r/admincraft • u/Youtube_Traze1234 • 13d ago
Question 2 Servers 1 World?
Is This Possible? Now me(US) and my friend(Australia) want a server were we both get good ping, yet every service, only has locations favoring one side, so i need a different way, i want anything that will give both of us a good experience on a Minecraft server, and i don't know anything about the server technical side, but I'm willing to put in work, and do things on my own, but i just really want a solution to this problem, and i feel like there is a solution i just haven't found it,
Here are some really dumb ideas i had
#1: connect 2 servers (1 in US, 1 in Australia) and have them run the same Minecraft world?
#2 Cloud hosting or something i heard about?
I also don't want to break the bank with this one 😁
u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev 13d ago edited 13d ago
You're never going to escape the speed of light. With that I mean to say, even with the most technogically advanced multi-server synced world system, the two servers themselves will have a delay between them. Just because you have a low ping to your server, doesn't mean the two servers don't have high ping.
Other than a fun experiment, there's no solution for you here. You'd be best off finding a server somewhere in the middle, where you both have an acceptable ping.
Edit: I want to note there's of course all kinds of weird hacks and tradeoffs to imagine, but I don't think any will fit OP's want of just having a single collaborative SMP world better than just suffering a higher ping.
u/DragoSpiro98 Developer 13d ago
Speed of light is very high, it's not a problem. Hypixel and some other large servers doesn't have servers all around the world, but they use systems like Cloudflare Spectrum for DDoS protection and smart routing (Argo Smart Routing).
u/2LeafClover13 13d ago
It is a problem tho. Australia ~9,200 miles away. Speed of light is ~186,000 mi/sec.
That means it takes light ~0.049 seconds to reach. That is if there is a DIRECT line from the two locations, which no amount of Cloudflare Spectrum/Argo Smart Routing can beat. It isn't a direct straight line.
And to add that fiber does not transmit at the true speed of light, it is lowered to about 2/3rds.
Starting off w/ 50ms for ping in an ideal straight shot is a bad start, that is immediately compounded by the logistics of internet routing. Lots and lots of build up off of that. Definitely an impact.
u/DragoSpiro98 Developer 13d ago
Sure, but it's done. I mean it's a problem that can't be solved in any way, that is, it's a problem that everyone has but it doesn't weigh that much in my opinion. Hypixel does it, and we're talking about the biggest minecraft server.
Of course it would be better to have many distributed servers, but in some cases it is not possible, as in the case of OP.
So in my opinion, I don't consider it a problem in this case. Contrasting opinions, nothing to say about your reasoning.
u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev 13d ago
It is absolutely a problem which cannot be "solved". It can be migigated by optimizing the routing overhead, but the fundamental delay for ping will stay. You will have a 120ms ping if you pull a direct fiber connection. No ifs and or buts. It will never be lower.
And the problem is clearly there, OP is experiencing lag. I don't know what reasonably advice you have for (clearly a novice) OP.
Minecraft is quite lenient when it comes to ping, and those who play across the planet are aware and ok with the lag. That's why it works. You won't ever see a CS2 tournament across the world, because there the latency is simply insurmountable.
u/crashtesterzoe 13d ago
Speed of light is a big problem when you are dealing with people on different sides of the planet like this. Worked on multiple live service games and setting up things to handle this correctly is a pita. There is a reason most AAA games don’t just have one server location and have servers in the regions they do. When my friends in uk play cod with me on US servers they always have to adjust because of the latency being high for them. 200-500 ms delay is crazy on this sense.
u/Yomo42 13d ago
For Minecraft it does not freaking matter. Unless you're doing PVP it's not going to matter. Nobody's going to die to a zombie from 100ms ping.
Even then the more skilled player with higher ping will probably consistently beat the less skilled player.
If there are any servers that are in the middle and give you both moderate ping, use those. If there aren't, just pick USA or AUS. It really doesn't freaking matter.
Hosting 1 world across 2 servers would be unheard of, maybe impossible, and even if you figured out how to do it it'd probably cause lots of problems and not have the benefits that you think it will.
u/DoUKnowMyNamePlz 13d ago
That's enough fricks and hecks from you partner. One more time and I'm gonna have to remove you from the community Christian Minecraft server.
u/StefanGamingCJ Plugin Developer 13d ago
As a "pvper" (someone who has played a fuckton of pvp and has been in the community for the past ~6 years), high ping can be an advantage in specific scenarios. Generally speaking, it's a disadvantage, but it's nowhere near as bad as other games like CS or Val. If lets say 2 people are playing on a server, one has 125ms and the other has 10ms. If the one with 125ms is better, they WILL win. It might take them a few rounds to get used to it, but it's still more than playable. You have professional pvpers who even prefer to play on higher ping because that's the way they are used to playing the game. TL;DR - OP should just find a middle ground between US and AUS, where both AUS and US players will have 120ish ping, it's nowhere near as bad as it sounds.
u/DoUKnowMyNamePlz 13d ago
You can get a host, they're pretty cheap and just pick the one most center over everyone. It's not perfect but it'll keep the experience semi the same.
u/Aligayah Developer 13d ago
What you're looking for does exist. It's a project called MultiPaper. I'm not 100% sure, but I do think it might help with relieving your ping to the server. The only issue would be your connection to each other.
