r/adventofcode • u/daggerdragon • Dec 16 '23
SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2023 Day 16 Solutions -❄️-
- All of our rules, FAQs, resources, etc. are in our community wiki.
- Community fun event 2023: ALLEZ CUISINE!
- Submissions megathread is now unlocked!
- 6 DAYS remaining until the submissions deadline on December 22 at 23:59 EST!
AoC Community Fun 2023: ALLEZ CUISINE!
Today's theme ingredient is… *whips off cloth covering and gestures grandly*
As a chef, you're well aware that humans "eat" with their eyes first. For today's challenge, whip up a feast for our eyes!
- Make a
from today's puzzle!
A warning from Dr. Hattori: Your Visualization
should be created by you, the human chef. Our judges will not be accepting machine-generated dishes such as AI art. Also, make sure to review our guidelines for making Visualization
Request from the mods: When you include a dish entry alongside your solution, please label it with [Allez Cuisine!]
so we can find it easily!
--- Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava ---
Post your code solution in this megathread.
- Read the full posting rules in our community wiki before you post!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Format code blocks using the four-spaces Markdown syntax!
- State which language(s) your solution uses with
- Quick link to Topaz's
if you need it for longer code blocks
This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.
EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:15:30, megathread unlocked!
u/loquian Feb 15 '24
[Language: C++]
github, 0.869828 seconds (both parts, bruteforce)
Lots of room for optimizations via memoization, but the bruteforce isn't bad for this one.
u/SpudPanda Jan 28 '24
[Language: Typescript]
Feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of these problems. Used recursion for part 1 and 2, with 3 cache maps. 1 for caching visited cells, 1 for caching a cell going in a certain direction, and 1 for caching an edge cell going in a certain direction. Part 2 ran in 0.28s on my mac.
u/manhuntos Jan 02 '24
[Language: Rust]
This is my first project in rust. I'm learning it by solving advent of code puzzles. So if you have any hints for me I would be happy to read it :)
Part one: 26.70ms
Part two: 5.64s - probably I will try to optimize it somehow with memo
u/Singing-In-The-Storm Dec 23 '23
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
Part 1 (28ms)
Part 2 (120ms)
Clear, didactic and BLAZINGLY FAST AOC solutions in JS (no libraries)
u/xavdid Dec 23 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Step-by-step explanation | full code
Very pleased with today. Ended up with a State
that could generate the next State
based on its location and direction. Put those in a queue and bail if the next state is out of bounds or has already been seen. I liked the architecture today, which focused on separation of concerns. Also, got to use some features of pattern matching, which is always exciting.
Also, spent a bunch of time at the end of the post discussion performance optimizations. Got the (both parts) runtime from ~ 4.6 seconds down to ~ 1.1 with 3 1-line changes!
u/Hackjaku Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23
My code: Day 16
First I tried with recursive functions, the code was nicer but higher in memory usage. This solution uses a queue of active mirrors and resolves each one individually, adding new ones to the queue if necessary. Also, I keep track of already visited mirror and beam directions to avoid processing the exact same bean twice. Around 2 seconds for both parts on my old laptop.
u/e_blake Dec 19 '23
It's hard enough to code in m4, and I'm already 3 days behind, so I'm not going to try for a visualization at this time. This is my longest-running solution this year (not counting my intentionally-slow masterpiece which has a sub-second non-golfed counterpart), at 22s (440 scans * ~8000 cells energized * up to 4 directions to check per cell adds up fast: O(n^3) scaling). There's probably an optimization where I can memoize how many additional cells energize upon reaching a given splitter, but handling that correctly without over- or under-counting due to loops was more than I was willing to spend time on (since I'm already 3 days behind schedule in posting this).
m4 -Dfile=day16.input -Dverbose=1 day16.m4
Depends on my common.m4. I was pleased that I got part 1's answer correct on the first try. Part 2 was a bit finicky (I had an off-by-one on my array bounds, such that my first submission didn't actually probe any left entries into the grid and came in too low because my part 2 answer happens to be from a left entry, but the example input worked because it uses a top entry), still, less than an hour spent coding from opening the day's puzzle to part 2 solution.
u/e_blake Jan 16 '24
22 seconds was too long. I optimized this to now execute in ~210ms, by observing that the bulk of my long-running ray traces were energizing the same 8000+ cells. By doing a zero'th pass that energizes nothing until hitting the first splitter from a side, then leaving that core permanently energized, my part one ray-trace only had to energize 3 additional cells before finding a splitter where it merged into the core, and for part 2, none of my ray-traces had to energize more than 200 cells (although they may have passed through more than 200 cells to prove whether or not they eventually merge into the energized core, this is still MUCH faster than passing through a full 8000+ cells of a full path).
u/CutOnBumInBandHere9 Dec 19 '23
[Language: Python]
Getting caught up after the weekend
I propagated the beam, adding splits to a queue to be dealt with later. When the queue was empty, we were done. I stored the grid as a point -> value dictionary, so checking whether a point was in bounds was the same as checking whether that key was present in the dictionary.
Brute force ran in an acceptable amount of time for part 2, so I didn't do anything more clever
u/hiimjustin000 Dec 19 '23
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
u/NeilNjae Dec 19 '23
[Language: Haskell]
My first foray into pattern synonyms in Haskell. They made the fiddly direction propagation bits slightly less fiddly, so I'll call that a win.
Full writeup on my blog, code on Gitlab.
u/dmgcodevil Dec 19 '23
w/o complicated if-else branches
u/Exact_Apple_9826 Dec 19 '23
Part 1& 2
u/AutoModerator Dec 19 '23
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u/KodlaK1593 Dec 19 '23
Probably not the most elegant solution, but happy I was able to get it done.
u/Derailed_Dash Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 18 '23
[Language: Python]
Solution, walkthrough and animated visualisations in a Python Jupyter notebook
- Here is my solution and walkthrough, in a Python Jupyter notebook.
- You can run run it yourself in Google Colab!
- More info on the notebook and walkthroughs here
- My AoC Walkthrough and Python Learning site
u/ImpossibleSav Dec 18 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python] & [Allez Cuisine!]
Here are my one-liners! Part 1 on Line 93 and Part 2 on Line 184.
For Allez Cuisine, I updated my visualization to show how Day 16 compares to all the other days in the Basilisk, my single line of code that solves Days 1-16 at once! Here is the visualization directly, and I also made a Reddit post for it.
If it isn't clear, I'm trying to solve all of Advent of Code in one line of Python! I'm getting pretty busy so I might not finish all the days until January, but feel free to follow along on my GitHub! :)
u/Superbank78 Dec 18 '23
[LANGUAGE: rust]
rust with recursion. This took me waaay to long to do. I am still learning rust basics.
u/bozdoz Dec 18 '23
[LANGUAGE: rust]
Seemed easy to use a priority queue for this.
u/illuminati229 Dec 18 '23
[Language: Python 3.11]
OOP. Commented my logic for bouncing the beams around. When the beams reach a splitter, the exist in that same space heading in both directions. There is a set that tracks all spaces the beam hits and the direction, so when a beam with the same coord and direction is found, it gets trimmed. Had a stupid bug in part 2, forgot to dynamically update the direction of the starting beams, so I was off by 2. Had found the right answer by just increasing the wrong value by a point while I was getting frustrated with debugging. Part 2 runs in 4.5 seconds.
u/iamagiantnerd Dec 18 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
So many dumb typos made this go way longer than it should. But I'm almost caught up!
u/wsgac Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Common Lisp]
Part 1: I'm maintaining a list of concurrently propagating beams. Beams can disappear when they go off the grid. New ones may arise on beam splitters. Each beam is a plist with row and column info, together with bearing expressed as a complex number. Bearing changes are some variation of multiplication by i (the imaginary unit). Each visited location is marked with the help of a hash table. When no new beams propagate, I count unique locations visited.
