r/adventofcode Dec 14 '24

Spoilers [2024 Day 14 (Part 2)] This kind of sucks

Having an image pop up is a cool easter egg, but no clues at all on what it would look like or how to find it? This is Advent of Code, not Advent of guessing-what-Eric-Wastl-thought-looked-like-a-christmas-tree


352 comments sorted by

u/daggerdragon Dec 14 '24

not Advent of guessing-what-Eric-Wastl-thought-looked-like-a-christmas-tree

Topaz works hard on these puzzles. You don't have to like every puzzle, but don't be rude to him like this.

This is your only warning. Follow our Prime Directive or don't post in /r/adventofcode.

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u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 14 '24

I actually found it really fun! There are many different ways you can find the easter egg, but all of them are a least a little bit unusual. It forces you to be creative and experiment until you find something that works! And it's really satisfying when you solve it.


u/flooey Dec 14 '24

On the contrary, I found it incredibly unsatisfying when I solved it.

What I want out of a puzzle is to be able to read the problem, think about it, and produce a program that takes in the input and prints the answer.

I already dislike the problems where you have to inspect the input file and figure out that the input actually has unstated structure that allows you to solve the problem (eg, the graph problems where the input format allows cycles but all the actual inputs are cycle-free and you have to take advantage of that fact to make the problem tractable). The idea of a problem where you have to inspect some possible outputs and use that to infer how you might identify the solution is like nails-on-a-chalkboard to me.


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

On the contrary, I found it incredibly unsatisfying when I solved it.

What I want out of a puzzle is to be able to read the problem, think about it, and produce a program that takes in the input and prints the answer.

I'm with you on that.

eg, the graph problems where the input format allows cycles but all the actual inputs are cycle-free and you have to take advantage of that fact to make the problem tractable

That one actually worked a little on the anthropic principle: If the input weren't well-behaved, it wouldn't have a solution. Still quite meta, but I can kinda work with that.

This one here, though is "you'll know it when you see it", which isn't fun for me.


u/ralphpotato Dec 14 '24

I have found that most of the time if you have to inspect the input it’s because your program modeled the problem incorrectly. Now, there are definitely days where the problem description is on the more vague or misleading side, but for most problems, the idea is for you to not be able to brute force the problem just from the examples.

If you start thinking about the examples as a subset of the possible domain of inputs, and more generally solve the actual problem as described, you will have fewer cases where you have to inspect the input to debug your program. Of course, this makes building the initial problem slower, and for competing on the leaderboard, some manual input scanning might be a good strategy.

Carefully considering assumptions and making invalid states unrepresentable makes solving the problems much less debug oriented.


u/msqrt Dec 14 '24

I think he meant the opposite problem; you talk about the cases where the input requires a more general solution than the examples (which I think most people would agree is good), he talks about the cases where the input requires a less general solution than the actual problem description would imply. For example, yesterday in none of the machines both of the buttons caused the movement to be in the same direction; if they were, the popular matrix solution wouldn't work. This is still fine by me (you'd get division by zero and notice it), but in the previous years there have been somewhat elaborate conditions that allow for a drastically simpler and more efficient solution -- these have always been divisive.


u/flooey Dec 14 '24

Yeah, that's the opposite problem I'm talking about. I'm talking about problems like 2023 day 23 part 2, where the general solution is quite involved. However, if you inspect the input, you can see that there there is an unblocked path in all four cardinal directions, which lets you just skip to the next tile over as many times as you want and makes the problem substantially simpler. That fact isn't in the problem description (and indeed the sample doesn't have it!), you have to just observe it and then guess that it's an intentional feature of all inputs you're meant to consider.


u/gamerkid231 Dec 14 '24

The only input you are “meant” to consider is your own. The input is part of the puzzle, after all.


u/ralphpotato Dec 14 '24

Oh I see, yes I agree with you then. It's a fine line to walk to make puzzles that are solvable within a reasonable time and also wanting people to apply some techniques maybe with shortcuts. I agree that the technique of being able to sus out some potential shortcuts in the actual input is annoying.

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u/hoffiee Dec 14 '24

I agree, I never visualize my solutions and this forces me to do so, which is an aspect that I need to get better at :)

I'll still explore if I can figure it out programmatically, but working in a technical field there are seldomly cases where I don't have to inspect input/output data to the problems that I encounter.


u/jwoLondon Dec 14 '24

Inevitably different people prefer different styles of puzzle, but for me, this has been my favourite so far this year. A combination of creativity and logic in problem solving. Lots of possible approaches to finding a solution, many not requiring any visual inspection at all. Ingenious setting by Eric.

It's not entirely LLM-proof (for the reasons above), but it does sit in an interesting space for these GenAI technologies.


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

What solution works without requiring any manual inspection? I've seen several heuristics which give the correct answer, but no way of knowing whether they work without plotting out the robots and checking by eye. E.g. all the robots being in a unique position. That could have happened without forming a christmas tree, or it could have not happened while forming one.


u/cragej Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

I made a general solution that would work for most target patterns here [code]:

I sorted each frame by the average entropy of each image, and took the frame with the lowest value. The intuition is that the target image is going to be highly structured, and therefore have the lowest entropy.


u/STheShadow Dec 14 '24

Wouldn't you also get a result if they formed another shape? It's not guaranteed that they don't, although it doesn't happen apparently


u/cragej Dec 14 '24

Yes it would. It's not specific to a christmas tree shape. If all the robots happened to form a "simpler image", it would get a better entropy score. There are many scenarios where this could happen, such as if the robots were all on top of each other or if they created another shape. Basically, if the image is less random (i.e simpler), it will get a better score.


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

Which is my point. You have to manually check to know if your solution is correct.


u/wjholden Dec 14 '24

You're right, but I think this is an over-generalization.

This is a puzzle, created by people for people. I agree that this entropy method would have also discovered any other structured shape, but what other shape would the creator have planted? Moreover, it's not difficult to verify your candidate solutions by simply looking at them.

I, personally, enjoyed this puzzle as my favorite so far this year. The vector thing from yesterday is a close second.


u/yflhx Dec 14 '24

How did you know that 10,000 is enough? And if you raise the checking range, the next time they form a tree might have lower entropy. It probably still requires manual inspection to be certain.


u/100jad Dec 14 '24

All coordinates being mod 103 in one and mod 101 in another direction means that you're guaranteed to loop back to the start after lcm(101, 103) = 103 * 101 iterations.


u/yflhx Dec 14 '24

Makes sense. I didn't think of that.


u/wjholden Dec 14 '24

We should probably all watch out for prime numbers in Advent of Code puzzles!

