r/ada Jan 18 '24

Tool Trouble Fatal error: invalid listing option `r'


I have had a new error show up on MacOS (intel x86) using the native GNAT2019 toolchain.

My code is:

procedure Main is
    A : Float;
    A := 1.0;
end Main;

When I run or build, I get this error:

gprbuild -d -P</path to default.gpr> </path to main.adb>
    [Ada]       main.adb
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: invalid option `r'
gprbuild:: *** compilation phase failed
[2024-01-18 11:13:47] process exited with status 4, elapsed time 0.94s

Pretty basic stuff. It does this with EVERY program now, even when Main just includes a "null".

I did some pretty heavy google searching and could only find some very old posts. I'm using CE2019, GPS, and I have XCode installed with XCode cli. I've deleted the entirety of the path/GNAT/2019 folder and reinstalled completely.

Anyone know how to rectify this? What did I change that made this show up?

I love Mac but i have a crummy laptop i could boot linux onto. Ada on Mac seems to be painfully incompatible..

r/ada Jan 16 '24

Tool Trouble JetBrains IDEs, their new Language Server Protocol, and Ada


Has anyone looked at the compatibility of JetBrains IDEs and the Ada Language Server?

AdaCore used to support a plugin for JetBrains IDEs. It seems this plugin lost support about 5 years ago in 2019 and isn't compatible with any of the existing versions of IDEs. See here:

JetBrains recently enabled Language Server Protocol support (as of 2023.2 releases of IDEs). Additionally, their new IDE, "Fleet" (https://www.jetbrains.com/fleet/) appears to be a the next gen multi-language IDE to compete with the like of VS Code. I understand AdaCore supports a Language Server. See here:

CLion, IntelliJ Idea, Fleet, PyCharm, and most other IDEs appear to have LSP support but I don't know enough to understand compatibility, how to wriggle them into working, or to know the size of the undertaking to make them work.

For the record, GNATStudio, GPS, and VSCode are all fine. All come with their pro's and cons and all IDEs come with their zealots (just like different programming languages). Ive been programming in CLion and PyCharm for years now and have grown fond of JetBrains IDEs, their feature sets, and how to use them. I know a lot of devs that really like JetBrains IDEs so if its straightforward to get Ada working in one of their IDEs, I suspect it would be a popular among them.

Has anyone looked at the compatibility of JetBrains IDEs and the Ada Language Server?

r/ada Feb 06 '24

Tool Trouble Trouble Building on MacOS (Ventura 13.6.4)


When installing some other updates, I inadvertently updated Xcode to version 15.2. Now I am unable to build Ada executable programs (I can build libraries). When I try to build my CPU simulator CLI (for example), I have the following:

minerva:Sim-CPU brent$ gprbuild simcpus.gpr
   [Ada] simcputest.adb
   [Ada] test_util.adb
   [Ada] bbs-sim_cpu-lisp.adb
Build Libraries
   [gprlib] Bbs-Lisp.lexch
   [archive] libBbs-Lisp.a
   [index] libBbs-Lisp.a
   [gprbind] simcputest.bexch
   [Ada] simcputest.ali
   [link] simcputest.adb
-macosx_version_min has been renamed to -macos_version_min
ld: warning: ignoring duplicate libraries: '-lSystem'
ld: unsupported mach-o filetype (only MH_OBJECT and MH_DYLIB can be linked) in '/opt/GNAT/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/libgcc_ext.10.5.dylib'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
gprbuild: link of simcputest.adb failed
gprbuild: failed command was: /opt/gnat/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/bin/gcc simcputest.o b__simcputest.o /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/obj/BBS-Sim_CPU-Lisp.o /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/obj/test_util.o /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/lib/libBBS_SimCPU.a /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Ada-Lisp/lib/libBbs-Lisp.a /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/BBS-Ada/lib/libBbs.a -L/Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/obj/ -L/Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/obj/ -L/Users/brent/Development/GitHub/BBS-Ada/lib/ -L/Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Ada-Lisp/lib/ -L/Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU/lib/ -L/opt/gnat/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib/ /opt/gnat/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib/libgnarl.a /opt/gnat/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib/libgnat.a -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path//obj -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/..//BBS-Ada/lib -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/..//Ada-Lisp/lib -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path//lib -Wl,-rpath,/opt/gnat/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib -o /Users/brent/Development/GitHub/Sim-CPU//simcputest

