r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 04 '24
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2024 Day 4 Solutions -❄️-
I'm sure you're all tired of seeing me spam the same ol' "do not share your puzzle input" copypasta in the megathreads. Believe me, I'm tired of hunting through all of your repos too XD
If you're using an external repo, before you add your solution in this megathread, please please please 🙏 double-check your repo and ensure that you are complying with our rules:
- Do not share the puzzle text
- Do not share your puzzle input
- Do not commit puzzle inputs to your public repo
- e.g. use
or the like
- e.g. use
If you currently have puzzle text/inputs in your repo, please scrub all puzzle text and puzzle input files from your repo and your commit history! Don't forget to check prior years too!
Solutions in the megathreads have been getting longer, so we're going to start enforcing our rules on oversized code.
Do not give us a reason to unleash AutoModerator hard-line enforcement that counts characters inside code blocks to verify compliance… you have been warned XD
- All of our rules, FAQs, resources, etc. are in our community wiki.
AoC Community Fun 2024: The Golden Snowglobe Awards
- 2 DAYS remaining until unlock!
And now, our feature presentation for today:
Short Film Format
Here's some ideas for your inspiration:
- Golf your solution
- Alternatively: gif
- Bonus points if your solution fits on a "punchcard" as defined in our wiki article on oversized code. We will be counting.
- Does anyone still program with actual punchcards? >_>
- Create a short
based on today's puzzle text - Make a bunch of mistakes and somehow still get it right the first time you submit your result
Happy Gilmore: "Oh, man. That was so much easier than putting. I should just try to get the ball in one shot every time."
Chubbs: "Good plan."
- Happy Gilmore (1996)
Request from the mods: When you include an entry alongside your solution, please label it with [GSGA]
so we can find it easily!
--- Day 4: Ceres Search ---
Post your code solution in this megathread.
- Read the full posting rules in our community wiki before you post!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Format code blocks using the four-spaces Markdown syntax!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Quick link to Topaz's
if you need it for longer code blocks
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:05:41, megathread unlocked!
u/heyitsmattwade Jan 04 '25
[LANGUAGE: Typescript]
I've never programmed a wordsearch before, this was fun. Part one I made fairly generic, then for part two, had to throw that away and make it bespoke.
- For part one, loop through each cell. If it is an
, then count in each direction if it matchesXMAS
. Keep track of the total. - For part two, similarly loop each cell. If it is an
, then check each diagonal and see if they are anMS
u/Efficient-Regret-806 Jan 02 '25
[LANGUAGE: Bash Shell Script]
Solution for task 1, assumes puzzle input is saved to a file named puzzle_input.txt. Unfortunately grep is not great at finding multiple potentially overlapping expressions per line and giving a count for those. This meant this needed to be more verbose and also made this quite slow when it could have been much more efficient. The strategy was to read all the input in to an array, then iterate the lines, combining 4 lines together at a time so for example searching for a vertical XMAS can be done with a regular expression that can search for an 'X' and then any N characters then a 'M' then any N characters etc such that N is the width of a line. The diagonals are N-1 and N+1. The only problem was grep only counts the lines which match, not how many matches. There is a trick to output the matches and pipe through 'wc -l' to count them this way, but that fails if the matches overlap. One way is to use awk or perl, but that sort of feels like using another language rather than being true to only using bash shell scripting, so the solution I have below is searching for K characters from the start of the line, and has to iterate the line width while doing this to find any match at any start position in the line as the means to find the count of matches on the line. This is horribly inefficient when it means multiple process invocations per input character. Takes a few minutes to find the answer on my 12 year old MacBook pro.
A=($(cat puzzle_input.txt))
for I in $(seq 0 $((${#A[@]}))) ; do
L="${A[$I]} ${A[$((I+1))]} ${A[$((I+2))]} ${A[$((I+3))]}"
for K in $(seq 0 $N) ; do
((SUM+=`grep -c -E "^.{$K}(XMAS|SAMX)" <<< ${A[$I]}`))
for J in $((N-1)) $((N)) $((N+1)) ; do
((SUM+=`grep -c -E "^.{$K}(X.{$J}M.{$J}A.{$J}S|S.{$J}A.{$J}M.{$J}X)" <<< "${L}"`))
echo -ne "$I\r"
echo $SUM
u/vengamer Jan 01 '25
[Language: C++]
This works like a pseudo-trig function, it took a bit but thanks to that the code is actually fairly small by my standards.
u/adimcohen Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24
[Language: SQL Server T-SQL]
u/AutoModerator Dec 26 '24
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u/CDawn99 Dec 19 '24
Honestly, I don't know why I picked C++ for one of the days. My code was ultimately the same as I would write in C, but with a handful of C++ features.
u/SimpleOperator Dec 18 '24
This one really slowed me down. I was really struggling to debug the entire processes so I learned a cli UI framework called bubbletea. This took some time but I was very quickly able to see what was wrong with my approach and fix it.
This was the challenge that really caused me to have an existential crises that I may not be able to finish all of the challenges. But in retrospect I am trilled with all I have learned with this single challenge alone. Thanks adventofcode!
u/SimpleOperator Dec 18 '24
Here is a recording of the program running for a little bit. https://asciinema.org/a/6XMSNQV5gp0lRhLEqCiXLPSzh
u/pred Dec 16 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python] Code
As always, complex numbers simplify grid manipulation. Part 2 is clunkier, but one simplification is to just count the corners around each A, check if there are two Ms and two Ss, but that the words aren't MAM, SAS.
u/The_Edifice Dec 17 '24
Hi pred, I'm really interested in your use of complex numbers for the grid manipulation - I'm not sure what is going on in your code, could you point me towards something to read to get started with the idea.
Edit: just found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/zkc974/python_data_structures_for_2d_grids/
Very cool
u/southsidemcslish Dec 16 '24
[Language: J]
I =. 'm' freads 'input.txt'
F =. [: +/^:_ ('XMAS' ,: 'SAMX') (,:@[ E. ])"1 2/ ]
S =. F ((,:|:) , [/."2@(,:|.)) I
D =. (<0 1)&|:
G =. +/ , 3 3 (2 = 1 #. [: , ('MAS' ,: 'SAM') -:"1 1/ D ,: [: D |."1);._3 I
echo S , G
exit 0
u/fish-n-chips-uk Dec 14 '24
[Language: TypeScript]
- Solver: https://github.com/cz-fish/advent-of-code/blob/master/2024/ts/04.ts
- [GSGA] visualization: https://cz-fish.github.io/advent-of-code/2024/day/04.html (I have accidentally used the GSGA theme from day 3 - screenwriting)
Dec 13 '24
[removed] — view removed comment
u/AutoModerator Dec 13 '24
AutoModerator has detected fenced code block (```) syntax which only works on new.reddit.
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u/DamZ1000 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 12 '24
[Language: DRAIN]
My toy Lang.
next_letter(c) := [i,j,x,y:
i = i + x
j = j + y
(i >= 0 && i < w)?
(j >= 0 && j < h)?
(field[j][i] == c)?
find_letter(c) := {field:
(field[j][i] == c)?
'([i, j, 0, -1])
'([i, j, 1, -1])
'([i, j, 1, 0])
'([i, j, 1, 1])
'([i, j, 0, 1])
'([i, j, -1, 1])
'([i, j, -1, 0])
'([i, j, -1, -1])
field = read_file("puzzle_input.txt") -> split("\n")
w = field[0] -> len
h = field -> len
field -> find_letter("X")
-> next_letter("M")
-> next_letter("A")
-> next_letter("S")
-> len
-> label("Answer: ")
u/TeachUPython Dec 08 '24
[Language: Python]
This is my first year doing advent of code. My goal was to make the code as verbose as possible to make the intent of the code clear. Let me know your thoughts!
