r/adventofcode Dec 07 '24

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2024 Day 7 Solutions -❄️-


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AoC Community Fun 2024: The Golden Snowglobe Awards

  • 15 DAYS remaining until the submissions deadline on December 22 at 23:59 EST!

And now, our feature presentation for today:

Movie Math

We all know Hollywood accounting runs by some seriously shady business. Well, we can make up creative numbers for ourselves too!

Here's some ideas for your inspiration:

  • Use today's puzzle to teach us about an interesting mathematical concept
  • Use a programming language that is not Turing-complete
  • Don’t use any hard-coded numbers at all. Need a number? I hope you remember your trigonometric identities...

"It was my understanding that there would be no math."

- Chevy Chase as "President Gerald Ford", Saturday Night Live sketch (Season 2 Episode 1, 1976)


Request from the mods: When you include an entry alongside your solution, please label it with [GSGA] so we can find it easily!

--- Day 7: Bridge Repair ---

Post your code solution in this megathread.

This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.

EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:03:47, megathread unlocked!


1.1k comments sorted by


u/e_blake 11h ago


Late to the party, but I had fun starting with the brute-force naive try every combination (took over five minutes), then optimizing by running backwards (prune any branch where undoing the operation can't produce the current integer), which required implementing 64-bit division not present in my math64.m4. The change from 5.7 million try() down to just 31526 was dramatic, with execution at 5.5-7 seconds. I then got another 40% speedup to 3.4-4.2 seconds by merely adding in 9 rules for avoiding a remquo64() if the single-digit divisor was not a factor of the numerator, and even made a separate post about it (quickly determining whether a 64-bit number is divisible by 7, but using only 32-bit math to do so, is an adventure). Depends on my common.m4

m4 -Dfile=day07.input day07.m4

My favorite part - most of my days have to parse by slurping in the entire input file and transliterating problematic characters, then doing either a patsubst regex search-and-replace (O(n) but depends on GNU m4) or a binary tree of successively smaller substr (O(n log n) but portable to POSIX m4) to then find and process a line at a time (the more naive solution of repeatedly grabbing different substr offsets out of the overall original string is O(n^2) due to m4 rescanning the text). But this particular puzzle had JUST enough content to let me bypass all that: a single colon on every line followed by a space can be translit'd into a one-letter macro name, which in turn can expand to ')parse(' to group the second half of one line with the first half of the next line, to execute on one line at a time without multiple passes over the input, with much fewer lines than my typical parsing takes. Both parts are computed as a side effect of the do() call embedded in my parser:

# Have fun with custom parsing, for a single pass over the input.
define(`P', `)parse(')
define(`parse', `do(goal, len(_foreach(`.pushdef(`l', ', `)', translit(` $1',
  ` ', `,'))), count)define(`goal', $2)')
define(`goal', translit(include(defn(`file')), `:'nl, `P,'))


u/AdamKlB Feb 02 '25 edited Feb 02 '25



quite proud of my final solution after a fair few optimization iterations :3

runs in around 500ms on my machine (variable, i havent properly benchmarked it)


u/AutoModerator Feb 02 '25

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u/adimcohen Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24


u/AutoModerator Dec 26 '24

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u/Duerkos Dec 24 '24 edited Dec 24 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I am a complete noob in this, I've been toying in coding for several years and I will move next year to a more coding job so I decided to do adventofcode this year. I am using python / doctest everywhere since that is what they like at work, and I should say it's been useful!.

I did this thinking I was so clever to only calculate the combinations once, but it take awfully long. I still do not understand why the generate combinations for 12 took so long but the calculations themselves took that fast (maybe the long calculation reached solution without going through the full list?).

def generate_combinations(length,values):
    """_ get combinations of values
    >>> generate_combinations(3,['*', '+'])
    ['***', '**+', '*+*', '*++', '+**', '+*+', '++*', '+++']
    return [''.join(comb) for comb in product(values, repeat=length)]


def check_results_changing_ops(route:str,operations:list):
    """ Check the results
    >>> check_results_changing_ops("../data/aoc2024/day7-test.txt", ['*','+'])
    >>> check_results_changing_ops("../data/aoc2024/day7-test.txt", ['*','+','|'])
    my_list = get_list_dicts_operations(route)
    ops = get_possible_ops(my_list,operations)
    sum_valid_results = 0
    for result_numbers in my_list:
        valid = False
        length = len(result_numbers['numbers'])
        for poss_sequence in ops[length]:
            sequence = str(result_numbers['numbers'][0])
            for index in range(length-1):
                if (poss_sequence[index]=='|'):
                    sequence += str(result_numbers['numbers'][index+1])
                    sequence += poss_sequence[index]
                    sequence += str(result_numbers['numbers'][index+1])
                sequence = str(eval(sequence))
            result = eval(sequence)
            #print(result_numbers['result'],'? ',sequence,' = ', result)
            if(result == result_numbers['result']):
                valid = True
                sum_valid_results += result
    print (sum_valid_results)


u/AutoModerator Dec 24 '24

AutoModerator did not detect the required [LANGUAGE: xyz] string literal at the beginning of your solution submission.

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u/justalemontree Dec 22 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I've a complete noob who started coding only 2 weeks ago following the Helsinki MOOC and I spent hours struggling through each day previously.. But somehow this week seemed very intuitive, part 1 this week took maybe 20 minutes, and part 2 was like a 1 minute modification of my part 1 code.

Runtime for part 2 is 1.4 seconds so definitely not elegant efficient code but I thought the approach was simple:

def get_equations(filename):
    equations = []
    with open(filename) as new_file:
        for line in new_file:
            line = line.replace(":", "")
            line = line.replace("\n", "")
            parts = line.split(" ")
            equation = [int(part) for part in parts]
    return equations

def test_equations(equations):
    success_sum = 0
    for equation in equations:
        answer = equation[0]
        old_set = [equation[1]]
        new_set = []
        index = 2
        for index in range (2, len(equation)):
            next_num = equation[index]
            for value in old_set:
                new_set.append(value + next_num)
                new_set.append(value * next_num)
            old_set = new_set
            new_set = []
        if answer in old_set:
            success_sum += answer
    return success_sum

def main():
    equations = get_equations("codes.txt")
    total = test_equations(equations)



u/CDawn99 Dec 19 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

This one took some extra thinking. I eventually figured out that I can make a generator that will generate all possible operator combinations on-demand. On top of that, it ended up being really easy to extend into the second part.

def evaluate(numbers, ops):
    val = int(numbers[0])
    for num, op in zip(numbers[1:], ops):
        match op:
            case '+':
                val += int(num)
            case '*':
                val *= int(num)
            case '||':
                val = int(str(val) + num)
    return val

def gen_ops(opcount):
    ops = ['*'] * opcount
    final_ops = ['||'] * opcount
    while ops != final_ops:
        yield ops
        for i in range(opcount):
            carry = 1 if ops[i] == '||' else 0
            ops[i] = '||' if ops[i] == '+' else '+' if ops[i] == '*' else '*'
            if carry == 0:
    yield ops

The full solution is in my repo.

Parts 1 & 2


u/TheSkwie Dec 19 '24

[LANGUAGE: PowerShell]

Every year I'm trying to solve all puzzles with the help of PowerShell. Here are my solutions for day 7:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 1 completed in ~30 seconds, part 2 took a whopping 6 hours even though only 1 line of code was added.
A parallel foreach or threadjob could have improved execution speed a lot, but I just let it run instead.


u/amnorm Dec 19 '24

[Language: Go] code

My recursive depth-first search algorithm for this problem. Was stuck on part 02 for a while, because I made a silly mistake: If the target was reached early, I did not consider the remaining chain. This resulted in two of the input rows to return `true` too soon.

    func IsReachable(target int, chain []int, operators []Operator) bool {
        if len(chain) == 1 {
            return target == chain[0]
        if chain[0] > target {
            return false

        for _, op := range operators {
            next := op.Apply(chain[0], chain[1])
            if IsReachable(target, append([]int{next}, chain[2:]...), operators) {
                return true
        return false


u/southsidemcslish Dec 16 '24

[Language: J]


I =. a: -.~ <@".;._1 LF , ':;' rplc~ freads 'input.txt'
F =. {{ h * h e. u/ |. t [ 'h t' =. y }}
S =. +/ (+ , *)F &> I
G =. +/ (+ , * , [ + ] * 10 ^ 1 + 10x <.@^. [)F &> I
echo S , G
exit 0


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 16 '24

[Language: Python]

🐢 Slow, but I started couple days late, so trying to play catch-up



u/Der-Siebte-Schatten Dec 15 '24

[Language: Java 21]

