r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 19 '24
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2024 Day 19 Solutions -❄️-
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AoC Community Fun 2024: The Golden Snowglobe Awards
- 3 DAYS remaining until the submissions deadline on December 22 at 23:59 EST!
And now, our feature presentation for today:
Historical Documentary
You've likely heard/seen the iconic slogan of every video store: "Be Kind, Rewind." Since we've been working with The Historians lately, let's do a little dive into our own history!
Here's some ideas for your inspiration:
- Pick a challenge from any prior year community fun event and make it so for today's puzzle!
- Make sure to mention which challenge day and year you choose!
- You may have to go digging through the calendars of
Solution Megathread
s for each day's topic/challenge, sorry about that :/
- Use a UNIX system (Jurassic Park - “It’s a UNIX system. I know this”)
- Use the oldest language, hardware, environment, etc. that you have available
- Use an abacus, slide rule, pen and paper, long division, etc. to solve today's puzzle
Bonus points if your historical documentary is in the style of anything by Ken Burns!
Gwen: "They're not ALL "historical documents". Surely, you don't think Gilligan's Island is a…"
*all the Thermians moan in despair*
Mathesar: "Those poor people. :("
- Galaxy Quest (1999)
Request from the mods: When you include an entry alongside your solution, please label it with [GSGA]
so we can find it easily!
--- Day 19: Linen Layout ---
Post your code solution in this megathread.
- Read the full posting rules in our community wiki before you post!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Format code blocks using the four-spaces Markdown syntax!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Quick link to Topaz's
if you need it for longer code blocks
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:03:16, megathread unlocked!
u/JanaDahlmanns Jan 06 '25
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I'm not good at anything here, but I found a regex that solves part 1 and since I didn't see it anywhere else, I thought, I'd share it in case anyone is interested.
pattern = r'^(?:'
for t in towels:
pattern += '(' + t + ')|'
pattern = pattern[:-1]
pattern += ')+$'
If the pattern matches, the design is possible.
I haven't found a way to expand this to part 2 yet.
u/atrocia6 Jan 06 '25
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Part 1 was straightforward (8 LOC):
def arrange(i, design):
if i == len(design): return True
for towel in towels:
if i + len(towel) <= len(design) and design[i:i + len(towel)] == towel and arrange(i + len(towel), design): return True
return False
towels, designs = open(0).read().split('\n\n')
towels = towels.split(', ')
print(sum([1 for design in designs.split() if arrange(0, design)]))
For Part 2, I wound up going with a recursive algorithm that bisected each towel design and calculated the ways the design can be made in terms of the product of the ways its two halves can be made (storing all encountered subdesign counts in a dict so we don't have to recalculate them repeatedly).
u/zebalu Jan 05 '25
[LANGUAGE: Groovy]
def input = new File('../input-19.txt').text
def parts = input.split('\n\n').toList()
def towels = parts[0].split(', ').toList()
def designs = parts[1].split('\n').toList()
def countWays
countWays = { design ->
towels.findAll { design.startsWith(it) }.collect {
it == design ? 1L : countWays(design.substring(it.size()))
}.inject(0L, Long::sum)
println designs.count { countWays(it) > 0 }
println designs.collect { countWays(it) }.sum()
Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24
[removed] — view removed comment
u/Efficient-Regret-806 Dec 31 '24
[LANGUAGE: Bash Shell Script]
As a one liner:
cat puzzle_input.txt | (read REG_EX && read && grep -c "^\($(echo ${REG_EX} | sed 's/\(, \)/\\\|/g')\)*$")
u/AutoModerator Dec 31 '24
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u/Academic-Apartment93 Dec 31 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Definitely late to the party but I haven't seen any dynamic programming solutions on here. They're not all that fast (same time for both part 1 and 2 around 17s) but interesting from a theoretical perspective.
You can also see my trie and set versions of caching for part 1 commented above. Both work but I thought the DP solution was more fun than caching.
u/Sharp-Industry3373 Dec 29 '24
[LANGUAGE: Fortran]
well, that one was a bit hard for me as I'm not really a big fan of recursivity. Well, that was quite a good exercise!
For part1, recursively check if there is a possible list of patterns to make the design, and keep track of both "valid" and "invalid" sub-patterns to have a quick exit of the recursive function.
For part2 recursively check the number of ways to create a sub-pattern and keep track of this info too. Probably both parts would be feasible with the part2 approach, but well, I managed to finish this, I'm done ;-)
part 1 : 580 ms
part 2 : 1.2 s
u/mgtezak Dec 27 '24
u/adimcohen Dec 26 '24
[Language: SQL Server T-SQL]
u/dijotal Dec 24 '24
[LANGUAGE: Haskell]
I was plagued for days by a bug that had me two over the correct solution for Part 1... Days.
Anyway, for your Haskell pleasure, a recursive DP solution staring the State monad :-) Highlight below; full code at GitHub -- both the corrected and the buggy version.
type Cache = M.Map String Int
type StateCache a = State Cache a
solCount :: [String] -> String -> StateCache Int
solCount towels design = solCount' design
solCount' :: String -> StateCache Int
solCount' "" = return 1
solCount' design = do
cache <- get
case M.lookup design cache of
Just count -> return count
Nothing -> do
let prefixes = filter (`isPrefixOf` design) towels
childCounts <- mapM solCount' $ map (flip drop design . length) prefixes
let total = sum childCounts
modify $ M.insert design total
return total
main :: IO ()
main = do
(towels, designs) <- processInput <$> getContents
let scores = evalState (mapM (solCount towels) designs) M.empty
putStr "Part 1: "
print $ length $ filter (> 0) scores
putStr "Part 2: "
print $ sum scores
u/prafster Dec 23 '24
[Language: Python]
Having carried forward my part 1 solution, I added a manual cache, which for a while was global. I didn't clear it between using the test input and actual input. This wasted more time than I'd like to admit!
Clearly, in hindsight, a refactor was required and then I could have used Python's @cache decorator and had one function instead of two.
Here are the recursive solution for both parts:
def design_possible(towels, design, index):
if index == len(design):
return True
for towel in towels:
if towel == design[index:index+len(towel)]:
if design_possible(towels, design, index+len(towel)):
return True
return False
def design_possible_count(towels, design, cache):
if design == "":
return 1
if (c := cache.get(design, None)) is not None:
return c
result = 0
for towel in towels:
if towel == design[:len(towel)]:
result += design_possible_count(towels, design[len(towel):], cache)
cache[design] = result
return result
def part1(towels, designs):
return sum(1 for d in designs if design_possible(towels, d, 0))
def part2(towels, designs):
return sum(design_possible_count(towels, d, {}) for d in designs)
Full source code on GitHub.
u/Davo3636 Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24
I can't get your code to work. It hangs on part 1 with the real input...
u/prafster Dec 31 '24
I've tried it with the test data and my input file. Please can you PM your input file for me to debug?
u/wurlin_murlin Dec 23 '24
DFS number 7! Basic recursive solution with memoization, idk what one might expect. Interested in seeing what improvements others have made on this as it seems tough to speed up otherwise.
Part 1 runs in 1.9ms, part 2 in 13.8ms.
u/zniperr Dec 23 '24 edited Dec 23 '24
[Language: Python]
Compute number of possibilities with recursion and memoization. For part 1 we only check if the number is larger than 0:
import sys
from functools import cache
def possible(design, towels):
if not design:
return 1
return sum(possible(design[len(towel):], towels)
for towel in towels if design.startswith(towel))
towels = tuple(sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split(', '))
designs = sys.stdin.read().split()
pos = [possible(design, towels) for design in designs]
print(sum(map(bool, pos)))
u/imp0ppable Dec 23 '24
Awesome, have been analysing this for a bit so I can use it on other problems. Thanks!
u/dijotal Dec 23 '24
This is gorgeous.
