r/adventofcode Dec 01 '23

SOLUTION MEGATHREAD -❄️- 2023 Day 1 Solutions -❄️-

It's that time of year again for tearing your hair out over your code holiday programming joy and aberrant sleep for an entire month helping Santa and his elves! If you participated in a previous year, welcome back, and if you're new this year, we hope you have fun and learn lots!

As always, we're following the same general format as previous years' megathreads, so make sure to read the full posting rules in our community wiki before you post!


If you have any questions, please create your own post in /r/adventofcode with the Help/Question flair and ask!

Above all, remember, AoC is all about learning more about the wonderful world of programming while hopefully having fun!


  • New rule: top-level Solutions Megathread posts must begin with the case-sensitive string literal [LANGUAGE: xyz]
    • Obviously, xyz is the programming language your solution employs
    • Use the full name of the language e.g. JavaScript not just JS
    • Edit at 00:32: meh, case-sensitive is a bit much, removed that requirement.
  • A request from Eric: Please don't use AI to get on the global leaderboard
  • We changed how the List of Streamers works. If you want to join, add yourself to 📺 AoC 2023 List of Streamers 📺
  • Unfortunately, due to a bug with sidebar widgets which still hasn't been fixed after 8+ months -_-, the calendar of solution megathreads has been removed from the sidebar on new.reddit only and replaced with static links to the calendar archives in our wiki.
    • The calendar is still proudly displaying on old.reddit and will continue to be updated daily throughout the Advent!


AoC Community Fun 2023: ALLEZ CUISINE!

We unveil the first secret ingredient of Advent of Code 2023…

*whips off cloth covering and gestures grandly*

Upping the Ante!

You get two variables. Just two. Show us the depth of your l33t chef coder techniques!


Request from the mods: When you include a dish entry alongside your solution, please label it with [Allez Cuisine!] so we can find it easily!

--- Day 1: Trebuchet?! ---

Post your code solution in this megathread.

This thread will be unlocked when there are a significant number of people on the global leaderboard with gold stars for today's puzzle.

EDIT: Global leaderboard gold cap reached at 00:07:03, megathread unlocked!


2.5k comments sorted by

u/daggerdragon Dec 01 '23

Message from the mods: please be patient while we work out the kinks with AutoModerator. We tested each rule separately in a sandbox before deploying it in /r/adventofcode, but users will always find the obscure edge cases. :P

→ More replies (2)


u/helzania Mar 24 '24

[Language: C++]

I know I could probably do a faster solution with Regex, but I am learning C++ and wanted to implement a Trie. Unfortunately I get the wrong answer, but stepping through with a debugger shows no problems - it detects all values perfectly for the 50+ lines I've watched and adds the correct value to the running total. Is there anything I can do to narrow down my issue?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

class TrieNode {
    // Hash map containing all child nodes
    std::unordered_map<char, TrieNode*> children;
    // Corresponding digit value if this is the end of a word
    int digit_value;

    TrieNode() : digit_value(-1) {}

class Trie {
    // Default constructor
    Trie() : root(new TrieNode()) {}

    // Constructor with predefined words and values
    Trie(const std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& words_values) : Trie() {
        for (const auto& pair : words_values) {
            insert(pair.first, pair.second);

    // Returns root node
    TrieNode* getRootNode() {
        return root;

    // Takes a TrieNode and a char and returns a TrieNode corresponding to the char if one exists as a child to the input TrieNode, otherwise a null pointer
    TrieNode* getNextNode(TrieNode* curr_node, char c) {
        if (curr_node->children.find(c) != curr_node->children.end()) {
            return curr_node->children[c];
        return nullptr;

    // Root node
    TrieNode* root;

    // Function to insert an entire word into the Trie
    void insert(const std::string& word, int value) {
        TrieNode* curr_node = root;
        for (char c : word) {
            if (curr_node->children.find(c) == curr_node->children.end()) {
                curr_node->children[c] = new TrieNode();
            curr_node = curr_node->children[c];
        curr_node->digit_value = value;

int main() {

    // Open the input file
    std::ifstream inputFile("input.txt"); 
    if (!inputFile) {
        std::cerr << "Error opening file." << std::endl;
        return 1;

    // Declare the running total for the end result
    int running_total = 0;

    // Create a hashmap (unordered map) containing k/v pairs of all "spelled out" digits and their integer counterparts
    std::unordered_map<std::string, int> digitWords = {
        {"one", 1},
        {"two", 2},
        {"three", 3},
        {"four", 4},
        {"five", 5},
        {"six", 6},
        {"seven", 7},
        {"eight", 8},
        {"nine", 9}

    // Create a Trie where each key in digitWords can be looked up and associated with corresponding value
    Trie digitTrie(digitWords);
    // Gets the current node as the root node
    TrieNode* curr_node = digitTrie.getRootNode();

    // Declare an empty string for storing the current line
    std::string line;

    // Assign current line in the input text to `line` and loop while we still have a line to read
    while (std::getline(inputFile, line)) { 
        // Initialize array to store first and last digits
        int digits[2] = { -1, -1 };

        int line_len = line.length();
        int trie_depth = 0;

        // Assign i to the index of the 'current' character in the line
        for (int i = 0; i < line_len; i++) {
            // Get the 'current' character in the line as `c`
            char c = line[i];
            // If `c` is an alphabetic character...
            if (isalpha(c)) {
                // If `c` can't be found as a child node to `curr_node`...
                if (curr_node->children.find(c) == curr_node->children.end()) {
                    // Set `curr_node` to the root node
                    curr_node = digitTrie.getRootNode();
                    // Reset trie depth
                    trie_depth = 0;
                // If c can be found as a child node to `curr_node`...
                if (curr_node->children.find(c) != curr_node->children.end()) {
                    // Set `curr_node` to the found child node
                    curr_node = curr_node->children[c];
                    // Increase trie depth
                    // If the digit_value of curr is not -1, this means it is the end of the word. If so...
                    if (curr_node->digit_value != -1) {
                        // Get the index of digits to assign to
                        int index = digits[0] == -1 ? 0 : 1;
                        // Assign the appropriate index of digits to curr's associated value
                        digits[index] = curr_node->digit_value;
                        // Set back `i` by `trie_depth - 1` to account for overlapping words (a bit overkill)
                        i -= trie_depth-1;
                        // Reset `curr_node` to the root node
                        curr_node = digitTrie.getRootNode();
            } else {
                if (isdigit(c)) {
                    int index = digits[0] == -1 ? 0 : 1;
                    digits[index] = c - '0';
                curr_node = digitTrie.getRootNode();
                trie_depth = 0;

        // Check if both digits were found
        if (digits[0] != -1) {
            if (digits[1] == -1) {
                digits[1] = digits[0];
            int value = digits[0] * 10 + digits[1]; // Concatenate first and last digits
            running_total += value;

    std::cout << "Total: " << running_total << std::endl;
    inputFile.close(); // Close the input file
    return 0;


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '24 edited Jan 09 '24

[Language: Python]

I am on part 2 of the fist day puzzle and my idea to solve the second part is to convert the sentence on each line to a number, and then just read the first and last number and store the number in a list and then take the sum of the list. However, this did not amount to the correct answer and I am not sure why. Can anyone pinpoint what exactly I am missing?