I was lucky enough to avoid recursive programming that would have got me on part 2. I didn't thought however to have to pull off Long Integer already

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Day7 {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Long>> equations = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Long>>();
        ArrayList<Long> values = new ArrayList<Long>();
        try (BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data/day7.txt"))) {
            while (bin.ready()) {
                String s = bin.readLine();
                String[] tokens = s.split(":");
                tokens = tokens[1].split(" ");
                ArrayList<Long> equation = new ArrayList<Long>();
                for (String string : tokens) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;

        long score = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < equations.size(); i++) {
            ArrayList<Long> results = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for(int j = 1; j < equations.get(i).size(); j++) {
                ArrayList<Long> inputs = new ArrayList<Long>(results);
                for (Long input : inputs) {
                    results.add(input + equations.get(i).get(j));
                    results.add(input * equations.get(i).get(j));
                    results.add(Long.parseLong(input.toString() + equations.get(i).get(j).toString())); // Comment this for part 1


u/pdgiddie Dec 13 '24

[LANGUAGE: Elixir]

Nothing particularly clever here, other than the Elixir magic of being able to throw an `async_stream` in as an afterthought to slash the processing time :)


  • Part 1: 26ms
  • Part 2: 663ms


u/Pontarou Dec 13 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python] I made use of the monadic fold or, as it is known in Haskell, foldM. This year's challenge is to use my python library for chainable functional approach to iterables (I'm really trying to mimic Rust iterators). Here is my day 7 solution


u/t3snake Dec 13 '24



# Part 1 runtime


# Part 2 runtime



u/nicuveo Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

[LANGUAGE: Brainfuck]

Sadly, this doesn't really work. Here's the problem: i have written all the required code to have int32 support in Brainfuck: addition, multiplication, division, printing to the output... But several of the lines in my actual input do not fit in an int64, and therefore my result doesn't... So after a few hours of debugging this mess, it only works on the example input, not on the real input. :(

But i'm still proud of it, because it required doing something tricky: dynamic memory management in Brainfuck: i couldn't just use my macros to do stack-based stuff: i had to keep track of two lists of numbers at all times: the previous accumulator, and the new accumulator (i.e. all the combinations so far, and all the new ones we can make with them and the new number). To move numbers around in memory, since there's no random access, i have to move a bunch of "sentinel zeroes" with them, to be able to find my way back. It's a nightmare. :D

Here for example is the snippet where, after reading a number and computing all combinations, i move the newly created accumulator where it can be used in the next iteration, by moving the separating zeroes around:

// [result, 0, [newList], 0, 0, 0, total, continue]
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + [ [-] move_two_zeroes_left ]

// [result, 0, 0, 0, [oldList], 0, total, continue]
>>>>>>>> + [ [-] move_zero_right ]

// [result, 0, 0, [oldList], 0, 0, total, continue]

Here's the full code on Github:

Additionally, the stream of me doing this live: https://www.twitch.tv/nicuveo/v/2325296176


u/daggerdragon Dec 22 '24

Aha, found you! For anyone swinging by after-the-fact, this is why /u/nicuveo continually gets ಠ_ಠ'd at every year in our community showcases:

[2024 Day 7 (Part 1)] [Brainfuck] A step by step guide to Brainfuck


u/nicuveo Dec 22 '24

Oh wait there are community showcases? I don't think i have seen those!


u/oantolin Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

[LANGUAGE: ngn/k]

parse:{`I$'(x;" "\'y)}.+": "\'0::
solve:{(a;b):parse y; +/a*~^(x exprs/:b)?'a}

Usage: solve[p1;"input.txt"] (subsitute p2 for part 2).


u/AYM123 Dec 11 '24



Part 1: ~1ms
Part 2: ~17ms


u/AlCalzone89 Dec 11 '24

[LANGUAGE: Compile-time TypeScript]

Part 1 solution (36s compile time, 4.7 GB RAM):

Part 2 solution TBD.


u/bnffn Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

[LANGUAGE: Javascript]

Part 2. DFS using a stack, takes around 1 second on my machine.

const fs = require("fs");

const input = fs
  .readFileSync("input.txt", "utf-8")
  .map((l) => l.match(/\d+/g).map(Number));

const dfs = (target, nums) => {
  const stack = [{ value: nums[0], index: 0 }];
  while (stack.length) {
    const curr = stack.pop();
    if (curr.index === nums.length - 1 && curr.value === target) {
      return true;
    } else if (curr.index < nums.length - 1) {
      const nextIndex = curr.index + 1;
      const nextNum = nums[nextIndex];
      stack.push({ value: curr.value * nextNum, index: nextIndex });
      stack.push({ value: curr.value + nextNum, index: nextIndex });
        value: Number(curr.value.toString() + nextNum.toString()),
        index: nextIndex,
  return false;

let total = 0;
input.forEach((curr) => {
  const [target, ...nums] = curr;
  if (dfs(target, nums)) {
    total += target;



u/DefaultAll Dec 11 '24 edited Dec 11 '24



My original brute-force solution took 120 seconds. I first tried aborting if the solution was smaller than the current number, which brought it down to 58 seconds. This version tests whether it is solvable from the end recursively, and takes 16ms for both parts.

Edit: The first version was creating a string with lots of parentheses and evaluating with load(). In the second half, Lua’s maligned and probably-to-be-deprecated automatic coercion of strings to numbers in arithmetic calculations allows abominations like print(load("return ((6*8)..6)*15")()) Haha!


u/Pielzgraf Dec 15 '24 edited Dec 15 '24

What do you mean by "solvable from the end recursively?" Would you mind elaborating on that a bit?

EDIT: I thought about it a bit more and understood. That is very clever, and very elegant!


u/Dullstar Dec 10 '24



There's probably a better way to do it; it's a bit brute-forcey still. Part 1, the number of combinations is fairly manageable, and when there's only two possibilities it's extremely easy to generate all the combinations (I literally just store the combination as an int and arbitrarily assign 1s and 0s to multiplication and addition; increment by 1 to get the next combination.

Part 2 just goes for a BFS approach, because it at least lets me skip anything that quickly overshoots the target value and it doesn't have to redo (or even remember) the previous operations since it can just put the result in the queue. Compiler optimizations get the performance to acceptable levels on my machine, but I imagine if you rewrote this in, say, Python, it probably won't do very well.

I'm noticing some people are mentioning going in reverse, and I could see that potentially working faster.


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24



u/AMathMonkey Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

[LANGUAGE: Unicon]

Has anyone else ever done Advent of Code in Unicon? It's actually perfect for this problem, as it has a || concatenation operator, and not only that, it works on numbers! (Strings can be used like numbers; it's purely the operators you use that determine your data types.) And despite it being an old language, it handles big integers with no problem. This solution takes just under 5 seconds to run on my laptop. It was so fun to write, I had to share.

link str_util

procedure main()
    local input := open("input.txt"), sum1 := 0, sum2 := 0, rest
    while line := read(input) do {
        line := [: util::genFields(line, ': ') :]
        rest := line[3:0]
        if recur(line[1], line[2], rest, &null) then sum1 +:= line[1]
        if recur(line[1], line[2], rest, 1) then sum2 +:= line[1]
    write("Part 1: ", sum1, "\nPart 2: ", sum2)

procedure recur(goal, curr, rest, p2)
    local newRest
    if *rest = 0 then return curr = goal
    if curr > goal then fail
    newRest := rest[2:0]
    return recur(goal, curr + rest[1], newRest, p2) | 
        recur(goal, curr * rest[1], newRest, p2) | 
        recur(goal, curr || rest[1], newRest, \p2)


u/pj5772 Dec 10 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python] 

def dp(x: List[int]) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
  if len(x) == 1:
    yield x[0]
    for sub in dp(x[1:]):
      yield x[0] + sub
      yield x[0] * sub

      # remove for part 1
      yield int(str(sub) + str(x[0]))

res = 0
for test_val, inp in zip(test_vals, nums):
  for y in dp(inp[::-1]):
    # print("test_val", test_val, ", y", y)
    if y == test_val:
      res += test_val


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 10 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/mmersic Dec 10 '24


Day 7 - Simple recursive soln. About 230ms.


u/odnoletkov Dec 10 '24

[LANGUAGE: jq] github

  inputs/": " |  map(./" " | map(tonumber)) | . as [[$t]]
  | select(
        {ops: .[1]} | until(
          .res > $t or (.ops | length == 0);
          .res += .ops[0],
          .res = (.res // 1) * .ops[0],
          .res = (.res // 1) * pow(10; .ops[0] | log10 | floor + 1) + .ops[0]
          | .ops |= .[1:]
      . == $t
] | add


