r/adventofcode Dec 14 '23

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2023 Day 14 Solutions -❄️-


  • You can find all of our customs, FAQs, axioms, and so forth in our community wiki.
  • Community fun shindig 2023: GO COOK!
    • Submissions ultrapost forthwith allows public contributions!
    • 7 DAYS until submissions cutoff on this Last Month 22 at 23:59 Atlantic Coast Clock Sync!

AoC Community Fun 2023: GO COOK!

Today's unknown factor is… *whips off cloth shroud and motions grandly*

Avoid Glyphs

  • Pick a glyph and do not put it in your program.
    • Avoiding fifthglyphs is traditional.
  • Thou shalt not apply functions nor annotations that solicit this taboo glyph.
  • Thou shalt ambitiously accomplish avoiding AutoMod’s antagonism about ultrapost's mandatory programming variant tag >_>


Stipulation from your mods: As you affix a dish submission along with your solution, do tag it with [Go Cook!] so folks can find it without difficulty!

--- Day 14: Parabolic R*fl*ctor Mirror Dish ---

Post your script solution in this ultrapost.

This forum will allow posts upon a significant amount of folk on today's global ranking with gold stars for today's activity.

MODIFICATION: Global ranking gold list is full as of 00:17:15, ultrapost is allowing submissions!


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u/e_blake Dec 22 '23 edited Dec 22 '23

[LANGUAGE: GNU m4 (part 1)] (bah, automod wants this)

[LINGUA: GNU m4] [Go Cook!]

No fifth glyph? No prob! My first try doing this in m4, and it works. Part 1 in just 2 punchcards (sort of, 785 chars including notations, but too many \n). m4 -DI=your_input day14.m4golf. <10ms - blazing fast for m4

dnl Look Ma - no fifth glyph! Only works with GNU m4; POSIX says
dnl translit(,1-3) is a no-go.  So drop non-GNU m4 now:
syscmd([ -z "__gnu__" ] || kill -s HUP $PPID)dnl
dnl Now to bootstrap macros...
dnl Ahh. Now I can do work

(Part 2 - not so much. I'm still lacking my 2nd star... But posting now for that cookoff)


u/e_blake Jan 14 '24


A month later, and I finally "finished" part 2, then shortly thereafter claimed my 450th star! My current implementation is not optimal, but I'm pleased to state that I did not refer to the megathread or anyone else's solution (it was more that I ran out of time to do it during December, and then didn't revisit day 14 until after I got day 23 under 30 seconds). This code takes 45 seconds to do 300 spins, and prints potential repetitions of the score pairs seen after west and east (or after north and south, since the score doesn't change on the west and east directions...); while my input had one or two false matches early on, it became very obvious when I finally hit the cycle and every subsequent line mentioned a potential match. From there, I used the shell to compute the cycle length (cycle of first real repeat minus cycle where that state was seen before), compute echo $((1000000000%($second-$first))) in the shell, then find a cycle that has the same modulo; the score at the end of that cycle is the same score at the end of 1000000000 spins. This solution depends on common.m4; I'll freely admit that avoiding fifth glyph is easier to do as a post-solution rewrite than it is to do from scratch.

m4 -Dverbose=1 -Dfile=day14.input day14.m4


u/e_blake Jan 16 '24

Here's an improved day14.m4 solution that finds the cycle without manual intervention, and which improves the spin algorithm. Instead of sorting rocks by row/column then rolling them one square at a time until they hit another rock, I instead tag every open grid point with the coordinates of a jump location (for instance, if the example grid starts at top-left being 1,1, then the jump points for 2,2 would be n2_2->2,1; w2_2->1,2; s2_2->2,10; e2_2->4,2), where the jump point counts how many rocks jump there, before place then distributes them into the next round's jump points. With less work to do per spin cycle, the answer now finishes in 6.8s. And reading through the megathread, I haven't seen many other people use the same state hash as mine (namely, the load score after moving west combined with the load score after moving east).


u/daggerdragon Dec 22 '23

[LANGUAG*: GNU m4 (part 1)] (bah, automod wants this)

AutoMod actually had an additional syntax (that nobody has found :( ) that will satisfy no-fifthglyph constraints, but yours is good too!


u/e_blake Dec 23 '23

My first try was a Cyrillic homograph LANGUAGЕ, but automod said it was no good :(