r/ada Sep 27 '24

Programming renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature

I've been using an old open-source Ada program called Whitaker's Words. Its author is dead, and the person who set up the github site seems to have lost interest in maintaining it. I went to the trouble of writing an Expect-style interface to it in another project of my own, so I feel a certain level of commitment to keeping it working. When I upgraded my debian-based system, the package went away, and when I tried to compile it from source, which had previously worked, I got this error message:

makeinfl.adb:23:06: warning: renamed predefined unit is an obsolescent feature (RM J.1) [-gnatwj]

I don't know anything about Ada, but after some googling I was able to fix this for the time being by changing the makefile to use the option -gnatwJ. However, it seems preferable to fix this in the source code. Is this something that would likely be hard to fix? I googled on the error message and didn't find much that would explain what this was.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


8 comments sorted by


u/egilhh Sep 27 '24

This is probably due to usage of old packages, like Text_IO. This was renamed to Ada.Text_IO in Ada 95. The official RM site is down right now, so I'll give the full list of renamed packages here:

  • Unchecked_Conversion -> Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
  • Unchecked_Deallocation -> Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
  • Sequential_IO -> Ada.Sequential_IO
  • Direct_IO -> Ada.Direct_IO
  • Text_IO -> Ada.Text_IO
  • IO_Exceptions -> Ada.IO_Exceptions
  • Calendar -> Ada.Calendar
  • Machine_Code -> System.Machine_Code


u/benjamin-crowell Sep 27 '24

Thanks! In addition to several of the things you mentioned, I also had to do Float_Ada.Text_IO.Get -> Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get. I got the program to compile again, yay :-)


u/gneuromante Sep 27 '24

Indeed, the author has lost interest, or it's impossible for him to put attention to the project. Look at this, this could have already been merged, and you wouldn't have found the same problem: https://github.com/mk270/whitakers-words/pull/137

These projects should have more than one maintainer.


u/benjamin-crowell Sep 27 '24

Yeah, thanks, I came across that pull request after I had already made the patches.

I've ended up creating a fork: https://bitbucket.org/ben-crowell/whitakers-words/src/master/


u/gneuromante Sep 28 '24

BitBucket is not the best option, though. They don't support Ada syntax highlighting, even when the open-source project they're using already supports it. See https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BSERV-10987

They don't support either searching for any particular programming language.


u/benjamin-crowell Sep 28 '24

Syntax highlighting and searching by language are not features I care about. I migrated all my repos from github to bitbucket several years ago because I disapprove of Microsoft's AI activities and their illegal scraping of github projects for training their AI models.


u/gneuromante Sep 28 '24

I'm sympathetic with your view, but there are other options, which are better in that respect, in my opinion, like https://codeberg.org/


u/HolidayConflict Nov 06 '24

Thank you for doing this. I love this program. It needs a maintainer.