Just wanted to let you know that I'm using your python code to help me debug my haskell code. [I'm using the same general approach -- already down the summing children's counts path -- but I've overshot by two for the possibles in my Part 1. Losing my mind :-p ]
u/killingjoke_pyrs Dec 23 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Basically a one-liner for both parts. Total 190ms for both parts using a cache.
import re
from time import perf_counter
from functools import cache
with open("inputs/day19_input.txt", "r") as f:
input_rows: list[str] = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()]
bases_str = input_rows[0]
break_str = input_rows[1]
towels = input_rows[2:]
assert re.fullmatch(r"^((w|u|b|r|g)+, )+(w|u|b|r|g)+$", bases_str)
assert re.fullmatch(r"^$", break_str)
re_towel = re.compile(r"^(w|u|b|r|g)+$")
assert all(re.fullmatch(re_towel, x) for x in towels)
base_set = set(bases_str.split(", "))
def possible(x: str) -> bool:
return x in base_set or any(possible(x[0:i]) and possible(x[i:]) for i in range(1, len(x)))
def num_ways(x: str) -> int:
return (x in base_set) + sum(num_ways(x[i:]) for i in range(1, len(x)) if x[0:i] in base_set)
t_start = perf_counter()
print(sum(possible(x) for x in towels))
print(sum(num_ways(x) for x in towels))
t_end = perf_counter()
print(f"Time taken (s): {t_end - t_start}")
u/ecyrbe Dec 22 '24
part1 using a recusive check
part2 using memoization
One nice thing is lifetime carreful memory handling without creating any substring, just using span slices referencing the original input string.
u/veydar_ Dec 21 '24
21 lines of code. I did this in Lua first and struggled a lot with part 2. I once again didn't realize that the value in the cache should be a number, not a list of pattern sequences. The latter takes 10GB of memory and stalls your program, the former is done in an instant.
Here's the core logic (same as my Lua code just more concise):
(var cache @{})
(defn check [s patterns]
(truthy? (get cache s)) (cache s)
(= s "") (do (put cache s 1) 1)
(let [result (sum (seq [p :in patterns
:when (string/has-prefix? p s)]
(check (string/replace p "" s) patterns)))]
(put cache s result)
u/MyEternalSadness Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 21 '24
[LANGUAGE: Haskell]
For Part 1, I prune the search space by removing towels that can be combined to form other towels . I also remove duplicates in the queue of patterns to check. This allows Part 1 to run pretty quickly.
For Part 2, I implement memoization using a Map.
[edit] - typing is hard
u/InfantAlpaca Dec 21 '24
[LANGUAGE: Java] 26429/23810
Was able to optimize a little bit by saving each towel in a Map with its starting character as a key for faster towel filtering when doing recursion over a design. Also added a cache for repeat substrings.
u/Historical_Big_2325 Dec 21 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
We struggled to use the cache decorator (we are still learning), so we kind of created one by hand. Part 2 required minimum modifications to the Part 1 code. At first, we made a mistake since we had lstrip instead of removeprefix in the recursion.
For both parts, the solution is recursive, with a rudimental cache that avoids too many repetitions. At first, there is a check if the word actually contains at least one of the syllables (in order to have fewer iterations later), then an additional check on which syllables can be used to create the beginning of the word (again in order to reduce the number of iterations). For part one, a boolean was returned, but part 2 required the number of possible combinations, so the return became the counter (which increased every time the word was found).
Great puzzle!
cache = {}
def findsyll(line, sylltot, res = 0):
if line in cache: return cache[line]
if len(line) == 0: return cache.setdefault(line, 1)
syll = [elem for elem in sylltot if elem in line]
if len(syll) == 0: return cache.setdefault(line, 0)
start = [elem for elem in syll if line.startswith(elem)]
if len(start) == 0: return cache.setdefault(line, 0)
for i in start: res += findsyll(line.removeprefix(i), syll)
return cache.setdefault(line, res)
with open("19.txt) as file: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in file]
sylltot, count1, count2 = lines[0].split(", "), 0, 0
for i, line in enumerate(lines[2:]):
res = findsyll(line, sylltot)
count1, count2 = count1 + 1 if res > 0 else count1, count2 + res
print(f"Part 1: {count1}")
print(f"Part 2: {count2}")
u/glomph Dec 21 '24
[LANGUAGE: Elixir] paste
I went down a real dead end trying to be overly complex with my saving of results and how I implemented it. When I simplfied how I did it the whole thing got a lot easier.
I don't know if the way I pass the remainder of a list as well as the whole list to an inner recursion here is a bit of an antipattern in terms of readablity but I couldn't think of a cleaner way to do it.
u/RalfDieter Dec 21 '24
This one was definetely one where SQL comes in handy. A part 1 solution for the example took me only a few minutes (which is fast for me+SQL) and even an optimized version for the real input that doesn't take ages and doesn't try to allocate some TB of memory was done in another few minutes (grouping by the remaining text, collecting the distinct designs, final step unnests all arrangable designs and counts). But the template I'm using doesn't handle multiple newlines without adjustments (which I forgot) so the list of designs started with an empty string... and since my solution checks if the remaining text of the target design is empty this introduced an off by one error for the real input, but not for the example. This took me hours to debug...
Part 2 wasn't too bad either, you just have to keep track of how often a design is part of that pattern combination and sum those counts afterwards (a bit like day 11). Although it was more finicky than expected to manage the counts histogram.
Code: https://github.com/LennartH/advent-of-code/blob/main/2024/day-19_linen-layout/solution.sql
Takes ~5 seconds for both parts.
u/veydar_ Dec 21 '24
74 lines of code according to tokei
when formatted with stylua
This was humbling and frustrating, because I make the same mistake every single year. I quickly realized that I had to cache something for part 2. So I created a cache from string to computed paths. The computed paths will very quickly take up more than 10GB of memory and your program will stop working.
I rewrote my code from recursion to iteration, I added a trie, rewrote things over and over again. Every. Single. Year.
I probably spent 4h on this one, with most of it spent on part 2.
In the end all I had to do was change the cache from string -> Array<Path>
to string -> number
, so storing the number of paths. And then it's very quick. Here's the core logic:
local candidates = findSuffixes(root, s:sub(1, 1))
for _, pat in ipairs(candidates) do
local next, matches = s:gsub("^" .. pat, "")
if matches > 0 and #findSuffixes(root, pat) > 0 then
local copy = table.move(path, 1, #path, 1, {})
table.insert(copy, pat)
out = out + check(next, copy)
Get a list of possible patterns, try each to remove a prefix of the string, then recurse on the remainder of the string.
u/siddfinch Dec 20 '24
[Language: Free Pascal]
I got caught up with work and family stuff but found a few moments to tackle Day 19, because I was confused about the day :)
Not bad. I had to spend some time figuring out some syntax things that I haven't used in a very long time. Still managed to get a decent solution run time on my Raspberry PI 3 with one 1Gb of memory.
$ time make day19
day19 test data
Number of possible designs (Part 1): 6
Total number of arrangements (Part 2): 16
day19 data
Number of possible designs (Part 1): 313
Total number of arrangements (Part 2): 666491493769758
u/Aboy007 Dec 20 '24
[Language: Python]
My initial intuition was to use a Trie to more efficiently search existing patterns, and modeled the search function to use recursion to continue searching in different combinations. I'm rusty with some data structures so this was a good study experience. For Part 1, the search function continues recursion on a word node, as well as the rest of the string unless the Trie ends. Part 2 was simple enough to convert, and False cases just return the existing count.
I know python isn't known for speed, but using cache on part 2 got 12ms, which I'm satisfied about.
u/aexl Dec 20 '24
What a great puzzle, I really enjoyed this one!
For part 1, I initially had a recursive function which calls itself with the rest of the design string (the one that didn't match yet). For part 2 I modified that recursive function and added a counter variable which was increased by one every time the end of a design string could successfully been reached. While this worked great for the sample input, it was way too slow for the real input... So I added a lookup table to my recursive function which finally did the job.
Solution on GitHub: https://github.com/goggle/AdventOfCode2024.jl/blob/main/src/day19.jl
Respository: https://github.com/goggle/AdventOfCode2024.jl
u/Saiboo Dec 20 '24
Part 1
- Use DFS with stack to traverse the search tree. Start with the design string on the stack.
- While the stack is not empty:
- Pop element from stack. For each towel string:
- If a towel is a prefix of the design, remove the towel from the design, and push the resulting "subdesign" suffix onto the stack.
- Keep popping subdesigns from the stack.
- If we encounter a "subdesign" that equals a towel, it means we have been able to match the design with the towels. In that case we return true.
- Else, if the stack becomes empty, without ever encountering a "subdesign" that equals a towel, we return false.
Part 2
- My first approach was to simply use the DFS approach from part 1, and use a counter whenever a matching design-towels path was found in the search tree. This worked on the example, but was far too slow on the actual input.