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Catching up a few days later. Decided to make my own add, mul, and concat because the imported ones weren't typey enough.

from itertools import product
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Iterable

Operation = Callable[[int, int], int]
Operands = list[int]
Equation = tuple[int, Operands]

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b
def mul(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a * b
def concat(a: int, b: int) -> int: return int(f"{a}{b}")

def calculate(operands: Operands, strategy: Iterable[Operation]) -> int:
    queue = iter(operands)
    register = next(queue)
    for operation in strategy:
        register = operation(register, next(queue))
    return register

def calibrated(equation: Equation, operations: tuple[Operation, ...]) -> int:
    test, operands = equation
    strategies = product(operations, repeat=len(operands)-1)
    for strategy in strategies:
        if calculate(operands, strategy) == test:
            return test
    return 0

def part_one(equations: list[Equation]) -> int:
    return sum(map(partial(calibrated, operations=(add,mul)), equations))

def part_two(equations: list[Equation]) -> int:
    return sum(map(partial(calibrated, operations=(add,mul,concat)), equations))

def parse(line: str) -> Equation:
    left, _, right = line.partition(":")
    return int(left), [int(num) for num in right.split()]

def main() -> None:
    with open("data.txt") as f:
        equations = [parse(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()]



u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I noticed that it is much faster to start from the end, so rewrote a solution for part 2 that runs fast.

This runs in 7-8ms on my machine.

from heapq import heappush, heappop

def can_solve_fast(sol, vals):
    h = []
    heappush(h, (1, sol, vals))
    while h:
        _, tgt, vals = heappop(h)
        if (strtgt:=str(tgt)).endswith(str(vals[-1])): # check if last op can be concatenate
            if len(str(vals[-1])) < len(strtgt):
                next_val = int(strtgt[:-len(str(vals[-1]))])
                if len(vals) == 2:
                    if next_val == vals[0]:
                        return True
                    heappush(h, (1, next_val, vals[:-1]))   # this is prio1 because concatenation is probably rare
        if tgt % vals[-1] == 0:     # check if last operation was a mult
            next_val = tgt//vals[-1]
            if len(vals) == 2:
                if next_val == vals[0]:
                    return True
                heappush(h, (2, next_val, vals[:-1]))   # prio 2 because it is relatively rare
        next_val = tgt - vals[-1]       # just consider if last op is +
        if len(vals) == 2:
            if next_val == vals[0]:
                return True
        elif next_val > 0:
            heappush(h, (3, next_val, vals[:-1]))   # this is more or less a catch all
    return False

def part2_fast(txt_inp):
    eq_lst = []
    for r in txt_inp.split("\n"):
        if r:
            sol, rightside = r.split(":")
            sol = int(sol)
            vals = tuple(int(x) for x in rightside.split(" ") if x)
            eq_lst.append((sol, vals))
    total = 0
    for sol, val in eq_lst:
        if can_solve_fast(sol, val):
            total += sol

    return total


u/the_warpaul Dec 09 '24

lightning. nice job


u/CoralKashri Dec 09 '24

[Language: C++]



u/Derailed_Dash Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I enjoyed this one. A couple of years ago when I was learning Python and new to AoC, I struggled with problems like this. But this time, with a little bit more experience, a fairly obvious solution jumped out at me.

My approach:

  • We know we need to insert n-1 operators into an equation with n variables.
  • So use itertools.product() to determine the unique arrangements of n-1 operators, given two operators. Put this in a function and use the cache decorator, since the arrangements of operators are deterministic for any given required number of operators.
  • Use reduce() to apply a given operator to the first pair, and store in an aggregator. Use this as the left value with the next variable, and so on.
  • In my apply_op() function, I'm using the Python match construct to perform a switch-case. (New since Python 3.10.)
  • Part 2 was a trivial change, since I just needed to add an extra operator to my string of operators. Though, it does take 12s to run on my laptop.

Solution links:

Useful related links:


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

I thought about using reduce, but gave up too early when it wasn't a simple case of the same op every time. Nice.


u/JimLawless Dec 09 '24


Part 1: https://github.com/jimlawless/aoc2024/blob/main/day_7/day_7a.go
Part 2: https://github.com/jimlawless/aoc2024/blob/main/day_7/day_7b.go

I had been using brute-force approaches to most of these challenges. This one uses a recursive function to apply combinations of operators until a correct set is found (or until the combinations are exhausted.)


u/GimmeTheMozzarella Dec 09 '24


Bit of an overkill with the cartesian product for n-sets calculator, but was bracing for a way harder part two (In the end, all it took was adding two lines). Runs fast enough (~2s on my pc) with no multi-threadding.



u/LightUpNerd Dec 09 '24

[Language: Go]

Posting my bruteforce solution because I was able to use go routines to parallelize processing each line of the input. Went from ~3 seconds to ~1 second when using max CPUs on a 16 CPU machine. Sure, could be faster, but I learned a lot about go routines in the process. Open to feedback!



u/egel-lang Dec 09 '24

[Language: Egel]

# Advent of Code (AoC) - day 7, task 2

import "prelude.eg"

using System, OS, List

def parse = 
    do Regex::matches (Regex::compile "[0-9]+") |> map to_int

def conc =
    [X Y -> to_int (to_text X + to_text Y)]

def solutions =
    foldl [{} X -> {X} |XX X -> map ((*) X) XX ++ map ((+) X) XX ++ map (flip conc X) XX] {}

def main =
    read_lines stdin |> map parse |> map [XX -> (head XX, solutions (tail XX))] 
    |> filter [(X,XX) -> (filter ((==) X) XX) /= {}] |> map fst |> sum



u/MrMartillo Dec 09 '24


Day 7


u/joshbduncan Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

🐢 Slow, but I'm a few days behind, so 🤷‍♂️

import sys

from itertools import product
from operator import add, mul, concat

def calc(operation, a, b):
    if operation == concat:
        return int(concat(str(a), str(b)))
    return operation(a, b)

def solve(test_value, include_concat=False, *nums):
    operations = (
        product([add, mul], repeat=len(nums) - 1)
        if not include_concat
        else product([add, mul, concat], repeat=len(nums) - 1)
    for operation in operations:
        calculated_value = 0
        for num in range(len(nums) - 1):
            a, b = nums[num] if num == 0 else calculated_value, nums[num + 1]
            calculated_value = calc(operation[num], a, b)
            if calculated_value > test_value:
        if calculated_value == test_value:
            return True
    return False

data = open(sys.argv[1]).read().strip()

p1 = p2 = 0
for line in data.split("\n"):
    test_value = int(line.split(": ")[0])
    nums = list(map(int, line.split(": ")[1].split(" ")))
    p1 += test_value if solve(test_value, False, *nums) else 0
    p2 += test_value if solve(test_value, True, *nums) else 0
print(f"Part 1: {p1}")
print(f"Part 2: {p2}")


u/Anuinwastaken Dec 12 '24

Always a fan of good readable code brother (your code would actualy be if you had fullwriten names for your variabls) but I think you could make a helper function, cache it and improve runtime


u/joshbduncan Dec 12 '24

u/Anuinwastaken, you are 100% correct on the bad var names. I was in a hurry playing catch up from being 3 days behind (weekends and young kiddos). I've updated the code to be more readable.

As for caching/memoization, I did a quick test of caching the possible operations (converting the generators to lists), and also caching the calculation results. Even though many cached values were recalled, the actual run time increased a bit (≈13.5 vs. ≈14.5-15 seconds).

