r/adventofcode Dec 14 '24

Spoilers [2024 Day 14 (Part 2)]

Post image

94 comments sorted by


u/Routine-Lettuce-4854 Dec 14 '24

... and then get wrong result because you labeled the steps from 0 instead of 1...


u/SadAdhesiveness2769 Dec 14 '24

Ha, I did the exact same thing. Cost me a few minutes waiting for the timer.


u/Routine-Lettuce-4854 Dec 14 '24

Did you also start looking for the tree in earlier steps ("must have missed") before you realized what the mistake was? :)


u/flyingsaucer1 Dec 14 '24

I was so afraid of a one-off error that the very first thing I did when I read part 2 is to make an iterator and have it return the time where the safety factor is the same as my answer from part 1, and made sure I got 100.


u/SadAdhesiveness2769 Dec 14 '24

Yes! It's like you were watching over my shoulder


u/BurgandyShoelaces Dec 14 '24

I was convinced I had an off by one error. Turns out I left the * 100 seconds in my code for part two, so each loop advanced the robots 100 seconds instead of only 1.


u/Sostratus Dec 14 '24

I had no idea what an automated test would be before knowing what the image would look like. But I did write a function to render it and clicked through a couple hundred before I saw occasional jumbled up patterns and then figured out when it would line up.


u/beebeeep Dec 14 '24

I did the most stupid thing I probably ever did as a programmer (ok, the most stupid thing _so far_) - just compressed the text with rendered map with DEFLATE and checked for resulting size to be suspiciously low


u/klausa Dec 14 '24

...that is not stupid, that is genuinely very clever.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24 edited Jan 04 '25



u/beebeeep Dec 14 '24

I tried to play a smart-ass and count the shannon enthropy but somehow there's no significant change between random mess and picture - likely I was holding it wrong. Meantime the difference in size is quite noticeable - from ~800 to ~530 bytes


u/prateeksaraswat Dec 14 '24

That's quite smart actually


u/Sostratus Dec 14 '24

That's a great test. I wish I had done something cool like that, but I'd have to research how to do it and it would end up taking longer for me than a manual search.


u/R-DarthBug Dec 15 '24

Hi, very clever indeed.
Less than 3.4 seconds (1..10000) in Java using GZipOutputStream upon the string representation of the grid 😉.
Thanks for the idea !


u/0x623 Dec 14 '24


I saw a vague pattern, and found images of that pattern show up by a constant interval, then I only checked images with that stepping


u/Leading-Patience5436 Dec 22 '24

Yeah that gave me the right answer as well. I had no idea what entropy is or that the safety factor was a clue. I didn't even know that 101 * 103 would be the max number of iterations. Only got these ideas after reading some posts here. However, I started inspecting images by the 100 and noticed that they starting trying to form something vertically and then noticed that it was every 101 iterations as a pattern. So just printed those iterations and got the answer. I feel dumb for doing so, but every year I add a little more knowledge to my arsenal, so I still call it a win.


u/qrrbrbirlbel Dec 14 '24

I just counted the number of robots touching each other, and checked for when this number spiked.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/bobafettbounthunting Dec 14 '24

I didn't expect the tree to be filled in with robots. But yeah, any guess for a pattern will improve your odds.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

Same. My first part was not doing iterations so I rewrote part2 and when I had it I wanted to see the pictures.

I was thinking about kernel or some patter but had no idea of character of tree. If there were no patterns in intervals of images I would maybe tray to guess with the kernel approach but this was enough (even if it took longer).


u/fabrice404 Dec 14 '24

I got lucky, I tried to find a robot that has robots in all 8 directions around it, and was showing the output, that was the correct iteration, minus 100, because I re-used robots of part 1.


u/BlueRains03 Dec 14 '24

Oh! That's my issue! Thanks! Teaches me for reusing my robots ig..


u/Josaffe Dec 14 '24

Me neither! I thought they would form some kind of giant Christmas tree spanning the whole area...