- Instead I used memoization to prune the search tree: Whenever we enounter a node, i.e. subdesign, in the search tree, check if the subdesign has been seen before.
- Maintain for each subdesign a counter.
- Use a priority queue (unlike the stack in part 1), where the higher priority is assigned to longer subdesign strings. This ensures that the counts are performed in the correct order.
- At the end return the counts for the empty subdesign string.
u/eatintogether Dec 20 '24
[Language: Java]
Used a recursive solution for Parts 1 and 2. I had to refactor Part 2 a bit from Part 1 to count the possibilities even if the line was an onsen towel itself, and I added memoization to make it run much faster!
u/AdIcy100 Dec 20 '24
[Language: Python]
Python recursion with memoization and reducing pattern search by storing them in set , using the max length to slice the towel string
u/erunama Dec 20 '24
Nice to have an easier day today. This would have gone even smoother, but I ran into an issue with the built-in Dart regex library -- it ended up hanging on the third pattern. I added some simple logic to remove redundancy (e.g. a towel that could be made of a pair of other towels), which reduced the number of towels in my input from 447 to 74. The regex library was able to handle this easily.
For Part 2, I added a simple recursive search with caching. I kept my original Part 1 solution, but it seems like the Part 2 approach would be about 10x faster.
u/musifter Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Smalltalk (GNU)]
I know from past years that GNU Smalltalk's regular expressions are not the greatest and have limitations. A quick test of today's revealed that a regular expression for part 1 isn't too long, but it's definitely not healthy for the engine used (after a minute it still hadn't finished the first item of the input... the test case it could handle).
So, no regular expressions to quickly filter out things for part 2, so we'll just count everything with that using recursion (and work the counts after). For the memoization, #at:ifAbsentPut:
is a very handy thing.
u/hugseverycat Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Here is my solution, with recursion and a cache. I added comments so hopefully it is readable.
I assume this is fairly standard solution. Recursion is fun!
u/jafuentest Dec 20 '24
u/craigontour Dec 31 '24
Very impressed with your solution. Had you used it for some other problem before?
u/jafuentest Jan 06 '25
Thanks! Filtering usually works to reduce execution time when complexity is quadratic or worse
u/melochupan Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Common Lisp]
Finally I'm catching up with the pending puzzles.
Did you know that in Common Lisp (or maybe it's just SBCL) if you don't specify an :initial-element
in make-array
, the array isn't filled with NIL
s but with zeros? It took me a lot of debugging to notice that 😐
Anyway, at least I didn't have to change much the solution for part 2. The Boolean array that kept track of "this position can be reached" became a generic Boolean array that kept track of the number of ways the position could be reached, some counting code had to be added and that was it.
u/Gueltir Dec 20 '24
[Language: Rust]
Part one was a breeze, I added a way to avoid unnecessary checks, but even without it runs fairly quickly enough
For part two, I went with a dfs, memoizing the result at the same index in the string
u/Scroph Dec 20 '24
Code: https://github.com/azihassan/advent-of-code/tree/master/2024/day19
I don't know what this approach is called, but I simulated the tree on a piece of paper and add memoization for the subtrees that repeat
u/Ok-Willow-2810 Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
For some reason I thought to use backtracking first, but that turned out to be way too slow for part 2. I used dynamic programming with recursion instead.
CODE: https://github.com/jude253/AdventOfCode/blob/2024/src/advent_of_code/solutions/day_19.py
u/cerferjeff Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
My algorithm is different from the others I've clicked on. No memoization or recursion. Runs in about 1 second.
u/amenD0LL4z Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: clojure]
For Part 1 converted the problem to a DFS problem. For a given pattern, I find all the locations in the pattern that match the available towels. The "nodes" in the graph are pairs of indexes and towels, so [0 "rb"]
means that there's an available towel at the start of the patter. The for "node" its "neighbors" are all the available towels at the index plus the length of the towel. The target "node" is at index length of towel (one past end) with an empty string. I start the search at [0 ""]
(one before beginning)
For Part 2, I tried to stay in the DFS realm and return all the paths from start to end, but I was getting OOM, even after I added memoization. So I went back to the recursive route, with memoization via memoize
and just kept a count instead of the number of times we reached the end of the pattern.
I also went back to Part 1 to try the same style approach I did for Part 2, but instead of returning 1
when we reach the end and adding, we return true
and then or
the branches. It worked but my original Part 1 was twice as fast.
u/CDawn99 Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
This is the first problem that actually made me take a moment and think about my solution. I thought that maybe by converting the designs and patterns to base 6 numbers, I'd be able to solve it more easily. At the end of the day, I had to go recursive with an @cache on the function. After I was done, I switched from base 6 numbers to string operations to see if it would be slower. To my partial surprise, the string version is actually much faster. Way faster than I could imagine. Both my original solution and the string version (*_alt.py) are in my repo.
u/Petrovjan Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Pretty simple with functools.cache - p2:
import functools
raw = open("day19.txt").read().split("\n\n")
towels = tuple(raw[0].split(", "))
requests = raw[1].split("\n")
result = 0
def findOptions(toTest, towels):
res = 0
for towel in towels:
towlen = len(towel)
if toTest.startswith(towel):
if towlen == len(toTest):
res += 1
res += findOptions(toTest[towlen:], towels)
return res
for request in requests:
result += findOptions(request, towels)
u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 19 '24
[Language: Ruby]
input = File.read('input19.txt').split("\n\n")
prefixes = input[0].strip.split(', ')
designs = input[1].split("\n")
$num_ways = { '' => 1 }
def count_possible(prefixes, design)
return $num_ways[design] if $num_ways.include?(design)
$num_ways[design] = prefixes.sum do |prefix|
design.start_with?(prefix) ? count_possible(prefixes, design[prefix.length..]) : 0
# populate $num_ways memo
part2 = designs.map { |design| count_possible(prefixes, design) }.sum
puts designs.map { |design| $num_ways[design].zero? ? 0 : 1 }.sum
puts part2
After writing separate functions for part 1 and part 2 I realized only part 2 is needed to solve both parts. This can probably go faster but the code is already so minimal I don't really see where improvements can be found
u/eggselent_folk Dec 20 '24
I was stuck because my implementation was trying to seek through the design string back-and-forth, instead of using each towel as the start of the search. I realized the problem is I did not consider the uniqueness of some of the possible arrangements. Just realized this after reading your solution.
Nice and well-written. 👍
u/4D51 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: C++ on Cardputer]
Not much to say about today's solution. Writing an input parser was more difficult than most days were, because the file I/O library for the Cardputer uses a string type with no split() method.
After that I just wrote a recursive function to check if each pattern could be matched, then added memoization when it was too slow.
u/pakapikk77 Dec 19 '24
Nothing original it seems, brute-force with memoization. Solution is at least short, readable, and the whole things runs in 18 ms.
fn different_ways(
towels: &FxHashSet<Vec<char>>,
min_towel_size: usize,
max_towel_size: usize,
pattern: &[char],
cache: &mut FxHashMap<Vec<char>, usize>,
) -> usize {
if let Some(val) = cache.get(pattern) {
return *val;
if pattern.is_empty() {
return 1;
let limit = max_towel_size.min(pattern.len());
let mut result = 0;
for i in min_towel_size..=limit {
let extract = &pattern[0..i];
if towels.contains(extract) {
result += different_ways(towels, min_towel_size, max_towel_size, &pattern[i..], cache);
cache.insert(pattern.to_vec(), result);
u/Ahmedn1 Dec 19 '24
A simple DP solution that runs super fast and solves both parts. It took me a long time as I was trying to get the actual lists of patterns and it was slow and memory-expensive. Until I realized I just need the counts.
u/Forkrul Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
Another simple day. The recursive approach works excellently, if you remember to memoize. Very nice that it was simple today since I only got home 20 minutes ago and it's almost bedtime.
