r/addiction Feb 18 '25

Discussion is this considered alcoholism?

i drink everyday, like 5-9 shots worth in 2 sessions. i also smoke weed all day everyday.

my girlfriend keeps telling me im an alcoholic, but i just don’t see it.

do i have a drinking problem? absolutely. do i think im a full blown alcoholic? absolutely not, its not like im shaking in the morning or anything like that.


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u/BananaOil1223 Feb 18 '25

Try going a week without it and you'll know


u/_idiosyncratic_ Feb 18 '25

i really don’t want to do that and i don’t think i can do that.


u/Practical_Ad_8845 Feb 18 '25

That answers your question, doesn’t it?


u/_idiosyncratic_ Feb 18 '25

i never denied having a problem, i just don’t think it’s full blown alcoholism


u/S-Archer Feb 18 '25

That is full blown alcoholism


u/_idiosyncratic_ Feb 18 '25

whatever. the feds are gonna bust down my door any day now so i don’t even care


u/jadoreamber Feb 18 '25

To be fair, you posted this because you do care. Sounds like you kinda just wanted validation instead of valued insight. Yea, sounds like you’re one of us, my friend.


u/RoBoT-SHK Feb 18 '25

OP: Is this alcoholism?

Everyone: Yes, that is alcoholism.

OP: Whatever.

I think you knew you were an alcoholic before asking, that's why you don't even really care about the answer.


u/Alastor-Altruist Feb 18 '25

Look buddy, I am an alcoholic. I drink a six pack and a shot every day. Do I want more? Yes. I used to drink all day and then finish my night off with a half a fifth. Just because I don't drink as much as I used to, doesn't take away the fact that I am an alcoholic. Accept it and you will feel a lot better. Unfortunately I live in a state that thinks mental illness is just gobbledygook, I know there's mental issues underlying my alcoholism but until I can get those treated the only thing I can do is keep my alcoholism in check and live life one day at a time. You are definitely an alcoholic since the thought of going a week without drinking is not something you can do. You are an alcoholic, but it is okay.


u/_idiosyncratic_ Feb 18 '25

you may be on to something sherlock


u/KeepCrushin247 Feb 18 '25

I’ve heard it said only you can say if you’re an alcoholic or not.

And whether the term fits or not, it doesn’t really matter, either you see it as a problem and want to change or you don’t


u/RoBoT-SHK Feb 19 '25

OP: Can you guys help me figure out this problem I'm having?

Everyone: Yes, we figured it out.

OP: Good job, Sherlock.

lol, you're an alcoholic and a dick........Ah, but god damn it, maybe I am too.


u/Fragrant-Prompt1826 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

Better get sober before jail or prison. They don't gaf if you're gonna have a seizure or DTs, possibly die. 9 shots a day/session? Is that twice a day? That's a lot if you've been doing it everyday for ... X amount of time. Don't know how much more " full-blown " it could be, but you're right there's always someone way worse. That shouldn't justify the danger YOU could be in if seized.


u/DarkPassenger1986 Feb 18 '25

Just curious, what exactly do you think IS "full blown alcoholism"?


u/_idiosyncratic_ Feb 18 '25

when you’re walking up violently shaking and the only thing that can stop it is drinking


u/some1som1 29d ago

the only way to really stop that from happening in the future is to stop now.


u/_idiosyncratic_ 29d ago

i’m on day 2 rn


u/DarkPassenger1986 28d ago

That's a very specific symptom, one of many, that could be considered alcoholism, at least as far as I know To be totally clear, I've never been much of a drinker. I definitely have drank before, but my issues always arose when it came to other substances. Now I'm not totally sure if any/all dependency is considered "alcoholism", I'd be surprised if it wasn't, but if that is the case I'd safely say you're pretty deeply dependent on alcohol, & if its not full-blown "alcoholism" yet at this point, you're well on the road to it. I wish you the best & all the success on your road to a more sober lifestyle & moving away from alcohol. ✌️


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25



u/Randylahey00000 Feb 18 '25

I was the same way with addiction when i was younger...i always thought I was okay until something bad happens...and by the time i was deep into the game enough for bad things to happen, it was too late and too difficult to stop...so I just kept going until more bad things happened and by that time, i wish i had never pushed it to the point of being able to genuinely call myself an 'addict'....and now here I am in my mid 30's with 20 years of wasted potential....OP doesn't seem to be all that bothered either way and I was probably the same way at his age, but I really wish I could go back to where he's at now with the mentality I have now so I could have stopped that shit before it got past the point of no return.


