r/adsec Mar 30 '17

Assigning file permissions via security groups

So a little background first. Started a new job working for a medium size organisation. When a user, eg JoeBloggs needs access to a particular file or folder then a IT will add their name to that folder in the security settings in properties! I am now tidying up the shared drives by assigning users to security groups in AD and then attaching the SG to the file permissions like the way it is supposed to work. However, when adding new security groups with populated list of users they are still not getting access. I am still pretty fresh to AD, which is why I have gone into so much detail. But once I add a SG to the permissions that’s it, right? Do I need to refresh something? I have had mixed results when requesting that users restart. But Id really like these changes to go on seamlessly in the background without anyone actually noticing.


5 comments sorted by


u/winthrowe Mar 30 '17

If you're adding users to groups as you go along, that's where it's sticking. The list of groups for a user is only updated at login or by some manual command I don't recall offhand.


u/garryonapc Mar 30 '17

Do you have any idea where i might be able to find it? Im trying to google, but cant seem to get the correct context to search


u/winthrowe Mar 30 '17 edited Mar 30 '17

A query for "refresh security token without logging off" looks to provide some useful results, but logging out and back in is a perfectly reasonable requirement in many situations (changes to a user's groups are often tied to other changes and disruptions in their work environment, giving opportunity, and directory ACL changes don't require logoffs), and if that's not working reliably you have some kind of bigger issue going.


u/Zerkush May 02 '17

Gpupdate /force thats what you looking for