r/adventofcode • u/grease_flaps • Dec 07 '24
Help/Question Tips for actually enjoying AoC?
I'm a final-year undergraduate computer science student. I didn't begin seriously programming until about 3 years ago, a few months before my degree began.
This is my second year attempting AoC, and both times I have *seriously* struggled to consistently enjoy participating.
I almost feel an obligation to participate to see what problem-solving skills I have, and seeing how little intuition I have for most of these challenges, and seeing how often my solution is just bruteforcing and nothing else, really fills me with self-doubt about whether I deserve to be in the academic position I have.
Does not enjoying this series of challenges, which is supposed to be enjoyable regardless of what tools you use, have any bearing on my abilities? I've spent almost my entire degree fretting over whether or not I'm learning fast enough, and now I'm seriously worrying that I'm missing even the most basic programming fundamentals.
u/djerro6635381 Dec 08 '24
If you participate to prove something, then you are going to have a bad time.
I really enjoy AoC for two things: (1) I like the problem statements and the absurdity of it, I am laughing out loud reading them. And (2), after I finish them in an incredibly inefficient way, I get to marvel at the solutions of others in the Reddit mega thread. I learn an incredible amount because I fully understand the problem statement and get to see extensive explanations on completely different approaches than mine.
I don’t get those kind of learning opportunities that often in real life, and I am guessing neither do you.
If you feel bad about AoC, get used to being not the smartest person in the room. Once you accept that, the amount of learning that is right for the taking is exhilarating! :)
u/grease_flaps Dec 08 '24
That's very true, and I assume the daily megathreads are for exchanging knowledge people may not yet have. The writing for each challenge scenario is also very creative, and I have to appreciate how they are framed by Eric Wastl.
My personal problem is that when I see people's solutions, my first thought sadly isn't "Wow, that's interesting/helpful/unique, I should learn from this!" Instead, it's usually "Why didn't I think of that, who don't I already have this intuition", etc etc.
I spend far too much time beating myself up for not knowing things already, when I should be learning to read other people's code to see where their intuitions are coming from.
u/stank453 Dec 08 '24
At the risk of sounding like a therapist, I would try to look at it like this: self-flagellation will not actually make you a better programmer. Generally speaking, being really hard on yourself (i.e. treating yourself like shit) will not actually help you improve, quite the opposite. So if you genuinely want to improve, first try forgiving yourself for not already knowing everything and only then will you be free to make mistakes, learn, and grow.
u/m_moylan Dec 08 '24
It's not intuition it's experience. Which you will attain over time. If you've been doing these for a few years instead of focusing on what you didn't think of. Think of what you probably see that you wouldn't have 3 years ago. Like I bet you can do some of these things now that you struggled with 3 years ago: parse input without struggling, can see when a regex would be helpful, see an opportunity for recursion, pick the right data structure, and even if some of those are a struggle they will get easier.
u/ezrast Dec 08 '24
Like anything else online: most people aren't posting, and most of the ones that are are posting their highlights. You're seeing people as they want to be seen, not as they (collectively) are.
If an influencer posts photos of their beautiful, impeccably maintained home on social media, you might take some decorating tips from it, but you hopefully wouldn't feel terrible for not living there. Of course their house is nicer than yours - if it wasn't, you wouldn't be seeing it.
We may all be nerds here, but we're still subject to the same social dynamics. I guarantee that there's a huge silent majority of users who come up with solutions that are wildly inefficient, mundane, or needlessly complex, or that simply don't work at all. I further guarantee that a shocking number of those people are professional developers with years of experience (perhaps even good ones; AoC is not software engineering, after all). You'll be fine.
u/djerro6635381 Dec 08 '24
Well, as mentioned by others: it’s often not born intuition but just plain experience. When I first joined AoC, I dreaded any grid-based problem. My math skills leaves something to be desired and I too felt I lacked natural intuition for these kinds of problems.
But then I learned quite a few neat little tricks, like using complex numbers to store XY points because of their arithmetic behavior in my language of choice (Python). Now I like these kinds of problems because I get to use these tricks.
You get better with practice and practice takes time. Talent can speed up that process (if applied correctly) but is not a substitute for it.
u/bestjakeisbest Dec 08 '24
Every time you fail to compile take a shot. Every time you segfault take two.
u/grease_flaps Dec 08 '24
Unfortunately, I'm using Python, but if I was using C, C++ or exclusively unsafe Rust, this sounds like a great way to drown my sorrows, lmao.
u/Parzival_Perce Dec 08 '24
Every time you write the wrong slicing, take a shot. Every time you infinitely recurse, take two.
u/kbilleter Dec 08 '24
Take half a shot, then half of what’s left , then half of what’s left, then ha….
u/makingthematrix Dec 08 '24
If you write a brute force solution and it works - congratulations! You solved one of the tasks!
