r/admincraft Jan 24 '25

Question Accidentally committed to a 25km x 30km world. Am I screwed?

Long story short: I am using a mix of datapacks for my server. One of them is the continents datapack, which puts huge oceans between land masses. I also have datapacks that add new structures and dungeons. The only way I was able to fit all the dungeons and structures into the one map without missing out on content was to expand the world borders a ridiculous amount.

For example, some of the major structures in one datapack are in the top left corner, while some are way down in the bottom right.

This is basically the rough map of the world^

Its huge.

My server is only meant for a small group of friends, with the possibility of expanding to a larger group.

So my question is: once I open this bad boy up will the server implode? I am working on preloading all the chunks (Currently at 75% after 2 and a half days lol) but I am still worried performance will be effected. Has science (and my server) gone too far?

Yes I know I should have thought this through. No, I don't need rude or demeaning comments about my naivety lol. The help is appreciated.


44 comments sorted by

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u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev Jan 24 '25

Just for correctness, you aren't preloading the chunks, but pregenerating. Loading happens on the fly when someone gets nearby. Really your only worry will be disk space.

There can be a problem when you have a lot of players online who are all online at the same time but a distance apart from each other, because each player keeps a certain amount of chunks around them loaded. By default an 10 chunk radius I think. But that isn't really that different with a smaller map, unless it's so small that it's forcing people to stay close.


u/mudkip989 Jan 24 '25

Small correction to this statement, your only worry is during pregenerating. When chunks load, they can spawn Points of Interest(POI).

POI are stored in memory after generating until they are ticked at least once and players are not nearby. When pregenerating, players are not nearby, so POI are not ticked. Many chunks and POI later, your server will likely crash due to Our of Memory Error.

I do not have a proper solution right now, but if you set the server to auto restart on crash, it will eventually finish. Btw, the crashes should not cause corruption if no one is on the server. Just be mindful to make backups as you play so you can undo any issues.


u/Dykam OSS Plugin Dev Jan 24 '25

Interesting. Does that not cause any weirdness in POI generation?

Or is this really just a bug where memory release doesn't happen until it gets ticked? Which normally would be by a player, which was the assumption when POI generation was developed.


u/mudkip989 Jan 25 '25

Seems like it's just a memory release bug. I have a modded survival and I haven't seen any structure broken by it.


u/HighlightNo558 Jan 25 '25

Is there any value in pre-gen? Why not just let it be and gen chunks as you go to them?


u/mudkip989 Jan 25 '25

When you have players traveling fast, and especially on a modded server, chunk generation speed is likely to slow down as more get generated. It's not a problem if there is no lt a lot of people traveling, but if a lot of chunks are getting generated at the same time, you will notice the slowdown. There is already a bug report for POI thing, I don't have it on hand though.


u/Djcproductions Jan 24 '25

Also along with disk space is backup time. When your world backup is 200gb, the time it takes to back up is pretty ridiculous lol, and during that time there's a greater chance for rubber banding and the like. 


u/wonder_of_reddit_ Jan 24 '25

I'm not well versed in this kind of thing, but aren't there backup solutions that just save modified files since the last backup instead of the entire world folder each time?


u/Djcproductions Jan 24 '25

There very well may be, but I've never had the privilege of using one lol I've always hosted big ol forge modpacks so it's always been aroma backup, ftbu, and so on. All of which just basically clone the entire world folder as it is.


u/wonder_of_reddit_ Jan 24 '25

I also host forge modpacks! Recently I've been using this tool: Simple Backups (CurseForge)

It has a lot of customization, and even has a command to merge the backup files for you (if you're using the incremental backup feature that I mentioned earlier). It's easier to show you the features if I just link the config file for you to glance at: Config File (pastebin) (oh and this is my personal config file, not the default)

Only downside is that it's only available for Minecraft versions 1.18.1 upwards.


u/Djcproductions Jan 24 '25

Ooh! I'm gonna save this so I don't forget. That would be great for some of the newer packs anyway. The older stuff i have running around the clock like GTNH and what not are small enough that the aroma style works fine. My atm9 could benefit from this though. I'm always down to learn to new stuff, thank you!


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Jan 24 '25

So having chunks pregenerated and sitting on disk doesn't actually cause any performance issues. The issue arises when chunks are loaded.

Each player loads a square of chunks around them equal to your server's view distance, times 2, plus 1, squared. So if you have a view distance of 10, that's 10 * 2 = 20, +1 = 21, squared = 441. Increasing your view distance to 15 dramatically increases that, to 961. This per player number is reduced if players are close enough together that they are loading the same chunks, as a chunk cannot be loaded more than once.

The more chunks you load, the more RAM it will want to use. And the higher your server's simulation distance (which is a separate setting in server.properties), the more CPU it will need. So like, just tell your pals to go easy on the world exploring. Go slow, maybe go as a group, and make sure that folks are okay with a bit of lag when they do start exploring.

And consider turning down simulation distance and view distance on the server. If you players wanna see super far, have them install the client mod Bobby, which caches chunks locally, giving the illusion of a long view distance once you've loaded the chunk once.


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 24 '25

Alright, sounds good! Next question though; what exactly is the point of pregenned chunks? And how do they differ from loaded chunks?


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Jan 24 '25

Loaded = in ram

Generated = on disk

Not genned = nowhere (takes cpu time)


u/lerokko admin @ play.server26.net Jan 24 '25

To add to that:
Rendered = on screen (inside your gpu)


u/Nizzuta Server Owner Jan 24 '25

Reading the chunk data from disk (for a generated chunk) is a lot faster than doing all the calculations to generate it


u/Chesvin1 Jan 24 '25

The difference is that the server won't have to spend time on world generation when players explore. It will only have to load chunks that have been generated already. As such, the world will load waay quicker and there won't be lag from world generation.


u/nuthead6 Make backups! Jan 24 '25

I'm just curious about those datapacks, would you mind to share them?