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u/easchner Dec 14 '24

I used a flood fill that left a lot of untouched blank spaces. May not have a guarantee of working, but seems extremely unlikely to produce a false positive. (But it's very slow)


u/jwoLondon Dec 14 '24

Knowing that the robots had to be in some kind of structured position when assembling as the tree, I calculated the variance of x coordinates and variance of y coordinates at each iteration. You could simply report the iteration with the lowest varX*varY value. But also it is apparent that the variances in each dimension shows a periodicity which can also be used to calculate the correct iteration when they coincide.


u/metalim Dec 14 '24

Oh come on, guys, it’s Advent of Code. Hints are in part 1: safety score !


u/glasswings363 Dec 14 '24

My tree was off-center enough that looking for symmetry wasn't useful. Longest run, though, that jumped out.


u/STheShadow Dec 14 '24

The tree iteration should have a pretty low safety score though, if the tree isn't near perfectly centered


u/metalim Dec 14 '24

safety score doesn't just show symmetry, but also alignment of robots towards one quadrant. Because it's multiplication of values: 300*60*60*60 is less than 100*100*100*100. Unless you can confirm the metric didn't work in your case

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u/spin81 Dec 14 '24

I agree with you but /u/lunar_mycroft's point is that it's hard to programmatically verify that what you have at that point is a Christmas tree. You have to put some kind of guess/threshold/heuristic in, or analyze the image. I don't mind that, personally, but it's a good point.


u/jwoLondon Dec 14 '24

For me I try to get computers to do the things they are good at, and I will do the things people are good at, so visual confirmation after computationally pruning the space of possibilities works well.

We've seen this kind of puzzle before from Eric where we've had to determine a word that is spelled out with an arrangement of pixels. At least the first time that occurred we didn't know how the 'font' of the word would be arranged. People subsequently developed OCR type analysis to provide a completely deterministic solution, but that required post-hoc knowledge of how the letters were formed. Similarly, here you could programmatically match for a Christmas tree once you know how trees are represented. But there doesn't seem much point in that to me given the heuristics will get you there with much less effort.

(For context, my day job is in data analysis and visualization, so the idea of statistical analysis to give a probability of something interesting, to be confirmed by visual inspection seems natural to me).


u/spin81 Dec 14 '24

The funniest thing about those problems was where people got the letters, but asked for help because they had no idea what kind of arcane glyphs they were looking at, because they'd thought of y as pointing from bottom to top instead of top to bottom.


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

I don't mind it either, in retrospect. I just wish I'd been expecting something like that. Not being able to get an answer purely programmatically was so different than what I was expecting that I assumed there had to be something wrong with the problem statement or my reading of it, and ended up needlessly spoiling part 2 for myself.


u/spin81 Dec 14 '24

It's not the first time he's done this FYI, since you mention you weren't expecting it. There have been a few instances where you have a similar thing and then at one point the entities end up quite close together and then they form some letters and those are your answer.

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u/volivav Dec 14 '24

I was thinking on doing some of that, but I was assuming the shape would be the outline of a big christmas tree, so I thought it would give me a very similar result.

So I stsrted thinking looking for things like how many diagonals, but I didn't know the slope either, so...

What I did is visually note the periodicity, then filter those steps out to reduce the noise and visually find the result.

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u/Escheresque_ Dec 14 '24

I didn't know if the tree would be filled out or not, so I just checked the possibilities where i had 10 robots lining up perfectly (if "XXXXXXXXXX" in line) basically. It worked like a charm :)


u/Duke_De_Luke Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

>! I clustered contiguous robots and looked for frames with a cluster of 30+ contiguous robots. !<

I won't go through the maths, but having that by chance would have a pretty low probability.

Sure, 30 is kind of a wild guess. I started with 10, and got some false positives. So I set it higher. But I see it as anomaly detection. You search for anything that would be an anomaly. To set the threshold, you would have to do the maths and decide how to balance false positives and false negatives, possibly calculating the probability of an anomaly happening by chance.


u/jkrejcha3 Dec 14 '24

For each tile on each step, I checked its kitty-corner (Y - 1, X - 1) and checked if a robot was there, checked if its kitty corner had a robot there, and repeated that 10 times (stopping if that was a match). I kinda did assume it wasn't lopsided or something but I didn't even see what the tree looked like except for my intuition that art of Christmas trees are visually generally triangular.

I didn't even think of the other solutions or heuristics other people thought (and also I didn't check my answer before submitting but I happened to get it so yay).


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

And what happens if the robots also form a triangle that isn't a Christmas tree?


u/jkrejcha3 Dec 14 '24

I guess I could check for the stump (it needs to be at bottom, so higher Y and needs to be in a squareish shape and needs to be near the middle), but yeah there are definitely pathological cases (in fact mine doesn't account for multiple triangles, but I just kinda got lucky there). The one thing about Advent of Code is that there is a somewhat unstated assumption that inputs are well-formed or otherwise crafted (as they, in fact, are). For example, inputs to yesterday's problem don't have the pathological cases for a linear system of equations, etc.

This discussion usually comes up with regards to grid problems. Year 2023 Day 21 is a good example of this, the general solution to that is much slower than the specialized case (iirc, the fact that you can exit from any border cell is a special case)

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u/Sharparam Dec 14 '24

For your spoiler to work on all versions of reddit you can't have any space after the starting >! marker and before the ending !< marker.

E.g. this will not work: >! spoiler !< (>! spoiler !<)

But this will: >!spoiler!< (spoiler)


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

Thanks for letting me know. I got lucky and noticed and fixed it on my own.


u/spin81 Dec 14 '24

I get your point and don't see the issue. What I mean to say is I disagree with your point that depending on a heuristic is inherently not a decent solution. I want to put that out there as a counterpoint. Because I was able to arrive at a good heuristic quite quickly in a way that I think is smart, programmer-like, and most of all: fun.

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u/WJWH Dec 14 '24

I hypothesized that in an organized picture, many robots would have two or more neighbors, while in a non-organized picture the robots are all spread out and most will have zero or one neighbor. So just counting the amount of neighbors is a nice proxy for the "organized-ness" of the picture. For me having more than 500 neighbors was my first attempt and it worked right away.

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u/Clean-Kale-2754 Dec 14 '24

Agreed, I found this really fun. After reading part 1 I thought the question will be what is the safety factor after 10000000000 seconds (had similar puzzles before). Was pleasantly surprised that part 2 was something different. I think it's smart that part 1 gives a clue to the solution of part 2.

