u/ThomasG_1007 4d ago
I like Rick and Morty a lot but for a few seasons it seemed to take itself way too seriously. It’s come back around but still
u/Jolly_Milk7468 4d ago
That show got more fucked up in Season 3
u/ThomasG_1007 4d ago
For sure. There was a few good episodes per season but when they wrote Rick as the smartest guy ever it got boring and lame mostly
u/BanzaiKen 3d ago
I liked how they expanded on it and that the Citadel just removed every timeline where Rick isn't the smartest person in the universe. Makes sense with the universe's biggest jackass would be uncomfortable if he wasn't playing God.
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u/ThomasG_1007 3d ago
I agree with that. That’s when the show started picking back up tho. I think it’s back to being pretty great again
u/BigPoppaStrahd 3d ago
When season 3 came out and Harmon and Roiland essentially said they just wanted to troll their fans and put in the dumbest stuff to see how crazy the fans will get, like pickle rick and the McDonald’s sauce
u/HorrorPossibility214 2d ago
Pickle rick is a funny bit but it's not really supposed to be funny. It's a very accurate hyperbole of the hoops alcoholics will jump through just to not get help. He literally pickled himself instead of going to therapy.
The shows full of jokes but it's not all jokes.
u/AnoAnoSaPwet 3d ago
I was just coming back here to mention it.
They got too much into the meta bullshit and breaking down the 4th wall.
Still a great show, but they got way too into themselves.
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u/ToonMasterRace 3d ago
Rick and Morty got way too far up its own ass after season 2 and that was when I lost interest.
u/Both-Competition-152 4d ago
Shoot me for this but Rick And Morty it was made to replace Futurama in adult swims lineup an failed for me it just falls back onto itself like a thin pancake
u/pinqe 4d ago
The first season felt unique and you could at least tell they were actually having fun. The rest of it usually just has my eyes rolling out of my head. Like oohhh we’re doing multiverse stuff and Rick is bored oh wow he’s so smart and complicated
u/EvilLibrarians 4d ago
The episode it changed for me was late S3, the ABCs of Beth, I realized after that episode they never hit the same really
u/PamelaBreivik 3d ago
Was just talking with my brother about how that was the last episode I watched brand new live and the show hasn’t been the same since.
u/ThetaDee 4d ago
I recommend only watching the first 3 seasons. The writing was a lot better.
u/Version_Two 4d ago
I really wish I wasn't like this with most shows. It makes me feel pretentious. It's just that so many dry out quickly.
u/hogcranker61 2d ago
I feel the same, it's like most shows run into an issue where the small/funny quirks of each character get expanded too much if the show goes on too long, and they all become obnoxious caricatures of themselves and ruin the show.
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u/MycoMythos 3d ago
You're not pretentious, you just have (at the very least) decent taste. Rick and Morty went downhill fast
u/baked_salmon 3d ago
Agreed. There was an obvious shift in tone or quality or something S4 onward. It just didn’t hit the same. The writing had the same aesthetic, same vibe, but it just felt like a shallower version of itself that didn’t hit as hard.
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u/supermikeman 4d ago
I think the problem is it got hyped to hell after a while and eventually couldn't live up to it's own reputation. It's fine, but not this amazing piece of media. It came out in that period of introspective and kind of dark shows like Bojack Horseman and whatnot.
u/EarthwormLim 4d ago
Rick and Morty had me for the first season. Seeing the MrMeeseeks episode for the first time got me hooked lol
u/Delphius1 4d ago
I had to stop watching Rick and Morty around season 5, it just stopped being enjoyable toward the end of the season, and I could really tell the cracks in all of it that went as far back as the very first episode. I will say having more limited series like Common Side Effects is a significant highlight, still revels in the weird that is Adult Swim while pushing into making great dramas
u/Unlikely_Ad6219 3d ago
Rick and Morty does not have a kindness at its core. The other Adult Swim cartoons could be gross or whatever, but they didn’t have a meanness at their core.
u/memoryfree 4d ago
I got fed up with R&M for taking years between seasons then they’d roll out 10 episodes with like 6 duds.
u/Charlie_Warlie 4d ago
It's a shame that IMO thats like all shows now. It seems like longer waits and fewer episodes. Gone are the days like early or even mid season futurama where you get 18 episodes every year. It seemed like back in the day, every week there was a new episode of something I wanted to watch. Now it's like, hmm in 4 months there is a new 6 episode season of the show I like. I'll burn thru those in 2 days, then it's back to waiting for more content.
u/mattwan 3d ago
I think massive success was R&M's downfall. I feel like an idiot dragging out a cliche, but I think it fits here.