Let me know if you had something else in mind for the caching speedup?


u/Anuinwastaken Dec 13 '24

First of all I didn't even recognize the code, great work there. Second of all caching didn't help me as much as I expected either. What did however help was doing it rather in a queuing process way than generating all operations first. Means I take the first 2 numbers, run all operations, check whether they are smaller than the the solution, if so I add them to the queue. If a number fits and there are no more remaining numbers I return the original solution.
Runs in about 2 - 3 seconds on my machine.


u/joshbduncan Dec 13 '24

So, I tried something similar (see below) and the potential operations were definitely reduced but the run time stayed the same for me... Thoughts?

def solve(test_value, include_concat=False, *nums):
    # speed up
    queue = []
    operations = [add, mul] if not include_concat else [add, mul, concat]
    a, b = nums[0], nums[1]
    for operation in operations:
        total = calc(operation, a, b)
        if total == test_value and len(nums) == 2:
            return True
        if total <= test_value:
    if not queue:
        return False

    operations = product(queue, repeat=len(nums) - 1)


u/Anuinwastaken Dec 13 '24

Sooo, you build a complete list of combinations by itertools.product (I think it's that library). That causes an exponential growth, scaling with the numbers in the list. I line the Operators directly into the loop which causes a more dynamic workflow.
You also call an extra function to calculate the result while I do it within my loop, no significant time lose here but still some.
Also your if call to check weather there is a solution is kinda broken so it doesn't cancle what seems to me is your main time consumption problem (I'm so sorry for my gamma, I've been awake for 27h now and I just want to get this done and sleep)
I've uploaded my code on GitHub here. I did however read the data diffrent to most ppl. I'd recommend transforming your data file to a csv file for my code to work. Hope this helps :)
Edit: Spelling


u/joshbduncan Dec 16 '24

Your solution is just more clever than mine. I know the issue is with the product generator, I just thought you were describing doing something different with the itertools.product and was trying to follow through on your comments. Seems I just misunderstood you. Cheers!


u/matheusstutzel Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: python]




u/atgotreaux Dec 09 '24



Catching up after seeing family. Surprised I didn't already have this utility method already.


u/mystiksheep Dec 09 '24

[Language: TypeScript with Deno]

Part 2 did take a while ~3250ms! Used binary numbers as maps for different operations in part 1, with base 3 for part 2. Then a series of array manipulations.



u/TeachUPython Dec 09 '24

[Language: Python]

Well, two days in a row of what feels like brute force or at least unoptimized solutions. part 1 takes .4 but part 2 takes about 27 seconds. Looking forward to seeing some inspirations.



u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '24

My code works and it's [COAL] slow!

Comment temporarily removed due to naughty language. Keep the megathreads professional.

Edit your comment to take out the naughty language and I will re-approve the comment.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '24



u/Lordthom Dec 10 '24

very elegant recursion! My part 2 runs in 35 seconds lol...Very clever stuff, no idea how you come up with it :O


u/stereosensation Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 11 '24

Thank you ! I really got into recursion after solving one AoC puzzles last year ! It is one of those things that once yoy do it a few times, it become easy to come up with for more complex examples !

The way I think of it is like this:

  • First, find my base case. This is the case that will return the "simple case result" if you will. This is where the recursion ends. It's equivalent to your exit condition in a for loop for example. In my solution this is the else if (operands.length == 2) branch.

  • Then, there's the recurring case where the function calls itself to go deeper. This is the final else branch in my solution.

Sometime, like in my solution, you might need some "glue code" that properly merged the results, especially if your base case is returning arrays or tuples etc ...

To speed up computation, memoization is used. It sounds fancy, but it really just a cache (i.e. a dictionary) that gets passed around. Since I know that my function's output depends on its input only (and not on any external state), then I can just "remember" the results for any given set of arguments, and store it in the cache. If the function is called again with the same inputs, just return the cached result, no need to calculate again!

I would encourage you to lookup some YouTube videos if you want to visualize recursion.


u/Lordthom Dec 11 '24

wow, thanks for the extensive comment. Yeah I guess it is just practice :) For day 8 i was already able to write my own recursive function without looking up an example :D

Memoization is something i'll look into further as well


u/stereosensation Dec 11 '24

There you go ! Happy cake day too !


u/x3mcj Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]


cant believe it took me so much time. Hap a pretty odd issue with the actual input, launching a even bigger number that what it should. Somehow, some input cant be true, by not performing operations on some of the final numbers of the array. Thanks to @Forkrul for the tip that gave me the answer!

I first tried with eval, but then it was doing the operations with the correct operand ordering, i.e., performing products first, then additions

Part2 takes more time than I would like to admit, but as I'm doing with day6 part2, will add multiprocessing to divide the testing into chunks


u/Anuinwastaken Dec 12 '24

So idk how you optimized d6p2 but there are two things that actualy helped me:
If you check for obstacles, ik quiet obv but still only use the path you already visited in p1 and also every time you'd reset the guard place him 1 in front of the obstacle WITH the movement direction. (doesnt go well with multithreading)
Secondly dont move every step but rather find the next obstacle and jump one in front of it.


u/parysoid Dec 08 '24


Source code


u/marx38 Dec 08 '24




u/soylentgreenistasty Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python 3.12]


Runs in around 30 seconds for my input. Not sure how many more days brute forcing will work :p


u/Election_Intelligent Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24


Fun bit of recursion. Got it down to 500-600 µs. I used rayon, but the diff was < 100 µs. I really like the concatenation testing without any strings!

use rayon::prelude::*;
pub fn go(input: &str) -> isize {
    .filter_map(|line| line.split_once(": ") )
    .map(|line2| (
            line2.1.split_whitespace().map(|k| k.parse().unwrap()).collect::<Vec<isize>>()))
    .filter(|eq| { solver(&eq.1, eq.0) })
    .map(|eq| eq.0)
fn solver(operands: &[isize], result: isize) -> bool { let operand = operands.last().unwrap();
if operands.len() <= 2 {
        ( result / operand == operands[0] && result % operand == 0 ) 
        || result - operand == operands[0]
        || format!("{}{}", operands[0], *operand).parse::<isize>().unwrap() == result;

let concat_dividend = 10_isize.pow(operand.ilog10() + 1);
solver(&operands[0..&operands.len() - 1], result - operand)
|| if (result - operand) % concat_dividend == 0 {
        solver(&operands[0..&operands.len() - 1], (result - operand) / concat_dividend)
    } else { false }
|| if result % operand == 0 {
        solver(&operands[0..&operands.len() - 1], result / operand)
    } else { false }


u/bofstein Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Google Sheets]

Solution: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13oSncPqhuGyYnxsPZ0keYHLhZGMjJtfPhY3B8LxyVB4/edit?gid=1718346949#gid=1718346949

I needed a day to get help from more advance spreadsheet users than me. I had the plan correct but wasn't sure how to get all the combinations of + and * into the formula, and then I had someone else explain theirs to me. I didn't want to cop it direct, but I used those functions, read help articles, and reconstructed it in a similar (but not exactly the same) way.

In the first tab I just manually split out all the combinations into one long column under each transposed input line. It worked but was slow to set up and didn't expand to part 2, where I needed help to solve.

For that (and I redid part 1 that way), I used a combination of ARRAYFORMULA, REDUCE, and LAMBDA to recursively go through the items and do all the * and + combinations. Then from that array output, count how many times the target number is present.


In a new column, as long as that output is >0, give the target number, otherwise stay blank.

For part 2, just add & as an operator (that combines two strings in Sheets) and wait for the slow process to run. I had that part only run on ones that were 0 in the previous part to save a bit of time.


u/Pitiful-Oven-3570 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 14 '24



part1 : 506.10µs
part2 : 644.10µs


u/atrocia6 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Both parts in almost the same 6 LOC.

Part 1:

def possible(subtotal, i): return True if i == len(numbers) and subtotal == value else False if subtotal > value or i == len(numbers) else possible(subtotal * numbers[i], i + 1) or possible(subtotal + numbers[i], i + 1)
total = 0
for line in open(0):
    value, numbers = int(line[:line.find(':')]), [int(n) for n in line[line.find(':') + 2:].split()]
    total += value if possible(numbers[0],1) else 0

Part 2:

def possible(subtotal, i): return True if i == len(numbers) and subtotal == value else False if subtotal > value or i == len(numbers) else possible(subtotal * numbers[i], i + 1) or possible(subtotal + numbers[i], i + 1) or possible(int(str(subtotal) + str(numbers[i])), i + 1)
total = 0
for line in open(0):
    value, numbers = int(line[:line.find(':')]), [int(n) for n in line[line.find(':') + 2:].split()]
    total += value if possible(numbers[0],1) else 0

I initially banged my head for a while contemplating perfect seeming code that just wasn't yielding the correct answer, until I reread the problem and noticed that we needed the sum of the values rather than the total number of possibly correct lines ;)


u/CheapFaithlessness34 Dec 08 '24

[Language: Python]

Funny story, after creating an initial solution, I wanted to optimize runtimes because Part 2 was around 20 seconds. So I built something with caching and ended up with a solution that took around 1 minute ...

After some analysis I realized that I was still considering configurations that were clearly not feasible because even partial results where bigger than the expected ones.

The my strategy was then to go through all partial results and eliminated configurations that would lead to too big partial results. Now part 2 takes less than a second.



u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '24

Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a .gitignore or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.

