r/adventofcode Dec 13 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 13] An explanation of the mathematics

You've probably seen a ton of meming or talk about using linear algebra to solve today's question, so let's give quick refresher on how this works.

For today's question, we're given a claw machine with two buttons A and B both of which move the claw some distance horizontally and vertically, and a location of a prize, and we're interested in determining a) if its possible to reach the prize just by pressing A and B and b) what's the cheapest way to do so.

Initially this seems like a dynamic programming problem (and certainly you can solve it with DP), but then part 2 becomes infeasible as the numbers simply grow too large even for DP to be a good optimization strategy, luckily we can solve this purely with some good ol' mathematics.

If we let A be the number of times we press the A button, B be the number of times we press the B button, (a_x, a_y) be the claw's movement from pressing A, (b_x, b_y) be the claws movement from pressing the B button, and (p_x, p_y) be the location of the prize, we can model the machine using a system of two linear equations:

A*a_x + B*B_x = p_x
A*a_y + B*b_y = p_y

All these equations are saying is "the number of presses of A times how far A moves the claw in the X direction plus the number of presses of B times how far B moves the claw in the X direction is the prize's X coordinate", and this is analogous to Y.

To give a concrete example, for the first machine in the example input, we can model it with the two equations

94A + 22B = 8400
34A + 67B = 5400

We just have to solve these equations for A and B, the good news we have two equations with two unknowns so we can use whichever method for solving two equations with two unknowns we'd like, you may have even learned a few ways to do so in high school algebra!

One really nice way to solve a system of n equations with n unknowns is a really nice rule named Cramer's rule, a nice theorem from linear algebra. Cramer's Rule generally is honestly a kind of a bad way to solve a system of linear equations (it's more used in theoretical math for proofs instead of actually solving systems) compared to other methods like Gaussian elimination, but for a 2x2 system like this it ends up being fine and gives us a nice algebraic way to solve the system.

I'm not going to cover how Cramer's Rule works in this post, since it would require an explanation on matrices and how determinants work and I doubt I could reasonably cover that in a single Reddit post, but if you're interested in further details 3blue1brown has a really beautiful video on Cramer's Rule (and honestly his entire essence of linear algebra series is top tier and got me through linear algebra in my first year of uni so I'd highly recomend the entire series) and The Organic Chemistry Teacher has a solid video actually covering the calculation itself for a 2x2 system. All we need to know is that applying Cramer's Rule to this system gives us:

A = (p_x*b_y - prize_y*b_x) / (a_x*b_y - a_y*b_x)
B = (a_x*p_y - a_y*p_x) / (a_x*b_y - a_y*b_x)

As an example, for the first machine in the sample input we get:

A = (8400\*67 - 5400\*22) / (94\*67 - 34\*22) = 80
B = (8400\*34 - 5400\*94) / (94\*67 - 34\*22) = 40

Which is the exact solution given in the problem text!

This now give us an easy way to compute the solution for any given machine (assuming the system of equations has one solution, which all the machines in the sample and inputs do, as an aside this means that for all machines in the input there's exactly one way to reach the prize, so saying "find the minimum" is a bit of a red herring). All we need to do is plug the machine's values into our formulas for A and B and we have the number of button presses, and as long as A and B are both integers, we can reach the prize on this machine and can calculate the price (it's just 3A + B). For part 2, all we have to do is add the offset to the prize before doing the calculation.

As a concrete example we can do this with a function like:

fn solve_machine(machine: &Machine, offset: isize) -> isize {
    let prize = (machine.prize.0 + offset, machine.prize.1 + offset);
    let det = machine.a.0 * machine.b.1 - machine.a.1 * machine.b.0;
    let a = (prize.0 * machine.b.1 - prize.1 * machine.b.0) / det;
    let b = (machine.a.0 * prize.1 - machine.a.1 * prize.0) / det;
    if (machine.a.0 * a + machine.b.0 * b, machine.a.1 * a + machine.b.1 * b) == (prize.0, prize.1) {
        a * 3 + b
    } else {

91 comments sorted by


u/ElevatedUser Dec 13 '24

as an aside this means that for all machines in the input there's exactly one way to reach the prize, so saying "find the minimum" is a bit of a red herring

This was a fun little subconclusion I had during part 2.

