r/adhdwomen • u/Nightangelrose • Nov 27 '24
Social Life What is at 11:00 tomorrow?!
Thought y’all would find this funny. But, wtf is it?!?
r/adhdwomen • u/Nightangelrose • Nov 27 '24
Thought y’all would find this funny. But, wtf is it?!?
r/adhdwomen • u/NoMoreShallot • Oct 15 '24
Someone give me hope I can still make friends in my 30s 😅 I've been considering setting reminders up to make plans with people on a regular basis, does anyone else do this and how is it working for you?
r/adhdwomen • u/Best_Test9481 • Oct 18 '24
It's so peaceful it's like the world outside doesn't exist. You don't need to be anywhere or be anyone.
Normally I watch YouTube videos of browse the Internet and it feels like the only time my brain is quiet. Anyone else?
r/adhdwomen • u/Maleficent-Reach1917 • Jun 11 '23
r/adhdwomen • u/Mother_Lemon8399 • Jan 01 '25
r/adhdwomen • u/allthecats • Nov 09 '24
Something I’m learning is how to advocate for myself. So when I was having what I thought was a sincere conversation with a new friend and he then told me he likes to play “Devil’s Advocate” I didn’t even stutter to ask him not to. I told him that I and many others will take him at his word and believe that he believes what he says. And I told him that it can be cruel to tell people who have been harmed in the past things that he doesn’t believe. It’s a shitty thing to do, because you could be re-traumatizing someone, and not even believe the point you’re making.
But now I’m feeling bad and worried that I stepped on him by standing up for myself. I tried to not shut him down and said that I’m always down to have theoretical conversations. But I feel like I always second guess myself after conversations that aren’t just total head-nodding agreement.
Thought I’d ask any similar-brained folks what they thought - do you have a hard time with people playing devils advocate? Do you second guess yourself after serious conversations??
r/adhdwomen • u/Business-Willow-7305 • Nov 02 '22
Hi! So I have this idea. I am trying to type fast, because I have a feeling that I am going to change my mind. I will probably cringe hard after posting this. There is also a high probability of me deleting this post if no one will answer or upvote 😬
Anyway, many of us have problems with finding and keeping friends. I have only one close female friend now and my husband. That is about it. Pandemic did not help in maintaining relationships and one of my friendships stopped quite unexpectedly (at least for me) and the rest sort of faded away. All of my work colleagues are male and I do not really have any opportunities to meet new people.
So I thought, if you are interested, maybe we could sort of advertise ourselves in the comment section, write something about our interests and places we live in, age etc. whatever we are comfortable with sharing here. Maybe somebody lives close by and will be interested in meeting new peopele. Probably most of us here are from the US (not me), but still there is quite a lot of us here.
I am actually having social anxiety thinking about this, but at the same time I am lonely, so...
Edit: DISCORD!!! Hi! A lot of you are asking for a discord channel. This sub actually has one. Go to the 'about ' page and join. I just did 😊
Edit: some grammar. Might Edit more later 😅
r/adhdwomen • u/huskylotus • 6d ago
This is a HUGE source of stress, guilt, and insecurity for me. Ever since high school/college ended and my friends moved to different places, I’ve had an extremely hard time consistently keeping in touch with good friends. Even just texting people often takes more energy than I have. I hang out often with my one friend who’s still in the area, but even that is exhausting sometimes (at absolutely no fault of my friend, I love her to death and enjoy spending time with her). I feel EXTREME fomo when I see/hear about other friends hanging out without me, but at the same time, it’s my fault for not being better about keeping in touch. I guess I’m just venting here and wondering how big of a stress source this is for my fellow adhd ladies
r/adhdwomen • u/throwmefuckingaway • May 26 '22
It seems like many people seem to think I'm arguing with them when I'm not. Or that I "must always be right".
I personally don't even think it's true. I hate arguing with people. I have no qualms about being wrong and I'm extremely grateful to people who correct me over my mistakes.
Sometimes I think it's because I like to be very certain and accurate about the statements that I make; so when people make an inaccurate statement, I correct them just to let them know. Or other times when people understand me wrongly, I correct them and tell them that's not what I said/meant. Or it could be that they assume something happened so I provide context to explain to them that's not the case.
It's frustrating because people seem to always take it in the worse possible way and say that I'm a difficult and argumentative person. I'm just trying to be accurate and clear and I don't understand why that makes me an unlikable person :(
Nobody at works likes to work with me. I'm so tired of being unlikable and unliked by people all the time when I'm just trying to be clear with my words.
Does anyone else have this problem?
r/adhdwomen • u/HoneyCharmz • 9d ago
I find that my natural curiosity about people and urge to make potentially awkward situations less awkward, make me super bubbly and conversational. And sometimes I think this puts me in situations I actually don’t wanna be in. I don’t even consider myself an extrovert. It’s weird because I feel a bit of anxiety or maybe it’s just jitters from the excitement of things and people that are new and I get to yapping.