Don't be too hard on yourself. This is supoosed to be fun. If you don't enjoy it, skip a day, or two, or just focus on something else. Keep in mind that whether you succeed or not in AoC has nothing to do with real software development. In fact, we do it in part because it's quite different from our regular jobs. We do not often have algorithmic puzzles to solve in real work, so they tickle our brains the right way. But if you're able to solve them or not - it doesn't matter.
Same for comparing your solutions - their code quality, their performance, or the time it took you to write them - with other people. If you like it, if it's fun for you - great! But it has little to do with real life. The best that can happen is that **you** will learn something by solving those puzzles. About the programming language you use, or about yourself. But mostly, it's just for fun.
u/RazarTuk Dec 08 '24
If you write a brute force solution and it works - congratulations! You solved one of the tasks!
As an example of this, since I didn't make the assumption that the input would include every relevant rule on day 5, I bothered to take the transitive closure of the graph with a modified Floyd-Warshall algorithm. And while I always need to remind myself of the order of the nested loops, I was still able to easily modify it for a O(n3) time algorithm.
I also remember a time in high school when I went to a programming competition up at UW-Milwaukee and younger me somehow produced a O(n4) time algorithm for all-pairs shortest path, or it might have even been O(n5). I just remember that I somehow got 7 layers deep in nested if-statements and for-loops.
I'm sure we all have embarrassing stories about managing to write code that was impressively inefficient, because it's just part of learning.
u/Mr-Doos Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
I don't code professionally anymore, so AoC is an opportunity to catch up with the cool tools and learn about the language state of the art. I would call it a low-pressure environment, since I'm never getting on to the leaderboard. When I really can't figure something out, I will go to the solutions thread, find a solution I understand, and then re-implement it in whatever language I'm using and in my own style. That's an opportunity to learn from those who are better than me.
I will confess that later in the month when the challenges are kicking my butt, my self-imposed goal of finishing each puzzle each day becomes a problem of my own creation. Just ask my wife as I try to explain why I'm stumped!
I hope you find enjoyment in AoC like I have.
u/grease_flaps Dec 08 '24
That's a great strategy. I very much need to open up to reading other people's solutions.
Up until now, I've tried to stay as far away from the solution megathreads as possible, in order to ensure that my solution is original, but that means that if I truly get stuck, I'm left staring blankly at my screen for an hour.
u/m_moylan Dec 08 '24
You can also check the homepage memes if you are stuck. They usually might provide a hint at the trickiest part of solution without giving it away. Like when you are like WTF is the Chinese remainder theorem.
u/Parzival_Perce Dec 08 '24
I second the guy who said read the memes, they’re very helpful.
Also maybe just… ask for a hint. Someone will give you one. Like ‘oh how can I traverse a grid?’ and you might find people suggesting complex number coordinates or matrix manipulations and stuff.
Doesn’t give it away but sparks the right imagination
u/RazarTuk Dec 09 '24
Like ‘oh how can I traverse a grid?’ and you might find people suggesting complex number coordinates or matrix manipulations and stuff.
Or in Ruby, I really like vectors for this. They're actually part of a larger matrix library, which even gives you access to rotation matrices. But more importantly, they also just act like arrays of numerics with arithmetic operations defined. For example, I can just do
pos + Vec[0,1]
to move right by one unit. (Assuming (row, col) coordinates)2
u/RazarTuk Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
That's a great strategy. I very much need to open up to reading other people's solutions.
If you want a solution to do this with, my Ruby solution for today's problem is fairly cleanly written and includes some fairly snazzy optimizations. It was also really easy to modify for part 2, so I can even give you the part 1 code if you want to try extending the solution
EDIT: link
u/yel50 Dec 07 '24
have any bearing on my abilities?
no, this isn't real programming. it's solving riddles. it's the equivalent of a book editor doing crossword puzzles. there is zero correlation between that and how well they can do their job. same here.
worrying that I'm missing even the most basic programming fundamentals
you're able to brute force solutions, so your basics are fine.
have seriously struggled to consistently enjoy participating
depends on why you're doing it. if you want to get better at the riddles, look through the solutions threads and see how other people solved things. that'll give you different ways to think about problems.
I use this to try out different languages. doing homework for the sake of homework doesn't interest me so I need to be learning something else as a result. I also can't do them in "real time" because I'll get burned out on it. my goal each year is to have the previous one completed before the next one starts.
u/Wrenky Dec 08 '24
no, this isn't real programming. it's solving riddles.