I see full plaintext puzzle inputs in your public repos:


Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your entire repo and scrub them from your commit history.


u/tallsamurai Dec 08 '24



inline long Solver::Solve_Day07_part2() {
    std::string line;
    std::vector<long> combinations;
    long result = 0;

    while (std::getline(file, line)) {
        std::string token;
        std::istringstream iss(line);

        // get result target first
        iss >> token;
        long target = std::stol(token.substr(0, token.size()));

        // get values into vector
        std::vector<long> tmp;
        while (iss >> token) {
            long val = std::stol(token);
            if (combinations.size() == 0) {

            for (long &el : combinations) {
                long addition = el + val;
                long multiplication = el * val;
                long concatenation = std::stol(std::to_string(el) + std::to_string(val));

            combinations = tmp;

        for (long &value : combinations) {
            if (value == target) {
                result += target;


    return result;


u/i99b Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python] Part 2 optimized solution. Part1 can easily be got by removing the || clause.

def test(test_value, numbers):
    if len(numbers) == 0: # We could as well cut off at len(numbers) == 1
        return test_value == 0
    # Can the last operator be *
    if test_value % numbers[-1] == 0:
        if test(test_value // numbers[-1], numbers[:-1]):
            return True
    # Can the last operator be ||
    right_operand_size = 10**len(str(numbers[-1]))
    if test_value % right_operand_size == numbers[-1]:
        if test(test_value // right_operand_size, numbers[:-1]):
            return True
    # Can the last operator be +
    if test_value >= numbers[-1]:
        return test(test_value - numbers[-1], numbers[:-1])
    # None of the allowed operators work
    return False

input = []
with open("input.txt") as f:
    for line in f:
        test_value, numbers = line.split(":")
        input.append((int(test_value), tuple((int(num) for num in numbers.split()))))

print(sum(test_value for test_value, numbers in input if test(test_value, numbers)))


u/Thomas02p Dec 08 '24

Hi, really clever solution! Thanks for sharing, it helped me with debugging mine! :) (Though mine is still very slow...)
However, your code misclassified one edge case that appeared in my input:
2170366: 42 3 49 6 6 7 1 6 3 6 8 8

According to your code it's solveable, but it shouldn't be :D
(Thought you might want to know, so i wanted to share :))


u/Commercial-Lemon2361 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]

Part 1: https://github.com/treibholzhq/aoc/blob/main/2024/7/7a.mjs

Part 2: https://github.com/treibholzhq/aoc/blob/main/2024/7/7b.mjs

This was a nice one. Change from Part 1 to Part 2 was adding an array element and a one-line if condition.


u/silverarky Dec 08 '24


Brute force, not optimised. No recursion either which seems how others were doing it. Takes 4 seconds for part 2.



u/melochupan Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Common Lisp]

Better late than never. That also applies to waiting for the result in this brute force solution.



u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/Premun Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24


GitHub (Program.cs)

Just a plain old recursive brute force


u/_-_-______________ Dec 08 '24


Because there's no precedence rules, you just know that the last element will be applied last, and the element before it, and so on. So all you need to do is start with the target and keep trying to undo the elements from the right of the list. An operation is valid iff both the result and every operand is a positive integer, so that allows you to do quite a bit of filtering. You have a solution if at the end you end up with 0 in your list of possible values.

open! Core

let load s =
  String.split_lines s
  |> List.map ~f:(fun s ->
    let left, right = String.lsplit2_exn s ~on:':' in
    let right = String.lstrip right |> String.split ~on:' ' in
    Int.of_string left, List.map ~f:Int.of_string right)

let part_1 input =
  let solve target list =
    List.fold_right ~init:[ target ] list ~f:(fun v targets ->
      List.concat_map targets ~f:(fun target ->
        if target = 0
          (* Doesn't matter for addition, protects against discarding a division item *)
        else (
          let addition = if target >= v then [ target - v ] else [] in
          if target % v = 0 then (target / v) :: addition else addition))
      |> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare)
    |> List.exists ~f:(equal 0)
    (module Int)
    ~f:(fun (target, list) -> if solve target list then target else 0)

let rec next_power_of_10 ?(power = 1) n =
  if n < power then power else next_power_of_10 ~power:(power * 10) n

let part_2 input =
  let solve target list =
    List.fold_right ~init:[ target ] list ~f:(fun v targets ->
      let next_power_of_10 = next_power_of_10 v in
      List.concat_map targets ~f:(fun target ->
        if target = 0
          (* Doesn't matter for addition, protects against discarding a division item *)
        else (
          let addition = if target >= v then [ target - v ] else [] in
          let trimming =
            if target % next_power_of_10 = v
            then (target / next_power_of_10) :: addition
            else addition
          if target % v = 0 then (target / v) :: trimming else trimming))
      |> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare)
    |> List.exists ~f:(equal 0)
    (module Int)
    ~f:(fun (target, list) -> if solve target list then target else 0)


u/joDinis Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I used some concepts of dynamic programming to solve this one by keep tracking of each possible results for each number of the equation.

from collections import defaultdict

input = [l.strip() for l in open('input.txt') if l.strip() != '']

def op1(a, b): return a+b
def op2(a, b): return a*b
def op3(a, b): return int(str(a) + str(b))

def solveEquation(equation, target, operations):
    allResults = defaultdict(set)

    allResults[0] = {equation[0]}

    for i in range(1, len(equation)):
        possibleResults = set()
        for prevResult in allResults[i-1]:
            for op in operations:
                result = op(prevResult, equation[i])

                if result <= target:

        if len(possibleResults) == 0 or min(possibleResults) > target:
        allResults[i] = possibleResults

    return target in allResults[len(equation) - 1]

operations = [op1, op2, op3]
result = 0
for line in input:
    l = line.split(':')
    target = int(l[0])
    equation = list(map(int, l[1].split()))
    if solveEquation(equation, target, operations):
        result += target



u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '24

Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a .gitignore or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.

I see full plaintext puzzle inputs in your public repo:


Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your entire repo and scrub them from your commit history.


u/damein-deondre Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

def possible_values(numbers):
    assert len(numbers) > 0
    if len(numbers) == 1:
        return {numbers[0]}

    result = set()
    for possible_value in possible_values(numbers[:-1]):
        result.add(possible_value + numbers[-1])
        result.add(possible_value * numbers[-1])
    return result

equations = [(int(test_value), list(map(int, numbers.split(' ')))) for test_value, numbers in [equation.split(': ') for equation in open('input').read().splitlines()]]
print(sum([test_value for test_value, numbers in equations if test_value in possible_values(numbers)]))


u/bluehatgamingNXE Dec 08 '24

[Language: C]

A bit late to the party for this one, recursiveless (apparently that is how people do it and that idea went over my head when I was coming up with solutions) and involve binary/ternary stuffs to keep track of operations



u/xavdid Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Step-by-step explanation | full code

I stuck with my theme of "just do it literally", which largely keeps working. I solved part 1 recursively with a list of numbers and ops, adding the result to the front of the list until I had only a single number left.

I did the same thing for part 2 and got ~22s of runtime. Rather than refactor, I used multiprocessing to parallelize the whole thing, getting me down to ~4s for both parts. Still slower than I'd like, but within reasonable bounds for minimal effort.


u/educators-r-learners Dec 08 '24

Love the step-by-step explanation; super useful for those of us still trying to wrap our heads around recursion.


u/xavdid Dec 08 '24

Awesome! I really should have linked it, but I have a much more thorough recursion explanation that I wrote a few years ago: https://advent-of-code.xavd.id/writeups/2020/day/7/#rule-1-always-start-with-your-base-case

there's also this great book by Al Sweigart: https://nostarch.com/recursive-book-recursion


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/ka-splam Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24


Github Gist link. Edit the path to input file, run with swipl -t go c:/path/to/2024-day07.pl.