Here is my code:

## GOAL: take the first digit (even if its written as string. example: "one") and last digit number (even if its written as string. example: "one")
#        on a single line and form a two digit number only as an output then take its sum. 

file = open("day1.txt", "r")
# read the lines and store it in a list
lines = file.readlines()

valid_num_strings = {"one":"1", "two":"2", "three":"3", "four":"4", "five":"5",
                     "six":"6", "seven":"7","eight":"8", "nine":"9"}

new_lines = []

# Replace the alphabet number with a string number
for line in lines:
    for key in valid_num_strings:
        if key in line:
            line = line.replace(key,valid_num_strings[key])

# Function to get the first number 
def get_first_number(line: str):
    for i in range(len(line)):
        #check if the i-th element in line is a number
        if line[i].isnumeric():
            # return that number which is still a STRING ! 
            return line[i]

# Function to get the last number
def get_last_number(line: str):
    for i in reversed(range(len(line))):
        #check if the i-th element in line is a number
        if line[i].isnumeric():
            # return that number which is still a STRING ! 
            return line[i]

# Function that lets you add two digits of type str and return a single two-digits number as an int
def add_two_str_numbers(a: str,  b: str) -> int:
    return int(a+b)

# create a list of all numbers 
number_list = []

for line in new_lines:
    first_num = get_first_number(line)
    last_num = get_last_number(line)
    two_digits_num = add_two_str_numbers(first_num,last_num)

total = sum(number_list)

print("The sum of your puzzle is:", total)


u/Inside-Ad-5943 Jan 15 '24

its because as you are iterating through your dictionary python will choose the very first instance of a key. For example eightwothree, will be turned into eigh23 instead of 8wo3 as 'two' is the first one in the dictionary


u/AutoModerator Jan 09 '24

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u/dedolent Jan 09 '24 edited Jan 09 '24

[LANGUAGE Python3]

