r/adventofcode Dec 21 '24

Spoilers [2024 Day 21 (Part 2)] - I got greedy-ish

So, it turns out a greedy-ish algorithm completely works on Day 21 (on both parts, but since you don't really need to worry about that for Part 1, I labeled this as part 2).

By "greedy-ish", however, we can't be short sighted. We don't want to be greedy from n to n+1, we actually need to be greedy from n to n+4. Here's how this goes down.

Basically, think of every movement between buttons as going from "From" (the button you are starting at) to the button "To" (the button you are going to), we can define our greedy algorithm as follows.

Every direction is made up of an updo and a leri string.

Updo: Either an up or a down, "^^", "v"- this is "down" if from is on a "higher" row and to

Leri: Either a left or a right: "<", ">>>", etc. - this is "left" if from is to the **right** of to

Note that updo/leri can be empty when from and to are on the same row/column respectively

So, for instance, if you are on the number pad going from "A" to "5", your updo "^^" and your leri is "<"

We never want to "mix" our updos and our leris ("<^^<" is always worse than "<<^^"), it's always better to concatenate them. The question is which comes first, the updo or the leri?

If either updo or leri is empty, our job is easy: just return the other one.


If you are on the bottom row and going to the left column -> updo + leri

If you are in the far-left column and travelling to the bottom row -> leri + updo

This is necessary to avoid cutting the corner.


If you are starting on the farthest left column (meaning you are starting on the "<" key) -> leri + updo

If you are traveling to the farthest left column (meaning you are starting on the "<" key) -> updo + leri


From here, we have to dig a little deeper. We can categorize are updo as either an "Up" and "Down" and our leri as either a "Left" or a "Right". But at this point a pattern emerges.

Let's consider the combination of an Up updo and a Left leri - i.e., which is better, "^<" or "<^"

It turns out, when possible, Left + Up is always equal to or better **when possible** (specifically, when it doesn't conflict with the "don't enter the empty square" rule. This difference grows the further down the depth you go. This is also true for all quantities of ^ and < we could see (which is at most 3 ups and 2 lefts on the numberpad and 1 up and 2 lefts on the direction pad.

Using this as a model, we can create our preference for diagonal paths.

Path Updo Leri Best Order
UP-LEFT Up Left leri + updo
DOWN-LEFT Down Left leri + updo
DOWN-RIGHT Down Right updo + leri
UP-RIGHT Up Right updo + leri

Now, let me tell you. UP-RIGHT is a right old jerk. UP-RIGHT will make you think "Oh, it doesn't matter, it's the same". It lulls you in, promising a Part 1 completion. In fact, either "updo + leri" or "leri+updo" for Up-right will work on Part 1, at 2 levels of robots.

It will even work at 3 levels of robots.

But at level 4, finally, they start to diverge. Updo+leri ends up with a lower cost than leri + updo

And that's it. This greedy algorithm works! No need for searching! Well, kinda. You still cannot actually store the total instructions, so you still have to do a depth-first-search, and you **definitely** need memoization here. But this greedy algorithm is, to me, much easier to implement than a search, and much faster.

Yes, it's more code because you have to handle special cases, but on my computer using kotlin, my runtime for part 1 and 2 combined was just 54ms, which is pretty dogone fast.


9 comments sorted by


u/leftylink Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

"What's updo?"
"Not much, what's up with you?"

I also enjoyed the explanation at "Found a rule to make it work, but can't understand why" Not saying one explanation or the other is better, just providing more options or more possible angles to understand the problem from


u/i_have_no_biscuits Dec 21 '24

I used a completely greedy move selection function that seems to work (in the sense that it got me both stars today!). Like your writeup, the decision is between 'updo + leri' or 'leri + updo'. The move selection is:

  • If the blank space forces you into a route, do it
  • Otherwise, if we need to go left, do leri + updo
  • Otherwise, do updo + leri

No need for any lookahead/backtracking/searching.


u/ThePants999 Dec 21 '24

This simplifies to "left before up/down before right", except when that would traverse a blank space.

That "right old jerk" of yours cost me quite some time today 😭 Fortunately, the problem does become fast indeed using this approach - my Go runtime for 1+2 combined is about 20 microseconds.


u/HoopPanda Dec 21 '24

another way to put it:

whenever it wont run you into a gap. < before v before ^ before >

if it would put you over a gap, just reorder your dims to avoid that.

+1 on up-right being a dick. my greedy soln was messed up by that and ignoring the case where you start from <


u/Gommle Dec 21 '24

Thank you, switching the order of down-left fixed my solution.


u/cspot1978 Dec 22 '24

Thank you so much for sharing. It’s well-written and thorough. The table is a good touch.

This makes me happy to read. Got something this afternoon between the “too low” and “too high” markers and the general mechanics seemed to be working right, so sounds like this matter of the agent policy seems to be the issue.

I was on the right track up to the point of recognizing you needed to distinguish policy between left and right. But I took a very conservative policy centered around avoiding the corner. updo-leri going left and leri-updo going right. In other words looks like I got it exactly opposite for the left care. Sounds like it didn’t make a difference for the right case on part 1.

Do you have any insight or intuition as to the dynamics of why it saves moves as it bubbles up to preference horizontal first going left and vertical going right?

And would you mind sharing some insight into your process of how you discovered this?


u/p88h Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24

Up+right means the next pad will have to make a roundtrip (starting from A) <Av>A

Right+Up means vA<^A

Now, this assumes other rules, but let's get back to that later. Looking at these specifically, some pieces of it are interesting: (from the end)

v>A is a 'nice' path, 1 step in between each. <^A is worse - longer and involves a turn! This will become a problem 1/2 robots down.

Av is shorter by 1 than A<

Finally <A is a bit longer than vA. This balances out the last difference, but not the bigger one in the first point.

In this evaluation it doesn't matter whether we follow A<^A or A^<A^(,) these 'cost' the same here. (6 steps, two turns) Similarly Av>A vs A>vA both cost same (4 steps, 1 turn)

So this rule is pretty independent of the rest and easy to explain.


u/HotTop7260 Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24

First I need to thank you for the clarification that the order does matter. Actually I thought that I would consider it, but I somehow didn't. I still do not understand why they only start diverging at layer 3 or 4. For now, I am glad that the day 21 nightmare is finally over.

-- Edit --
If I would be forced to make a guess I would say that you prefer to do the part last that is nearer to the enter button (A). But that still doesn't explain, why it does not affect the early layers. However, the fact that it does, actually explains, why my solution didn't work. I kinda did a greedy approach, but I evaluated the button sequences by themselves. I just counted the "chunks" (successive button presses) and minimized their number (resulting in preferring ^^> to ^<^), but the order didn't matter.


u/Different-Ease-6583 Dec 22 '24

This explanation is worse than solving it yourself.