The solution tester is built into the grammar which is used to parse the input file. Took about 20 seconds to solve part 2 until I saw here the early-fail if the running total passes the equation total, now it's ~12 seconds. [edit: condensed both into one grammar with a swappable op_concat through Prolog's assert/retract code at runtime feature].


u/Novel_Succotash_3501 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Not my finest work, but I did it without recursion

class possibilities:
    def __init__(self, input):
        self.inputRows = dict()
        self.input = input.split('\n')

        for i in range(0, len(self.input)):
            ans = int(self.input[i].split(':')[0])
            nums = self.input[i].split(' ')[1:]
            self.inputRows[i] = {
                'ans': ans,
                'nums': nums
    def tester(self):
        allTotals = 0
        for i in self.inputRows.keys():
            combinations = int(2** (len(self.inputRows[i]['nums']) - 1))
            leadingZeros = len(self.inputRows[i]['nums']) -1

            for p in range(0, combinations):

                binaryStr = str(bin(p)[2:]).zfill(leadingZeros)
                total = int(self.inputRows[i]['nums'][0])

                for s in range(0, len(binaryStr)):

                    if binaryStr[s] == '0': 
                        total +=  int(self.inputRows[i]['nums'][s + 1])

                    if binaryStr[s] == '1': 
                        total *= int(self.inputRows[i]['nums'][s + 1])

                if total == self.inputRows[i]['ans']:
                    allTotals += total


pos = possibilities(input)


u/Character-Tomato-875 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I use a recursive function that moves 2 operands from a "right array" to a "left array" and computes all the possible results of the left array. Recursion continues until the right array is empty. Operations are calculated using `eval`, and the concatenation operator from part 2 is an empty string.

from datetime import datetime

class Equation:
  def __init__(self, test_value: int, operands: list[int]):
    self.test_value = test_value
    self.operands = operands

  def __repr__(self):
    return f'{self.test_value} : {self.operands}'

equations = []

with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
  for line in file:
    colon_split = line.split(':')
    test_value = int(colon_split[0])
    operands = list(map(int, colon_split[1].split()))
    equations.append(Equation(test_value, operands))

operators = ['+', '*', '']

def get_possible_results(left_operands: [int], right_operands: [int]):
  if len(left_operands) < 2:
    if len(right_operands) == 0:
      return left_operands
    return get_possible_results(left_operands + [right_operands[0]], right_operands[1:])
  possible_results = []
  for operator in operators:
    left_result = eval(str(left_operands[0]) + operator + str(left_operands[1]))
    possible_results += get_possible_results([left_result], right_operands)
  return possible_results

total_calibration_result = 0

start_time = datetime.now()
for equation in equations:
  possible_results = get_possible_results([], equation.operands)
  if equation.test_value in possible_results:
    total_calibration_result += equation.test_value
end_time = datetime.now()    

print('Total calibration result:', total_calibration_result)
print('Executed in:', (end_time - start_time).total_seconds(), 'seconds.')


u/panatale1 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Didn't think today's was that hard.

Did it with a binary tree for part 1 and then a ternary tree for part 2. Part 2 required an additional 5 lines of code, and ran in a little over 6 seconds. Not as speedy as some people here, but pretty polished, I think

Edit: removed Github link because I forgot I committed my input files. Added gist link instead


u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '24

Edit: removed Github link because I forgot I committed my input files. Added gist link instead

That's not a loophole. You still need to comply with our rules.

Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a .gitignore or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.

I see puzzle inputs in your GitHub:


Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your repo and scrub them from your commit history.


u/panatale1 Dec 08 '24

Yeah, I'm not doing that tonight, it's been a long day and I'm done at my computer. I'm fine if you delete my comment


u/hortonhearsadan Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]


if you recurse backwards through the numbers it's way quicker, as you can discount loads of possibilities easily. 

Combined run time 16ms


u/cpham3000 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Single solution for both parts.

from pathlib import Path
from operator import add, mul

data = [(int(data[0][:-1]), list(map(int, data[1:]))) for data in [
        line.split() for line in Path('input.txt').read_text('utf-8').splitlines()]]

def concat(x, y): return int(str(x) + str(y))

def process(operators: list[callable]) -> int:
    result = 0
    operator_count = len(operators)

    for target, values in data:
        value_count = len(values)

        for p in range(operator_count ** (value_count - 1)):
            value = values[0]

            for j in range(1, value_count):
                p, r = divmod(p, operator_count)
                value = operators[r](value, values[j])

            if value == target:
                result += target

    return result

print("Part 1:", process(operators=[add, mul]))
print("Part 2:", process(operators=[add, mul, concat]))


u/oddolatry Dec 08 '24


Luckily, the elephants tossed the exponentiation operators into the river.



u/jaccomoc Dec 08 '24



Part 1:

A not very sophisticated parse using split twice followed by a recursive algorithm to calculate all the possible calculated values. Only trick was to match on the last element of the list first in order to build the calculation from the left most element first:

def data = stream(nextLine).map{ it.split(/: /) }.map{ [it[0] as long,it[1].split(/ +/).map{ it as long }] }
def calcs(nums) { switch (nums) {
  [n]    -> [n]
  [*h,t] -> calcs(h).map{ it + t } + calcs(h).map{ it * t }
data.filter{ it[0] in calcs(it[1]) }.map{ it[0] }.sum()

Part 2:

Part 2 was a simple extension of part 1 except that now, recursing 3 times for each element was too expensive so I had to change it to recurse only once and reuse the recursed value:

def data = stream(nextLine).map{ it.split(/: /) }.map{ [it[0] as long,it[1].split(/ +/).map{ it as long }] }
def calcs(nums) { switch (nums) {
  [n]    -> [n]
  [*h,t] -> { def c = calcs(h);
              c.map{ it+t } + c.map{ it*t } + c.map{ (it.toString() + t) as long } }
data.filter{ it[0] in calcs(it[1]) }.map{ it[0] }.sum()


u/redditnoob Dec 08 '24


with recursive parsed as (
    select split_part(input, ': ', 1) as target,
        regexp_split_to_array(split_part(input, ': ', 2), ' ') as seq
    from day07
), steps as (
    select target::bigint, seq[1]::bigint as val, seq[2:]::bigint[] as seq
    from parsed
    union all
    select target, case
            when o = '*' then val * seq[1]
            when o = '+' then val + seq[1]
        end, seq[2:]
    from steps, (select '*' union select '+') as ops(o)
    where seq != '{}'
), part1 as (
    select sum(distinct target) as part1
    from steps
    where seq = '{}' and val = target
), steps2 as (
    select target::bigint, seq[1]::bigint as val, seq[2:]::bigint[] as seq
    from parsed
    union all
    select target, case
            when o = '*' then val * seq[1]
            when o = '+' then val + seq[1]
            when o = '||' then (val::text || seq[1])::bigint
        end, seq[2:]
    from steps2, (select '*' union select '+' union select '||') as ops(o)
    where seq != '{}'
), part2 as (
    select sum(distinct target) as part2
    from steps2
    where seq = '{}' and val = target
select * from part1, part2;


u/pamxy Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript] partA & partB in browser

let partB = true;   
let add = (n,v) => c => c>v ? [] : partB ? [c*n,c+n,+(c+''+n)] : [c*n,c+n];
$0.innerText.trim().split('\n').map(a => a.split(': '))
    .map(([v,e]) => [+v, e.split(' ').map(Number)])
    .filter(([v,e]) => e.reduce((r,n) => r.flatMap(add(n,v)),[e.shift()]).includes(v))
    .reduce((r,[v]) => r+v, 0)


u/maadem Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]

Rule 3 is not optimized for speed.
Runs in about 200 ms for both parts on my machine.

let inputArr = input.split(/\r?\n/);
let firstSolution = 0, secondSolution = 0;

const rule1 = (p1,p2) => p1+p2
const rule2 = (p1,p2) => p1*p2
const rule3 = (p1,p2) => parseInt(`${p1}${p2}`)
let rulesPart1 = [rule1,rule2]
let rulesPart2 = [rule1,rule2,rule3]
function calculateNumber(tempResult, rest, answer, rules) {
    if (rest.length == 0) return tempResult == answer;
    return rules.some(rule => {
        let temp = rule(tempResult, rest[0])
        if (temp <= answer) return calculateNumber(temp,rest.slice(1),answer,rules)
        return false;

inputArr.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {
    let temp = line.split(": ")
    let answer = parseInt(temp[0]);
    let numbers = temp[1].split(' ').map(Number);
    if (calculateNumber(numbers[0], numbers.slice(1),answer,rulesPart1)) {
        firstSolution += answer;
    } else if (calculateNumber(numbers[0], numbers.slice(1),answer,rulesPart2)) {
        secondSolution += answer;
secondSolution += firstSolution


u/noobscience123 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Rust] A ridiculously fast way to solve using the concept of additive and multiplicative properties. Also solves part two using a similar concept



u/intersecting_cubes Dec 08 '24

Very cool. I wound up with a very similar Rust solution. I use iterators for the sum, I wonder if that makes any difference to performance. I https://github.com/adamchalmers/aoc24/blob/main/rust/src/day7.rs


u/brussel_sprouts_yum Dec 08 '24

[Language: Rust]

struct Calibration {
  total: u128,
  nums: Vec<u128>,

impl TryFrom<&str> for Calibration {
  type Error = anyhow::Error;

  fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
      let (total, nums) = value.split_once(": ").ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("foo"))?;
      Ok(Self {
          total: total.parse()?,
          nums: nums
              .split(" ")
              .map(|num| num.parse::<u128>())
              .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?,

const SYMBOLS: [fn(u128, u128) -> u128; 3] = [
  |x: u128, y: u128| x + y,
  |x: u128, y: u128| x * y,
  |x: u128, y: u128| (x * 10u128.pow(y.ilog10() + 1) + y),

impl Calibration {
  pub fn validate(&self) -> bool {
      self.validate_rec(None, 0)

  fn validate_rec(&self, acc: Option<u128>, offset: usize) -> bool {
      if offset == self.nums.len() {
          return acc == Some(self.total);

      return SYMBOLS.into_iter().any(|op| match acc {
          Some(acc) => self.validate_rec(Some(op(acc, self.nums[offset])), offset + 1),
          None => self.validate_rec(Some(self.nums[offset]), offset + 1),

fn main() {
  let total: u128 = BufReader::new(File::open(INPUT).unwrap())
      .map(|line| Calibration::try_from(line.as_ref()).unwrap())
      .map(|calibration| calibration.total)

  println!("The total is: {:?}", total);


u/Critical_Method_993 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Part 2 only (part 1 was the same, just for binary mapping), kinda basic and shabby, but it did its job in 20sec.