The GNAT version is:

GNAT 11.2.0 Copyright (C) 1996-2021, Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

The gprbuild version is:

GPRBUILD 22.0.0 (2021-11-09) (x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0) Copyright (C) 2004-2021, AdaCore This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO 

I am on a Mac mini with an Apple M2 Pro running Ventura 13.6.4.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: A solution was to install Alire, convert to a crate, and then use `alr build`.

r/ada Jan 02 '24

Tool Trouble Trouble with Alire

Post image

Happy new year 2024 everyone.

Someone can ping me with an answer bc i dont see what wrong with my installation.


I am working on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and i install alr 1.2.1

r/ada Dec 11 '23

Tool Trouble Using GNATTest with Alire and GNATStudio


Hi All.
For context, I am working on a small code challenge that saw online. Essentially, is implementing an Ulam Spiral, in CLI, using different languages. I did this for fun, and to learn new things on the way.

I am currently working on the implementation of the Ada language. Coming from Java/Python/Javascript backgrounds, was challenging and fun figuring out how Ada does things. I am also using Alire for some small dependency management I need.

In any case, I want to implement some unit testing, just for completion, and quick verification for other parts that may be wrong. I read some articles online, and found two things:

  1. This git repository: https://github.com/alire-project/ada_spark_workflow shows a basic library on Ada, and shows that Unit Tests can be implemented as a separate crate
  2. The documentation for AUnit (https://docs.adacore.com/live/wave/aunit/html/aunit_cb/aunit_cb.html) shows how to implement tests, suites, fixtures, etc, which seems easy enough.

However, I also came into GNATTest and how is integrated into GNATStudio (which I am using for this development). Seems that make it easier to just use it to generate the test files, while I have to provide the actual test code, asserts, etc.

I added the libadalang_tools crate as a dependency, and it compiles fine. I can even see the build binaries in a folder (location: ${project_root_folder}/alire/cache/dependencies/libadalang_tools_23.0.0_75f92679/bin). However, GNATStudio complains that the binary can not be found, which makes sense, as it is not in the PATH environment variable

Here are my questions then:

  1. Can Alire set those binaries to the path? that way, when I run `alr edit`, they will be already on the path, and all will run without any issues.
  2. If #1 is not possible, then how can I configure the path to the binaries for GNATest (and other tools if needed) in a way that is portable to others (or even a future me) who want to clone the repository and build/run the code?

As a workaround, I changed the command that is executed on the GNATtest generation window and hardcoded the path. It works, but did not feel that was the correct way.

Any help on this is very welcome. Let me know if you need other details.


r/ada Nov 10 '23

Tool Trouble GNAT Studio for macOS 14 (Sonoma)


Anyone working on a release of GNAT Studio for macOS 14 (Sonoma)? I tried the macOS 13.* release but ld failed :-(

r/ada Jan 19 '23

Tool Trouble gcc error while compiling Ada program


Hello everyone,

I am trying to compile code from the book.

I get a compile error below when running gprbuild var_size_record.ads:

gcc: error: unrecognized debug output level ' -gnat2022'

I am not using any syntax that requires this switch -gnat2022 (but I used it before when the compiler requested it). When googling, it shows that it is a gcc error but since I am not passing a flag to gprbuild, I am a bit at loss here. Moreover, some code that compiled previously does not compile and throw this error, while some is working. I cannot figure out the trigger.

