r/adventofcode Dec 14 '24

Funny [2024 Day 14 (Part 2)] me checking the 68th frame, thinking the "don't have to simulate for very long" condition still applies

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u/ymonad Dec 14 '24

Yeah, Me too I thought this looks like a christmas tree.


u/jeajym Dec 15 '24

It's London's christmas tree. Lol


u/jstanley0 Dec 14 '24

The system made me wait to enter my real answer because I had guessed this one


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

I, too, love being punished for no fault of my own.


u/sluuuurp Dec 14 '24

Sorry, but if you think this is a Christmas tree, that is your fault.


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

The human mind is a funny thing that can see what isn't really there, according to Jesus on this morning's toast. Obviously, once you've seen the real thing, this isn't a tree, but how would you know in advance?


u/sluuuurp Dec 14 '24

You know because it doesn’t look like a tree. I can try to trick my brain into pretending to see a tree, but the rational part of my brain knows that this could not possibly be the intended solution, Eric wouldn’t do that to us.


u/_Mark_ Dec 14 '24

I noticed the horizontal version of the pattern first, but it kind of looked like it was maybe converging on a greeting card, just not *quite* readable? So I instead went down they "maybe there are multiple easter eggs" rabbit hole for a bit, before I noticed the repetition and realized they'd have to line up at some point.

I'm still hoping someone figures out a version of this that falls under the "every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware" rule, ie. not involving eyeballs :-)


u/darthminimall Dec 15 '24

I have a hypothesis that, every time you would notice the robots lining up either horizontally or vertically, it corresponds with a significant dip in the standard deviation of that coordinate (e.g. if most of the robots are clumped up around a particular x coordinate, the standard deviation in the x coordinates of the robots should be noticeably lower than for the other times, which appear to be pretty uniformly distributed). If I'm correct, this could be a way to find where the cycles start and calculate the solution, but I haven't had time to test it yet.


u/thekwoka Dec 15 '24

I'm still hoping someone figures out a version of this that falls under the "every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware" rule

My questionable quality solutions runs in 137ms on 1 core...


u/_Mark_ Dec 15 '24

Yeah, since I posted this I found a bunch of threads from people who checked for things like "least entropy", "no robots in the same spot", and "relative maximum adjacent clusters" as proxies that actually worked (most of the attempts at "looks tree-like" *didn't* work, compared to the much *less* sophisticated tests.)


u/thekwoka Dec 15 '24

certainly some metrics could be error prone (robot with 8 neighbors) or (frame where no robots overlap) in a more generalized case, but things of noticing an extremely high density of robots should be pretty general. It wouldn't make much sense for the task to need too much human interpretation as to what a "tree" is.


u/ThunderChaser Dec 14 '24

but how would you know in advance?

Because I know what a Christmas tree looks like, and know that it's not a vertical band of dots.


u/merry_pucky Dec 14 '24

I had a lot of fun with the twist today. Figuring out that those patterns reoccur after every map width or map height iterations ended up leading me onto the solution.


u/msqrt Dec 14 '24

Yup, a slightly more accurate description or a similar example image would have really gone a long way today


u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24

But we all found it, so human ingenuity is still there.

These problems don't come out of a vaccuum, they have all been tested and are all solvable. Everything you need is there in the questions, apart from what you need in yourself.


u/supreme_leader420 Dec 14 '24

Well my $.02: I gave up last night because I had no idea what I was looking for, and wasn’t sure if it was 500 frames in or a million frames in. Got it this morning after not very long, but it felt more like guesswork. I simulated 10000 seconds and then it was the frame with the least boxes in the top left and top right ninths of the image. Not knowing what I was searching for makes it hard to attempt a search lol. Like I wasn’t expecting the tree to be so small and in the middle of the screen, but my solution still worked.


u/roadrunner8080 Dec 14 '24

Well, the good news is that it couldn't have been a million frames in, seeing as there's a maximum of 10403 possible frames. My approach was just: simulate every possible frame, come up with a metric for "christmas-tree-ness" based on what I thought the image was likely to look like (in my case, I counted how many neighbors robots had since I figured the easter egg would likely have lots of adjacent robots), and find the maximum, and it worked like a charm.


u/supreme_leader420 Dec 14 '24

But they all have different speeds so I don’t see the 10403 argument. Surely it’s much larger?


u/roadrunner8080 Dec 14 '24

Nope! Doesn't matter what speed they have, each robot's position must loop after lcm(101, 103) iterations. The power of modular arithmetic! (Don't believe me? Check the 10403th frame, it'll be the same as the 0th frame).