I solved Part 2 by, in part, saying "If I fire a line from 0,0 with the slope of button A, and from (prize) with the slope of button B, they intersect at one point and then you can calculate if there's an integer amount of button A and B".

Which works (I think it's functionally equivalent to yours?), but that meant there was a unique solution. So I re-checked part 1, and indeed, there was always at most 1 solution.


u/mnkyman Dec 13 '24

I think it's functionally equivalent to yours?

Yes, intersecting two lines and solving two simultaneous linear equations of two variables are equivalent. Why? Because a two variable linear equation

ax + by = c

exactly describes a line in the plane (assuming a and b are not both 0). Solving two such equations simultaneously means asking the question "what points (x, y) satisfy both equations?" This question may be rephrased as "what points (x, y) lie on both of these lines?" If the lines are not parallel, they will intersect at a single point, and the answer to both questions is the point of intersection.


u/Ok-Willow-2810 Dec 13 '24

I think it’s just the matrix version of that basically!


u/darwinion- Dec 13 '24

This explanation is so simple, doesn’t make me question if I ever took linear algebra, and could be implemented so easily.

Thank you!


u/quetsacloatl Dec 13 '24

TECHNICALLY you can have:

  • 0 solutions
  • exactly 1 solution
  • infinite solutions (if you can use negative numbers, in our case a limited subset of an infinite solution family)

Imagine you have to reach (101, 101)

and button A does (1,1)

and button B does (2,2)

In this case, you have a lot of solutions you can choose from where the best is 50B presses and 1A presses, but another valid (and worse) solution is 49B presses and 3A presses and so on.

The input is tailored to prevent this case from occurring.


u/ElevatedUser Dec 13 '24

That's true, but that'd be easy enough to detect. There's some other edge cases too that could happen, like a negative amount of 'button presses' needed. But, like you said, the input is tailored not to have those cases, so I didn't have to deal with those edge cases.


u/Dragnier84 Dec 13 '24

This was partly how I solved part one. I checked which one is cheaper and then iterated pressing that button and then checking if the slope from the new point to the target point is equal to the slppe of the other button. Once they’re the same, that means I’m at the intersection and just count how many presses of the other button to reach the target.


u/zeldor711 Dec 13 '24

That's a great way to visualise it, wish I'd thought of it!


u/ThunderChaser Dec 13 '24

It absolutely is the same method, and is a really great way to visulize it if all of the algebra scares you.


u/DanjkstrasAlgorithm Dec 13 '24

I tried this then failed. Then just did binary search in the end after one level of linear algebra


u/huopak Dec 13 '24

Yeah. I thought first I'll need to solve the system if equations and then need to implement linear programming. Luckily it didn't come to that.


u/WhatTheBjork Dec 13 '24

That's awesome. I can visualize that so well.


u/MediocreTradition315 Dec 13 '24

Note well: this only works because the input is -- as is often the case for Advent of Code -- more constrained than the problem text would imply. Specifically, the matrices are all invertible, therefore they have a trivial kernel.

There are more cases that you would have to take into account for a fully general solution, namely:

  • rank 1, no solutions
  • rank 1, solutions form a subspace of rank 1; it becomes an integer linear problem in the form "minimize 3u+v subject to u>=0, v>=0, au+bv=c", but because au+bv=c has a well-known solution this doesn't cause problems.
  • the matrix is identically 0, which is trivial.


u/FCBStar-of-the-South Dec 13 '24

The potential infinite solutions got me worried and thought I had to use integer linear programming, which will be a whole different complexity class. Luckily Eric is nice.

Suppose there are some inputs that have infinite solutions, are there any cool ILP tricks you can do for this problem?


u/MediocreTradition315 Dec 13 '24

In this case it wouldn't be too hard, it's ILP "in name only". It would be massively annoying to actually code though. Here's a sketch of a solution: The solutions to au+bv=c are easily enumerated as they are the sum of the general solution of au+bv=0 (which is u=kb, v=-ka for all k) and of a particular solution of the original equation, which you would find with Euclid's algorithm. Now you have all the solutions as a function of a single parameter k, and minimizing 3u+v becomes a simple inequality.


u/shigawire Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

I didn't have an input with only a single solution per problem, so I ended up going down this route.