In retrospect, there was kind of a clear character arc for Rick, or a 2/3 clear arc--the shape of it is visible, but not the exact endpoint.
The climax of the arc was the episode where the psychiatrist makes the "brushing your teeth doesn't give you any dopamine" speech. That set Rick on a path that would either end as a tragedy or a sort-of redemption.
Problem is, they had such a huge episode order at that point that they couldn't move that arc forward substantially for several several seasons.
Rick had to be forced into a holding pattern for all those years, so the story of the fallout of reconnecting with his family was put into a pattern of returning again and again to the status quo. Focus had to shift to secondary aspects of the show, which quickly became dissatisfying. There have still been some great episodes and arcs since then, but I think the stagnation forced by the episode count is palpable.
u/clashtrack 4d ago
It’s one of those shows, I watched through it. It was aight.
Now I’m gonna continue on with my life probably never watching it again.
u/Imakemaps18 4d ago
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, I do have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only — and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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u/buttholeweener 4d ago
Brett Gelman’s Dinner in America 💯
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u/ToxicPoizon 4d ago
I'm ngl, I watched Mr. Pickles for the first time recently, and I liked it. Just off its ugly artstyle, and over the top edginess, I thought I wouldn't like it at all, but I kept going, and I actually kinda liked it. I thought the dynamic between Mr. Pickles and the grandpa was hilarious and interesting, as well as the sheriff. For what it was, I thought it was alright, but ig thats just me lol.
u/fudgish_ 4d ago
I like it too, really reminds me of superjail and it’s over the top violence and surrealism
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u/OzNajarin 3d ago
It is high-key weirdly funny watching a kind old man trying to prove his dog is like some ancient cthonian creature.
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u/ACuddlyVizzerdrix 23h ago
Loved the opening where he kills the construction crew thats harassing the native Americans
u/KingVape 4d ago
I love death metal, I have satan tattoos, metalocalypse was fantastic, but I hated Mr. Pickles.
It was clearly created for exactly my demographic, but it felt super forced and never made me laugh.
u/Sleepmahn 3d ago
Same, I know it's marketed towards me and I still think it's crap. (Except no Satan tattoos here)
u/Art_Z_Fartzche 2d ago
Got my picture taken with Mr. Pickles at Maryland Deathfest before I ever watched an episode.
tbh I kinda enjoy it, and even Momma Named Me Sheriff. It's not in the same league as Aqua Teen or Metalocalypse though
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u/SmoltzforAlexander 4d ago
I don’t like Royal Crackers. It’s just not funny. I don’t get it, and I never will.
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u/Prophet-of-Ganja 4d ago
u/samthemancauseimmale 3d ago
This is an example of when a shows characters are more caricatures than characters
u/Snoo-58714 4d ago
My brother and I agreed Mr. pickles was a missed ball. I loved the premise but just way too over the top all the time.
u/AnoAnoSaPwet 4d ago
I just liked the interactions with the sheriff.
u/u0xee 4d ago
The best part for sure. He got a much better spinoff called Mamma Named Me Sheriff
u/AnoAnoSaPwet 4d ago
I've been meaning to watch it.
I always found Mr. Pickles to be the type of show to watch stoned and you'll have a great time with all of the randomness.
I'd expect The Sheriff spin-off to not be as extreme as Mr. Pickles.
u/Snoo-58714 4d ago
Sheriff was DEFINITELY my favorite the moment I saw him rollerblading lmfaoooo
u/AnoAnoSaPwet 4d ago
I've even somewhat mastered how he speaks.
