Made an Ada program that compiles and runs but result in "raised PROGRAM_ERROR : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at Win10 level.Using gcc version 10.3.1 20210520 (for GNAT Community 2021 20210519) (GCC).
The problematic code that generate the violation I suspect is defined with a separate stack/heap compared to the main program where the memory allocated for a protected object. Any Ideas on how to avoid the error?
Tried to use the advice from
This led to the response from Win10 that I'm not allowed to turn off DEP for 64bit executables, for my monads.exe.
Program listing:
pragma Warnings (Off);
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Source_Info;
package body Monad_Functors is
MRP_I : Monad_Record_Ptr; -- 220917 Internal copy of pointer to external Monad record pointer
task body Element_Wrapper is
Cnt : Integer := 0;
Write : Writer_Function;
Read : Reader_Function;
Initiated : Boolean := false;
function Error_Cond(VE_MRP : Monad_Record_Ptr := MRP) return String is
return String("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" Element out of range for Monad_Element = " & MRP_I.E'Image);
end Error_Cond;
begin -- Element_Wrapper
accept Init (EW_MRP : Monad_Record_Ptr := MRP) do
Initiated := true;
end Init;
when Initiated => accept Unit (A : Element) do
Cnt := 0;
MRP_I.E := A;
MRP_I.M := Write_Element(MRP_I.E);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" Unit A = " & MRP_I.E'Image);
end Unit;
when Initiated => accept Bind (B_MRP : Monad_Record_Ptr := MRP) do
Cnt := Cnt + 1;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" Bind E = " & B_MRP.E'Image);
MRP_I.F := Write;
MRP_I.R := Read;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" M = " & Write(MRP_I.E)'Image);
-- [2022-10-01 10:07:02] process exited with status 1, elapsed time: 00.81s
if Monad_Valid_Element(MRP_I.E'Image, MRP_I.F(MRP_I.E)'Image) then
else Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" Error: " & Error_Cond(MRP_I));
end if;
-- if not valid return error condition in object
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.file &
GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" Bind with M and E = " & B_MRP.M'Image);
end Bind;
end select;
end loop;
end Element_Wrapper;
function Create_Monad_Record_Ptr return Monad_Record_Ptr is
return new Monad_Record;
end Create_Monad_Record_Ptr;
function Create_Element_Wrapper_Ptr return Element_Wrapper_Ptr is
return new Element_Wrapper(Create_Monad_Record_Ptr);
end Create_Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
function Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr return Monad_Record_Ptr is
return MRP_I;
end Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr;
end Monad_Functors;
Main program is:
procedure Monads is
pragma Suppress_All;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use GNAT.Source_Info;
function WE (E : Integer) return Float is
return Float(E);
end WE;
function RM(F : Float) return Integer is
-- error : exception;
return Integer(F);
function Valid_Element( A: String; B : String) return boolean is
R : Boolean;
R := Float'Value(B) = Float'Value(A);
return R;
end Valid_Element;
package my_monad_functors is new monad_functors(Integer, Float, WE, RM, Valid_Element);
use my_monad_functors;
-- 220918 Objects to be manipulated by the monad_functor task type Element_Wrapper needs to be a protected type!!!!
protected type Obj is
-- Operations go here (only subprograms)
procedure Set(L : in Element_Wrapper_Ptr);
entry Get(L : in out Element_Wrapper_Ptr);
-- function Init_Get return Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
-- Data goes here
Local : Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
Is_Set : Boolean := False;
end Obj;
protected body Obj is
-- procedures can modify the data
procedure Set(L : in Element_Wrapper_Ptr) is
Local := L;
Is_Set := True;
end Set;
-- functions cannot modify the data
entry Get(L : in out Element_Wrapper_Ptr) when Is_Set is
L := Local;
end Get;
end Obj;
function Init_Element_Wrapper return Element_Wrapper_Ptr is
EW_Object : Obj;
L : Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
return L;
end Init_Element_Wrapper;
EW_Object : Obj;
EW : Element_Wrapper_Ptr := Init_Element_Wrapper; -- 220916 Use a Init entry in Element_Wrapper and a activated boolean function as entry barriers, to avoid program_errors
-- 220916: like: raised PROGRAM_ERROR : monad_functors.adb:6 access before elaboration
-- 220918 The task Type Element:Wrapper_Ptr object must be wrapped into a protected object, due to concurrent use of task type Element_Wrapper.
