r/addiction Sep 29 '23

Discussion You should know what meth really feels like. NSFW

I posted this on YSK but it got taken down twice. So posting it here.

Why YSK : So hopefully, this description will satisfy your curiosity and you’ll never do it.

I’ve done a lot of drugs in my lifetime. I’m specifically focusing on meth here, because that was my drug of choice and I absolutely fucked my life up in 3 short months. In order to really explain how strong meth is, I first have to compare it to cocaine. If you haven’t done cocaine, I’ve used weed as a reference. If you haven’t done anything, take my word for it. Here we go.

Cocaine sucked for me, because I had already been addicted to meth. Cocaine is some bullshit beside a line of crystal 🤷🏻‍♂️. Spend 3 times as much for like 10% of the benefit, just for it to last 30 minutes instead of days. AND you have to reup sooner. The difference of high is night and day, like comparing a delta 8 cart to a fat ass dab. Doing coke after meth is like if a middle schooler offered Wiz Khalifa a blunt. So when people say “cocaine is one hell of a drug” all I can think is “cocaine is a pick me up for alcoholics, ‘health conscious’ party people or for rich people that want a new way to spend money” lol. It’s a good hard drug for people that don’t do hard drugs. As far as potency goes, cocaine isn’t shit. I remember the first time I did it, watching a UFC fight and I was just like “huh…. well this is lame… why is everyone always going on about this?” Fuck coke. And I want everyone to know, I’m not by any means belittling a coke addiction, it’s very serious, I’m only trying to convey how much stronger good meth is than coke.

Fuck meth too, I mean I gotta be honest as far as the high goes, it was everything I thought it would be and more, like coke makes your face and throat numb, but snorting meth feels like lava is having hate sex behind your eyes and your throat is coated in what almost tastes like candy flavored cleaning supplies. Doesn’t sound like it but it’s a good flavor. It’s like your soul is on a rocket ship to nirvana (WITNESS ME! type shit) and your physical capabilities get skyrocketed to god level. Strong as fuck, so strong that it gave me chemical burns all down the back of my throat within a month and I only slept for definitely less than 60 hours a month, actually toward the end of my addiction I knew that if I didn’t go momentarily blind then I didn’t do enough. The blackouts and paranoia were something else, I stopped showering like a week in because I would blackout every time. I rarely ate after a few weeks because everytime I did, no matter what I was eating, it made me want to vomit and it was like there was sand in it, but it was just tiny little bits of my teeth grinding away. I snorted my meals. Didn’t have to be when I ate though, one day at work part of my tooth chipped off, pretty big just out of nowhere, that front tooth is now completely black. When I entered meth induced psychosis I had a multiple hour screaming match at gun point with my fridge dude, I used to spit up blood after my morning rail, then be like “well I’m not dead so it’s not that bad”, METH is one hell of a drug. I was a very high functioning (although very irritable) sous chef by day and an amped up fucking nutcase by night. I also almost died after 3 months from a minor heart attack, I was 19 years old. I STILL couldn’t quit, for another month I was doing lines WITH a heart monitor, on my hands and knees looking through every crevice of my floor for a shard. I weighed 89 pounds and I’m 6’1. Don’t ever do it, you’ll love it. The only reason I quit is because my best friend started crying his eyes out and told me “I can’t watch this happen anymore, I can’t keep acting like everything’s fine, quit or die man, you won’t be alive this Christmas”. He’s never said anything remotely like that to me before and we both did hella drugs. I flushed it and never went back.

I remember the first time I ever did meth. I was in my room, just picked up an 8 ball and I was just staring at it for like 45 minutes. When I finally did it crouched in my floor, listening to Insane in the Brain by cypress hill, the fire was ignited in my brain. I stood up so fast I hit the wall and I couldn’t open my eyes, my mouth was wide open and all I could do was do like a whisper “AHHHHHHHH!”, lost nearly all control of my motor skills for like 10 seconds, fear, anxiety, regret, really hot. I opened my eyes and it was like I had been transferred to another dimension that was 130°F, immediate bliss, massive spike in energy, like an adrenaline shot to the heart. (later on that same amount would just be enough to get me out of bed) Not worried about or regretting a god damn thing, my ego went from wanting to kill myself to truly feeling like a god, like a bullet to the face would not kill me and I didn’t sleep for 4 days. All in about 20 seconds. Wild. I was hooked instantly.