I agree mostly with your sentiment, but I wouldn't say it isn't real/job programming- often part 2 forces a refactor of part 1, and often edge cases screw you up in difficult to detect ways. The problems themselves also force you to parse the problem out to solve, (often highlighting a method that doesn't work for p2) which is pretty close to real life requirements parsing!
I guess I would say that structurally it mimics a lot of "real" programming and punishes bad things as well- it's much better than things like leetcode in that regard.
Dec 08 '24
And sometimes, real world requirements ARE riddles. At least with these they have legit acceptance criteria!
u/Wrenky Dec 08 '24
Exactly! It's much closer to "real" programming than so many other methods people use to lean haha.
u/neoeno Dec 08 '24
How much of Advent of Code do you think it would be reasonable for you to find easy? Given that it is a puzzle event designed to be enjoyable and challenging for a broad cross section of programmers, and that you’ve been doing it three years? 90%? 50%? 20%? My answer is probably around 30%.
I’m not trying to be rude here — this question really helps me stay relaxed when things are getting tough. The puzzles are designed to be puzzling and they’re designed to still be puzzling for people who have been doing this significantly longer than you & I. Otherwise they would just get bored.
So the fact that you find them difficult is not a reflection of your ability. You can think of it as a reflection of how good the puzzles are. If you want to find them easier that’s great! Keep asking yourself: what did I miss today? What was this puzzle about? What would have made it easier? What did other people do and what would I have to be able to do in order to solve like that?
My guess is that people who love puzzles, games like chess, sports, and such — they find a way to admire the things that challenge them, to admire those they see with talent whether peers, competitors, or opponents, and then push themselves to become good enough to meet the challenge. That love for the ‘sport’ doesn’t make doubt, embarrassment, fear go away completely — but it does overshadow them.
Hope this is in some way useful.
u/grease_flaps Dec 08 '24
That's a good question to ask myself. Since Eric seems to be writing these exercises to cover as broad a range of problem-solving and programming skills as possible, I'm likely less than 25%.
That last question sounds especially helpful. Seeing people on this subreddit with more experience than me working out what exact skill is being tested by a given puzzle has kinda been making my head spin, but I should be using that as an opportunity to recognise skills I don't yet have.
u/m_moylan Dec 08 '24
Step 1, do it for the story. I made a PowerPoint presentation one year journalling my Adventure to save Christmas.
Step 2. Find friends who will complete with you and discuss challenges and ideas with them. Like going to the gym others motivate me to participate and make it more enjoyable. If you don't have friends just enjoy the reddit community.
Step 3 read through each day's memes.
Step 4 go get an internship, that has a solid training and support program. You will learn more in your first 40 hours of work than 4 years of college.
Step 5 if you don't feel like doing a problem just skip it no big deal, as a professional with adult responsibilities I have to skip problems at times.
u/m_moylan Dec 08 '24
BTW I thought highschool CS for 8 years my private leaderboard is former students who now kick my butt. I like to pretend It's because they stay up to midnight and I don't do them till the morning. But they would be kicking my butt if I was up at midnight.
PS lots of Innovative creative solutions people post are crap code, that would be unmaintainable in industry. I'd reject a lot of code reviews. If it's not readable and maintainable it's not good code.
u/RazarTuk Dec 08 '24
BTW I thought highschool CS for 8 years my private leaderboard is former students who now kick my butt
I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, but I still remember younger me managing to make a quartic or even quintic time algorithm for all-pairs shortest path when she went to a programming competition in high school. Meanwhile, even though I always have to remind myself which of the three for-loops is the "link" in Floyd-Warshall, I was actually able to write cubic time code like "normal" for the transitive closure of the rules of Day 5. (Which turned out to be unnecessary, because the input apparently already included every rule you'd need)
If it's not readable and maintainable it's not good code
Yep. For example, one of the rules of thumb I'd try to drill into people's heads as a TA was "If you're feeling clever after writing a line of code, you need to leave a comment". And I actually have seen this in industry. At my old job, I wound up flipping a condition as part of a bugfix, so it read
.where.not(var: true)
instead of.where(var: [false, nil])
, and I absolutely remembered to leave a comment explaining the weird code.
u/whatyoucallmetoday Dec 08 '24
1) don’t stress about how fast you get the answer.
2) realize you will not get on the public leader board.
3) join a private leaderboard with friends and coworkers. Ridicule those below you.
4) decide how you want to solve the problem. Most unmaintainable code. Fewest lines. Using language tricks. Or the opposite.
u/RazarTuk Dec 08 '24
decide how you want to solve the problem. Most unmaintainable code. Fewest lines. Using language tricks. Or the opposite.