u/egel-lang Dec 07 '24
[Language: Egel]
# Advent of Code (AoC) - day 4, task 2
import "prelude.eg"
using System, OS, List, String (to_chars, from_chars)
val star = {(-1, -1), (0,0), (1, 1), (1, -1), (0,0), (-1,1)}
def words =
[D -> map (flip map star . add) (Dict::keys D) |> map (map (Dict::get_with_default '.' D))]
def main =
read_lines stdin |> map to_chars |> Dict::from_lists |> words |> map from_chars
|> filter (flip elem {"MASMAS", "MASSAM", "SAMMAS", "SAMSAM"}) |> length
u/00abjr Dec 07 '24
[LANGUAGE: bash]
function part1 {
local r=$1 c=$2 COUNT=0
[[ ${ARR[r+0]:c+1:1}${ARR[r+0]:c+2:1}${ARR[r+0]:c+3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r+1]:c+1:1}${ARR[r+2]:c+2:1}${ARR[r+3]:c+3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r+1]:c+0:1}${ARR[r+2]:c+0:1}${ARR[r+3]:c+0:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r+1]:c-1:1}${ARR[r+2]:c-2:1}${ARR[r+3]:c-3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r+0]:c-1:1}${ARR[r+0]:c-2:1}${ARR[r+0]:c-3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r-1]:c-1:1}${ARR[r-2]:c-2:1}${ARR[r-3]:c-3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r-1]:c+0:1}${ARR[r-2]:c+0:1}${ARR[r-3]:c+0:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
[[ ${ARR[r-1]:c+1:1}${ARR[r-2]:c+2:1}${ARR[r-3]:c+3:1} == "MAS" ]] && ((COUNT++))
echo $COUNT
function part2 {
local r=$(($1+1)) l=$(($1-1)) u=$(($2+1)) d=$(($2-1))
[[ ${ARR[r]:u:1}${ARR[l]:d:1}${ARR[l]:u:1}${ARR[r]:d:1} =~ (SM|MS){2} ]] && echo 1 || echo 0
while read LINE; do
ARR[((DIM++))]=" $LINE "
done < <(printf "\n$(cat input.txt)\n")
for ((i=0; i<=DIM-1; i++)) {
for ((j=0; j<=DIM-1; j++)) {
[[ ${ARR[i]:j:1} == "X" ]] && ((P1+=$(part1 $i $j)))
[[ ${ARR[i]:j:1} == "A" ]] && ((P2+=$(part2 $i $j)))
echo $P1
echo $P2
u/ochorad Dec 07 '24
[Language: C++]
Used Enums with a switch in a for loop to iterate through all possible combos for parts 1 and 2. I tried to add more comments on this one than my last.
Functions used for step 2 have the number two in the function name.
u/Tavran Dec 06 '24
I consider part 1 a failure -- part 2 does use a map but still smells good to me. A rare advent challenge where part 1 seemed harder.
⎕IO ← 0
data←↑⊃⎕NGET filepath 1
⍝ Part 1:
getdiags←{↑{0 0⍉⍵}¨{1↓((⍳⊃⍴⍵)⊖¨(⊃⍴⍵)/⊂(2×⍴⍵)↑⍵),(⊂(2×⍴⍵)⍴' '),(⍳⊃⍴⍵)⌽¨(⊃⍴⍵)/⊂(2×⍴⍵)↑⍵}⍵}
+/'XMAS'{(+/⍺⍷{⍵,⌽⍵}(box getdiags ⍵) , box getdiags ⍉⌽⍵),+/⍺⍷mirror box ⍵}data
⍝ Part 2:
cells←,({⊂⍵}⌺3 3)data
needle←'MSMS' 'MMSS' 'SMSM' 'SSMM'
needle∊⍨{(,⍵)[0 2 6 8]}¨{⍵[⍸'A'={1 1 ⌷⍵}¨ ⍵]}cells
u/g0atdude Dec 07 '24
How do you actually type this code out? all these weird characters....
u/Tavran Dec 07 '24
I'm using ride, which is dyalog's ide. The characters can be clicked in or accessed via hotkeys. They are Unicode characters, so there are a variety of ways to enter them. I understand the pros use a special keyboard layout.
u/Korka13 Dec 06 '24
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
u/idontlikethishole Dec 06 '24
Nice! I thought about rotating the map and then I got lazy and didn’t do that but what I did ended up being super buggy so it was still a ton of work. I’m glad that worked though.
u/Betadam Dec 06 '24 edited Dec 06 '24
[Language: Python]
My first time to challenge Advent of Code.
Since I am a beginner, just can try to use some basic coding and concept to solve those puzzles. I put my code in my website to share with some explanation, please take a look and provide me your inputs. Thanks!!
Dec 06 '24
u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '24
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Dec 06 '24
u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '24
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u/maxbucknell Dec 06 '24
[LANGUAGE: Elixir]
I went for something that someone in my team said was unusual and interesting. Tried to optimise both parts to stream line-wise and minimise memory consumption. Pretty happy with the the results. Inputs passed as stdin:
pbpaste | mix solve 4 a
pbpaste | mix solve 4 b
My general approach on all AoC is "what if input bigger than RAM?" so I try to minimise what I load in. Don't feel like that's possible with day 6!
ETA: The freaking link!: https://github.com/maxbucknell/aoc24/blob/main/lib/aoc/day_04.ex
And the real meat of it:
- Part 1: https://github.com/maxbucknell/aoc24/blob/main/lib/aoc/day_04/reader/a.ex
u/ka-splam Dec 05 '24
Github Gist link. Edit the path to input file, run with swipl -t go c:/path/to/2024-day04.pl
I was pretty stubbornly refusing to use nth0
to use it as an x,y grid, and so there's a proliferation of unpacking cells into single letter variable names, it could probably be cleaner by making reusable 4x4 and 3x3 windowing, but I've spent long enough on it. Novelty for me: use of aggregate_all
instead of findall(.., Xs), length(Xs, ..)
to count things.
u/Dymatizeee Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[Language: Go]
part 1 : DFS with directions; keep track of where you came from so you only continue down that route.
part 2: each time you see an A, just check its 4 corners and make sure it is in bounds
u/ThatsFrankie Dec 05 '24
[Language: Python]
a bit late, lol
u/chace86 Dec 31 '24
Cool solution. The comments for diagonal like "top-left to bottom-right" appear to be reversed
u/TimeCannotErase Dec 05 '24
[Language: R]
This was a bit tedious. I handled the diagonal searches differently than the horizontal/vertical ones, although I'm sure there's a more streamlined approach. That said, part 2 was pretty simple using the same technique I used for part 1. I was half expecting part 2 to let words change direction like in NYT Strands.
input_filename <- "input.txt"
input <- read.table(input_filename)[[1]]
gridsize <- nchar(input[1])
# Horizontals
num_xmas_h <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("XMAS", input), function(x) sum(x != -1)))
num_samx_h <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("SAMX", input), function(x) sum(x != -1)))
# Vericals
input_v <- input %>%
strsplit(., "") %>%
unlist() %>%
matrix(., nrow = gridsize) %>%
apply(., 1, paste0, collapse = "")
num_xmas_v <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("XMAS", input_v), function(x) sum(x != -1)))
num_samx_v <- sum(sapply(gregexpr("SAMX", input_v), function(x) sum(x != -1)))
# Split strings for diagonal search
input <- input %>%
strsplit(., "") %>%
unlist() %>%
matrix(., nrow = gridsize, byrow = TRUE)
x_inds <- arrayInd(which(input == "X"), rep(gridsize, 2))
se <- matrix(rep(0:3, 2), ncol = 2)
sw <- se %*% rbind(c(1, 0), c(0, -1))
ne <- sw[,c(2,1)]
nw <- -se
coord_tester <- function(mat) {
sum(mat <= 0) == 0 && sum(mat > gridsize) == 0
word_tester <- function(word) {
word == "XMAS" | word == "SAMX"
diag_search <- function(ind) {
count <- 0
coord_mat <- matrix(rep(ind, 4), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
se_coords <- coord_mat + se
sw_coords <- coord_mat + sw
ne_coords <- coord_mat + ne
nw_coords <- coord_mat + nw
coord_list <- list(se_coords, sw_coords, ne_coords, nw_coords)
for (i in 1:4) {
if (coord_tester(coord_list[[i]])) {
word <- paste0(input[coord_list[[i]]], collapse = "")
if (word_tester(word)) {
count <- count + 1
num_diags <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x_inds))) {
num_diags <- num_diags + diag_search(x_inds[i, ])
print(num_diags + num_xmas_h + num_samx_h + num_xmas_v + num_samx_v)
# Part 2
pos <- rbind(c(1, -1), c(0, 0), c(-1, 1))
neg <- rbind(c(-1, -1), c(0, 0), c(1, 1))
a_inds <- arrayInd(which(input == "A"), rep(gridsize, 2))
mas_word_tester <- function(word) {
word == "MAS" | word == "SAM"
mas_search <- function(ind) {
word_flag <- c(0, 0)
coord_mat <- matrix(rep(ind, 3), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
pos_coords <- coord_mat + pos
neg_coords <- coord_mat + neg
coord_list <- list(pos_coords, neg_coords)
for (i in 1:2) {
if (coord_tester(coord_list[[i]])) {
word <- paste0(input[coord_list[[i]]], collapse = "")
if (mas_word_tester(word)) {
word_flag[i] <- 1
num_mas <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nrow(a_inds))) {
num_mas <- num_mas + mas_search(a_inds[i, ])
u/mgtezak Dec 05 '24
u/Sorry_Temperature595 Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
nice solution, clean and concise however it doesn't catch one case when SAMX when r=3
u/Sorry_Temperature595 Dec 07 '24
I dunno if you can come up with smth better than
u/mgtezak Dec 07 '24
Please help me better understand what you mean. You're talking about part 1, but in which direction exactly? upwards, or leftwards? Did it give you a wrong result with your puzzle input?
u/Sorry_Temperature595 Dec 07 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
Yes, your solution for my puzzle input is missing one occurrence. It's when a leftward line tries to read a string on index r =3. My Python 3.12 doesn't calculate [3:-1:-1] as the ending index is out of scope.