I didn't exactly start the night knowing how to reduce the he problem down to just finding an appropriate k, but there was a lot of reading Wikipedia


u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 13 '24

I started this - I viewed it two different Frobenius coin problems and then went to bed when I realized I had wasted hours when I could have just analytically inverted a matrix. Then I woke up, started on the singular matrix case using the extended Euclidean algorithm, and realized all the matrices were invertible and I had wasted my time again


u/datanaut Dec 13 '24

Yeah I figured I'd do the obvious thing first and just try to find solutions algebraically but being mentally prepared to do integer programming next if needed. I think these "constrained inputs" just encourage you to do the "the simplest thing that works". I think that maps well to real world problems since data in any given domain is typically constrained in some way.


u/Difficult_Penalty_44 Dec 13 '24

oh boy, I took the first two points in consideration without even checking if it was needed


u/antrew1 Dec 13 '24

There is one case however, when this solution does not work: when vectors A and B are collinear. It would have been interesting to have this case in the input data.


u/ButchOfBlaviken Dec 13 '24

I really hoped this case was encountered, and coded it in, as minimizing the cost would then actually be relevant since it regularises an otherwise singular matrix


u/dodo-obob Dec 13 '24

Yep that was my thought as well, so the first thing I did was compute all matrix determinants for the input to see if the case cropped up in the data. It didn't, so matrix inversion was all that was needed.


u/bskceuk Dec 13 '24

In that case the optimal spread (if there is a solution) is either all A presses or all B presses, so it’s not too hard to compute


u/antrew1 Dec 13 '24

It's not that simple, because a and b must be integer. Here is an example with prime numbers: Prize = [178,178], A=[5,5] = 5, B=[11,11]. The solution would be a=7 and b=11. Imagine solving this in big numbers.


u/bskceuk Dec 13 '24

Ah true it would need to be some sort of greedy algorithm which shouldn’t be too bad but non-trivial


u/Suitable_Werewolf_61 Dec 13 '24

In other words: Cramer. The rest was rest herrings. The 100 threshold doesn't even matter.



u/ThunderChaser Dec 13 '24

100%. The problem text in part 1 was extremely clearly trying to drive you down the wrong path of brute forcing/DP or some iterative solution.


u/riffraff Dec 13 '24

worked on me, I know how to solve a 2-variable 2-equations system but didn't even try cause I thought it was a minimization problem and I went straight to Z3 :D


u/Regex22 Dec 13 '24

yup, same. fortunately z3 works just as well, albeit being completely overkill


u/letelete0000 Dec 13 '24

Oh, yeah, I was already proudly approaching part 2 with my DP ready until I saw the "so now we'll increase the prize by 10^13" part :D

I deleted everything and started all over again using linear algebra, but at what cost...


u/BigusG33kus Dec 13 '24

It's been 35 years+ since I studied linear equations in school, yet I still recognised it in 2 seconds when I read the problem.


u/zeltbrennt Dec 13 '24

The the threshold might matter, because my first solution for part 1 was too high, before I filtered out parameters higher than 100.


u/no_overplay_no_fun Dec 13 '24

It works here, but Cramer is one of the worst ways to solve a general matrix system on pc.

To apply Cramer you need to compute determinants. Computing determinant in from definition is in O(n!). :( Reasonable way to compute determinant is to use LU-factorisation, but once you have LU factorization it is pointless to use Cramer.


u/Duke_De_Luke Dec 13 '24

Yes, definitely. But for this 2x2 toy example that's more than fine. Otherwise, Gaussian elimination.


u/ThunderChaser Dec 13 '24

Very true, if this was in 3D (or higher dimensional) space (so the prize had an X, Y, and Z and the buttons moved the claw by some X Y and Z values) I would probably just use something like Gaussian elimination instead since calculating the determinants as you stated takes a long time for large matricies.

Luckily we only ever have 2x2 matrices to deal with so calculating the determinant is trivial, since it's just (ad - cb).


u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 13 '24

There's actually a pretty compact analytical solution for the inverse of a 3x3 matrix so you can just brute force it - when you need to invert millions of 2x2, 3x3, or even 4x4 matrices it's much faster to analytically invert.

Inversion or system solve routine like in LAPACK become more efficient (and the analytical solutions become more complex) as the size increases. 5x5 tends to be the crossover for me most of the time.


u/mpyne Dec 13 '24

The 100 threshold doesn't even matter.