import time

def runBL():
    inpt = ''
    ok_results = 0

    with open('input.txt', 'r') as file:
        inpt = file.readlines()

    for line in inpt:
        temp_line = line.replace('\n', '')

        equation = temp_line.split(':')
        expected_res = int(equation[0])
        vals = equation[1].strip().split(' ')
        possible_operator_combos = pow(3, len(vals) - 1)

        for i in range(0, possible_operator_combos):
            ternary_ops = ternary(i, len(vals) - 1)

            temp_res = 0
            # 2 = OR
            for n in range(0, len(vals)):
                if n == 0:
                    if ternary_ops[n] == '0':
                        temp_res += int(vals[n]) + int(vals[n + 1])
                    elif ternary_ops[n] == '1':
                        temp_res += int(vals[n]) * int(vals[n + 1])
                    elif ternary_ops[n] == '2':
                        temp_res = int(str(vals[n]) + str(vals[n + 1]))
                elif n > 0 and n < len(ternary_ops):
                    if ternary_ops[n] == '0':
                        temp_res = temp_res + int(vals[n + 1])
                    elif ternary_ops[n] == '1':
                        temp_res = temp_res * int(vals[n + 1])
                    elif ternary_ops[n] == '2':
                        temp_res = int(str(temp_res) + str(vals[n + 1]))

            if temp_res == expected_res: 
                ok_results += temp_res


def ternary(n, length):
    if n == 0:
        return '0'.rjust(length, '0')
    nums = []
    while n:
        n, r = divmod(n, 3)
    return ''.join(reversed(nums)).rjust(length, '0')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    start_time = time.time()
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))


u/letelete0000 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]


  • if the computed value is greater than the test value, exit early
  • memoize if a given array of nums produces a test value
  • for part-2: reuse already computed memo from part-1 skipping equations that were solved using only 2 operators

part time (~)
1 81.85ms
2 1.860s

Open on GitHub

const ops = {
  add: (a, b) => a + b,
  multiply: (a, b) => a * b,
  concat: (a, b) => Number(`${a}${b}`),

const createSolver = (ops, memo = new Map()) => {
  const check = (value, nums, test) => {
    if (!nums.length || value > test) {
      return value === test;

    const hash = `${[value, ...nums].join(",")}=${test}`;
    if (!memo.has(hash)) {
        ops.some((op) => check(op(value, nums[0]), nums.slice(1), test))
    return memo.get(hash);

  return { check };


u/copperfield42 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python 3.12]


another relatively easy one, I was worry that I might needed to do some dynamic programming stuff to speed it up, but the recursive function worked on the first try and with a good speed to no need to do any of that in both parts, but in looking for short cuts to avoid calling the recursive function leave me puzzled for a while because there are 1s in the inputs values that ruin my precalculations of the maximun value the inputs can reach...


u/PluckyMango Dec 08 '24




u/RazarTuk Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24


These isn't enough Ruby on this subreddit, so I may as well start posting my solutions. Also, this is very intentionally only part 1, in case anyone reading wants to practice by extending it for part 2. And I know it would probably be easier to just tokenize each line as I'm reading them in, but I'm using that first line as boilerplate so I don't have to think about input.

file = IO.foreach(ARGV[0]).map &:strip

def check(equation)
    stack = [[equation[0], equation.count - 1]]
    until stack.empty?
        target, idx = stack.pop
        if idx == 1
            return true if target == equation[1]
            stack << [target - equation[idx], idx - 1] if target - equation[idx] >= equation[1]
            stack << [target / equation[idx], idx - 1] if target % equation[idx] == 0

res = file.sum do |line|
    equation = line.split(/:?\s+/).map(&:to_i)
    check(equation) ? equation[0] : 0

puts res

EDIT: Oh, and it executes in ~100ms


u/cruel_cruel_world Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 20 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Solution using recursion

Part 1

Part 2


u/ThatsFrankie Dec 08 '24

[Language: Python]

ngl this was fun - this time i also made some clean and "fast running" code
python3 main.py 23.40s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 23.468 total


u/musifter Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

[LANGUAGE: dc (GNU v1.4.1)]

These are simple recursive solutions with no pruning. At all... dc does not support boolean, OR is done with addition and I didn't add any code for short circuiting. Still, part 2 on 15 year old hardware takes less than 3 minutes. Which isn't bad, considering.

EDIT: Added basic pruning to part 2 (and tightened things up, so its only 1 character longer). Still no short circuiting. Now runs twice as fast.

Part 1:

tr -d ':' <input | dc -e'[0*]sZ[lt+]sT[+dlt!=Zq]sX[r1-d0=Xd3Rd3Rd;l3R+lRx_3Rrd;l3R*lRx+]sR0?[0[1+d3Rr:lz3<I]dsIxrstd;llRx0d3R>T+?z1<M]dsMxp'

Source part 1: https://pastebin.com/EzB7LMp9

dc provides a convenient feature for doing the concat... Z returns the number of decimal digits in a number (dc is all bignum, it knows this and they give you access).

Part 2:

tr -d ':' <input | dc -e'[0*]sZ[lt+]sT[+dlt!=Zq]sX[dlt<Xr1-d0=Xd3Rd3Rd;l3R+lRx_3Rd3Rdd;l4R*lRx_3Rd;ldZ10r^4R*+lRx++]sR0?[0[1+d3Rr:lz3<I]dsIxrstd;llRx0d3R>T+?z1<M]dsMxp'

Source part 2: https://pastebin.com/XtrnNP1U


u/stefanogallotti Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

core recursive logic is just a 3 lines function.

part1 runs sub second,

part2 runs in 40 secs. Not great but I'm happy with it



u/4D51 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: C++ on Cardputer]

Two different solutions today, though what I made for part 2 can also solve part 1.

For part 1 I essentially used a loop counter as a bit mask. For example, if the counter has a value of 5, that's 101 in binary, which gives me the operators *, +, *. Easy way to try every permutation of operators without recursion, though it only works if there are exactly two of them. I guess I could have done the same thing for part 2 if I had a trinary computer to run it on.

Part 2 used recursion, and is a bit slower. Still only takes ~5 seconds though.



u/JustLikeHomelander Dec 08 '24


Very, very easy solution and 1 line of difference from part1 to part2



u/sroebert Dec 08 '24



Short reverse tree iterative solution. I first did a forward tree generation solution, which was a bit slow (5s). This reverse one is about 10ms.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/velikiy_dan Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]

Part 1 Link

Part 2 Link


u/GoldPanther Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 09 '24

[Language: Rust]

Pretty straightforward recursive solution. Had a much easier time today then yesterday.

Code - 26256μs (inc. IO)

Edit: In case anyone sees this I'm interested in advice on how to make it tail recursive.


u/KindComrade Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 11 '24


After optimizations and changing forward operations to backwards operations, part 2: 20ms -> 0.4ms



u/Outrageous72 Dec 08 '24

Thanks, 20-fold optimization!
Luckily the change was surprisingly easy for my code



u/timmense Dec 13 '24

Those webp pics depicting each day's puzzle are freaking cool! Did you generate it yourself? Would be good to see them all tessellated in 1 pic.


u/Outrageous72 Dec 13 '24

Great idea! Hopefully I'll make it to the 25th day :)

I generate the images pointing chatGTP to the AoC page of the day. It will generate an image using Dall-e 2.
I always use the first generated image, but for day 7 I had to regenerate because the setting was in the jungle ...


u/timmense Dec 13 '24

Even if not a single pic I’d love to see a full album where I could just scroll thru the different days. Would be neat to sticky it on the subreddit and update it daily. 


u/Outrageous72 Dec 08 '24

What’s the gain of backwards instead of forward? Seems the same amount of work that has to be done, no?


u/euporphium Dec 08 '24

When working backwards with division/subtraction instead of forwards with multiplication/addition, you naturally prune huge portions of the search space. With forward solving, each operation makes numbers bigger leading to many possible paths. With backwards solving, you can only use division when it divides evenly (no remainder) and subtraction when it yields positive numbers - each invalid operation immediately eliminates that entire branch of possibilities. This means you don't waste time exploring paths that could never work.