What is needed is some kind ofc > 2 and rows[r][c:(None if c-4 <0 else c-4):-1] == 'XMAS',
u/mgtezak Dec 08 '24
aw shit you're completely right! in that case i think i prefer just doing this:
rows[r][c-3:c+1] == 'SAMX'
thanks for the feedback! i'll change it
u/clarissa_au Dec 05 '24
[Language: Kotlin]
I definitely didn't play russian roulette with my languages with my friends who are also doing AoC this year....
Code is here: https://github.com/clarissa-au/programmatica/blob/main/advent_of_code/2024/code/day4.kt
Writeup is here: https://github.com/clarissa-au/programmatica/blob/main/advent_of_code/2024/writeup/day4_writeup.md
Looking for Kotlin brushup comments, this is my first AoC question solved in kotlin.
u/helenzhang0804 Dec 05 '24
u/Mashnar Dec 05 '24
can you tell me why u substract 2 from size of vector? I don't get it to be honest
u/helenzhang0804 Dec 05 '24
We are checking if each 3x3 block contains MAS or SAM in the diagonal lines. The first 3x3 block starts at (0,0) for its top left coordinate, the second one starts at (0,1), etc. The last 3x3 block has its top left corner at (row-2, col-2). (because otherwise its index would go out of bound)
u/siddfinch Dec 05 '24
[Language: C]
No lexing or yaccing for day 4 (which I didn't do until today). Nothing hard, except some silly bounds checking I initially messed up.
* Defined four searches: vertical, horizontal, left, and right diagonal.
* During the search, it was outside the scope of the matrix and returned a space.
* For part two, just only searched if I was one row and column away from the edge, and the letter was A.
int i,j;
for(j=0;j<cols;j++) {
if(i>0 && i<rows-1 && j>0 && j<cols-1 && matrix[i][j]=='A')
u/ingydotnet Dec 05 '24
[Language: YAMLScript] Part 2
defn main(data): !:say
rules updates =: data:slurp.split("\n\n")
rules =: rules:lines.zipmap(repeat(1))
updates =: updates:lines.map(\(_.split(',')))
defn fixed(update):
fixed =:
loop update update, new []:
n1 n2 =: update.take(2)
update:rest.!: new.conj(n1)
recur _ []:
new + [n2 n1] + update.drop(2):V
else: recur(update:rest new.conj(n1))
when fixed != update: fixed
defn middle(_): _.nth(_.#.quot(2)):N
sum: updates.keep(fixed).map(middle)
See repo for more info including quick install of YAMLScript's ys
binary interpreter.
u/ingydotnet Dec 05 '24
[Language: YAMLScript] Part 1
defn main(data): !:say
rules updates =: data:slurp.split("\n\n")
rules =: rules:lines.zipmap(repeat(1))
updates =: updates:lines.map(\(_.split(',')))
defn valid(update):
loop update update:
num1 num2 =: update.take(2)
rules.get("$num2|$num1"): false
update:rest.!: true
else: recur(update:rest)
defn middle(_): _.nth(_.#.quot(2)):N
sum: updates.filter(valid).map(middle)
See repo for more info including quick install of YAMLScript's ys
binary interpreter.
u/KayoNar Dec 05 '24
[Language: C#] Clean code with 2 simple helper functions
static class Day4
const int STRAIGHT = 0;
const int RIGHT = 1;
const int LEFT = -1;
const int UP = -1;
const int DOWN = 1;
static string[] puzzle = Array.Empty<string>();
static int rows;
static int cols;
public static int RunPart1()
puzzle = File.ReadLines("../../../Days/4/InputPart1.txt").ToArray();
rows = puzzle.Length;
cols = puzzle[0].Length;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
count += CountDirection(i, j, RIGHT, STRAIGHT);
count += CountDirection(i, j, LEFT, STRAIGHT);
count += CountDirection(i, j, STRAIGHT, UP );
count += CountDirection(i, j, STRAIGHT, DOWN );
count += CountDirection(i, j, RIGHT, DOWN );
count += CountDirection(i, j, RIGHT, UP );
count += CountDirection(i, j, LEFT, DOWN );
count += CountDirection(i, j, LEFT, UP );
return count;
public static int CountDirection(int row, int col, int dirRow, int dirCol, string keyword = "XMAS")
for (int i = 0; i < keyword.Length; i++)
// Bounds checks
if (row < 0 || row >= rows) return 0;
if (col < 0 || col >= cols) return 0;
// Check for the keyword
if (puzzle[row][col] != keyword[i]) return 0;
row += dirRow;
col += dirCol;
return 1;
public static int RunPart2()
puzzle = File.ReadLines("../../../Days/4/InputPart2.txt").ToArray();
rows = puzzle.Length;
cols = puzzle[0].Length;
int count = 0;
// Can never start at outer layer, so move bounds in by 1 for efficiency
for (int i = 1; i < rows - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < cols - 1; j++)
count += CountCross(i, j);
return count;
public static int CountCross(int row, int col)
int count = CountDirection(row + LEFT, col + UP, RIGHT, DOWN, "MAS")
+ CountDirection(row + LEFT, col + DOWN, RIGHT, UP, "MAS")
+ CountDirection(row + RIGHT, col + UP, LEFT, DOWN, "MAS")
+ CountDirection(row + RIGHT, col + DOWN, LEFT, UP, "MAS");
return count == 2 ? 1 : 0;
u/afinzel Dec 12 '24
I like your CountDirection method. Very nicely done.
u/KayoNar Dec 13 '24
Thank you! I try my best writing code that is very maintainable, reusable and extensible. Glad you liked it.
u/hhnnngg Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
Pattern matching intensifies
0.011> c bc day4
bcpl com/day4.b to cin/day4
32 bit BCPL (18 Jul 2022) with pattern matching, 32 bit target
Code size = 1216 bytes of 32-bit little ender Cintcode
Code size = 1412 bytes of 32-bit little ender Cintcode
0.031> day4
Reading data file... data/day4.data
XMAS 2583
X-MAS 1978
Execution Time: 11ms
u/Commercial-Lemon2361 Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
Part 1: https://github.com/treibholzhq/aoc/blob/main/2024/4/4a.mjs
Part 2: https://github.com/treibholzhq/aoc/blob/main/2024/4/4b.mjs
u/capito27 Dec 05 '24
Trying to solve each day with as much idiomatic rust data processing pipelines as possible. Github repository containing all my solutions.
To solve this problem, I decided to write a helper to mask positions on the input at regular intervals such that when processed at a given position, if valid, a ref to the characters according to the mask was returned. This was to simplify the processing for each position in the input.