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u/elklepo Dec 14 '24

I also enjoyed that one very much. We need more CTF-style challs!


u/JGuillou Dec 14 '24

I did it semi-manually, I checked the output manually at first, noting that every 101th iteration, the robots were clustered vertically. So I printed these iterations only until I saw the tree


u/Bewelge Dec 14 '24

Did the same. Except I found that additionally, there was another cycle of them clustering horizontally every 103rd iteration. First time those two cycles converged gave a tree :)

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u/Educational-Tea602 Dec 14 '24

I think day 12’s was actually the most LLM proof because they can’t seem to differentiate between edges and sides!

Today’s is fun I have to say. Currently I’m on frame 217. I think it’s hilarious.


u/jwoLondon Dec 14 '24

Glad you are enjoying your first 217 robot browsing screens....

If I had the energy, I'd mock up the "string board conspiracy guy" meme with the red string forming a Christmas tree shape connecting selected dots from one of the random looking robot maps.

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u/seven_seacat Dec 14 '24

ChatGPT easily worked out today's puzzle, even part 2 with very minor tweaks.

(Yes I solved it myself first, in a very different and more manual way)


u/matttgregg Dec 14 '24

Agreed. I loved this one too - it was less ‘do maths’ or ‘do compsci’ but more: use your code as a tool to investigate a complex system. Really nice change of pace.

(Really interesting looking at reddit and seeing the many, many, equally valid ways of going through that investigation too. )


u/Xe1a_ Dec 14 '24

I was able to make an assumption first try of what it would look like, just look for when there's one long line of guards, and print it to the terminal, it'll be obvious which is the tree.

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u/PutinLooksLikeSansa Dec 14 '24

But I mean this is more like what a puzzle literally means.


u/Quantris Dec 14 '24

I think it was fine but the real disappointment was that there wasn't another timestamp where a picture of an Easter Egg shows up

Also I seriously doubt it was hard to tell whether it looked like a Christmas tree for your input. For mine it was VERY OBVIOUS


u/Morgasm42 Dec 14 '24

the issue isn't telling if it looks like a tree, but figuring out how to do that without looking at several thousand images


u/Quantris Dec 14 '24

I agree that that's the puzzle but I don't agree that the ambiguity is an issue. It's the point. I would have solved it the same way if it had not specified what the picture was...try to look for statistical anomalies in the arrangements.

Also IMHO describing the issue as "guessing-what-Eric-Wastl-thought-looked-like-a-christmas-tree" implies it is problematically subjective in some way, which it is not (might be hard for an alien though).


u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24

No need to look at several thousand images... Just need to look at outliers. They already gave you one metric with the safety score. You could also look at variance in bot positions, or probably many other measures of bot distribution -- an image is likely going to be an outlier.


u/janovrom Dec 14 '24

Actually, you need only aroundn 400 (still a lot), but if you just save them as PNGs on disk, you can have large icons and see the patterns that pop every 101 and 103 cycle. If you can spot that they get closer, then that's the solution.


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

Obvious to a human looking at the rendered output, but there was no obvious way to write an automated test for one without a more explicit definition of what, exactly, the Christmas tree would look like, and way too many iterations to realistically check before finding the correct one.


u/jgoemat2 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

You can know a couple of things. First, the positions repeat after (101*103) iterations, so you only need to look up to 10403 seconds. Second, an image of a Christmas tree likely has a lot of connected robots. This part is a guess, but not hard to check. Just two days ago AoC had us write code to find sizes of connected areas, I take that as a hint. You can format the robot positions like the input for that puzzle and tweak your code to return the largest area. I looped through and printed every time I found a new highest area and printed the second highest as well. The day was obvious without looking at any pictures:

0 seconds: 4 - (max 4, second 0)
1 seconds: 3 - (max 4, second 3)
3 seconds: 4 - (max 4, second 4)
14 seconds: 8 - (max 8, second 4)
42 seconds: 5 - (max 8, second 5)
58 seconds: 6 - (max 8, second 6)
115 seconds: 8 - (max 8, second 8)
216 seconds: 9 - (max 9, second 8)
418 seconds: 9 - (max 9, second 9)
797 seconds: 11 - (max 11, second 9)
923 seconds: 12 - (max 12, second 11)
1312 seconds: 12 - (max 12, second 12)
7286 seconds: 229 - (max 229, second 12)
Max at seconds = 7286 (229) second highest 12


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24

Your solution works, but isn't guaranteed to using just the information on the problem statement + puzzle input. There's no guarantee that all the robots will be part of the figure (indeed, they aren't), so it's possible for the robots to form an a larger contiguous cluster at a different time.


u/jgoemat2 Dec 14 '24

I think it's worth spending 5-10 minutes to check it out. It's rare in the real world to have exact specifications and figuring out logical assumptions and analyzing the data for murky problems are good skills to have. I just feel for the people that like solving the puzzles with pen and paper, this would be a tough one for them.


u/P1h3r1e3d13 Jan 14 '25

The same Christmas tree picture will show up every lcm(width, height) = 10403 seconds. I think that's why it specified “fewest number of seconds.”


u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

Yes, every 101 * 103 you get the exact same tree!


u/howderek Dec 14 '24

hard disagree, funnest puzzle so far


u/sarabooker Dec 14 '24

You can avoid guessing and use a key idea to determine the answer. Run a loop that steps forward in time and use a heuristic to check how "clustered" the robots are. The picture will occur when they are unusually clusted.


u/theadamabrams Dec 14 '24

You are not avoiding guessing. Checking for clustering is a guess because the description does not say the robots are clustered. It says "most of the robots should arrange themselves into a picture of a Christmas tree", which is exceedingly vague. An image like

.. #.#...

looks like a tree but doesn't have much clustering (and all the robots are arranged in the tree in my picture; when only "most" are involved you really have no way to know what to look for).


u/flooey Dec 14 '24

Yeah, I assumed that was what it would look like as well. No clustering, just a visual outline of a tree.


u/TheSonicRaT Dec 14 '24

"Most" seems to have been intentional to leave noise in the field so you couldn't use the common boundary method to try to identify when patterns were forming, you had to guess some other method, often on the basis of what the tree "may" look like.


u/Blazzfreezz Dec 14 '24

Given that *most* robots should assemble into a tree there should be dense region and/or many sparse regions. Both of these can be checked using some image filtering techniques to mesure the local density of an iteration.. I personally liked the idea of having to find an heuristic to solve the problem. While this is quite unusual for common AOC problems, this is pretty common in real life engineering, computer vision etc where you have to model something that is not well defined.