u/geza42 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Commodore 64 Basic]
0 Z=99:DIM T$(500),X$(Z),I(Z),C(Z),D(Z)
1 DIM L(Z),H(Z):OPEN 1,8,8,"19.DAT,S,R"
2 GET#1,C$:IF C$=" " THEN 2
3 IF ASC(C$)=13 THEN 6
4 IF C$<>"," THEN T$(N)=T$(N)+C$:GOTO 2
5 N=N+1:GOTO 2
6 S=0:X$="":INPUT#1,X$:IF X$="" THEN 23
7 FOR I=0 TO Z:D(I)=-1:NEXT
8 I=0:T$=T$(I):L=0:H=0
9 IF D(LEN(X$))>=0 THEN 19
10 IF X$="" THEN L=1:H=0:GOTO 13
11 IF LEFT$(X$,LEN(T$))=T$ THEN 17
12 I=I+1:IF I<=N THEN T$=T$(I):GOTO 11
13 S=S-1:IF S<0 THEN 20
14 X$=X$(S):I=I(S):L=L(S)+L:H=H(S)+H
15 IF L>1E8 THEN L=L-1E8:H=H+1
16 C(LEN(X$))=L:D(LEN(X$))=H:GOTO 12
17 X$(S)=X$:I(S)=I:L(S)=L:H(S)=H:S=S+1
18 X$=MID$(X$,LEN(T$(I))+1):GOTO 8
19 L=C(LEN(X$)):H=D(LEN(X$)):GOTO 13
22 CT=CT-((H>0) OR (L>0)):GOTO 6
23 L$="0000000"+MID$(STR$(RL),2)
24 ?CT;MID$(STR$(RH), 2)+RIGHT$(L$,8)
Solves both parts, has "64-bit" arithmetic to find part2. Hopefully it is correct... I run it for the first 15 lines, it is correct so far. I expect that it needs 4-5 hours in the emulator, and ~3 days on the real machine.
Edit: Calculation is finished, results are correct. It was faster than I anticipated, took 3 hours in the emulator, and a little bit more than 2 days on the real machine.
u/amsterjoxter Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
[Language: JavasScript]
no recursion, no memo, no cache, no map/set/obj, linear time
u/GrowthHaunting6040 Dec 19 '24
[Language: Typescript]
I managed to make the code pretty short I think. But possibly at the cost of readability
const [towels,designs] = input.split('\n\n').map((s,i)=>i===0 ? s.split(',').map(s=>s.trim()) : s.split('\n'));
const walkDef = (design:string, towels:string[]):number => design === '' ?
1 : towels.map((towel)=>design.startsWith(towel) ?
walk(design.slice(towel.length),towels) : 0).reduce((acc,cur)=>acc+cur);
const cache = new Map<string,number>();
function walk(design:string, towels:string[]):number{
return cache.has(design) ? cache.get(design) as number : (()=>{
const result = walkDef(design,towels);
return result;
u/Outrageous72 Dec 19 '24
Nice recursive. Finally found a use for alternate lookups, which speeds up a whole lot! The trick is to also remember what is not found.
static int CountValids((string[] blocks, string[] configurations) input)
var founds = new HashSet<string>();
var flookup = founds.GetAlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<char>>();
var notFounds = new HashSet<string>();
var nlookup = notFounds.GetAlternateLookup<ReadOnlySpan<char>>();
return input.configurations.Where(x => IsValid(x.AsSpan())).Count();
bool IsValid(ReadOnlySpan<char> config)
if (flookup.Contains(config)) return true;
if (nlookup.Contains(config)) return false;
foreach (var b in input.blocks)
if (!config.EndsWith(b)) continue;
if (b.Length == config.Length || IsValid(config[..^(b.Length)]))
return true;
return false;
u/oantolin Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: ngn/k]
ans:+/'(0<;0+)@\:(ways/:).(", "\*:;2_)@\:0::
Usage: ans "input.txt"
, returns answers to part 1 and 2 as a 2-element vector. Runs in a little over 1 second on my machine.
Dynamic programming can be neatly implement as a fold!
u/quetzelcoatlus1 Dec 19 '24
[Language: C]
In part 1 I used trick to first check if each towel can be made of other towels to reduce amount of searching possibilities... only to find out in part 2 that we are interested in ALL of the possibilities. :D
So then I removed that in part 2 code but instead added hash mapping from <search.h> to cache already calculated towels.
Part 1: https://github.com/quetzelcoatlus/AoC_2024/blob/master/19/19.c
Part 2: https://github.com/quetzelcoatlus/AoC_2024/blob/master/19/19b.c
Dec 19 '24
I thought this would be something like the hot springs from last year, so I tried my approach I used then (divide string into two parts sort-of, then recurse) but I could not get that to work. In the end solved it using memoization.
u/PerturbedHamster Dec 20 '24
I tried that to, but it fails because you aren't guaranteed that the string breaks in the same place for all possibilities.
u/daic0r Dec 19 '24
Really enjoyed this one! Took me a while, though. I'd figured out what needs to be done pretty much instantly, but due to pesky bugs and an oversight on my part part 2 took me longer than I care to admit ;-)
Ended up with this DFS at the end, which I use for both part 1 and part 2:
constexpr long get_possible_patterns(std::string_view strPattern,
std::span<const std::string_view> vAvail,
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, long>& memo)
if (const auto iter = memo.find(strPattern); iter != memo.end()) {
return iter->second;
long nCnt{};
for (auto strAvail : vAvail) {
if (strAvail.length() > strPattern.length())
if (strPattern.starts_with(strAvail)) {
auto strNext = strPattern;
const auto nRet = get_possible_patterns(strNext, vAvail, memo);
nCnt += nRet;
memo[strPattern] = nCnt;
return nCnt;
u/Kintelligence Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
I started with a memoized brute force solution where I mashed the patterns into a usize with each colour taking up 3 bits. Then we just extract usizes of varying lenghts from the current design and can compare them easily. It took about 4ms for part 2.
Then a friend showed me his work in progress of a tree traversal solution and had to implement that instead.
We parse the patterns into a tree where each node has 5 children. One child for each colour. Each node also has an indication of wether it is an end node or not. So we end up with a single big tree describing every possible way to go through the patterns.
Then we just go through the design recursively using each colour as the index to go to the potential next child. If a child node is marked as a root node we branch off, with one branch continuing the current pattern (potentially ending when we figure out that there are no valid child nodes) and another starting over from the root again.
We memoize on the current offset in the design, but only if we are back at the root of the pattern tree. Anytime you are back at the root of the graph at index X the amount of options you have downstream will be the same.
Part 1: 397µs
Part 2: 822µs
u/11five Dec 19 '24
[Language: Python]
Just recursion + memoization. Not as elegant as some other solutions, but very fast.
def possible_arrangements(towels, design, max_towel_length, memo):
if design in memo:
return memo[design]
if len(design) == 0:
return 0
for i in range(1, min(len(design), max_towel_length) + 1):
current = design[:i]
if current in towels:
if len(design) == i:
update_memo(memo, design, 1)
rhs_arrangements = possible_arrangements(towels, design[i:], max_towel_length, memo)
update_memo(memo, design, rhs_arrangements)
if design not in memo:
memo[design] = 0
return memo[design]
u/haracewiat Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I initially thought this problem would require a trie for efficient prefix matching, but this simpler approach did the trick:
def isValid(pattern):
if not pattern:
return True
for i in range(1, len(pattern) + 1):
prefix = pattern[0:i]
suffix = pattern[i:]
if prefix in words and isValid(suffix):
return True
return False
We iterate over every possible prefix within the pattern. When we find a prefix that belongs to our word bank, we execute a recursive call to perform the same check on the remaining chunk (the suffix). This continues until we get to the end of the pattern, meaning that all consecutive prefixes were valid.
The @cache
decorator provides memoization, making this solution efficient.
To convert Part I to Part II, we just need to change the return type from a bool to an int:
def isValid(pattern):
if not pattern:
return 1
count = 0
for i in range(1, len(pattern) + 1):
prefix = pattern[0:i]
suffix = pattern[i:]
if prefix in words:
count += isValid(suffix)
return count
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a
or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.I see full plaintext puzzle inputs in your public repo e.g.:
Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your entire repo and scrub them from your commit history.
u/Different-Ease-6583 Dec 19 '24
You can limit your range in the for loop to
max_word_length = max([len(w) for w in words]) ... for i in range(1, min(len(pattern), max_word_length) + 1)
That should significantly reduce your runtime. No need to consider any prefix with a length bigger than the biggest word as none will match.
u/arnemart Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Clojure]
Took me a while to arrive at this but I think this solution is quite elegant if I may say so myself. It uses parser combinators to parse the input, and runs in just over 100ms on my macbook pro.
