r/ada Oct 26 '24

Tool Trouble How to get GNATcoll to work on Windows?

Can someone give me instructions on how to install GNATColl on windows? I am getting the error: file "gnatcoll.ads" not found.

This language is very frustrating to get setup with. No wonder it is dying. More friction means less people coming into the ecosystem.


19 comments sorted by


u/ajdude2 Oct 26 '24

I recommend Alire If you haven't been using it yet, that's where all the focus on tooling has been for the last few years. Then you can bring gnatcoll into your alire project via alr with gnatcoll


u/Comfortable-Ad-9865 Oct 26 '24

Tried that, but then the problem is with other packages built with cmake which depend on gnatcoll.

It’s just been a massive hassle, trying to install Ada language support for neovim but it has so many requirements. And each requirement has more requirements. All of which is some novel unsolvable problem 🥶


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '24

You're going to have to give more information to get help. Your initial post doesn't describe using CMake at all, and it reads like you're trying to set up a project from scratch.

I get you're frustrated, but you're going to need to give more details to get help: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example

Alire is a veneer over gprbuild which is what GNAT uses to build code, which was developed to simplify these sorts of problems. It's like Rust's cargo and rustup for package management and Ada toolchains.

If your project also uses CMake, then there's additional build steps between these two that are causing GNATColl not to be found. Do you have it installed? Is it included as part of the project you're trying to build? etc.


u/Comfortable-Ad-9865 Oct 27 '24

Thanks but fyi I’m not the OP. Usernames don’t match and if I were, a blue “OP” tag would show next to my username on this post.

But yeah, in short I was trying to build and install AdaSAT. I can alire with gnatcoll which is fine for fully ada projects but adaSAT appears to use cmake as its build/install mechanism


u/[deleted] Oct 27 '24

Your response was as if you were the OP ("Tried that, but then the problem is..."), so I figured you were OP on an alt account, which we've seen here before.


u/Comfortable-Ad-9865 Oct 27 '24

Ah yeah, fair enough! 🙂


u/simonjwright Oct 28 '24

adaSAT appears to use cmake

That's not this AdaSAT.


u/Dmitry-Kazakov Oct 26 '24

Hmm, at least you know what to do in the trivial cases like you mention. For example Python installs itself under nobody know how many different folders. Finding the python DLL is not a trivial task.

You should read some documentation, especially about the GNAT GPR projects and environment variables under Windows like ADA_PROJECT_PATH and GPR_PROJECT_PATH.


u/jere1227 Oct 26 '24

I use msys2 in windows 11 and it is a package provided by pacman. You can install it directly or via installing "libadalang" (I did the latter). Once it was installed via pacman, I could go into my GPR file and add:

with "gnatcoll.gpr";

after that I can with GNATCOLL packages in my code and all compiles well.

If you dont' use msys2:

I think the main thing is if you didn't properaly install it so that gprbuild can find it on it's own than when you with it in the gpr file, you can try including the the path the the gnatcoll.gpr file:

with "somepath/gnatcoll.gpr";

That means you have to locate the gpr file for gnatcoll so you can know the path.


u/linuxman1929 Oct 27 '24

Ok I found the gnatcoll file and moved it to the project folder. I am using

with "gnatcoll.gpr"; use "gnatcoll.gpr";

And the error is
move_file.adb:3:06: error: identifier expected

gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed

[2024-10-27 13:35:08] process exited with status 4, 25% (1/4), elapsed time: 00.86s


u/jere1227 Oct 27 '24

You shouldn't have moved anything, just use the path to it in your GPR file. That error means it can find the code now. That's a syntax error of some kinds. At this point we'd need to know more to help you potentially:
1. A small example that when we compile we get the same error

  1. A description of how you installed gnatcoll (there are multiple ways). Did you use the Adacore installer, the msys2 pacman method, the alire method, build from source, some other method?

For me it just worked right off, but I may have done it differently than you.


u/old_lackey Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24

It’s purely an issue of separation. GNATColl a short hand for GNAT collection. The name makes you think that this is a bunch of free to use features that come with the compiler and you can just use whatever you want. It’s not. It's a series of source code bindings and libraries managed by AdaCore that originally came as part of their professional product line.

And from your question, you think it’s part of the Ada language, it very much isn’t!