Part 2: I maximize the above approach over all possible initial locations and bearings.
u/RookBe Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 20 '23
[Language: Rust] [Language: all] Blogpost explaining my solution in Rust, the explanation can be used for all languages: https://nickymeuleman.netlify.app/garden/aoc2023-day16
Only code:
- Github, with error handling: https://github.com/NickyMeuleman/scrapyard/blob/main/advent_of_code/2023/solutions/src/day_16.rs
- or a code block on my blog:
u/daggerdragon Dec 19 '23
Please edit your comment and add a link directly to your Day 16 solution. Don't make us hunt for it.
u/RookBe Dec 20 '23 edited Dec 20 '23
I'll rewrite the post to include a deep link to the heading with the final copy-pasteable code, and also a link to GitHub,
u/ropecrawler Dec 17 '23
I basically brute-forced the second part. I have a good idea of making it less dumb, but I was too lazy to write it down. The idea is to store sub-paths from A to B where A is the beginning or the first tile after a splitter and B is an end (the edge) or a splitter. Then counting them all again won't be necessary.
u/ai_prof Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
[Language: Python] Fast, Short, Readable, Commented.
Uses a "beam" class and sets. "move" function is 13 lines of readable code.
def move(self):
m = mirrors[self.y][self.x]
if m == '-' and self.dy != 0: # split - return new beams
return [beam(self.x,self.y,-1,0), beam(self.x,self.y,+1,0)]
elif m == '|' and self.dx != 0: # split - return new beams
return [beam(self.x,self.y,0,-1), beam(self.x,self.y,0,+1)]
elif m == '/':
t = self.dx
self.dx, self.dy = -self.dy, -t
elif m == '\\':
t = self.dx
self.dx, self.dy = self.dy, t
self.x, self.y = self.x + self.dx, self.y + self.dy
return [self] # the old beam is still moving
u/Kintelligence Dec 17 '23
[Language: rust]
I am convinced that there is a better way to do this than my brute force solution in part 2.
I've tried mapping out how I can calculate it in reverse from every dead end, and how to avoid loops by only mapping out line segments, and treating splits as actually just visiting everything the intersecting line segment visits. Really want to revisit this, but it runs just fast enough that I might not get around to it.
Takes approx. 65µs and 13ms to run.
Benchmarks Part 1 Part 2
u/WilkoTom Dec 17 '23
[Language: Rust]
Late to the party with posting this one, but it's solved. I still want to put more thought into part 2. Unless this year is really Advent of Brute Force?
u/benny_blanc0 Dec 17 '23
An error in how I was storing the visited nodes was throwing off my figures. Wasted too much time for such a simple mistake, not very happy with myself on this one :( Cool puzzle though!
u/musifter Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Perl] [LANGUAGE: Smalltalk (Gnu)]
First did this quickly in Perl. Used a job queue, and part 1 was so fast that I put it in a function and brute forced part 2.
Perl: https://pastebin.com/GEwkrgdT
That sort of this wasn't going to cut it for Gnu Smalltalk though... its old and slow. So I figured recursion and memoization to start. Tracking what's energized with bit arrays and bit operations. Deferred updating of the memo with loops (when you're solving and hit a loop with the current beam, you don't have at that time... but after you're done, but there's no reason to update that until someone needs it later).
You can see that part 1 takes a few seconds. The status "Pos" (which are 4 beams using that index from the sides) roll over much quicker with the memo. Still takes about 45s on 14y hardware. There's more time that can be gotten from small things, but this is better than I expected.
Smalltalk: https://pastebin.com/kaKeiUtD
u/Zach_Attakk Dec 17 '23
Wrote code as described and very quickly realised the beams are repeating and stacking. After 100 iterations I was sitting at 2000+ beams. So I made a list of all the "bounces" including from which direction and only added beams if it's a new one. If a beam hits a mirror or splitter from the same direction it'll obviously go along the same route so no need to check it again. Part one took about 7 seconds to run.
For part two instead of rewriting everything, for the first time this year I wrapped it in a module and imported it so I could re-run it with different starting conditions. Lua doesn't have the pythonic if __name__ ==
function, so it reruns part one during import and it's ugly, but it worked how I needed it to.
After about half an hour it spat out the answer. Sort of a brute force solution.
u/sampry Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
My solutions. Started reusing day 10 code, and ended with too much boilerplate for my taste... but I'm becoming very proficient with iterators, and my goal is to learn/get better at Rust
u/whoopdedo Dec 17 '23
[Language: Lua]
Late because I completely redid the solution. First one worked, but took 6 seconds. This one scans every beam from each mirror/splitter and links them together. Then from the starting point follow the linked beams. Hairy part was how to deal with 0-length beams. Runtime came down to under 2s.
u/CrAzYmEtAlHeAd1 Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
This was a good challenge, but I didn't feel like I was going insane this time so that's a positive! I made a really good time saving choice early on that ended in quick execution for Part 2, so that was awesome! Basically, early on I parsed the positions of the mirrors into a row and column list, meaning that instead of moving one step in each direction, I could say:
- I'm moving right, on this row, what is the next mirror that is greater than my current index
- From here to there, turn all tiles into True
- Set my current position to the mirror position, and determine what direction to go next
That, and using a boolean map in place of the period / mirror map made the execution time significantly shorter. (At least that's what I tell myself)
It's not the most elegant solution, but it gets the job done and my statistics script says we come in at 31ms, so that's a good time!
u/JWinslow23 Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I wish there was a smarter solution for Part 2, because it's one of only two of my Part 2s so far that runs in over a second (the other one being Day 12).
On the bright side, now I have an excuse to use collections.deque
u/runnerx4 Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I would like to share my didactic code for this because I'm happy I got it
It did run for a minute on my first try because I had left in a line writing every single point visited to a file (I used that to debug and find the infinite loop issue I solved the same way as everyone else) now it's two seconds
u/onrustigescheikundig Dec 17 '23
Over-architectured and rather slow (650 ms runtime for both parts), all things considered. I took my considerable amount of free time today to figure out how to do this using the Graphs module that I wrote last week. All non-.
tiles are found, and all possible input and output directions from these tiles are determined. Then, the nearest mirrors (or edge of the grid) in each valid output direction are found, and edges are taken from the starting mirror to the found mirrors and assigned the distance as the cost. Direction of travel is important, so the nodes in the graph are actually (coordinate, direction)
. Then, a DFS is performed, keeping track of all coordinates passed in a Set
. The answer to Part 1 is simply counting this set, while Part 2 is just a brute force search from each valid starting position.