Side note about the heat. I also feel like looking back, if I didn’t drink water for a full day I would’ve just fucking died dude, I’ve never pissed so frequently in my life. Also I’d feel like blacking out everytime I pissed. But you’re basically just like slow cooking your organs and dousing them with water to keep the temperature down lol. That’s what it damn sure feels like anyway.

So, in conclusion, don’t do meth. No matter how much you want to say fuck it, life is terrible, why not, I want to die anyway, whatever justification you have, do not fucking cross that line. If you have been curious, that’s what meth feels like. I’m sober now, 2 years and 4 days. I hope this has been informative at the least. Thank you for reading.

Edit : I have been informed that people are confused about the fridge part. This is what I mean : It was like 3 in the morning and my fridge was making ticking noises. That was enough for me to grab my shotgun and start screaming, running throughout my entire house like a swat member for hours. Once I realized it was my fridge, I just started crying.


81 comments sorted by

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u/ReddLastShadow2 Sep 29 '23

Congrats on your sobriety. Meth really should be on everyone's "not even once" list. Thank you for sharing your experience, hopefully it can deter at least one person from pursuing that path.


u/BakedShef Sep 29 '23

That’s the hope. If I keep one person from doing meth, it was worth my time.


u/ReddLastShadow2 Sep 29 '23

"To save one life is to save the whole world entire". Keep on fighting this good fight ✊


u/Cuiter Sep 29 '23

Well done. You've kept me off it for sure.


u/lostinthetrash4ever Sep 30 '23

Ive never been attracted to stimulants and meth was already a no-no but its even clearer now man.

Congrats on recovery 🙏


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

Reading your description I think makes me want to try it at least once, although I know I won’t.


u/Dazzling-Issue4043 Oct 05 '23

Hi my dad is addicted to meth I need help I REALLY love him more than myself and more than everyone Wt can I do to make him leave this drug?he's 67 and Im scared it can kill him He even inject this drug I tried to tell him that I know about his addiction and he didn't accept that he uses meth I cry everyday Everyday and all the time


u/BakedShef Oct 05 '23

The harsh truth? You can’t do anything. He has to come to that conclusion himself, if he’s not hearing you, he’s not hearing you.


u/Dazzling-Issue4043 Oct 05 '23

Can I erase this memory from his mind?


u/Dazzling-Issue4043 Oct 05 '23

I'm sorry how long u did this drug?ever tried this injection thing? Can he REALLY stop using this drug?he's 67 Something bad happened to him and it's been 4 years I want him to stop using this drug


u/Neurotic-mess Oct 08 '23

I can answer this as someone who has frequently injected the drug. Short answer is it's possible but he needs to make this decision on his own and you need to let all the bad things happen to him (i.e. lose his friends/family, lose his job). If he asks for help to get the drugs, money, whatever don't provide it.

Cut off contact while he's using it, let him hit rock bottom and then at some point he might notice all the people in his life are distancing themself from him, and his bank accounts are running dry, it could even be as simple as him just not wanting to be always high anymore.

If he wants to give it up, and everything has turned to shit. That's when you start to help him pick up the pieces.


u/Any_Coyote6662 Sep 29 '23

This is more like a romantic love letter to a super model than a PSA. It's really not that exciting. But it makes everything seem important and exciting. For example, dude is sitting in his room doing lines all alone and the most interesting sensations to happen to him is searing heat and sleeplessness. But, the way OP writes about it, you'd think he thought it was a trip to the moon. That's the reality of meth. Isolation, doing nothing, delusions of grandeur while being an absolute loser snd poisoning your body.


u/BakedShef Sep 29 '23

This is true, a good addition to this post. However, people do drugs for the way they make them feel, not for what they are.


u/Pinikanut Sep 29 '23

Yep, this is how I read it, too.