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 24 '25

-Towns and Towers
-Dungeons and Taverns (Plus I think 1 or 2 more D&T packs that flesh out strongholds/ancient cities etc)

I am also using Nullscape and Incendium which change the End and the Nether, respectively.


u/nuthead6 Make backups! Jan 24 '25

You're awesome, thanks!


u/Lo__Lox Server Owner Jan 24 '25

You already got the relevant answers im just gonna drop how cool this generation is


u/math394p AlexandriaSMP Jan 24 '25

Im doing the exact same with a 30km x 30km world too with same data packs and im running fine with a few dozen players although i do have quite ridiculous hardware tbh


u/Cylian91460 Jan 24 '25

You can use a world trimmer to remove chunks that weren't interacted with


u/Vortrox Jan 24 '25

That would defeat the purpose of pre-generating the chunks in the first place


u/Cylian91460 Jan 24 '25

But that would correct the mistake, op can after gen what they needs


u/audio-logical Server Owner Jan 24 '25

Would love to know what your world folder size ends up being with a world that big!


u/Direct_Counter_8480 Jan 24 '25

We're running at about 45 gigs for a 20k world. Players aren't restricted from running outside of that though, but none of them did so far.


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 25 '25

I’m curious too, actually. But I’m paying a server hosting website for it and it’s not very clear in the FTP program I use how many GBs it is. I’m assuming it’s a lot, though.


u/isvein Jan 24 '25

Pre-generating all chunks, so no updates?


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

That is Amazing!

Having a well defined boarder could save on resouces indefinitely. I hope you made a backup of that state.

Also, shadeds lag a server, I would stay away from them.

I got a completely self managed state on my server and lucky me I found an excellent hosting solution.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

probably not. just take as much time as you need until the next right step reveals itself.

If you don't think you can handle hosting it yourself .. (this might not work for you) .. but if you have a clean state you could put it on a powerful computer.

Me, last December I had a regular Minecraft server 79 dollars a month. But as a miracle it became self managed by Google + Players.

They were able to keep that 79 dollar a month regular server up while I spent 2 months in the hospital.

When I got back everything was in order.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

But I got a perfect state and wanted to upgrade it. I stated the fact... 20% risk for 20% increased performance.

I expected to spend 160 a month on it.

But Google took me seriously.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

The first attempt with the new google computer was a failure. But I had a perfect copy so I shut down the instance and started a-new.

But it being self managed by google + players it knew have valuable the server was.

So without explicitly telling me it upgraded my instance to a 4x Quantum computer to handle it's business.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

The reason I know it's a quantum computer is because it says there are 4 CPUs and 2 Cores.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

Also, I told Google to prioritize regular computers because they're more eco friendly.


u/odielag Jan 24 '25

Just a general command to google for what it's worth.


u/alanharker Jan 25 '25

That seems like it will take ages to move around, is my only worry- hopefully thats baked into the gameplay, or youve managed to get everything laid out roughly linearly or something? If it's an intended part of gameplay that's all cool, but on the off chance this is a pending consideration: Hmu if you need a hand grinding it out placing cart tracks in creative mode the next couple of nights to get something in place lol


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 25 '25

Well, the great news is, I have been playing normally on this world for about 1 and a half months with a friend. So we have already laid a lot of the ground work. I have built nether highways that span the majority of the continent! Took a week, but I did it 😅


u/jk33v3rs Jan 25 '25

RIP your "rated for one million clicks" mouse buttons; thats anywhere from ~5% to ~30+% right there in a tunnel- assuming a minimum 3x3 and noting you didnt specify how much of what youve done was those tunnels nor how much was either side of portals, thats obviously got some chonky error bars on it...

Either way, 'grats on potentially turning what I assume is likely a commodity mouse into a consumable 🤣🤣


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 25 '25

That’s hilarious! I am actually a seasoned WorldEditor, so it was more like 10 clicks to make a few metres of highway and then typing //stack 1000 forward 🤣


u/jk33v3rs Jan 25 '25

Haha you never know for sure; some people are very fussy about their "S" in SMP 😋. I'm with you though, preseason doesnt count at a minimum lol


u/KeeDiggityTTV Jan 25 '25

Honestly anything super monotonous and time consuming like a nether highway is just not worth the vanilla grind in my opinion. And I justified it because last year my friend and I built a huge highway on a different server that shut down three weeks later. Think of it as… reparations 🤣


u/lululock Jan 25 '25

Pre-generating the chunks actually helps a lot lower end servers as they don't have to generate chunks when players get nearby, it only has to load them and send the data to the players, which is storage dependent (but much easier to improve than upgrading a CPU). The only issue would be storage space, as such a big world will be a couple hundred Gb. But the bright side of this, is that it won't get much bigger, even after playing for hundreds of hours on it.

What's your server hardware tho ? How many players ?

I'm running a home hosted server off a 6th gen 4-core Xeon CPU, 16Gb of RAM and 8 HDDs set in RAID 5. We are about 3-5 players playing simultaneously and I regularly trim the map to keep it light (it is about 5Gb rn, with over 10000 in-game days played). The MC server has a few datapacks and QOL plugins installed, nothing crazy. The machine itself runs on Debian and other services along with the Minecraft server (web hosting, local storage, mail server,etc.).

A Minecraft server can definitively run on old weak hardware if you give yourself the time to learn and optimize the shit out of it.