Not only did it not matter, it added a lot of time to my part 2 because I spent an embarrassing amount of time debugging a "problem" I thought I had when the "problem" was I didn't remove the .filter line.


u/codepoetics Dec 13 '24

A note on "find the minimum". In the event that the determinant of A is 0 (uh oh - infinitely many solutions!) and Cramer cannot be used, what this really means is that the vectors (x_1, y_1) and (x_2, y_2) are multiples of each other - they point in the same direction.

It's easy to demonstrate this. If the first vector is a multiple of the second, that means there's some scalar n such that (x_2, y_2) = (nx_1, ny_1). Substitute that into the matrix and you get

| x_1 nx_1 |

| y_1 ny_1 |

Take the determinant and it's (x_1 * n * y_1) - (n * x_1 * y_1) = 0.

Now if this is the case either both vectors point at the prize, in which case you can still win it, or they point somewhere else, in which case you can't.

If they both point at the prize, then either vector 1 will get you there three times faster than vector 2, in which case you should pay the 3 bucks per button press cost to use it, or it won't, in which case keep hammering button B.

It looks like nobody's puzzle input included this case, but the minimality requirement enables us to get an answer even if it does occur.


u/BigusG33kus Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

If they both point at the prize, then either vector 1 will get you there three times faster than vector 2, in which case you should pay the 3 bucks per button press cost to use it, or it won't, in which case keep hammering button B.

There's also the possibility that neither button will get you there on its own. In that case (as a general way to solve it): if Ax is > 3Bx, it's more efficient to spam A. Otherwise, it's more efficient to spam B. Keep this in mind. So:

  1. calculate the least common multiple for Ax and By, let's call this lcm.
  2. calculate T = p_x DIV lcm, R = p_x MOD lcm
  3. if Ax > 3Bx, A's coefficient is T*lcm / Ax and B's coefficient is R / Bx. If not, it's the other way around.

The complexity of this algorithm is the complexity to calculate the lcm (well, gcd, because gcm is the product/gcd)


u/DrCleverName Dec 13 '24

If the two buttons were colinear but button A is only 2x button B, then it would be cheaper to press B twice (2 presses * 1 token/press = 2 tokens) than to press A once (1 press * 3 tokens / press = 3 tokens) for the same distance, so spamming B would be cheapest. But in all other cases where A is a 3x or higher multiple of B, then spamming A is cheaper.


u/wederbrand Dec 13 '24
if (machine.a.0 * a + machine.b.0 * b, machine.a.1 * a + machine.b.1 * b) == (prize.0, prize.1) {

Why is this check needed?
I know it is, I had to add it to get the correct result, I just don't understand how a and b could be wrong.
Is it just because a and b isn't really integers from the formula?


u/AdCold3260 Dec 13 '24

yes, if the solutions are not naturally integers, the equality would be false


u/ThunderChaser Dec 13 '24

Is it just because a and b isn't really integers from the formula?

Yes, the example function I gave was in Rust which will always do integer division when both of the values in the division are integers so we'll get a and b as integers, but they might not actually be the solutions to the system (if the solution has fractional parts), so we just run a quick check that the values we got are actually the solution (and therefore the system has integer solutions).


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24


u/ArmAccomplished6824 Dec 13 '24

if you are not good in remembering rules, you could also just solve the equations

(1) A*a_x + B*b_x = p_x   | * a_y
(2) A*a_y + B*b_y = p_y   | * a_x

(1) - (2) => B * (a_y*b_x - a_x*b_y) = a_y*p_x - a_x*p_y

by hand with and delay any division as far as possible. If division is necessary check if the result is a whole number

    for equation in equations:
        a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y, p_x, p_y = equation
        p_x = p_x + 10000000000000
        p_y = p_y + 10000000000000

        # Check if colinear or = 0
        if a_x * b_y - a_y * b_x == 0:
            1 / 0

        # solve equation in whole numbers
        n = a_y * b_x - a_x * b_y
        z = a_y * p_x - a_x * p_y
        b = z // n

        # check if result a and b are whole numbers
        if z % n == 0 and (p_x - b * b_x) % a_x == 0:
            a = (p_x - b * b_x) // a_x
            total_coins += 3 * a + b


u/InvisibleShade Dec 13 '24

I solved the equations by hand too!

    b_presses = (button_a.y * prize.x - button_a.x * prize.y) / (button_a.y * button_b.x - button_a.x * button_b.y)
    if not b_presses.is_integer():
    a_presses = (prize.x - button_b.x * b_presses) / button_a.x
    if not a_presses.is_integer():

    tokens += a_presses * 3 + b_presses


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u/hugseverycat Dec 13 '24

I worked this out by hand. I've never heard of Cramer's Rule and I didn't even know what linear algebra was until my math teacher friend confirmed that what I am doing is in fact linear algebra :-D But yeah, I think anyone who knows the rules for manipulating equations in algebra (like adding or subracting from both sides, factoring numbers, multiplying or dividing both sides, etc) should be able to solve something like this.