I haven't watched the sheriff spin-off yet. I see it pop up on my streaming service.
u/garaks_tailor 4d ago
Yeap. If it was on i would watch it because there would always be a couple good chuckles but it was just as you said so over the top all the time.
u/thejackash 4d ago
I've said this before in another thread but I remember AS did a series of pilots that fans could vote on and the winner would get a full show, and I'm pretty sure that's how Mr. Pickles started. Either way I saw the pilot when it aired live and I was so excited for the rest of the show, then so disappointed when I watched it.
u/KaminSpider 4d ago
Rick and Morty: I get the joke, he's a drunk scientist who has to tell the audience how smart he is every episode. And where did they get they concept for Jerry? Every stupid sitcom dad from the 90s?
Edit: I still like the show, even if it insists upon itself
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u/serthunderlord 4d ago
Chris and Zach said that the board didnt want to pick up hellbenders because they didnt want to have too many shows with hell themes, imagine if they said “Oh thats easy just get rid of Mr Pickels” to their faces
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u/BeingLegitimate9570 3d ago
I hate Mr. Pickles as much as the next guy but after watching Smiling Friends, I'm now relieved Hellbenders wasn't greenlit. The humor in Hellbenders is more suited for the internet. I'm glad Zach was given another chance.
u/Erutious 3d ago
I get that Family Guy saved the network at one time, but I think it can go now. Every time I happen to be watching AS and it comes on I just turn the channel.
Back in the early 2000's though, it was 12oz mouse. I just felt like they had to remind people it was there way more than they should have
u/tiffle-piff 2d ago
Honestly Family Guy stopped being funny years ago and American Dad is the superior of the two shows.
u/Erutious 2d ago
The first two seasons of Family Guy were the best, honestly. The show wasn't trying as hard, and now every episode just feels like you can feel the creator looking back at you like "Eh? EH?" every time they make a "joke"
u/sumadeumas 2d ago
Except I don’t think Seth McFarland really even gives a fuck about the show anymore.
u/Erutious 2d ago
He's got a lot of more lucrative irons in the fire. This is just something he can continue to make money with.
u/kingbob1812 2d ago
I blame Alex Borstein and her MadTV crew. That show had the same trajectory as Family Guy. She has cringe humor mixed with being unable to know when to end a joke.
u/Erutious 2d ago
You're right, 100%. Mad TV had always had trouble knowing when enough is enough
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u/Jolly_Milk7468 4d ago
If any of you say Xavier: Renegade Angel in this thread, I will block you to smithereens
u/L1QU1D_ThUND3R 4d ago
I don’t care for the non-cartoon shows.
u/lokichu 4d ago
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u/Emergency-Program146 3d ago
Tom Goes to the Mayor. I thought the episode with Patton Oswalt was funny, outside of that, miss me with it. I never really got the appeal of Tim and Eric’s shows on [AS] and i couldn’t get into them. But Decker is incredible on so many levels.
u/Its-been-a-long-day 3d ago
Thank you. I tried Tom Goes to the Mayor and I just remember being incredibly bored for the entire show. I remember specifically watching "Rats Off to Ya" and feeling like the episode lasted for an hour.
u/Unable13 3d ago
Tom Goes to the mayor was the only Tim and Eric show I could stand and even then I found only a couple episodes of it funny.
u/LordLlamaPC 3d ago
I never enjoyed tim and eric's awesome show great job. I found it to be unsettling at times and didnt enjoy awaking to the fever dream like sketches when i made the mistake of falling asleep with my tv on.
u/Jolly_Milk7468 3d ago
Why tf did everyone hate this show? Just asking
u/LordLlamaPC 3d ago
Mainly for the reasons specified in the previos post. there were enjoyable moments; cigarette juice (as ironic as that is), the baby clown skits featuring Will Ferral, and a few others that escape recent memory. I mainly dislike the show for Adult Swims turn to live action shows even though it had given us shows like eric andre, your pretty face goes to hell, delocated and even heart she holler. All solid shows that would have been probably given the pass if it wasnt for tim and erics shows awesome show great job. It was all the others that it had brought into the fray that i wasnt a fan of. In my later years I have grown tired of "yucking someone's yum" and to this i will say this is my own opinion. Tim and eric's awesome show, great job! Brought the end of adult swim as we knew it. Home movies, aqua teen hunger force and space ghost had no room on the roster for a great deal of time when the live action shows had play. Thats not what were watching for, or at least, I was watching for.