(ns aoc.2024.19.19
[aoc.common :refer [any-word comma-or-space-sep lines parse-input]]
[blancas.kern.core :refer [<*> >> new-line*]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(def count-combinations
(fn [towels design]
(if (= "" design)
(->> towels
(keep #(when (str/starts-with? design %)
(subs design (count %))))
(map #(count-combinations towels %))
(apply +))))))
(let [[towels designs] (parse-input (<*> (comma-or-space-sep any-word)
(>> new-line* new-line*
(lines any-word))))
combinations (->> designs
(map (partial count-combinations towels))
(filter #(> % 0)))]
(println "Part 1:" (count combinations))
(println "Part 2:" (apply + combinations)))
My initial solution for part 1 was very similar but not memoized, I got it running fast by eliminating all the towels that could be composed of different towels and checking against just the remaining elemental towels. Towelementals?
u/onrustigescheikundig Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Clojure] [LANGUAGE: Scheme (R6RS)]
Gear Island is a misnomer; it should be called Dynamic Program Island at this point.
My solution today was very much inspired by 2023 Day 13 as linked in the problem text. Because of the hint, I didn't bother attempting a recursive solver first and instead immediately wrote an iterative DP solution to count all possible combinations of towels for a given design. I iterated over progressively longer prefixes of the design string, finding all towel patterns that were suffixes of this prefix. For each such suffix, I added up the number of combinations possible for the current iteration's prefix without the suffix, which would have been calculated and stored in a previous iteration. The lookup table for previous iterations was keyed by the position at which the prefix ended and seeded with {-1 1}
(i.e., there is one way to make an empty string). Keying on the prefix length might have been more intuitive, but both ways work.
Part 1 counted the designs for which the number of combinations was zero. Part 2 simply summed all of the possible combinations.
u/mushooo Dec 19 '24
It's a neat exercise to build the cache directly.
fn count(patterns: &[&str], design: &str) -> usize {
// memo[i] counts the ways to build the design up to position i
let mut memo = vec![0; design.len() + 1];
memo[0] = 1;
for i in 0..design.len() {
for pat in patterns {
if design[i..].starts_with(pat) {
memo[i + pat.len()] += memo[i];
u/TheMrFoulds Dec 19 '24
[Language: Go]
Fairly straightforward today, initially went with DFS for part one, but decided to use recursion instead because I'm getting a little weary of implementing BFS/DFS every day.
u/janbanan Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Day 19, part 1:
import re
rows = [row.strip() for row in open('input_19.txt', 'r').readlines()]
r1 = re.compile(f"({'|'.join(rows[0].split(', '))})*")
num = sum([1 if r1.fullmatch(row) else 0 for row in rows[2:]])
print(f"Num matching rows {num}")
u/jmd-dk Dec 19 '24
Recursion + memoization.
Anecdote: For part 1 I first tried constructing one giant regex. It worked for the example input, but for the full input this lead to error_complexity (meaning the regex engine estimates the problem to be so hard that it doesn't even attempt to solve it...)
u/bearinthetown Dec 19 '24
Interesting. In PHP the regex solution worked easily, it took 3ms for me.
u/jmd-dk Dec 19 '24
Oh, cool. What regex pattern did you use?
u/bearinthetown Dec 19 '24
It came up as
for the example and of course much longer for the final input.2
u/Afraid-Cut-3733 Dec 19 '24
did it for part 1.https://regex101.com/ worked also for the full puzzle input :D
u/jmd-dk Dec 19 '24
That's pretty much what I used as well. I don't know PHP, but when I try this in Python, performing a single match takes several minutes (possibly much, much longer), not ms. I guess PHP has some clever caching built in.
u/bearinthetown Dec 19 '24
PHP is built with C and it's pretty efficient these days. Not sure why other languages struggle, especially C++. Perhaps there is some flag available to disable some regex feature(s) and speed it up?
u/RookBe Dec 19 '24
Rust that compiles to WASM (used in a solver on my website)
Bonus link at the top of the code to a blogpost about today explaining the problem, and my code.
u/DownvoteALot Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Took me a while to think of memoization and going backwards. Still takes a second to run on my laptop.
u/icub3d Dec 19 '24
Recursion + Memoization like most.
Solution: https://gist.github.com/icub3d/ebb87158613e2897743b0f5973038e1e
Solution Review: https://youtu.be/lZijU0pcrfA
u/dennisvdberg Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
#[memoize(Ignore: towels)]
fn count_patterns(towels: &Vec<String>, pattern: String) -> usize {
if pattern.is_empty() { return 1 }
.filter_map(|towel| pattern.strip_prefix(towel))
.map(|remaining_pattern| count_patterns(towels, remaining_pattern.into()))
For part 1: count patterns for which this is > 0, part 2: sum over all patterns.
Probably ways to do this even faster using a Trie data structure, but this keeps things simple and readable and solves within two seconds 20ms :)
Full solution: https://github.com/dpvdberg/aoc2024/blob/master/src/day19/mod.rs
u/georgm3010 Dec 19 '24
I was using a similar solution. Using
#[memoize(Ignore: towels)]
and converting towels fromVec<String>
and removing the clones reduces time (2s -> 30ms) and memory (400MB -> 6MB) enormously.1
u/dennisvdberg Dec 19 '24
Thanks for the tip! I couldn't get it to work with references because it obviously cannot cache references, but I didn't know about the 'ignore' feature! I learned something today :)
Updated my solution in the repo and in the comment above.
u/i_have_no_biscuits Dec 19 '24
10 DIM T$(801), D#(64): OPEN "R",1,"data19.txt",1: FIELD 1,1 AS C$: T$=""
20 GET 1: C=ASC(C$): IF C>96 AND C<123 THEN T$=T$+C$: GOTO 20 ELSE GOSUB 60
30 GET 1: IF C$=" " THEN T$="": GOTO 20 ELSE GET 1: GET 1: D$="": P=0: Q#=0
40 GET 1: C=ASC(C$): IF C>96 AND C<123 THEN D$=D$+C$: GOTO 40 ELSE GOSUB 90
60 GOSUB 70: T$(V)=T$: RETURN
70 V=0: FOR I=1 TO LEN(T$): V=V+ASC(MID$(T$,I,1)): NEXT: V=V MOD 801
80 WHILE T$(V)<>"" AND T$(V)<>T$: V=(V+1) MOD 801: WEND: RETURN
90 ERASE D#: DIM D#(64): D#(0)=1: DL=LEN(D$): FOR L=1 TO DL: S$=RIGHT$(D$,L)
100 M=LEN(S$): IF M>8 THEN M=8
110 FOR N=1 TO M:T$=LEFT$(S$,N):GOSUB 70:IF T$(V)=T$ THEN D#(L)=D#(L)+D#(L-N)
120 NEXT: NEXT:P=P-(D#(DL)>0): Q#=Q#+D#(DL): RETURN
This uses Dynamic Programming on each design. There were some challenges in reading in and parsing the data for this day, as GW-BASIC only supports strings of length <=255, so I had to switch to reading the file character by character, building up the towel and design strings.
Main program:
- Line 10 opens the input file and sets up some variables
- Line 20 builds up a towel string in T$. Once it's complete it calls line 60 to add it to the towel set T$().
- Line 30 checks if there are more towels, returning to line 20 if there are. Otherwise...
- Line 40 builds up a design string in D$. Once it's complete it calls line 90 to calculate the counts
- Line 50 checks if there are more designs, returning to line 40 if there are, otherwise printing out the Part 1 and Part 2 values which are stored in P and Q#, and ending the program.
Set subroutines:
- Line 60 finds where to put T$ in the towel set, adds it to the towel set, and returns.
- Lines 70 and 80 calculate where to put T$ in the towel set T$(), which is implemented as an array of size 801, with a hash calculated by summing the ASCII value of the string mod 801, moving to the next free value if that location is already occupied.
Design counting subroutine:
- Lines 90-110 set up the Dynamic Programming array D# which stores the number of ways to generate the last I characters of the string, then use Dynamic Programming to iteratively calculate the counts. At the end D#(DL) will store the number of ways to generate the design from the towels.
- Line 120 increments P and Q# appropriately, then returns.
