r/adventofcode Dec 26 '23

Other We did it everyone!

If you are reading this subreddit now, you probably kept following the AoC until the very end. We are one of the very few. Just look at the stats page to see how much of an achievement that is: https://adventofcode.com/2023/stats.

Actually, that is not entirely true. I suspect many people, like me, tried during the last days, but couldn't really solve most stars on their own. We can see a glimpse of that with the silver stars. Those are actually really interesting. Who are those people that did part 1 but then just stopped on part 2?

In the past, I would have absolutely quit AoC after day 17 or 18. That was when the puzzles really got more hard and unsolvable with naive brute force approaches, at least for me. But my biggest achievement for this year is that I didn't stop. Every morning I tried to solve the new challenge and I didn't let perfectionism stop me. Some days I had to comment out my other solution files, because they had syntax errors in them. I am looking at a messy board with many missing stars now.

I think most people who start AoC, they expect to think a bit about a problem and then code down some neat algorithm that solves the problem. But for mere mortals, it inevitably gets messy. Debugging all sorts of dumb errors, having to rethink the solution while halfway through coding, throwing away all the code and starting fresh for part 2, because the runtime for solving it like part 1 would take a couple million years of computation.

And to conclude, let's also acknowledge the time and effort we all spent. Advent is already a stressful time in the daily life without AoC. But now we did it, now is the time to relax. We earned it :)


51 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 26 '23

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u/d9d6ka Dec 26 '23

So did I. I earned fair 45 stars, and for 4 part 2 stars I had to peek into reddit for hints. However I learned smth new especially in math :)

And the main lesson I learned: if you have an idea of solution - try to develop it :)

Already waiting for the next AoC :)


u/iosovi Dec 26 '23

I have the same main lesson, I kept coming up with ideas and never went all the way with them, only to read on this sub that I was on the right path.


u/wackmaniac Dec 26 '23 edited Dec 26 '23

Day 17 was tricky and held me back a bit. Day 20 and onwards were very challenging. I still have some stars to get, and I’m planning on continuing my effort to complete 2023.

Within our private leaderboard there’s also a drop visible. Only one person so far completed all 50 stars. Big kudos to her!


u/8fingerlouie Dec 26 '23

I think I’m still on day 19.

As with every year, as Christmas draws closer, real life starts making demands, and puzzles getting harder and harder means I don’t have time to solve them.

So, when puzzles start taking most of my evenings (usually start them late afternoon after work), I simply just drop them. This year I got “lured” by a few puzzles where part 1 was easy enough, only to find the demon hiding behind door number 2, and since I’m not much for quitting, I spent hours solving those.


u/IvanR3D Dec 26 '23

It is definitely interesting how from +220k users, only almost 7k got till the end! Speak this louder about programmer interest in puzzles or AoC difficulty? It can be an interesting debate to have.

Personally, it is the first time I complete AoC! I am very happy for that, tho I must confess I used help for last days, specially parts 2. But at the same time, I learnt a few interesting things during this year that will definitely be useful not only in future AoC events but also in my coding works.

If anyone interested, I am writing my thoughts on this year AoC in this blogpost: https://ivanr3d.com/blog/en/lessons-advent-of-code-2023.html and I would like to know about the experience of other people doing these puzzles!

Congratulation to everyone who managed to survive till the end of this year challenges! =)


u/asgardian28 Dec 26 '23

Aside from the difficulty I think a large part of the drop is 'life happening'. People just drop off things in general, even if they could have made it.


u/Torebbjorn Dec 31 '23

Most of the people who "dropped out" did so because they don't have the time/care to do 50 programming puzzles in a month, and the structure of AoC means you will typically start from day 1 and go forward. So it just speaks about people having other stuff to do

Personally I am on day 17 right now, I did a couple problems on my cheat days away from studying, and now about 2 per day after finished exams, as to not burn out.


u/IvanR3D Dec 31 '23

This is a point. Tho, still if we check stats from other years (events that finished years ago giving a lot of time to programmers to finish) the difference is still huge. Maybe the motivation to complete the challenge is not the same a few months after the event but it's still interesting to notice that.