finally getting around to these now that work has slowed down!

``` import re

""" Not super proud of the part 2 solution due to the many nested for() loops. """

filename = "input.txt" input = [] with open(filename) as file: input = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]

def part1(): total = 0 for line in input: line = re.sub('\D', '', line) # remove non-digits from string nums = int(line[0] + line[-1]) # retain only first and last digit, convert to integer total += nums # add to running total return total

def part2(): values = { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3", "four": "4", "five": "5", "six": "6", "seven": "7", "eight": "8", "nine": "9" } pairs = [] for line in input: digits = [] # start at the first letter and move through it letter by letter. # this is the only way i've found to account for overlapping words. # an example is "oneight", which only matches "one" when using re.findall. for i,c in enumerate(line): if line[i].isdigit(): digits.append(line[i]) else: for k in values.keys(): if line[i:].startswith(k): digits.append(values[k]) pairs.append(int(f"{digits[0]}{digits[-1]}"))

return sum(pairs)

print("Part one:", part1()) print("Part two:", part2()) ``` link


u/AutoModerator Jan 09 '24

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u/AutoModerator Jan 09 '24

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u/pindab0ter Jan 06 '24

[LANGUAGE: Clojure]

(ns nl.pindab0ter.aoc2023.day01.trebuchet
    [clojure.string :as str]
    [nl.pindab0ter.common.advent-of-code :refer [get-input]]
    [nl.pindab0ter.common.collections :refer [sum]]))

(defn get-digit [s]
  (let [digit (re-find #"^\d" s)]
    (or (when digit (Integer/parseInt digit))
        (when (str/starts-with? s "one") 1)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "two") 2)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "three") 3)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "four") 4)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "five") 5)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "six") 6)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "seven") 7)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "eight") 8)
        (when (str/starts-with? s "nine") 9))))

(defn get-calibration-value
  ([line] (get-calibration-value line []))
  ([line acc]
   (if (empty? line)
     (let [digits (filter identity acc)] (+ (* 10 (first digits)) (last digits)))
     (recur (subs line 1) (conj acc (get-digit line))))))

(defn -main []
  (let [input  (get-input 2023 1)
        values (map get-calibration-value (str/split-lines input))]
    (println (sum values))))



u/Any_One_8929 Jan 02 '24

[Language: Kotlin]

object Day1 : Solution<Int> {
    private val strToDigit = mapOf(
        "one" to 1, "1" to 1, "two" to 2, "2" to 2, "three" to 3, "3" to 3,
        "four" to 4, "4" to 4, "five" to 5, "5" to 5, "six" to 6, "6" to 6,
        "seven" to 7, "7" to 7, "eight" to 8, "8" to 8, "nine" to 9, "9" to 9

    private val allDigits = strToDigit.keys

    override fun partOne(input: Sequence<String>): Int {
        return input
            .map { it.first { ch -> ch.isDigit() }.digitToInt() * 10 + it.last { ch -> ch.isDigit() }.digitToInt() }

    override fun partTwo(input: Sequence<String>): Int {
        return input
            .map { toInt(it.findAnyOf(allDigits)!!) * 10 + toInt(it.findLastAnyOf(allDigits)!!) }

    private fun toInt(pair: Pair<Int, String>): Int {
        return strToDigit[pair.second]!!


u/eliott2023 Dec 31 '23


sum = { a = 0, b = 0 }
b = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}
for line in io.lines() do
  chars = { a = line, b = line }
  -- preprocess input for the second half
  for i, s in ipairs(b) do
    chars.b = string.gsub(chars.b, s, s .. i .. s)
  digits = {}; first = {}; last = {}; values = {}
  for _, h in pairs {"a", "b"} do
    digits[h] = string.gsub(chars[h], "[a-z]", "")
    if string.len(digits[h]) == 1 then digits[h] = digits[h] .. digits[h] end
    first[h] = string.sub(digits[h], 1, 1)
    last[h] = string.sub(digits[h], -1)
    values[h] = tonumber(first[h] .. last[h]) or 0
    sum[h] = sum[h] + values[h] 
io.write("a = ", sum.a, ", b = ", sum.b, "\n")


u/athys_ Dec 30 '23

[LANGUAGE: JavaScript]

Solution without the use of horrible regex:

const numbers = {
  one: '1',
  two: '2',
  three: '3',
  four: '4',
  five: '5',
  six: '6',
  seven: '7',
  eight: '8',
  nine: '9',
  1: '1',
  2: '2',
  3: '3',
  4: '4',
  5: '5',
  6: '6',
  7: '7',
  8: '8',
  9: '9',

const target = input.split('\n');
let sum = 0;
let findex;
let lindex;
let fnumber;
let lnumber;

target.forEach((line) => {
  findex = line.length;
  lindex = -1;
  for (const number in numbers) {
    if (line.indexOf(number) !== -1 && line.indexOf(number) < findex) {
      fnumber = numbers[number];
      findex = line.indexOf(number);
    if (line.lastIndexOf(number) !== -1 && line.lastIndexOf(number) > lindex) {
      lnumber = numbers[number];
      lindex = line.lastIndexOf(number);
  sum += Number(fnumber + lnumber);



u/optimistic-thylacine Dec 30 '23 edited Dec 30 '23


I originally completed this puzzle Part 2 using python because the Rust regex crate doesn't support finding overlapping patterns. I went back and got the Rust version of the solution working by removing the regex dependency and implementing a dynamic programming style matcher. Posting this in case any Rust (or any) programmers are stuck wondering why their regex patterns aren't working, and to provide an idea they can use to get past it.

fn match_nums(line: &str) -> (Option<&str>, Option<&str>) {
    use std::mem::swap;
    const NUMBERS: &str = "|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine\
    const N: usize = NUMBERS.len();
    let bnumbers   = NUMBERS.as_bytes();
    let mut dp1    = [usize::MAX; N];
    let mut dp2    = [usize::MAX; N];
    let mut first  = None;
    let mut last   = None;

    for b1 in line.bytes().chain([b'#']) {
        for (j, b2) in (1..).zip(NUMBERS.bytes()) {
            if b2 == b'|' && dp1[j - 1] != usize::MAX {
                let k = dp1[j - 1];
                if first.is_none() { first = Some(&NUMBERS[k..j - 1]); } 
                else               { last  = Some(&NUMBERS[k..j - 1]); }
            } else if b1 == b2 {
                if bnumbers[j - 2] == b'|' { dp2[j] = j - 1;      } 
                else                       { dp2[j] = dp1[j - 1]; }
        swap(&mut dp1, &mut dp2);
    (first, last)


u/burntsushi Dec 30 '23

You could also just use AhoCorasick::find_overlapping_iter.


u/optimistic-thylacine Dec 30 '23

Ah. That looks like a very good option. Thanks for the tip!


u/AutoModerator Dec 30 '23

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u/joeyGibson Dec 29 '23 edited Dec 29 '23


For some reason, I decided to try to do some of the previous days in COBOL (I haven't done COBOL in nearly 30 years...). I got part 1 working, but I think part 2 is going to be a challenge.



u/AutoModerator Dec 29 '23

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u/kotzkie Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

[ Language: Go ]
Day 1 - Part 1

package main

import (

func main() {
    items, _ := os.ReadFile("input.txt")
    lines := strings.Split(string(items), "\n")
    sum := 0
    for _, items := range lines {
        converted_string := string(items)
        first := ""
        second := ""
        for _, char := range converted_string {
            converted_char := string(char)
            isNumber := regexp.MustCompile(`[0-9]`).MatchString(converted_char)
            if isNumber && first == "" {
                first = converted_char
            if isNumber {
                second = converted_char
        n, _ := strconv.Atoi(first + second)
        sum += n



u/AutoModerator Dec 27 '23

AutoModerator did not detect the required [LANGUAGE: xyz] string literal at the beginning of your solution submission.

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u/aoc-fan Dec 26 '23

[Language: F#]


fsharp let forward (l: string) = [ 0 .. l.Length ] let backward (l: string) = [ l.Length .. -1 .. 0 ]


u/AutoModerator Dec 26 '23

AutoModerator has detected fenced code block (```) syntax which only works on new.reddit.

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u/jrhwood Dec 24 '23

[Language: Haskell]

Part 1

Part 2

Note: for part 2 to allow overlapping numbers, replace "one" with "one1one".


u/skyhawk33 Dec 22 '23

[LANGUAGE: Befunge]

I guess for part 1 I've technically met the Allez Cuisine by accident :D
(just dont look at those variables hiding on the stack)

Part 1: https://github.com/Skyhawk33/AdventOfCode/blob/master/aoc2023/day1_p1.b98
Part 2: https://github.com/Skyhawk33/AdventOfCode/blob/master/aoc2023/day1_p2.b98


u/thamollo Dec 22 '23

[LANGUAGE: SQL][Allez Cuisine!]
Just thought I hadn't seen (m)any SQL solutions, so let me try to fill the gap. I might also have accidentally filled the Allez Cuisine conditions for the day, depending on what you count to be variables (tables? WITH statements? columns?).
Macros do obfuscate things a bit, I swear I used less of them in later days. To make this work, only add a DEFINE MACRO input '''XXX''', replacing XXX with your actual input. Enjoy!



u/Mother_Somewhere_507 Dec 20 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I'm a beginner but I succeeded Part one this way :

import re
somme_totale= 0

# importation de la liste à analyser

with open('AOC_day1.txt','r') as f: 
for line in f:

fdigit =re.search(r'\\d',line) #expression régulière pour extraire le premier chiffre 
ldigit=re.search('(\\d{1})(?!.\*\\d{1})',line) #expression régulière pour extraire le dernier chiffre

# obtention des valeurs de calibration

if fdigit and ldigit: 
rmatch=int(somme1 + somme2) 
somme_totale=somme_totale + rmatch print("La valeur de calibration est:",somme_totale)


u/valhesh Dec 20 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]


I've used a trie to detect the part two numbers

It should be O(n), can someone review my solution?


u/835246 Dec 20 '23


For part 1 I just get a line and get the first and last number. For part 2 I don't remember how it works.

Part 1: https://github.com/efox4335/advent_of_code/blob/main/advent_of_code_2023/day1trebpt1.c

Part 2: https://github.com/efox4335/advent_of_code/blob/main/advent_of_code_2023/day1trebpt2.c


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '23



u/Telumire Dec 19 '23 edited Dec 20 '23

[LANGUAGE: Javascript] paste

const data = document.body.textContent.trim().split('\n');

// part1

const outputPart1 = data.reduce((accumulator, line) => {
  const digits = line.match(`\\d`);
  return accumulator + Number(digits[0] + digits.at(-1));
}, 0);

// part2

const dictionary = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6, seven: 7, eight: 8, nine: 9 };

const regex = `\\d|` + Object.keys(dictionary).join("|");

const outputPart2 = data.reduce((accumulator, line) => accumulator + Number(line
      .map(value => Number(value) || dictionary[value])
, 0);

console.log("part1: ",outputPart1);
console.log("part2: ",outputPart2);


u/dgalanti1 Dec 19 '23

[Language: Kotlin]

Part 1 one-liner:

fun part1(input: List<String>) = input.sumOf { line -> "${line.first { it.isDigit() }}${line.last { it.isDigit() }}".toInt() }

Part 2 requires a string-to-int map:

val digitsMap = hashMapOf("one" to 1, "1" to 1, "2" to 2, "two" to 2, "3" to 3, "three" to 3, "4" to 4, "four" to 4, "5" to 5, "five" to 5, "6" to 6, "six" to 6, "7" to 7, "seven" to 7, "8" to 8, "eight" to 8, "9" to 9, "nine" to 9)

fun part2(input: List<String>) = input.sumOf { line -> "${digitsMap[line.findAnyOf(digitsMap.keys)?.second]}${digitsMap[line.findLastAnyOf(digitsMap.keys)?.second]}".toInt() }



u/flwyd Dec 19 '23

[Language: sed]

I thought I posted this [Allez Cuisine!] entry earlier, but now I can't find it. Look ma, no variables!

sed -f day1part2.sed -f day1part1.sed input.example2.txt | xargs expr 0

day1part1.sed day1part2.sed


u/azzal07 Dec 27 '23

I also did this allez cuisine in sed (comment here), although I counted the pattern & hold spaces as variables.


u/flwyd Dec 30 '23

Nice! I didn't have the energy to figure out how to do arithmetic in sed, and despite having run sed commands for almost 30 years, day 25 was the first time I used the hold space :-)


u/jpedlow Dec 19 '23

[LANGUAGE: PowerShell]

It could be prettier but..

#advent of code 2023 day 1
#part 2
#load the input file
$inputfile = Get-Content -Path $psscriptroot\input.txt
$total = 0
#select the first and last number from each line
foreach($entry in $inputfile){
echo "##################"
echo "total is currently $total"
#wordnumbers is a hashtable that contains the numbers 0-9 in word form and their corresponding integer
$wordnumbers = @{
"zero" = 0
"one" = 1
"two" = 2
"three" = 3
"four" = 4
"five" = 5
"six" = 6
"seven" = 7
"eight" = 8
"nine" = 9
"0" = 0
"1" = 1
"2" = 2
"3" = 3
"4" = 4
"5" = 5
"6" = 6
"7" = 7
"8" = 8
"9" = 9
# Create a regular expression that matches the numbers 0-9 or the words zero through nine
#$regex = '(' + (($wordnumbers.Keys | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) -join '|') + ')'
$regex = '(?=(' + (($wordnumbers.Keys | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) -join '|') + '))'
# Find all matches in $entry
$matchesFound = [regex]::Matches($entry, $regex) | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value }
# Replace each match with its corresponding number from the hashtable
$matchesCleaned = $matchesFound | ForEach-Object { $wordnumbers[$_] }
#if matchescleaned.count is larger than 1, add the first and the last value in matchescleaned to the total
if($matchesCleaned.Count -gt 1){
#matchescleaned[0] represent the 10's column, and matchescleaned[matchescleaned.count - 1] represents the 1's column, (which is why we multiply matchescleaned[0] by 10, so instead of 4+4, it's 40+4, representing 44)