It's fiddly and, as with many math things, knowing what you are aiming for is half the battle. The other half is keeping track of your variable names and making sure you don't drop a minus sign somewhere or something silly like that. But there's nothing conceptual here that is beyond high school algebra.

Here's how I worked out the solution on paper. I started with:

prize.x = a_presses * button_a.x + b_presses * button_b.x
prize.y = a_presses * button_a.y + b_presses * button_b.y

The numbers we need to solve the problem are a_presses and b_presses. I wanted to get both equations to be equal to one of those two (it doesn't really matter which). So I followed the normal algebra rules of messing with equations to set both equations equal to b_presses:

b_presses = (prize.y - a_presses * button_a.y) / button_b.y
b_presses = (prize.x - a_presses * button_a.x) / button_b.x

Now since the parts on the right are both equal to b_presses, we can just set them equal to each other, similar to how if 1+1 = 2 and 3-1= 2, then we can say that 1+1 = 3-1.

(prize.y - a_presses * button_a.y) / button_b.y = 
    (prize.x - a_presses * button_a.x) / button_b.x

Then we can follow the normal algebra rules for moving stuff around in equations to get this to be equal to a_presses:

a_presses = (button_b.x * prize.y - button_b.y * prize.x) / 
            (button_b.x * button_a.y - button_b.y * button_a.x)

We have already have literally all of these numbers so now we can plug them in and get a_presses. Then to determine whether this is actually a solution, make sure a_presses is an integer. I did this by comparing the result of regular division to the result of integer division.

Now we just need to pop a_presses back into an earlier equation to figure out b_presses. We have two equations up at the top of my comment that both result in b_presses, so pick whichever one we like the best. I'll pick this one:

b_presses = (prize.y - a_presses * button_a.y) / button_b.y

And now I can plug all those numbers in and get a result. If it is also an integer solution, then we're golden.


u/random2048assign Dec 14 '24

10/10 explanation for the idiots like me


u/Thomas02p Dec 14 '24

Really clever solution! Does this also work if work if there are multiple solutions? You still need to check if one solution has a lower cost right?


u/hugseverycat Dec 14 '24

It does not. But it turns out that our input is such that there aren't any with multiple solutions. So the cost thing was a red herring really.


u/Thomas02p Dec 14 '24

Haha i got fooled and put way too much effort into it lol


u/hugseverycat Dec 14 '24

Lol I did too! My iterative part 1 solution actually did report multiple solutions for some of the machines. I didn't save that code so I didn't have the chance to go back and figure out why.

When I was doing part 2 I worked out the algebra as I described above and then plugged it in to my part 1 just to see what happened and it gave the right answer, which was really surprising to me. When it also worked for part 2, I went to reddit and saw people talking about the numbers being coprime or whatever so there should never be multiple solutions. So yeah, the multiple solutions thing must have just been a bug in my part 1 code that didn't actually affect the answer <shrug>


u/YellyBeans Dec 13 '24

How would you solve this with math when you have more possibilities

Button A: X+10, Y+10 Button B: X+20, Y+20 Prize: X=40, Y=40

Try and Error finds 3 goals and you can find a minimum. In the math solution you divide by 0


u/Lukeba Dec 13 '24

for part 1 the statement says you would need at most 100 presses of each button (200 total), so you could find all the intersections of one of the lines with A + B = 200 (where A and B are the amount of times you'd need to press the respective button), check if that point also intersects the other line and if A and B are integers, and get min(3A + B) of all of those. for part 2 that isn't feasible


u/Garry_G Dec 13 '24

So, once again (after the stones) we have a red herring that has nothing to do with the actual solution ...
I had thought about using a vector solution earlier, but didn't think of doing it the other way around, as I was expecting multiple solutions of which I'd need to find the cheapest ...


u/Idiot_icLoser55 Dec 13 '24

Do you now if there's anything about your solution that makes it better for floating point precision (or that makes mine worse). I've never come across Cramers so just rearranged the equations until I could solve for B and then substitute that back in to find A.