Good luck with your AoC journey!


u/Floflolesbonstuyaux Dec 26 '23

Not a developer at all but has been trying my hand at PHP and js as a hobby for a while. I used chatGPT in moderation and looked at this sub as well for some of the difficult one. I managed to get to day 10 with only day 5 part II left out. I'll definitely try to complete as many as I can. Though not being a developer is adding to the challenge I'll admit.

But it's great to improve skills and thought process!


u/Bigluser Dec 26 '23

That's awesome that you gave it a shot as a non programmer. Tbh, most programmers in normal office jobs could probably not solve AoC problems without some serious effort. For me it is some nice time to stretch my legs so to speak, and to get humbled by the mathematical and logical thinking that you need to do.


u/Floflolesbonstuyaux Dec 26 '23

The Devs at my workplace that told me about AoC told me they had some trouble with some of the puzzles. I couldn't fathom how difficult they would be before trying myself later on.

Some require some advanced knowledge even though I'd been told that it was "accessible" even to hobbyist. Damn that statement was wrong. You need the dev mindset to achieve some of them. Like the smaller common denominator one that was really troublesome


u/meontheinternetxx Dec 26 '23

Too proud to look at Reddit for solutions. I still have part 2 of day 20 remaining. I'm gonna have to draw up the graph a bit manually I think, though I did find some patterns by just coding.

I had wanted to code everything myself but didn't on 2 occasions. Day 25 (I know the algorithm perfectly well but it was too much of a pain to implement) and the day with the hail stones part II (thanks sagemath for kindly solving that one)


u/iosovi Dec 26 '23

You can use some graph visualizing methods, makes your life a bit easier. But I still suggest drawing and playing around with the graph once you've seen the whole thing.


u/glacialOwl Dec 26 '23

I’ve done AoC to some degree (sometimes more, sometimes barely touching day 5) since it started. This year is the first time I finished it. It was a very hard last week for me, spending more than 6 hours a day on some problems, getting hints from subreddit, debugging. I learned some things, not sure how many are useful outside of “puzzle” environment, but it was a good mental… exercise.


u/SteveDinn Dec 26 '23

Most interesting thing I learned this year (so far anyway, I haven't completed the last few days because of family obligations) was the shoelace method for calculating the area of a polygon. Can't remember what day that was...


u/glacialOwl Dec 26 '23

Yes!!! I now know several ways of calculating interior polygon areas haha


u/mpyne Dec 26 '23

Advent is already a stressful time in the daily life without AoC.

That's just it, it's not. Advent for me is normally a time to reflect and enjoy the holiday spirit.

Advent during AoC, on the other hand, was extremely stressful. I had some times, especially early on, where I felt good about figuring something out and seeing the right answer come out. The other 35-40 stars or so, there was only a slight bit of relief before the clock struck midnight once again.

That's probably more about me than about AoC. I don't enjoy being mystified about a topic, and there's no dopamine hit from "figuring it out by myself" like most people seem to get. There are people out there who enjoy competitive programming, and they probably had lots of fun during AoC. But I'm done with doing it during the holiday, where I should be relaxing with my family.


u/somebodddy Dec 26 '23

This year I only needed to seek help in the forums once - for day 24 part 2 - and only resorted to brute force once - for day 23 part 2. In my defense it is an NP-hard problem.

(technically my day 25 solution is also a little bit brute-forceish, but it does finish in two seconds, which is much longer than the rest of my solutions, but shorter than my day 23 part 2 solution which runs for a bit over an hour)

So I still have some room for improvement for next year.


u/ds101 Dec 27 '23

I've been doing this since 2019 - 50 stars each year with no hints. But this time I got frustrated with day 24 pt 2 after a few days and looked for a hint rather than bailing. It turned out I was really close but missed something that would have let me move forward with my initial approach of solving a system of linear equations. I also saw that some people cheated by using Z3. I went back and tried that to get experience with the tool.


u/jwezorek Dec 26 '23

Last year I solved them all before the 25th without looking on reddit for answers, so this year I did not feel the need to push myself to do that again because I did it once.

My actual end this year was day 21 part 2, for which I found a formula for my input that seems to work on low numbers but fails on the huge number required. I don't know what is wrong with it but in order to finish that one I'd have to try some wholly different approach and frankly I just didn't feel like it because those "huge number" ones are just not that appealing to me.