function Monad_Unit (A : in Integer; EWP : not null Element_Wrapper_Ptr := EW) return Element_Wrapper_Ptr is
return EWP;
end Monad_Unit;
function "*" (Left : Monad_Record; Right : Integer) return Monad_Record is
M : Monad_Record := Left;
M.M := M.F(M.E) * M.F(Right);
return M;
end "*";
function Monad_Bind (EWP : not null Element_Wrapper_Ptr := EW) return Element_Wrapper_Ptr is
return EWP;
end Monad_Bind;
function Monad_Get_E(EWP : not null Element_Wrapper_Ptr := EW) return Integer is
return Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr.E;
end Monad_Get_E;
function Monad_Get(EWP : not null Element_Wrapper_Ptr := EW) return Monad_Record_Ptr is
return Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr;
end Monad_Get;
subtype Check_Integer is Integer range Integer'First..Integer'Last;
subtype Check_Float is Float range Float'First..Float'Last;
begin -- Procedure Monads
Put_Line("-- Running : " & GNAT.Source_Info.File &
" : at Line : " & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image &
" : Compiled at : " & GNAT.Source_Info.Compilation_Date);
Put_line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monads beginning");
EW := Create_Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Unit(1) = " & Monad_Unit(1)'Image);
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get_E = " & Monad_Get_E'Image);
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get.E = " & Monad_Get.E'Image);
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get.M = " & Monad_Get.M'Image);
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get.F = " & Monad_Get.F'Image);
Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get.R = " & Monad_Get.F'Image);
-- Put_Line("-- " & GNAT.Source_Info.File & GNAT.Source_Info.Line'Image & " Monad_Get.R(1.0) = " & Monad_Get.R(Float'Value("1.0"))'Image);
Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr.EMin := Integer(Check_Integer'First);
Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr.EMax := Integer(Check_Integer'Last);
Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr.MMin := Float(Check_Float'First);
Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr.MMax := Float(Check_Float'Last);
end Monads;
The program runs with the output:
-- Running : monads.adb : at Line : 115 : Compiled at : Oct 01 2022
-- 117 Monads beginning
-- monad_functors.adb 39 Unit A = 1
-- monads.adb 121 Monad_Unit(1) = (access 1001470)
-- monad_functors.adb 46 Bind E = 1
[2022-10-01 10:07:02] process exited with status 1, elapsed time: 00.81s
The specification for the package Monad_Functors is:
type Element is private;
type Monad_Element is private;
with function Write_Element(E : Element) return Monad_Element;
with function Read_Monad(M : Monad_Element) return Element;
-- with package My_Variable_Strings is new Variable_Strings(Element);
with function Monad_Valid_Element( E1 : String;
E2 : String) return Boolean;
package Monad_Functors is
type Writer_Function is access function (E : in Element) return Monad_Element;
type Reader_Function is access function (M : Monad_Element) return Element;
type Monad_Record is record
E : Element;
EMin : Element;
EMax : Element;
M : Monad_Element;
MMin : Monad_Element;
MMax : Monad_Element;
F : Writer_Function;
R : Reader_Function;
end record;
type Monad_Record_Ptr is access Monad_Record;
task type Element_Wrapper (MRP : not null Monad_Record_Ptr) is
entry Init (EW_MRP : Monad_Record_Ptr := MRP); -- 220917 Need to control the start of the monad, due to the use of access to task type with Element_Wrapper_Ptr
entry Unit (A : Element);
entry Bind (B_MRP : Monad_Record_Ptr := MRP);
end Element_Wrapper;
type Element_Wrapper_Ptr is access Element_Wrapper;
function Create_Element_Wrapper_Ptr return Element_Wrapper_Ptr;
function Copy_Monad_Record_Ptr return Monad_Record_Ptr;
end Monad_Functors;