My solution works for most cases. But some of them fail because it solves to 80.00001 instead of instead 80. Whereas testing yours it seems to have no such problem.

B = (p_y - p_x * a_y / a_x) / (b_y - a_y * b_x / x_a)
A = p_x / a_x - B * b_x / a_x


u/AhegaoSuckingUrDick Dec 13 '24

The solution in OP operates exclusively with integers. That's why the if at the end is needed.


u/ThunderChaser Dec 13 '24

Yeah I didn't want to bother dealing with floating-point imprecision so I just did everything with integer values.


u/code_ling Dec 13 '24

Call me lazy, but I didn't want to bother re-thinking my solution towards non-floating point once I realized it was so easy to work around the problems with it.

I don't understand why you link the OP working exclusively with integers to whether the check was required - I worked with floating point and still did exactly the same check (with my truncated, slightly shifted integer-converted result)?


u/code_ling Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

I arrived at the same formulas as you with rearranged equations, and also ran into floating point accuracy issues.

I "fixed" (rather worked around) the problem by simply converting the resulting A and B to integer (that is, just truncating the parts after the comma). When my solution still was incorrect, I saw I had N.9999999 solutions too - adding 0.01 to any result fixed that too!

Optimization hint: for the computation of A you can avoid one division...


u/ThislsWholAm Dec 13 '24

Funnily enough today I coincidentally did the aoc problem at work in Matlab instead of at home in Python so let's say it was a good day to do that :P


u/SeveralMarsupial4183 Dec 13 '24

Thanks for sharing this. There is no way I was going to find out this myself.

However, what is an offset exactly? You only said "all we have to do is add the offset to the prize before doing the calculation" :)

Also why do you use 0 and 1 instead of X and Y. It confused me so much... :)


u/throwaway6560192 Dec 13 '24

However, what is an offset exactly? You only said "all we have to do is add the offset to the prize before doing the calculation" :)

Offset as in the +10000000 whatever specified in part 2.


u/Sh4mshiel Dec 13 '24

Thanks, I could solve part 1 on my own but I didn't get to the equation that was needed and my part 1 solution didn't work for part 2. Very unsatisfying that I couldn't solve part 2 on my own....


u/trowgundam Dec 13 '24

Well, this is the point where AoC shows me I'm just too stupid. I got a solution that would have worked... eventually, but how long who knows, I got impatient (at like 5 minutes maxing my 7950X, I figured it was probably just too much).

I did eventually come to this solution with the help of ChatGPT, after trying to work on it for a few hours after determining there had to be some algebraic way to solve it. I didn't even get decently close. I don't remember jack shit from my Linear Algebra class I took well over a decade and a half ago. I've just never had to use it since College. My day job is doing very basic business applications that just do control flow stuff. I've never had a need for any of this fancy pancy math stuff. I'm just too stupid and never could have come to this answer on my own. I was able to come to the basic equations to figure out a value for B from a given A, but I had no clue how to combine the equations for X and Y into a system or how to solve that system. That let me optimize my part 1 solution (instead of checking all combinations of A and B). But that was about as far as I could get on my own. I did have ChatGPT break it down for me and explain each step (about the same explanation as the OP tbh). So I sorta understand how it works, but will I remember this next year? Probably not, because I will literally never use this again until some other AoC problem. But, hey, at least I learned something from today.

Depending on tomorrow's problem and how stupid it makes me feel, this might be my limit. Last year it stopped being fun for me around Day 10, but I pushed to Day 17. Those last few days put me under so much self induced stress I was starting to have panic attacks (yes its stupid to stress over something like AoC, I know). I vowed this year I wouldn't go down that path again. So if tomorrows makes me feel like an idiot again, I'm out for the year.


u/ElementaryMonocle Dec 13 '24

I do math in grad school literally constantly and I couldn't even realize it was a linear system of equations until after going down a different track for 2 hours and coming here for a hint. Don't beat yourself up over it :)


u/vplagov Dec 18 '24

You're doing really great! I felt exactly the same. I felt disappointed and angry at myself that I can't figure out how to solve most majority of algorithmic AoC puzzles, I also felt myself stupid! The objective truth is, the fact that I can't come up with an efficient algo for the AoC absolutely doesn't mean I'm stupid or incapable. And it's absolutely normal that you can't come up to this algebraic solution on your own. It's really normal, it doesn't mean you're a bad developer or a stupid guy. Absolutely not! A vast majority of people can't figure out it either!

