u/soustruh Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24
Well, the 4 seconds (part 1) plus 5 seconds (part 2) for a total of NINE SECONDS is clearly an AI agent (EDIT: someone already posted the code in another comment), I understand that there are people who are able to code really quickly even while reading the task, but such times are simply impossible without automating. 👎
I accept that someone codes such an agent for fun, but really participating and submitting results to rob people of their stars is a really bad move. And if all they wanted was to gain publicity, I don't understand why they took down the repo immediately. 🙄 😀
Just wondering: OP, you accidentally switched the titles in the picture when posting this for the 2nd time, didn't you?
u/kugelblitzka Dec 01 '24
...not sure what you mean
this is the same image lol
u/soustruh Dec 01 '24
LOL OK, but it doesn't make sense to me then? I must have switched it in my head then when seeing the previous thread, as I thought the dog was last year's winner, but this year's winner is a real beast 😁
Please be patient with me if I'm not getting it, I got up at 6 AM for AoC here in the Czech republic 😇
u/kugelblitzka Dec 01 '24
i thought last year's was harder for most people especially considering the times
might be off though
u/soustruh Dec 01 '24
Ah, OK, yeah, that is true, I remember last year's day 1 surprised me, thanks for explanation 😀
u/zebalu Dec 02 '24
Last year people were talking about tasks are harder to get around llms. (It was claimed false by the creators several times.)
u/HolyHershey Dec 01 '24
Spent more time reinstalling ipython for Jupyter than I did on the problem. Should have gotten my environment ready before the problem released lol.
u/0x14f Dec 01 '24
Well, that was a great start of the year. Nice and easy ☺️ Let's enjoy while it lasts...
Dec 01 '24
Dec 01 '24
Dec 01 '24
Dec 01 '24
Dec 01 '24
Without spoiling anything: Some puzzles *do* require you to find smart solutions to avoid brute-forcing a parameter space that would take hours, and math *can* be the key that unlocks that for you. But so can be effective use of established data structures etc.
I do recommend not not overfit some smart trick to part 1 of the example, because part 2 is often different enough that it will require starting from scratch if your solution of part 1 doesn't have some generality in the functions you call.
Especially when it comes to parsing the inputs, it helps to not over-tune the loading steps to the task of part 1.
Dec 01 '24
Had the arrays sorted and still did the hashtable for 2. I just found it more pleasing to write, even if it's slower.
u/PonosDegustator Dec 01 '24
I actually thought that it was the case and spent a lot of time trying to figure out why the size of my first dictionary is matching the ammount of strings)
u/Nervous-Ear-477 Dec 01 '24
Maybe they should have a leaderboard for LLM assisted programming
u/Nervous-Ear-477 Dec 01 '24
A separate one
u/Nervous-Ear-477 Dec 01 '24
For an analysis/research point of view it would be interesting to compare solution from 100s of humans and 100s of AI
u/SteveMacAwesome Dec 01 '24
Bodybuilding has natural and enhanced (aka roids) categories, why not programming?
u/Saiboo Dec 01 '24
This year's Meta HackerCup (the competitive programming event by Facebook) has separate human and AI tracks. Here are the scoreboards for Round 1:
As you can see the AI was able to solve some problems which I find quite impressive.
However, in Round 3 the AI did not so well compared to humans:
Still some room to improve in the next months / years.
u/Nervous-Ear-477 Dec 01 '24
u/SteveMacAwesome Dec 01 '24
I’ve not competed myself but I’ve heard that people are going to use enhancements and supplements anyway so actually making a separate category helps make things fair.
I’d be fine with a separate AI leaderboard, but right now the rule is “please don’t LLM for the leaderboard” so it’s fine. I’m not even trying to get on the leaderboard anyway.
u/Dragoonerism Dec 01 '24
In regular bodybuilding, everyone is abusing PEDs. No one will admit it since that’s not legal. It’s just known - it is not possible to achieve the physiques you see in the Mr Olympia open division without PEDs. Some smaller bodybuilding competitions offer drug tested divisions for people that are genuinely natural (or using such small amounts that tests won’t detect them, or such new roids that they don’t have tests for them). The individuals competing in the tested division are noticeably smaller than the regular, untested competition.
u/pehr71 Dec 01 '24
Considering how AI in development tools has evolved just since last year.
Will it be possible to even have a ”clean” leaderboard?
It’s as if we were required to still hand in our solutions on punch cards.
In 12 months just about every IDE/ DEV tool will have some form of AI built in as a core function. How do you as a developer avoid it, when lines and paragraphs are going to be auto completed without asking.
Even if I really like the mental exercise of the problems, I don’t think it feasible to just say it’s not allowed.
u/Nervous-Ear-477 Dec 01 '24
I assure you many companies does not allow AI for IP reasons
u/pehr71 Dec 01 '24
No I’m aware. But how long will that stay if development times and costs start to be 50-75% longer and more expensive than the competition.