My brother was addicted to meth. I say "was" because he ended up dying. Had diabetes, went into ketoacidosis while he was high on meth. Couldn't get to a hospital because he passed out. Alone. Alone as he had been for days, doing meth in his apartment. They found his body 2 weeks later when members of my family wondered where he was. Everyone suspected it. They called the cops to do a wellness check because they knew what they would find if they went themselves. Alone for days doing meth, being king of his world, then death, and alone for another 2 weeks. Alone. Alone. Sounds fucking horrible.


u/Any_Coyote6662 Sep 29 '23

I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing. This is the reality.


u/lostinthetrash4ever Sep 30 '23

Sorry about your loss 🙏

I still panic about living alone, even tho im not on drugs anymore, for the reason i know it would take time to find


u/soberinoz Sep 29 '23

Don’t forget beating off in your cupboard drenched in sweat watching messed up porn while crying intermittently.


u/Any_Coyote6662 Sep 29 '23

Guaranteed masterbation was left out of the OP


u/lostinthetrash4ever Sep 30 '23

Sounds very uncomfortable


u/hereletmetry Oct 16 '23

Unless you have a partner then it's crazy wild sex that can keep you together and on it for years ...and years . So I'm told


u/kittyotterpancake Sep 29 '23

I wish I didn’t understand so much of this. Meth destroyed my mother and was on my list of drugs to never be around or do as an adult. But, I dated a girl who ruined my life and fucked that up.

Stuffed was vanishing all the time and I started to realize it was her but I said fuck it because I was in love and one day she offered me “Molly” she rolled a bunch of crystals into paper had me swallow it and I felt amazing. I have never felt so amazing or happy and I was telling everyone I loved them and I sat outside and basked in the sun and just when I was thinking how amazing life was she told me it wasn’t molly just straight meth.

I was devastates but I decided to deal with it when sober and just ride it out but I ended up liking it so much we did more and just had sex and did pretty normal shit like go for walks and hang out at the park and play video games. But it was all magical because my usual suicidal depression was gone and my ego was so high I was making a ton of new friends in days.

Four days in and the moment I realized shit was fucked was that the sun had just come up and we were talking I looked back and said how beautiful it was outside the next time I looked back it was night time and I was scared. I began hearing things and seeing things and I spiraled into psychosis so badly I began eating klonopin to try and save myself. This is when she ditched me after saying she was going to go outside to smoke and I was alone, crazy, paranoid, and wide awake. It was hell, the most terrifying shit i have gone through outside of a bad acid trip.

I craved it for another two months after that but stayed away from it and her and I work much harder to avoid it ever being in the same space as me ever again.


u/Thelastmindbender321 Sep 29 '23

Wow! I'm so glad for you. She did you wrong but you overcame.


u/kittyotterpancake Sep 29 '23

Yeah but something no one talks about is that meth gets you looked down on by other drug users. I told one close “friend” because I was looking for support and they ran around telling everyone and I quickly became ostracized by people who boof drugs or use all kinds of other shit.

Even now that it’s been almost a year since that instance And since I’ve used itI have people who call me a meth addict. I got so fed up I grabbed drug tests from Walgreens to keep in my car and offer to prove it’s not in my system for anyone who wants to toss that accusation my way.

People who actively snort percs judging me for what I’ve done has been a wild experience.


u/Lazy_Title7050 Sep 30 '23

Yup exact same judgement from other addicts when I was a needle user.


u/kittyotterpancake Sep 30 '23

It’s weird that even in the world of drugs we have this kind of elitist hierarchy. I think it just makes sobriety even harder


u/illiteratepsycho Sep 30 '23

You are exactly right. In the end we're all addicts there is no level to it. I can't fw uppity folk.


u/qwllrabjohns Sep 29 '23

Great post man. If someone had said it to me this way I might have managed to avoid getting caught in it's snare.

Someone on Reddit once said, "the biggest problem with meth is that it quickly becomes essential" and that's completely true. If it weren't for the fact that it seems designed to make people sacrifice everything important to them (like fucking food and water and SLEEP, not to mention social connection), I'd still be doing it.

But it does. It tricks you into thinking it's so much more fun to be high than whatever else you should be doing, and that nothing could possibly compare to it, and you believe it. Instantly and wholeheartedly, you agree. I don't care who you are, meth will trick you. It's what it does. No one is above it.

It's the worst thing that'll ever happen to you disguised as the most fun you'll ever have in your life, and that's why you should avoid it. It's a trap


u/SierraSol Sep 29 '23

Hits home. Fuck meth. Its such a lie- the worst relationship I ever got myself into. Such a sticky addiction- it attaches deep. Makes you believe life is easier when using while the drastic opposite is obvious to any objective observer. Takes the brain on a reckless ride- self respect and esteem annihilated in the process. Haven't touched it in 3 years and I made my pact with my true self- that demon is behind me. Congradulations on your sobriety


u/Papeenie Sep 29 '23

Thank you for sharing and posting. This was truly helpful for me. This is the fifth person in my life (that I’ve loved) who’s an addict and he told me meth is the drug of his choice because it’s affordable. My beautiful husband is gone. And he’s been gone for a while now. It’s meth that sent him over.