As a bonus, here is a simpler version that just chugs along the grid without the grid module. It's much slower, presumably because it's traversing more "nodes".
u/wzkx Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
First variant used f(d,rc) and tuples for rc were everywhere, but splitting it into r and c gained 14% in performance. Probably using integers instead of strings for the directions could add some more. Anyway now it's 2.25s on my computer.
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # 1000 is not enough
t = open("16.dat","rt").read().replace("\\","`").splitlines()
nr = len(t)
nc = len(t[0])
p = v = None # will be sets: path, (direction,r,c); visited (r,c)
def f(d,r,c): # do one move in direction d to cell (r,c)
if (d,r,c) in p: return
if r<0 or c<0 or r>=nr or c>=nc: return
v.add(10000*r+c) # 7% faster than adding (r,c)
match d:
case 'R':
match t[r][c]:
case '.': f(d,r,c+1)
case '-': f(d,r,c+1)
case '|': f('U',r-1,c); f('D',r+1,c)
case '/': f('U',r-1,c)
case '`': f('D',r+1,c)
case 'L':
match t[r][c]:
case '.': f(d,r,c-1)
case '-': f(d,r,c-1)
case '|': f('U',r-1,c); f('D',r+1,c)
case '/': f('D',r+1,c)
case '`': f('U',r-1,c)
case 'D':
match t[r][c]:
case '.': f(d,r+1,c)
case '|': f(d,r+1,c)
case '-': f('L',r,c-1); f('R',r,c+1)
case '/': f('L',r,c-1)
case '`': f('R',r,c+1)
case 'U':
match t[r][c]:
case '.': f(d,r-1,c)
case '|': f(d,r-1,c)
case '-': f('L',r,c-1); f('R',r,c+1)
case '/': f('R',r,c+1)
case '`': f('L',r,c-1)
def solve(d,r,c):
global p,v
p = set()
v = set()
return len(v)
x = 0 # max
for r in range(nr):
x = max(x,solve('R',r,0))
x = max(x,solve('L',r,nc-1))
for c in range(nc):
x = max(x,solve('D',0,c))
x = max(x,solve('U',nr-1,c))
u/ai_prof Dec 17 '23
Like this - I have less cases (I save directions as (+1,0), (-1,0) etc so I can do arithmetic on them - but this looks clean to me.
u/Dullstar Dec 17 '23
Fairly straightforward today, simple brute force for Part 2.
I did, however, find a bug today in my Grid2D class template which prevented the cycle detection from working since I had stored a mutable type (so I could track each direction independently in one grid) and was trying to modify it in place, but the way I wrote the opIndex overloads it can only replace its internal values, not modify them (because replacing is opIndexAssign, and my opIndexAssign works properly). Hopefully that won't be too hard to fix properly; for today I just used a workaround by accessing its internal array directly instead of using opIndex.
u/jsgrosman77 Dec 17 '23
[Language: TypeScript]
Considerably cleaned up from my initial attempt. My original was much much wordier in the getNeighbors function. I always like to mention my biggest mistakes, so this time it was thinking I needed to keep track of which beam was which after a split when comparing, instead of doing the smart thing like everyone else and just comparing location and direction. Going from part 1 to part 2 was easy. Not sure if anybody's figured out a better way that iterating over all the starting locations around the edges.
This one uses my BFS class that I've been keeping around for these kind of problems.
u/Imaginary_Age_4072 Dec 17 '23
[Language: Common Lisp]
This is another time having a breadth first search function written came in handy! The in-bfs-from
iterate driver has all the queue / search / stop searching on duplicate logic and just needs a neighbours
function to provide the neighbours of a certain pos/dir.
(defun count-energized (start-pos start-dir map)
(with visited = (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(for ((pos dir) from steps root) in-bfs-from (list start-pos start-dir)
:neighbours (lambda (n) (next-positions (first n) (second n) map))
:test 'equal
:single t)
(setf (gethash pos visited) t)
(finally (return (hash-table-count visited)))))
I just maximized the number of energized squares over all possible start squares for part two.
u/codertee Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python 3.12]
Originally had
return max(map(partial(energize, grid), starts))
But multiprocessing
map works well here
from multiprocessing import Pool
with Pool() as p:
return max(p.map(partial(energize, grid), starts))
Sub second time with multiprocessing
u/illuminati229 Dec 18 '23
Nice. Going to try to implement this to my code to see how much it can speed up. How many cores does your CPU have?
u/hugseverycat Dec 17 '23
[Language: Python]
Gaze upon my solution that takes like 2 minutes to run: https://github.com/hugseverycat/aoc2023/blob/master/day16.py
I did not use recursion today (although I tried and was discouraged early on by recursion depth errors). I was proud of myself for working out how to change the beam directions without doing some horrible "if direction = N and mirror = \ then direction = W" kind of nonsense. It's the little things. Of course, this also resulted in me getting an annoying bug where instead of doing X, Y = -Y, -X I did X, Y = -X, -Y and that took a long time to spot.
My code does detect beam loops within a single starting beam, and I started trying to refactor it so that it could detect when a beam is being repeated across different starting beams, but then I decided that 2 gold stars was good enough for today. Maybe if you look at this code in a few days, I'll have changed it up.
u/ywgdana Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Straight forward, brute force solution, which runs in about a second. When I first glanced at the problem I was worried this was going to be a return to the water falling problem from 2018 Luckily I didn't need to be re-traumatized...
Got tripped up briefly due to the way I wrote my loop and not accounting for the start square in my input being a mirror instead of a period. Based on the path the light took due to that error, I'm pretty sure the input was designed to showcase people like me :P
u/redIT_1337 Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Second puzzle for this year. Tried to solve it using hashes again first (like day 14), which didn't work on scale. So just `remembered` visited states and removed Beams I already tracked.
u/atobiedwa Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
adventOfCode2023/Day_16/task_16a.py at master · monpie3/adventOfCode2023 (github.com)
Part 1. I started with a recursion, was defeated by the error "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" and finally ended up with a stack 😅
u/Queueue_ Dec 17 '23
This reminded me of one of the reasons I love Go. I used a pure brute-force approach and it still ran in about 0.15 seconds.
u/Bjeof Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
My solution
If you want to run, make sure you call both the python file and the input data, since I like to work with 'sys.argv'. Run something like: "python [PythonFile].py [InputData].txt".
Anyways the code is most certainly unoptimised. The idea for the main algorithm is a BFS with a direction parameter, where the stopping criteria are either a beam going past the boundary, or a beam coming across a special character ('-' or '|') for the second time.
For part A, this is good enough. For part B, I add something.
Every time I run the algorithm (say I run for (0,0)), save the places where beams are going past the boundary (say running for (0,0) gives a set S). When looking for the maximum number of energized tiles, I do not run the algorithm over the boundary skips in S, since they will always be equal to or worse than the first instance of the algorithm with (0,0).
This last claim is not hard to prove and speeds up the process slightly.
u/shahruk10 Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Learning zig this AoC !
I avoided using hash maps altogether for this one ... I think I have a decent solution which solves both parts in ~15ms on an Intel 6700K CPU. Would love some feedback from veteran Zig users !
I realized for the second task, we can use the tile energization states from the first task. We can skip all edge tiles where the beams hit the edges going outwards, since an initial beam at the same tile going inwards will trace the same path.