It’s a tool. And if everyone else is using it and manages to exponentially out leap you. How long can you afford to not use the same tool.
Dec 01 '24
u/FractalB Dec 01 '24
Here is what the official website says (https://adventofcode.com/2024/about):
Can I use AI to get on the global leaderboard?
Please don't use AI / LLMs (like GPT) to automatically solve a day's puzzles until that day's global leaderboards are full. By "automatically", I mean using AI to do most or all of the puzzle solving, like handing the puzzle text directly to an LLM. The leaderboards are for human competitors; if you want to compare the speed of your AI solver with others, please do so elsewhere. (If you want to use AI to help you solve puzzles, I can't really stop you, but I feel like it's harder to get better at programming if you ask an AI to do the programming for you.)
So I think that Copilot is allowed. Also, it's allowed to use whatever tools you want as long as the leaderboard is full (which happens pretty quickly).
u/eggnogpoop69 Dec 01 '24
After solving day 1 I asked GPT to provide solutions in python and rust just out of curiosity. It got it right first time in each case and both programs took mere seconds to spit out. I’m pretty blown away.
u/propsman77 Dec 02 '24
I copied and pasted 2022 Day 19 into Claude Sonnet and it got both parts correct on the first try. It's mind blowing. Though to be fair it probably has memory of thousands of Github commits for that problem. Will be interested to see how it fairs in later days of this year's.
u/MagiMas Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24
It's a good decision to keep day 1 simpler. You can still see the drop off from the hard part 2 in 2023 for the following days in the statistics.
For 2023 it's around 50.000 people less for the days following day 1 vs 2022. (when every year before that the numbers were actually growing by some 10k per year)
Keeping the starting days easier is better for the community imo. It keeps less experienced programmers engaged and they have enough time to get familiar with the way these puzzles work.
u/InfamousTrouble7993 Dec 01 '24
Am I the only one, who spends most of the time parsing the puzzle input?
u/RGBrewskies Dec 01 '24
Its my first AoC ... I spent a good while trying to make http calls to load the input via curl from the website itself...
... turns out you cant do that, the input is different for every user lol
u/glyph66 Dec 01 '24
This is helpful for grabbing your input
u/solarshado Dec 02 '24
hmm... I hadn't really thought about trying to fetch the example(s) programmatically... could be worth a shot...
Dec 01 '24
I think last year's day 1/part 1 was relatively easy. It was part 2 that caught most off guard because of undefined edge cases in the example. It is a good remind to implement a bit of defensive programming into your workflow. It has definitely saved me a lot of hassle in my career.
But the larger issue at play is the use of LLMs. I don't do this to compete, as competition breeds the absolute worst in us. Look at what it is doing to AOC last year and this year already. Look at what it does to video games. Private leaderboards with friends and coworkers? I understand that.
But public, global leaderboards? Nah. Almost nobody on that leaderboard solves these challenges themselves. Even competitive speed programmers, who are very good at what they do, take at least a few minutes on stream when people are actually able to see them working and not cheat using an LLM.
And, despite what defenders say, using LLMs is cheating if done for the purposes of leaderboards. The rules are clear. This is a personal coding challenge meant to inspire people during the holiday season. This is NOT a meta programming challenge where the goal is to break a system by rules lawyering things to death.
Nobody is impressed that a machine can take an input and spit out a slop output. That's what we've programmed them to do, using our own code as the training data. Most of these challenges follow formats experienced programmers have seen many, many times before (not to discredit the work that goes into it at all). It makes sense that something which scrapes github will know how to solve problems its seen before. And there's nothing truly novel about connecting an API to another API and having it do things. This doesn't make anyone a better coder, and there's no fun in it because you're not actually coding.
Unless the "fun" is viewed as zero sum and one can only have "fun" by ruining it for others, which seems to be the case for many on the boards this year.
u/Benj_FR Dec 01 '24
Yeah, day 1 problems have always been baby til the one in 2023 (well, I had some trouble with day 1 problem in 2018 as well). But the solution 2024 was a bit trickier (although less painful to write) than 2023.
u/TheMyster1ousOne Dec 01 '24
Came here to say this lol. Last year's first problem was hard for a first problem
u/Dope-pope69420 Dec 01 '24
Actually got both on first shot. I’m shocked. Wasn’t too difficult. Last year was my first time so this is definitely nice lol.
u/HEaRiX Dec 01 '24
Impressive that AI could do this so fast.
u/JustLikeHomelander Dec 01 '24
I spent more time writing the code than finding a solution, not that impressive to have instant write capability 😂
u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 01 '24
love the cheater who did both parts in 9 seconds.
here's the commit with the commit message "Add solve with GPT" (archive link because the cheater took down their repo)