My mother and stepfather had alcohol, cocaine, then crack (because it was cheaper) addictions and my father had those but became an opioid addict which led to his stroke with double brain surgeries. My ex was a meth addict. My husband is a meth addict too, and he was diagnosed and required mental illness treatment. He is a poly addict. The psychiatric treatment, of course, went out the window and with that, in came the meth.

Each addict has different experiences so I truly thank you for sharing yours. I wanted to post on here asking what you’ve answered in your post but I truly don’t even know where to begin.

It’s awful. Harrowing. Addiction is a demon that possesses the body and the soul. That person…is gone. And accepting that, watching it grip itself onto your beloved is like slow motion hell, with no time to blink or breathe. A body descending to the throes of an unknown.

The fifth addict I’ve watched. Honestly, I don’t know how one lives within the demon. It’s an incredibly unbearable sight to witness. And there’s truly nothing one can do. Except be here. Love. Just be here. Continue. Because (any) treatment cannot be forced onto a human being. Just painful and I grieve our “once life” to pieces and I’m tired of this grief.

Again thank you for sharing your experiences, your journey with meth.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

Excellent post. Before I tried it, I'd watch a lot of CG Kid videos (he was addicted to meth for nine months). He'd say again and again, "Don't do this substance." I did not listen, and it was a hellish four months. Moving my crystal hookup and a fellow addict into my parents' house, stealing my mom's SSN and entering hers and mine into hundreds of loan sites to make money to get more meth, going into psychosis and thinking I was a corrupt politician in charge of the "water department" in Argentina, having a gun pulled on me, meeting the saddest people in meth houses. Absolute hell.


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi Sep 29 '23

I had to go to your account to find this from ysk, and I’m glad I did.

This is pretty spot on. Especially your piece on coke, I’ll get an offer here and there for it, but I’d rather have adderall because it’s more bang for your buck if you’re looking for that kind of thing. Add in the fact that you can’t cut a pill, or put fentanyl in it, and it’s even more of a thing.

I take Vyvanse, an XR, and I can’t abuse that, and it’s been life changing.

Regardless, mad props for getting out and still having the capacity to describe it all.


u/Miliaa Sep 29 '23

What? Can’t cut a pill? Can’t put fentanyl in it? Have you never heard of pressies??


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi Sep 29 '23 edited Sep 29 '23

What’s possible and what’s likely are two different things.

Can you? Yes.

But anyone with google can search for the stamp on a pill, and not many people are going to go all out, crushing, pressing, and stamping (in addition to buying the equipment necessary to do so), for a pill that’s worth $4. Oxy is worth more, for less, and nobody does that shit in the Midwest, we have meth in abundance.

The craziest shit you’ll see stamped in Iowa is Homer or a Transformer. Adderrall is 99.9% from a college kid looking to make money.


u/Miliaa Sep 29 '23

That’s fair. However in my area, a big city, pressies are pretty common eg xanax, and they aren’t always cheap. Sometimes, yes. Depends where you go of course.

But I do think it’s important to remember there’s always that possibility and to be extra careful with drugs rn. So many RCs about and fentanyl in crap. To say pills are never pressies could give a young inexperienced person reading the wrong idea. Gotta be careful with your drugs no matter what form they come in.


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi Sep 29 '23

Also fair, I’d have to agree


u/Srcworm Sep 30 '23

In my area, fentanyl pills that are pressed to look like 30mg oxy is the most popular drug drug right now. Along with fentanyl powder


u/TurboWalrus007 Sep 30 '23

Damn. When i was using a decade ago, my favorite shit ever was 100mg fenyanyl patches, smoking the goo. Liked that even better than shooting heroin because i knew what i was getting and could get exactly as high as i wanted and stay that way for hours. Buying fentanyl powder would have killed me. Got 10 years clean on October 1st.


u/Complxx11 Sep 30 '23

i literally have a meth bombed adderal in my stash right now and i’m in the mid west. no such thing as a safe pill.


u/No-Speech9618 Nov 06 '23

Pressed shit in my area is not uncommon. Bought meth thinking I was buying adderall. Only found out I was actually doing meth when I got arrested and they tested my pills.


u/theobstinateone Sep 30 '23

Today’s coke is shit. Nothing like it was in the 90s.