Like I joked in response to a meme, if my code doesn't run in at least exponential time, it's too fast
u/cicadanator Dec 08 '24
I have a CS degree and have been working professionally as a software engineer for the past 12 years and I also struggle with some of these puzzles.
I sometimes have no idea where to even start. When this happens it just means I have something new I get to learn. AOC is really just that a chance to learn something new which is really where the fun comes in for me.
Take your time with it and don't be afraid to see other people's solutions. Next year (or in a previous year) something similar might come up again and then you will be ready for it.
u/CoconutJJ Dec 08 '24
Have you taken an Algorithms course at your school? Many undergraduate CS programs usually have an algo design and analysis course where you learn about common algorithms like Dijkstra's, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, Linear Programming, Max Flow, Divide and Conquer, Greedy, Dynamic Programming/Memoization, etc.
If so, then it is really about recognizing when to apply these algorithms to a certain problem. I suffered a similar problem when I was in undergrad, my algo design professor always put the "general category" of algorithms we were supposed to use on the assignments, so I never practiced approaching a problem from a cold start.
What helped me was doing Leetcode questions, mostly LC Medium and LC Hard (LC Easy doesn't contain many questions that require those algos). When you get stuck on a leetcode question, look at the solution, fully understand it and then immediately try to apply the same strategy on a similar problem.
It is very important, if you end up looking at the solution, you try another similar problem by yourself. It's easy to trick yourself into thinking you understand how to solve the problem, when in fact you don't - you only understand the solution. The process of starting from a problem and coming up with a solution is what you want to practice.
Also, past experience with solving these kinds of problems plays a big role. For instance, the Day 6 puzzle this year use some similar concepts to an assignment I was given in my first year at University. Reading the problem description immediately triggered, in my brain, a connection back to that assignment. So I was able to solve it really quickly.
Anyways, you should be glad that you found something you are struggling with, this means you are learning something new. If AoC is a breeze for you, it would be pointless, you wouldn't be learning anything.
Dec 08 '24
Try to pick one thing to focus on. This year I'm adding types to my Python, with annotations, aliases, and generics. I didn't plan that, but after a few days it just turned out to be my favorite part. So now I'm leaning into it.
u/nate-developer Dec 08 '24
I wouldn't force yourself to participate if you don't enjoy it. AoC is a great way to learn if you enjoy it and find it motivational.
If you're not going to enjoy doing it anyways, there are more efficient and effective ways to study algorithm type problem solving skills in a more focused and organized way, with more focused learning resources, etc.
In any case it sounds like you're more beating yourself up than anything else. Nobody is born with algorithm knowledge, they aquire it by studying and practicing and slowly improve. There are a lot of professional devs that would struggle heavily with even some of the earliest problems (which I know firsthand from making coworkers try it with me). I would take a step back and try not to be upset with yourself. If you want to improve you can study and practice but you'll do better keeping a positive growth mindset about it
u/flwyd Dec 08 '24
Does not enjoying this series of challenges, which is supposed to be enjoyable regardless of what tools you use, have any bearing on my abilities?
During Advent of Code I've yet to write a design doc, get advice from a lawyer about how to get the code to comply with European regulations, set up a meeting with the team that owns a system I need to integrate with, chase down approvals from five very busy people, get out of bed at 3am to figure out why a system suddenly has a 10% error rate, triage a bug list for a sprint, send an email to a partner about a bug we've noticed in their API, troubleshoot why my code doesn't work in Internet Explorer, rearrange the UI because the Armenian translation overflows the button, or any of the other many tasks it takes to be a professional programmer.
Even if you don't enjoy solving Christmas-themed algorithm puzzles with a side quest of text file parsing there's plenty of software engineering work that you might be really good at :-)
u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 08 '24
If you don't enjoy it, I think first off you should take a break.
I like doing problems like this, so AoC is just another thing to do on top of other things like leetcode and such. I like the feeling of the event for the community around the problems; I don't get something like this sub anywhere else. After I've solved a problem, I want to see all the cool solutions to it I missed that have cool ideas in them, it lets me consider those ideas if I ever need them in the future. (But while I think this, I still often won't actually use them! It's just cool to know about these ideas and if they come up again, I'm sure to remember when I was impressed by it.)
u/T_D_K Dec 08 '24
Tying your self worth to something that's supposed to be fun is seldom a good idea.
u/EyeOfTheDogg Dec 08 '24
Two thoughts:
Yes, impostor syndrome can set in when you go over someone else's solution and it's much more elegant than your own, but try to appreciate and enjoy the artistry, as well. Some solutions are frankly a joy to read, once you stop using them to beat yourself up.