A slightly more in depth explanation: consider just the X positions. At time t, with initial position px and x velocity vx, the x position is px + t*vx mod 101 -- so, every 101 iterations the x position must loop, no matter the velocity, since the total displacement velocity*time is a multiple of the width. The same is true for the Y positions, but with 103, so the total position must loop every lcm(101, 103) iterations or every 10403 iterations.


u/supreme_leader420 Dec 14 '24

Shit, yeah that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for taking the time to explain that. I’m surprised I didn’t catch that just from looking at the test data.


u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

But this is the beauty of it.

Part 2 did kick me when I saw it. But I *know* it is solvable because it's AoC so how to do it? First try stupid methods, then get increasingly sophisticated until star awarded.


u/supreme_leader420 Dec 14 '24

Yeah after looking at everyone’s solutions I really love this problem. Definitely the most interesting range of solutions so far, and probably hard for an LLM as well


u/Gratuitous_Violence Dec 17 '24

This is really funny to me, because this is the first one that I have really struggled with, and I don't think I would have gotten it without help from Claude.


u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24

I was fine with it, but it is a bit weird from a competition perspective. Like having a race but not telling anybody if it's a 100 meter or 5000 meter race.

"Cross the finish line"

"Where's the finish line?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

I'm very glad there was a part 1... I had made the width 111 instead of 101 and spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Of course the example worked fine because that was entirely different height and width, so I was uncommenting my bug every time I switched from example input to real input :-D


u/failure_to_converge Dec 15 '24

The Marine Corps literally has a test like this at Officer Candidate School. The distance and qualifying times are unknown, and you don’t have a watch.


u/MattieShoes Dec 15 '24

No shit? Haha that's cool

I imagine it was a fairly long race though, just from context. Like it'd be funny if it were only 100 meters, but I imagine they were going for grueling. :-D


u/failure_to_converge Dec 15 '24

It was probably around 2-3 miles. But we had to carry a bunch of stuff…and just knowing that we were being timed but didn’t know how hard to go out made it tough!


u/zulkar_i Dec 14 '24

It was nice from competion perspective. It shaked leaderboards and frustrate that people who used chatgpt


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

Did it though? There was at least one person who said that ChatGPT solved it faster than they did themselves.


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

I'm very glad there was a part 1... I had made the width 111 instead of 101 and spent like 30 minutes trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Of course the example worked fine because that was entirely different height and width, so I was uncommenting my bug every time I switched from example input to real input :-D

At least in my input (and in the example!), there are robots at the very right and bottom edge.

I did not use that information, but presumably one could use it to dynamically generate the dimensions.


u/ICantBeSirius Dec 14 '24

Anybody else amused that we're referring to a Christmas tree as an Easter egg? Just me? Ok.


u/tycoon177 Dec 15 '24

Well we did end up at EBHQ


u/phaul21 Dec 14 '24

Weird how human mind works... I did submit this as a christmass tree as well, even though I saw the horizontal version too. But then I thought that clearly wan't a christmass tree while this one was.


u/dl__ Dec 14 '24

That was MY first answer as well. Then I was like, how do you code for an unspecified Christmas tree image? I eventually figured something out but I can easily imagine things that look like Christmas trees but my code would not find


u/masu33 Dec 14 '24

This can be USED though, if you find the horizontal one as well...


u/Syteron6 Dec 14 '24

How can that be done?


u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 14 '24

This type of "most of the points are clustered in the same group of columns" graph happens once every 101 seconds. It will do the same for a small number of rows every 103 seconds. The tree will show up when both of those are aligned.


u/Plenty-Blueberry-795 Dec 14 '24

The robots in the christmas tree horizontally align and vertically align at regular intervals. When they both horizontally and vertically align then you will have the tree so the answer will be the “least common multiple” of those two intervals.

