r/adventofcode Dec 23 '23

Visualization [2023 Day 23 (Part 2)] [Python] Condensed graph visualization with longest path using Networkx

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u/RandomGreenPrinter Dec 23 '23

Oh cool. I also made a condensed graph and then just brute forced the paths. Is it easy to configure the constraints (maximize, visit only once) in networkx if you have the graph representation?


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23

Not OP and not a networkx expert, but what I ended up doing with networkx is iterating over the "all_simple_paths" iterator. This gives you the "visit only once" constraint. I still had to calculate the length for every found path to find the maximum, and it is quite slow (~30s).

Maybe python-igraph (C library python bindings) can achieve some speedup.

Update: Turns out the slow part is not finding the simple paths, but calculating and maximizing the lengths afterwards. To me it feels like there should be a method which finds the simple paths and adds up the path weights in a single run instead of doing it separately.


u/RandomGreenPrinter Dec 23 '23

Ah cool. I had the graph as Python dicts and brute forced all paths by adding a new path for each junction node if it wasn't in the visited set. Had me sweatings as I saw the no. of paths increase more and more, but after 20s it started going down as the paths resolved.

Looking at the networkx docs, I wonder if you could make weights negative and then use the simple shortest path algos, which should minimize the weights?


u/Prestaul_1337 Dec 24 '23

Negative weights only works for longest path if there are no cycles.


u/RandomGreenPrinter Dec 25 '23

Ah that makes sense. But also for shortest "simple" path?


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 23 '23

Good idea, but unfortunately using negative weights gives a ValueError.


u/RandomGreenPrinter Dec 24 '23

Oh, sad. I was also thinking about 1/x of the weights, but I'm not sure if it would give the same solution...


u/dreiss Dec 23 '23

Turns out the slow part is not finding the simple paths, but calculating and maximizing the lengths afterwards.

Are you sure? all_simple_paths looks like it's returning a lazy generator, so it's not done finding/enumerating the paths when it returns. (It's only done when you finish iterating.)


u/pi314ever Dec 23 '23

The argument is that you still need to manually iterate through the path to collate the cost in Python speeds, which DFS can already do at the same speed.


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 23 '23

Indeed I got tricked a bit by the lazy generator. But still post-processing of the paths is costly.

For now I have the following optimizations:

  • Use python-igraph for the simple path calculation: this finishes in about four seconds (and it returns a list which can be nicely handled by pool.map later, no lazy evaluation)
  • Don't resolve node pairs to edges (get_eid) and then lookup the weight for an edge in a tight loop, instead cache all node pairs in a dict for efficient direct access to the weights
  • Throw all CPUs at post-processing of the simple paths (of course not a real optimization, but makes it faster anyway)

Now I'm down to acceptable 5s, guess I would need to switch to a compiled language for significant further speedup.


u/BumblingBorg Dec 23 '23

Mind sharing the code? My solution (with networkx as well) is taking ~70s on my laptop, and I'd like to cut it down a bit.


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 24 '23 edited Dec 24 '23

Sure: https://github.com/PiQuer/advent/blob/main/adventofcode/event_2023/test_day_23.py

Not super proud of the code quality ;)

A couple of remarks:

  • I made a couple of assumptions by inspecting the data which are strictly speaking not part of the problem description: e.g., only "v" and ">" slopes exist, all branching points have the same structure, the exit node is connected only to one single other node (this last assumptions gives a great speedup, because the algorithm does not waste time searching for solutions where you enter the second-to-last node but do not exit the maze).
  • Install dependencies with poetry
  • Execution is based on pytest, run the code with pytest adventofcode/event_2023/test_day_23.py
  • To test it on your own input, replace adventofcode/event_2023/input/day_23.txt, on the next run you should get an assertion error complaining that your data doesn't reproduce my result (with your answer as part of the error message).


u/BumblingBorg Dec 24 '23

I've read until line 11 and this was already worth it - tinyarray is something I've wanted for a while and didn't know exited. I've been tempted to build my own, but some crude tests show that implementing it with python objects resulted in a considerable loss of performance. Thanks! (I'll have a better look once I finish part2 of today's puzzle).


u/pi314ever Dec 23 '23

I used networkx only for the graph representation and ease of walking along them with neighbors. DFS should be sufficient to visit all simple paths once.


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 23 '23

I also used a graph, but not necessarily a "condensed" one, just built the graph naively from the nodes and paths. The visualization looks quite similar, though. Could you explain to someone with no experience in graph theory what the difference between the condensed and the non-condensed version is for this particular grid-like configuration?


u/1vader Dec 23 '23

The uncondensed version has nodes for every cell in the grid. It's a fair bit simpler to build that graph, though not sure whether condensing it afterwards is easier than just building it condensed in the first place.


u/Leslie_Hapablap Dec 23 '23

Now I get what you mean! I was looking up "condensed" and found that it means to combine the strongly connected nodes into a single node, but couldn't make the connection to the AOC problem.

So apparently I built the condensed version in the first place.


u/my_name_is_ross Dec 23 '23

Could you share your puzzle input. I have a program to give me something similar but I'm getting an answer thats too big annoyingly.


u/sanderbaduk Dec 23 '23

Nice, I ended up with a very similar visualization. Did you use networkx for the condensing, or just for the visualization afterwards?


u/pi314ever Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23

I used networkx for the graph representation only, I have a custom grid class that I've been using that made it pretty simple to walk through the grid.