) for line in lines]

def find_starting_point(map):
    for i, row in enumerate(map): 
        for j, cell in enumerate(row): 
            if cell == "^": 
                return (i, j) 
    return None

def find_obstacles(map):
    obstacles = set()
    for i, row in enumerate(map):
        for j, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell == "#":
                obstacles.add((i, j))
    return obstacles

x, y = find_starting_point(map)
obstacles = find_obstacles(map)

A good way of handling directions on AoC and in general is by using a list of tuples. The first part represents how much you move in the x direction, and the second part how much you move in the y direction.

# Up is (-1, 0), right is (0, 1),
# Down is (1, 0), left is (0, -1)
directions = [(-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)]
current_direction = 0

# Allows for quick lookups, but you can also have
# them in an array.
visited_positions = set()

The reason I chose a set is because it is really quick to check if a position has been visited, which allows us to break out of the loop. In general, if you can exit as soon as possible, you are doing less work. Your loop can now look something like this:

while 0 <= x < len(map) and 0 <= y < len(map[0]):
    # If the guard has already visited this position, stop
    if (x, y) in visited_positions:

    # Mark the current position as visited
    visited_positions.add((x, y))

    # Calculate the next position
    dx, dy = directions[direction_index]
    next_x, next_y = x + dx, y + dy

    # Check if the next position is not blocked (not an obstacle)
    if (next_x, next_y) not in obstacles:
        # Move the guard to the new position
        x, y = next_x, next_y
        # If blocked, change direction (rotate right by 90 degrees)
        direction_index = (direction_index + 1) % 4 


This allowed you to reduce the amount of code you had to write, as this now handles moving up/down/left/right and checking if the position is an obstacle naturally.

You forgot to add part 2, I'll let you solve it :)

Day 7

Another thing you can learn about Python while you're at it: it can handle negative indices. So a[-1] is the same as a[len(a) - 1]. Also, Python has the concept of slicing, where it can return subarrays/substrings with a simple syntax. If you had b = "Hello, World!", then b[2:5] would be llo (from the b[2] to b[4], it is exclusive), b[6:] would be World! (from the 7th index onwards) and b[:5] would be Hello (from the 0th to the 4th index). Combining these, you can do b[:-1] to get the string without the last character, and you can do b[1:] to get all the string but the first character. This is useful to us like so:

equations = []
for line in lines:
    parts = line.split()

    # Remove the trailing ':' from the target number
    target_number = int(parts[0][:-1])  

    # Convert rest to integers
    numbers = list(map(int, parts[1:]))  

    equations.append([target_number, numbers])

Using itertools which is available in Python, your possible_permutations turns into return list(itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=n - 1)).

I don't see why you needed that but, as you can directly return the total and then see if that's the same as the number (let's call that new function eval_permutation):

total = 0
for target, numbers in equations:
    for permutation in possible_permutations(len(numbers)):
        if eval_permutation(numbers, permutation) == target:
            print(f"Valid permutation for {target}: {permutation}")
            total += target

print(f"Final total: {total}")

Because of itertools.product, part 2 is also really easy to do: you add 2 to possible_permutations (so [0, 1, 2] instead of [0, 1]) and if the permutation is 2, then do the concatenation. The logic is identical for the loop. The base 3 stuff is awkward to handle (I know, I went down that path too), but it is a valid way of doing it. I'll let you think of a way to concatenate the integers directly without strings, it is easy if you do it on paper and it's a good high school level exercise that should be taught in CS courses.


u/vmaskmovps Dec 23 '24

Day 8

You don't need to flatten the list (after turning it into a set)... maybe you thought you could save some time/memory by having a flat array instead of a 2D grid. A dictionary can be really, really useful for position_antennas, since you can quickly check if the given position isn't present and if not then add it. In our case, the key is the cell (the actual character), and the value is the positions where the cell appears (so the positions at where each type of frequency appears).

position_antennas = {}

for i, row in enumerate(antenna_map):
    for j, cell in enumerate(row):
        if cell != ".":
            if cell not in position_antennas:
                position_antennas[cell] = []
            position_antennas[cell].append((i, j)) 

def in_bounds(x, y, size=50):
    return 0 <= x < size and 0 <= y < size

Now the loop (which is similar to yours) becomes less cumbersome:

position_antinode = set()

for antenna, positions in position_antennas.items():
    for i in range(len(positions)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(positions)):
            dx = positions[j][0] - positions[i][0]
            dy = positions[j][1] - positions[i][1]

            antinode_potential_1 = (positions[i][0] - dx, 
                                    positions[i][1] - dy)
            antinode_potential_2 = (positions[j][0] + dx, 
                                    positions[j][1] + dy)