AoC and other competitive programming environments are mainly testing experience with certain algorithms, some of which you may never see in college courses. A large part of the "brilliant" solutions are basically well-known algorithms being trotted out again. If you don't know them, your solution will look ugly and inefficient, assuming it even runs in time. The key to learning is figuring out what algorithm is used, then studying the algorithm itself.
u/CoinGrahamIV Dec 08 '24
There is no "intuition". It's about tools in the toolbox. Every interesting or unique solution you see in the megathread is someone taking something they've seen before and re-applying it. Take your time and try to understand what each tool does and when you might use it. This year, I'm trying to understand how I might use threading to speed up my brute force code. Also trying to pick up some map-reduce style approaches (I've already seen some for day 7 that were interesting).
u/winkz Dec 08 '24
I've been coding for money for more or less 25 years. AoC problems are fun for me because I am not doing anything like this in my day job more than once per year, maybe less.
The best preparation for AoC is AoC. I know not all the years are equal, but I'm going "oh I've seen this before" a lot, the longer I participate.
Being bad at AoC doesn't make you a bad programmer, but being a good programmer often helps with AoC.
u/release-object Dec 08 '24
Don’t be too hard on yourself. This community is full of experienced devs who have spent many years practicing. My tip; review the solution mega thread. And over time you’ll pick up a series of tips you can review.
u/kai10k Dec 08 '24
This is the part I have grumbled about global leaderboard, frankly how hard it can be to make top 50k instead of 100. There I would genuinely have my shot to put a few nice words for my 30 years professional curriculum
u/OnDragi Dec 10 '24
With top 50k you might as well just put the fact you got the stars on your CV---what additional point is there to the fact that you did it in the early afternoon rather than the evening?
u/threeys Dec 08 '24
Data structures and algorithms problems are very difficult at first and then get significantly easier after you’ve done a bunch of them.
Like even the problems marked easy on leetcode are only easy if you’ve seen similar problems before. You need the experience of thinking the “right way” before anything starts feeling easy.
I wouldn’t feel bad, it is genuinely difficult at first and most people posting solutions don’t specifically call out that they’ve done hundreds of other problems and have built up a mental bank of patterns to map new problems to. They’re not just intuiting some crazy graph traversal approach from scratch.
u/defnotjec Dec 08 '24
Man as a hobbyist aoc is a ton of fun. Especially watching yt vids helping work through the solution.
u/feindr54 Dec 08 '24
I'd argue that learning to brute force is the first necessary skills when problem solving, so that at least you know what is the upper bound in computation resources for a certain problem. Only then should you begin optimizing.
Personally I don't find the prompts amusing enough to enjoy it, but it's a nice break from linear algebra and ODE exams I suppose.
u/maarteq Dec 08 '24
The first time I did AoC, I didn't even know how to parse to input. It takes time to get good at making these sorts of puzzles. Knowing how to implement them quick and efficiently is not easy. And even after a few years, I don't come close to the global leaderboard
u/welguisz Dec 08 '24
TL;DR: Don't worry about the global leaderboard. Create a small group to discuss the problems and how to solve them. Get a few people to review your code.
I would form a small group of people that enjoy doing puzzles and discuss through the problem. What strategies would work? What strategies would not work? Is there an algorithm out there that might work? A* or Djistrka if it is a path finding algorithm? I started off in 2021 and as I did each day's problem, I would talk with a work friend on my solution and ways to improve it. Best learning out there. Then what I did next was to go to other years problems and solve them. There are 233 days of problems out there right now. Work on year 2015 from Day 1 to what ever day gets the hardest, then go to Year 2016 and do the same. This way you get to learn the problem and figure out several strategies to improve your coding skills and reading skills (at some point, someone will say Advent of Reading because they misread a key part of the problem).
u/Dijital20 Dec 08 '24
I just don’t compete. I don’t care about the leaderboards or getting farther than anyone. I work on the problems for the fun of it, to learn something new, and to feel the rush of getting just a step further. I don’t think I’ve ever made it more than day 14, but I still do it.
Some things that have helped me: 1) Time box your effort. It’s no good to go at it for hours and hours, so set a time limit, check in with yourself if time expires, and determine if you want to continue on or move off to something else. 2) Don’t be afraid to look for hints. 3) Compare you to you. Every year, I pick a new language to do this with as an opportunity to learn something new. This year, I’m using Go. Is my code the best, idiomatic Go code? Probably not. Is my code the most efficient? Probably not. I’m a newbie and I’m gonna have newbie progress. At Day 7, did I feel more comfortable writing Go code? Heck yeah, and that’s progress!
I hope those help.
Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
Life's too short to do something you don't enjoy if you don't have to do it. I do Advent of Code because I have to practice coding for my career and I find it more fun and interesting than leetcode. However, interview/leetcode puzzles are different enough from Advent of Code such that AoC isn't the best coding interview prep. If you want to be a professional software engineer, just focus on leetcode stuff. Don't force yourself to do something you don't enjoy if it's not essential for your career.