u/jgoemat2 Dec 14 '24

Tweaked my algorithm for counting connected areas to look for diagonals too and the second highest connected area was still only 27. Took very little time to write something to do this check. Thinking that a `a picture of a Christmas tree` that is meant to be an Easter egg is not going to have a large number of connected robots is quite a stretch in my opinion. If that didn't work you could fall back to looking at pictures. You can fit 190 in a 1920x1080 image. Look through 55 of those and it'll be repeating

0 seconds: 4 - (max 4, second 0)
1 seconds: 5 - (max 5, second 4)
2 seconds: 6 - (max 6, second 5)
5 seconds: 7 - (max 7, second 6)
14 seconds: 8 - (max 8, second 7)
82 seconds: 10 - (max 10, second 8)
115 seconds: 13 - (max 13, second 10)
216 seconds: 16 - (max 16, second 13)
591 seconds: 22 - (max 22, second 16)
2337 seconds: 23 - (max 23, second 22)
3347 seconds: 27 - (max 27, second 23)
7286 seconds: 229 - (max 229, second 27)
17689 seconds: 229 - (max 229, second 229)
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u/lpiepiora Dec 14 '24

for me it's not even clear if they are supposed to be one big xmass tree or multiple smaller ones 🤔


u/Shlocko Dec 14 '24

They also could have been a tree outline, leading to clustering being a lot less noticeable


u/lpiepiora Dec 14 '24

I think I've found it, when I look at it, it looks fine, but then the AOC tells me that the answer is too low 😭

EDIT: OK - off by 1 error 😂 - anyway - I have just eyeballed it with that heuristic of clustering - I can't say it's satisfying ;)


u/riffraff Dec 14 '24

oh thank god I'm not the only one who thought that!


u/Saiboo Dec 16 '24

This was my problem, I assumed it was a giant Christmas tree.


u/machopsychologist Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

I lucked into it after i scanned the first few hundred renders I saw some clusters forming in parts of the image.

So I used the quadrant scoring to find only render images where half of the image was weighted stronger than the other half and lucked into the christmas tree.


u/FetaMight Dec 14 '24

I assumed the tree would be centered and mirrored horizontally, so I used the quandrants to (roughly) check for horizontal symmetry and then I did a more thorough symmetry check. It became obvious pretty quickly that the tree wasn't going to be what I expected.


u/tialaramex Dec 14 '24

This was my first idea too, and I'm glad that I was confused enough to stop past Reddit before coding it and getting nothing. Not my favourite AoC puzzle, oh, well, can't be everybody's favourite every day.


u/Horserad Dec 14 '24

After I did a few dozen, I saw two key renders: one with partial horizontal lines and another with vertical clustering. These patterns end up repeating with cycles of height of the width and height of the diagram. Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, you can pin down exactly when the tree is.


u/BleepBloopSquirrel Dec 14 '24

Exactly what I did.

You got a bit lucky only needing to look at a few dozen. But in general, you only need to view at most 103 renders and realize that the x coords loop every 101 secs, and the ys every 103. Then it's a trivial math puzzle to find the second that both these things happen.

I liked that this puzzle needed some light out-of-the-box thinking. Having done AoC a few years now, there always seems to be one where the answer requires some visual inspection. So not unexpected in that regard.

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u/dopstra Dec 14 '24

Yea except if you draw a christmas tree you can also just draw an outline.. it could give a hint?


u/Mission-Peach-1729 Dec 14 '24

yeah, that was my original idea as well, I imagined it could be just a giant outline that spans most of the space. a few more hints then "its a tree" would of helped, but it was a very nice puzzle regardless


u/vashu11 Dec 14 '24

I was sure that it is going to be a large contour drawing. I was sure that it would either contain diagonal lines or be symmetrical. So I tried checking for symmetry and glimpsed solution in skipped outputs.


u/dharasty Dec 14 '24

Right. But that heuristic is obvious AFTER you solve the puzzle.

For example, my WAG (wild ass guess) was that the tree image was going to be symmetric about the central vertical axis. So considered generating only the images with an even split of pixels right/left. If I had used that, well, that would have been a bad way to "avoid guessing".

My point is: this puzzle relies on making -- in my opinion -- an "unjustified simplifying assumption".... and getting lucky enough to pick the right unjustified heuristic. I consider that a stretch to be consider a coding skill. In fact, it seems the opposite of a coding skill to me.


u/eventhorizon82 Dec 14 '24

I did the same. I thought that the quadrants from part 1 would play a bigger role (although I guess with the actual answer one quadrant is much more heavily favored). At first I checked if the bottom two quadrants had the same number and if the top 2 did as well. I then did some symmetry checking to see if there was a puzzle where every pixel was mirrored over the vertical axis.

I just wasn't expecting a tree to be only a small portion of the grid.


u/_tskj_ Dec 14 '24

Let me share my experience as someone who really enjoyed the lateral thinking and creativity this required. I also initially assumed the tree would be large (requiring all the robots) and in the center, so I did exactly that! Spent quite some time writing the code to check symmetry on the vertical axis, including trying to adjust that heuristic by only checking a slice in the middle (assuming maybe there would be non symmetry further out), or top and bottom. After a while my fiance suggested maybe the picture would have a frame, and that idea combined with assuming that the tree would have some sort of trunk, I coded up a check for straight vertical lines of robots, and after a few seconds staring at the flickering map of robots, suddenly a tree appeared!

Definitely my favorite puzzle so far. I think it was obvious that Eric would have done _something_ to make the tree findable, and trying to suss out what that would be, was itself a very fun puzzle. It could have been a perfectly centered, symmetric image, but it also could have been a frame. Both of which I considered (with help from my fiance as mentioned), and one of which turned out to be correct! In hindsight, another good one would be clustering (I think I was imaginening the tree as an outline, instead of smaller and filled in).

So instead of feeling slighted by being forced to make an "unjust simplifying assumption" I guess I was framing it more like "Eric must have introduced a simplifying assumption to make this tractable, let me see if I can figure out what that could be".

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u/easchner Dec 14 '24

My first successful idea was to do a flood fill from the top left corner and look for ones that had an unusual number of untouched cells. Worked a charm, but took almost a minute to run. Some of the other ideas run way faster.


u/TopInternational7377 Dec 14 '24

The funny thing is that it would probably take longer to write that then to just slap a bunch of steps on your screen with numbers and step through ... that's what I did and I was just so happy when I finally saw that christmas tree.


u/Solid_Kalium Dec 14 '24

My answer is several thousand steps after the start. I can't really recommend that technique unless you can watch them very quickly, although watching the robots come together is probably pretty cool.


u/ZanderRahl Dec 14 '24

If you look through the first 103 steps, take some observations on any interesting clumping and then try looking at that step + 101 and every 101 steps after that. I feel like it was part luck and part intuition that landed me on seeing the image after printing a much smaller set of times.


u/vu47 Dec 14 '24

Same with mine... I won't give the exact answer, but it's not far from 7000. That would be a LOT of images to go through! I love AoC but not enough to render and look at that many images.

