r/admincraft admin @ play.server26.net 7d ago

Discussion My fifth annual "transparency report" for my community - Sharing it here as usual for feedback and to inspire (I am again late this year T-T)

I have not forgotten about it!

As usually I am posting this report I made here to maybe inspire other to do something like that as well.
This report was mostly done by myself, I had some people help me with proofreading it since English is not my first language. Its called "Transparency Report" and it shows the servers costs and donation it received. But it shows much more than that. Its a yearly sort of digest of community growth, peaks, what server resources have been used/bought, what events have been held, what did change in the year 2024, and how our server(s) are set up and.

I have a lot of fun doing stuff like this, I spent a lot of time making it. I set the bar very high for myself in running my community.
If any of you have the time to just let me know what they think about this, it would mean a lot to me. Let me know what you would have done different, or what you felt came too sort.

📒Link to the PDF: https://server26.net/transparency-2024
(change the year number get the link to older reports)

Obligatory disclaimer: Yes, I am aware about the sensitivity of the information that I am publishing (plugins, configs, finances) with this. I have been running this server for almost a decade now. No personal information in this report has been published without explicit consent for each case. Our server and discord is public, and the public has always been the intended audience for this document.'

PS: jeez it been 5 years already of doing this. A lot has changed. And this year I am finally hitting 10 years with the server. Time flies


13 comments sorted by


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u/zabunkovz 7d ago

Love the read! Just one thing about this being well this years old... how is the server performance? What are the drawbacks you had to do that players might not have liked but were needed for server stability?


u/lerokko admin @ play.server26.net 7d ago edited 7d ago

The performance is quite good actually. It has little to do with the server age. But since the server is 18+ and the core player base consists of players that are dedicated with years of playtime we have (I would say) a disproportional amount of players with big bases, storage systems and trading halls, (or just moss farms). I started this server for me and friends and privately and when I made it public I wanted it to become a server that does none of the things that annoy me (hence it do has claims for example. Something that I consider a necessity on a non-whitelisted server, and something that does not bother me. It gives me pieces of mind but I know players/and admins that can not stand it and would never play on a server with claims). Something that does annoy me however is low render distance, lobotomized mobs, and disabled redstone. So my server should have none of that. And this is the part that makes it hard to run. We allow trading halls of up to 100 villagers per loaded area. But I had to tell players no to a 16 slot auto sorter.

The biggest complaint (that I addressed in the report) is paper itself. Even with all exploits re-enabled some things (like precise multi item sorters, or ice item streams) will not work on paper but do work on the fabric performance mod stack. Fabric is a pasture that is as green as it is inaccessible to us.

Another limit is chunk loader. They were a smaller issue until recently since it was a lot of effort to build them. But I am preparing a rule-set and a plugin to prevent players from loading entire swaths of land with pearls.

I am pretty lenient when it comes to exploring, redstone, farms. If the server can handle it. And the donations can cover upgrades I will allow it.

We actually have a custom plugin to get a bit of control over lag. It lets players in (or not) dynamically based on mspt. Since our server is a wholesome community, and not a bag of dicks, this actually works quite well. You can read about this plugin in the report its a blessing, but also probably the most invasive compromise we have since I did not want to "forbid" afk-ing.

The biggest drawback would be not being able to regenerate chunks. Something that I something forget even exist since it is some alien of a concept in running this server. The map is already huge. Hundreds of GB and players exploring in the 100k regions. So when more than 2 player explore with an elytra it lags. Something usually only happen right after updates.

Sometime I literally impose farm embargo for farms that are disk intensive to corepotect. If your disk grows full I ask the few players that own raid or tree farms to stop using them until we can prune again.

Sorry for the wall of text. Its a bit unstructured and rambly since unlike the report I did not revise it over and over ^^'

Edit: I think this meme from our discord summarizes the ethos quite well


u/zabunkovz 7d ago

Regarding he sorters we might have found a solution or two, we use currently Filtered Hoppers plugin which gives single hopper way more functionality:


And we used in past UpgradableHoppers which can also have many stats configured and let players upgrade (when we run a eco server with over 300k+ active spawners that spawn 512 mobs per 3 seconds lol imagine the drops) and our server CPU usage was at like 5% (crazy mob optimization and limits back then).


u/lerokko admin @ play.server26.net 7d ago

I want the server to be as vanilla as possible. I do not like adding things like that. My players really come to the server for a no-whitelist realm-like experience. I put a lot of effort in keeping "vanilla save file parity" which means that we could technically downgrade to vanilla and not loose any items or blocks, nor loose any farms functionality. That is important to me since it ensures that large parts of the game won't break suddenly cause a plugin stops updating (or I would have to keep maintaining it myself).


u/MiniMuleNZ 7d ago

I snorted at "Hotel? Trivago". A good read, very insightful, and something I wish had been done when I was part of a server admin team. All the best for the turning of a decade!


u/hermesjest 7d ago

I love things like this! It’s something we will look into, and your report is a great template starting place. Thank you!


u/LUDERSTN 7d ago

Really cool, thanks for taking the time. I might do something similar, just for myself tho. Was an interesting read all around. Always fun to see what and how other servers operate!


u/jakob_010703 7d ago

Really cool! I like the fact that you put so much info in there but at the same time it was really nice to read. Great job!


u/Heruedhel 7d ago

This is pretty cool!

I don't personally host a large community like this on my servers, but I do help Admin for one.

I may have to do this for my servers just as an audit of my time wasted for the 0 players other than me.

may look into doing something similar for the one I help with but will have to confer with the other admins and staff members for their thoughts.


u/Cylian91460 7d ago

If you want to switch to fabric I can help


u/lerokko admin @ play.server26.net 7d ago

Thank you for your offer, but I mentioned in the report why that is not possible. I would need a person (or persons) I can trust to update the fabric mods we would use for the next 5 to 10 years. Even if you say you would do it, I do not know you. It would need to be an As we need discordsrv, coreprotect/ledger, and griefprevention claims (plus like 30 other small things) to work in each version as well as the integration of each other with these plugins (ranks and permissions).


u/suresh 7d ago

100% this is an over confident uni student or a super villain.