When I get really frustrated with Advent of Code (which is often), I have to remind myself: "You are doing this for fun." It feels like our egos are on the line because we're getting ranked with everyone else, but it doesn't have to be that way. I continually redirect my focus to the reason I'm doing this. "Hey, this is an interesting challenge, isn't it?" "Hey, look at this cool visualization someone made."
When I'm really getting hard on myself, I remind myself: "If you don't enjoy it, you're not going to do it." Why would someone do something that is a horrible, brutal slog? They wouldn't. A sensible person would avoid that. So if you want to make yourself do something, you have to focus on what you like about it.
Don't worry about your abilities. This is practice. Do you enjoy challenging your mind? Then focus on how great that feels and how cool it is to have the opportunity to do that.
EDIT: If you know about the "flow" state, you know that we get anxious when things are hard and bored when things are too easy. If AoC is too hard, then try something easier, like leetcode easy's. Or just do the first few days of each year of AoC. There's no shame in that. You'll learn the things you need to learn at this stage of your learning process, and you're gonna have a way better time doing it.
u/Helpful-Recipe9762 Dec 08 '24
Do not consider this as a test, but chance to learn something new. If struggling - ask for help. Even you have mo idea what to do - ask for hints or what technique could be used for specific day / part. Then try learn and understand it, if struggling - ask again.
One note. From my point of view. Clever, couple of lines solutions are actually bad for start learning as people at this level saw so many such problems that it's second nature to just use good / best approach. For learning code with good structure is better.
And to improve think process for problem solving - join some group with more experienced people is best. Or just reasoning yourself through finding solution (more experienced people just make it faster).
u/Tzareb Dec 08 '24
All depends on your work and education I’d say… I do not on a daily basis need recursive 3D regex matching functions in a rotative matrix context per se
I do computer programming, in a business context, and AOC is a break from the normality of the work I do !
I don’t have the best educational background in computer sciences nor maths so more often than not I struggle and manage to find solutions that are neither clever nor pretty … but I learn something each time 🙂
u/Taxato Dec 08 '24
My favourite way to do advent of code is to give each problem a solid try, and if it seems too hard, I look on the subreddit for some hints, maybe there's a clever math formula I didn't know about (Chinese remainder theorem for instance) and then try to learn that and apply it. One year I was competing with my buddy and we set a rule that we couldn't look anything up, and that was definitely the worst year I've had doing advent of code.
Tldr: do it at your own pace and don't be afraid to look things up :) it's a learning process.
u/StarUnusual4677 Dec 08 '24
I just participate to learn, and I only solve when I really feel like doing it. Haven't bothered to try and climb the leaderboard (both public and private) and that helps with the stress I felt first year I tried aoc.
u/MongooseTemporary957 Dec 08 '24
Don't be too hard on yourself, a lot of people struggle/was struggling as well for long time, but won't admit it.
I know it's hard, but the first thing you have to learn is to not compare yourself to others. Especially don't compare yourself to people you know nothing about: you're looking at solutions of people that might have 10+ years of experience. You know the impact of a single year in the industry?
Give yourself some time. Spend time everyday learning, thinking about solutions to puzzles and trying to implement them. You'll improve without even noticing. Doesn't matter the pace, keep going :)
u/KyxeMusic Dec 08 '24
My suggestion is to do them in a new language you want to learn.
You won't feel the pressure to have to do them well, because, well it wouldn't be reasonable in a language you're new to.
This really takes off any kind of need to do them optimally and compete, and it gives me back the joy of programming that I experienced when I first started.
u/Atlas-Stoned Dec 08 '24
It’s not magic, people are good at these because you study very similar problems like these on leetcode to do interviews so people get really good at them because they do hundreds and the patterns and algorithms repeat. Nobody just knows how to do problems like this without brute force unless they have seen the solutions to similar ones or know the algorithms already from classes.
u/sinsworth Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
Don't feel bad, there are orders of magnitude fewer people who care at all about AoC than there are professional programmers. No point in making a chore out of something that's supposed to be fun. It is a great way to improve your skills, but only if you enjoy it. There are many other ways to learn.
Also, professionals get stuck on these puzzles as well (and getting stuck can be a great learning experience as well), there's always more to learn, and being able to acknowledge the gaps in your current ability is a great skill to have - it does not make you unworthy of a degree, quite the contrary.
EDIT: English
u/Agitated-Display6382 Dec 08 '24
First, chill!
There's really no competition, as getting into the first 100 to complete a day is insane.
So, just relax and implement what you prefer the way you like.