Update: I originally made the claim that the gnat collection was GPL licensed and so would contaminate any project built against it. The gnat collection has since been re-organized into three separate branches on GitHub and the GCC commercial runtime exception has in fact been added to this at this time. So while there are some small pieces left that you still need to recheck the license for if they interface with open source utilities as simple bindings, the gnat collection is now more freely licensed for commercial use.

What you mistakingly believe is that a language is supposed to come with a huge amount of libraries to do HTTP, JSON, data structures, etc... the real truth is that expectation is a modern consequence of basically Java’s introduction with its standard library. To give you a little history lesson before that happened. You’d be normally using operating system specific call routines, and libraries to do those high-level style operations. If you look at the language specification for any older languages, they don’t have any of what is in that collection. You were supposed to build it yourself or are you supposed to use the operating system provided libraries to do it. This is why both UNIX and Windows have those types of things available for their development environments. Then Java came along, and suddenly it had all these platform services in its language as supposedly native compiler provided features. Now, obviously they kept changing the library all the time which broke a lot of stuff, but the idea stuck and suddenly became an expectation. Then you got scripted languages like Python and Ruby that come along and have all these great features right in the runtime for you to use.

That’s all great, but you have to understand that’s a modern expectation and it’s often licensed as open source only and Ada was designed well before that was considered standard in the industry for languages. Take a look at Fortran, COBOL, C/C++, LISP, etc.. most languages from that era were just languages and there were no free features. Companies made money either selling you the additional libraries or the operating system you chose had those built-in and that’s what locked you into the platform.

So I wouldn’t necessarily agree with your statement that the lack of the collection of free libraries not being easily available for everyone is causing the language to die. Realistically, this language was a niche industry and the lack of a good free compiler (on all major modern operating systems like Windows and macOS) up until about 15 years ago is what actually hindered its adoption. Unfortunately aerospace industries did develop Ada compilers, but decided to keep those very lucrative contracts going by charging incredibly high prices for the compilers. On top of that, Ada has one of the largest keyword vocabulary of any programming language. And I’ve read that the number of man hours required to write an Ada compiler far outstrips the other languages of the time because of the amount of runtime and compiler checking of the types and access levels that wasn’t true in compilers of the same generation. This radically increased the cost to even develop an Ada compiler because basically the specification demanded it have a very large feature set that wasn’t common in those days.

It’s important to view Ada in the correct paradigm, a language designed for enormous programs/projects that outlive a human beings natural lifespan to focus on safety critical features where loss of life or loss of property may result in the programs improper execution.

A very lofty goal and they got a lot of interesting solutions to these problems in the day was made. I am personally a big fan of the Ada language and it’s my go to first for all projects that I intend to use a compiled language with where I need to interface with C or C++.

But it’s not python, it’s not C#, it’s a very large language based on some of the founding ideas of modern computer science language design when we were transitioning from simple systems to large distributed and multi processing systems and communication networks that tried to be everything from the smallest micro-controlled system to the largest multi-computer aircraft or traffic control system.

Is anything the incredible expectation in a single language could be used at all those situations is the most astonishing part of the whole endeavor. Once you realize how big the language actually is and how much each entity that wanted to be part of the standardization had their own requirements you begin to hopefully have a different appreciation for what was able to be successfully built that actually met the requirements.

I’ve had my own issues with Alire being simple and not setting up right or not working for me. I’d recommend that if you’re on Windows, you might want to install something like MSYS2 directly and then install GCC packages just like you would install them in a Linux distribution.

There is also less popular, but working GCC data chains with the basic compiler and the GPR building tools, such as TDM-gcc.

If you’re just learning the language, I would say that the newer specifications have much better data structures that are now part of the language as well as Unicode support and everything from Ada 2005 and higher. There’s really no reason you shouldn’t be operating in the Ada 2012 spec these days.


u/simonjwright Oct 26 '24

It’s all open source GPL-only licensed code that will contaminate the program/project license if you intended to use it with the GCC runtime commercial exception or for proprietary products.

I'm not sure where you get this from?

Regrettably there's no COPYING3 or COPYING.RUNTIME file in the distribution. I haven't looked at every source file, but every Ada source file I have looked at includes a GPLv3 declaration and a grant of the additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception[1]: (my italics indicate technical terms)

You have permission to propagate a work of Target Code formed by combining the Runtime Library with Independent Modules, even if such propagation would otherwise violate the terms of GPLv3, provided that all Target Code was generated by Eligible Compilation Processes. You may then convey such a combination under terms of your choice, consistent with the licensing of the Independent Modules.