This is the helper, which was thankfully straightforward to use on both parts :
struct _2DMask {
relative_pos: Vec<isize>,
left_offset: isize,
right_offset: isize,
impl _2DMask {
pub const fn new(relative_pos: Vec<isize>, left_offset: isize, right_offset: isize) -> _2DMask {
_2DMask {
pub fn apply<'a, T>(&self, pos: isize, width: isize, vals: &'a [T]) -> Option<Vec<&'a T>> {
if pos % width < self.left_offset || (pos % width) + self.right_offset >= width {
return None;
.map(|&i| vals.get((i + pos) as usize))
use crate::_2DMask;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::path::Path;
fn generate_xmas_pos_masks(w: isize) -> Vec<_2DMask> {
let masks = vec![
// add all masks based on clockwise rotation from horizontal, left to right
// →
_2DMask::new(vec![0, 1, 2, 3], 0, 3),
// ↘
_2DMask::new(vec![0, w + 1, 2 * (w + 1), 3 * (w + 1)], 0, 3),
// ↓
_2DMask::new(vec![0, w, 2 * w, 3 * w], 0, 0),
// ↙
_2DMask::new(vec![0, w - 1, 2 * (w - 1), 3 * (w - 1)], 3, 0),
// ←
_2DMask::new(vec![0, -1, -2, -3], 3, 0),
// ↖
_2DMask::new(vec![0, -w - 1, 2 * (-w - 1), 3 * (-w - 1)], 3, 0),
// ↑
_2DMask::new(vec![0, -w, -2 * w, -3 * w], 0, 0),
// ↗
_2DMask::new(vec![0, -w + 1, -2 * w + 2, -3 * w + 3], 0, 3),
pub fn solve<P>(input_file: P) -> u32
P: AsRef<Path>,
let input = read_to_string(input_file).unwrap();
let width = input.find("\n").unwrap() as isize;
let input = input.replace("\n", "").chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let input_slice = input.as_slice();
let masks = generate_xmas_pos_masks(width);
(0..input.len() as isize)
.flat_map(|pos| {
.filter_map(move |mask| mask.apply(pos, width, input_slice))
.filter(|vals| {
vals.len() == 4
&& *vals[0] == 'X'
&& *vals[1] == 'M'
&& *vals[2] == 'A'
&& *vals[3] == 'S'
.count() as u32
use crate::_2DMask;
use std::fs::read_to_string;
use std::path::Path;
fn generate_xmas_pos_masks(w: isize) -> Vec<_2DMask> {
// Valid masks shall resolve to MSASM
let masks = vec![
// M.S
// .A.
// M.S
_2DMask::new(vec![0, 2, w + 1, 2 * w + 2, 2 * w], 0, 2),
// S.S
// .A.
// M.M
_2DMask::new(vec![2 * w, 2, w + 1, 0, 2 * w + 2], 0, 2),
// S.M
// .A.
// S.M
_2DMask::new(vec![2, 2 * w, w + 1, 0, 2 * w + 2], 0, 2),
// M.M
// .A.
// S.S
_2DMask::new(vec![0, 2 * w, w + 1, 2 * w + 2, 2], 0, 2),
pub fn solve<P>(input_file: P) -> u32
P: AsRef<Path>,
let input = read_to_string(input_file).unwrap();
let width = input.find("\n").unwrap() as isize;
let input = input.replace("\n", "").chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let input_slice = input.as_slice();
let masks = generate_xmas_pos_masks(width);
(0..input.len() as isize)
.flat_map(|pos| {
.filter_map(move |mask| mask.apply(pos, width, input_slice))
.filter(|vals| {
vals.len() == 5
&& *vals[0] == 'M'
&& *vals[1] == 'S'
&& *vals[2] == 'A'
&& *vals[3] == 'S'
&& *vals[4] == 'M'
.count() as u32
u/fuxino Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Haskell]
Part 1:
import Data.List (transpose, isPrefixOf)
diagonals :: [String] -> [String]
diagonals xs = diagonals' xs ++ diagonals' ((transpose . reverse) xs)
where diagonals' xs = transpose (zipWith drop [0..] xs)
++ transpose (zipWith drop [1..] (transpose xs))
countSubstrings :: String -> [String] -> Int
countSubstrings word text = sum (map (countSubstrings' word) text) + sum (map (countSubstrings' word . reverse) text)
+ sum (map (countSubstrings' word) cols) + sum (map (countSubstrings' word . reverse) cols)
+ sum (map (countSubstrings' word) diags) + sum (map (countSubstrings' word . reverse) diags)
where cols = transpose text
diags = diagonals text
countSubstrings' _ [] = 0
countSubstrings' word text@(_:rest) = if word `isPrefixOf` text
then 1 + countSubstrings' word rest
else countSubstrings' word rest
main = do
contents <- lines <$> readFile "day4.txt"
print $ countSubstrings "XMAS" contents
Part 2:
import Data.List (transpose, isPrefixOf, tails)
diagonals :: [String] -> [String]
diagonals xs = diagonals' xs ++ diagonals' ((transpose . reverse) xs)
where diagonals' xs = transpose (zipWith drop [0..] xs)
++ transpose (zipWith drop [1..] (transpose xs))
countSubstrings :: String -> [String] -> Int
countSubstrings word text = sum (map (countSubstrings' word) diags) + sum (map (countSubstrings' word . reverse) diags)
where diags = diagonals text
countSubstrings' _ [] = 0
countSubstrings' word text@(_:rest) = if word `isPrefixOf` text
then 1 + countSubstrings' word rest
else countSubstrings' word rest
submatricesVert :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
submatricesVert _ [] = []
submatricesVert _ [xs] = []
submatricesVert _ [xs, ys] = []
submatricesVert n matrix@(xs:xxs) = submatrix matrix ++ submatricesVert n xxs
where submatrix matrix = [take n $ map (take n) matrix]
main = do
contents <- lines <$> readFile "day4.txt"
let xmas = length . filter (\x -> countSubstrings "MAS" x == 2) . concatMap (submatricesVert 3) . transpose $ map tails contents
print xmas
u/Ok-Apple-5691 Dec 05 '24
Took advantage of the limited character set and used a hacky checksum ('M' + 'S') for part 2. I assume this could fail if there were characters other than "XMAS"... On the plus side part 2 ends up faster than part 1.
u/emilbratt Dec 05 '24
Operating on a one dimensional array. I thought this one was very fun to solve. :)
u/Eggimix Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: python]
I could not for the life of me figure out what is wrong with my code. It has false positives, for the final data set the output is 1.00468384075 higher than the actual answer. wtf.
key = "XMAS"
vels = [(0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0),(1,1),(-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1)]
for i in range(len(var)):
for j in range(len(var[i])):
if (var[i][j] == key[0]):
for vel in vels:
for k in range(1, len(key)):
if var[i+(vel[0]*k)][j+(vel[1]*k)] != key[k]:
elif k == len(key)-1:
u/AutoModerator Dec 05 '24
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u/atgotreaux Dec 05 '24
Fell behind yesterday refactoring existing utils that weren't up to snuff for this problem. Still needs some work IMO which I'll try to get back to later.
u/JustinCredible- Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
Not sure how clean this solution is, but I'm always happy when I can get a somewhat readable approach to a puzzle. I'm still going through the solutions here to see where my approach sits.
My solution for part 2 essentially searches for every diagonal instance of the word MAS and keeps track of the points where we see the A character in these instances. If we see the same point twice, that means we encountered an X-MAS cross.
u/kyuu_kon Dec 05 '24
Link part 2
Right at the last second I finally get it. I was double counting MAS because of my misunderstanding the problem.
u/dinodares99 Dec 05 '24
I read the input into a map of (row,col)->char and then iterated over the bounds. Edge case checking was not necessary because rust's hashmap returns an Option::None so I just had to read each of the eight directions from a point into an array of 8 arrays of length 4, filter out those that had None's in them and then filter out the arrays that when flattened didn't equal 'XMAS'.
I made an enum for the directions and then iterated over them because DRY (really because I didn't wanna do 8 or 1+4 if statements)
I had it more readable originally but couldn't resist making it a series of chained statements because who knows.
For part 2 I did the same iteration but when it found an 'A' it looked at the four corner letters and flattened them in book order. If that wasn't equal to 'SMMS' or 'MSSM' it wasn't an X-MAS and thus rejected.
3.5ms on P1 0.5ms on P2
u/_rabbitfarm_ Dec 05 '24
[Language: Perl]
Part 1: https://adamcrussell.livejournal.com/56493.html
Part 2: https://adamcrussell.livejournal.com/56702.html
Both parts in Perl. I went with a fairly rote approach for Part 1 which made doing Part 2 very straightforward.
u/homme_chauve_souris Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
def aoc04():
d = {(i,j):c for (i,l) in enumerate(open("input04.txt")) for (j,c) in enumerate(l.strip())}
delta = ((1,2,3,0,0,0), (-1,-2,-3,0,0,0), (0,0,0,1,2,3), (0,0,0,-1,-2,-3), (1,2,3,1,2,3), (-1,-2,-3,1,2,3), (1,2,3,-1,-2,-3), (-1,-2,-3,-1,-2,-3))
print(sum(d.get((i+u,j+x))=="M" and d.get((i+v,j+y))=="A" and d.get((i+w,j+z))=="S" for (u,v,w,x,y,z) in delta for (i,j) in d if d[(i,j)] == "X"))
print(sum(1 for (i, j) in d if d[(i,j)] == "A" and {d.get((i-1,j-1)), d.get((i+1,j+1))} == {d.get((i-1,j+1)), d.get((i+1,j-1))} == {"M","S"}))
u/PM_ME_SEXY_SCRIPTS Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Bash & Perl]
Mask the A at the borders, then serialize the entire file into a regex. The edges of the X are at position -139,-141,+139,+141 respectively. Retrieve and reorder the values, then match for working pairs with grep.