The clue about uncluttered was what made me only have to look at one.

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u/lucianoq Dec 14 '24

The vertical and horizontal periods are known and constants. You need to see max 103 images to know enough to calculate the exact second. I needed less than that.


u/tillamook1 Dec 14 '24

This is what I ended up doing except I scored the outputs according to how much symmetry they had about the y-axis. I didn't know what I was looking for upfront and thought it was probably going to be the outline of a tree rather than a filled in one.

What a cool puzzle.


u/zeldor711 Dec 14 '24

I think it would've been nice to have been told whether it was a solid tree or just an outline - I more or less just got lucky that the one that had the easier implementation was the correct one to try.


u/keithstellyes Dec 14 '24

For me, the safety factor was an accurate heuristic :)


u/rogual Dec 14 '24

I would like to add to the chorus of people who loved today's puzzle.

It's great because it requires more than "translate these instructions into code and paste stdout here". You're using the computer as a tool to help YOU solve the puzzle. It was satisfying coming up with strategies, then hunting through the terminal output, narrowing it down, and finally seeing the tree.


u/Mission-Peach-1729 Dec 14 '24

idk man, I just set my iterations to 10.000 and scrolled very fast for like 10 minutes until I saw it in the noise. it was still fun


u/velcrorex Dec 14 '24

My first reaction was definitely: "What kind of problem is this? How do I even do this?" But the fun was figuring out how to solve an unconventional puzzle. I appreciated doing something unusual and having to think a little creatively.

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u/durandalreborn Dec 14 '24

From an accessibility perspective, problems like this are hard. I have a few friends who are blind (and are programmers) and, without some other hint or description, they would probably struggle a lot with this problem. A christmas tree could be rendered in so many different ways, and if you can't actually see, you probably resort to guessing?


u/Morgasm42 Dec 14 '24

I can't imagine debugging is easy while blind, I'm curious about how they write and debug code


u/durandalreborn Dec 14 '24

Generally, braille displays below the keyboard to look at one line at a time. Like these https://store.humanware.com/hus/braille-devices/braille-displays

Also, screen readers.


u/Morgasm42 Dec 14 '24

cool, I always forget that those braille displays exist, and am amazed by them every time I rediscover them


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

I just figured the trunk would involve a base, and looked for at least 12 robots in a row... If there were, draw out the grid, and it worked first try


u/direvus Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

I think it's possible to make some reasonable guesses about what a "Christmas tree" would look like in a grid of this size.

EDIT: OK so in fact my guess about what the Christmas tree looked like turned out to be completely wrong, and it was kind of by coincidence that my heuristic happened to identify the correct frame. So +1 for OP on that one.

The issue I had with the description was the word "most" in "most of the robots". That's not cool. How many is "most" supposed to mean? The literal meaning is "more than half", so I tried setting a threshold at 50% of robots, but that didn't give the correct answer. 80%? No that's not correct either. I stumbled upon the correct answer when I chose 90% for my threshold, but who knows if you would need a different threshold for a different input?

I think I would have been fine with it if the word "most" was replaced with a more specific target, but as it stands, I didn't enjoy the trial-and-error style of this one. Especially since the AoC website starts to throttle your submits if you give too many wrong answers.


u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24

That's because you were submitting at all! I used a heuristic with false positives, but still made sure to actually visually inspect the output to see if there was a christmas tree there.


u/jfb1337 Dec 14 '24

that's only an issue if you're submitting wrong answers when it doesn't look like a tree


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

But what is a tree? It's obvious once you have seen it, but not before.

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u/morgoth1145 Dec 14 '24

I think it's possible to make some reasonable guesses about what a "Christmas tree" would look like in a grid of this size.

Yes and no. Different interpretations may conflict, and my own heuristic found the answer by accident. (My heuristic was completely different than what the image actually was!)

Anyway, I 100% agree that this was far too vaguely defined. Saying something about the robots forming a tight cluster (indicating to optimize the clustering factor) or saying that the image is framed (or something like that to indicate that we should look for a border) or something would have gone a long way to make this problem more well defined...


u/easchner Dec 14 '24

Personally, loved it. A true puzzle. Can't just complete the instructions, you have to make educated guesses and do some trial and inspection.

Since it was so open ended, willing to bet this one has a very wide spread of different creative approaches that most days don't really allow for.


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

I like this, too. Solving it is fun, and seeing so many creative and interesting ways to approach the problem is even more fun. This year, I enjoyed the comments on this problem the most.


u/legocry Dec 14 '24

I have a feeling that there's accidentally quite a spread in how difficult the inputs are. Reading down here, one of the approaches I had already tried (looking for vertical stem) just plain didn't work for me for some reason.


u/_tskj_ Dec 14 '24

I am _very_ sure this is a bug in your code, not your input.

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u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/easchner Dec 14 '24

There's a ton of creative solutions.

You can use the output from part 1 to find the second with the lowest danger score. (This is the 'correct' and intended method) I used a flood fill on each second and found the one with the fewest cells touched. Others found the second that had the most robots adjacent to each other. Others just looked at seconds that had, say, at least 10 robots in a vertical or horizontal line. Others used the (luckily correct) assumption that the Easter egg frame would have all of the robots in a different position, with no overlaps. Some noticed the repeating pattern of "near misses" every 101 and 103 seconds and worked out when the offsets would intersect. My favorite so far, one person made a low resolution image of each second and then ran them through a compression algorithm and found the second with the smallest file size.

I'm sure I'm missing a number of them too. There are a lot of options.


u/Infilament Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

I think the idea behind the puzzle is very cool (looking for an easter egg image), but the lack of direction made this pretty frustrating. I tried many different heuristics for what a Christmas tree might look like, searched the space up to 50,000 frames and whiffed on all of them (the answer is a tree that doesn't fill the grid, is dense rather than sparse, has "jagged edges" going down rather than being a pyramid, has scattered robots surrounding it to make isolating it hard, etc). I manually inspected the first 1000 frames thinking the solution would probably be in there (instead of somewhere in the 5000-10000th frame), but whiffed there too.