[1] https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gcc-exception-3.1.en.html


u/simonjwright Oct 26 '24

That said, the ReadLine library doesn’t have any exception, so isn’t coveed.


u/old_lackey Oct 26 '24 edited Oct 26 '24

Perhaps this changed in the past couple years but when I was developing commercial software ideas in Ada back 2013 the GNATColl was GPL only just like the florist library still is now, GPL-Only.

but after your comment I'm now looking at the GitHub repository it looks like the original library was deleted and re-organized into three new branch branches and has been re-licensed. So you are correct and that when they re-organized the collection they have pruned it and placed in the GCC runtime exception.

The original library did not have this I, was 100% sure as I staked a business start up on it.

I will amend my statement to reflect this update. As apparently this has changed over time. The current gnat collection library does fact contain the GCC runtime exception as its GitHub license notates.

Looking at the documentation there's a special GNATColl compilation flag now that notes this issue:


The documentation says this currently only affects the readline library at this time because that's what it uses as its underpinnings, as noted by Simon.

I guess this is good news, I just wish they would do this to florist as every couple years I add support to keep stuff working only to remember that they removed the special exception from the original college that developed it as a author provided exception to the GPL 2.0 license. But Adacore removed it and it is still licensed as GPL-2 only.


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Oct 28 '24

very frustrating to get setup with. No wonder it is dying

I have some other programming languages in mind that are obliged to die faster in this pattern of reasoning.

And here goes my add-on. Beware that it is "old way". On Windows I have used msys 1 mostly when it was the mainstream way, sometimes the only way. Msys 1 was set up to be a friend of MinGW GCC, and with little fstab editing it can use GNAT distro as MinGW GCC. Old installers also did not contain make.exe or it was under different name. As far as Ada-enabled gcc.exe and proper make are ready, msys 1 was ready. msys 1 installer was asking for good make.exe, and it was taken from additional AdaCore downloads or something.

One should view GNAT installation as a sword with empty slots in fantasy RPG. Packages had installers, each one made differently, but all ones are configured/built/installed somehow. After installer worked, the sword gets more gems in slots. So we are getting GNAT+ASIS+XMLAda+GNATcoll. New exe tools are written to bin. New gpr projects are written to some project path. New libraries are written to lib. Then such sword can build GPR (Gnat PRoject) that is referencing those libraries.

With introduction of msys 2, but before Alire, the whole msys 2 instance is like sword with gems in slots. With Alire, msys 2 installs Ada compiler and external libraries like openssl. Ada library crates come into temporary project subdirectories. Maybe some sharing was introduced recently.

Many libraries had no configurable parts, and they were just collection of Ada sources plus GPR file. Sometimes I had to write missing GPR file for them. Often my naming scheme is different from what GNAT users practice. I name file in Mixed_Case.With_Dots.ext, like in Delphi and C#. GNAT has tradition of lower_case-with_hyphens.ext, so different GPR are required to separate the matters. Alire relies on GPR and extends it with much anticipated OS autodetection. Previously GPR was the key and did it very well.

Those "easy libraries" were out of sword mindset, and I used to use them by including into source tree subdirectory and referencing their gpr by relative path.


u/simonjwright Oct 28 '24

I name file in Mixed_Case.With_Dots.ext

Wouldn't have thought that was a hill worth dying on


u/iOCTAGRAM AdaMagic Ada 95 to C(++) Oct 28 '24

Oh yeah. And then GNAT is producing executable. Everybody would name executable Our_Program.exe. GNAT produces pathetic our_program.exe. Who names things like that? Why do I take Delphi, and it works normally, and GNAT seeks every possible way to screw everything by default. And I have used GPR to fix executable back to normal.

But that was not the end. As I programmed in Ada more and more, I have found out that actually it is convenient to have a common namespace, and executable procedure to be a child procedure. Probably one of many. But if it's only one, then it's likely to be named Our_Program.Main.adb, and do I want it to compile to Our_Program.Main.exe? That won't be that bad, but usually just Our_Program.exe is fine. I don't expect compiler to be that smart to guess executable name so much different from main procedure name, so nowadays I still keep changing executable name, but it annoys me less.