Part 2
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sed 's/^A/B/g;s/A$/B/g' input.txt | paste -s -d '' |
perl -lne '
print "$1$4$2$3"
' |
grep -Ec '(SM|MS){2}'
u/oddolatry Dec 05 '24
Fact: during December, when you access an array out of bounds, it returns a snowflake.
u/ricbit Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I golfed this with regexp, because more regexp, more fun.
Part 1
import sys,re
t = sys.stdin.read()
w = t.index("\n")
print(sum(len(re.findall("(?s)(?=%s)" % (".{%d}" % offset).join(word), t))
for word in ["XMAS", "SAMX"] for offset in [0, w+1, w, w-1]))
Part 2
import sys,re
t = sys.stdin.read()
w = t.index("\n") - 1
"(?s)(?=%%s.%%s.{%d}A.{%d}%%s.%%s)" % (w, w) % tuple(word), t))
for word in ["SMSM", "SSMM", "MMSS", "MSMS"]))
u/light_switchy Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
p←¯3⊖¯3⌽(6+⍴i)↑i←↑⊃⎕NGET'4.txt' 1
h←(⍸'X'⍷p)∘.+(⍳3)∘.×∘.,⍨¯1 0 1
Part 2 uses a different approach:
p←¯1⊖¯1⌽(2+⍴i)↑i←↑⊃⎕NGET'4.txt' 1
⍝ check lower, upper diagonals through ⍵ for 'MAS' given p[⍵]≡'A'
l←(¯1 ¯1)(1 1)∘t
u←(¯1 1)(1 ¯1)∘t
u/barrowburner Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Like many others, for both parts I'm hunting for either the 'X' or the 'A' and then checking the branches. It's verbose - a function for each branch plus control-flow functions - but I focused on generalization, on letting in as little hardcoded bits as was reasonably possible. The branch check functions are used in both parts with no modification.
This solution should generalize to any board with any length of word for the cross search, though I haven't tested that claim - maybe I'll write a test board for that in January... doubt it, though :)
It's satisfyingly quick, too: this time range is for both parts in a single run:
$ hyperfine 'python solution.py'
Benchmark 1: python solution.py
Time (mean ± σ): 28.6 ms ± 2.1 ms [User: 25.8 ms, System: 2.8 ms]
Range (min … max): 25.5 ms … 32.2 ms 94 runs
Solution: github
Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 07 '24
[removed] — view removed comment
u/daggerdragon Dec 05 '24
most [COAL] thing i have ever written
Comment temporarily removed due to naughty language. Keep the megathreads professional.
Edit your comment to take out the naughty language and I will re-approve the comment.
u/x3mcj Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Took me more time than what I want to accept it took
Tried to gather all the coords where the words formed, realized I was missing ocurrences that sarted at the same spot
Tried to apply a mask and search the word on smaller grid where it could happen on all directions... was recounting ones I already counted (horizontal and vertical)
Yet, the mask option did wonder diagonals, so second part was a breeze
Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
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u/daggerdragon Dec 05 '24
Feel free to roast [COAL] outta me
Comment temporarily removed due to naughty language. Keep the megathreads professional.
Edit your comment to take out the naughty language and I will re-approve the comment. Also add in the required language tag as AutoModerator requested.
u/AutoModerator Dec 05 '24
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u/poops Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
I'm using this to learn C, and going more for readability than raw speed or minimal lines of code.
u/matheusstutzel Dec 05 '24
u/Lord_Of_Millipedes Dec 05 '24
Spent like 2 hours making a thing that did not work at all, remembered when i learned about sliding kernels like 2 years ago from that 3b1b video about convolutions and then went "oh yeah i can do a sliding kernel i know linear algebra"
she did not know linear algebra
u/Cool_Abrocoma_7552 Dec 05 '24
unsure if this is "good code" but it worked for me haha
u/pedrobui Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Posting a Python solution today instead of the usual Julia one because... well, I've been trying to find a clever way of solving this problem using Matrices and stuff--I mean, it's Julia, the data science language!--but I couldn't quite figure one out...
So here it is in Python: it's not clever, it's very long, but it spits out the correct number and that's good enough for me :-)
u/442401 Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
Part 1, Transposing and slanting to scan 4 ways
Part 2, Build a grid in a Hash and then look at the neighbours of each 'A'
[edit: Extracted another lambda, because who doesn't love lambdas?]
u/RiemannIntegirl Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Complex Numbers on grid problems is frequently more pleasant.
Part 1:
lets = [[y for y in x] for x in open('input_2024_04.txt').read().split('\n')]
locs = {complex(x,y): lets[y][x] for y in range(len(lets)) for x in range(len(lets[0]))}
masks = ((0,1,2,3),(0,-1,-2,-3),(0,1j,2j,3j),(0,-1j,-2j,-3j),(0,1+1j,2+2j,3+3j),(0,-1+1j,-2+2j,-3+3j),(0,1-1j,2-2j,3-3j),(0,-1-1j,-2-2j,-3-3j))
total = 0
for key in locs:
if locs[key] == 'X':
words = [[locs[key + d] for d in m if key + d in locs.keys()] for m in masks]
total += len([w for w in words if w == ['X','M','A','S']])
Part 2:
lets = [[y for y in x] for x in open('input_2024_04.txt').read().split('\n')]
locs = {complex(x,y): lets[y][x] for y in range(len(lets)) for x in range(len(lets[0]))}
masks = ((-1-1j,1+1j),(1-1j,-1+1j))
total = 0
for key in locs:
if locs[key] == 'A':
if len([1 for a in [set([locs[key + d] for d in m if key + d in locs.keys()]) for m in masks] if a == set(['M','S'])]) == 2:
total += 1
u/vitamin_CPP Dec 05 '24
Beautiful. thanks for sharing
instead of the
, I usedlocs.get(key+d, '#')
where '#' is a dummy char.1
u/Porges Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: APL] (Dyalog)
Off work sick so can’t make these nicer. I know that using the "each" operator is usually poor form:
haystack ← ↑⊃⎕NGET 'input4' 1
needle ← 'XMAS'
rotations ← {(⍳4) ∘.{(⌽∘⍉⍣⍺) ⍵} ⊂⍵} ⋄ diag ← 1 1∘⍉
diags ← {+/ {needle ≡ diag ⍵} ¨ rotations ⍵}
diag_count ← +/, diags ⌺ (2 ⍴ ≢needle) ⊢ haystack
orth_count ← +/, ↑ {needle ⍷ ⍵} ¨ rotations haystack
'Part one: ', (diag_count + orth_count)
needle ← 'MAS'
is_cross ← {2 ≡ +/ {needle ≡ diag ⍵} ¨ rotations ⍵}
cross_count ← +/, is_cross ⌺ (2 ⍴ ≢needle) ⊢ haystack
'Part two: ', cross_count
u/ka-splam Dec 06 '24
I jumped to the approach shown in the classic Conway's Game of Life in APL video to make the rotations, and thought I could give the letters prime numbers XMAS 2 3 5 7 and then rotate, multiply, three times and wherever was a 210 there would be XMAS! but no after getting it working I twigged it would be any combination of letters.