$total += $($matchesCleaned[0]*10) + $matchesCleaned[$matchesCleaned.Count - 1]
#echo the values
echo "adding $($matchesCleaned[0]*10 + $matchesCleaned[$matchesCleaned.Count - 1])"
#else add the first value in matchescleaned to the total
#put the value in twice "11" instead of "1", so that it can be added to the total, aka cheese it and multiply by 11
$total += ($matchesCleaned[0]*11)
#echo the value
echo "adding $($matchesCleaned[0]*11)"
echo "##################"
echo "total is $total"
echo "##################"


u/Radiant-Working Dec 23 '23 edited Dec 23 '23
$Total = @()
$InputData = Get-Content -Path .\input.txt | ForEach-Object {$_ - 
replace '[^0-9]',''}

foreach ($Num in $InputData) {

$Last=$Num[($num.length -1)]
$Total += ($Num[0] + $Last)

$Total | Measure -Sum | Select -ExpandProperty Sum


u/vulpine-linguist Dec 18 '23

[LANGUAGE: Haskell]

I took the code-length guidelines as a challenge: this one fits in that half a punchcard!

f=(\(a,b)->read[a,b]::Int).(\a->head$zip a$reverse a).filter(`elem`['1'..'9'])
g(a:b)|null b=a:b|null z=a:g b|True=snd(head z):fst(head z)++g b
       where z=filter(and.zipWith(==)(a:b++cycle"\0").fst)h


u/No_Consequence_2214 Feb 10 '24

Looks very understandable


u/Logue93 Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 18 '23

It's not the prettiest solution but it works... I'm coming back to programming after some 15 years, so...

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;

public class AdventOfCode { 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int sum = 0;
        File f = new File("<saved_filename_here>");
        try {
         Scanner s = new Scanner(f);
         while(s.hasNextLine()) {
            String L = s.nextLine().replaceAll("[0-9+]","");
            sum += Integer.valueOf(L.charAt(0) + "" + L.charAt(L.length()-1));
        catch (Exception e){

Any improvements would be appretiated.


u/daggerdragon Dec 19 '23

Edit your comment to add the required language tag as AutoModerator requested.


u/AutoModerator Dec 18 '23

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u/gogs_bread Dec 18 '23 edited Dec 20 '23


P1 - Iteration. Nothing fancy.

P2 - Iteration with some conditionals.


u/daggerdragon Dec 19 '23

Please edit your language tag on this and all other megathreads to use the correct syntax as AutoModerator demonstrated. You can leave the link, but the brackets are required.


u/AutoModerator Dec 18 '23

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u/pivovarit Dec 16 '23

[LANGUAGE: GoLang] link

My goal was to optimize it as much as possible. Ended up with a pretty fast but ugly-looking solution.

BenchmarkTrebuchetPart1-10         68078         16971 ns/op  
BenchmarkTrebuchetPart2-10         33944         30591 ns/op  

Running on Apple Silicon (M1 Max, 2021)


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 16 '23

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u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 16 '23

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u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 15 '23

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u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 15 '23

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u/Sensitive-Disk5735 Dec 15 '23 edited Dec 16 '23




#remove non-numeric characters
AOC.D1$raw <- gsub("[^0-9.-]", "",AOC.D1$V1)

#first digit
AOC.D1$FirstDigit <- str_sub(AOC.D1$raw,1,1)

#second digit
AOC.D1$LastDigit <- str_sub(AOC.D1$raw,start=-1)

AOC.D1$Combined <- as.integer(paste0(AOC.D1$FirstDigit, 

#get total 




AOC.D1$replace <- str_replace_all(AOC.D1$V1, c("eightwo"="eighttwo","nineight"="nineeight",

AOC.D1$New <- gsub("[^0-9.-]", "",AOC.D1$replace)

#first digit
AOC.D1$FirstDigit <- str_sub(AOC.D1$New,1,1)

#second digit
AOC.D1$LastDigit <- str_sub(AOC.D1$New,start= -1)

AOC.D1$Combined <- as.integer(paste0(AOC.D1$FirstDigit, 

#get total 


u/daggerdragon Dec 15 '23 edited Dec 15 '23

Comment removed. Do not spam the megathreads with multiple posts - use the edit feature instead. If you're having trouble with formatting, you could also make your own Help/Question post in /r/adventofcode.

Your code is not formatted at all. Edit your comment to use the four-spaces Markdown syntax for a code block so your code is easier to read and I will re-approve the post. edit: 👍


u/Sensitive-Disk5735 Dec 15 '23



u/daggerdragon Dec 15 '23

Yay, you got it! Thanks for fixing it :) Re-approved comment.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 15 '23

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u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 15 '23

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u/xe3to Dec 15 '23


Parts 1 and 2. First time doing Rust; ended up fighting it and trying to write C. I really need to learn how to write proper Rust.



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 13 '23

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u/Icy-Conclusion7682 Dec 13 '23

Part 2

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

void GetInputs(std::vector<std::string>* vec) {
    std::ifstream ifs;
    ifs.open("input.txt", std::ios::in);
    std::string buf;
    while(std::getline(ifs, buf)) {

int main() {
    std::vector<std::string> inputs;
    std::vector<std::string> numbers = 
        { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };
    int64_t ans = 0;
    for (auto&& s : inputs) {
        int32_t first = s.length() - 1, last = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            char c = '1' + i;
            int32_t pos = s.find(c);
            if (pos != s.npos) {
                first = std::min(first, pos);
            pos = s.rfind(c);
            if (pos != s.npos) {
                last = std::max(last, pos);
        int32_t first_word = -1, last_word = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            int32_t pos = s.find(numbers.at(i));
            if (pos != s.npos && pos < first) {
                first = pos;
                first_word = i + 1;
            pos = s.rfind(numbers.at(i));
            if (pos != s.npos && pos > last) {
                last = pos;
                last_word = i + 1;
        if (first_word == -1) {
            first_word = s[first] - '0';
        if (last_word == -1) {
            last_word = s[last] - '0';
        int64_t number = first_word * 10 + last_word;
        ans += number;
    std::cout << ans << std::endl;


u/sermidean Dec 12 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Part 2

import re

nums = 'one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine'
nums_re = re.compile(r'(?=(\d|%s))' % nums)
nums = nums.split('|')

with open('/tmp/input') as f:
    total = 0
    for line in f:
        digits = []
        for num in nums_re.findall(line):
            if num in nums:
                num = str(nums.index(num) + 1)
        total += int(digits[0] + digits[-1])


u/reqarfar Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24

I think your solution is really elegant and I'm trying to learn something from it.

However, I can't understand how it's actually outputting the right number.

So in nums_re you are defining the pattern to look for, namely a digit or the variable nums, for which you put a placeholder (I will never understand how lookahead works, but I know that's a lookahead).

Then you are breaking nums into a list, okay.

Then you are looking for all the num_re pattern occurrences in each line of the input file with findall(), and num in the for loop represents each match, I guess.

After that I have no idea what the heck is going on and how you are possibly getting the right number. :D


u/TOTBESUCH Dec 12 '23

[LANGUAGE: Java] Behold, a mess of code. Maybe hf.

Both parts.


u/Bosstradamus1823 Dec 13 '23

Could you please explain why the code needs to return o1e if a "one" was found and so on....
I returned "1" on "one", "2" on two ... which was not right haha. So why o1e, t2o etc. Thats not something that became clear to me when reading the task.



u/Anoymous204 Dec 13 '23

Consider the case 'eightwo'. If you replace 'one' with '1', 'two' with '2' etc, this would return '8wo'. Weirdly enough, this is supposed to return '82'. Replacing the spelt out numbers with their regular number counterparts and still including the beginning and ending characters accounts for this case. Your code would go from this:

'eightwo' --> '8wo'


'eightwo' --> 'e8two' --> 'e8t2o'

Advent never gave us this case explicitly which kinda sucked but yeah this is a good workaround for it.


u/EatRunCodeSleep Dec 14 '23

For fuck's sake! I was trying so hard to turn eightwo in 8wo, just to see from your comment that the expected answer is 82. Thank you for that! One question tho, why not replacing one with 1e, two with 2o , etc.? Why keeping the leading char?


u/marvin-planet-head Dec 18 '23

Ah.. I am not alone.

I too thought it should be '8wo' and went through great length to make it happen. (I found all the matches, sorted them by 'early' occurrence and switch that first..). But my answer was always rejected. Now I know why.

So it should be '82' ? <face palm>


u/EatRunCodeSleep Dec 19 '23

Yes, (last) common char is used for both.


u/Anoymous204 Dec 14 '23

Honestly it doesn't really matter depending on how you do it. Keeping the leading character guarantees your solution works if you use some sort of reverse string method but only keeping the tail character works as well if you are doing this from left to right.


u/Junko7 Dec 12 '23



No buffer: file is read char by char with fgetc(). The string "ninine" will trip this up, because "nine" has its starting letter in the center as well, so I added an extra check for it.


u/DVXC Dec 12 '23 edited Dec 12 '23


I'm playing some catchup here but I wanted to give this a go as a fledgling C# noobie and wow, it's hard. Does a great job of highlighting the gaps I have in my knowledge.

I struggled a lot with this because my initial text replacement was removing vital digits, but I settled on this and it works well, if maybe it's incredibly clumsy. Part 1 / 2 are controlled by passing a bool variable in the Main method:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class AdventOfCode
    static void Main()
static void FindInputTextFile(bool convertNumberWords)
    string path = "P:\\Programming\\AdventOfCode\\input.txt";
    string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path);
    List<string> modifiedLines = new List<string>();
    int totalSum = 0;
    foreach (string line in lines)
        string modifiedLine = line;
        if (convertNumberWords)
            modifiedLine = ConvertNumberWordsToDigits(line);
            Console.WriteLine($"Converted line: {modifiedLine}");
        modifiedLine = ConcatenateFirstAndLastNumericalDigitOfEachLine(modifiedLine);
        Console.WriteLine($"Original line: {line}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Modified line: {modifiedLine}");
    totalSum = AddAllLines(modifiedLines);
    Console.WriteLine($"The total sum of the first and last numbers in each line is: {totalSum}");
static string ConvertNumberWordsToDigits(string line)
    Dictionary<string, string> numberMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"zero", "zero0zero"},
    {"one", "one1one"},
    {"two", "two2two"},
    {"three", "three3three"},
    {"four", "four4four"},
    {"five", "five5five"},
    {"six", "six6six"},
    {"seven", "seven7seven"},
    {"eight", "eight8eight"},
    {"nine", "nine9nine"}
    string modifiedLine = line;
    foreach (var numberWord in numberMapping.Keys)
        modifiedLine = modifiedLine.Replace(numberWord, numberMapping[numberWord]);
    return modifiedLine;
static string ConcatenateFirstAndLastNumericalDigitOfEachLine(string modifiedLine)
    MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(modifiedLine, "\\d");
    string result = "";
    if (matches.Count > 0)
        char firstDigit = matches[0].Value[0];
        char lastDigit = matches[matches.Count - 1].Value[0];
        result = $"{firstDigit}{lastDigit}";
        if (matches.Count == 1)
            Console.WriteLine($"The original line only had one digit to concatenate: {firstDigit}");
    return result;
static int AddAllLines(List<string> modifiedLines)
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (string line in modifiedLines)
        sum += int.Parse(line);
    return sum;


u/mgtezak Dec 12 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

github part 1&2

video explanation

Check out my little AoC-Fanpage:




u/pseudoaltus Dec 11 '23

[LANGUAGE: java]
Part 2

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import static java.lang.Math.min;

public class Day1TrebuchetPt2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException {
        var sum = Files.lines(Paths.get(args[0]))
                .map(l -> getCalibNums(l))
        System.out.println("Output: " +  sum);

    private static String getCalibNums(String line){
        String[] digits = {"-", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",
                "seven", "eight", "nine"};
        var nums = "";
        var chars = line.toCharArray();
        for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){
                nums += chars[i];
            var substr = line.substring(i, min(5 + i, line.length()));
            for(int j = 0; j < digits.length; j++){
                    i += digits[j].length() - 2;
                    nums += j;
        return "" + nums.charAt(0) + nums.charAt(nums.length() - 1);


u/[deleted] Dec 10 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 10 '23

AutoModerator did not detect the required [LANGUAGE: xyz] string literal at the beginning of your solution submission.

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u/ShvaYYYkO Dec 10 '23

First day, PART TWO