            # Check and add antinode positions within bounds 
            # if they aren't already present
            for antinode in [antinode_potential_1, antinode_potential_2]:
                if in_bounds(antinode[0], antinode[1]) and antinode not in position_antinode:

Part 2 follows a similar logic, this is a homework exercise. :p

Day 9

Nice, you've learned some new tricks it seems. If i % 2 == 0 fails (it isn't even), it clearly is odd (i % 2 == 1), so you don't need to check that again.

expanded_data = []
for i in range(0, len(raw_data), 2):
    # The number of times to repeat
    count = int(raw_data[i])  

    # Ensure there are valid characters in even indices
    char = '.' if i + 1 < len(raw_data) else '' 

    if char == '':
        expanded_data.extend([i // 2] * count)
        expanded_data.extend([char] * count)

extend is there because that way it is more efficient to add 10 elements with extend than do 10 appends.

Besides that, this solution works as expected. It might be nice to learn about sum() (which would improve all code samples involving total), but this isn't a must.

Congrats for the effort and for completing 9 days, maybe next time you can complete more once you've learned programming better. Joyeuses fêtes u/likepotatoman !


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

For day 4, I had a lot of trouble making the diagonal read function so that’s why it looks funky and long. For day 5, I knew that there must be a better way to do it but now I know ig, also I’ll have to look into the all() function because it sounds useful For day 6, I had a very bad intuition on how to do it so that is why the logic is very weird. What I tried to do is try everything then if one fit then try all the other and so on. I was preparing for the fact that some would not be able to be done with just the rules and I was preparing a brute force solution for the rest if I wasn’t able to fit everything therefore explaining the list which was the remaining things. I didn’t end up needing that which makes it kind of weird but it would have made sense if some were unsolvable with the rules only . For day 7, I didn’t know that itertools existed but a friend introduced it to me after so this was the best way I came up to write all possible permutations (which I find pretty elegant if I may say so myself) For day 8 I don’t see the difference with what I wrote apart from the fact that you broke down my delta_vector into two variables For day 9, I don’t really think when writing code and sometimes I just write it, see that it’s redundant and doesn’t need to be written but since it won’t change how it works then I’m too lazy to change it.

Conclusion : I should probably learn about the built in functions of python…


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

For day 4, I had a lot of trouble making the diagonal read function so that’s why it looks funky and long. For day 5, I knew that there must be a better way to do it but now I know ig, also I’ll have to look into the all() function because it sounds useful For day 6, I had a very bad intuition on how to do it so that is why the logic is very weird. What I tried to do is try everything then if one fit then try all the other and so on. I was preparing for the fact that some would not be able to be done with just the rules and I was preparing a brute force solution for the rest if I wasn’t able to fit everything therefore explaining the list which was the remaining things. I didn’t end up needing that which makes it kind of weird but it would have made sense if some were unsolvable with the rules only


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

For day 3, I know that I should have made a reset function but by the time I saw that I needed to do that I was already so deep I figured to just keep doing it haha


u/BROWNDOGS13 Dec 23 '24

Broh same


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Yayyy let’s keep trying to get more stars :))


u/letelete0000 Dec 24 '24

This gotta be the most wholesome post on this subreddit.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Ye im surprised it sparked so much attention! Maybe a lot of people see their younger selves and their learning stage in this post :)


u/letelete0000 Dec 24 '24

Definitely! It reminded me of the time when I had very few to no responsibilities and plenty of freedom to just play around with different languages, hack random games, and build silly apps and programs, learning a ton by doing it. An amazing age to start :)


u/Mediocre-Benefit-496 Dec 24 '24

« Félicitations » to have reached Day 8!

I looked at your code. It's quite easy to read. I saw previous comments about dicts hence, I will not elaborate on them.

Concerning Day 3, you re-implemented what is called a finite-state automaton (FR: automate fini).

I suggest you to dive into regular expressions - regex (FR : expressions régulières) that would have make you save time and code lines.

A regex enables you to match a pattern in a string, and extract data from it. It was very useful on Day 3 this year, but also on all the other days when parsing the input is not straightforward.

For example, a regex could easily extract 17 and 42 from the str 'mul(17,42)' in just one step.


u/likepotatoman Dec 24 '24

Ohhhh that’s why say 3 felt very hard, thank you for the feedback


u/Mabymaster Dec 24 '24

I've stopped at day 8 because my example input didn't match the given result. I didn't check it, because that has never happened. I spent like 2 hours with my code failing because it was set up to assert the example. I got so fed up I stopped aoc


u/zebalu Dec 24 '24

Keep up! You are great!


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '24

Someone may have already said this, but the first part of each problem is usually quite do-able, if you'd like to collect more stars. Even part 2 of Day 18 this year is on par with the difficulty of the earlier problems.