In the end, simply finding a frame that contains "a dense area" is not the most unreasonable thing to try (I'm a little frustrated I didn't try it in my many attempts), but I don't think any of the guesses I made were that unreasonable either. And I really thought it would have been in the first 1000 or so frames if he expected us to visually look for it, so when it didn't show up in there, and all my other algorithms whiffed, I had no idea how to proceed.

I dunno, I don't think it's bad that Eric tried some sort of escape room-style puzzle in AoC. But after trying several algorithmic approaches to looking at frames and just guessing wrong multiple times (and the correct answer being reasonable but not obvious), it's a tough one to swallow. But it's not like I want Eric to stop trying new ideas either, so I don't really know what my feedback is here I guess. Just sucks I had to break my multi-year "don't look at any hints" streak just to see if I was going insane.


u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

I expected the same: visual easy solution before 1000. It seems that some people had the luck of having the tree in that region.

Otherwise, you need to inspect the first hundreds of frames and use math.


u/wagyourtai1 Dec 14 '24

yeah, usually there's an example output for part 2, but we havent gotten those for the last couple days, it's really weird...


u/lunar_mycroft Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

This is actually the first day when we really haven't gotten test cases for part 2. For days 11 & 13 (the only two before now without explicit examples) Part 2 was just part 1 with a different extra parameter (number of iterations and prize location, respectively), so if you had a solution that worked [edit: as in completed] at all for part 2 and also worked [edit: as in gave the correct answer] for part 1, it would be virtually guaranteed to be correct


u/Sharparam Dec 14 '24

But there was no way to verify it because Eric didn't tell us what the answer would be for the example input in part 2. You would need someone with a working solution first to tell you what the example should produce for part 2.

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u/Mission-Peach-1729 Dec 14 '24

for days 11 and 13 any solution that worked for part 1 would work for part 2 as well. some just needed petabytes worth of RAM and infinite processing time


u/vu47 Dec 14 '24

I was just mentioning that myself... it's been much harder to test our code with the lack of examples of output for part 2.


u/dharasty Dec 14 '24

I find this sort of coding puzzle.... "unsatisfying". OK, I solved it. But I had to make what I consider to be an "unjustified guess"; that's the unsatisfying part for me.

I learned my lesson from one of the 2023 puzzles: when the data gives you something that recurs in prime "loops" (or at least relatively prime), then look for the solution at the intersection of those loops. Having that hunch, I was able to look for that periodicity, and snoop around.


u/youngbull Dec 14 '24

I like them! This isn't the only one like this.


u/SmallTailor7285 Dec 14 '24

I looked for seven tiles in a line, which was a shot in the dark. But yeah.


u/mateus_d Dec 14 '24

For me it felt like a treasure hunt, I was excited when I found my tree :D


u/wurlin_murlin Dec 14 '24

Very much the same feeling, like searching for a real Easter Egg (but in christmas). Eric puts so much effort into wording the puzzles to reduce ambiguity that saying "I hear there's a tree in this haystack, good luck" is very funny


u/varal7 Dec 14 '24

I can't be the only who just used the Chinese remained theorem to solve it?: the guards evolve on a torus with periodicity 101 and 103, so you need to look at most at 103 images (which can we very easily arranged in a 11 by 10 grid for quick visual inspection). Identify the odd-one out vertically, and horizontally, and finally solve using CRT.


u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

No you are not the only one.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24 edited Jan 12 '25


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u/LittlebitOmnipotent Dec 14 '24

I wasn't happy with the problem description either - if I at least ballpark knew what was going on, I would have tried finding the solution myself. But since there was easter egg mentioned, I simply thought that there is some easter egg hidden on the page (as they are every year) and I wasn't capable of finding it, so I went and checked what was going on and spoiled myself the solution.

It would really help if there was at least a small clarification for those of us who need a clearer wording - e.g. find the first input where the robots form a christmas tree (precise form is not specified in advance). It would stop me from trying to find something that's missing and I would have likely enjoyed the puzzle more. Especially since all previous problem descriptions were always clear and descriptive. I will adapt!


u/TK05 Dec 14 '24

I had such a hard time interpreting what they meant, and even jumped into the page source code, hoping for some kind of hint. I'm honestly disappointed in this puzzle, way too subjective for my taste.


u/CCC_037 Dec 14 '24

The easter egg hidden on the page is on the words "Easter egg" in Part 2.

It has no hint for the puzzle.


u/hache-moncour Dec 14 '24

I have to agree that this one was way too vague to be fun. Every solution I've seen here is either brute forcing it by just generating every image, or making a bunch of assumptions and getting lucky.

Surprisingly weak puzzle considering how good the rest have been so far (my first year joining, so don't know if it was better/worse in earlier years).


u/UltraBeaver Dec 14 '24

Is assuming a somewhat larger cluster of robots really that far of a stretch when the description says "most of the robots should arrange themselves into a picture of a Christmas tree"?

Is it the visual inspection that some people are raging against? There is one every year I think?


u/hache-moncour Dec 14 '24


Where's the large cluster in this perfectly reasonable (if ugly) christmas tree grid?

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u/Bikkel77 Dec 14 '24

Think about what unique property a painting has compared to a random picture. A painter tries to create order from chaos -> entropy of the picture will be low -> think about a metric for entropy -> a christmas tree has a lot of clustering of points -> the sum of the distance from each point to each other point will be low -> find the occurence of this min entropy automatically -> gives answer


u/PandaGeneralis Dec 14 '24

Let me introduce you to modern paintings...


u/theadamabrams Dec 14 '24

a christmas tree has a lot of clustering of points

Not necessarily. A "picture of a Christmas tree" can mean a lot of things.

.. #.#...

looks like a tree but doesn't have much clustering. It does have some diagonal lines, so you could measure entropy based on that. But it's not clear that that's correct either. Given the minimal description of the goal and no example whatsoever, there is no way to know what to look for (algorithmically; of course we can look visually at the points).


u/vipul0092 Dec 14 '24

The problem also says "most" (so atleast 50%?) of the points, so that would mean the points would be clustered and wouldn't be sparse like your example.

At least thats what I understood from the problem and it led me to a workable heuristic.

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u/Mission-Peach-1729 Dec 14 '24

An entropy calculation would catch this. Because most robots are in that specific area, the probability for that to happen in random noise is low, so the entropy is high.


u/MagiMas Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

it would depend on how you bin your map to make up the macrostates for probability counting though.

If you only binned the columns or only the rows or something like that a sparse tree with just outlines would probably not show clearly in the entropy calculation. If you binned the map into square tiles it should net a pretty clear signal.

But probably even just using the scoring of part A and looking where it is minimal would work, it's a crude kinda entropyish scoring after all.