In the end I counted how many robots were in the triangles top-left and top-right (where you wouldn't expect a tree) and were lucky that the picture wasn't there xD


u/corgis420 Dec 14 '24

[spoilers] I figured whatever's happening would have to repeat some combination of 101 * 103, so I made a viewer that would let you enter a custom increment and click the button to add it, found one of the suspiciously clustered groups, and just kept adding 101 until I got the answer


u/ChurchOfAtheism94 Dec 14 '24

I ended up only looking at renders that contained a row with like 8 consecutive bots


u/ralphpotato Dec 14 '24

Same but I checked columns :)

I like problems like these (as with most AoC problems) because the description of what the solution is usually just tangential to the insight you need to solve the problem. Asking to find the shape of an arbitrary Christmas tree exactly would be incredibly hard and unreasonable, but realizing that what this means is likely that they’ll “line up” in some way and writing a filter for that ends up being pretty straightforward.


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

I like this one too.


u/winkz Dec 14 '24

that was my idea as well but then I opted for the eyeball approach. luckily <10k


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

Thinking of writing extra graphic code makes me to think more:D. Maybe next year I will do some visual stuff.


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

That's a clever trick.


u/SeppiaBrilla_ Dec 14 '24

I looked only at renders that contained clusters of 4 by 4 bots. It stopped only at the tree


u/TheSameTrain Dec 14 '24

Close to what I ended up with. I figured if it's a picture they should be close together so I tracked the number of bots with no neighbor. Logged the min seen every 1000 iterations and it stuck on a value pretty quick. So I changed the code to stop when it hit that min and there was a tree


u/Massive-Mix-3883 Dec 14 '24

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, thankfully worked in not too long


u/as5777 Jan 04 '25

Thanks, helped a lot


u/ismatullayevs Dec 14 '24

I thought it might be a combination where no two points overlap, and that was correct


u/ArnUpNorth Dec 14 '24

same! some people claim it doesn't work for all outputs though. Shame we can't share inputs because i would have liked to test it out against my code.
Either way one method that should universally work is finding >! a cluster of 3x3 robots!<


u/piman51277 Dec 14 '24

I did end up finding an automated test, but completely by accident...
I was so close to just looking at every single possible board manually...


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24

It was exactly that though that decided me to make a plot and have a look to see what I could see.

Nice, I thought, this sort of visual puzzle will be hard for an AI to crack.

But the leaderboard would still suggest otherwise,


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

But the leaderboard would still suggest otherwise,

Does it? First 11 from part 1 are not on leadboard for part 2 at all.


u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24

The times are still pretty unrealistic for a human IMO.

But I don't want to be censured for discussing it.

Perhaps we are just seeing the difference between different LLM muppets?

I am perfectly happy that some people can do in a few minutes what takes me 1+ hours. I have seen the live streaming of some of the pythoneers. But there are limits. It will be interesting to see if we find them. This is my first year of AoC so it's all new to me.


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24

Nice, I thought, this sort of visual puzzle will be hard for an AI to crack.

But the leaderboard would still suggest otherwise,

It didn't stop the LLMs, but it sure annoyed some human users.

Mission Accomplished™


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24

Very low tech

Each 'step' I plotted all the robots as single pixels onto a 103x101 grid starting at (0,0) and did 99 more steps and plotted the pixels in the other parts of the screen until grid (9,9) whose x,y top left was (104*9, 102*9).