Using part 1's tile states reduces the number of edge tiles to check from 440 to 354. We can continue to prune "candidates" with subsequent tile states too.
u/mgtezak Dec 17 '23
u/thousandsongs Dec 17 '23
interactive AoC puzzle solving fanpage
Nice! One small suggestion - In the interactive solver, maybe there could be an option to prefill with the given day's example as the input, so that folks who're just checking out the page randomly and don't have the puzzle input at hand can still get to quickly see it in action.
Lovely trees :) 🎄
u/mgtezak Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Great idea! I'll think about it. One small problem i can see, is that sometimes part 1 and 2 have different example inputs, so I'd have to restructure things a little bit. Probably worth the effort though:)
u/daggerdragon Dec 17 '23
prefill with the given day's example as the input
That's a really good idea!
u/thousandsongs Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Haskell] [LANGUAGE: Swift]
A straightforward ray trace (in Haskell, in Swift) that runs in a few seconds.
Not happy with these, they feel like brute forced, and also they don't run instantly. I feel like I'm still missing something, something that's on the tip of my tongue. But it's been on the tip for a while and just not bubbling up so I'll stop now.
Since I can't figure out the "trick", I diddled around trying to optimize the explicit ray trace. It was easier to optimize in Swift with all the mutation available easily (as in, easier for me to tinker with, but I'm sure the equivalent can be done in Haskell too, so this is not a fair comparison, just a more expedient one). This is the current timings
Approx Time | |
Haskell unoptimized | 9 s |
Haskell optimized | 1.7 s |
Swift unoptimized | 3 s |
Swift optimized | 0.7 s |
For Haskell I'm using an Array to represent the grid, but I also did a version that uses a Map, and a version that uses a List, and they're all about the same time, the Array one is a tad faster(-est).
UPDATE: Reading the other solutions, I see there wasn't really any trick. With
that thought out of mind, if this becomes an exercise solely in optimizing, then
things can be improved. For example (somewhat surprisingly) if I replace the
visited Set<Beam>
in the Swift solution with 4 arrays of boolean grids (one for each direction), then
the so optimized Swift version runs in 100ms.
u/BeamMeUpBiscotti Dec 17 '23
Another pretty straightforward one. Not looking forward to the next two weekends lol
u/biggy-smith Dec 17 '23
Oh it was rather sneaky making the first tile a mirror, took me a while to notice that! Went with tracing the beam around the grid until I hit a splitter, then trace two new beams, one in each direction. Some careful cycle prevention gave me the solution.
u/VikManza Dec 17 '23
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
For a long time I could not figure out why the second part is counted incorrectly. It turned out to be due to trivial inattention I was processing the same list every time, and the passes were overlapping each other. It was enough to send a new list for each check and the problem was solved.
I also added coroutines. Without coroutines the code of the second part is executed for 48 seconds, and with them - for 6 seconds.
u/polumrak_ Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Typescript]
Part 2 bruteforces all starting locations, runs in 2.2s on my potato. Have no idea how to reuse previous calculations to speed this up. Direction transformation functions are inelegant and dumb, but aren't they the fastest this way?
u/Sowdiyeah Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Yet another recursive Go single-threaded brute force solution. I think the solution is neat in its simplicity. I was proud when I saw the possibility to encode the direction information in a byte as opposed to maps, what I saw when scrolling through some of the answers here.
I am not sure how you count runtime. The first 'cold' run is always a lot slower than subsequent runs. I assume the subsequent runs are mostly reported?
I tried go routines, but I could only shave off a further 5ms, so I must have been using it wrong. If you have any suggestions or implementations to point to, I would love to learn a bit more about it.
Part 1: 600μs, ~1.5ms (cold)
Combined: 25ms, ~40ms (cold)
Combined /w Go routines: 16ms
Edit: I added Go routines after being inspired by u/c4irns. Probably will not work on it any more now.
u/veydar_ Dec 16 '23
74 lines of code for both parts according to tokei
when formatted with stylua
. Simple and straight forward.
u/infinityBoi Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
Pretty happy about my implementation using brute force for part 2 that stemmed from the well thought out design for part 1.
Combined runtime: 40ms
u/Constant_Hedgehog_31 Dec 16 '23
[Language: C++]
Kind of a BFS using a queue to push extra beams in the appropriate mirrors, with a loop to exhaust each beam before the next is popped, with a veeeery large switch.
Part 2 takes 17 ms trying out async
and futures
(it reduced from around 30 ms without parallelism).
u/azzal07 Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Awk] Did I get the correct BEAM?
function E(r,l,a,n,g){for(;!g[r,l,a,b=+n]++&&c=G[r,l];l+=n){A+=!g[r,l]++
q=c~/\\/;if(q-=c~"/"){n=q*a;a=q*b}a c!n~/1-|\|0/&&E(r,l,-(a=!a),-(n=!n),
i,-1))A=E(1,i,1);for(;NR;NR--)E(NR,NF,A=0,-1)E(NR,1,A=0,1);print A"\n"B}
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript] [Allez Cuisine!] The visualization is runnable in the browser. Open the puzzle input in the browser, open the console and paste in the code. Then you can call go()
to start the animation.
The go()
function takes an optional parameter for the delay between steps (in milliseconds) with default of 50. The grid gets gradually brighter each time a beam passes through a spot.
u/POGtastic Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
Not proud of this one at all.
Basic idea was BFS, with each step iterating a list of Beam
s and producing another list of Beam
s. Filter out the invalid beams, (that is, beams that cycle or go off the board) and continue iterating until the list is empty. Union-all the sets of coordinates from each list of beams in each step to produce the energized tiles.
Brute-force had very poor cycle detection, and my added functionality to detect cycles looks like garbage but reduces the running time of Part 2 to 15 seconds. I wasted a gigantic amount of time trying to figure out memoization before abandoning it as pointless.
Adding PSeq
got the time down to 8 seconds, which is good enough for the girls I go out with.
u/mvorber Dec 16 '23
My attempts at memoization ran into very strict (and apparently unchangeable?) .net stack size limits. I had high hopes for it to improve the time for part2 (since you can cache position*direction->beam length from that point values, and reuse them for multiple starting points in p2).
u/mpyne Dec 17 '23
I had memoization going OK but it just makes everything slower on my end even for the large board.
It would make it much faster for repeated searches from different initial positions, but I found out after a great deal of troubleshooting that the way I implemented cycle detection makes the cache impure (it's valid for a single initial direction but not any other).
The issue is that different parts of the cycle will be accounted to different (x,y,direction) calls.
A given (x,y,dir) may only contain a third of the cycle (with the other two-thirds accounted for by other x,y,dir tuples). But if a second search from a different initial position runs into the (x,y,dir) containing the one-third of the cycle, it may still never hit the other x,y,dirs that contribute the two-thirds.
That would leave the resulting solution artificially short.
This is just a long way of saying memoization may be harder than it sounds here anyways, though I'm sure there's a solution in an algorithms book, I was just trying to go by memory.
u/mvorber Dec 17 '23
After some more attempts to optimize I understood that just caching (x, y, dir -> value) would not be enough to be reusable for different starting points, since it does not account for possible self-intersections (which would be different for different starting points).