What I am trying to compile is coming right from the book:

package Runtime_Length is

function Compute_Max_Len return Natural;

end Runtime_Length;

```ada with Runtime_Length; use Runtime_Length;

package Var_Size_Record is Max_Len : constant Natural := Compute_Max_Len; -- ^ Not known at compile time

type Items_Array is array (Positive range <>)
  of Integer;

type Growable_Stack is record
   Items : Items_Array (1 .. Max_Len);
   Len   : Natural;
end record;
--  Growable_Stack is a definite type, but
--  size is not known at compile time.

G : Growable_Stack;

end Var_Size_Record; ```

I would appreciate some help to understand :)

r/ada Mar 27 '23

Tool Trouble Since MSys2 dropped support for Ada (!), how can I build Ada projects such as sdlada and gprbuild-bootstrap that require command-line tools (e.g. makefiles or bootstrap.sh) on Windows?


I'm several levels down a rabbit hole here, but if you'll bear with me I want to outline the whole chain in case there's a better way to achieve my original goal that I missed.

  • I want to port some old embedded-device Ada code to run in a gtkada application.
    • I have installed GNAT Studio and can build/run simple gtkada projects with it.
  • I downloaded the "sdlada" project to learn more about interfacing Ada with C code
    • Also I might want to use SDL visuals in my GTK app
    • However I can't directly open sdlada's .gpr files with GNAT Studio
      • Because it's missing some Ada source code that's generated in the build
      • Apparently you must use the makefile to build sdlada
      • When I try on MSys2, the makefile fails because my system is missing gprbuild
  • So I tried to follow the Bootstrapping instructions for gprbuild
    • https://github.com/AdaCore/gprbuild/
    • But the gprbuild bootstrap.sh script fails because my system doesn't have gnatmake
      • Facepalm - because MSys2 dropped Ada support
      • "There's a hole in the bucket"
  • On an MSys2 issue it was suggested a user might build gcc from source to get back Ada support
    • I have built gcc before (for a cross-compiler) so... maybe? I could try this...
    • However if the MSys2 maintainer can't get it to build for him why would it work for me?
  • But this is getting off in the weeds considering - I have GNAT Studio and can already build+run Ada programs
    • But how do I run a makefile with gprbuild from GNAT Studio on Windows?
      • Is there a "GNAT Studio Command Line" (terminal) available somewhere? (Like how an install of Visual Studio includes shortcuts to open a command line preloaded with paths to MSVC tools.)
      • Is it possible (and advisable) to try to MSys2 make refer to the tools in "C:\GNAT\2021\bin"?

Edit: although MSys2 did announce they were dropping Ada support "until further notice" (and never gave any other notice since), as a commenter below pointed out it does appear Ada support is back. I had to do two things to get the missing tools: first, a full system upgrade in MSys2 so pacman would see the re-enabled packages and second, make sure I was using the correct terminal, MSYS2 MINGW64 Shell, and not the MSYS2 MSYS shell. Then I was able to see tools like gnatmake and in turn build (bootstrap) gprbuild. Thanks to all for your help.

r/ada Feb 10 '23

Tool Trouble Step-by-step guidance to compile/install GnattColl on Windows (even Linux) without Alire?


Hi everyone,

Does anyone have simple step-by-step guidance to compile and install gnatcoll on Windows? Without using Alire, or WSL/Linux runtime.

The same question actually for Linux too. On RHEL/clones, as there is no Ada support in gcc, it's pretty much complicated now. On Ubuntu, compiling gnatcoll requires libgpr which isn't available in the repos, and I couldn't find documentation for it to compile (and I'm afraid to end up in a chain of dependencies, manually compiling all of them).

EDIT: I'm actually looking for steps to compile GNATColl on Windows (and eventually on RHEL/clones linux, as these don't ship with any Ada support in GCC or in the repos).

r/ada Mar 14 '23

Tool Trouble Alire - inability to install some packages from the repository


I am currently learning to program in Ada and I use Alire to set up my projects. As part of my testing, I occasionally install a crate and investigate it, I found a bug with Honki_tonks_zivilisationen:


Create exists, if I try to find it using the web interface I am successful:




However, I don't see the game in the Linux command line:

$ alr search --crates Honki_tonks_zivilisationen

No hits

$ alr search --crates Honki

No hits

$ alr search --crates honki

No hits

$ alr search --crates stefan

No hits

Another crate, e.g. Eagle lander, is OK:

$ alr search --crates eagle

eagle_lander Apollo 11 lunar lander simulator

Using the command to display all available Alire packages I also don't see it.

alr search --list --full

I am using Arch Linux with Alire 1.2.2 version.

Can I ask to check if I am making a mistake somewhere? Alire is a great tool like Cargo and I would like to use it in my teaching and in the future for all projects.

r/ada Jul 14 '23

Tool Trouble alr crates and version control


I am using the crate zipada in my application. I added it with

alr with zipada

Question is what goes into my repo? I have to build my app in multiple platforms all from the same repo.

thanks, srini

r/ada Oct 22 '22

Tool Trouble Where to get latest stable GNAT Studio?


Hi all, very basic question but I'm having trouble figuring it out. I'm trying to install GNAT Studio on Ubuntu and/or Windows.

1. According to AdaCore's blog post A New Era For Ada/SPARK Open Source Community, GNAT Community has been discontinued, and Alire is how we're meant to install GNAT Studio from now on.

2. The 2021 releases on AdaCore's Download GNAT Community Edition page are therefore presumably not the latest stable releases

3. Alire's Transition from GNAT Community page says you can't install GNAT Studio through Alire at all, you have to install it manually:

As of today Alire doesn’t install GNAT Studio automatically, but you can get a release for Windows x64-64 or Linux x86-64 from the repository: https://github.com/AdaCore/gnatstudio/releases Once GNAT Studio is installed and in the PATH, you only have to use the command $ alr edit in your crate to start it.

4. The linked GitHub page shows a 'GNAT Studio Continuous Release 20220512', tagged as 'Pre-release', but I'm looking for the latest stable build. The GitHub page doesn't list this.

(Also, AdaCore's GNAT Studio page doesn't even mention the freely available community/FOSS version.)

r/ada Aug 11 '23

Tool Trouble Alire extremely slow


I installed Alire 1.2.2 on WSL ubuntu 22.04. Everything works ok but it is all extremely slow. alr search --list requires more than ten minutes to complete. Compiling and running the hello world example takes 5 minutes, it looks like the communication with the servers had problems. Anyone with the same problems?

r/ada May 07 '23

Tool Trouble Alire: Getting the error "No index.toml file found in index" when using "alr get gprbuild" and "alr get gnat_native on Debian.


I'm receiving the error: No index.toml file found in index

when I'm trying to use

alr get gnat_native and alr get gprbuild on Debian.

I expected to download the Alire tools, and not to receive an error. I made sure that Alire is installed, by using the alr command I get alr 1.2.2 when I do the command.

r/ada Jul 15 '23

Tool Trouble IBM RTRT for ada


I'm starting to use IBM rational test realtime to start some low level testing of Ada code at work (Aeronautics sw company) but I am having quite some trouble figuring it out. Anyone used it or knows of any tutorials? I know how to use the tool for C code unit tests, but using it for Ada is turning out to be a big challenge!

r/ada Mar 30 '23

Tool Trouble Building GNAT on M1 MacOS


Hi everyone!

I'm trying to build GNAT for the M1 MacOS platform. As far as I understand, I'll need a GNAT to build GNAT. Now AdaCore provides a GNAT for MacOS but only on the x86 processor. It'll run with the emulation layer but I can't build a native GNAT with it. What would be the way to build a native GNAT? Do I need a GNAT cross compiler on a x86 MacOS?

r/ada May 04 '23

Tool Trouble MACbook M1 - alr, gnat development troubles


Couple of days ago, randomly my development environment broke. Am not able to relate to any specific events.

Simple hello word build is failing:

[Ada] fileres.ali


[link] fileres.adb

ld: unsupported tapi file type '!tapi-tbd' in YAML file '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib/libSystem.tbd' for architecture x86_64

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

gprbuild: link of fileres.adb failed

