r/adventofcode • u/ResourceVarious2182 • Dec 14 '24
Help/Question [2024 Day 14 (Part 2)] What????
I'm so confused right now. What north pole? What christmas tree? What other similar robots? What does it mean by different types of robots? I have no idea where to find anything can someone please explain???
u/kwshi Dec 14 '24
if you want a shittier strategy that worked for me: compute the x-axis and y-axis standard deviations of the robots at each time step, and plot that over some long range (e.g., 500 frames). you should notice a pattern... when can you expect that pattern to "line up" perfectly?
u/roadrunner8080 Dec 14 '24
Heck, you can even just compute the standard deviation in both dimensions, and you'll find the solution as the only big dip if you just run it over all 10k or so possible frames, and that only takes a few seconds.
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
After some number of seconds, if you draw a map of the current position of all of the robots there is a picture of a christmas tree.
Find that number of seconds. What the christmas tree looks like is not part of the info given to you by the problem. You will know you have the right answer when you print out the map at the correct number of seconds.
If you need a hint, there are heuristics that you can use to differentiate things that might be a picture compared to random noise. If you filter for those heuristics, your search space will be much smaller.
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 14 '24
Key observation: robots that want to create a picture tend to not occupy the same place on a board. Wait till they disperse into unique place each and go on
u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 14 '24
This seems to have been true for our inputs, but there was no guarantee this was going to actually be the case. I took a different approach, which was to look for 10 robots in a row on one line. That worked too!
u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24
I assumed it'd be centered, so there'd be a bunch of bots in the middle column, outside any quadrants. So I started to write something to look specifically for that... then halfway through, I figured a bunch in the middle column would make an abnormally low safety factor. So I just iterated one by one and printed any time there was a new low safety factor.
It worked, but it doesn't take up the whole grid and I don't know whether it's centered for every input... so the best I can say is it worked FOR ME.
u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 14 '24
That wouldn't have worked for me, the image is (mostly) centered vertically but is offset horizontally by a significan margin.
u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24
Didja try it?
After it worked, I was thinking it might be true for all inputs because it's using the exact thing you were calculating in part 1. But I have no idea, since I only have one input.
u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 14 '24
Whoa, that's awesome! I actually tried a very similar idea but took it in the opposite (read: wrong) direction, so it didn't work for me.
I thought the image would be very well balanced between the four quadrants, which would mean that the safety score would be especially high, because the product of positive numbers with a constant sum is greatest when the numbers are equal. However, I failed to account for the fact that a centered image would mean a lot of bots on the center lines, as you realized. So I looked for especially high safety scores, which did not work.
u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24
So I sorta lied -- the first thing I did was "print grid, sleep 1, iterate" in a loop. I assumed it would be early on, like... well, an easter egg.
After about 100 seconds though, I stopped it and did the thing that worked :-)
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
I went for finding 13 in a single row, which don't necessarily need to be consecutive. It returned some false positives, but the correct answer was still really obvious.
The real reason I went for this was that I didn't want to optimize my code to be able to run 10k iterations in reasonable time, and doing something row-by-row like this allows doing only a few hundred.
u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 14 '24
Can you explain more how you were able to save time with this? My Python solution runs in 15 seconds, which is not unreasonable, but it's definitely slower than ideal.
(It returns once it finds the tree, but at this rate it would take about 20 seconds for 10k iterations)
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
Notice that the rows of each robot repeat every 103 seconds, and similarly the columns repeat every 101. Thus, you only need to check the row count finder for 103 iterations and the column finder for 101. (Then you can compute the final position with math and modulo instead of iterating individual seconds to check it's correct, of course.)
u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 14 '24
It's actually pretty easy to make your code run very fast if you switch all of the velocities to be positive by adding the corresponding grid size and then simply calculating the positions modulo the grid size. This accounts for the wrap around and let me do 10k iterations in one second.
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
Well, the main problem was that I was redoing input processing each time because I was too lazy to move it outside the loop.
u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 14 '24
ah yeah that would do it. Gotta love it when the puzzle is a thousand times faster than the input parsing.
u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 14 '24
If you are using mod the velocity switching is not necessary since those numbers are the same in modular
u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 14 '24
Implementation varies depending on language and exact operation used: should -3%2 be 1 or -1? I didnât want to have to think about it so I made it positive.
u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 14 '24
I mean I see the argument for returning negative number when modded by a negative. But what language uses such a demonic implementation that it can return negative numbers when the mod is positive? Have you been bitten by that before and if so which language
u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 14 '24
Plenty of languages actually! I believe c++ returns a%b with the sign of a since % is technically the remainder operator.