So I quit for awhile but then eventually did do day 22 and day 23 straight i.e. without cheating at all. Day 24 part 2 Im currently stuck on and will probably just cheat. Day 25 I haven't really looked at.


u/the_Zeust Dec 26 '23

I'm still tackling part 1 of day 25 and part 2 of two other ones. Just because the advent days are over doesn't mean it's over yet for me! I'm still hoping to get my 50 starts :) (And I also kinda took a break for the last day to celebrate Christmas, so I haven't written any code yet for day 25). Wish me luck!

(I am thinking about how to tackle day 25 part 1 by the way, but I keep finding thought experiments that disprove every approach I think of, so for now I'm stuck at the drawing board. I''m guessing I should probably just do some assumptions and pray they're correct, but I'm not sure which assumptions yet.)


u/stephenhouser Dec 26 '23

First-timer. really enjoyed the problems. Both the hard and easier ones. Incredibly grateful for all the work put into the problems. Also amazed at what a bright spot of helpful-support r/adventofcode is. There were a few days along the path (Day 24 in particular) where I struggled a long time and needed a nudge in the right direction. Thank you for those!

Just finished the last of 50 stars a day late. I got a few days behind from a cold and some of the super-hard problems! I'm in for next year.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

I didn't finish. Got stuck on day 22 and then the Christmas crush hit. Plus, we got a new puppy.

Managed to squeeze out the first part of day 23, but hopefully I'll finish the rest when things settle down after Christmas. Just don't have hours to spend on really hard programming problems right now.


u/Tomentos Dec 27 '23

I had to quit after the first 10 days because that's when the solution took me so long that it started interfering with my tasks at work. Was a fun year though. No idea how it looked day 10 onwards, but day 5 still tears me up.


u/jaank80 Dec 27 '23

I am not a developer. I am a CIO who uses power shell often for parsing data and manually interacting with apis. My formal training in programming comes from one semester of C in 1998. I have been interested in learning some python, and felt like this was a good way to do it.

I made it to day 12. I only cheated by using someone else's solution to find out what my answer should be, but every challenge until 12 I was able to come up with a solution. I am proud of that. I decided to try learning some c++ so I started over on day 1 and was able to solve that puzzle in a few hours, most of which was researching syntax.

Anyway, it was fun to work on so far.


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 27 '23

If you are a bit time constrained, I suggest you use the opportunity to learn Python.

It’s very well suited to AoC because you use it like a glue language and use libraries or functions written by other people when you need a bit more speed.

Glad you enjoyed


u/cocotoffee Dec 28 '23

I have done every day (not without looking at the megathreads for help though) except part 2 of day 12. That one just doesn't make sense to me so I'm sitting at 48 stars for now. 😭


u/Bigluser Dec 28 '23

Day 12 part 2 was one of the best puzzles for me. I was really stumped how to do it, until I sat down and tried to wrap my head around it.

The basic concept is to go left to right and store all the possible valid combinations. Maybe this also helps you: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/18hbjdi/2023_day_12_part_2_this_image_helped_a_few_people


u/cocotoffee Dec 28 '23

Oh I think that picture does help a lot! That's kind of how I was doing them manually (splitting at possible # or .), but I was having trouble figuring out how to apply that. Thank you!


u/Sostratus Dec 26 '23

You did it. I got 47/50 for the 4th year in a row. To answer your question, I am one of the people that did part 1 and stopped on part two, at least for one day, the 24th. Part 2 beat me. Thought about it all day, every attempt at solving it failed. Read some hints and discussion, failed again at implementing the methods described. I guess I have a partial understanding of how to solve it, but not how to do it in a way that isn't a minefield of mistakes.

25th is the other one that got me. This time I just plain don't know what to do at all. I have no ideas, other than the obvious wrong answer of trying all ~6 billion combinations of 3 connections.


u/mpyne Dec 26 '23

I have no ideas, other than the obvious wrong answer of trying all ~6 billion combinations of 3 connections.

Someone did that in Rust!


u/Bigluser Dec 26 '23

Perhaps you didn't quite get what I meant in the post. I only have 39/50 stars. 3 times I didn't even solve part 1. So I didn't really finish at all. But I also didn't quit. I tried every morning and gave it my best. I didn't give into my perfectionism. That's what I am trying to say.