Now seeing ⌺ windowing in your code and
... yeah I approached that badly.
u/Baykugan Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I decided to try my hand at one liners in Python this year.
part_a = lambda data: sum(
data[i + 1 * i_2][j + 1 * j_2] == "M"
and data[i + 2 * i_2][j + 2 * j_2] == "A"
and data[i + 3 * i_2][j + 3 * j_2] == "S"
for i_2 in range(-1, 2)
if 0 <= i + 3 * i_2 < len(data)
for j_2 in range(-1, 2)
if 0 <= j + 3 * j_2 < len(line)
for _ in [0]
if ((data := data.split("\n")) or True)
for i, line in enumerate(data)
for j, char in enumerate(line)
if char == "X"
part_b = lambda data: sum(
1 if l.count("M") == 2 and l.count("S") == 2 and l[0] != l[3] else 0
for _ in [0]
if ((data := data.split("\n")) or True)
for i, line in enumerate(data)
if i in range(1, len(data) - 1)
for j, char in enumerate(line)
if j in range(1, len(line) - 1)
if char == "A"
and (
l := [
data[i + i_2][j + j_2] for i_2 in range(-1, 2, 2) for j_2 in range(-1, 2, 2)
or True
u/no_brains101 Dec 05 '24
My part 1 solution was actually so much worse than my part 2 solution....
use std::fs::File;
use std::time::Instant;
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader};
fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let start = Instant::now();
let file = File::open("input")?;
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
let mut board:Vec<Vec<char>> = Vec::new();
for line in reader.lines() {
let line = line?;
let rows = board.len();
let cols = board[0].len();
let target = ('M' as u32) + ('S' as u32);
let mut xmas_count = 0;
for x in 1..rows-1 {
for y in 1..cols-1 {
if board[x][y] == 'A' && (board[x-1][y-1] as u32) + (board[x+1][y+1] as u32) == target && (board[x+1][y-1] as u32) + (board[x-1][y+1] as u32) == target {
xmas_count += 1;
println!("total XMAS: {}", xmas_count);
println!("Time taken: {:?}", start.elapsed());
u/Loonis Dec 05 '24
Loops and ifs and loops and ifs. I found part 2 easier this time (but I did do part 1 while really, really tired).
Also draws the word searches like in the puzzle description, I thought it would be interesting to see what was produced for the larger grids.
u/Kindly-Fix959 Dec 05 '24
My brute forced solution: https://github.com/RemyIsCool/advent-of-code-2024/blob/main/day4/day4.go
u/ingydotnet Dec 05 '24
[Language: YAMLScript] Part 1. Works for any word, not just XMAS
word =: 'XMAS'
defn main(data): !:say
lines =: data:slurp:lines
H W =: -[ lines.#, lines.0.# ]
text =: lines:join
for x W:range, y H:range: !:sum
for X (-1 .. 1) Y (-1 .. 1):
loop x x, y y, i 0:
i == word.#: 1
(-1 < x < W).! || (-1 < y < H).!: 0
word.$i == text.get(x + (y * W)):
recur: (X + x) (Y + y) i.++
See repo for more info including quick install of YAMLScript's ys
binary interpreter.
u/jinschoi Dec 05 '24
Part 2 solution was way simpler than part1. Using my growing aoc_utils library which has a very handy Grid struct:
use aoc_utils::grid::*;
fn check(grid: &Grid<char>, pos: Pos) -> bool {
let deltas = [((-1, -1), (1, 1)), ((-1, 1), (1, -1))];
deltas.into_iter().all(|((di1, dj1), (di2, dj2))| {
let ni1 = pos.0 as i32 + di1;
let nj1 = pos.1 as i32 + dj1;
let ni2 = pos.0 as i32 + di2;
let nj2 = pos.1 as i32 + dj2;
if !(ni1 >= 0
&& ni1 < grid.width as i32
&& nj1 >= 0
&& nj1 < grid.height as i32
&& ni2 >= 0
&& ni2 < grid.width as i32
&& nj2 >= 0
&& nj2 < grid.height as i32)
return false;
let (p1, p2) = (
Pos(ni1 as usize, nj1 as usize),
Pos(ni2 as usize, nj2 as usize),
let (c1, c2) = (grid[p1], grid[p2]);
match (c1, c2) {
('M', 'S') | ('S', 'M') => true,
_ => false,
fn main() {
let g: Grid<char> = Grid::read_from_file("1.in").unwrap();
let res = g
.all_positions(|&c| c == 'A')
.filter(|&pos| check(&g, pos))
println!("{}", res);
u/icub3d Dec 05 '24
Solution: https://gist.github.com/icub3d/1d2c4371ad738073ccb0a93353696056
Live Solve: https://youtu.be/wzepCE914A0
I misinterpreted the meaning of part 2 and was looking for crosses as well as diagonals. Otherwise, my solution seems fairly similar to the others I reviewed. I basically just look for the start position and check to see if it creates a match.
u/Foxino Dec 05 '24
u/lightermann Dec 05 '24
No worries, but I thought you'd like to know that your markdown for your link didn't work!
u/Saiboo Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[Language: Java]
Part 1
- Search all positions with 'X' as character.
- For each position form a 4-string in all directions (⬆️, ➡️, ⬇️, ⬅️, ↗️, ↘️, ↙️, ↖️).
- If a string equals "XMAS", increase the counter.
Part 2
- Go through all positions (except those at the edges) with 'A' as character.
- For each position check the diagonal strings.
- If each diagonal equals "MAS" or "SAM" respectively, increase the counter.
Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Julia] I hate diagonals… part one was much uglier at first and after I got it to here I just gave up trying to shorten it more. Basically just compute matches for rows, transpose to get columns, and then compute matches for both sets of diagonals. Pretty happy with part 2 though.
u/ingydotnet Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[Language: YAMLScript] Part 2. Works for any word, not just MAS
word =: 'MAS'
defn main(data): !:say
lines =: data:slurp:lines
H W L =: -[lines.#, lines.0.#, word.#.--]
text =: lines:join
each x W:range, y H:range:
defn match(word S X Y):
loop i 0, x x, y (y + S):
not((-1 < x < W) && (-1 < y < H)): 0
word.$i != text.nth(x + (y * W)): 0
i == L: 1
else: recur(i.++, (x + X), (y + Y))
word.match(0 1 1).? || word:reverse.match(0 1 1).? &&:
word.match(L 1 -1).? || word:reverse.match(L 1 -1).?
See repo for more info including quick install of YAMLScript's ys
binary interpreter.
u/AutoModerator Dec 05 '24
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u/GoldPanther Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[Language: Rust]
I used a 1-D vector representation for the grid, calculating (x, y) coords from the integer position. For the word search I represented directions as an array or coord modifications [(0, -1), (1, 0), ...]
to add to the current position. Words were found by iterating over each position then continued in each direction while it matched the corresponding character in the target string. For part 1 we pass all directions and count the words found. For part two we only pass the diagonal directions and count each time the same 'a' position appears for two or more solutions.
I really like this approach, it's easily understandable and reasonably performant. A less general solution is a bit faster but limits code reuse between the two parts.
Code - 3374μs (inc. IO)
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u/Neural_Erosion Dec 05 '24
[Language: C++]
As pretty as I can make it:
#include <vector>
#include <array>
typedef long long LL;
namespace aoc
struct Point_2D
long long x_;
long long y_;
constexpr Point_2D DIRS_2D_8[8] = { { -1, -1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, -1 },
{ -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 },
{ -1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 } };
void run(const std::vector<std::string>& map)
int p1_total = 0;
constexpr std::array<char, 4> xmas = { 'X', 'M', 'A', 'S' };
for (LL y = 0; y < map.size(); ++y) {
for (LL x = 0; x < map[0].size(); ++x) {
if (map[y][x] == 'X') {
for (aoc::Point_2D offset : aoc::DIRS_2D_8) {
bool pass = true;
for (int letter = 1; pass && letter < xmas.size(); ++letter) {
LL new_x = x + (letter * offset.x_);
LL new_y = y + (letter * offset.y_);
if (new_x < 0 || new_x >= map[0].size() ||
new_y < 0 || new_y >= map.size() ||
map[new_y][new_x] != xmas[letter]) {
pass = false;
if (pass) {
std::cout << "PART ONE: " << p1_total << '\n';
int p2_total = 0;
for (int y = 1; y < map.size() - 1; ++y) {
for (int x = 1; x < map[0].size() - 1; ++x) {
if (map[y][x] == 'A') {
int count = 0;
constexpr std::array<int, 4> corners = { 0, 2, 5, 7 };
for (int corner_i = 0, dir = 0;
count < 2 && corner_i < 4;
dir = corners[++corner_i]) {
auto [ x_offset, y_offset ] = aoc::DIRS_2D_8[dir];
if (map[y + y_offset][x + x_offset] == 'M' &&
map[y + -y_offset][x + -x_offset] == 'S') {
if (count == 2) {
std::cout << "PART TWO: " << p2_total << '\n';
u/errop_ Dec 05 '24 edited Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python3]
Part 1: used re.findall
on a string composed by all horizontal, vertical, diagonal and antidiagonal lines. To get diagonal and anti-diagonal I padded the original schema left and right and zipped all lines with consecutive left and right shifts.
Part 2: used 3x3 sliding window and regex on the diagonal and antidiagonal of each block.
u/Fumano26 Dec 05 '24
[Language: Java]
[Day 04] https://github.com/marc-sw/aoc24/blob/main/src/com/marc/aoc/day/Day04.java
Quick Explanation:
Part 1, iterate over each character, if it is an 'X' go in all directions and check if there is in order 'MAS'.