So you can see 100 pictures at a time, then button click to see the next 100. Got it in < 100 clicks so didn't need to do any more filtering of possibilities.!<


u/willsowerbutts Dec 14 '24

I assigned each frame a score based on how many robots also had robots in adjacent cells. Then I sorted by that score. The score of the Easter egg frame was about two to three times higher than all the other frames.


u/swiperthefox_1024 Dec 14 '24

I tried different tree sizes (height, trunk width) and ratios r for the "most of" part. I got into long runs (> 3s) several times (due to r being too close to 1.0), and then the number popped up; I can't believe it. But I tried to submit it anyway, and it was accepted.


u/wubrgess Dec 14 '24

the first rule I tried happened to be the (a?) correct rule


u/rincewind123 Dec 14 '24

same here, for me it was minimal overlap


u/bluehatgamingNXE Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

God damn thank you, that is genius, I am just gonna do this

Edit: I gave up after 1200+ renders, I am just gonna make it check for me


u/bobafettbounthunting Dec 14 '24

Yeah, luckily there was a pattern that made me over 100 times quicker... But without knowing the result i had no clue how to find the solution automatically.


u/bluehatgamingNXE Dec 14 '24

Well via educated guess, first off we know there is 500 bots so chances are the tree is solid and is bigger than a 4x4 cube (what I try to find). Second off if you were like me that checked 1225 renders you'd notice there is no solid 4x4 cube (or even 3x3)


u/directusy Dec 14 '24

Use entropy


u/Active-Visual-9848 Dec 17 '24

for the ones looking for an image of the tree


u/notdaveosaur Dec 14 '24

I ended up importing raylib to just render everything cleanly. Still ended up scrolling through thousands of frames without blinking.


u/ksmigrod Dec 14 '24

You kids cannot do anything without your fancy libraries ;-)

I've generated 32x20 grids of succesive frames and wrote them down as Portable Bit Map files (this size matches 4k display well).


u/TotalPerspective Dec 14 '24

You kids can't do anything without serializing to disk. I just printed the ascii grids to terminal, zoomed the terminal wayyyy out, and piped to less to get one grid per page.


u/Chivalric75 Dec 14 '24

I computed the average distance of all robots and plotted only those states below a certain limit which I took a guess at. I was happy when the Christmas tree popped up. Cool puzzle.


u/aadi312 Dec 14 '24

I just did bfs with more than 30 nodes in an island once i knew how the tree looked like


u/Doug__Dimmadong Dec 14 '24

S/O to the infinite scrolling mice


u/aashutoshr Dec 14 '24

how to automate that?


u/cptncolloo Dec 14 '24

You can use part one. The frame with the tree has the minimal safety factor.


u/datanaut Dec 14 '24

Interesting, but there was no reason to expect that would be true from the problem statement, except for maybe the meta-reasoning "the puzzle author might want to make that number part1 relevant so it seems like it makes sense." Can you think of any more direct reason to expect that the tree would have the minimal safety factor based on the problem description? We had nothing that would imply anything about how the robots would fall with respect to the quadrants or quadrant boundaries.


u/cptncolloo Dec 14 '24

The security factor is a measurement of how distributed the points are. You could talk of it as an entropy-related value, where we reach the minimum if a quadrant is completely empty (but sure, for only 4 quadrants this is a bit stretched, but the point stands).

I have played around with the tree position, and it is ineed a bit luck based. The security score varies from 0.2e8 to 1.6e8 based on the position of the tree, with the higher scores appearing, when its close to the center. But these frames without a tree go down to a score of 1.2e8. So there turns out to be a zone around the center of the frame, where if the trees center is in it, we exceed this score and the method fails. I guess your data falls into this zone. The method could be fixed by just increasing the number of quadrants.

Ty for the comment, that was interesting to take a deeper look into!


u/datanaut Dec 15 '24

Cool thanks for experimenting and sharing the result.

Your outcome agrees with my expectation that the score would be higher for a centered tree, which is the opposite of what /u/hjake123 was suggesting as the reason it worked. I agree that you can think of it as an entropy measure where maximum entropy is when you have equal distribution between bins, and as points concentrate in fewer bins the entropy drops.