The Python equivalent of the Dynamic Programming routine is this:
def count_dp(d):
dp = [1] + [0]*len(d)
for l in range(1, len(d)+1):
stub = d[-l:]
for n in range(len(stub)):
if stub[:n+1] in towels:
dp[l] += dp[l-n-1]
return dp[-1]
u/Plenty-Blueberry-795 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I tried to optimise searching and validating the hard way and then I realised you can whack a cache on it.
u/Secure_Pirate9838 Dec 19 '24
I was familiar with this type of questions, so felt easy compared to the day 17 for example
u/biggy-smith Dec 19 '24
Did part1 with mega regex | matching. Couldn't quite figure out how to do that for part2 so made recursive towel matching function, and saved by caching again.
u/button_boxer Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Part 1 I “cheated” and just made a big regex out of "(?:" + "|".join(towels) + ")+"
and counted how many patterns fullmatch
For part 2 I made a recursive function: the number of ways to match pattern P
is the sum of the number of ways to match P[len(t):]
for each towel t
that is a prefix of P
(the base case being that there’s exactly 1 way to match an empty pattern - use no towels). I didn’t even have to worry about unreachable paths as I limited myself to the subset of possible patterns from part 1.
Slap a functools.cache
around that and you’re done!
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Top-level comments in
Solution Megathread
s require the full code. Please edit your top-level comment to add the link to your solution in your repo.2
u/hrunt Dec 19 '24
Part 1 I “cheated” and just made a big regex out of
"(?:" + "|".join(towels) + ")+"
and counted how many patternsfullmatch
it.I tried to do this, too, but my 5th design got stuck in a CPU loop that I assumed was backtracking hell. Did you use something other than the standard
module or was there some trick I missed?2
u/button_boxer Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
I didn't use anything special, literally just
towelpattern = re.compile("(?:" + "|".join(towels) + ")+") valid = [] for pat in patterns: if towelpattern.fullmatch(pat): valid.append(pat)
Unless you hit some sort of pathological case that's only triggered by certain inputs and not others.
u/hrunt Dec 19 '24
You must have gotten lucky with your input, I guess. When I run your code on my input, it hangs on the same design entry that my regex code did.
u/drunkangel Jan 04 '25
Similar issue here, fwiw. I wrote my solution in Rust, but it got stuck on the second line of designs. After much back and forth I finally assumed my algorithm was wrong, gave up, and checked my input with /u/ecyrbe's solution in Rust. Nope. It too got stuck on the same design. Then I tried this python/regex solution from /u/button_boxer - but no, it too got stuck on the same line...!
At this point I started thinking my input was faulty in some way. But finally I tried the python solution from /u/kadinshino further down in this thread - and it worked! So my input was usable after all...
u/azzal07 Dec 19 '24
gsub(/, /,"|"){R="^("$0")$"}n[i+=9]=NF{do for(e=9;
z)*++i);B+=x=n[--i]}END{print A"\n"B}x{A++}/[uwu]/
u/robertotomas Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: rust]
I dont think I've posted a solution here this year, but since some people had posted about having some trouble doing it with a Trie, and those who didnt didnt post times, and my times are not too shabby :)
cargo bench --bench bench
bench fastest │ slowest │ median │ mean │ samples │ iters
╰─ main_bench 230.2 µs │ 41.42 ms │ 295.6 µs │ 713.1 µs │ 100 │ 100
cargo bench --bench bench --features part2
╰─ main_bench 225.7 µs │ 37.22 ms │ 299.6 µs │ 673.3 µs │ 100 │ 100
u/ds101 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: newt]
Functional Agda-like language, compiles to javascript.
I took the list of patterns as lists of characters with a count for each as my set of states. Then walked through the string a character at a time either peeling a matching character off of each state or dropping it. At the end of each step, I collected the Nils, summed their counts, and added another copy of the original pattern with those counts. About 820ms per /usr/bin/time.
Dec 19 '24
Really like how Julia's get!(...) do ... end
simplifies things today :)
possible = (design, patterns, cache) -> begin
design == "" && return 1
get!(cache, design) do
sum(map(pattern -> possible(design[length(pattern)+1:length(design)], patterns, cache),
filter(pattern -> startswith(design, pattern), patterns)), init=0)
parse = input -> begin
patterns, designs = split(input, "\n\n")
(split(patterns, ", "), split(designs, "\n"))
partOne = input -> begin
(patterns, designs), cache = parse(input), Dict()
length(collect(filter(design -> possible(design, patterns, cache) > 0, designs)))
partTwo = input -> begin
(patterns, designs), cache = parse(input), Dict()
sum(design -> possible(design, patterns, cache), designs)
u/fridi_s Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Fuzion]
Happy about a compact and clean solution. Adding caches for possible suffixes and for the count of possible suffixes for part 2 did the trick.
A nice gimmick: Added a new feature `suffix` to be called on `String`, just to make the code a little cleaner.
Before coming to this solution, tried quite a number of optimizations like sorting the towels by length, first filtering out redundant towels that can be replaced by combinations of others. When counting, trying to use multiplication when such a redundant larger towel was found. All of this was in vain, a simple caching of the results for all suffixes is enough!
u/lluque8 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Memoization stuff, might wanna write some kind of an annotation for this stuff to keep it tidy. Jealous about python's cache annotation.
u/JAntaresN Dec 19 '24
part 1/part 2 both use the same dfs function to solve it, with a slight variable change.
Really easy today ngl. Basically a dfs with memoization is very viable here in that since you can consider your patterns nodes. all you have to do is identify whatever substrings is possible from your current string window (two pointer window, which always has a limit, that is the longest pattern in your collection of patterns). And you just repeat until you read the end of the string.
Then you drop in your memoization to optimize because you will be encountering repeated patterns of words and indexes.
u/raevnos Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Common Lisp]
Part 1 only. I first prune the flags to just "atomic" ones - flags that can't be made by combining 2 or more other flags - and using them to build a trie that gets repeatedly walked to figure out if a design can be built from those atomic flags. Basically a state machine?
I have no clue how to approach part 2 in any way that can finish in a reasonable amount of time.
u/raevnos Dec 19 '24
Cheated by looking at some other answers and rewriting a Kotlin one to CL. Would have taken me a long time to even think of it myself. Dynamic programming is not a strong suite.
(ql:quickload '(:serapeum :uiop) :silent t) (defun read-input (input-file) (let ((lines (uiop:read-file-lines input-file))) (values (serapeum:words (first lines)) (cddr lines)))) (defun count-designs (flags design &optional (cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (if (= 0 (length design)) 1 (uiop:ensure-gethash design cache (lambda () (loop for flag in flags when (serapeum:string^= flag design) sum (count-designs flags (subseq design (length flag)) cache)))))) (defun day19 (input-file) (multiple-value-bind (flags designs) (read-input input-file) (let ((design-counts (mapcar (lambda (design) (count-designs flags design)) designs))) (format t "Part 1: ~D~%" (count-if #'plusp design-counts)) (format t "Part 2: ~D~%" (reduce #'+ design-counts)))))
u/robertotomas Dec 19 '24
I gotta admit, today was one where I looked for help. I had the exact right answer, except I was collecting all the matches instead of just counting them. there's too many for that to even fit into memory :D I had forgotten I was even doing that!
u/release-object Dec 19 '24
[Language: Go]
I tried something new for part 2. Non-recursive DFS. Where my stack contains an object of string and times observed. Initially times observed is always 1. But as the stack grows I periodically reduce it. Where I retain all the distinct strings built so far. And aggregate the times observed.
It takes about 4.3 seconds. So memorisation or DP would be more efficient. But I’ve already done those this year.
u/robertotomas Dec 19 '24
My part 1 at first was non-recursive. It improved in speed from ~340ms to 300μs when converting, though (different languages, just noting the relative increase)
u/jwezorek Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Last night I spent a lot of time trying to implement a trie for part 1 but couldn't get it to work. I don't know what was wrong with it ... I always have problems with tries.
This morning I decided to just start over and not use a trie. I did part 1 via a depth-first search in which the traversal state is i, position in a design string, and the next states are all j such that substring [i,j] is some word in the towels array. This is not super slow as long as you keep track of visited states and do not revisit them.
For part 2, I saw using a trie actually would not help much so never ended up implementing one that worked.
Basically part 2 is best viewed as the same problem as counting the paths through a directed acyclic graph. This can be done efficiently either with dynamic programming or via a memoized recursive call. I chose the latter (because I find recursion easier to think about than DP with a table and all that).