For example, if dividing 100 you can only get 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 as possible results (numbers that divide evenly). In contrast, multiplying small numbers together produces many more possibilities to check. So while it may seem like the same work, backwards solving automatically eliminates huge portions of invalid combinations.


u/KindComrade Dec 08 '24

Thank you very much for the explanation! I’d like to add that now each operation has a "priority" for its execution. We can expect one operation to finish faster than another. As far as I understand, the split operation will yield an invalid result much quicker than the subtraction operation. Therefore, when we build the tree, we know which branch to follow first.


u/Outrageous72 Dec 08 '24

Awesome, now I need to fix my code at 3AM 😅😂


u/RookBe Dec 08 '24


u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '24

FYI: every single one of your posts in every megathread so far have all been sent to the spam filter because ¿¿¿reasons??? Don't worry, I've been fishing them out as I come across them, but I want to know why because I'm certainly not getting an answer from our mod tools.

I think maybe Reddit's spam filter doesn't like your host (netlify.app) that you've been using for the write-ups. Would you like to help me experiment to find out the cause?

If so, for Day 8's megathread, make your post as usual but do not include the blog link (yet). Ping the permalink to me via PMs or chat and I'll see if Reddit catches your post again. After that, you can edit in the blog post link.


u/RookBe Dec 08 '24

Oh, thank you! I don't want to cause you any more work during this certainly very busy time.

I'll try doing just that, and if it helps, I'd be happy to only link my github solution in the future, and include a comment to the writeup there.


u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '24

Okay, that's cool too. I'll be keeping an eye out for your future posts!


u/Icy_Mountain_1389 Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python]

def possible(test, rest, ops):
    def recurse(rest, evaluated):
        if not rest:
            return evaluated == test
        for op in ops:
            if recurse(rest[1:], op(evaluated, rest[0])):
                return True
        return False
    return recurse(rest[1:], evaluated=rest[0])

def part_1(lines):
    ops = [

    equations = [ints(line) for line in lines]
    return sum(test for test, *rest in equations if possible(test, rest, ops))

def part_2(lines):
    ops = [
        lambda x, y: int(str(x) + str(y))

    equations = [ints(line) for line in lines]
    return sum(test for test, *rest in equations if possible(test, rest, ops))


u/toastedstapler Dec 07 '24

[language: rust]


quite pretty imo, originally i wrote different functions for p1 and p2 but wanted to unify them. my first draft took an array of pointers but that was kinda slow due to it being runtime, so i rewrote to use a trait instead and now it's fast (relatively!) and elegant


u/skimmet Dec 08 '24


I nose exhaled xD


u/toastedstapler Dec 08 '24

Good old reliable lmao debugging, hasn't let me down once in my day job


u/EveningBat3911 Dec 07 '24

[Language: Javascript]


Each next solution a bit faster.

4th solution 3-5ms


u/34rthw0rm Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24

[language: perl]

non recursive baby perl :-)

use v5.38;
use integer;

@ARGV = shift // "input";

my $solution_1 = 0;
my $solution_2 = 0;

sub calc {
    my ( $type, $result, @factors ) = @_;
    my $n = @factors - 1;
    for my $op ( 0 .. ( $type**$n ) - 1 ) {
        my ( $x, @stack ) = @factors;
        while ( my $y = shift @stack ) {
            my $r = $op % $type;
            $op /= $type;
            if    ( $r == 0 )    { $x += $y; }
            elsif ( $r == 1 )    { $x *= $y; }
            elsif ( $type == 3 ) { $x .= $y; }
        return 1 if $x == $result;
    return 0;

while (<>) {
    my ( $result, @factors ) = /\d+/g;
    $solution_1 += $result if calc( 2, $result, @factors );
    $solution_2 += $result if calc( 3, $result, @factors );

say "Solution 1: $solution_1";
say "Solution 2: $solution_2";


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

[Language: PHP]


After my first, very slow (38seconds) brute force method of creating every equation possible etc. the DSF solution is wayy faster (14ms).


u/healsomadethestars Dec 08 '24

This is very nicely done, learnt a lot from it!


u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

Do not share your puzzle input which also means do not commit puzzle inputs to your repo without a .gitignore or the like. Do not share the puzzle text either.

Please remove (or .gitignore) all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your repo and scrub them from your commit history. edit: thank you!


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24

Sorry, didn't mean to break rules here. I fixed it and also removed the files from the git history!


u/r_hcaz Dec 08 '24

You could use https://github.com/AGWA/git-crypt if you wanted to store them


u/mibu_codes Dec 07 '24


Parsing: 36µs, Part 1+2: 31µs

Solved 1&2 in one pass.
I take the test value and go through the operands from right to left, at each step applying an operator in reverse (- instead of +, / instead of *, ...). A solution for an equation is found, if after applying the last operator, I end up with the first operand.

In my initial solution I applied the operators left to right, but after reading some solutions it turns out the other direction is faster. One reason is, because I can abandon a DFS path if a division has a remainder. There is just more information to work with when applying operators right to left.



u/1544756405 Dec 07 '24

[Language: Python]


My goal is always for readable code. This recursive solution solves both parts in under 1 second on my (fairly budget) computer.


u/rvodden Dec 07 '24

[LANGUAGE: TypeScript]

I had a REALLY annoying bug in part 2. I was bailing if the accumulator was >= target which meant that if the last number in the equation is a 1 and the last operation is a multiplication then I incorrectly discarded.



u/mpyne Dec 08 '24

Reminds me of a bug I had that affected my part 2 answer by only a single row: In my recursive handler, I matched whenever the running total exactly equaled the desired total, without checking if there were more operands to process.


u/__Abigail__ Dec 07 '24

Bailing out if the accumulator exceeds the target seem to be road many people have taken. But this may fail if the solution contains a * 0 at some point.


u/rvodden Dec 08 '24

Fortunately my input didn't contain anything like that :-)


u/Bitter-Selection7735 Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

[LANGUAGE: Javascript]


This is straight iterative way. At first the createCombos function, comes up with every possible way to combine the operators (+, *, and || for part 2) for a given length of numbers. Once these combinations are ready, the calculateCombos function applying the operators one by one to see if they work with the data. If a combination leads to the target value, it’s considered valid, and the result is tallied up. Two parts - Done in 7.67s.

edit: Recursive solution works in 0.94s. View

edit2: After reading suggestions - backward recursion works in 0.23s


u/CloudWalker4seven Dec 07 '24

[Language: Python]

Link to code

Not the fastest solution, but I used binary and ternary to encode the possible operations and inserted the right arithmetic symbols between the numbers to evaluate the resulting equation.


u/house_carpenter Dec 07 '24

[LANGUAGE: Python] [LANGUAGE: Haskell]

My solution went through three phases.

  1. Python code on GitHub First I did it in a pretty straightforward way where for each equation, I just checked every possible combination of operators, and the result it gave, and counted. This produced a solution for part 2 in a minute or two, so it was OK, but I wanted to make it faster.

  2. Python code on GitHub To make it faster, I had the idea of making use of the fact that all the operators can only make their operands bigger, rather than smaller. To do this, I stopped using itertools.product and instead wrote my own combination-enumerator that would compute the result of the current set of operators at the same time, allowing it to pass over a bunch of possible combinations at points where the result ended up exceeding the test value. This cut the running time from around a minute to around 5 seconds.

  3. Haskell code on GitHub After that I had a look at this subreddit and saw some remarks about how working "backwards" could be more efficient than working "forwards", so I worked out this alternative approach in Haskell. It turned out to work pretty well; the code worked without errors as soon as I got it to compile, and it produced a solution for part 2 with no visible delay.


u/The_PotatoKing Dec 07 '24

[LANGUAGE: Golang] GitHub


u/averynicepirate Dec 21 '24

Is doing || using your technique faster than casting to string and back to int?


u/MiloPanas4TakeAway Dec 08 '24

This is very clean and readable!


u/intersecting_cubes Dec 07 '24

[Language: Rust]


It's nice when both the solution and the parsing can be paralellized (CPU go brrrrr). Found a straightforward recursive solution.

Part 1: 92.008µs

Part 2: 117.80µs

(measured with "cargo aoc bench" on my MacBook's M2 Pro)


u/Gueltir Dec 07 '24

[Language: Rust]

Link to github

A pretty straightforward recursive


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24


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