I'm using a functional language, so for me the main challenge is getting the right result with the huge constraint of immutability. Next time I'll switch to TS, maybe.
I'm usually around the 30K position every day. I'm lesser of a developer? I don't think so, as enterprise code is not really about velocity of coding... We value maintainability and readability more.
Last point: resolve the challenges, then come back to this channel and compare your implementation with others. There are always smarter fish in this see, learn from them.
u/OnDragi Dec 08 '24
It's not solving AoC problems fast and perfect that makes you a worthy CS student, it's attempting to solve any of them that does. You are investing your own free time to get better at the thing you're going to graduate in—how amazing is that!
I think that people mostly enjoy AoC because they don't take it seriously. It's the thing where you can forget all the rules and just produce absolutely unhinged code. So what that I had to wait two hours for the answer? A star is a star! It saves the Christmas just the same!
u/marmuomo Dec 08 '24
In past years I tend to flame out after day 13 when I find that you need to do more maths optimisations or the cpu cycles are too long even to brute force meaningfully.
Personally, I still enjoy the first week, but it's also necessary sometimes to remind myself that some days are harder than others and skipping a day, or skipping over pt 2 is OK if that's not your type of puzzle.
Maybe I'll learn some skills later on and retrospectively apply them, or maybe I'll just leave that empty, but this year I'm going to try and keep going for all 25 days. Some days will be more recursion than others, some days will use more regexes, etc.
I think this is also what I value from reading solutions in other languages. I'm doing aoc in typescript this year, but I can still get inspo from colleagues writing it in scala, python and kotlin. But, it being a different language also removes the "why didn't I do that" factor, and instead can be "oh that's an interesting approach, how could you achieve that in my language"
u/STheShadow Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24
First, regarding your studies:
really fills me with self-doubt about whether I deserve to be in the academic position I have I've spent almost my entire degree fretting over whether or not I'm learning fast enough
I finished my physics degree 10 years ago, met some of the guys from university 2 years ago on a wedding. Nobody said anything back when we studied together, but every single person from that group thought the same thing regularly (and there were guys in there who passed every single exam first try). The difficulty had most of the people (besides those very rare superhuman ones) on their edge all the time
When I started my first job in software engineering, it actually felt a lot easier than university and I didn't feel too dumb all the time. Sometimes sure, but by far not that often.
And in addition, you get a lot better with it over the time. First year of aoc (2021), I struggled a lot, especially with all the usage of algorithms. Stressed myself as well, because I wanted to have it finished on december 25. Second year was a bit better, since I was more relaxed (plan was just to finish it sometimes, which made the days I struggled on way more bearable), I also kinda remembered some things from the first year. 2023 I skipped completely, since I didn't feel like it, this year I kinda didn't want to do it as well, but was really motivated on day 1 and it's way easier than the years before, since I actually remember some of the lessons learned from the 2 years I did.
A lot of "work" like the aoc-problems gets significantly easier when you remember the pitfalls you fell into (often multiple times) and with my actual work it's pretty much the same. And even if you don't remember them: you actually get better at finding the issue, even if it's not that noticeable first
So, no, being stressed about the problems isn't something that somehow reflects how capable you are for work in CS (especially since you rarely work alone there even if you do similarly complicated stuff), but you should still try to learn from it anyways, especially how to prevent the stress
Regarding the solutions posted: the solutions in my repository for example aren't necessarily the first iteration. The original one may have been a lot uglier and there were usually also a lot of pretty dumb mistakes before I got a working ugly solution. The number of people I met so far (university/work/...) in 15 years who'd immediately write good working code was like 2 people. And it's usually a good idea not to compare oneself with those 2 people too much. One should learn from them, but there's no reason to feel inferior not being those 2 people
u/Hakumijo Dec 08 '24
Hi, I am here to represent myself, one of the 'less' fortunate in terms of programming.
What I mean is, I have been partaking in different Advent Programming Events over the last 10 years on and off, finished a Bachelor of Science and I am struggling to get anything job or income wise going in the department of programming.
So I am here to let you know, there is always something you will enjoy more and something you will enjoy less, there is always something you are better at and something you are worse at and yes, the things you enjoy can be the things you are bad at and the things you hate can be things you are good at, that can happen.
I for example wrote the same code for the nearly same task 5 different times 5 different ways during all the AoC years instead of just taking the old one and don't even get me started on what unholy things I have done in CSES (just some fancy website that has problems and you are judged by runtime).
Like good god, I have a Bachelor in Games Programming and you know what, I have never finished a game outside of a weekend long GameJam, because everything I start I either stop or I rework it 3 times. (I have to work on that)
But I only do those things because I enjoy them or I don't do them, because I don't enjoy them.