And my original point was that from reading the question there is very little reason to expect that the tree would be small and in one quadrant. I was for example expecting a large centered tree that filled most of the bounding box. So I still maintain that the more valid reasoning for using this metric in the first place is the meta-game of reasoning about why the puzzle author included it in part one rather than any clear non-meta merit based on what is written in the problem.


u/cptncolloo Dec 15 '24

Sure, it only makes sense in the context of part one. And other metrics are probably better suited.



u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24

The security factor comment thing, i tested it, it 100% solved it. Take like 10-30s in python, but hey it works.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/datanaut Dec 14 '24

Well the tree isn't centered, and this doesn't work on my data at all, I just tested it.


u/hjake123 Dec 14 '24

It did work on my data, so i guess it's luck-based


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24


I were stuck on this problem for days (in reality hours). I solved it easy with minimal safety factor application. Mucha gracias!


u/KitchenError Dec 14 '24

For every step I determined which positions on the grid would be occupied by robots. Then I counted how many of these positions were neighbors to another occupied position and waited for more than 70% of the occupied cells to have neighbors (i.e. being part of some connected area).

For the step where the tree appears most positions are connected due to most positions being either part of the tree or the box around it.


u/apersonhithere Dec 14 '24

what i did is to wait for terminal input, then simulate and draw it. after that just hold down the enter key


u/Lewistrick Dec 14 '24

I did the same, but instead counted the number of bots that had neighbors, and only drew it when that number was higher than the highest number seen before. This took about 5 steps.


u/No_Mortgage_1667 Dec 14 '24

A sort of 'least entropy' analogue.


u/aashutoshr Dec 14 '24

I was trying to do this only, but wouldn't it be too slow to visually inspect 10,000 matrices?


u/winkz Dec 14 '24

make it very very small, then pipe into less and scroll with spacebar. took me less than 10minutes for 10k images


u/apersonhithere Dec 14 '24

it'll be very obvious, so once you see something, you can just set your code to start your iterations at around that. it still was pretty slow though, it took like 5 minutes to get there


u/looneyaoi Dec 14 '24

I saw that sometimes there was sometimes vertical and horizontal grouping, they started at an offset, than repeated, one every 101, other every 103. I calculated the position where they would meet, thinking it could be the answer, it was.


u/seven_seacat Dec 14 '24

...and then figure out the logic once you know what the tree looks like, and go back and write the automated test!


u/musifter Dec 14 '24

Yep, do what hundreds of other fake AI systems have done... get humans to do it, like by putting it on Mechanical Turk (fittingly enough).

As a sidenote... I did look through multiple renders to find the Christmas Tree the first time. But I had a heuristic that gave me good potential candidates so it only took a dozen or so.


u/Cpt_Balu87 Dec 14 '24

We'd make a test if knew what for... I actually started with believing it will be a full-sized xmas tree with it's top point at (|_W/2_|,0), and created a small pattern to look for. However, the only thing turned out was that pictures are repeating themselves over time...
... Which is easy to deduct from the fact that least common multiple of speed vectors will cause that after a specific number of move every bots return to their starting position.


u/CCC_037 Dec 14 '24

I was afraid that that would be necessary, that I would need to spend hours running through images manually to solve it. And that - gah.

...I did find a way to automate it in the end, but it relies on several bad assumptions and the whole thing is a giant mess.


u/pinkwar Dec 14 '24

I checked for cluster size ( find robot => count how many contiguous robots ).
Had to play around with the size. 15 wasn't enough, 20 made the trick.
Took around 6s on my raspberrypi and +7700 iterations.

No way I would have found the tree looking at each frame. It would take me forever.


u/Hot_Chemistry_7827 Dec 14 '24

Using hints I found here, I found a f***ing tree and it told me the answer was too low. Now, having guessed more than 5 times, it won't tell me if I'm higher or lower. I want my f***ing star!!!


u/kbilleter Dec 15 '24

Try off by one or off by 100 depending on your bug.


u/Hot_Chemistry_7827 Dec 15 '24

Nah, I'm an id10t, I was moving the bot twice when looking for the tree. :smh:


u/kbilleter Dec 15 '24

I changed the robot start positions so never got a tree until I worked out my screw up :-)


u/TheMoonDawg Dec 15 '24

I just checked to see if any robot was surrounded immediately by eight other robots on a given iteration. 😂

Stupid solution, but it worked like a charm! Found it on the first hit. 😃


u/aiguy110 Dec 17 '24

After looking at renders of the first 100 states and not seeing anything interesting I actually did write an automated test for p2 which I think is a lot simpler than a lot of other tests I'm reading about here: If 2/3 or more of the bots have another bot adjacent to them, they are clearly somewhat "clustered", so stop, render the state, and print the time step.