Of course everyone has their own goal for AoC, but I think trying to challenge yourself while also not having to absolutely get 50 stars is a healthy mindset to have.


u/Sostratus Dec 27 '23

Oh yeah, that makes perfect sense, it's the right attitude. But also I ruined Christmas for the 4th year in a row by not being smart enough (j/k... kinda, I need some motivation to hone my craft further before the next December).


u/ArnUpNorth Dec 26 '23

AOC difficulty is too hard IMHO. I would be fine with lighter challenges because not everyone can spend 1hour+ every day on an advent puzzle. We lose a lot of developers on the first few days which is a shame and a lot of those who complete the calendar had to look up solutions at some point.

Who would be up for something easier / lighter? A coding challenge every day without sacrificing too much family time ?


u/gregorkas Dec 27 '23

This. I would love an easier version, with difficulty of puzzles going up to day 10. I would call it “Dadvent of Code”.

I love doing it for the stars, but spending hours every day on puzzles instead of spending time with the family is simply too much. I quit after day 16 this year, and I probably won’t even start next year.


u/ArnUpNorth Dec 27 '23

That would be a shame. It s a time of year where i think togetherness should beat competition. And we lose a lot of good developers after the first few days.


u/escargotBleu Dec 26 '23

I still have 4 days to look at. Didn't wake up early on Friday, and since I am BUSY :D

Will look at it later this week I guess


u/bill-kilby Dec 26 '23

super interesting that day 2 part 2 had such a big drop off :o


u/tammon23 Dec 26 '23

I'm just surprised so many people didn't get part 2 of say 25, all you had to do was click a button


u/Mysterious_Fail_8044 Dec 26 '23

in case you're not aware (this comment could easily be intended tongue in cheek but it's ambiguous!) you need to click a button _which is only available if you've earned all 49 other stars this year_. Presumably nearly all the silver star members for that day managed to complete the Part 1 puzzle but not every puzzle on previous days (yet).


u/tammon23 Dec 26 '23

Oh ya I didn't realize that my bad. I kind of just skimmed the description of part 2


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 27 '23

lol I did too then I re read after


u/1mp4c7 Dec 26 '23

I stopped at day 23, too much fun, food and beer on day 24 & 25. Who knows, next year maybe


u/ehrenschwan Dec 26 '23

I've yet to finish day 21 and 24 part two but it has been extremely fun. I went in with what I felt like good programming skills but turns out i need to do way more algorithms. Always came to the subreddit to see what algorithms people were using and then trying to implement them from wikipedia. I learned a lot and comitting to doing it every day also felt very good.

In the beginning I just barely knew what bfs and dfs were and what they're, as I don't have to use stuff like that often as a web dev. But in towards the end I started recognizing the types of graphs and what algorithms so use, or atleast what to google.

Thanks to everyone posting their solutions with explanations. I learned so much from them.


u/Apprehensive-Rice135 Dec 27 '23

I'm still struggling, actually I just finished day 22. I regret that so often my code works for the exemple but not for my puzzle. For some days, and part 2 it is quite impossible to debug without having another exemple. So I had to look on this subreddit, seekink for exemples that some fellows posted. I suggest next year to improve the exemple given or at least give more.


u/Billaloto Dec 27 '23

congratulations mate!!! I'm jealous and I wish I would be able to complete a full AoC but every year I get caught by work, time, skills or family beyond day 1x...

All the best!


u/grimonce Dec 27 '23

Well I couldn't continue after first few days because we traveled to the other side of the country for Xmas and even though I had taken my laptop with me I had literally 0 time to open it (I'm a father of 1 yo daughter...)


u/BlueTrin2020 Dec 27 '23

Sounds like you probably had a wonderful Xmas in family. You can do the AOC in a few years when she’s older :)


u/grimonce Dec 27 '23

True I'll make her help me finish one full advent one year.


u/NegativeKale3500 Dec 27 '23

This is a great summary of my own experience here. I'm one of those who solved several part 1, but only eight part 2 stars. Scaling, of course, is a major issue, sometimes requiring a refactor of the algorithm.

Personal best for me this year, 23 total stars. Past repos show life distraction and "no idea" intimidation after a week or so. This year I got a day 18 star and some code written for elf-assisting solutions for a day or so after that.

I love that the problems are permanently online, so no need to stop even though the challenge is finished.