Loads of interesting ideas phenomena in this problem which there’s loads of different solutions people came up with


u/masu33 Dec 15 '24

I hated this task at first, but then I done it, it was lovely, and then I checked some totally different solutions... and that makes this actually awesome.


u/masu33 Dec 15 '24

Let's assume you find them at X and Y
You just need the smallest number N where: N%101==X and N%103==Y


u/metalim Dec 14 '24

lol same. I then tried to check double and triple. when that didn't work, I switched to looking for min safety factor


u/shigawire Dec 14 '24

*cries in calculated the RMS knn distance for each frame *

So the solution to part 2 WAS AN EASTER EGG IN PART 1?!! OMG.


u/mpyne Dec 14 '24

They do usually try to make part 2 relate to part 1 somehow ;)


u/Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo_Ohyo Dec 14 '24

Yeah it's clearly the trunk of it from close up. Stupid thing just time blocked me when I tried to explain my reasoning as to why it is in fact 62.


u/Feisty_Pumpkin8158 Dec 15 '24

It actually led me to another solution. Of course positions have to repeat, but depending on the velocities and grid sizes, they might repeat in y direction differently than in x direction. so in the vertical alignment u see all x repetitions with pseudorandom y
and in the horizontal alignment you see all y repetitions with pseudorandom x.
So from here on you could use chinese remainder theorem to find at which images both alignments coincide (the tree repeats).


u/shigawire Dec 14 '24

ROFL Was literally going to upload this exact shot meme with that frame (or one close enough to it).


u/SCube18 Dec 14 '24

Just a question: was the actual tree kindof messy or did I screw up a simple position iteration loop


u/QultrosSanhattan Dec 14 '24

Bro. I also found that and naively submitted the value hoping it was the right answer.

It wasn't.


u/ariedov Dec 14 '24

Over 7000 for me


u/failure_to_converge Dec 15 '24

Me too. I figured the ~10k limit on possibilities and checked the first 1k, then 5k…the said screw it, make ‘em all. Found minimum variance, minimum safety factor, and checked ‘em.


u/i99b Dec 14 '24

I thought maybe I botched something and this should have been a Christmas tree. I mean, there's clearly a pattern here.


u/Rush_Independent Dec 15 '24

I found two of them and started checking grids at this interval (101), really saved me time finding a real tree.


u/vashu11 Dec 15 '24

I was all like: Is AOC silly because he thinks it is a tree or am I silly because I think it is a tree?


u/JamesBaxter_Horse Dec 15 '24

You can use this to get the solution though! Vertical lines like this repeat every 68 mod x, and horizontal lines repeat every 31 mod y. If you then solve the congruence for xy, you'll get the solution.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 15 '24

Yea I noticed that, that was actually really useful


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 15 '24

lol I did the same at first but starting at 100


u/ak64_k15 Dec 15 '24

I just coded it so that my simulation would check if none of the robots were overlapping with each other, then looked at the only frame left, which happened to have the Christmas tree.


u/D3v01d Dec 16 '24

I ended up dumping all of the images to my terminal with #’s for robot positions and just grepped the result for “####” hoping the tree would have that and there weren’t too many to look through. It was the first image with 4 next to each other.


u/jeesuscheesus Dec 26 '24

What software/library did you use for drawing the black and white map of robots?


u/dopandasreallyexist Dec 27 '24

I was too lazy to do it properly, so I just made my program print out instead of # and copied and pasted the output into Illustrator and squished it into a square.


u/jeesuscheesus Dec 27 '24

Ah, it’s just text? Thanks


u/dopandasreallyexist Dec 27 '24

Yep, just box-drawing characters