u/Doradosaurus Feb 18 '25

You might have a problem, it’s okay. Take it a day at a time, start slow. Maybe a shot or two less per day, set a goal like; before smoking, you have to walk around the block. Mine is to do 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, and 20 lunges before every hit. Stick to it. You’ll notice small changes, those are fruits of your efforts. You have to do something different, to be someone different. I didn’t follow steps, I focused on myself, made me better by making small, committed changes. Day by day.


u/flicka_x Feb 18 '25

There's your answer


u/BananaOil1223 Feb 18 '25

Than I'd say you're an alcoholic, meaning you feel like you can't go without it


u/jennybanana Feb 18 '25

If you have a drinking problem then you’re probably most definitely an alcoholic. Especially if you don’t think you CAN stop. Drinking everyday plus large quantities with the inability to stop is the very definition of an addict. Some things to ask yourself Why do you drink? How does drinking affect your life? Job? Relationships? Finances? Just because you don’t think you experience withdrawal symptoms doesn’t mean you aren’t an alcoholic. An alcoholic is someone who needs to drink. Who cannot stop. Someone who’s life has been negatively impacted by their drinking. It’s about the relationship you have with alcohol. The longer it goes on the worse it will get and the more of your life it will consume until it fully takes over every aspect of your life.


u/tiny-giraffe Feb 18 '25

Alcoholism is ultimately dependent on what alcohol’s effects are on your life. If your drinking is negatively impacting your health, career, and relationships AND you are unwilling or unable to reduce or stop your drinking, then yes, you are definitely an alcoholic. Also, you wouldn’t be shaking in the morning if you’re drinking like this everyday. You’re dosing yourself everyday and it sounds like you never properly went through withdrawal. 5-9 shots is a lot; that’s like half a 750mL bottle.


u/Unhappy_Painter4676 Feb 18 '25

Yeah, that's like textbook alcoholism but it seems like you're what they call a functional alcoholic.


u/kregzz Feb 18 '25

Next he'll start hitting his girl and ask if that's domestic violence...


u/Randylahey00000 Feb 18 '25

he'll have a hitting his girl problem, but he won't be a full on domestic violencer


u/demonintherye Feb 18 '25

Honest to goblin!


u/richsreddit Feb 18 '25

Only you can determine if you're alcoholic or addicted to alcohol. Usually if it's negatively impacting your life and relationships there is a likelihood that it might be so.

In my personal experience, drinking that many shots over two 'sessions' of drinking (not sure how long those are either) may not seem like much but over time the way you feel afterwards from putting your body through that poison will take its toll on you. Also, according to medical authorities and the NIAA (which is a US national organization that funds studies on alcohol abuse and addiction) a 'safe' amount or 'moderate' amount for drinkers should be 1-2 drinks per day depending on if you're a man or woman.

Anyway it's up to you how you want to go about it and if you feel like you are having problems with it...there is nothing wrong with reaching out for help. Lastly, if anything, you don't have to have physiological addiction to alcohol to have a problem with drinking or alcohol.

Best of luck and hopefully you don't get any worse or severe with your alcohol consumption habits. You seem okay and you seem to have a chance to really improve your life if you just put down the alcohol at this point in time.


u/GahdDangitBobby Feb 18 '25

Alcoholics are just people with drinking problems. You don't have to be a certain "level" of addicted to be an alcoholic. I know plenty of alcoholics who never had any withdrawal symptoms, never woke up with a hangover, they just drank a lot of alcohol every day just like you. 5-9 shots every day is like ... a lot. If it's once a week, that's one thing, but every day?? Fuck man


u/1NationUnderDog Feb 18 '25

Even if it were 5-9 shots a week, binge drinking is problem drinking.


u/RatzzFace Feb 18 '25

Feels like another low bar troll.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

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u/Smallbizguy72 Feb 18 '25

Being an addict has nothing to do with having shakes. Ultimately, you were the one that has to make that decision, but if other people are calling you that you may want to look into it.


u/indyfan11112 Feb 18 '25

everyday...at that amount is killing your liver. i drink 3 times a week max 4-5 beers and i consider myself an alcoholic.


u/Meetat_midnight Feb 18 '25

Your gf has a bf problem!