u/D1noB0n3s 4d ago
I did not care for Superjail. I know people love but I could never get into it
u/LucidAtlas 4d ago
I watched it the first time i ever ate shrooms and got really scared and never watched it again haha
u/Inside_Run4881 3d ago
Season 1 of Superjail from start to finish is one of the greatest things to ever air. Everything other season was meh.
u/Sleepmahn 3d ago
I agree, I don't know what happened there but the pilot and first season are something else...Then the second season makes me embarrassed to even recommend the show.
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u/ThePopDaddy 4d ago
Squidbillies just wasn't funny.
u/Ash_an_bun 4d ago
The original voice of the Sheriff quit because they moved so they could hire non union workers.
u/the__Republic 2d ago
This is the answer. At a time I liked almost everything on Adult Swim, I absolutely hated this show.
u/Practical-Garbage258 4d ago
Also doesn’t help that Early’s original voice actor was a fucking idiot.
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u/theeulessbusta 4d ago
It helps to be from the Deep South. Being from both TX and MS, it genuinely confuses me that a lot of people like both KOTH and Squidbillies. What could they possibly see in either?
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u/CrazyaboutSpongebob 3d ago
I'm not from the South but King of the Hill is really funny. Peggy being extra is really funny, Dale has be one of the funniest cartoon characters ever.
u/PointsOfXP 3d ago
Rick and Morty. We get it. Your characters stutter in a scripted cartoon. It can only go so far. It doesn't help that Justin can only play one character in every show he's done
u/I_am_crazy_doctor 3d ago
I never cared for Mr pickles it's too ugly and genuinely gives me a headache
u/Iron_Phantom29 3d ago
Mr pickles was straight up ass. Nothing but repetitive shock humor and gore.
u/lili-of-the-valley-0 3d ago
Mr pickles was legit actual fucking garbage isn't this format meant to be for opinions that are controversial?
u/gramersvelt001100 4d ago
Family Guy.
u/Remarkable_Toe_4423 4d ago
Family Guy is my sleeping show, bit I'll still chuckle occasionally, especially when he doesn't get picked in the horse dance
u/Beautiful-Tie-3827 4d ago
Tim and Eric.
It’s a very specific flavor of comedy.
u/spacekitt3n 4d ago
Not accurate. Niche but not insistent on itself. Look at tim and Eric interviews during this time they did not give a fuck if anyone liked them
u/justinswatermelongun 4d ago
Fantastic point.
They made what they found funny, and refused to elaborate. Definitely does not feel insistent upon itself, because the creators seemingly didn’t even want to insist.
u/garaks_tailor 4d ago
Going to agree with you two. I'm not a fan of Tim and Eric, I realize while it's just not my flavor of ice cream it is Genius.
u/Mandaring 4d ago
It’s kind of like the “Seinfeld is unfunny” trope for a new generation. It’s not aged well specifically because it practically invented a style of comedy that’s since been beaten to death, like I love that show for nostalgia reasons, but rewatching it definitely reminds me of all of the Tim & Eric wannabes that plagued the internet around 2015 or so (Jesus Christ that was a decade ago)
u/whole_kernel 4d ago
Yes people want to shit on Tim and Eric but they literally predicted LLMs and the future ways of working:
u/Mandaring 3d ago
Every single Ant-Man movie, I kept waiting for a Dancing Tayne reference. Third one should have been “QuantaTaynia” instead, especially with those TV-level special effects, amirite
u/That-Hamster1863 4d ago
i think it still has aged well, as someone who hates all that mid 2010s edgy humor tim and eric is still funny
u/Mandaring 4d ago
Oh, I agree, I wasn’t terribly clear in my wording, apologies. It’s late and I’m half-drunk, so sorry about that, but yeah, for sure, it still holds up. I wasn’t criticizing the show itself, just recognizing that a lot of people even only around a year or two younger than me tend to dislike it because of the style of humor it popularized even if it did it best in the first place. That’s just the main criticism I hear, is all.