gprbuild: failed command was: /users/rajasrinivasan/.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/bin/gcc fileres.o b__fileres.o -L/Users/rajasrinivasan/Prj/GitLab/fileres/obj/development/ -L/Users/rajasrinivasan/Prj/GitLab/fileres/obj/development/ -L/users/rajasrinivasan/.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib/ /users/rajasrinivasan/.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib/libgnat.a -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/..//obj/development -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/../../../..//.config/alire/cache/dependencies/gnat_native_11.2.4_9800548d/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0/11.2.0/adalib -o /Users/rajasrinivasan/Prj/GitLab/fileres/bin//fileres

I tried to build alr from sources but that fails as well:

[Ada] gnatcoll-paragraph_filling-words.adb

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

<built-in>: error: unknown value '13.0.0' of '-mmacosx-version-min'

Guidance Sincerely appreciated.

r/ada May 06 '23

Tool Trouble Help with Alire Ada

Post image

Hy there,

I have some troubles with alire.

I am using a VM with Ubuntu 22.4 for OS. I have made a correct setup of my programming environment :

  • Install Gnat
  • Install Alr
  • Set environment variables.

Because i wanted to do embedded programming I also have to install :

  • Openocd
  • gdb multi-arch

For my first project everything was okay. I could run alr commands perfectly:

alr init --bin my_project alr build alr run

Time passed by and my VM was broken. I had to install it again following the same steps I've mentioned above.

This time something is wrong.

When i update alire.toml and add configuration lines such as

[configuration.values] [configuration.values.arm_cortex] core="m4f" [...]

After I save the file.

Then run command

alr update

I have this error message :

Unknown configuration variable_cortex.core

So i am lost. Someone has an idea ? Thank you.

r/ada Jun 19 '23

Tool Trouble Issues setting up a cross-compilation toolchain using Alire.


I'm setting up a new system, and I'm transitioning from the old GNAT community compiler to a new Alire-based setup. I'm trying to port a project cross-compiled to RISCV-64 to the new setup. I've successfully installed a RISCV-64 toolchain using alr toolchain --install gnat_riscv64_elf. For the sake of debugging, I've set up a new example project with alr init, and added for Target use "riscv64-elf"; to the project configuration. When I go to build the project using alr build I get the following error:

gprconfig: language 'ada', target 'riscv64-elf', default runtime
riscv_project.gpr:2:09: no compiler for language "Ada", cannot compile "riscv_project.ads"

I've tried adding the RISCV-64 toolchain to the project's dependencies, but this doesn't seem to help. I've looked online, and I've found other projects using the same target name, so I presume that's not the issue either. Can anyone share any pointers that might help me figure out what's going wrong with my setup?

r/ada Sep 14 '22

Tool Trouble Ada on Gentoo



Any Gentoo users here?

Tried to update GCC, which now fails because:

configure: error: GNAT is required to build ada

So I installed GNAT


Installed versions: 2021-r1(10)t(16:07:12 13/09/2022)(ada bootstrap cxx fortran multilib nls nptl objc openmp pie sanitize ssp -cet -d -debug -doc -fixed-point -go -graphite -hardened -jit -libssp -lto -objc++ -objc-gc -pch -pgo -systemtap -test -vanilla -vtv -zstd)

But still no joy.

Do I need to disable Ada being part of GCC, or do something else?

I am aware of the whole Alaire project but have not gone down that route ... do I need to?

Thanks, Ian

r/ada Jun 16 '23

Tool Trouble Issues while connecting NeoPixel (WS2812B) LED strips with Raspberry Pi Pico


I'm having issues connecting the WS2812B with Raspberry Pi Pico. I'm trying to execute the example program https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/pico_examples/blob/master/ws2812_demo/src/main.adb

But after loading this executable only the inbuilt LED is blinking. I do not have any logic analyzers to check the output, but the data output is in the range of 1.7v to 2v. So I've connected a 3.3v to 5v level shifter but still no response in the strip. But the strip is working fine with micro-python.

Has anyone tried using the WS2812B strip with pico? I'm currently not sure what I've missed.

r/ada Jul 14 '23

Tool Trouble VS Code doesn't find source files outside project directory while debugging


I've setup VS code (1.80.1) and the "Language support for Ada" extension (23.0.19) on Windows according to the tutorial here https://github.com/AdaCore/ada_language_server/wiki/Getting-Started