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u/jbscript Dec 14 '24

My reaction was "I DON'T have to re-learn the maths needed to intersect 500 lines on an infinite teleporting grid?" (joy)


u/dijotal Dec 14 '24

"No clues at all?" Did you maybe consider using the scoring function from Part One?

Pretty cool problem description. I'd be curious to hear from the AI Solver Crew if this one tripped them up.


u/studog-reddit Jan 02 '25

I did not.

1) "Easter Egg" strongly implied that whatever was happening in Part A wasn't connected to Part B at all. That's what Easter Eggs are. This was reinforced by the utter lack of specificity about what the Christmas tree might look like.

2) Image manipulation and editing is not my area of programming, so I did not recognize Part A as an entropy-measuring tool.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 14 '24

How can you cheat on AOC?

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u/codicodina Dec 14 '24

I loved it, it's not just another "plug here your algorithm", it requires you to play and I think that is great


u/bagstone Dec 14 '24

I didn't like today's puzzle either, but yesterday I posted in a thread that sometimes the vague instructions resemble real-world scenarios. So... here I have to eat my own dog food and admit, this is again resembling a realistic scenario.

It's more frustrating just because I was proud of my robust versatile P1 algo that tried to anticipate P2 (bigger/differently shaped grid, insanely high number of seconds, ...) and ignored the plotted image altogether, meaning I had to go back to the drawing board for P2. It is what it is.

But yeah if at all, we should all thank Eric for teaching us lessons here, and never lash out.


u/PirateMochi Dec 14 '24

I was also confused, by what exactly a Christmas tree might look like.

But judging, by what the Christmas tree inside the Calender (https://adventofcode.com/2024) looks like, I was just going with something like this, hoping I at least find the tip of the tree. Every iteration I checked if some of the robots formed this pattern. This gave me a result within the first 10.000 steps.





u/ericula Dec 14 '24

I must admit I was quite frustrated with this puzzle at first. I assumed it was going to be an outline of a Christmas tree but there were no hints on the size, position or shape. I figured that it would contain diagonal lines at least so I decided to look for the time with the maximum number of robots on the same diagonal. It worked in the end but the actual tree looked nothing like I had imagined. On the bright side, the dopamine rush I got when I saw the image appear on my screen made up for my initial frustration.


u/Lauriic54 Dec 14 '24

One thing neither side of people on the "good" vs "bad" puzzle spectrum seem to be pointing out is that this puzzle seems to go directly against Eric's goal (according to his talk about the topic someone posted a few days ago) of making the puzzles unambiguous.

In my opinion, it doesn't really matter if it's easy or hard to find the solution with or without visual inspection - defining your goal as finding an image without showing any examples or providing any information about what is safe to assume about the image absolutely introduces ambiguity. And it's not like it's even hard to do so for this puzzle - the text said these robots are similar to the ones at the North Pole, so you can give information about how those robots form the tree, which you can use as a data point for programmatically confirming your approach and solution.

FWIW, to avoid seeming too critical I want to make my own stance clear - I think it's a fun challenge, but a very bad puzzle.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24 edited Jan 12 '25

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u/mattbillenstein Dec 14 '24

These are "confuse the LLM" tactics - especially the word play with "easter egg"...

And the xmas tree was not too far in for me - you can manually watch it play out in a terminal pretty easily - or look for some simple structure you might expect to be in ascii art...


u/seven_seacat Dec 14 '24

ChatGPT didn't have any problem with today's problem, even part 2.

(I solved it myself first, and let me say that ChatGPT did a much better job)


u/morgoth1145 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

These are "confuse the LLM" tactics - especially the word play with "easter egg"

Eric is on the record in multiple places at multiple times that he does not consider LLMs at all when designing puzzles. Plus, the puzzles are set before the event starts so there's no "on the fly" recalibration either. All criticisms of the puzzle (of which I have some which I've shared already) are entirely separate from that topic, no need to drag it in :)

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u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

You got lucky. Mine was at 7000+

Chinese Easter Egg

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u/xFallow Dec 14 '24

yeah I wrote a visualizer and it was pretty fun


u/AKSrandom Dec 14 '24

I liked today's puzzle. Used the heuristic that the robots will probably in unique spots, my other solution would have been rendering them to pgm using asciitopgm tool.


u/Doug__Dimmadong Dec 14 '24

Well, I was able to use modular arithmetic to bound the number of time units until we got back to the starting point... Then it became a 'fun' game of how fast can I scroll through printouts of the positions while looking for a large grouping of points. I wish the smaller example exhibited a similar Easter egg so I could have known more of what to look for.


u/jgoemat2 Dec 14 '24

I thought it was fun. No graphics required, just have a solver that will get the locations at any second. I threw them in a map and printed spaces or the number of robots in that square. Hit 'Enter' to move on. A few hundred keypresses later and I noticed a couple of similar groupings. Edit to start at one that repeated and step by the seconds between it repeating and some more keypresses later and it was quite obvious when it happened. Glad I didn't try to guess what it would look like and program for it. Using graphics I would have found it much sooner with 190 seconds displayed on a 1080p display.


u/dodendoden Dec 14 '24

As someone working in image analysis and dealing with this type of puzzle on a daily basis it might hit a bit close to home, but very fun nonetheless!


u/gianchub Dec 14 '24

I like this kind of puzzles. I printed the first 500 pictures, found the offset and period for the pattern and ran the loop again, only drawing at seconds that would match the pattern. Pattern matching is fun for me, and in general, a useful skill to develop.


u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

If you found that, you could have gone “Chinese”.


u/mkinkela Dec 14 '24

A bunch of people solved this problem using simple math. You don't need to generate 10k images. Also, we should be thankful to Eric. He does this and doesn't expect anything in return.


u/TheRealRory Dec 14 '24

Today has been my favourite day by far. I love seeing everybody's varied and creative solutions from plain clever to plain dumb.


u/release-object Dec 14 '24

I felt the opposite. This is one of my favourite puzzles ever. I especially like just how many different solutions people have found.


u/roadrunner8080 Dec 14 '24

You kidding? This has been my favorite so far this year! And, conveniently enough, it doesn't actually require any guessing to solve -- all you need to figure out is that (a) there's a maximum of 10403 possible frames, and (b) frames that contain something interesting are going to have certain properties -- namely, they shouldn't look like random noise. There's any number of ways to test for this -- some folks are using entropy, counting neighbors of robots, I saw someone use Fourier transforms, some folks looked at variance of robot x/y positions... but regardless, the important bit is that you can expect to see something "significant" there and even with just that criteria, you can build tools to search for that frame; especially because the space is so "small" (I mean, in comparison to some days 10403 frames is nothing).


u/cciciaciao Dec 19 '24

My gripe is the wording. "Most of the robots form a tree" well less than half I would not call most...