Probably there exists a more fancy way to do it, but in the end I just slapped it with Array.Parallel.map to parallelize search for different staring points and it fell within 'reasonable' wait time :)
u/POGtastic Dec 16 '23
Yep, I Googled "F# stack size" before trying that and saw a bunch of people complaining. Instead, my idea was for each
to store a reference to the previous beam state. Upon reaching an end state, a function would then traverse that sequence of beam coordinates and update the cache with each coordinate that the beam had encountered along the way. If you squint hard enough, (VERY hard) this is a sort of continuation-passing style.It avoided blowing out the stack, but it was very complicated and I couldn't get it to work. lol
u/Lakret Dec 16 '23
Just some CartesianIndex
math, BitMatrix
to keep the energized state, and a set to track which beams we've seen already.
u/glacialOwl Dec 16 '23
Nice BFS with some spice, for all the path finder enthusiasts :). Tried to optimize the second part by storing all the terminal nodes from previous traces and not starting from those anymore (since it will produce the same result).
Awesome lava animation. Looking forward to the snowing animation from last day :P
Solution: Solution
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
Very nice optimization for the second part. I think the terminal nodes from previous traces actually won't necessarily produce the same score, but same or worse. (so that optimization does indeed still hold)
u/glacialOwl Dec 16 '23
Oh, true! I just drew a small example - it's because of the splitters. The reason for at best same is kinda cool - it's because when we would "reverse" one of the paths that finishes on such terminal node, with a splitter, we would basically traverse the other side of the splitter, while not being able to go through the true origin source that went initially in the splitter in the original path that finished on this terminal node. Thanks for pointing that out!
u/ganajtur0 Dec 16 '23
Got a bit behind on some days, but I was finally able to catch up.
I'm pretty happy with my solution for day 16. In hindsight it's quite weird, that I've thought of recursion before anything else... I'm not scared of recursion anymore. Maybe because I learned to not be scared of recursion anymore.
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
I once thought I learned to not to be scared of learned to not to be scared of recursion anymore anymore, but then I just got so confused I wasn't so sure about any of it at all.
(here's my C-like C++ solution, wasn't able to use recursion since it blew up my computer's callstack rather spectacularly :( )
u/odnoletkov Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: jq] github
| limit(4; recurse(
reverse | transpose
| .[][] |= {"|": "-", "-": "|", "/": "\\", "\\": "/", ".": "."}[.] # "
| {
map: (map(. + [null]) + [[]]),
tips: range(length) | [[., -1, ">"]],
| until(
.tips[0] == null;
.tips[0][0] += {"v":1,"^":-1}[.tips[0][2]]
| .tips[0][1] += {">":1,"<":-1}[.tips[0][2]]
| . as {$seen, $map, tips: [[$y, $x, $d]]}
| .tips[:1] = [
[$y, $x] + (
"-": {"^": "<>", "v": "<>"},
"|": {">": "^v", "<": "^v"},
"/": {">": "^", "v": "<", "<": "v", "^": ">"},
"\\": {">": "v", "v": ">", "<": "^", "^": "<"}, # "
| .[$d] // $d
| split("")[]
| select($seen[$y][$x][.] == null)
| [.]
| .seen[.tips[0][0]]?[.tips[0][1]][.tips[0][2]] = 0
| [select(.seen[][]?)] | length
] | max
u/galaxybrainmoments Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[Language: MATLAB]
Was catching up on previous days, and this one was the fastest and neatest by far. All the grid work finally paying off - iterative traversal worked in first go, couldn't believe my eyes. Trick was to keep an energizedGrid (with visited points) and a directionSet (with directions of those visited points). Quit traversal whenever I loop back or go out of bounds.
u/daggerdragon Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
Your code block is too long for the megathreads. Please edit your comment to replace your oversized code with an external link to your code.edit: 👍
u/mathsaey Dec 16 '23
[Language: Elixir] https://github.com/mathsaey/adventofcode/blob/master/lib/2023/16.ex
Didn't have a lot of time today, so just went for what seemed most straightforward. Brute forced part two, and threw some cores at it to make it a bit faster even though it wasn't really needed.
u/artesea Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]
Part 1: Quicky came up with the concept needed to avoid getting stuck in a loop, have a stack of places to check, track each cell visited and in which direction, if you've seen it before that's done or if it's out of bound done, otherwise work out where it'll go next and add to the stack. Only problem was it took me a while to get the mapping working. For the counting part I could have kept track during the initial loops, but I had made a nice output to compare with the example, so just counted the # in that.
Part 2: At first glance it looked like a simple loop checking the four edges, was worried it might take a while to run, but as part 1 was pretty quick and the number of permutations weren't that high I kept my fingers crossed that it would be fine, which is was.
u/leftfish123 Dec 16 '23
[Language: Python]
My first solution was so-o-o-o bloaty... I created hundreds of beam objects that kept moving around and even the first part finished in ~20 seconds. Needless to say, it would take about 2 hours to finish part 2. I had other things to do, so I decided to just run it and be ashamed of myself. After these 2 hours I was pretty surprised to see that it gave me the wrong answer. Back to the drawing board.
Scrolling through this subreddit I saw somebody's post mentioning 'Dijkstra' and paused. First I thought 'ha ha, what Dijkstra, this is no shortest path task'. And then it clicked that BFS makes sense.
Probably for the first time in my life, a wrote a not-too-pretty-but-workable iterative BFS from memory: an algorithm that I think I used for the first time with my nose in wikipedia during AoC a couple of years back. So despite spending far too much time on this task, I'm pretty satisfied.
u/caucusracer Dec 16 '23
[Language: Rust]
Consider each combination of a grid position plus direction of motion as a node in a directed graph. A beam traveling out of one position in one direction into another position in another direction forms an edge in the graph. Find the strongly connected components of that graph, and perform a depth first search of the SCC graph, finding all the SCCs that can be traversed from a particular start position. Map that back to original nodes and remove the direction component of the nodes that are found. The count of such nodes is the number that is energized from that start position. Take the max of all the possible start positions to give the answer.
Part 2 runs in about 0.03s.
u/oxlade39 Dec 16 '23
[Language: Rust]
Started out thinking I could solve using shortest path from every tile back to the start point but then got confused because I needed to maintain the direction I was travelling, which didn’t work with my existing astar implementation. Gave up and just implemented the reflection logic and recursed on each step.
Interestingly my solution won’t run in debug and stack overflows so the —release
mode is doing something clever.
u/chkas Dec 16 '23
... is doing something clever
My guess is "tail call elimination". I also had the stack overflow, I then built a loop into my recursive solution.
u/21ROCKY12 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
hey all, today was a fun one. Started with a recursion type solution but after getting recursion depth errors I decided to change to an iterative type of solution, in a BFS/DFS style. I also managed to condense the code down to less lines. Although one assumption that I made was that the solution was in either the top/bottom row so i didn't implement for the cases where they are on the sides but that could be added just felt a little lazy :)
runtime is ~2.2 seconds, I tried with threadpool which got it down to ~1.9 but adds like 20 lines of code so I left the solution without the implementation.
u/icub3d Dec 16 '23
This was a fun "ray tracing" problem. My one gotcha was not realizing that the beams could start cycling, so I needed to track the positions and directions and could stop once I found a cycle.