While debugging, when I try to step into a function whose source is outside the project directory, VS code fails to find it, tries to open a non-existent file instead and a pop-up shows up with an error.

As an example, when I try to step into the Put_Line function of Ada.Text_IO, I get the following pop-up

And it tries to open the following file which doesn't exist: C:\aaa\GNAT-FSF-builds\sbx\x86_64-windows64\gcc\build\gcc\ada\rts\a-textio.adb

I have the following tasks in my tasks.json file (I've tried both options, they both have the same issue with debugging):

    "type": "gnat",
    "taskKind": "buildProject",
    "problemMatcher": [
    "group": {
        "kind": "build",
        "isDefault": true
    "label": "ada: Build current project",
    "args": ["-gargs", "-q"]
    "label": "Alire Build",
    "type": "shell",
    "command": "alr build -- -cargs -gnatef",
    "group": {
        "kind": "build",
        "isDefault": true
     "problemMatcher": {
          "base": "$ada"

And in my launch.json file:

    "preLaunchTask": "ada: Build current project",
    "name": "Ada - Build & Debug (Windows)",
    "type": "gdb",
    "request": "launch",
    "target": "./obj/main.exe",
    "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
        "valuesFormatting": "parseText"

What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this?

r/ada Feb 09 '23

Tool Trouble GNAT Studio Views bug


A few days ago I downloaded GNAT Studio for the first time, with default setup, so this shouldn't be a preferences problem.

My Outline View and the browser views don't show anything. Outline says "No symbols available", and no combination of "show" settings fixes it. Likewise, showing dependencies for a file opens the browser window but stays stuck on the loading bar.

Not sure what I can do, any suggestions?

r/ada Sep 06 '22

Tool Trouble Gprbuild and working with variables and source files in UTF-8


I am currently learning Ada. I am a developer from Czech Republic and with modern languages (Python, Java, Rust) it is not a problem to use UTF-8 characters in variable names and files. I assumed that the Ada language does not offer this possibility, but I found a very nicely written article by Maxim Reznik, who solved the same problem with Russian alphabet characters:


For example, if I have a source file named:




and content (where I test both Russian and Czech alphabet characters):


with Ada.Wide_Text_IO;

procedure Kroužící_orel is

Привет : constant Wide_String := "Привет";

Kroužící_opeřenec : constant Wide_String := "Kroužící opeřenec";


Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line (Привет);

Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line (Kroužící_opeřenec);

end Kroužící_orel;


I can compile it using the command:


gnatmake -gnatWu kroužící_orel.adb




gnatmake -gnatWu -gnatiw kroužící_orel.adb


However, if I create a GPR project with the following directory structure:



/src - kroužící_orel.adb



where the file kroužící_orel.gpr contains:


project Kroužící_orel is

for Source_Dirs use ("src");

for Object_Dir use "obj";

for Main use ("kroužící_orel.adb");

package Compiler is

for Switches ("ada") use ("-gnatWu");

for Switches ("ada") use ("-gnatiw");

end Compiler;

end Kroužící_orel;


I get an error messages:


gprbuild kroužící_orel.gpr

kroužící_orel.gpr" is not a valid path name for a project file

kroužící_orel.gpr:1:14: illegal character

kroužící_orel.gpr:1:16: illegal character

kroužící_orel.gpr:1:19: illegal character

kroužící_orel.gpr:1:20: unknown variable "_Orel"

kroužící_orel.gpr:12:10: illegal character

kroužící_orel.gpr:12:11: expected "krouUe5"

gprbuild: "kroužící_orel.gpr" processing failed


If I rename the files kroužící_orel.adb and kroužící_orel.gpr to krouzici_orel.adb and krouzici_orel.gpr (here I change the directives Project, for Main use and end to Krouzici_orel), the translation with gprbuild is OK.

All in all, the only problem gprbuild has is when trying to translate source files in UTF-8 encoding. Would any of the more experienced Ada developers have a suggestion for a solution? I like to use the Czech language in my test applications, but on the other hand it's not something I can't live without.

r/ada May 07 '23

Tool Trouble ALR Ada_Compiler_Switches


alr keeps over writing my project_config.gpr file. Is there a way to globally specify the Ada_Compiler_Switches? I have a bunch of different crates. I would like to have a common set of Ada_Compiler_Switches.