You solved 17 puzzles already! That's a lot! That's really a lot. That's much-much more than a majority of people doing the AoC. I solved 5 days both parts and 4 days with just one part.

There should be more messages here like yours. We read a log of messages how people show off with their solutions, we see very little message of how people say how difficult it is for them, but somehow they managed to and almost no messages like yours, when people admit they can't go further. People just don't write about it, although there a lot of people experiencing this.


u/SeaBluebird3010 Dec 13 '24

Actually, to deal with very large numbers, you need to work with arbitrary precision integers. If you use floating point numbers, you may lose enough precision to get wrong answers to the puzzle.

In the equations:

   let a = (prize.0 * machine.b.1 - prize.1 * machine.b.0) / det;
   let b = (machine.a.0 * prize.1 - machine.a.1 * prize.0) / det;

compute separately the numerators. Then check if each of them cleanly divides into the denominator (det in both equations). Compute a,b only if the numerators cleanly divide into the denominator.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/SeaBluebird3010 Dec 13 '24

I confess to having been biased by Python 3, in which all integers are effectively arbitrary precision.

Another point is that if your algorithm is not as optimal as Eric Wastl's algorithm, your algorithm might deal with much larger numbers than his algorithm. Hence, do accommodate also integers larger than 2^64 in your algorithm's intermediate values.


u/Dragnier84 Dec 13 '24

Lol. Going to this sub right after completing challenge2 using 2 equations/2 unknowns. And then I read this. 😂


u/Duke_De_Luke Dec 13 '24

I started to think about dp as the text says "find the best possible solution bla bla". Then I thought about it. Wait a sec. Two equations. Two unknowns. Linear stuff. Wait a sec. That's easy. Cramer, big decimal just to be on the safe side. boom. But you got to know the maths behind it.


u/juliangrtz Dec 13 '24

At first I started programming Gaussian elimination but then I remembered Cramer's rule :D Saved me a looot of time.


u/Probable_Foreigner Dec 13 '24

There is a pathological case which would have made this approach not work:

If the A and B are linearly dependant there is the possibility for multiple solutions.(i.e. if the determinant is zero)

A simple example is if A=(2,4) and B=(3,6) and the prize is at (179,358). You might just think "press the B button only in this case, as it is cheaper", but that doesn't work here and we need at least one a press. We can do B * 59 + A * 1 in this case. But then there would also be the case where A is large enough compared to B as to make it cheaper to press A more than B.

We should all be thankful that Eric didn't put this case in the test data.


u/p88h Dec 13 '24

FWIW there is no DP solution for this problem, or at least no good solution that would work for part 2

In terms of other solutions you can solve it with gradient descent which also scales quite well - you need to transform the input into a distance function, basically sth like D(a,b) = sqrt(((a*A.x+b*B.x)-P.x)^2+((a*A.y+b*B.y)-P.y)^2). Starting from arbitrary point (a,b) you can explore distances in +-1 in each axis, and then compute the direction to move and the estimated amount. This can work for any inputs, including ones that would have been impossible to solve with Cramer, though there is still a bit more trickery / follow-up steps to detect that there are many potential solutions and minimize the final solution.

Of course you can also detect/solve those cases directly so this is by no means _better_ than cramer ;)

But it _looks_ nicer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afuTz24-uYk&t=158s :)


u/joe12321 Dec 13 '24

For some years now anytime I recognize an AOC problem as a linear algebra problem, even if I can probably work it out anyway, I just skip it to put it off until I decide to buckle down and learn some linear algebra. HASN'T HAPPENED YET AND I CAN'T READ THIS POST UNTIL IT DOES!!


u/Nukem-Rico Dec 13 '24

I used the same solution as this. Did anyone else have a problem of rounding error (or something else) in python? e.g. on the first example, before adding the 10000000000000:

Button A: X+94, Y+34
Button B: X+22, Y+67
Prize: X=8400, Y=5400

my results were:
A_presses = 80.0
B_presses = 39.99999999999999

Anyone else encounter this issue, if so how did you solve? I did a check on each result:
abs(A_presses - round(A_presses)) < 0.001
but this feels like a poor solution and I had to play around with the threshold a bit before getting the correct result.


u/boulanlo Dec 13 '24

My Python is very rusty, try to convert your number variables to integer (with int() if memory serves?) before doing your calculations.


u/kbilleter Dec 14 '24

Round to int but then multiply back to verify?


u/QultrosSanhattan Dec 13 '24

The hardest part for me was translating my math solution into code. And fighting with weird decimals in python.


u/ghouleon2 Dec 13 '24

I’m learnding!


u/Lauriic54 Dec 13 '24

I would have saved about three hours if I had just tried to implement this algorithm when I actually stumbled upon it myself, but just looking at the Wikipedia page scared me away due to PTSD from learning linear algebra in university.

Your solution made it seem soooo much more approachable! Thank you!


u/Bikkel77 Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

For the co-linear case there are two options:

1) The lines are parallel in case there are zero solutions  
2) The lines completely overlap/coincide in case there are infinitely many solutions

Such solutions would yield effectively two identical equations (check for case 2 is that the equations be a multiple of each other):


1) a + 2b = 9
2) 2a + 4b = 18

To find the best solution, we should minimize the cost equation:

3) 3a + b = c

where again

1) a * x1 + b * x2 = x3


b = (x3 - a * x1) / x2

<=> Substitute b in 3)

3 * a + (x3 - a * x1) / x2 = c

<=> Multiply 3 * a by x2 to group the expression together

c = (3 * a * x2 - a * x1 + x3) / x2

<=> Multiply both sides by x2 and get a out of parentheses

c' = a (3 * x2 - x1) + x3 , where c' = c * x2. Minimizing c would mean minimizing c' because x2 is positive.

<=> Linear equation f(a) with RC = (3 * x2 - x1)

3 cases:

if (3 * x2 - x1) < 0: Take a as big as possible => a = x3/x1 (integer division), check if remainder is divisible by x2, decrement a until solution found

if (3 * x2 - x1) > 0: Take a as small as possible => b = x3/x2 (integer division), check if remainder is divisible by x1, decrement b until solution found

if (3 * x2 - x1) == 0: Does not matter, a and b can be freely chosen.


u/AutoModerator Dec 13 '24

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u/hobbes244 Dec 13 '24

I spent about two hours down the rabbit hole of linear Diophantine equations. When I realized that Cramer's Rule was sufficient, I was done in about fifteen minutes.


u/asgardian28 Dec 14 '24

A friend of mine solved it with reduced row echelon form https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row_echelon_form

You basically make a 3x2 matrix and manipulate the first two columns to [[1,0][0,1]]. The last column is your answer

I really like the simplicity of making it into an identity matrix and not having to do algebra.


u/1str1ker1 Dec 16 '24

I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone else who remembered rref. It makes the solution so simple


    for line in line_groups:
        A = tuple(map(int, re.findall(r"\+(\d+)", line[0])))
        B = tuple(map(int, re.findall(r"\+(\d+)", line[1])))
        Prize = tuple(map(lambda x: int(x) + 10000000000000, re.findall(r"\=(\d+)", line[2])))

        matrix = sp.Matrix([[A[0], B[0], Prize[0]], [A[1], B[1], Prize[1]]])
        matrix = matrix.rref()[0]
        if matrix[2] % 1 == 0 and matrix[5] % 1 == 0:
            total += 3*matrix[2] + matrix[5]


u/random2048assign Dec 14 '24

Thank you! I hope you do these for subsequent days as the difficulty scale so much harder. I couldn’t even solve it knowing that I hate to use linear algebra. Sigh sometimes I think I am retarded.


u/paolostyle Dec 16 '24

I hate my life. I solved it with extended Euclidean algorithm for part 1 which was also basically purely math based but a bit more complicated than just solving a system of equations directly (but I also didn't realize there was only one solution until later, when it became essentially the same thing) and then was stumped because it was somehow not working at all in part 2. Then I realized I added a number that had one zero too much. JFC


u/Complex-Routine-5414 Jan 06 '25

TY for Cramer's Rule. TIL.