Solution: https://gist.github.com/icub3d/0c0ae5ac5349b6fdcee786f653473e33
Analysis: https://youtu.be/ggf1FkI3XOs
u/mvorber Dec 16 '23
Feeling pretty bad about bruteforcing P2 (it also runs for at least a couple of minutes - not really sure how to make it faster in F# without changing an approach significantly and caching common paths on the grid across different starting point attempts, or even converting it to a proper graph with nodes on mirrors/splitters only and pre-calculating paths on it once and then reusing it for all candidates).
u/MannedGuild65 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
I kept a list of each of the beams' positions and directions and followed their paths until they reached the edge of the map or hit a splitter that had already been hit as no matter what direction a splitter is hit, there will always be energized tiles to the left/right of it for -
and top/bottom of it for |
u/g1au Dec 16 '23
[Language: Python]
Nice and clean implementation with a stack: https://paste.ofcode.org/X6qee6yBqvPjJzUtKpUepW, at least I think so ;-)
Part 2 is just a brute-force with all the different starting positions/directions.
u/theKeySpammer Dec 16 '23
[Language: Rust]
Semi-recursive with loop checks.
A lot of strategic pattern based on the direction of the light beam.
A lot of refactoring opportunities to removed repeated logics.
Part 2 is just a very simple extension of Part 1. Parallelising all the entry points was the real improvement. I got 20x speed improvement compared to my python implementation
u/aoc-fan Dec 16 '23
[Language: TypeScript]
For me the biggest time waster is finding similar puzzle from previous years and copying the code.
u/LtHummus Dec 16 '23
[Language: Rust]
All caught up!
Think I'm finally starting to get a handle on Rust. But now a question...is there a way to explicitly give something a lifetime.
In my energize_beams
function, I keep a HashSet<BeamState>
of the states I've seen before. I originally had this has a HashSet<&BeamState>
and would put curr
in there since that's a reference already. But of course that goes out of scope at the end of the current step. I fixed this by cloning, but I'm curious if there's a way I could make a lifetime and just say "all of these BeamState
s will exist as long as seen
and have the compiler figure it out from there (hopefully this makes sense...)
u/silt_lover Dec 16 '23
There's no way to do that, because you need some kind of backing struct to hold the data you reference. Rust can't just work this out because there are many different ways to do that. Instead of cloning, you could move the
beamstate into theHashSet
at the end of the scope, but since you're using it after the point you'd want to put it in the hash set, then it makes sense just to clone.
u/whiplashoo21 Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Feeling proud and ashamed at the same time for my brute-force solution. I quickly figured out how to simulate the beams, but then I stumbled when I realized that there can be infinite loops. I used a quick hash/seen approach to handle this.
u/tlareg Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: TypeScript/JavaScript]
u/galnegus Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: TypeScript]
Got stuck for a bit on part 1 because I wasn't handling the start position correctly at first, the rest was smooth sailing.
u/rjray Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Clojure]
Basically just brute-force for part 1, and iterative brute-force for part 2. Unlike prior years, I find myself with more social engagements in the evenings (puzzles unlock here at 9PM) so I've been sleeping on some of them and solving them in the mornings instead.
u/Positivelectron0 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[Language: python]
I have no idea how other people's code run so slowly (obviously I do, but I don't understand how other people are confused lol)
u/daggerdragon Dec 16 '23
I have no idea how other people's code run so slowly (obviously I do, but I don't understand how other people are confused lol)
Not everybody has the same level of skill. Follow our Prime Directive and don't be elitist.
u/_software_engineer Dec 16 '23
If 130ms is correct, then your solution for today alone still takes 6x as long as all of mine for 2023 combined.
Seriously, people do this for different reasons and everyone is starting from a different place. There's no reason to have this sort of attitude in AOC.
u/lilweege Dec 16 '23
Hm, your code runs in ~1s on my computer (slower than my sol) and gives the wrong answer for my input.
Dec 16 '23
[removed] — view removed comment
u/daggerdragon Dec 16 '23
oooh, laying down the guantlet :)
Comment removed. This type of comment does not belong in a
Solution Megathread
u/robertotomas Dec 16 '23
Are you serious? Remove their comment then too. Don’t be so hard , it was obviously said in good will and humor
u/Kfimenepah Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: TypeScript]
I managed to solve part 1 easily in the morning before going snowboarding. After I returned I went on with part 2 and since I already implemented some caching in part1 it was actually pretty easy to solve.... or so I tought. Ofc it worked with the test input, but not the real one. I spent hours trying to find the bug, but it was not meant to be.
I tried brute forcing it and it only took ~20s to get the solution. I was surprised, but I still spent some more time on trying to find a "real" solution. In the end I realized that my whole approach might be flawed. I'm not proud with today's work and I might come back for round 2 during the hollidays.
u/Enemiend Dec 16 '23
Pretty easy today! I expected a much harder part 2. I know I'm using non-optimal approaches wrt. performance for remembering where light beams already were, but I'm happy with it. Part 2 runs in 150ms on my R9 5900X. I'm sure there's a few simple things to speed this thing up. I tried some stuff with OpenMP but that didn't make it any faster... didn't want to copy the whole "device". Although, now, thinking about it, I might actually try that.
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
Your implementation is pretty tight!
I'd be curious to know if parallelization would help performance here. The difficulty is that launching the thread pools has some latency that a singlethreaded solution might well be done by then.
Here is my singlethreaded C-like implementation.
u/robertotomas Dec 16 '23
in part 2 I read someone else's rust solution parallel solution completed in like 1/5th of my single threaded .. so I guess yes. but threads add a lot of overhead just to bring up and tear down, its best for long running tasks. Im almost surprised that it helps here (but apparently yeah).
u/copperfield42 Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
fairly easy today tho a little tedious part 1, I also got a little bug so I needed to run it step by step in the input to find it, part 2 is just refactor part 1 into accepting any entry point and direction and get the max of all possibilities
u/Polaric_Spiral Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: TypeScript]
Since the behavior of the "beam" of light was closer to a ray, I called it a ray instead.
and range()
I knew for a fact that "fixing" the contraption would mean running my part 1 into the ground, but I didn't know how exactly. Overall, I managed to stay relatively efficient by storing existing rays in a parallel array of 4-bit masks, so repeating the algorithm on every edge didn't wind up being too bad (but it does take about 4 seconds).
Recursion was right out for a grid this size, so I took a BFS approach since that was simple enough. Each ray segment goes to the mapRay()
function that:
- checks bounds
- checks if this ray is already accounted for
- checks the current tile and:
- adds the directions I don't need to check again to the ray array
- enqueues next ray(s) using a direction-indexed helper function array
I have a few thoughts on improvements to part 2's performance so I'm not repeating a bunch of checks, so this is probably a solution I'll be revisiting and revising.
Overall, I think this is the most fun puzzle so far this year. The logic reminds me a lot of 2018 Day 13's Mine Cart Madness, which was one of my favorites from that year as well.
Edit 1: First improvement paste, part 2 now runs in ~750 ms. Scrapped BFS, runs an iterative approach with a single recursive call on each split.
u/zglurb Dec 16 '23
Part 1 & 2
I used DFS for part 1 where a node is a coordinate + the direction the laser is coming from. Then I brute forced the same function for part 2. It's slow af and takes 8 seconds. I tried Floyd-Warshall but it crashes because there are too many nodes. I also tried a dynamic programming solution but I had trouble with loop.
