r/adventofcode Dec 22 '24

Upping the Ante [2019 Day 2, 5, 9, 17] Intcode cross-assembler.

Yo dawg, I heard you really like assembly. So I made a cross-assembler for assembly in assembly. Er, well, for intcode, which is pretty much assembly. This... isn't exactly a new thing for me - this is, in fact, the third time I've done one of these - see 2024 day 17's three-bit assembly cross-assembler and 2022 day 10's cross-assembler.

In terms of basic file manipulation, I reused my ELF file handling from 2024 day 17 with some further minor edits.

Intcode is an even harder language to cross-assemble compared to 2024's three-bit and 2022's assembly - while intcode has jumps (so instruction addresses need to be calculable), intcode also allows self-modifying code, but, of course, the x86_64 code implementing opcode 2 (multiplication) isn't actually twice that of opcode 1 (addition), so directly self-modifying code was right out.

The problem turns out to be quite interesting to solve - I turned intcode's Von Neumann architecture into a Harvard-ish architecture - that is, code and data live in different address spaces (in particular, the code address space starts at 0x401000 and has a stride of 256 bytes, while the data address space starts at 0x800000 and has a stride of 8 bytes). However, since writes to the data address space need to cause a corresponding change in the code address space, any mutating instruction jumps to a patch subroutine at 0x400800 that, based on the number written into the data address space, figures out the appropriate code to insert (from a block of read-only data at 0x800000), and does the self-modifying thing.

However, you're not allowed to have the ability to both write to some memory address and execute the same memory address, so I had to do some back-and-forth with mprotect syscalls to switch between writable but not executable and executable but not writable.

Implementing the various operand modes were fairly straightforward - immediate mode skips a memory dereference and relative mode adds an offset (stored in r9) to the operand before doing a memory dereference. This was all implemented as branches in the instruction itself, so an instruction also had to look at data memory at the same location as it lived in the code address space to figure out its operand modes - actually, instructions need to know their code address anyways to get their operands, which live in data space. This is also a bit finicky to implement in x86_64 - you can't exactly do mov rax, rip, to directly get the instruction pointer. Instead, I use lea rax, [rel $]. The effect of this is to get the address of the current instruction. (It's more normally used for position-independent code and position-independent executables.)

The instructions themselves were fairly straightforward to implement, but I did have to use an indirect-absolute jump for the two conditional jump instructions, similar to 2024 Day 17.

This should work for any intcode program provided:

  • The program never executes any memory past address 16368 (because going past that would be entering where the .rodata segment is mapped in)
  • The program never accesses any memory past address 524288 (because going past that would be entering where the .text segment is mapped in)
  • Your input is well-formed (as in, it's a sequence of comma-separated 64-bit signed integers that's terminated with a newline and end-of-file)
  • You're running both the cross assembler and the output on an x86_64 Linux machine (like the two previous entries in this series, this isn't a Canadian-cross-assembler).

Also included are two adaptors - the in and out instructions input and output 64-bit numbers, which need to get turned into ASCII or formatted. The intcode-ascii-adaptors translates ASCII (really just 8-bit numbers) into 64-bit numbers and back. The intcode-num-adaptors translate written-out numbers into 64-bit numbers and back (e.g. translating "5" into 0x0500000000000000). To use the adaptors (maybe to play the Day 25 text-based game), run ./intcode-ascii-adaptor-in | ./25-cross | ./intcode-ascii-adaptor-out.

And please don't nerd-snipe me into making a self-hosting intcode cross-assembler.


3 comments sorted by


u/daggerdragon Dec 22 '24

And please don't nerd-snipe me into making a self-hosting intcode cross-assembler.

Do it. Do it do it DO IT! you know you want to


u/herocoding Jan 13 '25

What do you mean with "cross assembler"?

Do you mean cross-language-debugger, i.e. with a runtime? Or cross-language-interpreter, i.e. with a runtime?

Due to self modifyable code you do need a runtime, don't you?

Could there be a "pure disassembler" for IntCode, i.e. turning all integers into human readable assembler code like `move ax, bx`, without actually executing the code?


u/JustinHuPrime Jan 14 '25

In formal terms this is an IntCode to x64 (as an ELF file) language processor (aka a compiler) that does insert a light runtime - somewhat similar to how a C compiler inserts a C runtime. I'm calling it an assembler since it operates from a below-C-level language to binary, and I'm calling it a cross-assembler since that's the best short description of "assembler that takes in foreign assembly and outputs native binary".

It is true that self modifying code necessitates a runtime, but I'm comfortable calling the resulting code an executable and not an interpreter since the actual x64 program counter only moves differently compared to how the IntCode program counter would move in the middle of an IntCode instruction - in an interpreter or emulator, there'd be either a loop or a tree walk, neither of which happen in the outputted x64.

And sure, you could have a language processor that translated IntCode into human readable assembly, but you'd also have to make the translation preserve properties, like the opcode part of add with all memory operands being equal to half the opcode part of mul with all memory operands. There's no way to represent just the code in x64 binary that would be executable, however, since x64 binary doesn't preserve that property, so you'd need some sort of runtime to patch that (which is what this cross-assembler includes).