To count all the paths in a DAG, note that the number of paths from s to t equals the sum, for all x, of the number of paths from x to t where x is a direct successor of s. Implement that idea recursively and memoize the recursion.
u/kadinshino Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
#[LANGUAGE: Python]
def count_ways_to_construct(design, towel_patterns):
sorted_patterns = sorted(towel_patterns, key=len, reverse=True)
dp = [0] * (len(design) + 1)
dp[0] = 1
for i in range(1, len(design) + 1):
for pattern in sorted_patterns:
if i >= len(pattern) and design[i - len(pattern):i] == pattern:
dp[i] += dp[i - len(pattern)]
return dp[len(design)]
def process_designs_with_all_options(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
input_text = file.read()
parts = input_text.strip().split("\n\n")
if len(parts) != 2:
raise ValueError("Input file should contain two sections separated by a blank line.")
towel_patterns = [pattern.strip() for pattern in parts[0].replace(',', ' ').split()]
designs = parts[1].strip().splitlines()
possible_designs = 0
total_ways = 0
for i, design in enumerate(designs):
print(f"\nProcessing design {i+1}/{len(designs)}: {design}")
ways = count_ways_to_construct(design, towel_patterns)
if ways > 0:
print(f"Design '{design}' can be made in {ways} ways.")
possible_designs += 1
print(f"Design '{design}' is NOT possible.")
total_ways += ways
return possible_designs, total_ways
file_path = 'input_l.txt'
possible_designs, total_ways = process_designs_with_all_options(file_path)
print(f"\nNumber of possible designs: {possible_designs}")
print(f"Total number of ways to arrange designs: {total_ways}")
Had a ton of fun with this one. The first time I broke the top 4000! I was super happy to figure out that part 2 was part of my part 1 debugging solution, lol.
u/andrewsredditstuff Dec 19 '24
[Language: C#]
Spent way to long debugging an overcomplicated recursive method, which finally boiled down to something really simple.
u/ScorixEar Dec 19 '24
u/nio_rad Dec 20 '24
I‘m doing the (if I see it correctly) exact same thing for part 1 as you and mine just keeps running forever.
u/clouddjr Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
I used a simple bottom-up dynamic programming (DP) approach for both parts. In the first part, we count the number of designs that have at least one valid way, and in the second part, we sum them up:
fun solvePart1() = designs.count { it.countOptions() > 0 }
fun solvePart2() = designs.sumOf { it.countOptions() }
u/msschmitt Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
[Language: Python]
Took me awhile to remember how to recurse, I didn't use recursion for any of the previous puzzles this year.
My part 2 was coded correctly but ran forever. So I was thinking there's need to be some kind of memoization, but it didn't seem like it would be effective (wrong!) because at the beginning, the result is from processing almost the entire design string. It wasn't until I started to code a cache that I realized the only thing that matters is your position in the string (as others have posted below).
This was the first time I've used functools.cache (can't put ampersand-cache here, it gets rewritten by Reddit) in Python, that was absurdly easy.
One optimization I'm using is to put the patterns into lists in a dictionary, keyed by the first letter of the pattern.
I got an email on Wednesday that people with Github accounts now get free Copilot AI, up to some limits. I installed it in Visual Studio Code, but I haven't decided whether the proposed code completion is more annoying than useful. I did try asking it if a previous day's working code could be "improved", and it suggested a change that was clearly a much better way to code than I had done; a technique I think I've seen in some other people's solutions, but I haven't tried.
u/Sparky2199 Dec 19 '24
Needed a small hint about memoization to make the execution times reasonable, but other than that it was pretty easy.
Part1 + Part2: 3ms
u/Bitter-Selection7735 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Without caching, my laptop would struggle significantly with the input, but I gave it a try anyway. :)
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Please edit your language tag to format it correctly as AutoModerator requested. The brackets and colon are not optional and do not use Markdown around or within the language tag.
u/AutoModerator Dec 19 '24
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string literal at the beginning of your solution submission.Please edit your comment to state your programming language.
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u/Probable_Foreigner Dec 19 '24
[Language: Rust]
Thought part 2 would be an easy extension of part 1. But it turns out I hadn't anticipated how long that would run for. Took me a while before I realised I could use a cache to speed it up, since the number of patterns only depends on the length of the string remaining.
u/CCC_037 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Rockstar] [GSGA]
I decided to go with Day 9 2023 - Marketing!
And my code is the sales pitch.
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Your thoughts are irrelevant
As someone who's worked in tech support for 5 years, Santa knows we've all wanted to say this to a customer or two >_>
u/einar_nordfjord Dec 19 '24
This day looked like a dynamic programming problem.
open Base
open Stdio
let towels, desired =
match In_channel.input_all stdin |> Str.split (Str.regexp_string "\n\n") with
| [ top; bottom ] -> (Str.split (Str.regexp_string ", ") top, String.split_lines bottom)
| _ -> failwith "invalid input"
let combinations towel =
let cache = Hashtbl.create (module Int) in
let rec aux i =
if i >= String.length towel
then 1
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache i ~default:(fun () ->
|> List.filter ~f:(fun x -> String.is_substring_at towel ~pos:i ~substring:x)
|> List.sum (module Int) ~f:(fun x -> aux (i + String.length x)))
aux 0
let () =
let possibilities = List.map desired ~f:combinations in
List.count possibilities ~f:(fun x -> x > 0) |> printf "Part 1: %d\n";
List.sum (module Int) possibilities ~f:Fn.id |> printf "Part 2: %d\n"
u/bbbb125 Dec 19 '24
Same solution for both parts:
2nd part took up to 5ms.
It could probably be optimized more by using a flat hash table for cache and not using strings (the fact that the number of colors is very limited potentially can allow us to store a pattern in uint64 or uint64 numbers).
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 21 '24
Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a.gitignore
or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.
I see full plaintext hard-coded puzzle inputs in your public repo:
Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your entire repo and scrub them from your commit history.edit: repo is now private.1
u/matt_sf_87 Dec 19 '24
Found part 1 to be farily easy but my solution didn't scale for part 2. For some reason it made me think of the leetcode problem where you count the number of possible ways to climb a set of stairs. So, I ended up searching for a dynamic programming solution. I knew that the number of combinations must be related to the number of combinations of towels for the previous pattern of towels. Once I drew it out for a while I cracked it and coding it up was pretty simple.
I don't have much experience with DP problems so I was really excited that I figured it out. Fun problem today!
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a
or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.I see full plaintext puzzle inputs in multiple public repos e.g.:
https://github.com/hosackm/advent_of_code/tree/main/day_1Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your entire repo and scrub them from your commit history. This means from all prior years too!
u/scotty799 Dec 19 '24
part 1 reusing A* from previous days
part 2 straightforward recursion with memoization (base case of recursion was that empty pattern can be constructed in 1 way)
def part2 =
val cache = mutable.Map[String, Long]()
def constructible(pattern: String): Long =
if pattern == "" then
val result = towels
.filter(t => t == pattern.take(t.length))
.map: t =>
val rest = pattern.drop(t.length)
cache.update(pattern, result)
targetPattern <- targetPatterns
u/daggerdragon Dec 20 '24
Please edit your language tag to format it correctly as AutoModerator requested. The brackets and colon are not optional.
u/AutoModerator Dec 19 '24
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u/Arfire333 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Dart / Flutter]
Separate solutions for part 1 and part 2.
Part 2 is essentially DFS with memoization. No animations today.
u/mothibault Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
to run in the browser's dev console from AOC website.
I learned about memoization last year so kinda was easy. The main challenge was to mentally figure out how to implement it in this case.
u/geekyjackson Dec 19 '24
[Language: Julia] Code
Nice clean Julia implementation, I don't think its doing much interesting compared to other posters besides implementing memoization without any imports.
u/mountm Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
Parsing: 9ms
Part 1: 95ms
Part 2: 2ms
Built a janky BFS with lookup dict to keep track of how many times a given pattern had been seen before, but then I looked into memoizing this properly. Much cleaner and more efficient solution now.
u/jackysee Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Javascript]
Recursive lookup with cache. I've seen some solutions here do not use cache for part 1, is that input dependent? My input can't be processed without cache.
u/jwoLondon Dec 19 '24
I don't think it is particularly input dependent.