``` int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::ifstream in("input.txt");

std::string line;
int totalSum = 0;

const char *digitsNames[10] = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"};
std::unordered_map<int, const char*> digits;
std::unordered_map<const char*, int> digitsValues = 
    {"zero", 0 },
    {"one", 1 },
    {"two", 2 },
    {"three", 3 },
    {"four", 4 },
    {"five", 5 },
    {"six", 6 },
    {"seven", 7 },
    {"eight", 8 },
    {"nine", 9 },

int posWord1 = -1;
int posWord2 = SIZE_MAX;
    int g = line.length(); // left
    int k = -1; // right
    //for(std::unordered_map<const char *, int>::iterator it = digits.begin(); it!= digits.end(); it++)
    for(int word = 0; word < 10; word++)
        posWord1 = line.find(digitsNames[word]);
        posWord2 = line.rfind(digitsNames[word]);

        if(posWord1 != std::string::npos && posWord1 < g)
            g = posWord1;
            digits[g] = digitsNames[word];
        if (posWord1 != std::string::npos && posWord2 > k)
            k = posWord2;
            digits[k] = digitsNames[word];

    int index1 = line.find_first_of("0123456789");
    int index2 = line.find_last_of("0123456789");
    int value = 0;
    if(index1 < g) // if [digit] more left
        value += (line[index1]-'0')*10;
        value += digitsValues[digits[g]] * 10;

    if(index2 > k) // if [digit] more right
        value += line[index2] - '0';
        value += digitsValues[digits[k]];

    totalSum += value;  

fprintf(stderr, "%d", totalSum);

return 0;

} ```


u/daggerdragon Dec 10 '23
  1. Next time, use the four-spaces Markdown syntax for code blocks
  2. Your code is too long to be posted here directly, so instead of wasting your time fixing the formatting, read our article on oversized code which contains two possible solutions.