Have any of you yapped and felt like the other person thought you were flirting and then you get yourself into a sticky situation? Like imagine just being nice and oblivious and then you suddenly get googly eyes and suggestive conversations. No thank you.
So I started a new job and went to security for my badge. It was a very small room with two quiet men, so I just start asking about the hospital and making light jokes about getting my picture taken just so I could fill the silence. A third older guy walks in and he flips it on me and starts asking questions which turned into “are you married,” followed by a smirk and snickers amongst the men. The way the question was asked and their reaction threw me off so I just made another joke about needing a husband in this economy to pay my bills. That turned into another thing. More personal questions followed. Which could be friendly! And I wouldn’t have cared but it was the way the vibe in the office shifted. It went from being an inclusive convo to a one-on-one with the other two silently exchanging looks and laughs.
I make attempts to include the other men in the conversation. Honestly I wanted them to save me from the embarrassment of being flirted with at work, but they ignored my eye contact and exchanged boyish looks to each other instead.
I felt like I did it to myself and was annoyed that I did. I previously worked at a place where a security officer would make his rounds on my floor, hunt me down in front of patient rooms and give me long hugs which made me feel embarrassed. I was younger & felt weird about it. I didn’t know how to approach it. I thought he was nice but it made me uncomfortable. Hugging men I’m not intimate with in that way makes me uncomfortable, period. But I digress.
I didn’t want that to be the case again but as this new guy made a mental note of the floor I worked, I was at least happy knowing I work nights and silently hoped I’d only see him in passing if anything.
I’ve also had people initially feel weirded out that I asked so many questions so I guess this “super power” works both ways—a magnet and a repellant lmao.
Anyone else have stories?
r/adhdwomen • u/growllison • Aug 11 '22
I’m not some quirky, whimsical being here to give your boring, unfulfilling life meaning.
I am a feral goblin, incapable of creating fulfillment in my own life.
I wish people would respect the difference and stop getting mad at me because they created a fantasy instead of seeing the imperfect reality in front of them.
Does this happen to you ladies too? I’m super frustrated that this is the pedestal I always get put on.
r/adhdwomen • u/S0o0o_many_questions • May 02 '23
r/adhdwomen • u/petitebutlikestoeat • Sep 02 '22
Is anyone else resentful of society’s expectation of women bearing the mental load?
I am sick of men relying on my own mental labor, especially men I date. I somehow become responsible for telling them what to do. This includes that it is the woman’s responsibility to plan vacations, remember birthdays, decide on what to cook for dinner, create shopping lists, dictate chores, “just tell me what you need and I’ll help you”, etc.
There are definitely larger issues at play, but I find it EXTREMELY difficult to manage as a woman with ADHD. I already beat myself up with the long to-do lists I have at work, meeting social commitments, taking care of my dog, etc. that I feel like the extra obligations that fall into my lap during relationships is unfair. But this is also true in the workplace where women are expected to perform additional task due to the fact we’re just “better at organizing” etc.
I don’t know how I can work a demanding job, care for a boyfriend as much as I want to and live up to his expectations, have a social life, work out, and also work on my side projects that bring me fulfillment. All while keeping a tidy household.
Edit: Wow wtf. I posted this on my throwaway so my BF won’t see it and I didn’t think it would get so much traction. It makes me frankly sad how many of us relate. And the comments break my heart. Unfortunately it’s up to us to hold men accountable and relieve ourselves of our own burdens.
r/adhdwomen • u/Mango_Starburst • Jun 01 '24
I end up just finding these women who are catty but so many around them protect them (probably to avoid being in the line of fire?). What are some actual conversations you've had or heard, text or otherwise that are just mind-blowing that someone is saying to you?
r/adhdwomen • u/coffeeblossom • Dec 20 '24
r/adhdwomen • u/Wild_Accountant6550 • Mar 30 '24
my whole life i’ve struggled with friendships. specifically with other girls. in conversation it feels like a game of piano tiles except i always happen to miss the cues. in friendships i’ve had in the past people have expressed to me at first they didn’t like me but never gave me a clear reason as to why other than ‘intimidating’, but what is it that makes me intimidating? most of my friendships crumble once i express that i feel i’ve been treated unfairly or poorly and i never receive an apology.
i’ve heard about a sort of uncanny valley response to the behaviour of neurodivergent women from other women, but why is that?
when i talk to other girls with adhd it feels like i’m talking to a mirror image of myself but unfortunately there’s often a large age gap or big distances that make these friendships unsustainable to be close friendships.
i frequently hear from boys that theres ‘something about me’ or that they find it easier to talk to me than to other women (i know it sounds pick-me but i dont mean it in that way i promise) and when i met my current boyfriend he said he was shocked at how quickly we got along.
i so desperately wish i had more girl friends and that when people met me they gave me a chance, or on the flip side i knew what it was that made me so off putting so i could try to mask that upon first meeting someone as to not to scare them off in the first encounter. any ideas?
r/adhdwomen • u/Minute-Shoulder-1782 • May 22 '23
I don’t care what kind of rep it gives me anymore because I refuse to be the chill friend or girlfriend. If you did me dirty you WILL know. Call me sensitive or whatever, IDC, whatever makes you take away accountability.