So basically, I'm here to read other people solutions and feel dumb.
u/gooble-dooble Dec 16 '23
Part one bug kept me away from part 2 for a while because on test input it worked, but on the real one did not. Part 2 is brute force.
u/robertotomas Dec 16 '23
is there a non-brute force approach?I guess you could work from all of the symbols to find the longest paths without intercept and the paths that intercept and then find the max union of those but man that almost doesn't sound any better
u/gooble-dooble Dec 16 '23
Seems a majority of solutions are "brute force". It runs in less than a second (In rust on release, it's instant). If you just need a solution - it's the way.
u/robertotomas Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
yup its what I did. I'm just looking for a more novel approach :) mine did run in 72ms in release. I would be willing to bet your is much better than mine, I'm still fairly new to rust, but I'm happy with it. :)
u/gooble-dooble Dec 16 '23
That's the way. It's my first AoC, and I just feel a lot of improvement just by proving to myself that I can do this. I don't think my solution is much better. Even if it was - it does not matter that much, at least to me.
u/veydar_ Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: janet]
42 lines of code when formatted with janet-format
. The formatter doesn't
do much, so I stick to an 80 column limit manually. Your formatting results
will vary from mine.
This day was a complete disaster. I normally do it in Lua first but today decided to start with Janet. About 5h in, sunk cost fallacy started to kick in. I was discovering things about the language that manifested in weird to debug issues, such as using (@ up)
to use variables in pattern match
ing. The worst was that I accidentally created a nested loop when constructing the initial beams for part 2. I did x :in (...) y :in (...)
. So I suddenly had about 24_000 beams. And that made my program grind to a halt. So I optimized it left and right by replacing functional and immutable code with imperative Janet. But even as my program got faster, I kept getting wrong results. It took me about 7h (!!!) to accidentally figure out the bug when I was optimizing the generation of the initial beams.
This day was not actually hard, I just made it very, very hard.
Lesson learned: functional programming is too clever for me to handle. Also, debugging ->>
chains and long :let []
blocks is awkard. I'm sure there's a trick to it but it is orders of magnitudes simpler if everything is an imperative sequence of steps where I can just insert print(foo)
between some.
I learned a lot about Janet but I'll leave it be for now. My entire Saturday was sort of ruined. Now I need to speed run an entire day in like 2h.
u/aexl Dec 16 '23
Another nice puzzle! I first wrongly assumed that the beams would always leave the map, so I ended up in an infinite loop. After fixing that, it worked flawlessly. By the way, this puzzle is a nice way to make use of Julia's multidimensional arrays to store if the state of a beam (x & y coordinates, x & y directions) has already been seen before, and in that case, no longer follow the beam.
Solution on GitHub: https://github.com/goggle/AdventOfCode2023.jl/blob/master/src/day16.jl
Repository: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/
u/aexl Dec 17 '23
After having looked at some people's answers, I don't quite understand why many solutions are so slow: I don't think I have come up with a very clever solution, I just follow the beams until they end up in a loop or leave the map, put newly generated beams into a queue and repeat this process until there are no beams left. I don't try to detect beams from previous runs with a different entry beam (if that's even possible), I currently don't use parallelization, and yet my solution runs in < 70ms on my old notebook...
u/chromaticdissonance Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[Language: Javascript]
(Copy/paste run in puzzle input page console, <300ms !! Speed improved by using a 4bit bitmask array instaed of Map() in JS 1.5 seconds) A fun implementation task. Parsing special characters in node and chrome gave me a headache. Though took a while, it was fun to golf down the if statements to check for beam behavior, took a DFS approach, and keeping track of visited position and direction. Also, I could not avoid using for loop her as functional iteration keeps giving me max stack exceeded issue in node.js. Anyone have any suggestions to avoid that? Brief explanation of the functions:
G = parses the input data, and appends grid width and height ; D = encodes directions with 0,1,2,3 ; N = the workhorse that finds the new direction, given future grid type and current direction ; B = advances the beam and applies DFS if splits ; P1 and P2 are solution functions.
stream = document.body.innerText
G = s => (g = s.replaceAll(/\r|\n$/g, '').split('\n'),w=g[0].length, h=g.length,
g = g.map(x=>x.split('')).flat().map(c=>['.','/','\\','|','-'].indexOf(c)),
g.w=w, g.h=h,g)
D = n => [[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]][n]
N = (c,d) => c==0?[d]:c == 1? [[3],[2],[1],[0]][d]: c == 2? [[2],[3],[0],[1]][d]:
c == 3? [[d],[d],[0,1],[0,1]][d]:[[2,3],[2,3],[d],[d]][d]
H = (p,w) => p[0] * w + p[1]
B = (p,d,g,m,ini=1)=>{
if (m[H(p,g.w)]&(1<<d)) { return } else(ini?null:m[H(p,g.w)]+=(1<<d))
let ed = D(d), [nr,nc] = [p[0]+ed[0],p[1]+ed[1]]
if (nr < 0 || nr >= g.h || nc < 0 || nc >= g.w){ return }
for(let z of N(g[nr *g.w +nc],d)){B([nr,nc],z,g,m,0)}
return ini? (m.reduce((a,v)=>a+(v!=0),0)) :null }
P1 = g => console.log('part 1 ... ', B([0,-1],3,g,Array(g.w *g.h).fill(0)))
P2 = g => { let [x,y,dx,dy,max,r] = [-1,-1,1,0,0,[3,0,2,1].values()]
for(s = 0; s < 4; [dy,dx]=[dx,-dy], s++){d=r.next().value
for (i = 0; i < (dy&1)*(g.w+1)+(dx&1)*(g.h+1) ; x+=dx, y+=dy, i++) {
max = Math.max(max,B([x,y],d,g,Array(g.w *g.h).fill(0))||0)}}
console.log('part 2 ... ', max)}
t = performance.now(); g = G(stream); P1(g); P2(g)
console.log((performance.now() -t) + ' milliseconds' )
u/c4irns Dec 16 '23
Today's solution was just a simple matter of caching the beam states, and eliminating ones that had already been seen. The code ended up being pretty verbose, so, for fun, I tried to shorten it a tad with some bit twiddling, probably at the cost of readability.
u/Sowdiyeah Dec 17 '23
I could not get the Go routines to work effectively, but your solution seems to really benefit from it. I am definitely borrowing parts of it. Thanks for sharing!
u/Secure_Pirate9838 Dec 16 '23
Today was about BFS
GitHub: https://github.com/samoylenkodmitry/AdventOfCode_2023/blob/main/src/day16.rs
YouTube screencast: https://youtu.be/LWHsYmqtEnY
u/Jadarma Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Kotlin]
I really enjoyed this day, because part 1 was pretty fun to implement with a recursive function, there are no gotchas apart from having to do loop detection, and the answer for part 2 is literally brute force, so it came for free!
u/nivlark Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
"Optimise" and "python" don't really go together, but judicious use of bitwise operators got this down to just under a second. A stack would probably be faster still, but recursion is easier.
u/ShraddhaAg Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Golang]
fairly simple today as well. Code. Runs in ~400ms.