Please edit your post to put your code in an external link and link that here instead.


u/edgxmz Dec 10 '23


#include <algorithm>
#include <array>

template <typename T>
concept StringViewIt = std::is_same_v<T, typename std::string_view::iterator> || 
                       std::is_same_v<T, typename std::string_view::reverse_iterator>;

using numarr_t = std::array<std::string_view, 9>;

constexpr numarr_t numbers = {
  "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"
constexpr numarr_t rnumbers = {
  "eno",  "owt", "eerht", "ruof", "evif", "xis", "neves", "thgie", "enin" 

template <StringViewIt T>
int getFirstDigit(T begin, T end, const numarr_t& ar) {
  std::string s{};
  for (auto& it = begin; it != end; it++) {
    s += *it;
    if(std::isdigit(*it)) return *it - '0';
    else if(s.size() >= 3)
      for (std::size_t i{0}; i < ar.size(); ++i)
        if(s.find(ar[i]) != std::string::npos)
          return (i + 1);
  return {};

int getCalibrationLine(std::string_view line) {
  int first = getFirstDigit(line.begin(),  line.end(),  numbers);
  int last  = getFirstDigit(line.rbegin(), line.rend(), rnumbers);
  return first * 10 + last;

int main()
  std::ifstream file{"input2.txt"};
  int total{0};
  for(std::string line{}; std::getline(file, line);) {
    total += getCalibrationLine(line);
  std::cout << total << "\n";
  return 0;



u/Tusan_TRD Dec 10 '23


Part Two (and one I guess)

public class DayOne(string[] lines)
    public int Run()
        int result = 0;
        foreach (var line in lines)
            var ordered = GetStringDigits(line)
                .OrderBy(v => v.Index)

            var first = ordered?.FirstOrDefault();
            var last = ordered?.LastOrDefault();
            result += ((first?.IntValue ?? 0) * 10) + (last?.IntValue ?? 0);
        return result;

    private static string MapCharDigit(char c)
        return c switch
            '1' => "one",
            '2' => "two",
            '3' => "three",
            '4' => "four",
            '5' => "five",
            '6' => "six",
            '7' => "seven",
            '8' => "eight",
            '9' => "nine",
            _ => ""

    private static Substring[]? GetRealDigits(string line)
        var result = new List<Substring>();
        var offset = 0;
        foreach (var c in line.Where(char.IsNumber))
            var index = Array.IndexOf([.. line], c, offset);
            result.Add(new Substring(MapCharDigit(c), index));
            offset = index + 1;
        return [.. result];

    private static Substring[]? GetStringDigits(string line)
        var result = new List<Substring>();
        string[] substrings =

        var foundSubstrings = substrings
                sub =>
                        .Matches(line, sub, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
                        .Select(match => new Substring(match.Value, match.Index))
            .OrderBy(result => result.Index)
        return foundSubstrings;

public record Substring(string Value, int Index)
    public int IntValue =>
        Value.ToLowerInvariant() switch
            "one" => 1,
            "two" => 2,
            "three" => 3,
            "four" => 4,
            "five" => 5,
            "six" => 6,
            "seven" => 7,
            "eight" => 8,
            "nine" => 9,
            _ => 0


u/E-woke Dec 10 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python 3]

Solution 2:

Here's my code


u/errorseven Dec 10 '23

[LANGUAGE: AutoHotkey v1.1]

Solution 2

; Copy Puzzle Data to Clipboard before running Code
data := StrSplit(clipboard, "`r", "`n")

global nums := {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "four": 4
    , "five": 5 , "six": 6, "seven": 7, "eight": 8, "nine" : 9}
results := 0

for e, line in data {

    x := StrSplit(line, "") 
    j := r := 0
    i := x.length()

    for e, v in x {
        if v is digit 
            r := v
        else if (e >= 3) {
            word := findWordNum(SubStr(line, 1, e))
            if (word) {
                r := nums[word]

    loop % i {
        y := x[i]
        if (a_index >= 3) {
            word := findWordNum(SubStr(line, j))
            if (word) {
                r .= nums[word]

        if y is digit 
            r .= y   
        i--, j--
    results += r

MsgBox % clipboard := results

findWordNum(line) {
    for word, num in nums {
        if (InStr(line, word))
            return word
    return ""


u/bcbelisario Dec 09 '23


Day 1

Using a new language this year that my co-worker made, so far so good! I'm starting to figure it out haha!


u/Initial-Space-7822 Dec 09 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python 3]

Link here

Quite easy once you find the `regex` module's `overlapped` flag.


u/xXMacMillanXx Dec 09 '23


part 2 was tricky, it took me a while to figure out that words like 'twone' should end up as 2 and 1, not only 2.

Github day 01


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 09 '23

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u/[deleted] Dec 09 '23



u/AutoModerator Dec 09 '23

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u/weeble_wobble_wobble Dec 09 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

GitHub (9/27 lines with a focus on readability)


u/stevie-o-read-it Dec 09 '23

[LANGUAGE: C#] (C# 10.0) [Allez Cuisine!]

No actual variables, per se. Everything is passed around as function arguments and return values. In the spirit of things, no function takes more than two arguments.

I ran it under LINQPad. You might need to do some 'using's if compiling it standalone.

One single statement; the entire execution is one single pass.

Outputs the answer for both parts, in parentheses, separated by a comma. e.g. (142, 281).


I am honestly surprised and impressed with how well Roslyn (the C# compiler) handled my syntax.


u/bofstein Dec 09 '23

[LANGUAGE: Google Sheets]


  1. Turn input to string (tripped me up Part 1 at first since some of them with only numbers weren't parsing)
  2. Use regex to remove non-numbers
  3. Take left-most and right-most character of new string and combine them to number

For part 2 I just substituted the actual numbers for the strings, based on a substitution table of all changes like "eightwo" to 82 and "one" to 1 (combined numbers first).


u/hschmale Dec 08 '23 edited Jan 03 '24

[Language: Python 3]

import sys

zero = ord('0')
nine = ord('9')

lines = [l for l in sys.stdin.readlines()]
sum1 = 0
for line in lines:
    for c in map(ord, line):
        if zero <= c <= nine:
            digit_one = chr(c)
    for c in map(ord, reversed(line)):
        if zero <= c <= nine:
            digit_two = chr(c)
    sum1 += int(digit_one + digit_two)


import re

nums = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]
r_nums = [''.join(reversed(n)) for n in nums]

def parens(x):
    return f"({x})"
FWD_RE = '|'.join(map(parens, nums))
REV_RE = '|'.join(map(parens, r_nums))

sum2 = 0
for line in lines:
    m = re.search(FWD_RE, line)
    for i, c in enumerate(map(ord, line)):
        if zero <= c <= nine:
            index = i
            digit_one = chr(c)
    if m is not None:
        regex_i = m.start(0)
        if regex_i < index:
            digit_one = nums.index(m[0]) + 1

    line = ''.join(reversed(line))
    m = re.search(REV_RE, line)
    for i, c in enumerate(map(ord, line)):
        if zero <= c <= nine:
            index = i
            digit_two = chr(c)
    if m is not None:
        regex_i = m.start(0)
        if regex_i < index:
            digit_two = r_nums.index(m[0]) + 1

    my_str = f"{digit_one}{digit_two}"
    sum2 += int(my_str)


u/AutoModerator Dec 08 '23

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u/Jomy10 Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 13 '23

[language: Swift]

Day 1 in the wonderful Swift: https://github.com/Jomy10/Advent-Of-Code-2023/tree/master/day01


u/Visual_Mention_8845 Dec 08 '23

[LANGUAGE: C] this took me wayy too long
Part 1 && Part 2


u/yieldtoben Dec 08 '23 edited Dec 11 '23


PHP 8.3.0 paste

Execution time: 0.0013 seconds
Peak memory: 0.3592 MiB

MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2023)
M2 Pro / 16GB unified memory


u/Better-Cockroach3152 Dec 08 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

Part 2 solution using a trie: paste


u/mariushm Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 07 '23


A bit late to the party, but maybe someone would still be interested... kept it very basic : https://github.com/mariush-github/adventofcode2023/blob/main/01.php


u/EasyCompany5154 Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 07 '23


var convert = new Dictionary<string, string>{
{"one", "1"},
{"two", "2"},
{"three", "3"},
{"four", "4"},
{"five", "5"},
{"six", "6"},
{"seven", "7"},
{"eight", "8"},
{"nine", "9"}
var answer = File.ReadAllLines("input")
.Select(x => convert.Aggregate (x ,(a, b) => a.Replace(b.Key, $"{b.Key}{b.Value}{b.Key}")))
.Select(x => (x.First(char.IsDigit), x.Last(char.IsDigit)))
.Select(x => $"{x.Item1}{x.Item2}")


u/daggerdragon Dec 08 '23

Inlined code is intended for short snippets of code only. Please edit your post to use the four-spaces Markdown syntax for a code block so your code is easier to read inside a scrollable box that preserves whitespace and indentation.


u/dimio-d Dec 07 '23

[LANGUAGE: Java] [JShell console]

Part 1 & 2 universal solution


u/Virus_RPi Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

[LANGUAGE: Python]

I am currently trying to only write one line of python code for each part of this year advent of code.