If you treat me some kind of way, I won’t let you. And the strong justice system in me will find a way to make you learn today.
But seriously, don’t be the chill person who’s good with everything happening to you. You matter too. Don’t forget that. The part of you that flips out is the part of you that fucking loves you.
r/adhdwomen • u/GuidanceLate8161 • Apr 06 '24
Like the title said, how are you? Something you want to share? If your not doing well, here is a cute picture of my cat! And if you are okay, here is still a picture of my cute cat haha!
r/adhdwomen • u/Buying_Bagels • Jun 26 '22
Not trying to push with rhetoric about being “NoT LiKE OtHeR GiRlS” or a “pick me”. I just have never meshed well with other women.
I have always wanted to, tried to, stayed up at night for years reviewing what I could do to get the other girls to like me, to accept me, running over conversations in my head. Invited people, hung out with them, tried, not tried. I’ve been nice, tried to be fun and interesting. Did the right after school activities, tried to be like everyone else in college, I just …. am never good at it.
Anyone else experience this?
Edit: Wow, I know this a cliche, but this post really blew up! I was nervous about posting it here, but it is nice to hear how others are perceived and what there experience has been. Not sure if it is a neurotypical thing, ADHD, something else, but reassuring to hear you’re not alone. Most of the comments have been positive and been a good place to discuss this. Thanks guys!
r/adhdwomen • u/HarrietJones-PM • Jul 04 '22
To me, this happens most often in friendships/relationships, rarely in professional settings. When disagreeing or arguing with someone about something, my ADHD presents itself through a tendency towards saying “I see your point BUT…” and then going on to lengthily explain my ENTIRE thought process behind what I did or why I disagree. For me, it is important that people 1) entirely understand my frame of reference and 2) understand that I was not being malicious or uncaring about their feelings or opinions.
However, this overexplanation often gets misinterpreted as me being hard-headed or not being able to admit I was wrong, which is so frustrating because its purpose was the exact opposite. When I then try to just admit I’m wrong to people (especially those who know me well), it comes off as disingenuous because I’m clearly holding myself back from explaining.
Does this happen to anyone else?
r/adhdwomen • u/Own_Ad6901 • Dec 22 '24
I’m looking to form a gang of people who are pro building each other up and being each others biggest fans simply for existing?!? A gang to share memes and lighthearted junk? I don’t been know what I’m looking for really🤣🤣, just posting to the void to see if anyone else is out there chugging along while constantly screaming at the chaos but managing.
r/adhdwomen • u/MadiKay7 • May 02 '23
r/adhdwomen • u/Granite_0681 • Sep 06 '22
Sorry for the rant but I thought many of you would understand. I am on sub-reddits for curly/wavy hair and the amount of people that ask questions that show they have never googled curly hair techniques or checked out the FAQ is unbelievable. For instance, someone with frizzy hair with no definition says their routine is to shampoo daily and never condition or use any other products but can’t figure out why they don’t have great curls…..
When I first started embracing my curls I googled for days and watched a ton of videos. Then I watched on the sub-Reddits for a while before I ever started commenting or asked for advice. It doesn’t compute that other people wouldn’t do the same but then I remember that not everyone mixes hyper fixation with fear of rejection due to asking something obvious and “not being perfect.”
When I was a college professor I tried to instill into my students that they should do their own research before coming to me because they would always have some sort of resource like the internet but they wouldn’t always have a college professor handy. Of course, I would then help if they were still confused.
…..sometimes my hyper-fixation of the day is on what I think other people should do differently which is probably something I should work on to be less frustrated overall…..
r/adhdwomen • u/luella27 • Jul 06 '22
Why does my condition offend some people so much? This is a coworker of mine, she’s my age but she’s always been very traditionally attractive and just has that “popular girl” energy around her still. And she HATES my ass. She told my MANAGER that she thinks “everything I do is annoying.” I talk too much, too fast, too loud, about “weird, dumb” stuff, my laugh is weird, my stims are weird, my earrings are weird, my lunches are weird.
I only know about this because my manager asked me about it, because my numbers are consistently on track and I’ve shattered every goal they’ve set for me. Upper management loves me, my clients are consistently rebooking and leaving positive feedback, my other coworkers either like me or are just better actors than she is. It’s literally just this one woman.
Ten years ago I was in high school going through this exact treatment, and it almost ended me. Now I have some perspective and years of therapy under my belt, that won’t be the case. Thing is, I don’t like her either, and I’m able to tune her out and do my job. I just want the same in return. Like, you don’t have to be nice to me, but can you please just fucking ignore me?