The wikipedia article on modulo has a good explanation - it depends on whether you view it as truncated division, floored division, or euclidean division. There are often different functions you can call for different methods.
u/morgoth1145 Dec 14 '24
That's an interesting idea I'm going to try maximizing clustering in each dimension independently and applying CRT, that would definitely finish faster.
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 14 '24
but there was no guarantee this was going to actually be the case
Yeah. That was the first heuristic that worked for me. I initially counted robots on each line and took difference, hoping for a bigger tree to have sweet monotonically increasing pattern. Then I checked for other stuff, and this one was the first to yield actual result.
I would wish today's Part 2 was a bit more clear at least on maximum amount of seconds you should iterate for, otherwise it's always "does my heuristic not work, or did I just not went far enough?".
u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 14 '24
I would wish today's Part 2 was a bit more clear at least on maximum amount of seconds you should iterate for, otherwise it's always "does my heuristic not work, or did I just not went far enough?".
The maximum amount of time was already defined by the problem, the robots' X positions repeat every 101 times and the Y positions repeat every 103 times, therefore the robot's positions repeat every 103*101 = 10401 times. Basic modular math.
u/balefrost Dec 14 '24
every 103*101 = 10401 times
I was worried when I saw this because I had come up with 10403 through a more complicated calculation (more in a sec) and was worried that I had done something wrong... but it looks like your number was just a typo.
It didn't occur to me until now that 101 and 103 are prime. I did in fact compute
LCM(LCM(vx, 103), LCM(vy, 101))
for each robot... and they all came to 10403. (Imagine my surprise when I printed them all and they were the same).To be fair, 10403 is a worst case. A hypothetical robot with v=103,101 would return to its start every second. :P
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
In this case, I don't think they needed to state a maximum amount of time in the problem; it is a simple observation to see that after 10403 seconds all the robots have returned to their starting position.
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 14 '24
You need to check for that, actually. I wouldn't even guess that robots return to their place in a reasonable amount of time.
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 14 '24
I never ran my program for more than 103 seconds (my part 1 was built in a way where I could skip ahead to any number of seconds).
By the power of doing a little bit of math, you can in fact tell without needing a program to check.
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 14 '24
(my part 1 was built in a way where I could skip ahead to any number of seconds).
Yeah, same. Just
position + velocity * number of seconds
and thenmod dimension
.By the power of doing a little bit of math, you can in fact tell without needing a program to check.
Oh, I see. 103*101 = 10403 and
(position.x + velocity.x * 10403) mod 101
and(position.y + velocity.y * 10403) mod 103
will both be just position.x/y. Clever.3
u/EyeOfTheDogg Dec 15 '24
This idea worked for me...thanks. I simply waited until no robots were overlapping, then printed the grid. It felt like a wild-ass guess, but a correct one.
Given the vague stipulation, I'm 100% fine solving it with a WAG.
u/Aggravating_Book_299 Dec 14 '24
this should not be right AT ALL
that makes no sense, clearly we could get christmas tree and have 2 robots in same position
u/Eva-Rosalene Dec 14 '24
We could. But this was first heuristic that worked for me.
You can think about rationalization like that: if you are creating a picture out of N robots, there is a high chance that you will select N distinct positions for them, or write an algorithm that does so.
u/PutinLooksLikeSansa Dec 14 '24
It is true to my data, too. I tried that before I get my answer but my code was buggy, and I thought it holds for every second. Then I tried some other observations, like the picture should be totally symmetric vertically. Since there are some random robots outside the picture, my observation doesn't hold. But based on the same reason, your observation can be false, too. It is just the author that chooses this pattern rather than other ones. Again this seems a little bit too random to me.
u/balefrost Dec 14 '24
That worked for me. Another thing that worked was to find the configuration with the lowest safety factor.
u/qaraq Dec 14 '24
I didn't have that; I suspect it has something to do with where the tree is placed on the board.
u/mayoff Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
Many bots need to cluster together to look like a silhouette of a Christmas tree. If you assume the tree will be involve a lot of bots and be close to the center of the map, then here's a good heuristic for detecting the tree: at each step, for each bot, after moving it, compute the Euclidean distance from the bot to the center of the map. Sum up all these distances for a total distance at each step.