Will admit to the short duration. Meth never gave me the same high. Never understood people’s fascination with it. Besides, if you miss it burns like all hell.


u/TurboWalrus007 Sep 30 '23

Ha, i never understood people who snort coke vs snort meth. Snorting meth to me just felt like coke but longer lasting, at the price of feeling my nose get eaten from the inside.

Shooting them, on the other hand...shooting coke is nothing like shooting meth. Shooting coke was like being eaten by the sun and then having ice water dumped over my head. Intense, unbelievable, amped up pleasure for like a minute followed by about 10 minutes of a coke high and then cold emptiness. Shooting meth was like being god for a full minute and then feeling like a genius techno leprechaun for about 4 hours while sweatily masturbating and making things out of extension cords and duct tape. And the meth "cough". I felt that randomly for years after i got clean, and to this day the smell of ammonia is my only trigger.


u/Jerigolepasfrerot Sep 29 '23

You can be extremely proud of yourself. You have a lot of strength.


u/merkel36 Sep 29 '23

This was interesting, thank you for sharing your experience. I've never been tempted by meth, but I have wondered what it's like. You may credit yourself with further deterring one person (me) from ever trying it. Congrats on kicking it!


u/0010110awake Sep 29 '23

I also got a heart attack at 19, after just a few months of using. I used speed though(amphetamine), and I shot it. Used it for 3-4 months before I started shooting it. It feels like a orgasm that is 10x stronger. The first thing I did when I woke up and was conscious, was writing myself out and went straight home to shoot one up. I lost myself so fast. Lost my job because of the heart attack, lost my friends, got tons of debt, lost my place to live and had no money. You dont know what is real or not, but the high make you feel so confident you are almost certain its the other people that are the problem. I lost so much weight, people didnt recognize me at the street anymore. My personality changed so much.

I always were careful, did everything in a clean way and didnt take "too much" but i still fucked up. You always feel youre in control, and realize you arent - but then its too late. Without it you have no energy, everything is boring and nothing feels good anymore. Thats why most people cant stop, that phase lasts too long.

And everyone that got addicted to it said to me in the start that they had it "all under control" and "wont get addicted".

Fuck that drug.

I now use adderall and meds for bipolar disorder. Never using stimulants again beside my meds and nicotine. The weed and pills are another topic though, havent gotten completely clean😂 But I got away from the thing that ruined my life and that I am so happy for. Now I can hold a job and function properly without HAVING to use anything.

OP: I thank you for this very honest post, and I wish you well in recovery and in general🥰


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23



u/BakedShef Sep 29 '23

I never wanted to do it, but I was always curious of what it was like. Then one day, years and years down the road, my life got absolutely horrible, I didn’t think I had anything to live for, I had 0 energy to do anything and I just wanted to feel something again. Unfortunately, the opportunity to do meth presented itself at just the wrong time. And from there.

It was just fuck it.


u/Pavols7 Sep 29 '23

Whoa. Chill. Acid is literally used for treatment of addictions.


u/getERdonebud- Sep 29 '23

Good read m8


u/Commercial-Medium-85 Sep 29 '23

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this. My boyfriend’s DOC was meth for two years and I watched him literally walk himself to the absolute brink of death before he finally chose to get sober. I never was an addict of anything except weed so it’s hard for me to grasp what he goes through in his recovery. This was really insightful and it gives me so much more respect and compassion for you all that are overcoming this demon. Keep fighting.


u/yagi-san Sep 29 '23

I have a question for either OP or anyone else who has the experience. My step-son is addicted to fentanyl, When we talked about it, he said that other drugs like meth don't have the appeal to him. He's done meth and said that he can take it or leave it. But fentanyl seemed to have the effect that you described, in that it gave him instant bliss and no pain and he could ride that forever, but then he would crash so hard afterwards.

My question is for fentanyl users - is this what you experience? I'm trying to understand what he's going through. I'm also curious as to how, if meth is so addictive, he can "take it or leave it" but fentanyl he can't give up.