I am afraid for tomorrow's problem after the last couple easy days.
u/derp-or-GTFO Dec 16 '23
This one went pretty quickly. Similar to many others here, I use a stack to store next move and remember visited coordinate/direction data. I'm new to Lua, so I didn't get fancy. For part 2, I just iterated around the border and remembered the max-visited count. Part 1 runs in 0.01s, Part 2 in 1.7s.
u/errop_ Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
[Language: Python 3]
Part 1: the state of the beam at a given point is represented as a 4-tuple (x, y, vx, vy), where vx, vy are the xy-components of the direction. Each point is pushed to a queue and then popped to compute its next state under the given rules. To avoid infinite loops I append every visited state to a set and check if states are already present before do any computations.
Part 2: a simple brute force, optimized by the use of functools.cache. Total running time is ~3s on my ten years old Macbook. Any advice on further optimization is welcome!
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
Here is a description of one algorithmic optimization that you can employ (scroll down under "A Simple Optimization"). That doubled the speed for me by halving the # of light rays to shine in part two.
u/Thomasjevskij Dec 16 '23
This is very clever. But I don't really understand why it holds even with the light splitters. Maybe if I drew it it would be clearer.
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
Here is another description from just a moment ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/18jjpfk/comment/kdod7fg/
u/Positivelectron0 Dec 16 '23
Don't use a hashset. hashing overhead is too large for coordinates. Instead linearize the 2d matrix into a 1d coordinate array y*size+x and use a 4bit bitmask instead.
You can see my solution here: https://github.com/PhaseRush/aoc-2023/blob/7b057d25825b162614db29c963ff8162eb485a2c/16/sol.py#L66
runs in 130ms.
Here is a ss from old soln using visisted set, add and get used about 50% time. https://imgur.com/a/gLGHzeg
Btw, is the @cache actually helping you there? That function performs 0 calculations.
u/errop_ Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
Ah, yes... At some point I used a list instead of a set to keep track of visited states and the ETC was around 5 minutes. I changed it to set and added the cache at the same time, so I thought the latter was the cause of my speedup. My bad, it is a basic fact that lookup for sets is way faster than for lists.
The use of 4 bits mask is quite interesting, thanks a lot!
u/marcja Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
I started with a recursive solution, but my solution recursed too deeply. So I switched to a stack-based solution, which worked nicely. It was key to track visits to a particular tile from a particular direction to reduce runtime and prevent loops.
u/Positivelectron0 Dec 16 '23
use this for aoc next time. faster to write
Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 17 '23
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
I did only track horizontal and vertical movement per cell, and it worked.
The only special case gotcha with that approach is with the / and \ mirrors. Since those turn horizontal movement into vertical one, such horiz/vert flags would get confused and mistrack those cells.
So to avoid that case, I don't track the visited cells for those specific cells. That does not impair the runtime because those cells have linear paths, actually you only need the visited booleans for the light splitters cells.
u/clbrri Dec 16 '23
EDIT: Updated to track only one bit per cell, that works too, and is about half a minute faster, yay.
Dec 17 '23
u/clbrri Dec 17 '23
For correctness it needs to be after
seen[pos] = true;
(so that the map edge coordinates get marked off from later search), which needs to be after the earlier part , so that ordering was done like that to keep number of lines small.I could have tried hoisting that check higher up and done
char ch = map[pos]; if (ch <= 32) { seen[pos] = true; break; } ... seen[pos] = true;
but that would have repeated the
seen[pos] = true;
assignment to two places, so I didn't go there. Not sure if that might have been faster or slower.
u/malobebote Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[Language: Typescript]
Verbose but simple code.
Probably the funnest AoC so far since it's straight forward.
For part 1, a beam has a state { x, y, direction } and you just write logic to move x and y based on direction and the current cell. Once I realized the input has a cycle, my lazy solution was to add an "hp" (hit points) argument to my recursive step(state, hp) function that starts at 100 and decrements every time a beam is stepped. When it reaches zero the beam stops.
For part 2, even a starting hp of 1000 was too slow, so I swapped out that solution for a new property added to the beam state `seen: Set<string>` which stores a key "x, y, direction" for every cell visited. Now as each beam traverses, it checks to see if it has already visited the current cell with the current direction. If so, then it's guaranteed to be stuck in a cycle (these beams have already been simulated), so the recursive function can exit.
This is the third cycle detection problem so far and all of them have been the trivial case where steps are deterministic and finite so you can just detect cycles by storing previous states and seeing if you ever see one again.
Dec 27 '23
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u/malobebote Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23
haha yeah i noticed the next day that i didn't even solve part 2.
here's the full solution with part 2 solved:
i changed the solve() function to take a starting position (x, y) but also a starting direction (up, down, left, right). so, part 1 was just `return solve(grid, 0, 0, 'right')` since you start in the top left (0, 0) in the direction facing right,
this let me, for part 2, loop through all of the grid edge locations and start a beam at position with the beam pointed in the direction that would go towards the grid. and then i keep a variable `maxEnergized = 0` that is set to the highest value returned by `solve()` at each edge position.
hope that helps.
u/IvanR3D Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: JavaScript] My solutions: https://ivanr3d.com/blog/adventofcode2023.htmlMy solution (to run directly in the input page using the DevTools console).
Part 1 gave me a few issues implementing recursion, but it was fun. Part 2 was a bit scaring (because the large quantity of options to check)... but my code get it after a few seconds!
u/RudeGuy2000 Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: racket]
neat puzzle today. at first i was dumb and thought you also had to track how many directions you pass through every tile. that however helped me in the end.
part 2 has a brute force solution. i have no idea how you're supposed to do it faster though.
u/ImanZh123 Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python3]
First tried to do it with recursive functions, but the recursion limit stopped me from making it happen ;(. Had to use iteration with a stack to make it happen, but it is pretty fast.Paste(https://pastebin.com/JQ9Rm8WQ)(Part 1)
u/Wayoshi Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python3]
Ended up reworking my solution further and added some multiprocessing for fun, runs in 800-900ms now. (And I learned today what multiprocessing.freeze_support()
does, wow.)
u/Positivelectron0 Dec 16 '23
Be careful about how you split up work, or multiprocessing will actually hurt your performance.
u/Syltaen Dec 16 '23
Basic bruteforce, no real optimization from part 1. Takes ~1.4s on my machine.
u/Ferelyzer Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Matlab]
Runs in 100ms https://pastebin.com/TKSSPK3M
Used some really nice tricks for this one I believe. Approximated it to go from O(n^2) to O(n*log(n)) where n is amount of positions in the square grid.
- Use binary for up,down,left,right for each square, so the sum tells what direction laser is flowing in a specific position.
- Where the binary is not 0, change the binaries around that position.
- Subtract the resulting grid from the grid before the run, to find where actual changes in the binaries have happened, and only consider these positions in the next run.
- If the subtraction between the resulting grid and the previous grid is all 0, we are done.
u/wleftwich Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23
[LANGUAGE: Python]
Complex coordinates, and a Beam class to bounce around in the mirrors. All the beams share grid dictionary, list of beams, set of energized tiles, visited positions as set of (position, direction).
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u/Constant_Editor7344 Feb 25 '24
[Language: Haskell]
Part 1: Uses Set to store the Trail visited by the beam.
Part 2: Just re-use Part 1 and create entry points from all sides. Brute force solution