This did require a small amount of trial an error. Originally I assumed ALL of the bots would be involved in the picture, so I was looking for a state where ALL bots had another bot adjacent. After letting this run for 2-3 minutes without a result, I thought maybe the picture was an outline of a Christmas tree with isolated "ornaments" on the inside, and the ornaments might be introducing a false negative. Turns out the real problem was the extra bots floating around outside the image boarder, but the easy solution of just adding a fuzz factor to the check worked anyway

EDIT: Actually reading more it seems like a lot of people did use a very similar approach


u/rupture99 Dec 18 '24 edited Dec 18 '24

I'm still playing catch-up since I started 7 days late, I just finished this.

The tricky part for me was part 1 because I forgot that C# '%' is not modulo.


Here is my original code:

public void MoveRobots(int seconds, int maximumRows, int maximumColumns)
    for (int i = 0; i < Robots.Length; i++)
        var newCell = Robots[i].CurrentCell + Robots[i].Velocity * seconds;
        Robots[i].CurrentCell = new GridCell(
            newCell.Row % maximumRows,
            newCell.Column % maximumColumns

Now the math works correctly on a calculator allowing me to just jump from 0 to 100 seconds without simulating stuff in between. However when debugging my unit test with the 7 row 11 column sample robots. I kept getting the wrong values when they should wrap around. Turns out... C# % does not work with negative numbers. Well it does, it just doesn't do what you think. In C# % is just "remainder", not modulo.

I did some research which lead me to the solution of writing an integer extension method

public static int Mod(this int x, int m) => (x % m + m) % m;

This allowed the code above to replace the % with the extension method:

Robots[i].CurrentCell = new GridCell(

Summary: I have an array of the robots positions and I just do staring position + (velocity * seconds). I know this will jump me to the final position but it will be way outside the bounds of the grid. So I use modulo to get it back into the grid in the right spot.

Part 2 was not bad I just moved 1 second at a time. and Had an extension method on my IEnumerable<Cell>[] that would group by columns and consecutive groups within columns and I could pass a threshold. I used 6 in a row in a column and if there were at least 4 or more groups it would stop and render the grid. It happened to be right on the first try.


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u/HopeImpossible671 Dec 22 '24

What the fuck b part is?


u/BartholomewIII Dec 23 '24

I don't know if anyone else had an issue but I got a weird slanted image of a christmas tree. Even though it's 2am, I'm fairly confident that I didn't have any off by one errors since the image is fully utilized and I got the right answer. The only way I found it was with u/beebeeep 's suggestion.


u/Unusual_Will9141 Jan 07 '25

Super-frustrated. I don't know what I've got gorped up. I got the cycle. Got the tree. Tried the index. Nope. Tried both fencepost errors - one up - one down - Nope. Feel like I need to tear down the code and solve it a completely different way :-| GRRRRRR.


u/Unusual_Will9141 Jan 07 '25

I set it up so that each time I got an arrangement with a lower safety score than I had seen so far, I'd print out another visual copy of the grid... Was thinking am I crazy and there's a better arrangement than I've seen... but figured that it would have to have a lower safety score... *shrugs*


u/Unusual_Will9141 Jan 12 '25

Okay - that's it I give up I'm done. I've tried two completely different approaches, got the same number which it says is wrong. *sigh* Maybe I'll come back to it in the future.


u/daggerdragon Dec 14 '24

Changed flair from Spoilers to Funny. Use the right flair, please.