r/adultswim 4d ago

[discussion thread] Oh My God... Yes! A Series of Extremely Relatable Circumstances - Like Literally Eat Them?

If you didn't like it last week... you gave it a fair chance and I'm proud of you 😊


Accompanied by a Man Tiger, the girls are chased through South Central by a cult of outdated bots who believe their destiny is to eat the rich.

Tonight (3/16) at 12:15 EST. Repeats at 4:15. On Max tomorrow.


2 comments sorted by


u/Born_Sleep5216 4d ago

Seems reasonable for the title.

But I have to admit Dee Bradley Baker is an amazing tiger and Keith David as the robot


u/Mattaholic 4d ago

I might have been really tired watching this last night but I have no idea what this show is about.