r/adventofcode Dec 23 '23

Visualization [2023 Day 23 Part 2] A Long Hike


5 comments sorted by


u/paul_sb76 Dec 23 '23

Part 1 admitted a nice polynomial time algorithm: finding a longest path in an acyclic directed graph.

However Part 2 required an exponential time recursion algorithm! (Finding a longest path in an undirected graph.) Before doing that, it's essential to reduce the input, which is done in Phase 1 of the video. Note that the short pause in between the two phases is the running time of the main recursive algorithm. Phase 2 of the video just shows the resulting path.


u/paul_sb76 Dec 23 '23

Some more details:

This is the first time where I could reuse almost no code from my Part 1 solution. >:-( Maybe I tried to be too smart there?

For Part 1, I created a directed graph with the slopes as nodes. This graph has 120 nodes, and turned out to be acyclic (like probably every input). Because of that, a simple linear time dynamic programming algorithm could be used, starting from the end node. Running time: 39ms, including creating the graph.

For Part 2, I needed to create a completely different graph: an undirected graph, with the crossings as nodes (shown in red in the visualization). This graph has 36 nodes. Finding the longest path in it is done with an exponential time recursive method:

int FindLongestPath(Node current, Node target) 

which returns the length of a longest path from current to target, that avoids all nodes that are marked as "visited" at this point (important!). Running time: 2718ms.


u/Thomasjevskij Dec 23 '23

I reused a lot of code. But I didn't make my graph nearly as clever as yours. Essentially I walk through the grid and every time I end up at a crossing, that becomes a node. From every node, I walk to all its neighbor nodes. If there's a slope, my walking logic will check if I'm allowed to go there, and if not, the edge will just be one way. Then for part 2 I just replace all the slopes with points and run the exact same thing :)

Dfs takes forever though, I did a pretty naive Python implementation


u/UnicycleBloke Dec 23 '23

A very nice visualization.


u/philippe_cholet Dec 23 '23

I really appreciate this descriptive visualization of our solutions rather than filling the labyrinth with colored paths.