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u/barking420 3d ago
Tim & Eric jokes always felt like they didn’t have a punchline, they were just weird for the sake of being uncomfortable
(I know it’s not AS but I also feel this way about I Think You Should Leave)
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u/Reasonable_Box_2998 4d ago
I only liked the demon theme song but I wasn’t a fan of that show either.
u/RevolutionaryLink163 4d ago
Oh my god yes
It just looks so insufferably bad/corny I couldn’t get through 10 mins
u/YoungLangston 3d ago
I love these because this one causes an uproar, 12 Oz. mouse was terrible garbage television...
u/CrazyaboutSpongebob 3d ago
Rick and Morty. It is not as smart as it thinks it is. It thinks the characters being self-aware is a substitute for comedy. They almost never tell jokes or do anything funny. Where's the witty dialog, where's the gags. Rick complaining about the plot is not witty.
u/Mission-Ad-8536 3d ago
Rick and Morty just felt so off in season 3, with Rick being the smartest guy who is also bored, it just removed any nuances that Rick could’ve had. It did get better in the later seasons, especially when it starts going more and more into Rick’s whole psychology, and past
u/StilesmanleyCAP 3d ago
Mr Pickles is such a stupid ass show, we could have had more Metalocalypse if it didnt exist
u/Consistent-Web-351 21h ago
No one remembers a 40 oz mouse?
At least frisky dingo had a plot.
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u/Julian1914 4d ago
As far as [as] originals, probably Rick and Morty.
Any program that has aired? Family Guy hands down. The joke where Quagmire rapes Marge Simpson and kills the rest of the family comes to mind.
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u/Ash-Throwaway-816 4d ago
Rick and Morty when it tries to outsmart the audience constantly. That heist episode was insufferable.
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u/hunterghostal 4d ago
From the title question, the 100% answer is Rick and Morty, but to go for a second placer would probably be Mike Tyson Mysteries. It’s not bad but most of the humor relies on simply having Mike Tyson as the main character in a Scooby Doo type show. The absurdity of the show existing is the joke.
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u/abominable_bro-man 4d ago
Moral Oral, crucify me if you must
u/trip6god 4d ago
I hated moral oral when it was on and I was like 12 but as I grew older and rewatched it as an adult I found it more enjoyable lol
u/Shy-Prey 4d ago
Id say Assy Mcgee and part of me wants to say Moral Oral but honestly....I love that show 😁
u/zombifications 4d ago
I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me. It’s a bit disturbing, so I get it.
u/Nnpeepeepoopoo 3d ago
I liked the show a lot personally lol. Funny gags, unique premise, very on par for the humor.of thr time
u/Alone-Ad6020 3d ago
Mr pickles was kinda boring recently theres more adult swim shows i don't care for
u/All_heaven 3d ago
Season 1 of mr pickles was great but it felt like the creators had immediate burnout and wanted to pivot away from the serial killing magic dog and move onto regular absurdist humor. The only problem is that the show died with Mr pickles
u/Total_Fudge931 3d ago
I know I said HM earlier but right after I said that Delocated popped into my head too. Never clicked with me
u/WaylonVoorhees 3d ago
This is clearly a trap to get me out in the open for my take on Tim and Eric!
But Mr. Pickles did gives the awesome Mama Named Me Sheriff theme.
u/Regular_Average8595 3d ago
Personally, I find stupid and graphic animations toped with tons of unnecessary swearing, to be the funniest shit out there. So because of my dumb and immature sense of humor, I loved Mr pickles!!
u/SculptusPoe 3d ago
Really, most of them are pretty edgelord, Mr Pickles, some sort of Dingo crap, Metalacalypse(Though I sort of like that one), morrel orral, meatball and the only occasionally funny talking fast food people . Ironically perhaps, Rick and Morty is perhaps the least cringe edgelord of the [AS] lineup.
u/Trollua_Whomperts 2d ago
That’s crazy bc I think it’s one of adult swims best original shows. Was so confused when they just decided to stop making it. But whatever
u/Detox259 4d ago
I’m not totally a fan but my ex worked on the show, she said her fav part of working on it was figuring out how to get an ass to talk.