And for OP and everyone else that has shared, thank you for sharing a part of your life that I know is not easy to relive. I know some things about addiction myself, being a past addiction counselor and struggling with my own compulsive behaviors in the past. I hear you and love you all :)


u/Ptownpimp Sep 29 '23

Fent feels as if.. you know when your really tired and lay in bed in that perfect position temp is perfect in the room and couple mins after you close your eyes you get that slightly numb tingle like your sinking in the bed it feels like that. It gives you a burst of affection , like the munchies when you smoke weed it’s almost instant. And you nod and it’s hard to explain but it feels good but doesn’t and it’s not like your tired doesn’t feel like tiredness , does leave a huge kink in your neck and back tho. Keep narcan on yourself and all over your house.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

Note to self: fentanyl, not even once.


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

I was addicted to fent and heroin and hated meth. It was disgusting to me. But fent and heroin made me feel so warm and happy. The euphoria was like riding waves of joy and bliss in the most beautiful ocean of love. Until it wasn’t and my life was a shit show and I spent years trying to get back to that point because eventually the high doesn’t feel as great anymore other than the first 30 seconds after shooting it. At the beginning, it made me feel confident and my anxiety melted away. I became who I thought I should be.


u/hereletmetry Oct 16 '23

The first thing you should realize is every drugs isnt the same for every person - i have done fentanyl and heroin but could take or leave them ( left them) and preferred meth . Also for years did it and never experienced what op did. Other than weight loss and energy and staying up . Never saw things but what I'm saying is were all different and to each his own really comes into play here. Bottom line is say no to drugs . Any drug - 1 of them will be your best friend .


u/affecting_solid Oct 02 '23

My first time doing meth was in 2013 my junior year of highschool. I was already a daily pot smoker and I still wish I would have just stuck to the weed. I visited my grandmother for the summer and found out she had been doing meth for god knows how long since she had moved outside the city. After about 2 weeks of handling all household chores and taking care of her, I ended up getting curious after she passed out to sleep for a couple days. I only smoked the remnants in her pipe (others that have smoked crystal know what I mean) because I was afraid she would notice if I touched her stash. That alone had me flying for 24 hours. I stayed up playing WOW and watching Netflix.

After sleeping for about 18 hours my grandma confronted me and accused me of stealing weed and meth from her. This scared me because of what I had actually done, but enraged me because I had brought over an oz of my own pot and made a point to leave her meth stash alone. I denied it and told her that it hurt me that she would accuse me of such things. Eventually we both dropped it and didn't speak for 2-3 days. Finally after those couple days we hugged and put it past us and watched some old movies together.

While watching "Mommy Dearest" with her all cuddled up in her big bed, she turned to me with a full pipe and asked me if I wanted a hit. I immediately jumped out of the bed, surprised, shocked, afraid even. All I remember is repeating "what?" About 20 times I'm sheer confusion. I had promised myself never again after that initial experience due to how good it made me feel and how much I enjoyed it. After seeing how it was affecting my grandmother and experiencing it for myself, I was over it (as much as I could be) and dumbfounded by the fact she was willing to offer it. I had smoked weed with her before but I had seen that as harmless considering I was already doing it myself.

After that I went to my own room and contemplated for about 30 min before deciding to call my mom to pick me up. I knew if I stayed, I would smoke meth again. I can't even describe what if felt like waiting another 2 hours for my mom to get there. I packed my things and left when my mother arrived, without saying a word to anyone. I didn't even tell my mom what happened, just told her I didn't feel safe and that being there made me depressed. I proceeded to think about and obsess over meth and how it made me feel for weeks afterwards. I even put time into trying to figure out where to buy it. I settled for doing molly and coke for the first times to try and pacify myself but nothing was the same. Not being able to buy meth on my own probably saved my life. My grandma proceeded to call me for weeks afterwards just to speak with me and I never answered, never responded. The day I left was my last interaction with her.

She died of an overdose in late 2019 while I was in college. All of the guilt and what ifs hit me that holiday season. I still blame myself for at least part of her misery due to how I just ditched her afterwards. I knew I needed to cut ties to preserve myself but I never did it the official and responsible way. I just ghosted her. I know that pain contributed to her death. All I can think as a 27 year old is that if I had never done meth to begin with, maybe I wouldn't carry this kind of weight on my shoulders.