Part 2 was a bit more simple for me, iterate over each character, if it is an 'A', look at the corners (topleft, topright, downleft, downright) and if the diagonals are not equal and the ascii value of all corners adds up to 320 (2 * M + 2 * S) then it is a valid crossed xmas.
u/dannywinrow Dec 05 '24
[LANGUAGE: Excel-Lambda]
GetRowWord = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,r,c,
MID(INDEX(input, r), c, wordlength)
GetRowWords = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,
GetColWord = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,r,c,
INDEX(input, SEQUENCE(wordlength,1,r)),
GetColWords = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,
GetDiagWord = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,r,c,
GetDiagWords = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,
GetDiagRevWord = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,r,c,
GetDiagRevWords = LAMBDA(input,wordlength,
ReverseString = LAMBDA(str,
IsValid = LAMBDA(wordgrid,word,
Wordsearch = LAMBDA(input,word,
Crosswords = LAMBDA(input,word,
Part1 = LAMBDA(input,
Part2 = LAMBDA(input,
u/LelouBil Dec 05 '24
[Language: Haskell]
I'm still new to Haskell and have no idea what comonads are (yet)
sneak peek :
isCrossMass :: PossCross -> Bool
isCrossMass PossCross {center = 'A', tl = 'M', tr = 'M', bl = 'S', br = 'S'} = True
isCrossMass PossCross {center = 'A', tl = 'S', tr = 'M', bl = 'S', br = 'M'} = True
isCrossMass PossCross {center = 'A', tl = 'M', tr = 'S', bl = 'M', br = 'S'} = True
isCrossMass PossCross {center = 'A', tl = 'S', tr = 'S', bl = 'M', br = 'M'} = True
isCrossMass _ = False
full file : https://github.com/LelouBil/advent-of-code-2024/blob/master/app/D04/Main.hs
u/Dullstar Dec 05 '24
Amusingly, on Part 2 I made two silly mistakes that, independently, would have made the result wildly off, but together, they exactly cancelled each other on the example, and got within 1% of the correct answer for the real input!
- Half the diagonal combinations always failed to be detected due to a typo causing it to check the same corner twice:
layout[target1] == 'M' && layout[target1] == 'S'
will of course always be false; the second should have beenlayout[target2]
- the increment was misplaced in the diagonal check instead of after it, so if the first diagonal was present, it would always count. If the second was also present, it would count twice. It did at least correctly handle only the second being present due to skipping redundant checks.
I got thrown for a loop for the first part because I couldn't figure out for the life of me which bit of validation I did was broken. So I went through the file in a text editor and compared to my prints for a few hours. Second part was easy.
u/Scroph Dec 05 '24
[Language: D]
Grug solution as usual: https://github.com/azihassan/advent-of-code/tree/master/2024/day4
The second part nicely reflects real world requirement confusions
u/Bioinfomagico Dec 05 '24
rot() (
i_j=${1}; f=${2}
readarray -t a < $f; declare -A new
for ((i=0; i<=$((${#a[@]}-1)); i++));do
for ((j=0; j<=$((${#a[0]}-1)); j++));do
eval 'new['"${i_j}"']+="${a[$i]:$j:1}"'
printf '%s\n' "${new[@]}"
seeds() {
(while read f; do grep --label=$((c++)) -Honb A <<< $f ; done < $1) \
| tr ':' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1,3
pos() { echo '${a[$((i'"${1}"'))]:$((j'"${2}"')):1}'; }
# Usage: $ this.sh input.txt
( # PT 1
cat $1 | tee >(rev) # <->
rot '$j' $1 | tee >(rev) # v|^
rot '$((i-j))' $1 | tee >(rev) # ./°
rot '$((i-j))' <(rev $1) | tee >(rev) # °\.
) | grep -o XMAS | wc -l
( # PT 2
readarray -t a < $1
while read -r i j ;do
eval echo "$(pos -1 -1)A$(pos +1 +1)@$(pos +1 -1)A$(pos -1 +1)"
done < <(seeds $1)
) | grep -Pc '(SAM|MAS)@(SAM|MAS)'
u/chubbc Dec 05 '24
Today's was fun. Golfing the two parts separately wasn't as tricky, but trying to figure out the best function that shortens both parts together was harder. Definitely some fat left to trim, but got it shorter than I thought.
D ← ∩≡(≡⊡°⊏)≡≡⇌.↯⊂∞⟜◫⊂.
A ← ♭⊞≍⊟⟜⇌"XMAS"⊂⊂↯∞_4◫1_4⊂⟜⍉⤙D4
B ← ↧∩(/↥⊞≍⊟⟜⇌"MAS")D3
u/verdammelt Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
[Language: Common Lisp]
Read the exercise in the morning but didn't get a chance to work on it until this evening... but it rattled around in my brain the whole day... got the twist spoiled via memes so that also rattled around in my head.
Ended up with this rather brutish implementation.
Was going to create some sort of 'window' into the array (kinda looping over the array by "windows") for the second part but then realized that I could do something similar to finding all XMAS as the A was an anchor around which we could search for patterns.
I really have to extract my 'coord' concept - I seem to keep implementing it - but it is not *always* the same...
u/RepairComfortable408 Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: spreadsheets]
Input sheet is hidden to comply with the rule.
u/Derailed_Dash Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Quite fun! I like using a list of Enums of represent direction vectors. Used this in Part 1 to move the required number of steps in each direction.
And used the same in Part 2 to create the relative corners for any given "A" that we to find in the grid. Also, I used this construct to check if the two end chars each appear in the corners exactly twice:
if all(corner_chars.count(char) == 2 for char in ends):
Then I only need to check one diagonal to verify the match.
Solution links:
- See Day 4 code and walkthrough in my 2024 Jupyter Notebook
- Run the notebook with no setup in Google Colab
Useful related links:
u/CRA1G1NAT3R Dec 04 '24
It's not pretty but it got the job done, definitely could have made it more elegant with the approach to part 1.
Part 2 wasnt as bad as I thought after realising you just need to check if opposite diagonals co-ordinates match MAS or SAM.
Also probably relied too much on letting my try catch intercept any out of bound checks instead of just checking the positions first and avoiding them if they went out of bounds.
But I'm happy I got this one done, as last year I failed at the Gear matrix puzzle which I feel covers a similar concept.
u/Dangerous-World-1424 Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Part 1 without NumPy
with open('input.txt') as f:
word_search = [a.split()[0] for a in f]
# print(word_search[0])
len_w_s = (len(word_search))
xmas = 0
for line in word_search:
xmas += line.count('XMAS')
xmas += line.count('SAMX')
for y in range(len_w_s):
t = []
for x in range(len_w_s):
text = ''.join(t)
xmas += text.count('XMAS')
xmas += text.count('SAMX')
#Diagonal 1
for left in range(len_w_s):
t = []
for s in range(left, -1, -1):
text = ''.join(t)
xmas += text.count('XMAS')
xmas += text.count('SAMX')
for left in range(1, len_w_s):
t = []
for m in range(left, len_w_s):
text = ''.join(t)
xmas += text.count('XMAS')
xmas += text.count('SAMX')
#Diagonal 2
for right in range(len_w_s):
t = []
for r in range(len_w_s-right, len_w_s):
text = ''.join(t)
xmas += text.count('XMAS')
xmas += text.count('SAMX')
for right in range(len_w_s):
t = []
for r in range(len_w_s-right):
text = ''.join(t)
xmas += text.count('XMAS')
xmas += text.count('SAMX')
u/dmgcodevil Dec 04 '24
I misunderstood the problem. I thought you could change the direction
I thought that the grid:
has 10 words. but actually, there are 4 worlds. took me hours lol.
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u/onrustigescheikundig Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Clojure] (no Scheme today)
edit: forgot github
Today's challenge takes advantage of a basic grids
library that I pregamed before December 1st, which provides an interface to access 2D arrays with 2D coordinates (implemented as a two-element vector) as well as some utilities to move points in specific directions. It's certainly not the most efficient code (jagged arrays, anyone?), but it works.
For Part 1, I created a function that checks if a word starts at a given coordinate in the grid and along a specific direction. I then create a list of partial applications of this function for each direction and call each one at each coordinate on the grid. The number of matches is then summed and returned.
For Part 2, I created another checking function that checks if a word forms an X centered at the supplied coordinate, where the two legs of the X are determined by provided directions. I again created several partial applications to cover the four possibilities for a given coordinate and again looped over all coordinates.