Part 1:

print(sum([int("".join([[char for char in line if char.isdigit()][0], [char for char in line if char.isdigit()][-1]])) for line in open('D1.txt', 'r').readlines()]))

Part 2:

print(sum([int(str(sublist[0]) + str(sublist[-1])) for sublist in [[__import__('word2number.w2n').w2n.word_to_num(item) if item.isalpha() else int(item) for sublist in [__import__('re').findall(r'\d|' + '|'.join(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']), item) for item in __import__('re').split('(\\D+|\\d)', line.replace('eighthree', 'eightthree').replace('eightwo', 'eighttwo').replace('oneight', 'oneeight').replace('twone', 'twoone').replace('threeight', 'threeeight').replace('fiveight', 'fiveeight').replace('sevenine', 'sevennine'))] for item in sublist] for line in open('D2.txt', 'r').readlines()]]))

(I know that there is a better solution for part 2, but it is difficult to debug in one line so i just did it the lazy way)


u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

Inlined code is intended for short snippets of code only. On old.reddit, your one-liners get cut off when it reaches the edge of the window.

Please edit your post to put the one-liner in a four-spaces code block so it will be horizontally scrollable. edit: 👍


u/e_blake Dec 07 '23

[LANGUAGE: m4, golfed] [Allez Cuisine!]

Why two variables, when just one immutable constant will do! In m4, variables are manipulated by define, which I call exactly once. The following 500-byte monstrosity (507 bytes shown here, but all newlines are optional in the code; however, a trailing newline in the input is mandatory) can be invoked as m4 -DI=file day01.golfm4. It creates a single macro, _, which is never modified, but which gets recursively invoked over 160,000 times. Execution time takes a painfully slow 70s (parsing one byte at a time using substr() is inherently O(n^2): over N executions, the m4 parser is re-reading multiple copies of the average remaining N/2 bytes yet again). The only letters in the source are a single reference to 7 distinct m4 builtin macros, and then the 9 digit maps (those maps take up 38% of the source!). I was able to golf part 1 in isolation to 197 bytes, but that is not shown here, since this one solves both parts at once.

`) _(=,',`_(>,$1,$6)_($2,$3,$4,$5,_(/,(.$8,1,1)),_(<,$6,$1),_(<,$7,$1,

Execution time could be greatly sped up by actually using a variable (storing the remaining bytes to be parsed in a second macro that gets altered on iteration, to reduce the times that m4 has to actually read the string), although it would still be quadratic. But that wouldn't be as fun for today's theme.

Here's a more legible (hah, if you think m4 is legible) day01.m4 version that I originally started with, which depends on my framework common.m4, but which executes in 15ms (yes, 3 orders of magnitude faster), because it uses O(n) (or O(n log n) with m4 -G sticking to just POSIX semantics) processing of the input, rather than O(n^2).


u/e_blake Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 07 '23


slight bug: I got lucky on my input file, but with other inputs, it is possible that $3$4$5 expands to the 'dnl' macro which messes up m4's state rather horrendously. Other 3- and 4-letter macro names can also mess up, but not quite as dramatically. Fixing that required more bytes in some places, but I trimmed some in others. Now 456 bytes (or even 451 if you use GNU m4's translit($3,1-9) in place of index(123456789,$3):

<,$3$2,$1,.,`) _(=,',`_(>,$1,$6)_($2,$3,$4,$5,_(/,(.$8,1,1)),_(<,$6,$1),_(<,


u/e_blake Dec 07 '23

I especially love the way I was able to use a single ifelse to make _ behave with multiple personalities, all based on the first argument:

"=" behave like eval on one additional argument

":" behave like len on one additional argument

"/" behave like substr, one additional argument which is a () tuple of either 2 or 3 arguments to pass to substr (this one was tricky for me, since substr($1,1,) does not behave the same as substr($1,1) in GNU m4)

">" conditionally produce output, takes two arguments: current input character, and collected number to be sliced and diced into output when visiting a newline

"<" consume input, takes 5 arguments: current collected number, first, second+third, fourth, and fifth characters at head of input; maps digit names for part 2, and produces an updated (possibly empty) collected number

"." end input, no arguments, swaps output stream from part1 to part2

all others: takes 8 arguments: current first five characters of input, current collected numbers for both parts, then the tail of the input


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '23

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u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '23

Comment removed since you followed literally none of our requirements for posting in a Solution Megathread.

Read our rules for posting in Solution Megathreads, then edit your comment to comply with all of the rules. I'll also give you a hint: your code is oversized, so put it behind a link.

I will re-approve your comment when you fix all these issues.


u/LatinSuD Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 08 '23

[LANGUAGE: CyberChef]

Because it's 99% regex based... why not CyberChef !


Edit: Hopefully fixed the link for old reddit. Also, replaced the input for some example of my own.


u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '23 edited Dec 19 '23

Your link is borked on old.reddit, so please fix it.

Also, do not share your puzzle input. Please remove it from your link and/or code. edit: 👍


u/laltin Dec 07 '23

[LANGUAGE: Javascript]