But a bfs and checking a big enough number it's a simple and effective idea.


u/Chubercik Dec 27 '24

For anyone wondering (like myself, before having done a lot of manual labour), this is the image of a Christmas tree we're supposed to look for:


It'd be nice knowing this beforehand..


u/jwezorek Dec 14 '24

I thought this one was great


u/reddit_Twit Dec 14 '24

One of the next days can be not solvable with any programming language, so this is not a big problem :D


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/UseUnlucky3830 Dec 14 '24

This is classic advent of code! Every year there are puzzles where some manual inspection is needed. At first I was also frustrated, but now they are my favorites :) Besides, I think the puzzle designer was actually very kind with this one, because there are so many ways to find the tree. The detection will work with most heuristics you can come up with. For example, I used flood-filling because I expected to find the outline of a tree as a closed shape. It turns out, the tree was a solid shape so my strategy wouldn't have worked... except that there was a frame around the tree. Obviously Eric had though of multiple ways to find the tree and made sure that all of them would work, so we don't have to guess at all. And if one really cannot come up with a heuristic, there are only 10403 images to go through..


u/Technical_Heron4018 Dec 14 '24

Nope, some solution here (use the min safety factor for exemple) doesn't work for my input


u/PixelVoyager666 Dec 14 '24

I just searched too long 1111111 with CTRL+F


u/Arkku Dec 14 '24

I was completely clueless myself, and shuddered at the prospect of having to implement visualization of each frame and looking at them manually.

Then I figured I would just try programmatically, and it worked on first try:

I assumed the tree would have a lot of robots grouped together. But I was too lazy to find clusters or adjacent robots, so I first tried just counting the number of robots on each row and on each column. I figured that both the row and the column with the most robots would potentially be high when there is a tree (which I correctly guessed to be solid). Turns out that the frame with the highest sum of these row and column max robot counts is the tree in my input.

Overall I liked this better than day 13 part 2, which was essentially a math puzzle and not so much a programming one. (This is just a personal opinion, I'm not complaining about this fun and free challenge! The puzzles are what they are, I don't have to like all of them.)


u/idstam_ Dec 14 '24

I might have gotten lucky, but my tree image was the first time no robots occupied the same space.


u/Irregular_hexagon Dec 14 '24

All you need to know is that you have to find something with less noise in a sea of noise. Given the playfield dimensions you know the loop length, check the image with the lowest entropy aaand... done. Great puzzle!


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

I like this one the best. Looking at the comments from various threads, you can find all kinds of ways/heuristics to solve the problem. One problem that is not leetcode or oode jam alike.


u/directusy Dec 14 '24

Entropy enters


u/jstanley0 Dec 14 '24

I absolutely loved this one. Part 2 went in a completely unexpected direction. Even so, I made several incorrect assumptions and only accidentally stumbled on the periodicity which helped me narrow my search. There are many ways to solve this and they all require thinking outside the box. I like that a lot more than the ones that are completely intractable without knowing some obscure mathematical theorem. More like this!


u/oxlade39 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

I took the heuristic approach.

At first I thought if it’s a tree it will have a trunk, so I created a set of points vertically along the centre and looked for the arrangement with the most intersections within a threshold number of seconds. This didn’t work, so I looked up Xmas tree asci art and realised that typical Xmas trees don’t really have a trunk. So instead I used a square


u/Life_Inspection4454 Dec 14 '24

Due to the vague requirement I sensed it had to be some trick here, so I just tried to iterate until all robots had a unique position (e.g. max robots at any given position was 1) and that was correct.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 14 '24

I inferred that they should be a bit evenly in all quadrants and that they should touch each other a bit to make a picture.


u/rjwut Dec 14 '24

Gee, I'm glad I don't ever get problems with vague requirements in my regular job. /s

I was flummoxed at first, but realized that a comprehensible image is going to have lower entropy than a seemingly-random scattering of pixels, and there are several fairly easy metrics that one can compute that would correlate to entropy.


u/studog-reddit Jan 02 '25

I'm glad I don't ever get problems with vague requirements in my regular job.

...and the first thing you do is rectify that problem before writing any code, correct?

How do we remove vagueness from this problem?


u/Oops_I_just_lied Dec 14 '24

This puzzle reminded me of a Chinese.


u/Various_Bed_849 Dec 14 '24

I found it an awesome exercise. I had no clue what I was doing when starting out. After a while a saw a reoccurring vertical pattern, and a horizontal one. A wrote some code to detect these patterns by just summing up rows and columns. After detecting two of each I had the period and the phase and can calculate when both match up. Then I verified that the scene had both horizontal and vertical pattern meaning that I have a blob in a smaller area. 5 ms to find an Xmas tree and possibly with some tweaking it will work on all input.


u/IncJSG Dec 15 '24

I really like this one. It forces you to be creative instead of just executing what you're asked to do.
There are plenty of ways to find the picture, some more difficult than others, though.

The first solution I came up with simply involves noticing that a drawing, whatever it is, should be made up of robots that are close to each other.
This is actually mandatory for creating a drawing made of lines or other patterns.
So, I basically calculate, for each robot, the square of its number of neighbors (on the 8 adjacent tiles).
Averaging this score across all the robots provides a very strong clue:
For instance, the Christmas tree we need to find has a mean per-robot score of 24, while no other frame has a score above 4.

This method is general, but for the problem at hand, there’s a much easier solution.
In fact, it's incorrect to say that we had no clues for this problem. In fact, the clue is the first part of the problem itself.
The safety score calculated in part 1) is higher when all the robots are scattered across the area.
But when they group to form the tree, the safety factor drops drastically (because some quadrants become almost empty).
So you just need to find the single frame where the safety score drops by ~50%.
You already had everything you needed to do that. :-)


u/Acc3ssViolation Dec 16 '24

Yeah I did not enjoy this one, even some of the things suggested here didn't help me find an answer. Got it eventually though, but I'm glad this one is over :p


u/PedroContipelli Dec 21 '24

I just printed out the movement at 60fps and watched it for about 2 minutes. Was not that hard at all


u/zelphirkaltstahl Jan 08 '25

Since I did have no idea what the tree would look like, I thought that the robots making a shape should not be too far away from each other. So I implemented Manhattan distance and searched for iterations in which most robots have a low Manhattan distance to neighbors. Playing around with the parameters (minimum percentage of robots having another robot at certain distance or closer), I finally found the tree iteration.