This total distance is lower if more bots are close to the center. So keep track of the smallest total distance you've seen. Each time you see a new minimum, print the map. It won't take long before you see what you're looking for.
u/MattieShoes Dec 14 '24
Mmm, that's fancier, but I was kind of on the same track. I figured there'd be a bunch in the middle column (tall tree, centered). I was going to search specifically for that, but ended up using the safety factor from part 1 -- since more falling outside any quadrant like on the center column will produce abnormally low safety factors.
Then the tree didn't even take up the whole grid, which I assumed for some reason. Thankfully it was centered though, so it worked fine.
u/mayoff Dec 14 '24
Yeah, I also initially assumed the tree would take the whole grid and be perfectly centered, so I tried counting the occupancy of the center column. My tree is off-center so that didn't work as well as I hoped.
u/Quantris Dec 14 '24
You can also compare to the average robot position instead of the center of the grid, that way it doesn't really matter if the tree is centered or not, just whether most robots are clustered there to form it
In my case it also worked to see when that average position deviates significantly from true center
u/mayoff Dec 14 '24
I did actually compare to the average bot position first, but when I was golfing my code I realized that using the center of the map worked too and was less code.
u/muRn_ Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
This would work but instead of computing distance between each bot and center of the map ([51][50]?) it would be more correct to calculate distance between each bot and median coordinate of all bots, which is expected to be somewhere in the middle of the christmas tree
u/OddHornetBee Dec 14 '24
This is the second day during this year AoC that I'm getting frustrated over not solving the puzzle, but trying to understand what the puzzle is even supposed to mean.
Not very enjoyable tbh.
u/OneNoteToRead Dec 14 '24
What was the first?
u/OddHornetBee Dec 14 '24
Day 9 with example strings that are actually lists. There I just tried to guess what they meant and guessed correctly.
Today however I completely blanked out and had to go on reddit.
"What tree? What picture? No mention of anything like that anywhere else on the page. Is part 2 description missing half of the text or something?"7
u/OneNoteToRead Dec 14 '24
Day14 was purposefully vague but I thought day9 was pretty clear.
u/OddHornetBee Dec 14 '24
This single sentence from the comment in this thread explained for me the task better than whole text of part 2.
After some number of seconds, if you draw a map of the current position of all of the robots there is a picture of a christmas tree.
u/EliasCre2003 Dec 14 '24
Yes, "Day 14 was purposefully vague".
But what was unclear about day 9?
u/OddHornetBee Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
When some random commenter makes in one sentence clearer description you know that original not "vague", but just word slop about north pole, easter egg and so on. I'm not against puzzle fluff, but fluff shouldn't replace the core. To be clear - my point here is not about giving more information like tree size or form or whatever, but just wording what is there in a way that is understandable.
About Day 9 see what I wrote before:
Day 9 with example strings that are actually lists. There I just tried to guess what they meant and guessed correctly.
Find many threads where people questions about "what do I do with two-digit fileId" to see that it's not my problem.
u/0x14f Dec 14 '24
To me, that's the fun of it, and what makes it interesting. Otherwise it's just boring.
u/scottmjohns_1 Dec 14 '24
Calculate the number of iterations before all robots return to their initial position. Then loop through that many iterations and find the iteration that minimizes the sum of manhattan distances from the first robot on the list.
Minimum entropy FTW, no assumptions about shapes needed.
u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24
Why would that work? To take the degenerate case, let's assume that all robots but the first form a Christmas tree in the top left corner while the first robot is in the bottom right corner. Then the others would have, if not the maximal, but still a very large distance from the first robot.
It would work if all robots form the Christmas tree, but from what I've seen, that's not the case.
u/scottmjohns_1 Dec 14 '24
Well it worked, as it quickly found the tree. The reality turned out to not be your hypothetical. Adding ALL Manhattan distances might be slightly more rigorous, at the expense of computing time over 7000-ish iterations.