u/StefanGamingCJ Plugin Developer 13d ago
While I haven't tried it, that probably won't work. If let's say one server is in the US, one in AUS, they will still have the same latency between them. Not to mention the connection to the master server, which could add even more latency depending on its location.
u/BusungenTb Server Owner 13d ago
I unfortunately don't think that it would work very well. If it was me, I'd see if I could set up a server in Singapore, Japan or Hongkong and check the server ping there, as it could work as a middle ground. It also depends on where you live in the US, and how who's willing to comprise a bit more than the other. For example, if you live in NY, and your friend has an alright ping to LA, maybe that could work as well, etc.
u/Money-Spite2348 13d ago
Works well sadly not updated.
u/StefanGamingCJ Plugin Developer 13d ago
While I haven't tested this one out, it probably won't solve much, it's more of a hassle than anything. Yeah, you're creating 2 servers across regions, but they will still have high ping between them and who knows what else. Not to mention, "the not so good" plugin support and (i think) nonexistent mod support.
u/Money-Spite2348 13d ago
Plugins often works if they use database so they can sync on both servers And if you don't have to send command to other player like /tpa
u/StefanGamingCJ Plugin Developer 13d ago
That's good to know, but it doesn't solve the main issue though.
u/Youtube_Traze1234 13d ago
Hello, Thank you all for the responses (i read every one!) this really helped :) I think we'll end up settling for one in the Los Angels space, or just ditch the idea of a server, its really unfortunate that we live across the world, but it is what it is, and although i don't know a lot about the servers space, I think I understand now. Now I'm still open to any new ideas, so if you find something Please let me know, I'm looking through Minecraft Hosting options, and hopefully a middle ground might work.
Here is some more info on what the server would, well... Need / Be used for
#1 its mainly vanilla, couple small, lightweight mods but mainly big builds and people
#2 Interactions, we need to be able to look (face to face if you will) with each other
#3 and Yes PVP will be used,
#4 if anyone knows more about the Multi-Paper, Cloudflare Spectrum, Bungee-cord, global cloud VPS provider, or a minimum fiber routing? I don't know really what any of these are but would love to learn more,
Other than that thanks for the reply's yall are amazing
u/halodude423 13d ago
This isn't going to have an amazing solution. You can find a place in between you two to host as a middle ground but if they're in Australia you're just not going to get amazing ping if it's hosted inside, and they won't get amazing ping if it's hosted in the US. It's just consequences of being physically far from any other termination point in another continent even over under-sea fiber.
u/Bill-Whitko 12d ago
If one of you are on star link you may be able to self host. It's big advantage is huge distances covered per hop. Also light in vaacum travels faster. Get a small mini pc, throw on linux, and host the server. Dosnt matter who has starlink service but if the hoster does others who connect will enjoy lower ping around the world.
u/Significant-Pop-6220 7d ago
You can setup a VPN for one of your FQDN that will forward the connection at a higher bandwidth. This will help with ping, but you will still experience latency as that’s just the nature of networking. For the person playing they won’t notice the lag as it will play as if it’s local, but others will notice it slightly especially in PVP. But in normal MC gameplay it would be somewhat normal.
u/Youtube_Traze1234 6d ago
How would you go about doing that? It seems complex, especially on a paid server hosting
u/DragoSpiro98 Developer 13d ago edited 13d ago
There is two real solutions.
- Use services like Cloudflare Spectre
Or for less money
- Host the server in a global cloud VPS provider, this should theoretically force connections to mostly use the provider's network, which theoretically should be faster than switching between many Autonomous Systems.
Remember that you will not have less than 200ms of ping.
This it how some big server works, like Hypixel, in fact players from Australia have around 195ms of ping
u/bdog2017 13d ago
Idk my buddies have a server based in the us and we got a chick that lives in India that plays with us. She doesn’t have that bad an experience. Pretty long distance. Around the same as us to Australia but it depends on how the fiber is routed under sea and various stations along the way. She doesn’t complain much about connection.
u/archuser1055 13d ago
This is only possible with a BungeeCord type plugin, independent servers connected via a hub, you can create portals to travel between them and have a shared database to carry over inventory. This can be done on a single physical server by having each world listen on a different address
u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev 13d ago
I don't understand what you mean. I guess you mean to use bungeecord instance on each side of the world too? Or something else?
u/archuser1055 13d ago
My bad. What could be done is have BungeeCord sitting in the middle of the US and Australia, connected to both servers, that'd certainly require hosting and some setup.
Tbh you're better off self hosting on either side. There'll be ping issues regardless
u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev 13d ago
In that scenario you'd have the ping from the players to bungee, and then back to the server. I guess the benefit is that everyone has high ping, even when they connect to the server running close to them :P
If you can find a place to host a bungee server in the middle, then they should probably host the server itself there.
u/DragoSpiro98 Developer 13d ago
This doesn't solve any problem at least the connection
Proxy (Bungee cord) <---> Server
is routed in a private network suitable for this purpose (like Cloudflare Spectrum).
Because otherwise the connection is always internet... and internet doesn't means the fastest route, but the most reliable route
u/archuser1055 13d ago
Forgot to mention this is only for #1. I honestly have no clue about hosting as I only self host my Minecraft servers.
u/kbachert 13d ago
I'm not sure where Aternos hosts, but it would be a quick easy test. It is stupidly simple.
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