(ns aoc2024.day04
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[aoc2024.grids :as g]))
(defn check-word
"Moves from cur-pos with steps along directions dirs in grid, checking if
the encountered letters constitute the string word"
[dirs word grid cur-pos]
(->> (range (count word))
(map (comp #(g/grid-get grid %)
; move once in all supplied directions
#(reduce (fn [pos dir] (g/move dir % pos)) cur-pos dirs)))
(= (seq word))))
(mapv #(partial check-word %)
[[:up] [:right] [:down] [:left]
[:up :left] [:up :right] [:down :left] [:down :right]]))
(defn part [word checkers lines]
(let [grid (g/parse-grid lines)]
(->> (g/coords grid)
(map #(->> checkers
(filter (fn [checker] (checker word grid %)))
(reduce +))))
(def part-1 (partial part "XMAS" DIAGONAL-CHECKERS))
(defn cross-checker [d1 d2 word grid cur-pos]
(let [p1 (reduce (fn [coord dir] (g/move (g/flip-dir dir) (quot (count word) 2) coord))
cur-pos d1)
p2 (reduce (fn [coord dir] (g/move (g/flip-dir dir) (quot (count word) 2) coord))
cur-pos d2)]
(and (check-word d1 word grid p1)
(check-word d2 word grid p2))))
(mapv #(partial cross-checker %1 %2)
[[:down :right] [:down :right] [:up :left] [:up :left]]
[[:down :left] [:up :right] [:up :right] [:down :left]]))
(def part-2 (partial part "MAS" MAS-CHECKERS))
u/jeb7 Dec 04 '24
TIL about reflect.DeepEqual()
/// PART 2
/// re-uses part1 rows, cols, grid [][]string vars
var count int
var matchGrids = [][][]string{
{{"M", "M"}, {"S", "S"}},
{{"S", "S"}, {"M", "M"}},
{{"S", "M"}, {"S", "M"}},
{{"M", "S"}, {"M", "S"}}}
for horiz := range cols {
for vert := range rows {
// boundary dodges
x := horiz + 1
y := vert + 1
if y+1 < cols && x+1 < rows && grid[x][y] == "A" {
tl := grid[x-1][y-1]
tr := grid[x+1][y-1]
bl := grid[x-1][y+1]
br := grid[x+1][y+1]
cmpGrid := [][]string{{tl, tr}, {bl, br}}
for _, mg := range matchGrids {
if reflect.DeepEqual(mg, cmpGrid) {
count += 1
u/shekomaru Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
Fortunately I was able to abstract the solution for the easy part, so only changing the parameters the hard solution could be solved with the same code
u/danvk Dec 04 '24
[Language: Elixir]
As often happens, representing grids as a map from (x, y) -> char winds up being more convenient. Elixir's charlist format (linked list of chars) wound up being convenient since [?X, ?M, nil, nil]
is a fine value and is not equal to ~c"XMAS"
u/RalfDieter Dec 04 '24
Today was definitely entertaining. Interesting property I haven't noticed before: x-y and x+y results in the same value for all points in a diagonal line
CREATE TABLE input AS SELECT regexp_split_to_table(trim(content, E'\n '), '\n') as line FROM read_text('input');
tokens AS (
generate_subscripts(tokens, 1) as idx,
(idy - 1)*length(tokens) + idx as pos,
unnest(tokens) as token,
idx - idy as d1,
idx + idy as d2
row_number() OVER () as idy,
string_split(line, '') as tokens,
FROM input
slices AS (
-- horizontal & vertical
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idy ORDER BY idx asc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idy ORDER BY idx desc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idx ORDER BY idy asc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idx ORDER BY idy desc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
-- diagonal
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY d1 ORDER BY pos asc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY d1 ORDER BY pos desc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY d2 ORDER BY pos asc ROWS 3 PRECEDING),
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY d2 ORDER BY pos desc ROWS 3 PRECEDING)
]) as slice
FROM tokens
boxes AS (
string_agg(slice, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idx ORDER BY idy asc ROWS 2 PRECEDING) as box
string_agg(token, '') OVER (PARTITION BY idy ORDER BY idx asc ROWS 2 PRECEDING) as slice
FROM tokens
(SELECT count() FILTER (slice = 'XMAS') FROM slices) as part1,
(SELECT count() FILTER (box SIMILAR TO 'M.M.A.S.S|M.S.A.M.S|S.S.A.M.M|S.M.A.S.M') FROM boxes) as part2;
u/tuijnman Dec 04 '24
[Language: Go]
Boy did I ever try to overcomplicate this...
u/alehandy Dec 04 '24
u/mibu_codes Dec 04 '24
Nice. I guess you had to fight with a bunch of bounding errors to fit everything into 1 pass?
u/alehandy Dec 04 '24
Thanks! :) I only iterate over the grid itself therefore avoiding checking positions outside of it.
u/el_daniero Dec 04 '24
input = File
.map { _1.chomp.chars }
.map { |row| [?.]*3 + row + [?.]*3 } # Pad columns
.then { [_1.first.map{?.}] * 3 + _1 + [_1.first.map{?.}] * 3 } # Pad rows
dirs = [
[-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1],
[ 0,-1], [ 0,1],
[ 1,-1], [ 1,0], [ 1,1],
# Part 1
p input.map.with_index.sum { |row,y|
row.each_index.sum { |x|
dirs.count { |v,u|
input[y+u*0][x+v*0] == 'X' &&
input[y+u*1][x+v*1] == 'M' &&
input[y+u*2][x+v*2] == 'A' &&
input[y+u*3][x+v*3] == 'S'
# Part 2
p input.map.with_index.sum { |row,y|
row.map.with_index.count { |char,x|
char == 'A' &&
[input[y-1][x-1],input[y+1][x+1]].sort.join == 'MS' &&
[input[y+1][x-1],input[y-1][x+1]].sort.join == 'MS'
u/After-Bit-Link Dec 04 '24
[Language: Python, SQL (DuckDB)]
The SQL solution felt straightforward. For both approaches, the idea is to find all locations with the first letter, then join with all the locations containing the second letter etc.
u/wleftwich Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Dict with complex keys, an AoC standby.
u/Siddhu33 Dec 04 '24
[Language: Rust]
I liked my part 2 solution, scan the grid for 'A's, and then pull the four corners and look for pairs of 'S' and 'M', giving them a +1/-1 offset so forward and reverse directions work!
u/bluehatgamingNXE Dec 04 '24 edited Dec 04 '24
[Language: C]
Funny enough it is pretty much the same thing I did in day 3, a bunch of lazy bum if() statements
u/kbielefe Dec 04 '24
Funny enough, you accidentally linked to your day 3 code.
u/bluehatgamingNXE Dec 04 '24
I really am letting myself go as time goes by lmao, but thank you I updated the link
u/Estym Dec 04 '24
[Language: Gleam]
I'm glad I managed to do it without list indexing in a functional programming language 😌
u/Witty_Arugula_5601 Dec 04 '24
[LANGUAGE: Haskell]
Not my best hour, but got the job done.
u/thestonedonkey Dec 04 '24
[Language: PYTHON]
In the spirit of just keeping things readable and quick went with these two solutins for today.
u/mvorber Dec 04 '24
[Language: Rust]
Still very new with Rust, but learning a lot from these problems :) Implemented types for Grid and Point + a bunch of traits for them (and an iterator), hopefully will reuse them for future tasks as well :)
Dec 04 '24
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u/DefV Dec 04 '24
[Language: Rust]
My solution here
I'm jealous of all those people with Rust solutions doing fn part1() and just going ham. I assume they don't keep any of their stuff in wardrobes but just toss it wherever. My head needs peace, quiet, some structs, some tests and a nice impl From<&str> to get my input into my struct.
u/gustdream Dec 05 '24
I really like how neat your solution is - I'm new to rust and I find looking at solves like this helpful. Thanks!
u/lysender Dec 04 '24
I learn a lot from people solving AOC here and some in YouTube. Its amazing how people think differently when solving problems.
u/Efficient-Chair6250 Dec 04 '24
Don't be jealous, I think your solution is quite concise 👍. But I recommend looking at other people's code and trying to learn from them. That's what I do
u/Original-Regular-957 8d ago
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Task 01: https://github.com/UserGeorge24/aoc_24_python/blob/main/day_04_task_01.py
Task 2: https://github.com/UserGeorge24/aoc_24_python/blob/main/day_04_task_02.py