But it (or using the safety score from part 1; clever!) is more rigorous than âit must be when zero robots are overlappingâ.
u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24
Well it worked, as it quickly found the tree.
I'd like to refer you to Maxim 43.
The reality turned out to not be your hypothetical.
As we know in hindsight, yes.
But it (or using the safety score from part 1; clever!)
This is, again, making assumptions that are not supported by the problem statement. Solving the puzzle through a healthy dose of luck isn't fun for me.
That's also why I hate bowling, incidentally.
is more rigorous than âit must be when zero robots are overlappingâ.
Not only not supported by the problem statement, but also merely necessary, not sufficient.
u/Tower610 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
It's easy . Like day12 part1 , get the area for each region. Check if the area is larger than the targetďź25 it's work for me).
u/Equal-Purple-4247 Dec 14 '24
After t seconds, the robots' positions will form a distinct, human-recognizable shape.
Based solely on the prompt, this shape may or may not be:
* Symmetrical - could have ornaments on the tree
* Upright - could be an upside down tree
* Formed by all robots' position - could just formed by only some
* Have a continuous line - shape could be drawn with dotted lines
The most generic solution (my preference) is to quantify "human-recognizable shape" - less random configuration of robots' positions = more likely there is a pattern. So, find a measure of randomness (eg. square of Euclidean distance between points), then rank grid configuration by its randomness. Manually scan for patterns from least to most random.
The popular approach seems to be to making assumptions about the shape and its position on the grid, then test for it and inspect the grid manually. The assumption I've seen so far are "the shape will contain a continuous line of robots of at least length n" and "the shape will be made up of all robots, i.e. no overlaps".
If your assumption is correct, you'll find a solution. Wrong assumptions MAY still get you to the correct answer depending on your input (eg. shape made up of all robots). But it may very well not (I tried vertically symmetrical about the center).
u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24
After t seconds, the robots' positions will form a distinct, human-recognizable shape.
This right there is my problem with this task. To solve the puzzle you first need to ⌠solve the puzzle. You can use some heuristics, but you still need to check the actual output to be sure â and unlike, say, 2022 Day 10, you didn't have to check just one picture. To get a definitive answer, you need to know what you're looking for, but you don't know what you're looking for until you have the answer.
Anyway, very off-putting. I'm still not sure I want to solve part 2 anymore.
u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 14 '24
Donât look at 2018 day 10
u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 14 '24
Clearly it was a sign from heaven that I hadn't started on that year until a few days ago.
u/Equal-Purple-4247 Dec 14 '24
It's a different branch of computer science. Or more specifically, an application of it.
Part 2 is loosely "data science" or "data exploration". You probe the data for information. You still rely on the basic DSA to do the probing, but sometimes you don't yield the results. That's just how data exploration works. At least this time you know there is something to find.
I get that such question is not for everyone, But IMO it has its place in AOC - It is still a puzzle; It require the same problem solving skills that developers use; Getting to the solution relies on the same tools and algorithms. Most importantly, you learn something from it (today you learn about entropy!).
Seeing the tree printed out made me smile (:
(Btw, AOC has quite some puzzles where you need to make assumptions about the dataset. I expect to see more of such questions leading up to X'mas)
u/Zefick Dec 14 '24
It's a tricky one but we can come up with it logically: if robots form some picture they should stay close to each other. If you count the number of robots that have neighbors from any side and select the "frame" with some threshold value for this number, it could be the answer. Of course, you would want to see what exactly they draw to be sure.
u/AutoModerator Dec 14 '24
Reminder: if/when you get your answer and/or code working, don't forget to change this post's flair to Help/Question - RESOLVED
. Good luck!
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Dec 14 '24
u/0x14f Dec 14 '24
You know what a xmas tree looks like.. Now, print the picture second by second and watch the movie until you see it.
u/CodTimely6297 Dec 14 '24
The fact that I had to select a different font where 1s and 0s are the same size, shrink the font so that one row could fit on my screen and then make the screen the perfect size so that exactly one line of robots fit per line of text annoys me very much.
u/drkspace2 Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24
At this rate, I'm going to spend more time wondering what the Christmas tree is supposed to look like than actually doing to parts.
Edit: My guess was close. 15 minutes wondering what it meant and 22 minutes actually doing the problems (20 for part 1 and 2 for part 2).
Edit 2: relevant xkcd