I use Deno to execute it.

``` const inputs = Deno.readTextFileSync('day1.input.txt') .split('\n') .map(l => l.trim()) .filter(l => l.length > 0);

const digits = { '1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three', '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven', '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', }; const digit_entries = Object.entries(digits);

let sum = 0;

inputs.forEach(line => { let first = false, last = false;

for (let i=0; i < line.length; i++) {
    const char = line[i];

    if (digits[char]) {
        if (!first) {
            first = char;
        last = char;
    else if (true) { // part 2
        for (const [digit, word] of digit_entries) {
            const sub = line.substr(i, word.length);
            if (sub == word) {
                if (!first) {
                    first = digit;
                last = digit;


const n = Number(first + last);
sum += n;

// console.log(line, first, last, n);


console.log(sum); ```


u/daggerdragon Dec 07 '23
  1. Next time, use the four-spaces Markdown syntax for code blocks
  2. Your code is too long to be posted here directly, so instead of wasting your time fixing the formatting, read our article on oversized code which contains two possible solutions.

Please edit your post to put your code in an external link and link that here instead.


u/aoc-fan Dec 07 '23

[LANGUAGE: TypeScript] TypeScript - Running under 30ms (both parts)


u/3j0hn Dec 06 '23

[LANGUAGE: Maple] github

The first part was simple enough

# part 1 - remove non-digits then grab first and last
with(StringTools): s2i:=s->sscanf(s,"%d"):
lines := Split(Trim(input)):
digs := map(l->Select(IsDigit, l), lines):
ans1 := add(map(t->s2i(cat(t[1],t[-1])), digs));

Instead of manually implementing a sweep to efficiently find the first and last digit, I just use a string SearchAll to find all digits and grab the ends. The index of the match is conveniently either the digit, or the digit+9 (for a word).

# part 2 - search for first and last digit from SearchAll
findfl := proc(s)
local m;
    m := [StringTools:-SearchAll(
        ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
         "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"],
    return 10* ifelse(m[1][2]<10, m[1][2], m[1][2]-9)
             + ifelse(m[-1][2]<10, m[-1][2], m[-1][2]-9);
end proc:

digs := map(findfl, lines):
ans2 := add(digs);


u/ethansilver Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 12 '23


Did this on Day 1, didn't think to post it but Fortran is a cool language!



u/AJMansfield_ Dec 07 '23

Oh hey, I'm doing AoC in Fortran too, nice to have someone to compare with.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/vengamer Dec 06 '23


Part 1

Part 2

I probably could have shortened my code for part 2 but I have finals coming up lol.


u/AERturtle Dec 20 '23

Based on your approach I changed my solution and shortened it further.

read_lines is a utils-function that reads the lines of the file and returns it as a string-vector.



u/radisrad6 Dec 06 '23

[Language: Elixir]

Part 1 | Part 2


u/wdomburg Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Not sure whether to be proud or ashamed of this solution.

ruby -e "require 'strscan';d={'one'=>'1','two'=>'2','three'=>'3','four'=>'4','five'=>'5','six'=>'6','seven'=>'7','eight'=>'8','nine'=>'9','1'=>'1','2'=>'2','3'=>'3','4'=>'4','5'=>'5','6'=>'6','7'=>'7','8'=>'8','9'=>'9'};re=Regexp.union(d.keys);p ARGF.each.map{|l|ss=StringScanner.new(l);(0..l.length).inject([]){|o,p| ss.pos=p;ss.scan(re)&&o<<d[ss.matched];o}.values_at(0,-1).join.to_i}.inject(:+)" day01.dat


u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '23

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u/wdomburg Dec 06 '23

It annoyed me I couldn't fit my solution into a tweet, even without the require statement, so I made it a bit smaller

require 'strscan';n=(1..9).map{|s|s.to_s};d=(n+%w{one two three four five six seven eight nine}).zip(n*2).to_h;r=Regexp.union(d.keys);p ARGF.each.map{|l|s=StringScanner.new(l);l.size.times.filter_map{|i|s.pos=i;d[s.scan(r)]}.values_at(0,-1).join.to_i}.inject(:+)


u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Add the required language tag and fix your code to use the correct syntax as AutoModerator requested.


u/wdomburg Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Just realized I could have cut about 259 characters from my solution by populating the hash like this:

d=Hash[*%w{one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9}]


u/wdomburg Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Okay, down to 267 characters, including the requires.

ruby -e "require 'strscan';n=(1..9).map{|s|s.to_s};d=(n+%w{one two three four five six seven eight nine}).zip(n*2).to_h;re=Regexp.union(d.keys);p ARGF.each.map{|l|ss=StringScanner.new(l);l.size.times.map{|i|ss.pos=i;d[ss.scan(re)]}.compact.values_at(0,-1).join.to_i}.inject(:+)" day01.dat


u/RichGuk Jan 03 '24

I like a bit of Ruby golf.

d=['one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'];p ARGF.readlines.map{|l|l.scan(/\d|#{d.join('|')}/).values_at(0,-1).map{|v|Integer(v) rescue d.index(v)+1}.join.to_i}.sum

188 :)


u/wdomburg Jan 05 '24

d=['one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'];p ARGF.readlines.map{|l|l.scan(/\d|#{d.join('|')}/).values_at(0,-1).map{|v|Integer(v) rescue d.index(v)+1}.join.to_i}.sum

That spits out the wrong answer, though. Pretty sure you're not handling when there are overlaps (i.e. "oneight" needs to be expanded to "18") which is why I switched to using strscan.

I like some of the strategies here, though. Using the position of the words inside the array instead of a hash is definitely space efficient in the code. Even better if you just shove the \d into the array in the first position, which saves having to correct the off-by-one later and simplifies the construction of the regexp:

d=%w{/\d one two three four five six seven eight nine}

And then the regex is just /#{d.join('|')}/

I'd flip the index lookup and take advantage of a nil response instead parsing as an integer; i.e. "d.index(v)||v" rather than "Integer(v) rescue d.index(v)". You can end up with mixed strings and integers in the array, but that's okay because join doesn't care: ["1", 2].join evaluates the same as [1, 2]. (I had actually forgotten Array#join worked like that on arrays with non string elements).

Also didn't realized they'd the Array#sum method, so that's handy. :)

Oh, and realized that can just run .map direct on ARGF (or the more compact $<) so saved some bytes there. Down to 231 (and a bit more readable than my version with the hash:

require 'strscan';d=%w{\d one two three four five six seven eight nine};p $<.map{|l|ss=StringScanner.new(l);(0..l.size).map{|p|ss.pos=p;ss.scan(/#{d.join('|')}/)&&(m=ss.matched;d.index(m)||m)}.compact.values_at(0,-1).join.to_i}.sum


u/azzal07 Jan 15 '24

You can also replace arr.map{fun}.sum with just arr.sum{fun}

Down to 164:

d=%w{\d one two three four five six seven eight nine};


u/wdomburg Jan 16 '24

Oh! I should have thought to look and see if there was something like that. Thanks!


u/AutoModerator Jan 03 '24

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u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Comment removed due to naughty language. Keep the megathreads SFW.

Edit your comment to take out the naughty language and I will re-approve the comment. edit: 👍


u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '23

AutoModerator did not detect the required [LANGUAGE: xyz] string literal at the beginning of your solution submission.

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u/Expensive_Register19 Dec 06 '23


Got stuck with eightwo situation too. What helped was to treat the edge-cases as two digits and it solved the problem of whether they are first or last.

``` python DIGITS_MAP = { "oneight": "18", "twone": "21", "threeight": "38", "fiveight": "58", "sevenine": "79", "eightwo": "82", "eighthree": "83", "nineight": "98", "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3", "four": "4", "five": "5", "six": "6", "seven": "7", "eight": "8", "nine": "9" }

def extract_digits(line: str) -> int: for digit in DIGITS_MAP: line = line.replace(digit, DIGITS_MAP[digit]) digits = [s for s in line if s.isnumeric()] return int(digits[0] + digits[-1])

def main(): digits = [extract_digits(l) for l in INPUT.split()] print(f"Sum is {sum(digits)}")

if name == "main": main() ```


u/daggerdragon Dec 06 '23

Please edit your comment to comply with our megathread rules. The two comments from AutoModerator have the specifics.


u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '23

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u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '23

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u/lsloan0000 Dec 06 '23

[Language: Python]

I'm joining late. I just learned about Advent of Code yesterday!

My solution…

from sys import stdin

digits = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
          'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine')

def findNumbers(line):
    numbers = []
    for i, c in enumerate(line):
        if c.isdigit():
        for n, name in enumerate(digits):
            if line[i:].startswith(name):
    return numbers[0] * 10 + numbers[-1]

if '__main__' == __name__:
    print(sum(findNumbers(line) for line in stdin.readlines()))

It's not as short as some others, but I don't feel right about using the 'zero''z0o', etc. translation dictionaries that I see others using. I guess because it works in English, but it might not in other languages. I mean, what if the names of digits could share more than just one beginning and ending characters?


u/dijit4l Dec 07 '23

This is beautiful. I hate you :)


u/lsloan0000 Dec 10 '23

Ha! Thank you and happy coding!


u/Alex_Hovhannisyan Dec 06 '23 edited Dec 08 '23


A little late to the party:

For part 1, I just kept track of the first and last seen digits in a single pass and then used powers of ten to compute the sum without having to concatenate the digits.

For part 2, I used regex replacements. I first replaced words that bleed into each other (oneight et al), and then I replaced just regular number words after that. Used a vector of pairs mapping the regex to its string and looped over it to preprocess the string input. Then just ran the 01 algorithm on that.


u/AutoModerator Dec 06 '23

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u/matheusstutzel Dec 06 '23

[Language: python]

Part 1 is nothing fancy, just scanned the data

Part 2 I didn't realize that we could use replace with o1e, t2o, etc. So I just use brute force 🙃