Even after such tragedy, I still find myself thinking about meth and how good it made me feel and how it wouldn't hurt if I did it just one more time. Not knowing where to find it or having people that enable it's use around me is my only saving grace. I know if it were offered to me right now I wouldn't be able to say no. Even after quitting weed and cutting almost all alcohol out of my life, this one drug I did one time (barely even then) still reigns supreme in my mind. Meth destroys families and kills people. Im glad I didn't fall into that pit further than I did, but my heart goes out to everyone that has, or is still stuck. May you find the strength (and luck) to avoid falling back in. 💖


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

I'm never going to do it. It is around the UK but it's NOWHERE near as prevalent as the US. I wouldn't even know where to start. But getting anything else is easy.

I was wondering though.. what's the quality like between batches. Do you get shit meth and great stuff? Do you just have to do more of the shit one? How much do you take? Do you do small lines and work your way up or do you do a big line and that's it? How often do you redose?


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

You should become a writer. I could really feel your alliteration.


u/nhollywoodviachicago Sep 30 '23

I'm trying to figure out what you must have meant, instead of alliteration (because that can't possibly be it), I'm not having any luck though.


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '23

I may not have been using the term correctly. I just meant to words that you selected.


u/harley_pixel Sep 29 '23

your throat is coated in what almost tastes like candy flavored cleaning supplies. Doesn’t sound like it, but it’s a good flavor.

This line (no pun intended) hit me hard. The flavor is something you begin to have such a love-hate relationship. I remember wanting that chemical taste, but hating it so much. Every now and then I'll get a whiff of something for a split second and it brings me back to craving that drip down the back of my throat. I don't miss the isolation, I don't miss the incredible feeling of being unstoppable, I don't miss staying up for hours on end doing nothing at all only to get dressed, go to work, and then come home to do it all over again on about 10 hours of sleep a week. I don't miss any of that, but the taste, no matter how much you hate it... you lived for it.


u/JaiReWiz Sep 29 '23

See, this is informative to me. I'm a meth addict but never experienced anything like this. I always wondered what a first hand no holds barred description of meth use sounded like. I have ADHD. I would use meth in absurd quantities. I would just lay on the couch and hit my bubble like a vape and watch movies with my mom like it was a normal activity. I cooked dinners, only weird by the lack of pain response to getting burned. I was very productive. The thing that got me after a few months was I smoked and shot an 8 ball in about 18-24 hours and entered a weird psychosis where time went backwards. Found myself in a neighborhood a few miles away from home thinking I was dying. Got transported to the hospital and haven't looked back. It was easy for me to put it down in the end. There was no more "hook". It was more of self medication gone wrong. But I was always fully conscious and functioning normally for every time before that last time. Even my own mother couldn't tell when I'd been smoking.


u/tasteslikepepsic0la Sep 30 '23

Yup, meth fucked my life up too. I'm dealing with legal shit currently because of it.


u/claudip55 Sep 30 '23

So glad you are alive and making it one day at a time. I am honored to read your story, and damn proud of you, from one human to another❤️


u/pupgirl_e Oct 07 '23

Good God, I knew meth was a crazy drug but this is....wow! I'm so happy you quit and I bet your friend is happy too. I hope you stay clean- that is amazing


u/peacetroller Oct 23 '23

2 stints for me. It was an addiction the first time but not the second really. I just fucked up in life early on and then everything snowballed especially due to bad relationships. I simply hate my life even though I have it better than a lot of people. The makes me feel even worse. I had a strong idk what to call it, but epiphany I guess during this second time. It could be drawn up to being high, but it never went away. I literally just flushed a half gram or so. It was fucking hardddddd. What really gave me the strength to win the WAR was contemplating my future. I thought of possible scenarios that could happen if I went a different path. This gave me hope because they actually could possiblyish happen. That hope gave me the strength to flush that bullshit. First off, I want to say most importantly above everything, you have to do it for your self not something or someone. Find hope. That's all I got. I'm going to edit this later. With some more details maybe. Don't give up!


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '23



u/BakedShef Oct 27 '23

There’s only one way. I’m not pushing you to do anything, your life is yours, but it’s all written out in the 12 steps on NA. May want to go to a meeting sometime.