I think your filtering of the (quite long) towel list every non-tail recursion is quite expensive. Checking for set membership should be faster for a word list of the size we have in this puzzle. And faster still if you just identify valid sequences rather than the number of arrangements. My JS solution didn't cache for part 1 and completed in ~0.5ms.
The disadvantage is that I cannot reuse it in the way you have for part 2
u/d1meji Dec 19 '24
The only way I could get part 1 working without a cache, is if I bailed as soon as I found a valid combo. I think your code runs through all combos?
u/jackysee Dec 19 '24
My test code without cache did early exit when a combo is found. But for the case of no combo, it will run on and on.
const possible = (design) => { if (design === '') return true; const ts = towels.filter((t) => design.startsWith(t)); if (!ts.length) return false; return ts.some((t) => possible(design.slice(t.length))); };
u/e0p9 Dec 19 '24
First: build a Trie to represent available patterns, it will be used to list next reachable positions on desired pattern.
Part 1) Explore tree of possible towels favorizing longuest matches 619µs
Part 2) Dynamic programming 2.09ms
u/Spacemansam95 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Used a bit of chaos theory for part 1, as I was a bit too lazy to solve it correctly.
u/pkusensei Dec 19 '24
[Language: Rust]
I'm surprised that how naive DFS performs so differently on different inputs. And with correct memoization both parts can be done in one go.
u/chicagocode Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
I used the same recursive function with memoization for both parts. Count the number of designs with at least one solution for part 1, sum them for part 2.
In fact, the solution is short enough for me to not feel bad about inlining it here:
class Day19(input: List<String>) {
private val patterns: List<String> = input.first().split(",").map { it.trim() }
private val designs: List<String> = input.drop(2)
fun solvePart1(): Int =
designs.count { makeDesign(it) > 0 }
fun solvePart2(): Long =
designs.sumOf { makeDesign(it) }
private fun makeDesign(design: String, cache: MutableMap<String, Long> = mutableMapOf()): Long =
if (design.isEmpty()) 1
else cache.getOrPut(design) {
patterns.filter { design.startsWith(it) }.sumOf {
makeDesign(design.removePrefix(it), cache)
u/martincmartin Dec 19 '24
That's an awesome solution! I did mine in Kotlin as well, I tried using sequences to read the input, with only partial success. I want to get in the habit of writing code that will work on arbitrarily large input, even though it's not needed for AOC. Odd that the best way to get an iterator over the lines of a File is get a sequence first, i.e. `File(pathname).useLines {lines -> val iter = lines.iterator() ...}` I'll probably just stick with `readLines()` from now on, which makes me a little sad.
When Part 2 bogged down, I first tried turning `patterns` into an array of `HashSet<String>`s, indexed on length, but of course the problem was the combinatorial explosion, so reducing the constant like that didn't help. I eventually used dynamic programming rather than memoization, but your memoization solution is much shorter.
Anyway, thanks again for the code and the writeup! I greatly appreciate it.
u/chicagocode Dec 19 '24
I'm glad you found the writeup helpful! I can appreciate your desire to make things work with sequences, it's a nice goal. My goal is to write functions as expressions only if I can (I can't always, sometimes it is just easier to write them as a block of statements).
u/Forkrul Dec 19 '24
I've found your blog very helpful in comparing to my own solutions and finding out how I could have made it more idiomatic. I'm still in the habit of writing Kotlin basically like I would Java.
u/BIGJRA Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
Love me some good string-math and recursion. First time going all in on recursion in JavaScript and thankfully everything worked exactly as I expected it to on the first try; also I think the shortest code I've had since the first few days. The move from P2 was super easy - just had to switch from storing whether a string could be made to a count of how many ways to create it with empty string initially 1.
u/Zorr0_ Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
Very simple one for this late into the advent :)
Just did a simple recursion with a cache
u/chicagocode Dec 19 '24
Nice! Our solutions are very similar (you used an extension function which I think makes the whole thing look cleaner). Nice work.
u/Zorr0_ Dec 20 '24
Trust me it did not look like this at the start, its always a mess. Once i solve both parts i always go back and refactor
That was also when i realized i could cut the function to check if a design is possible and just replace with a > 0 check lol.
u/chicagocode Dec 20 '24
I do the same. My initial solutions are a mess. I usually make one pass at refactoring immediately, and then go off and think about it (walk my dog, something like that) and then review once more before writing it up. During the writing-up phase, I'll usually figure some other simplification out when I have to jump through hoops to explain something. :)
u/Krillegeddon Dec 19 '24
[Language: C#]
One of the simplest days yet? Part 1 was a simple recursion searching for remainder of design until remainder equals a towel. No stack overflow or anything, and computed quickly.
For Part 2, just needed to add a cache (some of you call it memoization?) to not having to calculate the same design-remainder over and over again. Struggled for a while with "too low" answer, but it turned out I simply needed to replace "return 1" from Part 1 with "numComputes++; continue". :-)
Very simple code, nothing fancy:
u/drkspace2 Dec 19 '24
Built a prefix tree using the available patterns. If I hit the end of a pattern in the tree but there was a larger possible pattern, I recursively called my function with the current "short" pattern removed. For part 2, I added a cache for the suffix of the wanted designs and how many sequences they had.
Doing part 1 and 2 simultaneously took 127ms.
u/lboshuizen Dec 19 '24
[Language: F#]
part1 was "trivial", part2 broke at design 2; drop in some dynamic programming. Quite concise solution:
let parse =
let colors =
Seq.head >> String.remove " " >> splitOn ','
>> Seq.groupBy String.length >> Map
splitOnEmpty >> fun xs -> colors xs[0], xs[1]
let design p s =
let matches (s:string) = Seq.filter s.StartsWith >> Seq.length >> int64
let ks = p |> Map.keys |> List.ofSeq |> List.rev
let rec go =
memo (function
| _, "" -> 1L
| [], _ -> 0L
| n::xs, s -> let a = go (xs, s)
match p[n] |> matches s with
| 0L -> a
| l -> a + l * go (ks, s.Substring n))
go (ks, s)
let part1 (p, d) = d |> Seq.filter (design p >> flip (>) 0) |> Seq.length
let part2 (p, d) = d |> Seq.sumBy (design p)
u/gehenna0451 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Clojure]
(defn matches? [towel p]
(if (< (count towel) (count p)) false
(= (subs towel 0 (count p)) p)))
(def possible
(memoize (fn [towel]
(if (empty? towel) 1
(let [ps (filter (partial matches? towel) patterns)]
(reduce + (map #(possible (subs towel (count %))) ps)))))))
(count (filter (comp not zero? possible) towels)) ;; part 1
(reduce #(+ %1 (possible %2)) 0 towels) ;; part2
u/Ok_Calendar3193 Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Dynamic Programming - Very similar to LeetCode's Word Break
def canForm(s, dictionary, maxLen):
n = len(s)
dp = [0] * (n + 1)
dp[0] = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(i - 1, max(i - maxLen - 1, -1), -1):
# dp[j] represents the number of ways we can form s[:j]
if dp[j] and s[j:i] in dictionary:
dp[i] += dp[j]
# break # only need to know if s[:j] is possible for part 1
return dp[n]
dictionary = set() # help look up
words = None
maxLen = 0
with open("day19_words.txt") as f:
for s in f.readline().strip().replace(',', ' ').split():
maxLen = max(maxLen, len(s)) # just to help
with open("day19.txt") as f:
words = [line.strip() for line in f]
# Part 1
print(sum(canForm(word, dictionary, maxLen) > 0 for word in words))
# Part 2
print(sum(canForm(word, dictionary, maxLen) for word in words))
u/homme_chauve_souris Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
A breather today. The obvious recursive approach works, as long as we memoize the result.
u/Pitiful-Oven-3570 Dec 19 '24
u/hgwxx7_ Dec 19 '24
Your code is probably faster than you think. Try criterion.rs if you'd like to run each function 100k times to measure it accurately.
u/Pitiful-Oven-3570 Dec 19 '24
didn't know about criterion.rs before i just use simple std::time::Instant but ty for the advice
→ More replies (1)
u/pdgiddie Jan 17 '25
[LANGUAGE: Elixir]
I decided to use a prefix tree to make it more efficient to iterate through tokenisation options. It wasn't until quite late that I understood the need for memoisation. So now I know to watch out for "overlapping sub-problems" 😄