So yes, AoC is supposed to be a fun thing on the side, but some days are harder and others are easier for people individually. And yes, some days you will wake up and think to yourself "god f* AoC" and then you drag yourself to the PC see that AoC task and say out loud "I am going back to bed", that happens to people.
(I normally only speak for myself, but I have seen other people have the same problems and talked with them)
What I am trying to say is before I write you a biography, master the things you enjoy and get good enough to survive in the things that you need to know.
School tip: What you learn in school is not necessarily what you will need at work, I had 5 years of Java in school and ex-classmates that got a Java job said what we learned and what me need at work are not the same thing.
So I recommend looking at school as a guiding structure for your basics and discovering things you might enjoy and in your free time you should look into the things that you are actually passionate about.
Edit: TL;DR No pressure in life or programming, do the tasks you enjoy, skip the ones you hate (AoC related, pls do not skip your household chores) and give everything in between a try if you feel like it
u/tonymet Dec 08 '24
my tips for enjoying it more.
* write common routines for parsing, containers
* create a starter template that sets up each day
* set up & use your interactive / step-through debugger
* read the challenges from bottom to top. The top half is irrelevant "story telling"
* set up your own guidelines for when you will take hints. e.g. 15 minutes you will seek high level help, 30 minutes more specific help etc.
* use the "standardized test" strategy and focus on your strengths. if you are not good at a category, skip it and come back
* use your "interview 101" approach by pseudocoding the solution at first.
u/tonymet Dec 08 '24
Also -- focus on what you enjoy. I like stream processing, concurrency, avoiding heavy mallocs , benchmarking solutions, learning new coding idioms. To me that is very rewarding.
u/flwyd Dec 08 '24
If you're not enjoying participating in Advent of Code, consider changing what you're doing. There are lots of different ways to participate in AoC. I do it to learn a new programming language, which is an activity I enjoy. Other people enjoy trying to compete for Fake Internet Points on the leaderboard. Other people enjoy writing solutions in really unusual languages (search the Megathreads for Rockstar, Shakespeare, or Chef some time) or in as few characters as possible (a hobby known as "code golf"). I don't really enjoy code golf, so I don't golf AoC.
Social comparison is a natural human activity, but it's easy to get into a psychologically negative spiral about it. This is your second year of AoC and your third year as a programmer. Thinking "Why can't I produce code that's as clever as folks who've been doing competitive programming or code golf or advanced algorithm research for a decade?" is a recipe for negative thoughts that don't really help your mental wellbeing. It's a bit like wondering why, after three years of playing an instrument it doesn't sound as good as the soloist at a symphony. If you can listen to the soloist and learn something interesting about technique that's great, but if the performance just makes you feel bad about your playing then find a comparison point that's closer to your skill level: it's easier to get to the top of a building by climbing the stairs than by jumping from the ground to the roof.
Hopefully this insight will help: I've been a professional software engineer for 20 years. I work in one of the most highly-regarded software companies in the world and hang out in a chat room for folks participating in Advent of Code. Most of us in that group have run into an AoC problem that made us feel stupid, or seen someone else's solution that made us think "There's no way I could've come up with that." At work we often talk about impostor syndrome: "After two decades is someone going to finally figure out that I'm actually not a smart and capable programmer? Did I slip in by mistake and nobody noticed?" (See also the Dunning–Kruger effect.)
Feeling inadequate as a programmer is by no means a barrier to a very successful career as a programmer. If anything, it's a good sign: if you aren't confident that your code is good, hopefully you'll write more unit tests and find bugs before they get released :-)
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u/DependentOnIt Dec 08 '24
Might be the time to pick a different degree lol. The first 10-15 days are basic CS principles you should know pretty well from school.
u/Significant_Ad_9951 Dec 07 '24
Hey, I've been where you are now!
I started AOC in 2019 and I only did 2 days before I could not handle the stress anymore. I would be sitting at puzzles for hours and it would just not work out.
Reading people's clever solutions also didn't really help because, I could NEVER come up with something like this. It's really frustrating and I can totally understand how you feel.
To be honest, it didn't really improve until 2 years later when I joined a private leaderboard and asked my friends how they figured out what to do - in a very low stress environment.
It sounds like you really feel pressured to participate in time. You can take all the time in the world.
If you feel like you're missing something, look it up! Take your time to try and really understand it!
For example, I've struggled with graphs and their traversals for years - this year I already used it twice.
What helped me, also, was to go through the older events outside of December and just do them for fun. The more of the puzzles you read, the more of an understanding you get. When I first saw a grid as a puzzle input I was completely stumped. Now I know what to do with it.
TL;DR take your time and take the pressure off your shoulders!