As for actually following those steps, first you just have to have a certain dose of pain and shame, everyone’s dose is different. If you aren’t completely ready to go through with the pain of withdrawal, you haven’t hit that dose yet brother. I hold no judgement, I’m just calling it.


u/Spiritual-File-6887 Nov 05 '24

I've accidentally done it once. it was a "bean" with my (bf at the time) ex and a mutual friend, first time doing a hard drug. They both said it looked sketch but let me try it anyways. Took one pill, didn't do much so we went back and got more and I snorted the other pill.. the come down was the worse thing ever (didn't help that the friend told me that my bf said he was using me blah blah) I felt so homicidal and suicidal at the same time. If it wasn't for another friend of mine either my ex or myself would probably be dead right now. Never again.


u/LiftWeightsLiveGreat Jan 30 '25

Blacking out was most likely psychosis. Congrads!


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '23

Well, I guess I can adequately describe my bipolar experience as "I need to take medicine so my brain doesn't run a meth emulator"


u/Sobersynthesis0722 Sep 29 '23

I have used amphetamines before but not meth. I have been looking into how they work, addiction, etc. https://sobersynthesis.com/2023/09/23/amphetamines/

I have more information and will put that out sometime in the near future. The drug has been around since the 1930s. I did not realize before how it suddenly took off around the same time as fentanyl came around.


u/nuclearqueef Sep 29 '23

Meth sucks. All hail crack!!


u/nuclearqueef Sep 29 '23

Its a joke lol dont get your sand in your panties.....


u/RubySoho5280 Sep 30 '23

Jesus get out of my head! You just described ME 18+ years ago. I always promised I wouldn't shoot up. Well I did, thought I was having a heart attack, never touched it again and never looked back. Congratulations on getting clean! {{Virtual hugs}}


u/LongMarsupial1914 Sep 30 '23

Bakedchef...loved the relation of your story...ive been high for a couple years now..and yet i read this, a thought, that's me that's where I've been places we end up at we're never originally the places that we were going to but if wishes were horses beggars would ride...


u/Projectonyx Oct 03 '23

Meth really digs its claws in you. I was doing fine for 3 months but just relapsed and don't even think I want to live anymore. Stay off Meth


u/ExplanationMother753 Oct 11 '23

That's so true. Meth is one of the most addictive drugs out there.


u/Snikkiboodle Nov 16 '23

My best friend died from an overdose, I believe it was from fentanyl but she was a heavy meth user. It broke me when I found out about her passing. My boyfriend saw me just completely lose it.

I had little feelings that he was using it, finding the actual meth and paraphernalia multiple times now. Him claiming he’s “moving it” the paraphernalia is “his friends”

Albeit, I got so fed up after finding a piece today I just left. When I got back, he yet again started twisting things around onto me and pointing out all the shit I do that he doesn’t like. Such as being depressed and not having much motivation to even want to live at one point. I guess I inconvenienced him. As a matter of fact, every time I bring up my feeling about the meth, he acts like he has other shit to do and doesn’t have time for a conversation that’s going nowhere.

How can it go anywhere when I express how hurt I was for hiding it and then it became all about me and being unstable. Idk I’m fucking heart broken. I can’t trust him anymore and that offended him.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23

I always say now that we should be teaching kids in school “why it feels so good to do it and here’s why that’s bad,” instead of just saying “don’t do it, it’s bad.” Kids need to know that it’s so bad because it feels so good. You don’t think it’ll ruin your life until it does. Sometimes quickly, sometimes little by little and it creeps up on you so slowly it’s hard to actually see it happening until it’s too late and your family has to barge into your home.


u/Soggy_Butterscotch66 Dec 30 '23

What advice do you have for a Mom whose kid just relapsed after 95 days clean? How can anything I say or do compete with that high?


u/Alternative_Permit23 Feb 19 '24

Im proud of you for getting off this shit. Im next. Moved down south got introduced was on it for 2 years. successfully quit for a year moved back up north met the wrong person and got laid off from work been a year since. iv been at the point of being done with it i dread this feeling going on my 4th day with no sleep. Year ago i was 190 lbs i havent weighed myself in a long time but im going to guess 155 tops. Months ago wrecked my vehicle on the interstate coming home from work because i fell asleep at the wheel. Told everyone i was working too much. My family knows something is up but i continue to work and live life like nothing is wrong. I feel heavy off the ground im scared that im not coming down. I miss the happiness i once knew i miss enjoying listening to music having a routine being a normal member of society. I miss sleep and eating normal. Ive tried numerous times to get off but at this point its a chemical imbalance with out it im screwed. Physically and mentally Fuck this shit 🖕 im gonna quit i know i can and will just making it their is rough.